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O f Credit and Business Conditions


o lu m e








19 50

No. 12

The money market in November was generally on the tight
side as a result of seasonal demands for funds and the credit
policy measures initiated in previous months. The Federal
Reserve System was able to confine its release of additional
reserve credit through net purchases of Government securities
to a relatively small volume. Fluctuations occurred during the
month in the market yields on all classes of Government securi­
ties, partly as a reflection of changing expectations concerning
a rise in reserve requirements, and also partly in anticipation
of, or in reaction to, the Treasury’s December-January refund­
ing terms (announced November 22). For the month as a
whole, however, there were no substantial changes in yields.
Treasury bills moved out of the commercial banks, going in
some volume into the hands of nonbank investors, particularly
large industrial corporations. The increased demand for shortterm Government securities by various groups of nonbank
investors, accentuated by the rise in yields that has taken place
since mid-August, also extended to the recently issued Treas­
ury notes, and the Federal Reserve System, which has held the
larger portion of these securities, was able to increase its sales
of them especially in the latter part of the month. The Treas­
ury’s decision to refund its maturing l}/2 per cent bonds
(December 15) and lVs per cent certificates (January 1)
with a single issue of 1% per cent five-year Treasury notes
was followed, as was expected, by a fairly sizable volume of
"refunding” within the market during the last week of the
month as some of the *rights” to the new offering were sup­
plied by those holders whose investment requirements called
for a shorter maturity. This involved the sale of securities matur­
ing on December 15 and January 1 against purchases of Treas­
ury bills, Treasury notes maturing in 1951, and some of the
short-term Treasury bonds. Initial market reaction gave
promise that the relatively attractive terms of the new issue
would help in keeping Government securities lodged outside
the Federal Reserve System in the months ahead, thereby
reducing somewhat the likelihood of any further stimulus to
inflationary pressures from a growth in Federal Reserve credit
related to a net absorption of Government securities from
the market.

The rise in the volume of the commercial, industrial, and
agricultural loans of the weekly reporting banks, apparently
associated largely with inventory expansion by commodity
dealers and by trade and light manufacturing concerns,
continued at roughly the same average rate in November as
in October. The proportion of the national total accounted
for by banks in this District, however, was considerably reduced
in the three full statement weeks in November for which data
have been received from all weekly reporting banks. Although
there was a tapering off in the rate of increase in other loans
(including consumer loans), possibly reflecting in part the
impact of Regulation W , completion of construction started
prior to the effective date of the new Regulation X in
October was probably an important factor in accounting for
a slight rise in the rate of increase of real estate loans during
November. As further evidence of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem’s concern over the continued expansion of bank loans,
Chairman McCabe of the Board of Governors sent each of
the member banks on November 17 a letter which is reprinted
in part on page 138 of this Revietv.
M e m b e r B a n k R eserve P o s it io n s

Member bank reserve positions appeared somewhat stronger
for the country as a whole during the first half of the month
than might have been expected in view of the prevailing tight­
ness in the New York money market. The mid-month rise in

M oney Market in N o v e m b e r ...........................


International C om m odity Price T r e n d s .........


The Growth o f the Electric Pow er In d u stry ..


Department Store T r a d e ....................................




"float” was largely responsible for bringing excess reserves
above the one billion dollar mark by the middle of November.
By the end of the third week excess reserves had fallen back
to the neighborhood of 600 million dollars, and they continued
at relatively low levels through the remainder of the month.
The rate on immediately available Federal funds was generally
from 1 per cent to 1 11/16 during November, but dropped
briefly to Vs -Va of 1 per cent at the middle of the month.
Except for the brief mid-month ease, member bank borrowing
was substantially higher than it had been in September and
October, and the Federal Reserve System also absorbed bills,
presumably in large part from the commercial banks, during
the second and fourth weeks of the month.
The two weeks ended November 15 were a period of alter­
nating contraction and expansion of bank reserves caused in
large part by an unusual contraction and expansion of Federal

Reserve float, augmented by a substantial expansion and then
a more moderate reduction in the volume of currency out­
standing. Making for further strain during the first week of
this period (ended November 8) were further foreign pur­
chases of gold with funds taken from the market, while
the offsetting effects of Treasury disbursements (net) and
lower required reserves only partly relieved the positions of
the banks. During the second week money became easier; the
factors absorbing reserves did not bulk large, the main one
being an increase in required reserves related to a rise in
Federal Reserve credit (excluding the float) expanded and
contracted as a partial offset to other factors of change in the
member banks’ reserve positions, and in adjusting their reserve
positions in periods of strain the banks relied mainly on tem­
porary borrowings from the Reserve Banks and on sales of

The following is the text, slightly abridged, of a letter
addressed on November 17 to all member banks of the
Federal Reserve System by Chairman McCabe of the Board
of Governors:
"The success of the battle against inflationary dangers
depends in large measure upon maintaining a reasonable
balance between available goods and services and the
supply of dollars bidding in the market place. Since
early summer the persistent and unprecedented rise in
bank loans has been the major factor in the country’s
increasing money supply.
"From mid-year to mid-November total loans at all
commercial banks rose well over five billion dollars.
This was a much greater expansion than occurred in the
corresponding period of any previous year on record.
Continued growth of bank credit, not balanced by
increases in production of civilian goods, would put addi­
tional upward pressure on prices, impairing the buying
power of the dollar and adding to the cost of the Nations
defense program.
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem therefore again wish to call to the attention of every
member bank the loan policy announcement of August
4, 1950, which was unanimously approved by the Board
of Governors, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Fed­
eral Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Home Loan Bank
Board, and the National Association of Supervisors of
State Banks. As you will recall, that joint statement
stressed the importance of sensible and restrained action
by businessmen, laborers, farmers and consumers, as well
as governmental agencies, national and State, to curb
excessive credit expansion . . . .

"The purpose of this letter is to request your utmost
cooperation in helping to achieve the objectives of the
. . . appeal. Every bank has it within its power to make
an important contribution to sound money by limiting
loan extensions, and by advising would-be borrowers to
hold their borrowing requirements to the lowest limits
consistent with their rock-bottom needs.
"W e realize that bankers have been exercising selec­
tion in the kind of credit they are extending. The point
we wish to emphasize is that in a period like this even
sound individual credits are inflationary if, in the aggre­
gate, they add unduly to a growing supply of money.
With full employment, high level production, and ris­
ing wages and prices, almost everyone’s credit appears to
be good. Further expansion in bank credit means more
dollars competing for limited supplies o f labor and mate­
rials. Unless such expansion of credit is checked it is
bound to raise prices. Defense dollars will soon be added
to civilian dollars in competition for available goods.
The Nation’s defense needs must be adequately met with­
out runaway prices.

"Commercial banks can . . . do their part in bringing
about restraint o f credit by advising borrowers to avoid
overstocking of inventories and to postpone unnecessary
business expansion and by discouraging various types of
loans that do not make a definite contribution to the
defense effort. The sacrifice of some earnings at this
time is a small price to pay for the defense of the dollar
which is of paramount importance.




Treasury bills. Thus, the banks borrowed 180 million dollars
in the week ended November 8 and repaid 220 million in
the following week. Their sales of Treasury bills were sub­
stantial in both weeks, with nonbank investors absorbing most
of their offerings in the first period, and the Reserve System
in the second. Liquidation of Treasury bills in the week ended
November 15 came largely from those banks outside New York
City which apparently experienced net losses of funds. How­
ever, owing to the temporary character of the chief source of in­
creased reserves during this week (the expansion of float), a
large part of the banks’ gains remained uninvested, and excess
reserves, which had undergone no appreciable change in the
preceding week, rose 320 million dollars.

