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Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago
Third Quarter 2001




Stock margins and the conditional probability
of price reversals


Private school location and neighborhood characteristics


The credit risk-contingency system of an Asian
development bank


The value of using interest rate derivatives to manage risk
at U.S. banking organizations

Economic .


Michael H. Moskow
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Julia Baker, Rita Molloy,
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ISSN 0164-0682


Third Quarter 2001, Volume XXV, Issue 3


Stock margins and the conditional probability of price reversals
Paul Kofman and Janies T. Moser

Does the cost of trading affect stock prices? Yes, according to the evidence in this article.
The authors find that high trading costs seem to reduce the frequency of price reversals.


Private school location and neighborhood characteristics
Lisa Barrow
Any voucher program that is going to have a major impact on the public education system is
likely to require an expansion of private schools in order to accommodate increased demand;
however, very little is known about where private schools open and, therefore, how a major
voucher program might affect private school availability in various communities. This article
examines the relationship between the location of private schools and local neighborhood
characteristics, hoping to shed some light on how a universal school voucher program might
change the private school composition of local markets.


The credit risk-contingency system of an Asian development bank
Robert M. Townsend and Jacob Yaron
This article offers a new method for the evaluation of financial institutions, one that combines
socioeconomic survey data with appropriate accounting standards. A government-operated
development bank in Thailand is found to be offering a risk-contingency or insurance system
while being regulated as a more standard, loan-generating bank. Farmer clients experiencing
adverse shocks receive indemnities that improve their well-being. With proper provisioning
and accounts, that welfare gain could be weighed against premia or government subsidies.


The value of using interest rate derivatives to manage risk
at U.S. banking organizations
Elijah Brewer III, William E. Jackson III, and James T. Moser

This article examines the major differences in the accounting and stock market characteristics
of banking organizations that use derivatives relative to those that do not.

Stock margins and the conditional probability
of price reversals
Paul Kofman and James T. Moser

Introduction and summary
The debate over the need for regulated stock margins
is an old one. The argument that “low margins make
speculation cheap” persuades some observers that
low margin requirements lead to greater stock price
volatility. One rebuttal to this argument is that low
margins encourage greater stock market participation
and that greater diversity of expectations actually
lessens volatility.
It would seem that a look at stock prices should
quickly settle the question. After all, one might argue,
all that is needed is to look over the history of stock
margins and see whether market volatility was high
when margins were low and low when margins were
high. This seemingly simple solution is fraught with
problems. For example, suppose stock market volatility rises and falls cyclically but, absent any major
news, tends to adjust toward some natural level. Then
a trend-following margin authority will be lowering
margin requirements as volatility declines and raising
them as volatility rises. The result will be data showing a correlation between margin levels and stock price
volatility. An incautious interpretation of these data
might conclude that low margin levels lead to high
stock price volatility, but by construction this interpretation would be incorrect.
Advanced statistical methods can solve this sort
of problem, but the effectiveness of these methods
relies on the data that are available. The fact is that
in the U.S., changes in margin levels have been too
infrequent for these methods to be conclusive. A good
theory for the cause of systematic price changes reduces the need for more data, but our understanding
of price volatility remains too primitive.1
This article takes another tack in examining this
question. Our approach reframes the issue by focusing entirely on stock price reversals. By studying the
frequency with which stock price changes in one


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direction are followed by changes in the opposite direction (reversals), we obtain a measure of the frequency
with which prices may have overreacted to new information. Overreaction followed by price correction is
a pattern that is consistent with what is termed fad
trading. Fad trading is buying or selling based less
on information about the value of assets than on the
fact that buying or selling is the thing to do. The idea
of fad-motivated trading is described as prices being
the result of traders “getting on the bandwagon,” as
opposed to independently arrived at judgements about
the true value of these assets.
Specifically, we measure the relationship between
the frequency of reversals and the level of margins.
Thus, our article does not address whether stock margins control volatility. Instead, we ask whether stock
margins affect the overreactions associated with fadmotivated transactions. The merit of this approach is
to sidestep the problems associated with directly studying volatility. We look instead for evidence supporting
the claim that low margins increase the diversity of
expectations, thereby lowering volatility. An absence
of evidence for low margins mitigating volatility is not
the same as “proving” low margins cause volatility, but
disproving a reasonable linkage, especially one with
an opposing effect on volatility, does add credibility
to the remaining explanations.
The ideal data set for the tests we perform in this
article would be the numbers of stock market participants throughout the history of margin levels for the
period we study. In previous drafts of this work, a number of researchers commented that we should look at
trading volume data to get at this issue. However, we
Paul Kofman is a professor in the Quantitative Finance
Research Group, University of Technology, Sydney,
Australia. James T. Moser is a senior economist and
research officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

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conclude that trade volume data say very little about
the extent of market participation. So, we again find
ourselves one step removed from the ideal and rely
on evidence that is consistent with variations in market participation.
We first examine whether margin levels affect
trading activity. Lo and MacKinlay (1990) show that
a partial explanation for why a stock’s return might
be correlated with its previously occurring returns is
the probability of nontrading during the return computation period. High nontrading probabilities would
be encountered were trading activity concentrated in
short time frames and, therefore, more likely motivated
by similar information. We find that autocorrelations
of stock index returns are positively related to levels
of margin. This suggests that higher margin levels
increase the probability of nontrading, a result that is
consistent with the cost of transacting influencing the
decision to trade.
Next, we examine stock return reversals to determine their responsiveness to changes in margin levels.
We interpret evidence that price reversals decrease at
higher levels of margin as indicative of a relative decrease in fad-based trading. We use three approaches
to investigate this question. The answers we obtain
from these procedures are consistent. First, frequency
graphs of price reversals demonstrate that the percentage of reversals is negatively related to margin levels.
Second, mean times between reversals are also negatively related to margin levels. Third, our logit specifications concur that reversal probabilities are negatively
related to margin levels. We conclude that the evidence consistently rejects the null of no association
between margin levels and stock price reversals.2
Below, we introduce the stock return data and
estimate nontrading probabilities for various levels
of required margin. Then, we develop our measure
of price reversals and discuss our results in detail.
Linkage between trading costs
and volatility
We begin with a brief review of the literature
linking serial dependence in stock returns to transactional considerations. Following this literature review,
we introduce a model in which prices are determined
by two investing clienteles: informed investors and
noise-trading investors.
The relevance of transactional considerations
for markets
Niederhoffer and Osborne (1966) report that stock
price reversals occur two or three times more often
than price continuations. Fama (1970) suggests reversals are induced by the presence of orders to buy

or sell that are conditioned on the price of the stock.
More recently, researchers have been considering the
possibility that the presence of these reversals is indicative of noise trading, that is, trading by investors
who tend to participate in trading fads and whose trading activity is not information based. Summers (1986)
suggests that the presence of a fad component in the
determination of stock prices implies that stock prices
will reverse as fads dissipate. Some have suggested
introducing trading frictions as a means of mitigating
the influence fads may have on stock price volatility.
The transactions-tax proposal of Summers and Summers (1989) is a straightforward example of this rationale. Transactions taxes raise trading costs, thereby
reducing the benefits derived from participating in fads.
It has also been suggested that stock margins can serve
a similar function inasmuch as they also introduce
frictions through their effect on trading costs for levered strategies. In general, as trading-cost levels increase, the extent of fad-motivated trading activity
can be expected to decline, thereby diminishing any
effects from these trades.
Contradicting this view is the recognition that the
introduction of frictions can have other consequences.
Especially important, trading-cost levels affect the
benefit that can be derived from any trading activity,
not only those that are fad induced. This view suggests
that higher trading costs lessen liquidity, increasing
price volatility. Thus, the social usefulness of introducing trading frictions depends on the net effects from
affecting both fad trading and liquidity.
The argument that underlies a linkage between
price volatility and transaction costs is that the relative
size of positions taken by noise-trading investors is
influenced by the costs they incur when entering into
stock positions. For the same reason that demand
curves are downward sloping, the motivation to enter
into stock positions declines as the cost of entering
rises. All investors can be expected to invest less as
their per-transaction fees rise. For a variety of reasons,
the incidence of these costs may have different effects
on investment decisions. The question we are framing
here is whether these effects can be ascribed to whether
the investor is trading on information or on noise.
The number of noise traders taking positions and
the total number of investors taking positions determine
the impact of noise trading activity. The proponents
of a linkage between margin levels and stock price
volatility appear to have in mind a difference in the
elasticity of investment with respect to margin levels.
Specifically, their prediction stems from a response
to margin changes at low levels by noise-trading
investors that is greater than the response of informed


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It is also plausible that informed investing is not sufficient to eliminate the noise.
The point of the above is that analytic determination of the linkage between stock price volatility and
margin levels requires greater specificity about the
characteristics of informed and noise-trading investors than is given here. These are not questions that
are readily amenable to analysis, but we might gain
some insight into these questions by examining data.

investors. This may be the case, but if so, it is an expression of the preferences of the two groups rather
than an inherent property linking transactions costs
to price volatility.
Suppose every dollar invested by a noise-trading
investor generates a constant amount of noise. From
the perspective of informed investors, this noise can
be a profit opportunity. Lower margins enable investment of more dollars by noise traders—we do not know
why they trade, but if their trading costs decline, all
else the same, it is reasonable to predict they will trade
more, so ceteris paribus lower margins increase noise.
With respect to informed investors, we have a
somewhat better understanding of their decisions to
trade—they can observe mispricing and buy or sell
accordingly so as to earn profits. From the perspective
of informed investors, mispricing induced by the noisetrading activity can be a profit opportunity. It is a profit
opportunity if the amount of mispricing due to noise
trading can be corrected by trades made by informed
investors (we will assume it can), and if the revenue
from trades by informed investors exceeds the cost of
making the trade. As in the case of noise-trading investors, a lower margin requirement implies a lower
cost of trading for informed investors. Thus, it is entirely plausible to expect that any noise created will
be offset by the trading activity of informed traders.

Margin levels and the probability
of nontrading
Next, we introduce our data sample and report
on some preliminary tests to determine if margin levels
affect trading activity. We find evidence of greater
nontrading during periods of high margin.
Our sample of daily returns is for a broad stock
index over the period January 1, 1902, through
December 31, 1987.3 The data, described in Schwert
(1990), combine the returns of several stock indexes
to obtain a continuously reported index of stock returns dating from 1886. Schwert’s study of the statistical attributes of the spliced data series concludes
they are homogenous; that is, seasonal patterns appear similar across various sample periods.
Guiding our sample-period choice is the need
to include all changes in required margin by U.S.


Required initial stock margins, 1902–87

percentage of stock holdings















Notes: Required margins prior to 1934 are from news sources. After 1934 initial margins were set by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
Source: Hardouvelis (1990).


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regulators (see figure 1)—the first being in 1935, the
last in 1975. In addition, we include observations for
the pre-regulatory period to differentiate from any regulatory effects. Observations after 1982 include those
effects stemming from trading in stock index futures
contracts. Finally, we chose the sample end date to
include 1987, a year of unprecedented volatility.
We examine the relationship of autocorrelations
in the return series with levels of required margin to
make inferences about the effect of margin on nontrading of stocks within our sample portfolio. Lo and
MacKinlay (1990) demonstrate that nontrading of
stocks within sample portfolios induces positive autocorrelation in the time series of returns for stock portfolios.4 If investors condition their trading activity on
trading costs, then nontrading is likely to increase when
required-margin levels increase. Suppose, for example,
that traders restrict their trading activity to stocks whose
returns are expected to exceed their cost of trading.
Under these circumstances, any changes in trading
costs implied by changes in margin levels would lead
to changes in the number of stocks traded. Thus, margin levels are a plausible determinant of the nontrading probabilities: Nontrading probabilities increase
as the costs of maintaining margin deposits rise.
A further result of Lo and MacKinlay (1990)
permits interpretation of the first-order autocorrelation coefficient as an estimate of the probability of
nontrading of stocks within an index. Thus, we can
investigate the nontrading effect by estimating autocorrelation coefficients conditional on their contemporaneous levels of required margin. We employ the
following specification:

5W = d  +

åd '

L =


W -

5W - + e W 

where Rt are stock returns at time t and 'LW  are indicator variables, one for each of the 14 levels of required
margin during the sample period ordered from lowest
to highest. Each of these indicator variables is set to
one when the required margin at t – 1 is at level i;
otherwise, they are set to zero.
The estimates are reported in table 1. The second
column of the table lists the margin level associated
with each coefficient. Generally, the coefficients on
margin levels interacted with lagged returns are larger
at higher levels of required margin. For example, the
sum of the coefficients at the highest seven levels of
margin (the last seven coefficients listed) is 1.40973,
while the sum of coefficients for the lowest seven levels
of margin (the first seven coefficients listed) is 0.16889.
This difference implies that the autocorrelation coefficient is positively related to levels of margin and

indicates that the probability of nontrading increases
with margin levels. We analyze the significance of
this difference in summed coefficients with an F test
for their equality.5 The F statistic is 36.4, easily rejecting the equality of these coefficient sums. The result,
therefore, implies an increase in nontrading probabilities at higher levels of margin, suggesting that margin
levels do affect trading activity. In the following two
sections, we examine price reversals to see if these
changes in trading activity are more pronounced
among noise traders.
Preliminary examination of
stock-price reversals
As noted above, we find a positive relationship
between margin levels and the likelihood of nontrading. If the incidence of nontrading by noise traders
increased more than that of informed traders, this would
lend support to the case that margin levels can affect
mispricing. Here, we report on price reversal patterns
that suggest that the cost of margined positions discourages noise-trading activity.
Consider a class of traders with a propensity to
participate in trading fads. Their trades are not information-based in the sense of Black (1986), so we refer
to them as noise traders. The presence of these noise
traders increases the chance that trading overreactions
will affect prices and that price changes will deviate
from fundamental values.6 These deviations increase
the value of informed trading, motivating trades by
information-based traders. Informed trades bring prices
back toward their fundamental values, so that subsequent price changes can be expected to reverse the
changes induced by noise trading. Black (1971) refers
to the speed of price adjustment following noise-induced shocks as price resilience. This characterization
of markets implies that prices can be expected to reverse following price shocks stemming from noisetrading activity. The frequency of noise-trading shocks
and, consequently, the frequency of reversals will be
related to the extent of trader participation in fads. Specifically, price reversals can be expected to occur more
frequently when participants in fads make up a relatively large proportion of the market.
Some suggest that the cost of placing margin deposits has a role in determining the relative importance
of these two categories of traders. Such costs play a
role similar to the transactions taxes suggested by
Summers and Summers (1989). If low margins encourage a relative increase in the number of noise traders,
then prices reverse more often. Conversely, if high
margins cause a relative decrease in the number of
noise traders, prices reverse less often. Thus, an association between margin levels and reversals implies a


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relation between the level of margin and the proportion
of trading by noise traders. A negative association suggests that margins raise trading costs and that these
higher costs deter participation in fads. We compute
reversals, denoted rt , for the stock return sample, as

LI εe%tW ×´ εe%tW−-1<<0
ì1 if
2) UrWt = í
î0 otherwise
HUHe% W = 5%W - (  5%W f W 
Equation 2 specifies an indicator variable assigned
a value of one on sample dates when the unanticipated portion of the return at time t has the opposite sign
as that of the unanticipated return at t – 1; on other
dates, the indicator variable is set to zero. Unanticipated returns, denoted et, are defined as deviations of
actual returns from expectations. Expected returns are
generated according to three characterizations of the
market. The first assumes that stock prices can be
described by a martingale; that is, the price observed
today is an unbiased predictor of the price that can
be expected to be observed tomorrow. Hence, the
expected return on stock purchased today is zero or
Et–1(Rt) = 0. The second assumes that stock prices are
a submartingale with constant expected returns; that
is, E(Rt) = a. The third assumes that stock prices are
a submartingale with time-varying expected returns;
that is, E(Rt) = ast. The third approach estimates st
using the iterative method suggested by Schwert (1989)
and extended in Bessembinder and Seguin (1993).
This iterative method first regresses the time series
of stock returns on a constant. We use the absolute
values of the residuals from this regression as risk estimates at each date in the sample. We then regress the
returns on ten lags of these risk estimates. This generates risk-adjusted expected returns. Inclusion of the
residuals from this second regression of returns on
lagged-risk estimates incorporates temporal variation
of risk into the expected-return metric.
We then classify these reversals according to their
corresponding levels of required margin and study the
relative frequencies within these classifications. Stating the frequency of reversals as a fraction of the number of observations provides a means of estimating
the probability of a reversal possibly conditional on
category i; that is,

3ÖL = L 

where ri is the number of reversals in margin category i; and ni is the number of observations in margin
category i.