The pressure of these transactions was particularly heavy in
the week ended November 22, and much less pronounced in
the following week. Although commercial banks purchased
some securities early in the third week of the month, mostly
on the first day when reserve positions were still easy, the
member banks of the country as a whole borrowed substantial
amounts from the Reserve Banks and drew down their excess
reserves by 480 million dollars later in the week when they
began to experience sizable losses of funds. The need to
replenish reserves was a major factor making for tight money
market conditions in the last week of the month, and the com­
mercial banks sold substantial amounts of short-term Treasury
securities in adjustment of their reserve positions.

Reserve positions of the central reserve city member banks
in New York during these two weeks were affected by the
same transactions that influenced the banking system as a
whole, except for a large transfer of funds to other parts of
the country. However, in the second week of this period, the
outflow of funds wras substantially smaller than in the first
week. The reserve positions of the City banks were eased in
the second week by sales of Treasury bills indirectly to the
Reserve System in the New York market, rather than by the
expansion of float, which did not materially affect the money
market banks’ positions.

Conditions in New York City also remained tight in the
second half of the month. A sharp decline in the amount of
funds transferred to other parts of the country in the week
ended November 22 was partly attributable to a substantial
increase in the City banks’ borrowings of Federal Reserve
funds from out-of-town banks to meet losses resulting from
an increase in currency in circulation and other transactions.
Early in the last week of the month a very large shift of funds
to other parts of the country further impaired the banks’
reserve positions, although the flow of funds was reversed
later in the week as storm conditions resulted in an increase
in the float. City banks redeemed a portion of their holdings
of maturing Treasury bills in both weeks in order to adjust
their positions, and they borrowed heavily from the Reserve
Bank as well as from other member banks in the week ended
November 22. In the last week of the month, they were
compelled to liquidate substantial amounts of short-term
Treasury securities in order to reduce their borrowings as well
as to counterbalance a deficiency of reserves incurred early in
the week.

The sharp decline in the float to the unusually low figure of
less than 250 million dollars on November 8 and the sub­
sequent expansion to nearly 675 million on November 15
reflected in part the influence of Election Day (November 7 ).
The holiday served to delay the receipts of incoming checks at
most of the Reserve Banks, thus initially contracting the float
and then inflating its expansion in the following week. Aside
from the usual seasonal upward tendencies at this time of the
year, however, the major factor in the rise in the float (which
continued to grow through most of the week ended November
22) was a sharp increase in the volume of checks written.
This increase has reflected the rise in the aggregate value of
business transactions which has accompanied the expansion
of the volume of production and sales at rising prices, particu­
larly since the start of the Korean war.

This same development has also been responsible for a
much larger outflow of currency into circulation in November
of this year than in the corresponding month of 1949. In
fact, since the seasonal low point toward the close of July, the
increase in currency in circulation (628 million dollars to
November 29) has been about 3 times the seasonal increase
in the same period of 1949. In addition, the Treasury built
up its balances with the Reserve Banks in the latter half of
November, and gold and foreign account operations drained
a modest amount of funds from the market.

G o v e r n m e n t S e c u r it y M a r k e t

The average discount on new Treasury bill issues rose very
gradually from week to week during the past month, starting
at 1.341 per cent on November 2 and reaching a new high
yield of 1.383 per cent for the issue dated November 30. The
rising yield was not only a symptom of tight money market
conditions but also a reflection of technical factors connected
with the bidding for and issuance of the new bills.
As shown in the accompanying chart, holdings of Treasury
bills by nonbank investors (and by nonreporting banks, whose
holdings do not bulk large) have more than doubled since the


end of
A large part of this increase occurred between
the end of July and the end of September and reflected a
wholesale shift out of called and maturing Treasury bonds and
certificates prior to their exchange for new 1

Treasury notes



Ownership of Treasury Bills
(A s of last W ednesday of m onth*)

* Latest figures are for November IS, 1950.
# Weekly reporting banks.
t New series based on revised list of reporting banks,

on September 15 and October 1. The expansion prior to
August and after September represents chiefly the investment
of cash balances by large industrial corporations and others.
Inasmuch as changes in the Treasury bill holdings of the
weekly reporting member banks have been moderate and
Federal Reserve holdings have declined substantially, it appears
that the expansion of nonbank holdings has absorbed the entire
1.3 billion dollar increase in Treasury bills issued earlier in
the year.
The Federal Reserve policy of making reserves less readily
available and the resulting rise in short-term interest rates has
undoubtedly had considerable influence in nonbank investors’
decisions to increase their holdings of short-term Treasury
securities rather than keep temporarily idle funds in noninter­
est-bearing demand deposits or in low-interest time certificates
of deposit. This tendency to obtain the more attractive yields
on short-term issues has apparently resulted also in sizable
market purchases by corporations and others of short-term
Treasury notes (including substantial amounts issued in the
September and October refunding). Since the demand for
these notes was greater than market supplies, the Federal
Reserve System was able to dispose of progressively larger
amounts each week, beginning in the week ended November 1,
with the total for the five weeks ended November 29 (a week
after the Treasury’s latest refunding announcement) aggre­
gating 561 million dollars. These sales, together with occa­
sional sales of Treasury bills, have enabled the Federal Reserve
System largely to offset its purchases of other Government
securities and to maintain some pressure on bank reserve

In line with the higher current yields on short-term securi­
ties, the Treasury announced an exchange of five-year, 1%
per cent Treasury notes for eight billion dollars of bonds and
certificates coming due December 15 and January 1, respec­
tively. Although the announcement stimulated sales of the
maturing securities in favor of bills and short-term notes and
bonds, by those investors in need of short-term maturities, it
also should have the effect of adding a large volume of inter­
mediate-term securities at attractive yields to the holdings of
the commercial banks and other financial institutions, thus
reducing the incentive for them to dispose of Government
securities in order to make loans. As a matter of technical
interest, the refunding will have the effect of eliminating the
certificate of indebtedness as a public debt instrument for
the time being.
The announcement, however, occasioned a reduction in
Treasury bond prices, particularly in the longest-maturing
bank-eligible bonds and in the partially tax-exempt issues.
Prices of ineligible bonds also moved lower, but in a narrow
range. Prior to the announcement, the "long bank” 2V2*s
of September 1967-72 had risen one full point by Novem­
ber 20, owing to the strengthening belief in the market that
an increase in legal reserve requirements, feared imminent
in preceding months, was likely to be postponed. Even the
restricted Victory bond issue, assisted by a temporary let-up
in the sale of ineligible issues by the life insurance com­
panies, had risen 2/32 above what had been considered in
the market as an apparent “floor” price (100 1 3 /1 6 ). When
the Treasury’s announcement was made on November 22, the
reaction in bond prices was sharper than might have been
expected. In three days, the longest-term eligible bonds lost
more than half the price increase of the preceding three weeks.
Both partially tax-exempt and restricted bonds participated in
the decline. In the latter group, the earliest maturity showed
the largest decline, reflecting a decrease in the premium
investors were willing to pay for earliest eligibility. The
Victory bonds declined 4/32 to 100%. Prices stabilized in the
remaining days of November, and for many issues the end-ofmonth prices showed little change from those at the end of
October, despite the relatively marked fluctuations that had
occurred over the intervening weeks.


em ber

B a n k Lo a n s

Loans of the weekly reporting member banks continued to
show about the same average increase in the three weeks ended
November 22 as during the month of October. These increases
brought the loan expansion since the end of 1949 to approxi­
mately 5 billion dollars, practically all of which has occurred
in the last five months. It was in the light of the inflationary
implications of this growth in loans and the smaller though


substantial increase in deposits, out of proportion with the
much less rapid increase in the production of goods, that
Mr. McCabe addressed his letter to the member banks on
November 17 requesting them to exercise their leadership in
urging customers to limit their borrowing to "rock-bottom”
All major categories of loans rose over the first three full
statement weeks of the month with the exception of loans to
banks, which expanded in the first and third weeks but fell
sharply in the second. Credits granted on the collateral of
corporate and municipal securities rose moderately in the
period but were still 306 million dollars below the peak for
the year reached on June 28.
An expansion of loans to industry and trade accounted
for the bulk of the increase in total loans of the weekly report­
ing member banks, averaging 167 million dollars a week in
the three weeks ended November 22, as compared with 153
million a week in October (through November 1) and
246 million in September, the highest average weekly increase
for any one month during this year. But there was a marked
difference between the loan expansion of New York City banks
and that for the combined other 93 weekly reporting cities.
While the banks outside New York City showed, during the
past few weeks, almost as high a weekly average increase in
business loans as in September, the average increase in the
same class of loans at the New York City banks was the lowest
since July. Should the sequence of most previous seasonal
patterns be repeated, this development may portend an early
slowing down in the business loan expansion of banks outside
New York City.
The over-all expansion in business and agricultural loans
since the seasonal low point of the year had amounted to
3.6 billion dollars by November 22, nearly 3 times the in­
crease in the corresponding period of 1948 and roughly 600
million dollars larger than the 1947 expansion, and brought
the total on November 22 to a new all-time high record of
17.0 billion dollars. The rise in business loans has coincided
with the marked expansion of business activity and commodity
prices since June and largely reflects, at least in this District,
substantial borrowings for the purpose of carrying and increas­
ing inventories, particularly on the part of commodity dealers,
concerns engaged in retail and wholesale trade, and manufac­
turers in the food, tobacco, and clothing and textile lines.
Paradoxically enough, restrictions on consumer credit may
have temporarily played a part in the expansion of the business
loans of the banks. Sales finance companies have continued to
increase their bank borrowings substantially, partly to finance
the accumulation of inventories of automobile dealers result­
ing from the slow-down in sales following the tightening of
Regulation W in October.


The growth of other loans (including consumer loans)
slowed down for the fourth successive month, while real estate
loans, which had increased at a slower pace in October than in
preceding months, increased somewhat more rapidly again in
November. The tightening of Regulation W with respect to
consumer loans on October 16 probably accounts for the
slower increase in other loans during November. Real estate
credit may be expected to rise further, not only because the
construction of many small homes was started prior to the
effective date of the regulation, but also because the financing
o f construction of multiple dwellings and nonresidential build­
ing is not subject to credit controls.

International basic commodity prices have had a pronounced
upswing since the outbreak of hostilities in Korea, and this
upswing has been superimposed on earlier advances that had
followed a period of receding quotations in the first half of
1949. The earlier advances, which by mid-April had become
fairly general, reflected primarily the return of boom condi­
tions in the United States, the chief consumer of basic
commodities. These earlier advances, however, were not fully
sustained; by late spring they were beginning to cause a
rise in production of some raw materials and a shrinkage
of demand. By mid-June, indeed, the upward pressure in
most markets had subsided, and prices of a number of com­
modities showed signs of softening. But then came the out­
break of the Korean war, which dissipated the specter of
surpluses and started commodity prices moving upward once
The outstanding developments in world commodity markets
since the invasion of South Korea have been: (1 ) a great
upsurge and some fluctuation in the prices of the two leading
Far Eastern commodities, rubber and tin; (2 ) a rise in world
sugar prices accompanying a shift of the surplus holdings
from producers to consumers; (3 ) an unusually rapid rise in
world wool prices; and (4 ) stability of copper and zinc quo­
tations during the first two months of the Korean war,
followed by some price rise in these two metals. The accom­
panying chart and table show the price movements of selected
international commodities, several of which have reached their
all-time highs.
The primary factor behind the rise since the Korean invasion
has been a heavy demand, on the part both of private pur­
chasers and of various governments, for the purpose of replen­
ishing and expanding stocks. This demand has been inspired
by the fear that supplies might be cut off as a result of a spread
of hostilities, by anticipations of increased needs from the
defense sector, and by prospects or apprehensions of growing
inflation. Many industrial consumers of world commodities



Dollar Price Movements of Certain Internationally
Traded Commodities

(Indexes of end-of-week quotations in United States markets,*
June 23, 1950 = 100)

who had been expecting a drop in the existing high prices
were apparently caught with low stocks by the outbreak of the
Korean conflict and therefore were eager to accumulate larger
inventories. There also seems to have been much hoarding on
both the wholesale and the retail levels; there is no clear
evidence that speculative buying for re-sale has taken place
on more than a limited scale. In the more recent stages of
the Korean war, government stockpiling purchases, primarily
in the United States, assumed important dimensions, and
as the Western rearmament programs were speeded up,
demand rose for materials required in the production of
armaments and for other supplies for the armed forces. The
upswing in industrial activity added further to the demand;
however, the increase in current consumption was probably
of less importance than the rise in demand for the purpose
of expanding inventories.
Most of the panic buying appears to have worn off by late
August, when the upsurge of prices began to slacken. How­
ever, the commodity markets have remained responsive to
every change in sentiment, reacting immediately and vigorously
to the shifting fortunes of the United Nations troops in Korea,
to alterations in the outlook in other world danger spots, and
to various changes and rumors of changes in government
policies with respect to commodity inventories, stockpiling,
and marketing. On the whole, a rising tendency has continued
to prevail.
This rising price trend, as well as the prospect of severe
shortages in some commodities, has caused considerable con­
cern. The OEEC has undertaken surveys of key commodities
and the preparation of programs for their international alloca­
tion and for a common stockpiling policy. The recent report
by Mr. Gordon Gray to President Truman on this country’s
foreign economic policies, while stressing that interference
with the normal flow of international trade should be held to
the minimum, calls for international collaboration to direct
supplies of scarce materials so as to make the greatest contribu­
tion to the common Western defense. Various producing
groups, on the other hand, have been urging that preparations
be made now to insure an orderly readjustment of the markets,
and thus to protect the producing countries when the present
exceptional demands will have been satisfied.
In the price advances since June 23 the pacemaker has

1 94 9


been rubber. Not only has the rubber market recorded the
largest price rise of any of the leading international com­
modities, but, because of its great sensitivity to political de­

* The index of sugar prices is based on quotations in Cuba.
Source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Daily In d ex Numbers
and Spot Prim ary M arket P rices fo r 28 Commodities; Journal o f Com m erce;
Wall Street Journal.

velopments, it has also exhibited the widest fluctuations. Since
nine tenths of the world’s natural rubber comes from Southeast


regulate the market. An intergovernmental conference called

Prices o f Certain In tern a tion a lly T raded C om m odities
(A v e r a g e s ; in cen ts per p ou n d)







iPer cent in­
crease, June
1-23,1950 to
N ov. 1-17,
Jan.-Aug. December June 1-23 Nov. 1-17


j 47.1
1 216



specifications: Rubber, plantation, ribbed smoked sheets, New York. Tin, 1939,
Straits; 1948-1950, Grade A, New York. Wool, 1939-1949, scoured, Australian 64-70’s, good
top-making, in bond, duty unpaid, Boston; 1950, fine staple territory, Boston. Sugar, 19391949, raw, 96°, Havana, official price, in warehouse; 1950, f.a.s. Cuba. Cotton, middling 15/16,
average of ten United States markets. Cocoa, Accra type, f.o.b. New York. Zinc, prime
western, New York. Copper, electrolytic, 1939-1949, Connecticut Valley; 1950, New
York. Coffee, Santos No. 4, New York. Wheat, No. 2, hard winter, Kansas City,
t Per bushel.
Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics; United States Bureau
of Labor Statistics, Daily Index Numbers and Spot Primary Market Prices for 28 Commodities;
Journal of Commerce; Wall Street Journal.