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Autocorrelation coefficients interacted with
required margin levels










t statistic








































Notes: Rt = d 0 +

å dD


i =1
t -1

t -1

Rt -1 + et , where Rt is the return

on date t; and D are indicator variables for the 14
levels of margin during the sample period 1902 to 1987
ordered from lowest to highest. n.a. indicates not

Figure 2 illustrates this approach. We compute
reversals according to the martingale assumption,
then classify them by their year of occurrence and
their relative frequencies calculated based on equation 3. The figure graphs these relative frequencies.
Bar heights illustrate the relative frequency of stock
reversals for each year of the sample. The graph suggests a modest but permanent decline in reversal probabilities occurring in the mid-1930s. Comparing preand post-1934 reversals, reversal occurrences averaged 48.4 percent of trading dates prior to 1934. After
1934, average reversal occurrences declined to 43.3
percent of trading dates.7
Figure 1 (on page 4) gives margin requirements
over this sample period. Initial margin requirements
prior to October 15, 1934, were set by the industry.
These were obtained from press accounts. After
October 1934, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System set margin requirements. We obtained
these requirements and their effective dates from
Hardouvelis (1990). The higher margin requirements
subsequent to their determination by regulatory authority do correspond to the lower reversal probabilities illustrated in figure 2. However, the decline also
corresponds to the increased regulation of the stock
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are more likely. The evidence suggests that low margin
levels are associated with a higher likelihood of price
reversals and increased levels of stock price volatility.
An alternative measure of reversal frequency is
the time between stock price reversals. Let Tt(rt = 1)
be the date of a reversal that occurs at time t, then
tt = Tt(rt = 1) – Tt–k(rt–k = 1) gives the number of days
since a reversal that occurred k periods previously.
These intervals can be measured in calendar units or
in trading-day units. Measured in calendar time, the
average time between reversals prior to October 15,
1934, was 2.49 days.9 After this date, the average time
between reversals increased to 3.11 days. This calendar time measure is dependent on the length of any
intervening nontrading intervals and the presumption
that reversals are uncorrelated with trading frequency.
To avoid dependence on nontrading intervals, we
also use a trading time measure: the number of trading days between reversals.10 The mean number of
trading days between reversals is 2.03 days prior to
October 15, 1934, and 2.26 days after that date. Both
measures indicate an increase in the time between reversals following the introduction of regulatory oversight. Thus, reversals occur less often after this date.
This is consistent with the decline in the relative frequency of reversals depicted in figure 2.

market through the provisions of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). Alternatively, one might
conclude that innovations such as those in trading or
communications technology led to a change in the
occurrence of reversals. We examine these possibilities more rigorously in the next section.
Table 2 reports the standard deviation of returns
and percentages of reversal occurrence at each level
of required margin.8 The table does suggest a relationship between the conditional probability of a reversal
and margin requirements. The last row of the table
gives the unconditional probability of a reversal for
each of the expected-return models. Comparing these
unconditional probabilities with the conditional probabilities in the corresponding columns, the conditional probabilities exceed the unconditional probability
at each of the five lowest margin categories. For the
remaining nine categories, the unconditional probability is exceeded at the 55 percent margin level and
at the 100 percent level for the martingale series.
This result suggests that, with few exceptions, margin
levels are negatively related to the odds of observing
stock-price reversals.
The standard deviations of stock returns reported
in table 2 are generally higher at low margin levels;
correspondingly, they are higher when price reversals


Yearly percentages of stock price reversals, 1902–87
percentage of dates price reversed



















Notes: Reversals are calculated as in equations 2 and 3 assuming that stock prices are a martingale. Reversal occurrences
are stated as a percentage of the trade dates of that year.


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Initial margin requirements and stock price reversals, 1902–87


of return







All levels






To relate this effect to margin regulation, we regress tt on the percentages of required initial margin
at t. This specification considers the relationship of
margin with the mean time between reversals.11 Measuring the dependent variable in calendar units, the coefficient is .0175; and measured in trading time units
it is .0066. Standard distributional assumptions about
the errors of this regression imply that the coefficients
of both regressions differ significantly from zero at
better than the 1 percent level.12 These coefficients imply that higher levels of margin increase the mean time
between reversals. In terms of the primary focus of
this article, higher levels of margin decrease the relative frequency of reversals. Thus, these statistics, the
average times between reversals and the regression
coefficients, offer an alternative means of stating the
results indicated by figures 1 and 2: margin levels rose
in 1934 and reversals declined after that date. In the
next section, we restate these preliminary results in
terms of their effects on conditional probabilities.
Logit specification
Estimating reversal probabilities conditional
on margin level
Let Zi represent an index, which measures the
propensity of the market to produce a reversal. Under
the null hypothesis that low margins encourage overreactions as demonstrated by stock price reversals,
then the index should be negatively related to levels
of required margin. Linearizing this relationship, we
can write


L =

b 0 + b1M L ,


46290 pg01_12.p65

Percentage of observations in which
stock index reversed
E(R ) = 0
E(R ) = a
E(R ) =

Initial margin


so that levels of the index are predicted by the product
of b and the level of margin. The overreaction null
predicts that b1 will be less than zero. The level of this
index can also be described as determining the probability of encountering a reversal at the ith level of
margin. We can write this as Pi = F(Zi). Taking F() to
be the cumulative logistic probability function, then
the probability of a reversal is given by

3L = )  = L  =


- ]W
- b +b 0 L 
+ H
+ H

Taking logs and rearranging gives the following logit

é 3L ù
ú = b 0 + b1M 1 + e L 
ë - 3L û


We estimate equation 5 using the method of
maximum likelihood. Matrix notation simplifies exposition of the likelihood function. Note that the expected value of Zi can now be written xi¢d, so that the
expression for the log likelihood is


å U ORJ )  [¢b + - U  ORJ - )  [¢b 

L =









It is useful to compare our approach to studying
reversals with that used by Stoll and Whaley (1990).
Their measure of reversals signs the return at t based
on the return at t – 1: They multiply the return at t by
–1 when the previous return is positive and by +1 when
the return at t – 1 is negative. Thus, their measure is

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positive when a reversal occurs and negative otherwise.
Tests of hypotheses employing the Stoll and Whaley
measure examine associations between explanatory
variables and the expected portion of the reversal measure. Confirmation or rejection of these hypotheses
requires the explained portion to exceed a quantity
proportional to the estimated residual variance. Thus,
their approach is subject to heteroskedasticity when
the underlying return series is heteroskedastic. The
logit approach introduced here uses only the sign of
subsequent returns; this avoids dependence on the
stationarity of the return distribution.
Table 3 reports our estimates of the logit specification given in equation 6. For each of the expectedreturn models, conditional probabilities are negatively
related to initial margin requirements. We use the likelihood ratio test to evaluate the specifications. The null
of no effect is rejected for each of the return-generating models at better than the 5 percent level. The impact
of a 1 percent change in required margin on the probability of a reversal is obtained from the expression

D352% » b éë 3ÖL  - 3ÖL  ùû 

To obtain the effect of margin on reversal probabilities, we evaluate this expression at the unconditional
probabilities given in the last row of table 2. In each
case, the effect of margin on reversal probabilities,
while statistically significant, is economically small.
Results reported in table 3 indicate that an increase
in required margin from the present 50 percent to 60
percent would reduce reversal probabilities by less
than 1 percent, a very modest impact. The magnitude
of this effect should be compared with the change in
trading costs. Holding rates constant, the conjectured
increase in required margin would increase the interest cost of placing margin deposits by 20 percent. Thus,
a relatively large increase in the cost of carrying margined positions appears to have a small effect on reversal probabilities. However, table 1 of Salinger (1989,
p. 126) indicates that margined positions seldom exceed 2 percent of the market value of outstanding stock.13
Thus, since relatively few positions are affected by
the cost increase, the magnitude of the effect from a
cost increase can also be expected to be small. While
this explanation is consistent with the small magnitude we report, it also increases the importance of
investigating alternative possibilities. One might, for
example, conclude that the higher margin levels observed after 1934 are capturing impacts that are more
properly attributable to other changes coming after
that date. We explore this possibility next.


Maximum likelihood estimates of price reversal
variable on margin

















é Pi ù
ú = b0 + b1Mi + ei , where Pi are the ratios of
ë 1 - Pi û

Notes: log ê

reversals observed during each margin-level regime to the
number of trading dates during that interval; and Mi are the
levels of initial margin in percent. Standard errors are in
parentheses. All coefficients are significant at the 1 percent

Possibility that margin proxies for other effects
To control for the possibility that margin levels
proxy for other explanations of reversal probabilities,
we augment the logit specification with several additional variables. Campbell, Grossman, and Wang (1993)
find that return autocorrelations are negatively related to lagged trading activity. This implies that reversals are more likely in periods following heavy trading
activity. We use indicator variables as controls for differences in regulation in the pre- and post-1934 periods,
for the effects of Monday trading,14 for the effects of
stock index futures since their introduction in 1982,
and as a means of conducting a “Salinger” test for
market volatility differences before and after 1946.
Finally, we add the observation year to capture innovations in information and trading technology occurring during the sample period. Information technology
might be expected to increase the speed at which information is disseminated and, thereby, impounded
into stock prices. In particular, one might expect thin
trading to decline over the sample period.
These considerations suggest the following specification:


é 3L ù
ú = b  + b 0 L + b  <HDUL
ë  - 3L û
+ b  5(*L + e L 


where Yeari is the year the reversal occurred, and REGi
is an indicator variable set to unity following the introduction of stock market regulation by the SEC on
October 15, 1934, and to zero on the prior dates. As


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Expected return method
E( R ) = a
E( R ) =

8/4/01, 2:58 AM

in the previous specification, the relevance of the classifying variables is indicated by a nonzero coefficient.
Table 4 reports results from this specification. As
before, we use maximum likelihood procedures. The
magnitude of the coefficients on margin levels declines
but remains significantly less than zero. We reject the
explanation that the margin coefficients of the previous specification are capturing the effects of regulatory oversight or innovations in trading and information
technologies. Thus, we reject the possibility that margin levels proxy for these other explanatory variables.
As the focus of this article is on the relevance of margin, we only summarize the remaining coefficients here.
The coefficients on year variables are significantly less
than zero. This is consistent with the proposition that
reductions in reversals can be attributed to innovations
in information or trading technology during the sample
period. On the other hand, the coefficient on regulatory oversight is reliably positive, suggesting that
regulation has increased the odds of reversals.
Autocorrelations of the returns for a broad index
are higher in periods when required margin is high.
This implies an increase in the probability of nontrading and is suggestive of a negative relationship
between margin and stock market participation. To see
if the participation of fad-based trading is more or


Maximum likelihood estimates
for the augmented regression
Expected return method



























DPROB –0.000963



less sensitive to changes in trading costs, we examine
return reversals for a stock index for the period 1902
through 1987. Preliminary evidence suggests that reversal frequencies decreased substantially after 1934.
This coincides with higher levels of required margin
and with increased regulatory oversight of the stock
markets. The results of our logit specifications imply
that margin levels are negatively related to the probability of reversals. This permits us to reject the null
that margin levels are unrelated to reversals. We also
investigate alternative explanations for this result. We
find that controls for time and for the introduction of
regulatory oversight in 1934 do not explain changes
in reversal probability. Also, our logit specifications
appear to be robust to day-of-the-week effects.
Our statistical results indicate that high margins
increase the extent of nontrading, and that margin levels
are negatively related to the probability of stock price
reversals. Rejection of the null of no association implies that margin levels do influence the observed distribution of stock returns. These results are consistent
with the conclusion of Summers and Summers (1989):
The cost of placing margin deposits acts as a tax. At
low levels of this “tax,” noise traders enter the market,
increasing the odds that prices will diverge from their
fundamental levels. Reversals occur when prices return to their fundamental levels. At high levels of the
“tax,” noise traders find it costly to participate and
overreactions occur less often. Our findings suggest
that information traders are less sensitive to these
trading costs.
Do the results indicate that low margins lead to
higher volatility? We think not. What we can say is
that margin levels do appear to be positively related
to the price reversals we would expect to observe were
fads a frequent and pervasive motive for trading. But
this is inadequate support for a change in margin policy. Further research is needed for two reasons. First,
to rule out other causes for our observed association
between margin levels and price reversals. Second, to
more firmly establish a link between fad trading and
the extent of volatility that might result. With clearer
evidence on these matters in hand, policymakers
would then face a question of which instrument is
best suited to managing volatility. It may be the case
that a transactions tax would be a more effective
instrument for this purpose than controlling margins.

é Pi ù
ú = b0 + b1Mi + b2 Year1 + b 3REGi + ei , where
ë 1 - Pi û

Notes: log ê

Pi are the ratios of reversals observed during each margin-level
regime to the number of trading dates during that interval; Mi
are the levels of initial margin in percent; and Year is the year
that the reversal occurred. Standard errors are in parentheses.
All coefficients are significant at the 1 percent level.


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Hsieh and Miller (1990) provide a technical explanation for this

We also examine the robustness of these logit specifications. We
augment the specification with various controls. Introduction of
these controls does not alter our primary conclusion that the probability of price reversals is negatively related to the level of margin.

We are grateful to Bill Schwert who supplied the stock return data.


The rationale is that nontraded stocks within the index are affected
by market-wide events; however, the price implication of that news
is evidenced after its impact on the stock index. This induces a positive correlation in the observed returns of an index.

We also ran regressions allowing for shifts in the intercept. The
coefficients on margin interacted with lagged returns are substantially the same as those reported here.

Reversals occurring at t + 1 are classified by the level of margin
at t. Classifying by the level of margin at t + 1 does not alter our
conclusions. This is not unexpected; as figure 2 demonstrates, required margin changes occur infrequently.