* Commodity

Asia, the invasion of South Korea and its threat to the peace
of the Far East strongly affected the rubber market. New York
rubber prices rose more than 200 per cent above their
"pre-Korean” level and, although now somewhat lower, they
are still the highest since the mid-twenties; this upswing was
the more notable since quotations had already risen by 64 per
cent in the nine preceding months. In recent weeks, rubber
prices have been particularly sensitive to any increases in de­
mand, as a result of an acute shortage of spot and nearby
supplies. Meanwhile the price of the principal grade of
synthetic rubber has been held unchanged at 18.5 cents a
pound compared with an October average of 62.6 cents for
natural rubber and, with an expansion of synthetic production
getting under way, the longer-term position of natural rubber
vis-a-vis synthetic rubber has been weakened. Since production
of natural rubber also is increasing and, in fact, actually exceeds
total current rubber consumption, some producing interests
are understood to hold that from a long-term viewpoint lower
prices would be advantageous.
Tin is the other commodity most immediately affected by
the Korean war. About three fifths of the world’s tin comes
from Southeast Asia. Since the outbreak of the Korean war,
New York tin prices have advanced in successive waves to as
high as double their pre-Korean quotations, thus exceeding
even the previous high recorded in 1918. However, the impact
of the Korean war on the tin market has been eased by: (1)
the decrease since World War II of the metal’s importance as
a strategic war material; (2) the existing large tin stocks,
which exceed the pre-World War II level; and (3) the large
excess of current production over actual consumption. In view
of this excess, the Tin Study Group— an international com­
mittee established by the leading tin-producing and consuming
countries— proposed last spring a world tin agreement to


by the United Nations to consider the draft of a tin agreement
convened in Geneva late in October, at a time when all tin
price records were being broken, but adjourned after four
weeks without reaching agreement. The failure of the confer­
ence apparently reflected differences between the views of the
United States, a major consumer, and those of the principal
producing countries.
Copper and zinc prices, in contrast to tin, remained un­
changed during the first two months of the Korean war, in
spite of their exceptionally strong statistical positions and the
fact that they are among the most important strategic war
materials. Prices later rose somewhat but the demand-supply
position remained tight, and leading producers are reportedly
allocating supplies to their regular customers.
A very tight statistical position prevails in wool. Since
World War II, the trend of the wool market has confounded
all expectations. Consumption has increased some 15-20 per
cent above prewar levels; since production has been little
changed, the gap has been bridged by drawing on the wartime
stocks accumulated by the British Commonwealth Joint Organ­
ization. By mid-1950 those stocks were nearly exhausted.
With consumption rising and supplies short, prices advanced
during the first half of the year, and the rise accelerated after
the outbreak of the Korean war. At the opening of the 195051 Australian selling season in late August, prices were about
50 per cent above the previous season s close. Prices receded
at subsequent sales, but only slightly. Meanwhile the Inter­
national Wool Study Group, on which 30-odd producing and
consuming countries are represented, has agreed on a pricesupport program which, however, is unlikely to start function­
ing for some time since the support level is about half the
present market price. As to the more immediate problem, the
Study Group estimated that high prices would cut consumption
sufficiently to bridge the 10 per cent gap between the recent
rate of consumption and the prospective supplies; the govern­
ments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the three
wool-producing Dominions expressed agreement with this con-

Publication in the September 1950 issue of the Monthly
Review of an article explaining the purposes and function­
ing of the European Payments Union has led to numerous
requests for copies of that issue. This bank has now had a
reprint prepared of the article in question and will be glad
to supply copies free of charge to interested readers.
Requests for the reprint should be addressed to the Press
and Circulars Division, Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
New York 45, N. Y.



elusion, and stated that there was no justification for a general
allocation system for wool. The five governments, after con­
sidering the current major supply problem presented by the
heavy United States military demands for certain qualities of
wool, further discussed the desirability of a system under
which enough wool (about 10 per cent of the annual clip of
the three Dominions) would be set aside to meet the emer­
gency needs of the United States without impairing the present
system of wool auctions. However, consultations which took
place in Australia in the latter half of November for the
purpose of examining this idea are reported to have found
it impracticable.
In contrast to the wool market, the world sugar market
before the beginning of fighting in Korea was facing a surplus.
This surplus was estimated at nearly half a million tons by the
International Sugar Council, and the Council therefore sub­
mitted a draft of an international sugar agreement to its mem­
ber governments. However, sugar has always been sensitive to
international disturbances, and war scare buying by housewives
following the outbreak of the Korean conflict quickly con­
verted the prospective surplus into an apparent shortage, lead­
ing the United States Government to augment United States
supplies by the purchase of 600,000 tons from the balance of
the last Cuban crop. Other countries joined in the scramble,
and stocks in the exporting countries were therefore greatly
drawn down, while world raw sugar prices rose 40 per cent
by the end of July. Since then, with the subsidence of panic
buying during August, prices have been comparatively steady.
The increased purchases this summer were not, it should be
noted, for actual consumption and seem merely to have led to
a shifting of surplus stocks from producing to consuming
The coffee market has been relatively quiet. In spite of the
close current balance between production and consumption of
coffee the Korean developments failed to give rise to an
immediate wave of buying from consuming countries. By midJuly, however, the demand for green coffee on the part of
United States roasters, whose stocks were relatively low,
began to reflect the publics hoarding, and European demand
also increased. As a result, by the end of the first four weeks
of the Korean war, prices for the basic grade, Santos No. 4,
had risen 15.5 per cent. Subsequently, prices at first softened
somewhat; then, owing to unfavorable crop reports and
stepped-up United States Army buying, they increased further
to a new record high of 56.5 cents on September 1, but have
since receded somewhat.
Cocoa, which is supplied primarily by British West Africa
and Brazil, was not greatly affected by the outbreak of hostili­
ties in Korea. Cocoa prices, after rising by the middle of

September to 37 per cent above their June 23 level, receded
by November to only about 10 per cent above the June 23
prices. The main factor behind the rise in the cocoa market
appears to have been the strong statistical position, reinforced
by seasonal influences and some hoarding.
The commodity boom since the Korean invasion has had
several important financial repercussions. In the first place,
since a major share of world raw materials is consumed in the
United States, the commodity price rise has greatly narrowed
the world’s dollar gap. The advantages of this new flow of
dollars, however, have been felt primarily in the sterling area,
Latin America, and Canada; the countries of Continental
Europe, on the other hand, have been severely embarrassed by
the resultant higher import costs, which have tended to affect
adversely their terms of trade and to retard further improve­
ment in their balance of payments. The United Kingdom also
is feeling this unfavorable impact, while at the same time
benefiting, as the banker of the sterling area, from the higher
dollar proceeds of sterling area commodities. While increasing
amounts of dollars are being earned by a number of sterling
area countries, corresponding sterling balances are accumu­
lating in London in their name, thus aggravating the existing
sterling-balance problem.
Moreover, the internal monetary position of the primarycommodity-producing countries in the sterling area, as well as
elsewhere, has been endangered by the rise in the prices of
their exports. Because of the great expansion of incomes of
exporters and producers in such countries, inflationary pres­
sures have gained in strength. Similar dangers to internal
monetary stability, originating on the cost side, can be observed
in the consuming countries, as the increased prices of raw
materials find expression in the prices of finished goods.

The Monthly Review of Credit and Business Conditions
is sent free of charge to anyone who is interested in receiv­
ing it. If you are not already on the mailing list and wish
to receive the Review regularly, please write to the Domestic
Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
New York 45, N. Y., and your name will be added to the
mailing list.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York also publishes
an Annual Report, which appears usually in March or
April. Upon written application to the Press and Circulars
Division, the Annual Report will be sent without charge to
those interested.



The world’s first commercial power station was opened in


1882 in New York City. The generating plant, which was

Electricity, which as a source of light and power was little

located on Pearl Street (only a few blocks from where this

more than a laboratory curiosity seventy-five years ago, is

bank now stands), was able to serve an area of only 12 city

today an integral part of our economy, essential not only to

blocks. Small electric power plants sprang up rapidly in many

industry, commerce, and the defense effort, but to our every­

parts of the country, and there was often fierce rivalry between

day way of life. Without electric power, the great advances

different power companies serving the same city or district.

in industrial production and in this country’s standard of

The output of these central stations was used mostly for light­

living during the past fifty years would scarcely have been

ing, and they served only limited areas. Before the end of the

possible. The average American has become quite used to

century, however, the development of motors suitable for

having a ready supply of power in his home for all purposes—

industry and street railways broadened the uses of electric

light, refrigeration, cooking, cleaning, entertainment, and a

power, while the adoption of alternating current greatly ex­

host of other uses. In fact, electricity is generally taken for

tended the area which could be served.

granted until an emergency, such as the recent storm, arises.

In 1902, the year of the first census of electric light and

Industry, local transportation, and most other activities would

power companies, most electric power was produced by indus­

be paralyzed without electric power. New York City’s skyline

trial establishments for their own use, as shown in Chart I. At

would look far different had it not been for the high-speed

that time, factories and street railways generally preferred to

electric elevators which made skyscrapers practical.

generate their own power rather than buy it from power com­

In a period of generally rapid industrial growth, the swift


Privately-owned utilities accounted for only three

development of the electric power industry has been outstand­

eighths of the output, while the publicly-owned plants (almost

ing. Generating capacity has steadily increased and the dis­

entirely municipal lighting plants) were a negligible propor­

tribution systems have spread throughout the United States,

tion of the total. Between 1902 and the start of World War I,

not only to the towns and villages, but to a large proportion

however, the use of purchased power grew rapidly, and the

of the scattered farms as well.

proportion of electric power output which was generated by
Chart I
Electric Energy Production by Class of Ownership


Publicly-own^d utilities


| Privately-owned utilities


Industrial establishments^



T ota l
Publicly-owned u tilitie s
Privately-owned utilitie s
Industrial establishments^






2 3 3 .!
5 4 .0

* Industrial establishments (including electric railroads and railways) generating electric power for their own use only.
S ource: 1902, 1917, and 1929, Historical Statistics o f the United States, 1789-1945, page 156; 1949, Federal Power Commission.



industries for their own use dropped from three fifths of the

of industrial establishments for their own use. Privately-owned

total to two fifths.

utilities, however, generated four times as much power as

During the decade of the twenties, private utilities ex­
panded sharply to keep up with the swiftly widening demand

either of the other sources.

and improved technology. As transmission over long distances

States not only produces more electric power than any other

became feasible, an outstanding feature of this period was the

country, but accounts for between two fifths and one half

growth of interconnecting power systems. Small, local utilities

of the worlds total output of electricity. Despite this com­

were replaced by far-flung power networks with marked

manding position, however, the United States lags behind

As a result of this rapid growth in output, the United

advantages in reliability and economy. By 1929, privately-

several other nations in the production of power relative to

owned utilities accounted for nearly three quarters of all elec­

population. In 1947, the United States’ production of 2,134

tric energy generated. Publicly-owned utilities, still mainly

kilowatt hours per capita was exceeded by that of Norway

municipal, produced only 4 per cent of the total in 1929. But

(3,581 kwh per capita), Canada (3,576 kwh), and Switzer­

in the late thirties, public power rose swiftly as a result of

land (2,149 kwh), while Sweden was close behind with

Federal programs, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, the

1,979 kwh per capita. It should be noted that these other

Columbia Valley projects, and the rural electrification pro­

nations are countries with relatively large hydroelectric re­

gram. Since 1933, publicly-owned utilities have multiplied

sources and relatively short transmission distances. The per

their output more than eleven times, mainly because Federally-

capita output in the United States far outstrips that of such

owned projects have increased from an annual output of 0.5

heavily industrialized countries as Great Britain (888 kwh

million kilowatt hours in 1933 to 38.1 million in 1949.

per capita), Belgium (856 kwh), France (614 kwh), and

During the same period, privately-owned utilities tripled

Japan (416 kwh). Only rough figures are available for the

their production. By 1949, public power accounted for a

U. S. S. R., but per capita output there was probably around

somewhat larger share of total output than the production

300 kwh in 1947.
The greatest increases in the use of electric power prior

Chart II

to 1902 were in the field of electric lighting. In 1902, five

Sales of Electric Energy*

sixths of utility revenues came from domestic and street
B illio n s o f
k ffo w a ft hours

ki l ow at t hours

lighting and only one eighth from sales of electricity for
power. Many utilities operated only in the evenings; indeed,
it was not until after World War I that 24-hour operations
became general. Between 1902 and 1917 the applications of
electric power in industry made great forward strides, and
since World War I the development of a wide variety of
household uses has been particularly important. The rapid
growth of both commercial and residential sales is traced in
Chart II.1 Residential sales present a record of virtually unin­
terrupted expansion, but, as might be expected, sales for
commercial and industrial use reflect the fluctuations in busi­
ness conditions. In fact, this responsiveness to changes in
economic activity has made electric power statistics a valuable
business indicator in the last couple of decades.
The steadily growing electrification of American industry
is shown in Table I. Fifty years ago, factories in this country
had at their disposal less than 10 million horsepower in power
equipment, and less than 5 per cent of this was electrical.

* Plotted on ratio scale to show proportionate changes.
# Breakdown between commercial and industrial sales and residential sales
not available prior to 1912.
Source: 1902-45, H istorical Statistics of the United States, 1789-1945;
1946-50, Edison Electric Institute (1950 estimated by the Federal Reserve
Br.nk of New York on the basis of the first eight months).

The total kilowatt hours shown in Chart II differ from those
shown in Chart I because Chart II covers only the sales by companies
producing for public use. Power generated by industrial firms for
their own use is excluded from Chart II, as is also the power generated
by utilities but lost in transmission or used by the utility companies

T able I
E lectrification o f A m erican F a ctories, 1 89 9-1939
(H orsep ow er in m illion s)


ever, was assisted by an average of 6.42 horsepower in power
machinery, of which 5.76 horsepower was electrical.


increasing use of power equipment was unquestionably a major

Horsepower of electric motors

factor in the marked rise in industrial productivity during this



Operated by

1899 .