At the beginning of World War I, trading was suspended on the
New York Stock Exchange. Thus, the first observation (a reversal
dated December 12, 1914) at the resumption of trading is excluded
from the calculation of this mean.

Dependence of reversals on the occurrence of a nontrading interval is suggested by evidence that expected returns vary by day
of the week. DeGennaro (1993) summarizes the literature for dayof-the-week effects in stock prices. We introduce a control for
this effect in the next section.


Other characterizations of noise-trading activity can also produce
price reversals. Admati and Pfleiderer (1988) and DeLong, Shleifer,
Summers, and Waldmann (1990) describe some alternative modes
of noise trading.

Changes in margin are much less frequent than reversals; thus,
relatively few observations are affected by a change of required
margin during the period between reversals.



A Student’s t test adjusted for unequal variances rejects the equality of these means. The statistic is 5.61, indicating a reliable difference in the means of annual pre- and post-1934 reversal percentages
at better than the 5 percent level.

However, Cox (1970, chapter 3) suggests this may be a strong
assumption. The logit specifications of the next section avoid this

Moser (1992, p. 9) reports similar percentages of margined positions through 1988.


DeGennaro (1993) summarizes extensive evidence that stock
returns vary by day of the week.


Admati, Anat R., and Paul Pfleiderer, 1988, “A theory of intraday patterns: Volume and price variability,”
Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 3–40.
Bessembinder, Hendrik, and Paul J. Seguin, 1993,
“Price volatility, trading volume, and market depth:
Evidence from futures markets,” Journal of Financial
and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 21–39.
Black, Fisher, 1986, “Noise,” Journal of Finance,
Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 529–544.
, 1971, “Random walk and portfolio
management,” Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 27,
pp. 16–22.
Campbell, J. Y., S. J. Grossman, and J. Wang,
1993, “Trading volume and serial correlation in stock
returns,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 108,
pp. 905–939.
Chance, Don, 1991, “The effect of margin on the
volatility of stocks and derivative markets: A review
of the evidence,” Salomon Brothers Center for the
Study of Financial Institutions, New York University,
Monograph Series in Finance and Economics, working paper, No. 1990-2.

Cox, D. R., 1970, Analysis of Binary Data, London:
DeGennaro, Ramon P., 1993, “Mondays, Fridays,
and Friday the Thirteenth,” in Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 2A,
C. F. Lee (ed.), Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc.,
pp. 115–137.
DeLong, B. J., A. Shleifer, L. H. Summers, and R.
J. Waldmann, 1990, “Positive feedback investment
strategies and destabilizing rational speculation,”
Journal of Finance, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 379–395.
Fama, E., 1970, “Efficient capital markets: A review
of theory and empirical work,” Journal of Finance,
Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 383–417.
France, Virginia Grace, 1992, “The regulation of
margin requirements,” in Margins and Market Integrity, Lester G. Telser (ed.), Chicago: Mid America Institute and Probus Books, pp. 1–47.
Hardouvelis, Gikas A., 1990, “Margin requirements, volatility, and the transitory components of
stock prices,” American Economic Review, Vol. 80,
No. 4, pp. 736–762.


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Hsieh, David, and Merton Miller, 1990, “Margin
regulation and stock market volatility,” Journal of
Finance, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 3–29.

Schwert, G. William, 1990, “Indexes of U.S. stock
prices from 1802 to 1987,” Journal of Business,
Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 399–426.

Judge, George G., W. E. Griffiths, R. Carter Hill,
Helmut Lutkepohl, and Tsoung-Chao Lee, 1985,
The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, New York,
NY: John Wiley and Sons.

, 1989, “Business cycles, financial crises, and stock volatility,” Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Vol. 31, pp. 83–126.

Lo, Andrew W., and A. Craig MacKinlay, 1990,
“An econometric analysis of nonsynchronous trading,” Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 45, No. 112,
pp. 181–211.
Moser, James T., 1992, “Determining margin for futures contracts: The role of private interests and the
relevance of excess volatility,” Economic Perspectives, March/April, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
pp. 2–18.
Niederhoffer, V., and M. F. M. Osborne, 1966,
“Market making and reversal of the stock exchange,”
Journal of the American Statistical Association,
Vol. 61, No. 316, pp. 897–916.

Stoll, Hans, and Robert Whaley, 1990, “Program
trading and individual stock returns: Ingredients of
the triple-witching brew,” Journal of Business,
Vol. 63, No. 1, Part 2, pp. s165–s192.
Summers, L. H., 1986, “Does the stock market
rationally reflect fundamental values?,” Journal of
Finance, Vol. 41, July, pp. 591–601.
Summers, Lawrence H., and Victoria P. Summers,
1989, “When finance markets work too well: A cautious case for a securities transactions tax,” Journal
of Financial Services Research, Vol. 3, No. 2/3,
pp. 261–286.

Salinger, Michael A., 1989, “Stock market margin
requirements and volatility: Implications for the regulation of stock index futures,” Journal of Financial
Services Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 121–138.


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Private school location and neighborhood characteristics
Lisa Barrow

Introduction and summary
Publicly funded elementary and secondary education
has played an important role throughout much of U.S.
history in ensuring that the population is among the
most educated in the world. (See Goldin, 1999, for a
brief history of education in the U.S.) At the same time,
privately funded elementary and secondary schools
have steadily coexisted, largely giving parents the
opportunity to provide their children with a religious
education in a country believing in the importance of
the separation of church and state. In 1900, 8 percent
of students enrolled in kindergarten to grade 12 were
enrolled in private schools, while today roughly 11
percent of children are enrolled in private schools. The
percentage enrolled in private schools has remained
relatively constant since 1990; however, private school
enrollment rates have been higher in the intervening
years, reaching nearly 14 percent in the late 1950s
and early 1960s and nearly 13 percent in the 1980s
(U.S. Department of Education, National Center for
Education Statistics, 2000). The current public school
reform debate has focused much on the idea of providing parents with education vouchers, and adopting
such a program is likely to lead to an increase in private school enrollment. More specifically, such a
program is likely to increase enrollment at schools
traditionally defined as private, while blurring the distinction between public and private schools due to the
public source of the voucher financing.
Universal and limited education vouchers have
played a role in the public school reform debate for
many years. The strongest proponents argue that while
one may justify the role of the government in financing education, one cannot justify the role of the government in running the schools. More generally,
proponents of education vouchers claim that vouchers
are a way to increase the competition faced by schools
by enabling parents to choose among alternative

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

public schools, as well as enabling more parents to send
their children to private schools. The increase in competition is expected to increase public and private
school quality as individual schools compete for
students. Subsequently, if private schools are more
efficient at providing quality education than public
schools, then one would expect to see a shift under
a universal voucher program from publicly financed
public education to publicly and privately financed
private education.
Any voucher program that is going to have a
major impact on the public education system is likely
to require an expansion of private schools in order to
accommodate increased demand; however, very little
is known about where private schools open and, therefore, how a major voucher program might affect private school availability in various communities. The
goal of this article is to examine the relationship between the location of private schools and the local
public school and neighborhood characteristics, such
as public school test score performance and average
household income. To the extent that private schools
respond to area characteristics in their location decisions, I hope to shed some light on how changes in
the demand for private schooling, arising from an education voucher program, might change the private
school composition of local markets. Using data from
the Chicago metropolitan statistical area (MSA),
I examine the relationship between the number of
private schools in a zip code and the characteristics
of the public schools and population of the zip code.

Lisa Barrow is an economist in the Research Department
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The author
would like to thank Daniel Sullivan, Joseph Altonji, and
the microeconomics research group at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago for helpful comments. She is
also grateful to Erin Krupka for research assistance.


I find statistically significant positive relationships between the number of private schools in 1997 and the
percent of the population that is Asian and the percent
of persons over 55 years of age. In addition, I find a
statistically significant negative relationship between
the number of private schools and average household
income and a statistically significant positive relationship between the number of private schools and the dispersion of household income within the community.
The article also includes some extensions to the
basic results, in which I examine private religious and
non-religious schools separately, as well as looking
more specifically at entry and exit of private schools.
With these extensions, I find some interesting differences in the relationships between the number of
schools and community characteristics for non-religious
and religious schools, while I find that few community characteristics have statistically significant net
effects on the count of private schools when looking
at entry and exit more directly.
Previous research
Much of the previous research on private schools
has focused on the effect of private schools on public
school quality, the relative quality of private and
public schools, and the determinants of private school
attendance, rather than on the supply side of private
school provision. For example, Hoxby (1994) examines the effect of private school competition on public school quality and finds that where public schools
face greater competition from private schools, the
public school students achieve higher educational attainment, graduation rates, and future wages. Sanders
(1996) and Neal (1997) look at the effect of Catholic
school attendance—elementary and secondary, respectively—on various measures of achievement and find
some positive effects of Catholic school attendance
relative to public school attendance. At the same time,
Catholic school attendance has a negligible effect on
suburban students’ achievement (Neal, 1997) and science test scores (Sanders, 1996). Several other studies
examine the determinants of private school enrollment, looking both at socioeconomic characteristics
of the family associated with private school attendance, such as income and education, and the influence of public school characteristics, such as public
school quality, public school finance, or the degree
of public school choice. See Clotfelter (1976), Long
and Toma (1988), Schmidt (1992), and Downes
(1996), for example.
Among the empirical work looking at private
schools, Downes and Greenstein’s (1996) study is a
notable exception in looking more specifically at the


supply-side decisions of private schools. Similar to
the goals of this article, the Downes and Greenstein
(1996) study examines the relationship between counts
of private schools and public school and population
characteristics of the location. Instead of Chicago MSA
zip codes, they use school districts in California in
1979 as the area unit of observation. For results comparable to work in this article, the authors find statistically significant positive relationships between the
number of private schools and the public school student–teacher ratio, the percentage of public school
students on public assistance, and the percentage of
public school sixth graders with limited English proficiency (LEP). They find that the number of private
schools is positively related to the percentage of the
adult population who are high school graduates, college graduates, Hispanic, and Asian. They find no relationship between the number of private schools and
mean family income.
For this study, standardized test scores are available as a measure of school quality in addition to the
student–teacher ratio. Standardized test scores are not
an ideal measure of school quality because they confound measures of both peer and school quality; however, they may well reflect perceived school quality
by parents which may be a more important measure
of school quality from the perspective of a private
school competitor. I am also able to match private
school data over time in order to explore the relationships between private school entry and exit and the
local public school and location characteristics.
Data and descriptive statistics
Information on private schools in the Chicago
metropolitan area comes from the U.S. Department
of Education National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES), Private School Universe Survey, 1997–98
(1999b). From these data, I identify the zip code location, as well as religious affiliation and grade level
for each private school. I eliminate schools located in
zip codes outside the Chicago MSA, schools in zero
population zip codes, and schools for which the program is ungraded or for which kindergarten is the highest grade offered. The breakdown of private school
affiliation is presented in figures 1 and 2, while descriptive statistics for the private schools are presented in
table 1, panel A.
In 1998, 753 private schools existed in the Chicago
metropolitan statistical area. Just over half of the
private schools are Roman Catholic (54 percent) and
roughly 14 percent are non-religious (see figure 1).
These affiliation percentages are not weighted by
enrollment, however, and when looking at the

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

enrollment-weighted shares in figure 2, the Catholic
schools are much larger on average than other private
school types. Nearly three-quarters of the private school
enrollment is in Catholic schools, while only 6.6 percent of the enrollment is in non-religious schools.
Compared with national statistics, private schools in
the Chicago area are much more likely to be Catholic
and are less likely to have no religious affiliation.
Nationally, roughly 30 percent of private schools are
Catholic and 22 percent are non-religious, while 50
percent of private school students are enrolled at
Catholic schools and 16 percent are enrolled in nonreligious schools.1
The average private school has roughly 278 students; 62 percent are white, 21 percent are AfricanAmerican, and 13 percent are Hispanic (see table 1,
panel A). The average student–teacher ratio is 16.9,
and the majority of private schools have elementary
grades, 78 percent, while 13 percent offer only secondary grade levels. Similar characteristics for public
schools in the Chicago MSA from the NCES Common
Core of Data, 1997–98, are presented in panel B of
table 1. In comparison, the public schools are much
larger, on average, with 662 students, and more diverse, with an average of 51 percent of the students
being white, 27 percent African-American, and 16 percent Hispanic. The average student–teacher ratio is
higher in the public schools at 18 pupils per teacher.
Note that the table 1 statistics are not weighted by
school size and, therefore, reflect the characteristics
of the average school, not the characteristics of the

school experienced by the average public or private
school student.
To examine the relationship between the number
of private schools and local area characteristics, I combine the data into zip-code-level observations. For
each zip code, I construct the count of private schools
in the zip code, the number of private schools existing in 1997 that did not exist in 1980 (defined as entry), the number of private schools that existed in
1980 and no longer existed in 1997 (defined as exit),
the average public school characteristics in the zip
code using Illinois 1997 school report card data, the
average 1990 census characteristics of people in the
zip code, and the 1980 to 1990 change in census zip
code characteristics.
Table 2 (on page 17) presents summary statistics
for the zip codes for the 281 of 284 zip codes in the
Chicago MSA I use in the following analysis. (The
three excluded zip codes had zero population in 1990.)
Each zip code has an average of 2.68 private schools,
most of which have some religious affiliation. The
zip code public schools have an average student–
teacher ratio of 17.9, with 9 percent of the sixth grade
students not meeting Illinois Goal Assessment Program
(IGAP) standards and 28.6 percent exceeding IGAP
standards. People in Chicago MSA zip codes have a
relatively low incidence of difficulty with the English
language. Only 2.65 percent are limited English proficient as defined by the U.S. census, compared with
2.9 percent for the U.S. as a whole; however, in some
zip codes more than 20 percent of the population is



Chicago MSA private school affiliations

Chicago MSA private school affiliations weighted
by enrollment


2.79% Jewish



1.81% Jewish 2.97%


Lutheran 6.99%
Seventh-Day Adventist


Source: Author’s calculations based on data from the U.S. Department
of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (1998b).

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Source: Author’s calculations based on data from the U.S. Department
of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (1998b).



Descriptive statistics of Chicago MSA private and public schools




A. Private schools
White, percent
African-American, percent
Asian, percent
Hispanic, percent
Student–teacher ratio
Elementary, percent
Secondary, percent
Coeducational, percent
All-female, percent
Number of schools





B. Public schools
White, percent
African-American, percent
Asian, percent
Hispanic, percent
Student–teacher ratio
Elementary, percent
Secondary, percent
Number of schools





Notes: All means are unweighted. The student–teacher ratio is missing for 12 public schools due to missing data on fulltime equivalent classroom teachers. For school level, the omitted categories are junior high and combined elementary
and secondary. None of the public schools fall into the “combined” category. Elementary schools are defined as having a
low grade from pre-kindergarten to sixth grade and a high grade from first to ninth grade. Secondary schools are defined
as having a low grade between fifth and tenth grade and a high grade between tenth and twelfth grade.
Sources: Panel A—Author’s calculations based on data from the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for
Education Statistics (1998b); Panel B—Author’s calculations based on data from the U.S. Department of Education,
National Center for Education Statistics (1998a).