9 .8

0 .5
8 .4

0 .2
9 .0

Operated by
energy gen­
erated in the

Per cent

0 .3
4 .7
6 .6


40-year period.

For commerce and industry generally, no

measure of horsepower per employee is readily available, but
the number of kilowatt hours used per employee3 rose from
less than 1,200 in 1920 to more than 5,000 in 1949Not only has the electric power industry itself grown rapidly
to a commanding position in the American economy, but it

* Prime movers (including generating equipment) plus electric motors operated
b y purchased energy.
# Total horsepower of electric motors as a percentage of total primary horsepower.
Source: Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940, Manufactures: 1939, Volume I.

has both fostered and been fostered by an ever-growing group
of electrical equipment industries. The growth of firms pro­
ducing heavy equipment, including turbines, generators, and

Most of the prime movers at that time were steam engines

motors, has already been indicated by the description of the

or water wheels, and industrial establishments were generally

increasing electrification of industry. Other large and expand­

a maze of shafts and belts.

By the end of World War I,

ing categories are the household appliance group and the radio

more than half of the equipment in American factories was

and television industry, neither of which could have reached

electrified, and nearly one third was operated by purchased

its present size without the spread of electric power to the

energy. By 1939, the total horsepower of electric motors in

overwhelming majority of American homes.

American factories was equal to 90 per cent of the total

hand, the sharp and steady rise in residential sales of electric

primary horsepower available.2 Although total horsepower

power is in large part a result of the increasing use of all sorts

in manufacturing increased more than fivefold between 1899

of electrical appliances in the home. By 1927, a majority of

On the other

and 1939, the horsepower of nonelectrical prime movers in

the nearly 18 million homes with electricity had electric irons

factories in 1939 was little more than half what it had been

and vacuum cleaners, and many other appliances were coming

in the earlier period.

on the market. At the beginning of 1950, there were more

Electrical machinery brought a number of advantages to

than twice as many wired homes (approximately 37.2 million)

manufacturers over the old shaft and belt methods. Many

as in 1927, and less than 11 per cent of American homes were

operating economies were realized:

Plant layout could be

still without electricity. According to the estimates of Electrical

more efficient, space and capital devoted to a power plant

Merchandising, 88 per cent of the wired homes had electric

were saved, and breakdowns were localized. Working condi­

irons in January 1950, 79 per cent had mechanical refrigerators,

tions in electrically powered plants were cleaner and safer.

76 per cent had electric clocks, 69 per cent had electric wash­

One of the most important effects of electrification was to
afford industry much greater flexibility in the choice of a

ing machines, 67 per cent had toasters, and 53 per cent had
vacuum cleaners. Out of the grand total of 41.7 million homes

location. Power could now be brought to factories almost

in the nation, 94 per cent were estimated to have one or more

anywhere they located, and reductions in the cost of electric
power made power costs a much less important factor in

radios, while 9 per cent had television sets in January 1950.
The postwar buying of consumers’ durable goods has included

choosing a site. Thus, industry was free to base its choice

large numbers of a wide variety of electric appliances includ­

of a location on proximity to raw materials, markets, labor

ing ranges, home freezers, mixers, and blankets. By means of

supply, or other pertinent factors. On the other hand, large

these electric devices, much drudgery has been removed from

supplies of cheap electric power made possible the rise of

housekeeping, many comforts and conveniences have been

large industries, such as aluminum refining and electrochemical

added, and the general standard of living has been raised.

production, and determined their location in particular areas.
The average factory worker in 1899 was aided by 2.18
horsepower in power machinery, of which less than 1/10 of
a horsepower was electrical. The 1939 factory worker, how-

A particularly sharp expansion has taken place in the con­
sumption of electricity on farms during the past fifteen years.
In 1935, only 11 per cent of all farms in the United States were
receiving power from central stations, whereas now 85 per

The Census of Manufactures for 1947 dropped the questions on
3 Based on the number of employees in nonagricultural establish­
power machinery; thus, 1939 figures are the latest comprehensive data
ments other than government, public utilities, railroads, and other
available. The trend toward electrification of industry undoubtedly
continued during the war and postwar period.



Table II
Installed Generating Capacity of Electric Utilities and Rate of Use
Selected Years, 1902-50
(C ap a city in m illions o f k ilow a tts)

End of

T ota lf


3 .0
4 2.8
4 9.4

1 .2
9 .0
3 4.4

0 .3
2 .8
6 .8
9 .3

utilities was 116 times as great. This has resulted both from
the greater efficiency and from the fuller use of facilities than

Electric utilities
Grand total
(utilities and
ments) *

of 1949 the generating capacity of utilities was 52 times as
great as in 1902, but the amount of power produced by those


hours pro­
duced per
kilowatt of

0 .9
6 .1
2 7.0



In 1902, each kilowatt of capacity produced an

average of 2,068 kilowatt hours of power, representing utiliza­
tion less than 24 hours out of every 100. As interconnected
systems developed and the use of power widened, utilities
were able to reduce to some extent the divergence between
the peaks and valleys of daily demand. Special rates were
offered for off-hour consumption, and the sharp rise in resi­
dential consumption, centered in the evening hours, helped

n.a. N ot available.
* Includes capacity both of utilities generating for public use and of industrial
establishments (including electric railroads and railways) generating for their
own use only.
t Includes also a small amount of internal combustion generating capacity.
# Total production b y utilities during each year divided by capacity at the end
of the year. For 1950, production for the 12 months ended October 31, 1950
was divided by capacity at the end of that period.
t October 31, 1950.
Source: 1902-45, Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-1945; 1949-50,
Federal Power Commission.

to compensate for the peak in industrial use during daytime
hours. By 1939, production per unit of capacity was 3,284
kwh, or 37 hours out of every 100. Under wartime pres­
sures, the rate of use rose to a peak of 4,639 kwh in 1944.
Despite the large increase in capacity since the war, the sharply
increased demand forced utilization up still further to an all-

cent are connected with power lines. Nineteen States reported

time peak during 1948. Each unit of capacity operated an

that by June 30, 1949 more than 90 per cent of their farms

average of nearly 5,000 hours or 57 per cent of the theoretical

had been electrified. More than half of the increase in farm

maximum. Peak operations for a utility may be reached only

electrification has resulted from the activities of the Rural

during a few hours each year when the daily and seasonal

Electrification Administration since it was created in 1935.

peaks coincide; even then allowance of extra capacity must be

Approximately one half of the farms now getting power are

made for emergencies, breakdowns, and repairs. Thus, the

served by systems financed by the REA. The availability of

present over-all operating rate represents a great achievement.

electricity not only has markedly raised the farm standard of

The current defense program is certain to impose additional

living, but also has increased operating efficiency and aided in

demands on the power industry. In particular, the need for

farm mechanization. In the West, one of the most important

increased aluminum production will call for large quantities of

uses of electric power on farms has been the operation of
irrigation pumps, aiding in the cultivation of areas which

electric power. This nation has increased its generating
capacity far above the levels prevailing at the start of World

otherwise would have yielded little.