LEP. The majority of people in the Chicago MSA are
white, 82 percent, with roughly 12 percent AfricanAmerican and 3 percent Asian. The area population is
relatively well educated; just under 20 percent of persons 25 years and older have less than a high school diploma and 25 percent have a bachelor’s degree or
higher. On average, 19 percent of the zip code population is over 55 years of age, while 18 percent falls in
the school-aged range of 5 to 17 years of age. Average
household income is $64,826 in real 1999 dollars, 5
percent of households receive some public assistance
income, and the constructed measure of the standard
deviation of household income is nearly $50,000 in
real 1999 dollars. Finally, the zip code school-aged
population averages 4,800 people.
Private school location and neighborhood
Although little is understood about how private
schools make location decisions, a reasonable starting


point is to hypothesize that private schools generally
choose to locate where there is demand for private
schooling. Therefore, it is useful to consider what
characteristics likely affect demand for private schooling. Most obviously, one would expect to see more
private schools in areas with a larger school-aged population, because greater population is likely to be associated with greater numbers of students desiring
enrollment in private schools. Considering the role of
public schools in the private school/public school
choice, on the one hand, one might expect poor-quality public schools to be associated with greater numbers of private schools, as the value of the net increase
in school quality from switching to private school
would exceed the cost of private schooling. On the
other hand, to the extent that private schools provide
competition for public schools as suggested in some
of the education literature, greater numbers of private
schools may be associated with better performing
public schools.

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


Descriptive statistics of Chicago metro area zip codes
Private school counts
Total schools
Non-religious schools
Religious schools
Total schools entering, 1980 to 1997
Total schools exiting, 1980 to 1997
Non-religious schools entering, 1980 to 1997
Non-religious schools exiting, 1980 to 1997
Religious schools entering, 1980 to 1997
Religious schools exiting, 1980 to 1997
Public school characteristics
Average student–teacher ratio
Zip codes without student–teacher ratio data, percent
Sixth graders not meeting IGAP standards, percent
Sixth graders exceeding IGAP standards, percent
Zip codes without sixth grade IGAP scores, percent
Population characteristics
Limited English proficiency, percent
White, percent
African-American, percent
Asian, percent
Hispanic, percent
Less than high school diploma, percent
Bachelor’s degree or higher, percent
Over 55 years of age, percent
Households receiving public assistance, percent
Average household income
Standard deviation of household income
Zip codes without income data, percent
Number of school-aged children






















Notes: There are 281 zip codes. All dollar values are in 1999 dollars.
Sources: Author’s calculations from the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (1998b), Illinois
State Board of Education (1998), and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (1990).

Demographic characteristics of the zip code population may also be correlated with demand for private schooling and, hence, the numbers of private
schools. For example, Hispanics are on average more
likely to be Catholic and, therefore, are likely to have
a greater preference for Catholic education. In addition, people may prefer that their children attend school
with other children of the same race, which might
lead to racial segregation between private and public
schools. Further, education and income characteristics
of the community may also be associated with differences in demand for private schools. Higher education
may be correlated with greater preference for higher
quality education than is offered in the public schools.
Alternatively, education is positively correlated with
income, which is likely to be correlated with greater

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

demand for high quality education, so one would expect both education and income to be associated with
demand for private schooling. Lastly, Tiebout sorting
(the sorting of households into communities with
similar public good preferences) or rather the lack of
Tiebout sorting may also relate to the demand for
private education. If households with very different
demands for high quality education live in the same
community, one might expect greater demand for
private schools in order for the different demands to
be met. For example, assuming household income is
positively correlated with demand for high quality
schools, communities with large variance in household income may have greater demand for private
schools as households sort into public and private
schooling based on their different demands.


For a first look at the relationship between the
number of private schools and public school quality
and neighborhood characteristics, table 3 presents
simple correlation coefficients along with p-values
for the correlations between the count of private schools
and various zip code characteristics that might influence private school location (column 1). P-values £0.01

imply a statistically significant correlation at the 1 percent level of significance, and p-values £0.05 imply a
statistically significant correlation at the 5 percent level
of significance. Columns 2 and 3 present similar correlations between the zip code characteristics and the
counts of non-religious and religious schools. As expected, the number of private schools is positively
correlated with the number of school-aged children;


Correlations between counts of private schools and characteristics
of public schools and population

private schools

private schools

School-aged population




Student–teacher ratio




Public school sixth graders
failing standards, percent




Public school sixth graders
exceeding standards, percent




Limited English proficiency,




White, percent




African-American, percent




Asian, percent




Hispanic, percent




Less than high school diploma,




Bachelor’s degree or higher,




Over 55 years of age, percent




Households receiving
public assistance, percent




Average household income




Standard deviation of
household income




Notes: There are 281 observations; p-values are in parentheses. All dollar values are in 1999 dollars.


3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

that is, generally speaking, communities with greater
numbers of school-aged children also have more private schools. The school quality measures are correlated with the counts of private schools in a negative
direction; that is, higher public school quality is associated with lower numbers of private schools. Lower
student–teacher ratios (usually assumed to reflect
higher school quality) are associated with fewer total
private schools. There are more private schools in
communities with larger shares of students failing to
meet IGAP standards, and there are fewer private
schools in communities with larger shares of students
exceeding the IGAP standards.
Looking at race and ethnicity, communities that
are less white, more African-American, more Asian,
and more Hispanic have fewer private schools. Also,
areas in which larger shares of the population are high
school dropouts or over the age of 55 have more private schools. Finally, a greater share of households
receiving public assistance income is associated with
more private schools, higher average household income
is associated with fewer private schools, and higher
community standard deviation of household income
is associated weakly with fewer total private schools.
This last result is somewhat surprising. Higher income
standard deviation is assumed to be associated with
greater differences in demand for public goods, such
as public schooling, which might translate into greater
private school enrollment to accommodate different
demands for schooling in the community. Of course,
these simple bivariate correlations do not control for
multiple community characteristics. This is particularly
important in the case of household income, because
areas with higher average household income are likely to have greater income dispersion as well. As I
explain below, the standard deviation of household
income is positively associated with the number of
private schools once average household income is
also taken into account.
Results from Poisson regression
The correlation results above provide bivariate
descriptions of the data, but they do not let us consider
more complex, multivariate relationships in the data
that may paint a somewhat different picture of private
school location due to correlations between the covariates themselves, as well as between the covariates
and counts of private schools. The results below utilize
Poisson regression analysis in order to consider these
more complex relationships in the data (see box 1).
However, due to the small number of data points, the
specifications below control for only a few covariates
at any one time. In consequence, there may still be

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

biases in the coefficient estimates due to omitted variables that are correlated with the included variables.
First, I present the results that focus on the relationship between total counts of private schools and
community characteristics. Next, I highlight some
interesting differences between religious and nonreligious private school counts and community characteristics. Finally, I consider the more difficult question of how private school entry and exit are related
to location characteristics and changes in location
characteristics over time.
Counts of private schools
Estimation results from Poisson regression of
the counts of private schools on the logarithm of the
school-aged population and various school quality
measures are presented in table 4. With the exception
of the school-aged population coefficient, the coefficient estimates can be interpreted as the proportional
change in the expected number of private schools
associated with a one-unit change in the variable
of interest. The school-aged population coefficient


Poisson regression
The random variable of the number of occurrences of a particular event (in this case the number of
private schools in a zip code) is assumed to have
a Poisson distribution with parameter li, where i
indexes the zip code. For a random variable with
a Poisson distribution with parameter l, the expected value of the random variable equals l, and
the variance of the random variable equals l.
The probability that the number of private schools
in zip code i, denoted Yi, equals y can be written as

Pr (Yi = y ) = exp ( −



( i )y 

Next, I parameterize li by specifying that the natural logarithm of li is a linear function of the explanatory variables, that is,

ln λ i = α + ∑ β j xij .
j =1

Poisson regression then estimates parameter values
for a and bj using maximum likelihood estimation
(see Maddala, 1983, for a more complete discussion of Poisson regression). Throughout the article, I report results for the estimates of bj without
reporting the estimates of a.



Relationship between counts of private schools
and public school quality estimated
by Poisson regression
Log of school-aged


Student–teacher ratio






Public school sixth graders failing
standards, percent



Public school sixth graders exceeding
standards, percent










***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. The dependent variable is the number of private schools in the zip code in 1997.
There are 281 observations in each estimation. Each column also includes a dummy variable indicating whether the logarithm of
the school-aged population is missing and a dummy variable indicating whether the variable of interest is missing.

reflects the percentage change in private schools associated with a 1 percent change in the school-aged population. Since I expect the number of private schools
to be highly related to the size of the market (population of school-aged children), all estimates control for
the logarithm of the school-aged population. Column 1
of table 4 controls only for the logarithm of the population of school-aged children, while the remaining estimates control for the logarithm of the number of schoolaged children and at least one additional covariate.
Looking at the school-aged population result, communities with 1 percent larger school-aged populations
have 0.8 percent more private schools on average.
Combined with the fact that the share of school-aged
children attending public school is unrelated to the
number of school-aged children in Chicago zip codes,
a school-aged population coefficient estimate less
than 1 indicates that larger communities have larger
private schools on average. Throughout the specifications in tables 4 and 5, the school-aged population
coefficient estimate ranges from 0.775 to 0.901 and
is always statistically different from 1.0 at the 1 percent level of significance.
The remaining specifications in table 4 control
for public school quality measures. For all three school
quality measures—average student–teacher ratio, percentage of students failing to meet IGAP standards,
and percentage of students exceeding IGAP standards—
there is no statistically significant relationship with private school counts. This finding is not altogether
surprising, given that the expected direction of the
relationship between private schools and public school
quality is uncertain.2

In table 5, I present estimates of the relationship
between private school counts and a select set of neighborhood characteristics of the zip codes, namely, language, race, ethnicity, and education in specifications
1 through 6. Neither English proficiency nor population education levels—percentage without a high
school diploma and percentage with at least a bachelor’s degree—are statistically related to the number
of private schools in a zip code. In contrast, zip codes
with 1 percentage point more Asians have 2.4 percent
more private schools; however, neither the percentage
of the population that is African-American nor the
percentage of the population that is Hispanic is statistically related to the number of private schools in
the zip code.
Finally, table 5 also includes estimates of the relationships between private school counts and age and
income of the neighborhood that are presented in
specifications 7 through 11. The percentage of the
population over 55 years is positively related to the
number of private schools in the zip code. A 1 percentage-point increase in the percentage of persons
over 55 years of age is associated with a 5.2 percent
increase in the expected number of private schools.
The wealth of a community, as reflected by the percent of households receiving public assistance income, is negatively related to the number of private
schools, while wealth as measured by average household income has no statistical relationship with the
number of private schools. The standard deviation of
household income also has no statistically significant
relationship with the number of private schools.

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Relationships between counts of private schools and location characteristics estimated by Poisson regression
Log of school-aged
Limited English
proficiency, percent























































Less than high school
diploma, percent











Bachelor’s degree or
higher, percent












Over 55 years of age,

















Average household
income ($10,000s)










Standard deviation of
household income






















Asian, percent
Hispanic, percent

Households receiving
public assistance,


***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
*Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level.
Notes: See notes for table 4.










Perhaps the most interesting results are presented in specification 11. In this specification, I control
for both average household income and the standard
deviation of household income within the community. In contrast to the two previous specifications, the
specification 11 estimates indicate that both average
household income and standard deviation of household income are statistically related to the number of
private schools. A $10,000 increase in average household income decreases the number of private schools
by 20 percent, while an increase in the standard deviation of household income by $10,000 increases the
number of private schools by 27 percent. The standard
deviation of income result is consistent with the notion that communities with greater heterogeneity in
their demand for public school quality may have greater
demand for private schools. Communities with a larger
standard deviation of household income are more likely to have households with very different demands
for public school quality. Thus, higher income households who are likely to demand better school quality
than lower income households may opt for private
schooling for their children instead.
Religious versus non-religious private school counts
Generally speaking, private schools may be viewed
as distinguishing themselves along two dimensions:
academic quality and religion. As such, religious school
location decisions may be very different from the location decisions of non-religious schools. For example, one might think that schools offering no religious
affiliation may be more responsive to public school
quality. Similarly, Catholic schools may tend to be located in areas with larger Catholic populations, for example, areas with more Hispanics. The results presented

in tables 6 and 7 provide separate estimates for the relationships between counts of non-religious and religious schools and certain location characteristics.
Once again, I control for the logarithm of the number of school-aged persons in the zip code in each
specification, but these coefficient estimates are not
shown in the tables. On average, 1 percent more schoolaged children is associated with 0.8 percent more private schools, with coefficient estimates ranging from
0.7 to 1.0. Turning to the school quality results in table 6, non-religious private schools are less prevalent
in areas in which the public school student–teacher
ratio is higher. The estimate suggests that one more
student per teacher on average is associated with 16
percent fewer private, non-religious schools. None
of the other school-quality to private-school count
relationships are statistically significant. The student–
teacher result is more consistent with the notion that
private schools improve public schools through
competition; however, this conclusion is a bit strong
given the lack of evidence from the other school
quality measures.
The results presented in table 7 indicate some
interesting statistical differences between counts of
private non-religious schools and religious schools
and community characteristics. Contrary to speculation above, the percentage of the population that is
Hispanic, and thus likely to be more Catholic, has no
statistically significant relationship with either the number of non-religious private schools or the number of
religious schools. Instead, the percentage of the population that is African-American, and thus less Catholic, on average, is positively related to the number of
non-religious private schools and negatively related


Relationship between counts of private schools and public school quality
by non-religious and religious private schools
Non-religious schools
Student–teacher ratio


Religious schools







Public school sixth graders
failing standards, percent






Public school sixth graders
exceeding standards, percent







**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Each column represents a separate specification. The dependent variable in columns 1, 2,
and 3 is the number of non-religious private schools in the zip code in 1997. The dependent variable in columns 4, 5, and 6 is the
number of religious private schools in the zip code in 1997. There are 281 observations in each estimation. Each column also
includes the logarithm of the 1990 school-aged population of the zip code, a dummy variable indicating that the school-aged
population is missing, and a dummy variable indicating that the variable of interest is missing.