War II, but during the same period the demands of industry

Behind these sharp gains in production and consumption is

and consumers have also increased tremendously. The impor­

the steady increase in generating capacity, as shown in Table II.

tance of continued expansion of electric facilities has been

During the first three decades of this century, the installed

recognized by the National Production Authority, which for

capacity of utility companies roughly doubled once every six

three months is exempting the power industry’s requirements

years. The capacity in industrial establishments generating

for aluminum conductors from the 35 per cent cut which it

their own power quintupled during this period, but could not

has ordered in civilian aluminum use starting January 1, 1951.

begin to keep pace with the 30-fold increase in utility capacity.
This exceptional rate of growth lagged somewhat during the
thirties, but the need for large amounts of electric power in
World War II resulted in a sharp further expansion. Since
the war, the expansion of generating capacity has continued.
The latest data show total generating capacity of over 80 mil­
lion kilowatts compared with less than 50 million at the start
of World War II.
Not only has this country’s basic capacity to produce electric
power risen sharply in the past half century, but the utilization
of that capacity has also shown a marked increase. At the end

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
published in November a pamphlet entitled "A Statistical
Study of Regulation V Loans”. This technical study of
V loans during World War II was prepared by Susan S.
Burr and Elizabeth B. Sette of the Division of Research and
Statistics of the Board of Governors. The price of the
pamphlet is 25 cents per copy up to ten copies and 15 cents
per copy for larger shipments. Requests for copies should
be addressed to the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Washington 25, D. C.



It has been reported that private electric light and power com­

year-to-year decline in radio-television sales since the first week

panies plan to spend close to 1.5 billion dollars on new con­

of July, when the comparison was affected by the fact that

struction (not including machinery) in 1951, an increase of

some stores were closed on July 3, 1950.

10 per cent over their 1950 outlays, and many utilities have
extensive expansion plans for the years beyond. Thus, the
electric power industry seems certain to continue the growth
which has contributed so much to the American economy in
the past half century.

D e p a r t m e n t St o r e I n v e n t o r ie s


O ctober

The retail value of stocks on October 31 at Second District
department stores surpassed any previous end-of-month inven­
tory recorded in this District. After four months of intensive
inventory accumulation, the estimated dollar volume of stocks
held by Second District stores at the end of October was 355
million dollars, some 15 million dollars more than the former

During November, the dollar volume of department store

record amount attained on November 30, 1948. Moreover, as

sales in the Second District is estimated to have been about

November is usually the peak month in the normal pattern of

2 per cent below that of November 1949. This was the first

the Christmas season inventory buildup, the dollar volume of

year-to-year decrease in this District since April of this year.

department store stocks on November 30 this year may have

Adverse weather conditions during the month were particu­
larly harmful to sales. Unseasonably warm weather early in
November blunted the usual seasonal upswing in outerwear
apparel sales. The severe wind and rain storm of Saturday,
November 25, almost completely crippled retail activity in the
New York metropolitan area and seriously affected department
store sales in Upstate New York cities.
In New York City, sales of major household appliances dur­
ing the week ended November 18 were unchanged from a
year ago, following two consecutive weeks of year-to-year
increases. The year-to-year increases in radio-television sales
during the early part of November gave way during the
week ended November 18 to a decline (of 11 per cent) from
the corresponding week a year earlier. This marked the first
Indexes of Department Store Sales and Stocks
Second Federal Reserve District
(Adjusted for seasonal variation, 1935-39 average — 100 per cent)

been even greater than at the end of October, although no data
on this point are yet available.
Aside from seasonal growth, the month-to-month rise in the
dollar volume of stocks since August of this year has reflected
to some extent the current upward trend in the retail prices of
apparel and housefurnishings. However, when comparing the
value of stocks at the end of October with the value on
November 30, 1948, the converse is true with regard to
apparel, the major component of total department store
stocks. For example, the retail prices of apparel in New York
City were substantially higher during November 1948 than
they were during October of this year. On the other hand,
housefurnishings prices during October edged ahead of the
November 1948 level.
While some retailers have predicated the building up of
stocks on the premise that buying this Christmas season will
exceed any previous Christmas volume, other trade circles
attribute much of the present inventory accumulation to an
anticipation of further increases in prices at all levels of dis­
tribution. With the prospects of higher replacement costs in
the near future, department stores have invested heavily in
stocks of most merchandise lines that are not particularly sensi­
tive to seasonal buying or style changes, as well as in those lines
for which consumer demand is exceptionally strong during the
Christmas shopping season. The year-to-year increase in stocks
in October was virtually store-wide. The amount of stock of
many of the hard-goods lines in which shortages were expected,
particularly after the unusually heavy sales of the past several
months, was notably higher than a year ago.
Included in the accompanying table are the stock-sales ratios1

e November 1950 estimated.

The ratio of stocks to sales is obtained by dividing stocks at the
end of the month by sales during the month and hence indicates the
number of months’ supply on hand at the end of the month in terms
of sales for that month.


O ctob er R atio o f S tock s to Sales for S elected D epartm ent
S tore M erchandise, 1939, 194 6 -5 0*
S econd Federal R eserv e D istrict

Indexes o f D epartm ent S tore Sales and S to ck s
S econd F ederal R e serv e D is tr ic t
(1 9 3 5 -3 9 average— 100 per ce n t)








Total store...................................

2 .6


2 .6


2 .7

3 .2

Dom estics....................................
H osiery.........................................
W om en’s and children’s shoes.
M en’s furnishings......................
Domestic floor coverings..........
M ajor household appliances. . .

3 .7
2 .2
4 .6
4 .1
3 .2

2 .6
3 .4
2 .9
0 .9

3 .6
4 .1

2 .9
3 .7
3 .8
2 .5

4 .3
4 .3
2 .4
2 .0

3 .7
4 .9
4 .6
3 .2
2 .6

* End-of-month stocks divided by total sales during month.








Sales (average daily), unadjusted.................
Sales (average daily), seasonally ad ju sted ..





Stocks, unadjusted............................................
Stocks, seasonally adjusted............................





r Revised.

of several of the larger main-store departments for which com­

Thus the relatively high stock-sales ratio of the total store

parable historical data are available. By using stock-sales ratios

indicates that a number of smaller-volume departments had

as a means of comparison, a more significant picture of the

large amounts of stock at the end of the month in relation to

variations in the amount of inventories is possible than would

the month’s sales. One of the most notable was the hosiery

be the case if just the relative changes in the dollar amount of

department, with a ratio of 3-9, well above that of the total

stocks alone were considered. It is only in terms of consumer

store, although the reverse was true in former years.

demand, translated into actual sales, that one can judge whether

Stocks of women’s and children’s shoes, men’s furnishings,

the stocks are inadequate or excessive. Moreover, comparison

domestics (sheets, pillow cases, etc.), and floor coverings

of the stock-sales ratio of each department for any one month

were more than ample at the end of October. Inventories of

with the ratios for the same month over a period of years

major household appliances also appear to have been fairly

(rather than with the ratios for consecutive months) eliminates

large, although retailers are doubtful as to how long the supply

the influence of seasonal movements in both sales and stocks
and the effects of price changes.

of these goods will continue to be adequate.

As the table shows, the stores had slightly more than a three
months’ supply of merchandise on hand at the October rate
of sales. A large portion of the total store stocks is normally

Indexes o f B u sin ess

women’s apparel. Since sales of this merchandise are adversely
affected by style changes and also by periods of unseasonable


weather, stocks are necessarily geared closely to the anticipated
demand, resulting in a comparatively low stock-sales ratio.
D epartm ent and A p parel S tore Sales and S tock s, S econ d Federal R eserv e
D istrict, P ercen ta g e C hange from the P reced in g Y ea r
Net sales
Oct. 1950

Stocks on
J a n .th rou gh
Oct. 1950 Oct. 31, 1950

Department stores, Second D istrict-----

+ 5

+ 3

+ 19

New Y ork C ity ......................................
Northern New Jersey...........................
Westchester C ounty..............................
Fairfield C ou n ty....................................
B ridgeport...........................................
Lower Hudson River V alley...............
Upper Hudson River V alley...............