3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

to the number of religious schools (see
specification 2 in table 7). The education
level of the community is significantly related to the number of private, non-religious schools, but is not statistically
related to the number of private, religious
schools. Higher percentages of persons
with less than a high school diploma are
negatively associated with the number of
private, non-religious schools, and higher
percentages of persons with a bachelor’s
degree or higher education are positively
associated with the number of private, nonreligious schools. These education results
likely reflect differences in the demand for
school quality associated with either preferences or income.
Finally, the age and income results
show that the positive relationship between
the percentage of the population over 55
and the number of private schools reflects
the positive relationship between the percentage of persons over 55 years of age
and the number of private, religious schools.
The income results mostly confirm the education results of specifications 5 and 6,
although higher average household income
is associated with greater numbers of private,
non-religious schools without controlling
for income dispersion. The significant relationship between percentage of households
receiving public assistance income and the
number of religious schools suggests a relationship between religious private school
location and income as well. Lastly, unlike
the overall results, the number of non-religious private schools is positively associated with the standard deviation of household
income even without controlling for average income. Controlling for both average
income and standard deviation of income
yields similar results for both religious and
non-religious schools: Communities with
greater income heterogeneity, controlling
for average household income, have more
private schools.
Entry and exit
There are at least two reasons why one
might be skeptical of the relevance of the
above results. First, the relationship between
school counts and area characteristics, other than school quality, is based on private
school locations in 1998 and census data

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Relationships between counts of private schools
and location characteristics by non-religious
and religious schools


1 Limited English proficiency,



2 African-American, percent



3 Asian, percent



4 Hispanic, percent



5 Less than high school
diploma, percent



6 Bachelor’s degree or
higher, percent



7 Over 55 years of age,



8 Households receiving
public assistance,



9 Average household
income ($10,000s)



10 Standard deviation
of household income



11 Average household income



Standard deviation
of household income




***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
*Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level.
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. The dependent variable for
each estimate in column 1 is the number of non-religious private schools
in the zip code in 1997. The dependent variable for each estimate in
column 2 is the number of non-religious private schools in the zip code
in 1997. There are 281 observations in each estimation. Specifications
1 through 10 each control for only the location characteristic listed in
addition to the logarithm of the 1990 school-aged population of the zip
code, a dummy variable indicating that population is missing, and a dummy
variable indicating that the variable of interest is missing. Both average
household income and the standard deviation of household income are
included in specification 11, in addition to the logarithm of the 1990
school-aged population of the zip code, a dummy variable indicating that
population is missing, and a dummy variable indicating that the household
income data are missing.



Relationships between private school entry and exit
and public school quality estimated by Poisson regression
1 Log of 1990 school-aged
1980 to 1990 change in log
school-aged population










2 Student–teacher ratio




3 Public school sixth graders
failing standards, percent




4 Public school sixth graders
exceeding standards, percent




***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
*Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level.
Notes: The dependent variable is the count of private school entrants and exits in each zip code. Standard errors are in
parentheses. Results are reported for four specifications. There are 281 zip codes used in the estimation. For each specification,
the effects of covariates on private school entry and exit are estimated simultaneously. The results in the “entry” column
correspond to the effects of the various covariates on private school entry; the results in the “exit” column correspond to the
effects of the various covariates on private school exit; and the results in the “combined effect” column represent the net effect
of the covariates on entry. In addition to the covariates listed in the second column, specifications 2 through 4 also control for
the change in the log school-aged population between 1980 and 1990 and the logarithm of the school-aged population in 1990.
Specification 1 includes only the school-aged population controls. All specifications include the appropriate set of dummy
variables indicating missing observations for included variables.

from 1990. Second, current counts of private schools
by location may be based largely on past location decisions. An alternative approach is to examine the relationships between changes in the number of private
schools and changes in location characteristics. I do
this by matching private schools in 1980 with private
schools in 1997 to determine how many schools have
entered and exited the community on aggregate over
the 17 years. The results presented in tables 8–13 look
at the relationships between counts of private school entry or exit and changes in location characteristics from
1980 to 1990.
The results in tables 8 and 9 focus on the number of private schools entering or exiting a zip code
from 1980 to 1997. Each covariate is allowed to have
a different effect on entry than on exit, but the relationships are estimated simultaneously. Each numbered row in the table represents one specification.
Estimates of the effect of covariates on private school
entry are presented in the “entry” column, estimates
of the effect of covariates on private school exit are
presented in the “exit” column, and estimates of the
net effect on numbers of private schools are presented
in the last column. If the net effect equals zero, then
the effects of the covariate on entry and exit cancel


each other out. If the net effect is either positive or
negative, then the effect of the covariate on entry
must dominate the effect on exit or vice versa, implying that there will be a net change in the number of
private schools in the zip code between 1980 and 1997.
In each specification I control for the logarithm of the
school-aged population in 1990, as well as the change
in the logarithm of the school-aged population from
1980 to 1990. These results are presented only for the
first specification (rows labeled 1 in table 8), which
includes no other covariates.
As seen in specification 1, the 1990 level of the
school-aged population has a statistically significant
relationship with entry, exit, and net entry. Additionally, the growth in the school-aged population between
1980 and 1990 has no statistically significant relationship with the number of schools entering the zip code
but is significantly related to exit and net entry. Zip
codes with larger numbers of school-aged children
have both more entries and more exits of private
schools from 1980 to 1997. However, the positive
effect of the number of school-aged children on the
number of schools exiting outweighs the positive
effect on entry, such that on net, areas with 1 percent
more school-aged population in 1990 have 0.7 percent

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


Relationships between private school entry and exit and location characteristics estimated
by Poisson regression




1 Limited English proficiency,
change in percent




2 African-American,
change in percent




3 Asian, change in percent




4 Hispanic, change in percent




5 Less than high school diploma,
change in percent




6 Bachelor’s degree or higher,
change in percent




7 Over 55 years, change in percent




8 Households receiving public
assistance, change in percent




9 Change in average household
income ($10,000s)




10 Change in standard deviation of
household income ($10,000s)




11 Change in average household
income ($10,000s)







Change in standard deviation of
household income ($10,000s)

***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
*Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level.
Notes: The dependent variable is the count of private school entrants and exits in each zip code. Standard errors are in parentheses.
Results are reported for 11 specifications. There are 281 zip codes used in the estimation. For each specification, the effects of
covariates on private school entry and exit are estimated simultaneously. The results in the “entry” column correspond to the
effects of the various covariates on private school entry, and the results in the “exit” column correspond to the effects of the
various covariates on private school exit. The results in the “combined effect” column represent the net effect of the covariates
on entry. In addition to the covariate(s) listed in the second column, each estimate also controls for the change in the logarithm
of the school-aged population between 1980 and 1990 and the logarithm of the school-aged population in 1990. Specifications
1 through 10 control for only one location characteristic other than the school-aged population measures, while both the change
in average household income and the change in the standard deviation of household income are included in specification 11.
All specifications include the appropriate set of dummy variables indicating missing observations for included variables.

fewer private schools in 1997. This estimate averages
–0.62 across specifications, ranging from –0.70 to
–0.54. Not surprisingly, larger growth in the schoolaged population between 1980 and 1990 is associated
with fewer private school exits over the period and a
significant positive net effect on the number of private

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

schools in 1997. A 1 percentage-point greater increase
in the number of school-aged children from 1980 to
1990 is associated with a net 1.6 percent more private
schools in 1997.
Public school quality measures have few statistically significant relationships with private school


entry and exit. Average school quality measures are
unavailable for 1980, so the public school quality measures are 1997 measures of school quality as used in
the previous estimates. A higher percentage of sixth
graders failing to meet the IGAP standards is associated with greater private school exit; however, the net
effect of entry and exit is not statistically significant.
A higher percentage of sixth graders exceeding the
IGAP standards is associated with fewer private school
exits from 1980 to 1997—1 percentage point more
students exceeding is associated with 1.7 percent fewer exits—and a net positive effect on the change in
the number of private schools. A 1 percentage point
increase in the percentage of students exceeding the
standards is associated with a net positive increase in
the number of private schools of 1.4 percent.
Turning to the census characteristics results in
table 9, we find statistically significant relationships
with entry, exit, or the net effect on the number of
private schools only among control variables that
show some statistical significance in the overall results
looking at private school counts in 1997. A 1 percentage-point greater increase in the percentage of the population that is Asian is associated with nearly 12 percent
more private school entries. Taking into account the
positive, but statistically insignificant, effect of the
change in percentage Asian on exits, I find that a
1 percentage-point greater increase in the percentage
of Asians is associated with a net increase of nearly
10 percent more private schools. The percentage of

the population that is Hispanic has nearly the opposite
effect on private schools. An increase in the percentage of Hispanics is associated with more private school
exits from 1980 to 1997 and, thus, on net fewer private schools in 1997. A 1 percentage-point greater
increase in the percentage of Hispanics is associated
with a net 7 percent fewer private schools in 1997.
A larger increase in the percentage of adults with
less than a high school education is somewhat surprisingly associated with fewer private school exits and
an, on net, positive effect on private school counts.
A 1 percentage-point greater increase in the percentage of adults without a high school degree is associated with a 5 percent increase in the net additions to
private school counts. An increase in the percentage
of the population that has a bachelor’s degree or more
education is positively related to the number of private
school entrants. A 1 percentage-point greater increase
in this variable is associated with 3 percent more entrants. However, the net effect on additions to private
school counts is statistically insignificant.
Once again, a greater percentage of the population
over 55 years of age is associated with greater numbers of private schools. As seen in specification 7 in
table 9, this operates through the negative relationship
between percentage over 55 and the number of private
school exits. A 1 percentage-point change in the percentage of persons over 55 is associated with an 11
percent decline in the number of exits; the net effect
is statistically insignificant. Finally, the effects of


Relationships between private, non-religious school entry and exit and public school quality
estimated by Poisson regression
1 Log of 1990 school-aged










2 Student–teacher ratio




3 Public school sixth graders
failing standards, percent




4 Public school sixth graders
exceeding standards, percent




1980 to 1990 change in
log school-aged population

***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
*Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level.
Notes: See notes to table 8. The dependent variable is the count of private, non-religious school entrants and exits in
each zip code.


3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


Relationships between private, non-religious school entry and exit and location characteristics
estimated by Poisson regression




1 Limited English proficiency,
change in percent




2 African-American,
change in percent




3 Asian, change in percent




4 Hispanic, change in percent




5 Less than high school diploma,
change in percent




6 Bachelor’s degree or higher,
change in percent




7 Over 55 years of age,
change in percent




8 Households receiving public
assistance, change in percent




9 Change in average household
income ($10,000s)




10 Change in standard deviation
of household income ($10,000s)




11 Change in average household
income ($10,000s)







Change in standard deviation
of household income ($10,000s)

***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
*Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level.
Notes: See notes to table 9. The dependent variable is the count of private, non-religious school entrants and exits in
each zip code.

income on private school entry and exit are very
similar when controlling for both average household
income and standard deviation of household income.
As such, the net effect on the number of private schools
is not statistically different from zero. Controlling for
income standard deviation, an increase in average
household income by $10,000 is associated with 39
percent fewer entries and 63 percent fewer exits. Similarly, a $10,000 increase in the standard deviation of
household income is associated with a 48 percent increase in private school entries and a 58 percent increase in private school exits. This similarity in the
effects of the average income and standard deviation
of income across entries and exits suggests that these

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

results may not be consistent with a lack of Tiebout
sorting story as discussed in the initial results.
Tables 10, 11, 12, and 13 present entry, exit, and
net effect results estimated separately for non-religious
and religious schools. For non-religious schools, only
the change in the percentage of the population that is
school-aged has a significant net effect on the number of private schools. A 1 percentage-point increase
in the percentage of the population between 5 and 17
years old is associated with a net increase in the number of private schools of 2.9 percent. This result is also
statistically significant for religious private schools, for
which a 1 percentage-point increase in the percentage
of the population that is school-aged is associated with



Relationships between religious school entry and exit and public school quality estimated
by Poisson regression

1 Log of 1990 school-aged










2 Student–teacher ratio




3 Public school sixth graders
failing standards, percent




4 Public school sixth graders
exceeding standards, percent




1980 to 1990 change in log
school-aged population

***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
Notes: See notes to table 8. The dependent variable is the count of private, religious school entrants and exits in each zip code.

a net increase in the number of private schools of 1.3
percent. The other statistically significant results are
fairly consistent with the other results reported in table 9. A 1 percentage-point increase in the percent of
the population that is Asian is associated with a net 13
percent increase in the number of religious private
schools. A similar increase in the percentage of the
population that is Hispanic is associated with an 8 percent decline in the number of religious private schools.
The results in this article reveal some interesting
relationships between private school location and neighborhood characteristics. In particular, the relationship
between the number of private schools and household
income dispersion in the community is consistent with
predictions and somewhat different from the findings of
the Downes and Greenstein (1996) study, which does
not include a measure of community heterogeneity.
Zip code neighborhoods in which households are less
well sorted by income, that is, zip codes with higher
income dispersion, have more private schools on

average than neighborhoods that are more homogenous in terms of household income. This is consistent
with expectations that households with similar income
levels will have similar demands for education quality; and thus neighborhoods with greater income homogeneity will have less demand for private schooling
and, therefore, fewer private schools.
The entry and exit results are more difficult to interpret and, as such, make it difficult to draw conclusions about how a universal voucher program might
change the private school composition of various neighborhoods. I plan to explore the entry/exit results in
more detail in future work, as well as considering other
dimensions of private school supply, namely increasing enrollment and offering more grade levels. These
are likely to be dimensions on which schools may respond more easily to changes in private school demand
and, thus, may yield more informative results. Also,
increasing the information on the changes in public
school quality over time will help clarify whether
there is a link between private school location and
public school quality.

Broughman and Colaciello (1999).


One way to use test scores to better measure school quality is to
control for some measure of how well the students might perform
on the test without the school’s input. Using the percent of adults


with a bachelor’s degree or higher to control for differences in
the expected test scores of the students, there is a significant, negative relationship between the number of private schools and the
percent of students exceeding the IGAP standards. Including the
education variable does not affect the other test score result.

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


Relationships between religious school entry and exit and location characteristics estimated
by Poisson regression




1 Limited English proficiency,
change in percent




2 African-American,
change in percent




3 Asian, change in percent




4 Hispanic, change in percent




5 Less than high school diploma,
change in percent




6 Bachelor’s degree or higher,
change in percent




7 Over 55 years of age,
change in percent




8 Households receiving public
assistance, change in percent




9 Change in average household
income ($10,000s)




10 Change in standard deviation
of household income ($10,000s)




11 Change in average household
income ($10,000s)







Change in standard deviation
of household income ($10,000s)
***Significantly different from zero at the 1 percent level.
**Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
*Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level.


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, 1998b, Private School Universe Survey: Private School Locator, 1997–98, Washington,


3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

The credit risk-contingency system of an
Asian development bank
Robert M. Townsend and Jacob Yaron

Introduction and summary
During the recent financial and economic crisis in
Asia, financial institutions were often found wanting.
There is little question that many financial institutions
in Asia were mismanaged and poorly regulated prior
to the onset of the crisis in the late 1990s. Yet the standards used to make such judgments have been standards appropriate for conventional banks, brought in
from the outside, and applied as international best
practice more or less uniformly across a variety of
local and national institutions. As a result, some institutions have been closed. Alternatively, those same
standards have been used to rationalize government
intervention in the private sector or greater government subsidies.
Against the backdrop of the Asian financial crisis,
we offer an analysis of one financial institution, a
government-operated bank in Thailand, the Bank for
Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC).
The BAAC offers an example of one of the relatively
rare state-owned specialized financial institutions complying with politically mandated lending objectives
without recourse to unfettered subsidies, while achieving unprecedented outreach to its target clientele of
small-scale farmers. Furthermore, the BAAC has been
operating an unconventional and relatively sophisticated risk-contingency system. Indeed, complementary
evidence from micro data suggests that this risk-contingency system has had a beneficial impact on the
semi-urban and rural Thai households that the bank
serves. Unfortunately, the accounts that document the
BAAC system, including newly recommended standards from the crisis, are more appropriate for a counterfactual conventional bank, a bank making relatively
simple loans with provisions for nonperformance, not
for the actual bank, which collects premia from the
government if not the households themselves and pays
indemnities to households experiencing adverse shocks.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

This article ties the actual BAAC operating systems to the theory of an optimal allocation of risk
bearing. We recommend accordingly a revised and
more appropriate accounting of BAAC operations.
That in turn would allow an evaluation of the magnitude of the government subsidy, something that could
be compared with the insurance benefit the BAAC
offers to Thai farmers, as derived from panel data.
The bottom line, and the main policy implication of
the article, is a new system for the evaluation of financial institutions, including state development banks
which should not be assessed merely on their financial profitability grounds.
Specifically, we proceed as follows. First, we provide a brief review of the theory being used in this
type of evaluation of financial institutions and of empirical work in developing and developed economies
using that theory. Then, we provide some background
information on the BAAC, in the specific context of
Thailand. Next, we describe the BAAC risk-contingency system, that is, its actual operating system and
how it handles farmers experiencing adverse events.
Then, we elaborate via a series of examples on appropriate ways to provision against possible nonpayment,
given that underlying risk. We also tie provisioning
and accounting standards to the optimal allocation of
risk bearing in general equilibrium, inclusive of moral hazard problems. Next, with the costs of insurance
well measured, we turn to a more detailed discussion
of BAAC accounts and how they might be improved,
so as to measure and evaluate better the portion of
Robert M. Townsend is a professor of economics at the
University of Chicago and a consultant at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago. Jacob Yaron is a senior rural
finance advisor at the World Bank. Townsend gratefully
acknowledges research support from the National Institute
of Health and the National Science Foundation.


the Thai government subsidy that is effectively the payment of an insurance premium for farmers.
We want to emphasize at the outset that our
method of evaluation allows us to attach specific
numbers both to the insurance benefit the BAAC may
be providing to Thai farmers and to the specific value
of the subsidy the government pays to the BAAC.
The difference is the bottom-line assessment of the
financial institution. In particular, as an illustrative
example, Ueda and Townsend (2001) generalize and
calibrate a model of growth in which financial institutions provide insurance against idiosyncratic risk,
and they estimate the lump sum welfare losses of
restrictive financial sector policies that impeded that
function at an average of 7 percent of household
wealth, up to 10 percent for the middle class. If we
take 876,000 baht as the average value of land and
agriculture assets for nonbusiness households, thus
excluding other sources of wealth and richer households with businesses, and use the lower 7 percent
number, the gain would be about 61,000 baht. Thus,
a conservative assumption of a compounded interest
rate at 4 percent per year and a production lifetime
of 40 years, during which such forgone wealth would
have to be recovered, gives us a cost recovery factor
of 5.05 percent. When applied to the target population
of 4.5 million households that benefit from BAAC
services, there would be an overall gain of about 13.86
billion baht. This could be used to balance against any
subsidy given to a financial institution attempting to
facilitate access and improve its policies.1 The BAAC
annual subsidy (explicit and implicit) as calculated
under Yaron’s Subsidy Dependency Index (discussed
in detail in a later section) is approximately 4.6 billion
baht,2 so the estimated gain would more than rationalize the BAAC annual subsidy, that is, the gain amounts
to almost three times the BAAC annual subsidy. Clearly
some nonzero subsidy could be justified. The larger
point, again, is that in principle one can evaluate the
subsidy based on the estimated welfare-insurance gain.
However, the BAAC accounts as currently constructed do not reflect as well as they could the likelihood of eventual loan recovery and the operation
of the bank’s (implicit) insurance system. In particular, the costs of provisioning as reflected in the accounts are somewhat ad hoc, and the income transfer
that is intended to cover those costs is unclear and
commingled with other kinds of government subsidies. These are among the findings we present in this
article. However, we do provide constructive suggestions for improvement.
Perhaps political pressures have distorted what
might have been otherwise a more conventional


system. The government of Thailand is valued for its
ability to “bail out” farmers experiencing difficulties,
and the BAAC does operate in the context of an agrarian environment with much risk. But we do not argue
for going back to any such simpler conventional system, that is, simple loans with provision for default.
We do argue for the use of accounting and financial
reporting standards appropriate for insurance companies and consistent with the theory of an optimal allocation of risk bearing. By that more appropriate
standard, the operation and accounts of the BAAC
could be much improved. Again, we include some
recommendations here.
Given the pejorative press given to Asian banks,
we draw an ironic conclusion: With improvements,
the BAAC could serve as a role model for private and
public financial institutions in the rest of the world.3
The lessons we draw in this article from our
analysis of the BAAC are not peculiar to the BAAC
and Thailand alone. They apply more generally to institutions in other emerging market economies and in
industrialized, developed economies such as the U.S.
Overly stringent and ill-conceived regulations of financial institutions that discourage exceptions and
contingencies in their otherwise standard loan contracts can have welfare-reducing effects. In earlier
work published in this journal, for example, Bond
and Townsend (1996) and Huck, Bond, Rhine, and
Townsend (1999), we drew the tentative conclusion
that lack of flexibility and inappropriate financial instruments may be limiting demand for small business
credit in the U.S. More generally, a set of narrow
financial institutions with clear accounts and reasonable profit margins may fail nevertheless to provide
desirable financial services. Likewise, financial institutions in developing countries that allow exceptions
and delayed repayment should not be judged a priori
to be inefficient, as was the BAAC, and, hence, closed
or bailed out with a government subsidy. Rather, the
de facto operating systems of such financial institutions need to be understood and made explicit, then
integrated into more appropriate accounting and financial reporting systems and modified regulatory
frameworks. In this way, both the costs and benefits
of more flexible systems and risk contingencies can
be made clear.
Literature review
Recent work on the optimal allocation of risk has
stressed the ability of theory to provide a benchmark
that can be used to assess the efficiency of a financial
system or a particular financial institution. Using household and business data, one can test whether household

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

or business owner consumption co-moves with village,
regional, or national consumption, as a measure of
aggregate risk, and does not move with household or
business income, as a measure of idiosyncratic risk.
This benchmark standard is hard to achieve and tests
for full risk sharing do fail. But, we learn something
about the risk-bearing capabilities of actual financial
systems and about potential barriers to trade. Thus, for
example, three villages in India surveyed by International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and 31 villages in Pakistan surveyed
by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
do surprisingly well when taken one at a time (see
Townsend, 1994, and Ogaki and Zhang, 2001). The
regional and national level systems of Cote D’Ivoire
and Thailand display some co-movement in consumption but also an array of surprisingly divergent local
shocks that remain “underinsured” (see Deaton, 1990,
and Townsend, 1995, respectively). Similarly, Crucini
(1999) has measured the extent of risk sharing across
states in the U.S., provinces in Canada, and among
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. But households in the U.S.
seem underinsured against illness or substantial periods of unemployment (see Cochrane, 1991), and wage
laborers seem underinsured against occupational-specific economic fluctuations, as shown in Attanasio and
Davis (1996) and Shiller (1993).
Less work has been done to determine the actual
mechanism that is used in the provision of insurance,
limited though it may be. Self-insurance strategies
include migration and remittances, as studied by
Paulson (1994); savings of grain and money as buffers, as studied by Deaton and Paxon (1994); and sales
of real capital assets and livestock, as studied by
Rosenzweig and Wolpin (1993), for example. Lim
and Townsend (1998) find more communal, collective
mechanisms at work as well, but in this there is some
stratification by wealth—the relatively rich use grain
and credit, while the relatively poor use currency.
Murdoch (1993) finds that these poorer, credit-constrained households are more likely to work fragmented land in traditional varieties and less likely to engage
in high-yield, high-risk activities. Asdrubali, Sorensen, and Yosha (1996) use gross domestic product
(GDP) data to decompose the difference between
GDP and consumption; they conclude for states in
the U.S. that credit markets smooth about 24 percent
of fluctuations.
Even less work has been done to integrate these
tests of risk bearing and possible response mechanisms with an empirical assessment of a particular
financial institution. Commonly used standards for

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

the evaluation of financial institutions include profitability, capital adequacy ratios, or administrative
costs as a percent of assets or loan portfolio. Typically, these are stand-alone metrics, and the evaluation
of a particular financial institution is not done with
socioeconomic data that support a full cost–benefit
analysis. Indeed, the requisite socioeconomic data
are frequently not available. But researchers can take
some steps.
Building on the premise that financial institutions (credit and savings) exist to smooth the idiosyncratic shocks of participants and that those outside
financial institutions must smooth on their own, one
can try to explain aggregated data—for example, the
growth of income with increasing inequality and uneven financial deepening we have seen in data from
Thailand. Growth is higher for those in the system because more of available savings can be put into risky,
high-yield assets, and information on diverse projects
can be pooled. Fixed costs and transaction fees can
endogenously impede entry to the financial system
for low-wealth households and businesses. But in
Thailand, the political economy of segmentation and
regulation appears to have impeded entry exogenously. As noted in the introduction, Ueda and Townsend
(2001) generalize and calibrate this model of growth
and estimate the lump sum welfare losses of restrictive policies at an average of 7 percent of household
wealth, up to 10 percent for the middle class.
There are more direct tests of efficiency with
micro data combined with knowledge of the use of
particular financial institutions. Combining two data
sets from Thailand, household level income and consumption data from the Socio-Economic Survey (SES)
and village level institutional access data from the
Community Development Department (CDD),
Chiarawongse (2000) shows that there is some insurance, that is, a negative correlation between access to
certain financial institutions—commercial banks,
traders, or the BAAC—and the sensitivity of countylevel consumption to county-level income shocks.
The result for the BAAC seems particularly robust
(possibly because the bank’s clientele consists mainly of middle- and small-income farmers). The positive role of commercial banks is lessened when joint
membership with the BAAC is taken into account.
Related, utilizing the Townsend et al. (1997) Thai
data financed by the National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development, the National Science Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, collected during
three years of the recent Thai financial crisis, Townsend
(2000) shows that the use of credit accounts at the
BAAC has helped smooth shocks to some extent,


in two of four provinces of the survey. In contrast,
the use of savings accounts at commercial banks was
helpful in only the initial downturn and the use of
credit from the informal sector is seemingly perverse—
such users achieve less insurance as they seek loans
from moneylenders after all else fails. Relative to these
financial alternatives, therefore, the BAAC appears
to be playing a beneficial societal role, though there
remains room for improvement.
BAAC background
The BAAC was established in 1966 as a stateowned specialized agriculture credit institution (SACI)
to promote agriculture by extending financial services
to farming households. In effect, the BAAC replaced
the former Bank for Cooperatives, which suffered
from poor outreach and low loan repayment. The
BAAC operates currently under the supervision of
the Ministry of Finance, though it is soon to be transferred to the central bank, and is governed by a board
of directors with 11 members appointed by the Council of Ministers.
The BAAC provides loans at relatively low interest rates to farmers, agricultural cooperatives, and
farmers associations. The BAAC also lends to farmers for agriculturally related activities, for example,
cottage industries, and more recently for nonagricultural activities, subject to not exceeding 20 percent of
its total lending and provided that the borrowers are
farming households. The BAAC is also engaged in
supporting a number of government “development”
projects through lending operations. The mobilization
of savings has also become an important BAAC activity in recent years, and such saving has become the
fastest growing category in the BAAC balance sheet.
The BAAC’s performance in lending to low-income farmers has been spectacular in terms of outreach to the target clientele in the past few years. The
BAAC’s customer base has grown from 2.81 million
household accounts in 1989 to 4.88 million in 1998,
an increase of 2 million accounts. The BAAC claims
that it currently serves more than 80 percent of Thailand’s farming households, a share that is unprecedented in the developing world. The bulk of BAAC lending
goes to individual farmers (88 percent) and follows a
deliberate policy of reducing the share of lending to
cooperatives because of repayment problems. Interest rates are 1 percent to 2 percent below commercial
bank rates. The BAAC practiced a cross-subsidization interest rate policy until 1999, under which higher
interest rates were charged on larger loans, subsidizing


low lending rates to small farmers. This resulted in
meager or negative profitability for small loans and
created incentives that subsequently reduced the
share of small loans in BAAC’s total loan portfolio.
This cross-subsidization policy was changed in 1999
and differential lending interest rates reflecting past
collection performance of borrowers were introduced,
in a range of 9 percent to 12 percent, with an additional 3 percent penalty rate if loans are willingly defaulted.
Overall, the Subsidy Dependence Index (SDI)—
a measure of the BAAC’s financial sustainability—
was 35.4 percent in 1995. (Calculation of the SDI is
explained in box 1.) This means that raising lending
interest rates by 35 percent in 1995, from 11.0 percent
to about 14.89 percent, would have allowed the full
elimination of all subsidies, if such an increase did
not increase loan losses or reduce the demand for loans.
More specifically, the SDI is a ratio that calculates
the percentage increase in the annual yield on the loan
portfolio that is required to compensate the financial
institution for the full elimination of subsidies in a
given year, while keeping its return on equity (ROE)
close to the approximate nonconcessional borrowing
cost. In 1995, the BAAC’s average yield on its loan
portfolio was 11.0 percent and the SDI was 35.4 percent. This means that the BAAC could have eliminated subsidies if it had obtained a yield of 14.89 percent
on its portfolio. The total value of the subsidy in
1995 amounted therefore to about 4.6 billion baht.4
The SDI computation of the BAAC’s subsidy
dependence over the past decade reveals an interesting pattern: The SDI rose when the level of inflation
rose (see figure 1). The SDI also moved in the opposite direction to the ROE. A plausible explanation for
this outcome is that the BAAC, as a price taker, has
had to pay competitive interest rates on deposits when
inflation has risen, but it has been unable to adjust its
lending interest rates sufficiently upward, due mainly
to political pressures to maintain unchanged nominal
interest rates on agricultural loans. In contrast, when
inflation rates have declined, BAAC operating margins
have improved because the agricultural lobby focused
on nominal interest rates rather than on real ones. The
“money illusion” created by this asymmetry has enabled the BAAC to cover a larger share of its costs
and to achieve a smaller dependence on subsidies, as
well as increasing its ROE when inflation decreases.
Over the period 1985–95, the BAAC’s SDI oscillated within a modest range of 10 percent to 55
percent. There is no declining trend in the BAAC’s
subsidy independence, but it is evident that the BAAC
has displayed a lower level SDI than most other
SACIs.5 Evidently, it is possible to run a government

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

BOX 1


The Subsidy Dependence Index (SDI)

Subsidy Dependence Index of BAAC and inflation
rates in Thailand, 1987–95

The SDI is a user-friendly tool designed to assess
the subsidy dependence of a specialized agriculture credit institution (SACI). The objective of
the SDI methodology is to provide a comprehensive method of measuring the total financial costs
of operating a development financial institution
and of quantifying its subsidy dependence. The
SDI can offer a clearer picture of a financial institution’s true financial position and reliance on
subsidy than is revealed by standard financial
analysis (Yaron, 1992).
The SDI can be expressed as follows:





Inflation rate, CPI
(right scale)





(left scale)














Total annual subsidies rec
Average annual interest inco

A(m − c) + [( E * m) − P] + K
( LP * i )
A = annual average outstanding loans received;
m = interest rate the SACI would probably pay
for borrowed funds if access to concessionally borrowed funds were to be eliminated. This is generally the market reference
deposit interest rate, adjusted for reserve
requirements and the administrative costs
associated with mobilizing and servicing
additional deposits;
c = weighted average annual concessional rate
of interest actually paid by SACI on its average annual outstanding concessionally
borrowed funds;
E = average annual equity;
P = reported annual profit before tax (adjusted
for appropriate loan loss provision, inflation, and so on);
K = sum of all other annual subsidies received
by SACI (such as partial or complete coverage of the SACI’s operational costs by
the state);
LP = average annual outstanding loan portfolio
of the SACI; and
i = weighted average on lending interest rate
of the SACI’s loan portfolio.
Source: Yaron, Benjamin, and Pipreck (1997).