Northern New Y ork State..................
Southern New Y ork State...................
Elm ira..................................................
Western New York State....................
B uffalo.................................................
Niagara Falls......................................

+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
-1- 7
+ 7
- 3
- 1
+ 7
+ 6
+ 10
+ 8
+ 10
+ 13
+ 7
- 3
+ 5
+ 3
+ 11
+ 4
+ 5
+ 13

+ 6
+ 7
+ 6
+ 6
+ 2
+ 5
+ 2
+ 3
+ 1
+ 7
+ 4

+ 21
+ 16
+ 16
+ 3
+ 14
+ 17
+ U
+ 11
+ 14
+ 16
+ 15
+ 20
+ 25
+ 36
+ 17
+ 9
+ 7
+ 3
+ 19
+ 24
+ 9
+ 13

Apparel stores (chiefly New York C ity ).

+ 6

+ 1

+ 17

Central New York S tate.....................
Mohawk River V alley.....................



Industrial production*, 1935-39 = 100........
(Board of Governors, Federal Reserve
Electric power output*, 1935-39 = 100........
(.Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Ton-miles of railway freight*, 1935-39 = 100
CFederal Reserve Bank of New York)
Sales of all retail stores*, 1935-39 = 1 0 0 ....
(.Department of Commerce)
Factory employment
United States, 1939 = 100...........................
(Bureau of Labor Statistics)
New York State, 1935-39 = 100................
(N YS Div. of Placement and Unemp. Ins.)
Factory payrolls
United States, 1939 = 100...........................
(Bureau of Labor Statistics)
New York State, 1935-39 = 100................
(N Y S Div. of Placement and Unemp. Ins.)
Personal income*, 1935-39 = 100..................
(Department of Commerce)
Composite index of wages and salaries*:^
1939 - 100......................................................
(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Consumers’ prices, 1935-39 = 100.................
(Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Velocity of demand deposits*, 1935-39 = 100
(.Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
New York C ity .............................................
Outside New York C ity ..............................








215 p








33 lr











127 p























* Adjusted for seasonal variation.
p Preliminary.
r Revised.
e Estimated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
X A monthly release showing the 15 component indexes of hourly and weekly
earnings in nonagricultural industries computed by this bank will be sent upon
request. Tabulations of the monthly indexes, 1938 to date, may also be pro­
cured from the Research Department, Domestic Research IDivision.



(Summarized by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, November 30, 1950)

Industrial output and employment increased somewhat
further in October. Over-all construction activity was main­
tained at record levels. Value of department store sales declined
somewhat in October, but increased seasonally in mid-Novem­
ber. Commercial bank loans continued to expand substantially
in October and first half of November. Average prices in
wholesale and retail markets reached new peaks.
In d u stria l Production

The Boards index of output at factories and mines increased
3 points further in October to 215 per cent of the 1935-39
average. In November industrial production has apparently
been maintained at the October level.
The rise in October reflected mainly further substantial
increases in activity at steel mills and metal fabricating and
machinery plants. Steel production rose to 102 per cent of
rated capacity in October and to 103 per cent in the first half
of November. There was a further large expansion in output
of metal-working and general industrial machinery, freight
cars, and of most other types of producers’ equipment.
Passenger automobile production was maintained at a very
high rate in October, and output of most other consumer dur­
able goods was above earlier record levels. In November, the
number of passenger cars assembled has declined considerably,
mainly as a result of model changeovers.
Output of nondurable goods in October continued at the
record level of the preceding two months. Activity in the
textile, paper, and rubber products industries rose somewhat
further to new highs. Chemicals and petroleum products also
showed small gains. Manufactured food products, on the other
hand, declined more than seasonally.


The total value of construction work put in place in Octo­
ber, seasonally adjusted, showed little change from the Sep­
tember record rate. Contracts awarded for new construction
decreased further, reflecting chiefly declines in awards for non­
residential types of construction. New housing units started
in October declined seasonally to 103,000. This was consider­
ably below the exceptionally high spring and summer levels,
but about the same as the 1949 peak month of October.
Em plo ym en t

Employment in nonagricultural establishments, seasonally
adjusted, rose slightly further in mid-October to a new high
of 45.3 million persons. This rise reflected mainly continued
expansion of employment in durable goods industries and in
Federal Government establishments. The number of persons
unemployed was reduced further to about 1.9 million, the
lowest in two years.
D istribution

Department store sales in October and the early part of
November were below the advanced level of the third quarter,
after allowance is made for seasonal changes. There was some
further slackening in demand for appliances and other house­
furnishings, although sales of these items generally continued
above year-ago levels. At the end of October, value of depart­
ment store stocks of both apparel and housefurnishings was
substantially larger than in the corresponding period in 1949.
Sales of new passenger cars were considerably below the
extraordinary peaks reached during the summer, but in most
areas sales have apparently remained above the relatively high
levels prevailing a year ago.


Federal Reserve indexes.

Monthly figures; latest shown are for October.

F. W . Dodge Corporation data for 37 Eastern States.
latest shown are for October.

Monthly figures;



Commodity Prices

Wholesale prices, which had shown little change from midSeptember to the latter part of October, advanced to new
peaks in the first three weeks of November. Prices of imported
materials especially showed marked rises on reports of un­
favorable developments in Korea. Prices of building materials,
however, remained 2 per cent below the autumn peak, reflect­
ing the lower level of lumber prices.
The consumers’ price index advanced 0.6 per cent in October
to a point slightly above the previous high in 1948.
Ba n k Credit

Loans at commercial banks continued to increase substan­
tially during October and the first half of November. The
expansion in business loans was considerably greater than
could be expected seasonally. Real estate and consumer loans
also continued to rise but the expansion was somewhat less
than that of other recent months. Since midyear credit extended
by banks in leading cities alone to private borrowers and State
and local governments has expanded by more than 4^2 billion
dollars. Business loans have increased by
billion dollars.
A recent special survey, which the Federal Reserve Banks made
at member banks in leading cities, which make the bulk of
business loans, indicates that about three fifths of the expan­


sion at these banks reflected loans to dealers and processors
of agricultural commodities.
Since September, required bank reserves have risen as a result
of the continuing credit expansion, while total reserves of
banks have fluctuated but shown little net change. Currency
and gold outflows and the cash redemption of part of the
maturing Treasury bills held by the Federal Reserve System
have tended to decrease available reserves, but this decrease
has been about offset by the reduction of Treasury deposits.
Banks have met this reserve situation partly by reducing their
excess reserves and partly by increasing their borrowing with
the Federal Reserve System. System holdings of U. S. Gov­
ernment securities have shown little over-all change.
Security M arkets

Common stock prices rose somewhat further during the first
three weeks of November, but subsequently declined. Yields
on high-grade corporate bonds declined slightly during the
first three weeks of November. Intermediate and long-term
Government securities showed little net change and Treasury
bills continued to rise somewhat. On November 22, the Treas­
ury announced the offering of new 1% per cent five-year notes
in exchange for Treasury bonds maturing December 15, 1950,
and certificates of indebtedness maturing January 1, 1951.




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Bureau of Labor Statistics’ indexes.
week ended November 21.

W eekly figures; latest shown are for

W ednesday figures; latest shown are for November 15.