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

bank without recourse to enormous subsidies. Thailand
has thus far resisted political pressures that have led
to the eventual collapse of SACIs in Latin America
and elsewhere.
Source of funds
The BAAC’s sources of funds have shifted
over the past few years. Deposits from the general
public (private individuals and public sector entities)
accounted for more than 60 percent of operating funds
in 1998. Bond issues represented 14 percent of total
funds in 1998. The BAAC can issue bonds without a
mandated government guarantee. Commercial bank
deposit accounts with the BAAC have been declining
as its outreach and lending to farmers have increased.
The BAAC had an asset base of 265.29 billion
baht ($6.4 billion) in 1998, and its outreach has been
remarkable. Between 1989 and 1998, its outstanding
loan portfolio increased from $1.22 billion to $4.86
billion. Its loan portfolio measured in baht grew at an
average annual rate of 18 percent between 1994 and
1998. The BAAC reaches primarily small farmers,
many of whom have no access to other formal credit.
The bank’s average loan size was $1,100 in 1995,
nine times lower than the average commercial bank
loan to the agricultural sector.
Since mid-1997, the financial and economic crisis in Thailand has been an issue of concern. However,
the BAAC has been much less affected by the Asian
crisis than commercial banks and finance companies.
The BAAC’s loan recovery has declined; by 1998 the
outstanding value of overdue loans had increased to
about 13 percent of its portfolio. This figure is still
lower than in the rest of the banking sector, where bad
loans are estimated to have reached 40 percent to 50
percent of the total loan portfolio. Furthermore,


deposits from individuals continued to grow at the
BAAC even in 1997 and 1998. To some extent, the
BAAC seems to have benefited from the shift of depositors out of private banks, offering a legal comparative advantage as a safer, government-owned
institution, as discussed in Fitchett (1999).
The BAAC risk-contingency system—
Lending procedures
We begin with a schematic display of BAAC operating procedures. Figure 2 describes the contingent
repayment system. It reads from top to bottom as a
time line or sequence of events. First, at the top is the
amount scheduled to be paid. The loan may then be
repaid on time, as the chain of events on the far left
of the figure indicates. But, if a client borrower does
not repay on time, this triggers a procedure and decision by the branch. A credit officer goes into the field
to verify the actual situation of the borrower. (Occasionally that situation would have been communicated in advance of the due date). The credit officer draws
a conclusion as to whether the nonrepayment is justified, writing into the client loan history one of numerous possible causes (for example, flood, pest, drought,
or human illness). At this point, the loan can be restructured, for example, extended for another cycle.
Otherwise, if, as on the far right of figure 2, it is judged
that there has been a willful default, a penalty rate of
3 percent per annum can be imposed—an increase of
about 30 percent of the original lending interest rate.
The exact terms for restructuring depend on the underlying situation, in particular on whether the adverse
shock is large and regional in character, for example,
a flood or plant disease. In such situations, clients may
be given exceptions in terms of the amount eventually due, from deferred noncompounded interest
to partial relief of principal, and the BAAC receives
a compensating transfer from the Government of
Thailand (GOT). Because individual and regional episodes are decided on a case-by-case basis, we are left
to scrutinize the balance-sheet and income accounts
for the impact of these episodes and the resulting orders of magnitude.
The amount not repaid can be divided into two
categories: first, justified nonrepayment, that is, according to the BAAC’s assessment, the client could
not pay due to force majeur; and second, non-justified nonrepayment or willful default. Category one
is usually rescheduled, principal and/or interest, and
may be restructured up to three times. Category two
entails an interest penalty of 3 percent. Still, any
shortfall of income in either category requires an explicit income line, either from BAAC operations or
from the GOT.


Government projects
Further clouding the picture in the bank’s accounts
is its role as an implementing agency for “government projects” (usually, socially oriented long gestation, and often low-yield, loans and projects), obtaining
fees in the extreme cases where the GOT is supposed
to fully cover the cost involved in implementation.
Indeed, to the BAAC’s credit, details on the magnitude, nature, and repayment of these projects are in
the annual reports. Low repayment rates are listed.
Full disclosure of the actual costs and income associated with these government special “developmental
programs” carried out by the BAAC are important
for the bank’s financial sustainability and efficiency
(Muraki, Webster, and Yaron, 1998). But, at present,
these projects are not transparent, and there is no clear
way to verify what the costs are and to what extent
they are covered by the GOT. Moreover, in several
cases the negotiations between the BAAC and the GOT
on how these costs are to be shared between the two
entities take place only after the project is launched.
This also might introduce disincentives with respect
to efficiency and cost savings, in addition to having
an adverse impact on the clarity of the bank’s real annual profitability. Reported profitability plays a role
in the negotiations. More generally, there is no way
to assess cross-subsidization, either ex ante or ex post,
between projects financed with the full discretion of
the BAAC, using the creditworthiness of its clients
under the framework of the risk-contingency system,
and projects financed because of a GOT decision,
reflecting a likely reliance on subsidies.
Head office versus branch accounts
A “transfer price” is an interest rate decided upon
by BAAC management to calculate the cost and income on the amount of funds transferred between the
branches and head office. This rate enables the branches to price their products in a way that conforms to
the overall pursuit of cost minimization (and also to
prepare a more complete profit and loss statement).
The BAAC uses the tentative results from the measured
operational performance in terms of profit (loss) of
the branches for better financial management during
the year and for evaluation of the branches’ performance at the end of the year. Formerly, the calculation
of the transfer price was done ex post at the end of
the fiscal year, and the rate was announced to branch
management, as applicable for the following fiscal
year. With the onset of the financial and economic
crisis in late 1997, the method was adjusted to an
ex ante one in 1998, using as a basis the interest rate
offered on 12-month fixed deposits plus a margin or
markup for the BAAC.

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


BAAC operating procedures

Amount scheduled to be paid

Not repaid on time

Repaid on time

Not justifed
or willful default


principal and/or
(max 3 times)


Not restructured
entails 3%
penalty rate?

Entails an interest
penalty of 3%


1st time

2nd time

3rd time

As grant?

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Gov't transfer
compensation for
principal? or +

Regular interest

As subsidized



To gain some insight into branch operations,
we visited several branches and interviewed BAAC
staff. One branch had experienced the 1995 flood.
The staff of the branch had gone out into the local
tambons (subcounties), not all of which were badly
affected, to assess the damage. The staff reported that
there were false or unjustified claims of damage in
only four out of 1,200 cases. Those with false reports
were not penalized, but they were not given relief.6
The BAAC’s normal policy on loans is to lend up
to 60 percent of expected future crop income, reflecting costs of inputs to be utilized, based on a Ministry
of Agriculture formula. In this case, the BAAC made
an exception and increased the amount up to 80 percent. This amount included all previous debts due and
additions. The branch reported the total outlay to the
head office, and the government said it would pay
for the farmers in the interim. The process of assessment took two to three months.
Does the head office, relative to the branch, have
an explicit ex ante or implicit ex post transfer system?
In this case, the branch staff felt that the process was
more one of ex post negotiation with a somewhat uncertain outcome. The branch also claimed that head
office had not yet paid for 1995, and that the branch
was borrowing from the head office to cover its costs
at the transfer price.
Typically, if a farmer’s loan is rescheduled or extended, it is assigned a code and entered into the client history and the computer. Data in the BAAC system
supposedly includes information on how much was
paid, how much was extended, and any new interest
rate. However, based on the data we have received
from the BAAC system, it appears that the ability to
track past due loans is somewhat limited, and nonperforming loans may be treated as new loans. That
is not like an insurance company that carefully tracks
its policies.
Provisioning is decided at the head office and the
branch is obliged to go along. According to the branch
in our case study, the amount they had to provide for
eventual loan losses was higher than necessary; that
is, according to the branch staff only 4 percent was
necessary, not the amount that the head office required
and certainly less than under the new BAAC system.7
There is, of course, a great danger in assuming that
late loans are more likely to default than is actually
the case. Provisioning would be excessive, raising
costs, thus understating profitability, and so making
it appear that the BAAC is more reliant on GOT’s
transfer that it actually is. Alternatively, excess provisioning and the search for compensating revenue may
force more timely repayment in case of force majeur,


and this would be a cost in the form of loss of insurance to farmers, limiting the social value of contingent
contracts. The branch in the case study expected to
get the lion’s share of arrears paid belatedly, based on
past experience.
How to provision—Some examples
and the general theory of risk bearing
Our purpose in this section is to examine the risk
of unpaid loans, how to account for them properly,
what to enter as a cost in the accounts, where to look
for compensating income from within the institution
itself, and otherwise how to assess properly the magnitude of any government subsidies. We do this by
tracing through a series of simple to increasingly complicated scenarios, starting with full repayment with
interest rates to cover the cost of funds and other operating costs, then with anticipated partial default of
one customer, or more realistically, of a fraction of
customers, requiring increased interest rates or premia to cover credit guarantees. Indeed, the fraction
of borrowers experiencing repayment difficulties
may be random, a function of the aggregate, economywide state, and if that loss is to be provisioned properly and covered with interest or premia, then the
appropriate, economy-wide event-contingent prices
are required. It is more expensive to buy insurance
for events that hit many borrowers.
In addition, later in this section, we place financial institutions like the BAAC in the context of a
general equilibrium model in which there are borrowers and savers, and then allow for a government making transfers from taxpayers to specified groups,
namely farmers at risk of experiencing losses. In that
context, we can review the connection between the
optimality of a laissez-faire competitive equilibrium,
one without government intervention, and the welfare
theorem that other optimal allocations can be attained
through appropriate (lump-sum) government transfers.8 Most familiar is the imagined world with complete ex ante markets for financial contracts, that is,
with risk contingencies and perfect insurance, but that
is not required—we extend the analysis to allow for
limited insurance, moral hazard, and other impediments to trade.
Now, suppose a financial institution is to make a
conventional loan of $100. It has to acquire these
funds, either compensating shareholders or external
lenders at the end of the loan cycle, at a cost of $12.
Suppose in addition, there are within-period administrative costs associated with servicing the loan (without provision for losses) at a cost of $3. Therefore,
the financial institution should get back $115 at the

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

end of the period. If there is no uncertainty regarding
full repayment, this loan at an interest rate of 15 percent would cover its costs and there would be no necessity to provide against loan losses. No provisioning
would be necessary here.
However, commercial banks and other financial
institutions face default risk. They lend with a clear
perception that some of the loans will not be repaid.
So, to begin with an extreme example, suppose the
financial institution lends $100 as above but, based
on past experience, it knows that only $90 will be repaid; in addition, the $10 of default on principal repayment entails nonpayment of interest of (15 percent
´ 10) = $1.50. In this case, it requires that the financial institution should, at the beginning of the period,
provision $10, reflecting the cost to the entity of not
being able to collect sufficient principal (and interest),
ensuring that profits of the entity are realistic. A commercial banker would normally try to cover this cost
through its price structure, that is, an increased interest rate to 27.8 percent on the loan portfolio would
obtain the 15 percent desired overall return (adjusted
to nonrepayment of 10 percent of principal and related
interest9). Alternatively, state-owned banks may benefit from credit guarantee indemnity or crop insurance
schemes (from a separate institution) or may benefit
from an ad hoc direct bailout from the state. Usually,
but not always, state-owned banks are loss-making
institutions. The more subtle point is that the $10 of
uncollected principal, plus $1.50 unearned interest,
represents an expenditure to the entity, but not necessarily to the economy—it could be considered as a
transfer or part of an income redistribution scheme.
In the above example, there is no uncertainty regarding the lender’s clientele, based on long-term past
performance. We can reinterpret the situation as one
where the lender has many customers who may experience a loss or adverse idiosyncratic shocks. Imagine,
based on past performance, that the financial institution knows with certainty that 90 percent of customers will repay their loans fully, including the interest
charge. But 10 percent will pay neither interest nor
principal. Neither the bank nor the customers know
a priori who will fall into the 10 percent group. Overall, though, the return on the $100 loan is certain and
is equal to $103.50.10 The difference between $115
and $103.50 is $11.50. Hence, the bank should provision the $10 of nonpayment of principal as a cost
and not accrue interest on these nonperforming loans
(NPL). If it did already accrue interest, then the bank
should reverse the accrual by reducing the interest
earned both in the income statement and in the accrued
interest line of the balance sheet. To ensure that the

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return on initial resources amounts to $15 at the end
of the period, the bank can build into the interest structure a factor that compensates for the risk it assumes,
charging an interest rate of 27.8 percent. This covers
its administrative costs, finance costs, and the risk of
default, and thus it breaks even in the end. The $10
provision made and the increase in the lending interest rate from 15 percent to 27.8 percent11 both reflect
the compensation that is needed for the lender to remain “as well as” it was at the start of the period, including the required 15 percent return on assets. From
the clients’ point of view, the increase in lending rate
from the original 15 percent to 27.8 percent represents
an insurance premium for the “indemnity” of nonpayment (reflecting probability of failure) that the financial institution has factored into the lending formula.
Again, the apparent increase in gross revenue is balanced on the cost side by provisioning against loan
losses and the loss of interest earned on NPL.
Suppose now that there is, in addition to the given financial institution, a second entity that ensures
loan repayment, for example, a credit guarantee scheme
(CGS). The CGS guarantees to the bank 100 percent
of the value of loans with interest. In turn, the CGS
charges a premium. That is, the CGS pays the bank
an indemnity for the full amount of principal and interest for any default, as in the example $10 in principal and $1.50 in interest. The premium charged for
this nonstochastic certainty example should thus be
$11.50 (which can be converted to a percent of loans
outstanding at the beginning of the period). The premium enters, of course, as an expense.
However, suppose that the bank does not build
in higher rates to compensate for costs and there is
no CGS. The financial institution still needs to provision against loan losses so as to reflect realistically
the collection performance. Suppose it does this properly. But now the important if obvious point is that
with an added cost and no corresponding revenue, the
financial institution shows a loss. How does it cover
the loss? Many state-owned development finance institutions are subsidized routinely by governments
and also are bailed out frequently in cases of nonrepayment by their clients. Or they benefit from subsidies granted to a CGS and, hence, are (indirectly)
subsidy dependent. That is, the loss is paid by the
state and, hence, by the taxpayer. This then becomes
the compensating income. The overall picture requires
an analysis of the consolidated financial statements
of the SACI and the CGS. The picture is not necessarily inconsistent with a Pareto optimal allocation
of resources (see note 8, page 46, for a definition),
as if the government were administering an income
transfer scheme to bank customers.


Now, suppose, in addition, that the financial institution is not certain about the fraction of its clients
who will not be able to repay. Let’s say there are two
aggregate states—one under which 90 percent will repay as above and a second under which only 50 percent
will repay. A banker who needs to buy insurance from
a CGS would have to pay a yet larger premium than
above. Basically, the bank is buying claims to be paid
in two states of the world; in one of these there are
fewer resources because there is a relatively poor return on economy-wide investment. Logically, the price
of this insurance is relatively high. This analysis thus
assumes that nonpayments are due to idiosyncratic
and aggregate events in nature associated with project
failure, and that risk contingencies can be priced as if
in complete markets. This analysis does preclude the
possibility of willful default, but that too can be priced
if it is constant or varies systematically with idiosyncratic and aggregate states.
Despite this modification, the accounting principles remain intact. If the financial institution operates
independently, it must both add to costs by provisioning against losses and get revenue. If there is a CGS,
then the bank does not have extra costs beyond premium costs. Still, we are assuming the CGS does the
insurance exactly as the bank would have to do it if it
were on its own and that the CGS needs to remain
solvent, recovering from fees the costs of its resources and its risk. (We are however, for expository purposes, abstracting from additional administrative cost
of the CGS.) Without a CGS, the financial institution
needs additional revenue for its accounts to balance.
Certainly, it may gain additional revenue in its interest rate structure. Otherwise, it could show a loss, the
order of magnitude of which is exactly the subsidy.
In the more formal language of Arrow (1964),
Debreu (1959), and McKenzie (1959), any risk in the
economy is priced in equilibrium. A financial institution maximizes return to capital (that is, the present
value, risk-adjusted profit, the valuation in units of
account at an initial date of the contract it has entered
into) subject to constraints (that is, financial and legal
obligations to honor all its liabilities). One group contracting with the bank would be the client borrowers
we have been discussing. A second group would be
a set of investors (or taxpayers). Each group would
maximize its expected utility subject to budget constraints expressed in units of account, that net expenditure be nonnegative. In a competitive equilibrium
with many potential intermediaries, the risk-adjusted
net present value for an intermediary would be zero,
and the distribution of resources between clients and
investors or taxpayers would be Pareto optimal.


We could, however, imagine ex ante transfers of
resources to client borrowers from investors or taxpayers directly. Any Pareto optimum can be supported
with such lump-sum grants, as in the second welfare
theorem as mentioned earlier. Or again, the transfers
could take place indirectly through the intermediaries. That is, client borrowers would begin, even before engaging in financial transactions, with a positive
net present value budget and the intermediary would
begin with an equivalent negative one. If this were
so, then the intermediary would need to gain that
missing revenue from taxpayers or investors.
In practice in actual economies, this concept is
more difficult to achieve. In particular, not everything
is contracted for unit of account prices at the initial
period. Rather, the allocation of resources is achieved
through a blend of contracts and spot market trades.
Related, an income statement has revenue from previously contracted loans balanced with provision for
future loan losses. Thus, ex ante profit maximization
as in the theory seems to be replaced by period maximization, and profits are measured to a large extent
as a residual item in the income statement itself. Finally,
more generally, there is a danger that transfers are targeted to those actually experiencing losses, whereas
the goal is the provision of ex ante insurance and, if
necessary, a lump-sum transfer. The danger is that the
likelihood of ex post transfers would lower the ex ante
interest rate, causing a price distortion on the margin.
Still, the basic principles would carry over. Insurance is desirable, but risk assessment requires
provisions to be made against doubtful accounts, at
appropriate ex ante prices, and entered as an explicit
cost, funded with fees or some ex ante revenue or
income transfer.
The reader may note that we assume in the above
examples that all financial transactions go through
primary financial institutions or through the CGS. In
an Arrow–Debreu world, households or businesses can
enter into the market on their own, do their own insurance, and hence, fulfill their more narrow obligations (paying off noncontingent loans). This does not
change the arithmetic; the marginal cost of loans applies as well at the individual level. But, in many economies, markets are incomplete and the ability to access
insurance on one’s own may be limited. Insurance is
precisely one of the obvious services offered through
The theoretical framework we emphasize is one
of full insurance, but that framework can be extended.
There can be moral hazard on the part of potential
borrowers when effort and the capital input may not
be observed. Each borrower would choose a financial

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

contract that implicitly recommends effort and a mix
of capital (financial) inputs and stipulates the amount
of repayment contingent on observed output. Each
contract is incentive compatible, in the sense that its
provisions for repayment and insurance induce the
recommended effort and input use. Each contract carries a price in units of account, and the collection of
contracts the intermediary buys net of any it sells must
have valuation zero in equilibrium. That is, an intermediary can buy and sell contracts in such a way as
to maximize profits subject to a clearing constraint,
that it takes in enough resources so as to honor all
beginning- and end-of-period claims. Competition
among intermediaries will ensure that claims are priced
in equilibrium at their actuarial fair value, as before
(Prescott and Townsend, 2000).
In extensions to costly verification of project returns, the lender may at some expense verify the actual adverse situation of the borrower; see Townsend
(1979), Gale and Hellwig (1984), and Bernanke and
Gertler (1989). With interim communication of privately observed states, borrowers file claims about
their underlying situation, triggering the resulting contingencies; see Prescott (2001). Ex ante observable
diversity among clients changes the nature of incentive-compatible contracts and the mechanism of implementation but changes nothing essential as regards
the accounting. Essentially, different clients are charged
different interest rates or select from a different array
of contingencies. Conceivably, certain groups could
be subsidized ex ante and others not. Extensions to
adverse selection where individual risk characteristics are not known a priori are less trivial and can
cause a divergence between the outcomes of competitive markets and those achieved with intermediaries;
see Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976) and Prescott and
Townsend (1984). Bisin and Gottardi (2000) describe
a possible decentralization, but we do not pursue this
last difficult topic here.
BAAC accounts in practice and
how they might be improved
As we have learned in the previous sections, we
need to look at the BAAC accounts in search of provisioning against nonpayment, how that is done in practice, and possible government transfers or other income
being used to cover provisioning and insurance costs.
In the asset–liability statement, we see in the balance sheet shown in table 1 that loans outstanding
are by far the biggest BAAC asset, and deposits plus
borrowing are the biggest liability. Loan loss provision reflects the integrals of all past provisions against
doubtful accounts, net of write-offs. There is also

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a nontrivial and increasing capitalization from the
Ministry of Finance to prevent the deterioration of
the equity–asset ratio. Otherwise, capital provisioning
would be inadequate. The SDI, however, computes
the opportunity cost of the BAAC capital (net worth)
as a cost from which annual profit (or loss) is subtracted (or added). Both reserves and government
capitalization are symptomatic of potential and actual
loan losses.
In the income statement, table 2, note the “other
income” line in revenue. This includes transfers from
the GOT to cover loan losses, deferred interest, and
the costs of provisions among other things—a revenue
item that shapes the final profitability picture. We note
in particular, from note 2.20 in the 1998 BAAC audited financial statements annual report, that of other
income reported there, 55 percent represents income
from recompense-services. Similarly, an amount of
423 million baht is included as income from recompense-cost of funds.
The issue at stake is a material one, as demonstrated by the fact that the GOT income transfer to the
BAAC oscillated around 1 billion baht in 1997 and
1.1 billion baht in 1998, or 5.3 percent and 5.6 percent
of gross revenue in these years, respectively. These
assessed, arbitrarily negotiated GOT transfers to the
BAAC, which were recorded as part of “other income”
in the bank’s financial statements, exceeded its profits in both 1997 and 1998. (This is true when reported profit is adjusted to include among the costs, as
required by accounting standards, the bonuses to employees and directors, in contrast to the BAAC’s practice, which presents such bonuses as appropriations
of earnings and not as expenditures. This practice was
changed in 1999). We did acquire from the BAAC
some further information on GOT transfers during
fiscal year 1995 through fiscal year 1997. Transfers
intended as compensation for interest income payable
to the bank on behalf of its clients were as follows for
these fiscal years: in 1995, 896 million baht; in 1996,
995 million baht; and in 1997, 1.08 billion baht.
Note that these GOT transfers constitute the bulk
of “other income” in the profit and loss statement. We
also infer, however, that the residual in the other income line item is for something else.
In response to our questions, the BAAC informed
us that even the interest income part of the transfer
could be broken down differently in the following
two cases:

Case 1—The farmers participated in a government-directed project to promote and develop certain types of agriculture. The farmers received an
incentive for participating, namely, lower interest



BAAC balance sheet
March 31, 1999

March 31, 1998

March 31, 1997







Cash and deposits at banks
Investment in securities
Government bonds
Other securities
Net loans
Net accrued interest receivable (not yet paid)
Properties foreclosed
Net land, buildings, and equipment
Other assets
Total assets













Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Interest-bearing interbank accounts
Other liabilities
Total liabilities







Shareholders’ equity
Capital fund
Authorized share capital
200,000,000 shares of 100 baht per share
Issued and paid-up share capital
93,815,098 shares of 100 baht per share
111,721,440 shares of 100 baht per share
Increase in capital from government
Surplus from donation
Deferred gains (losses) due to
Exchange rate fluctuations
Retained earnings
Unappropriated retained earnings
Total shareholders’ equity
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

































Note: Amounts are bahts in millions. Tentative figures prior to certification by the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand.
Columns may not total due to rounding.
Source: Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (1999).

rates. The GOT compensates for the difference
between the rates charged on the farmers’ loans
and the normal BAAC lending rates.

Case 2—When there is a natural calamity covering large areas and a large number of farmers are
affected, then the GOT assists them. Such assistance is given to enable them to immediately rehabilitate their agricultural production. A lower
interest rate is offered. The GOT compensates for
the differences in the interest rates similar to case 1.

We could not identify or obtain a breakdown for
the two cases in the “other income” amounts. A basic
question then is whether the GOT transfer is not to a


large extent compensation for the BAAC’s administrative handling of “state projects.”
Potential improvements
An accounting and financial reporting procedure
that separates the accounts to reflect the outcome of
government-project operations would help to display
the real cost of these government projects and, thereby, disclose the full extent of the cross-subsidization.
This, in turn, when the full benefits are estimated,
would facilitate a better assessment of whether these
government projects are socially warranted. The SDI
could and should be computed separately for the GOT
projects. This would also separate those projects and

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


BAAC profit and loss statement
March 31, 1999

March 31, 1998

March 31, 1997







Interest earned on loans to client farmers
Interest on loans to farmers’ institutions
Interest on deposits with other banks
Interest on government bonds and promissory notes
Other incomea
Total revenues






Salaries, wages, and fringe benefits
Interest paid on deposits
Interest on commercial bank deposits
Interest on borrowing and promissory notes
Loan expenses
Travel and per diem expenses
Provision for doubtful accounts
Bad debts written off
Other expenses
Depreciation on assets and leasehold amortization
Losses due to exchange rate fluctuation
Total expenses






Net profit





Other income includes government transfers among other items.
Note: Amounts are bahts in millions. Columns may not total due to rounding.
Source: Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (1999).

that assessment from the assessment of the risk-contingent income transfers on the bank’s regular loan
operations that is the focus of this article.
More specifically, the accounts need to clarify
whether the transfer from the GOT reflects administrative costs that the BAAC incurs in implementing
the government projects; or the difference between the
lending interest rates paid by the beneficiaries of such
projects and the BAAC’s opportunity cost in lending
to other clients when the loans are from the bank’s
own resources; or compensation for low repayment
rates on these special projects; or, as we focus on in
this study, compensation for ex post loan losses generated by normal operations. The point is that at
present all these types of transfers are commingled.
The income statement does not provide separate
information on “regular” interest income and penalty
interest income. This distinction would be necessary
to handle separately BAAC income that is generated
directly from clients in various ways versus “indirect”
income from the GOT. In response to our questions,
the BAAC reports that penalty interest income cannot
be easily subtracted from the regular interest income
presented, because the BAAC’s policy does not emphasize imposing the penalty rate on nonrepaid loans.
That is, the BAAC emphasizes assistance to clients

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affected by force majeur factors. The income from
these penalties is minimal in any event. However, the
condition of entailing a penalty rate is stated in the
loan document and can be audited in the individual
client’s loan account.
We also need clarification with respect to loans
that were recognized as “justified nonrepayment” but
for which the borrower refused to sign a new “restructured” loan agreement (or has not yet signed it). How
is this loan balance classified? How are belated repayments of such a loan to be classified? Will such
belated repayments require payment of the penalty
interest rate?
Furthermore, in tables of arrears, we see a related version of the risk-contingency story—litigation
debt is a small part of annual arrears, for example,
3.1 percent in 1997 and 3.5 percent in 1998. Apparently, then, the bulk of arrears fell under the well-established risk-contingency system and, hence, these
clients were not subject to ex post litigation. However, it would be useful to know how much of the nonrepayment amount each year belongs to category one
versus category two, that is, justified or non-justified
delay. Furthermore, data on nonrepayment could include a breakdown of how much belongs to loans already rescheduled (one, two, or up to three times).


Ideally, data on repayments of loans that fell in arrears
but were repaid belatedly should be reported as well,
with appropriate reference to the original loan’s maturity, so as to verify, over time, the state of loans that
result in eventual loss. This information is essential to
allow the bank to make appropriate annual provisions
for loan losses and realistic cash flow projections.
To its credit, the BAAC reports an analysis of arrears by age related to their original maturity dates in
its audited financial statements (see figure 3, for example). This type of information is only seldom disclosed by other financial institutions. Notwithstanding
the availability of such data, the BAAC is now provisioning for loan losses more conservatively (see table
3), based on new guidelines, noted in the BAAC annual reports. Previously, provisioning for loan losses
was made against the original total, spreading it evenly over ten years (10 percent per annum). Ideally,
however, provisions should not be based on some
conventional formula but rather on the analysis of
arrears by age, adjusted for the likelihood of macroeconomic shocks and, of course, any estimated changes
in future repayment stemming from altered policy
and assessment of changes in the capacity of borrowers to repay.
The 1998 annual report provides further information by subitems on doubtful accounts as of the
end-of-the-accounting periods for 1997 and 1998, as
well as the amount provisioned against these subitems
in those years. We note, in particular, the explicit mention of natural disaster victim accounts, that is, the
magnitude of doubtful accounts associated with southern storms in 1989 and the floods of 1995 (as in the
earlier branch example) and 1996. While the 1989

Percentage of original loan amount paid on time
and belatedly against original maturity






Due date




Years overdue
Source: Yaron, Benjamin, and Piprek (1997).





BAAC provisioning for loan losses
Age of
principal overdue

1 year
1–2 years
2–3 years
3–4 years
4 years

Loan loss
provision rate (%)

Source: Data from Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural

southern storm doubtful accounts are apparently expensed in 1997 and 1998, the 1995 and 1996 flood
accounts are associated with positive income in 1997
and 1998. It is not clear if this latter income is associated with overprovisioning in earlier years or if it is
a GOT transfer. More generally, the text of the 1998
annual report notes that 350,200 farmers have had
debts postponed as victims of natural disasters, permitting one year free of interest. It does seem that interest is not accrued on these accounts, though as
argued earlier, other income seems to compensate for
loss of interest, as for transfers from the GOT. However, the point remains that the GOT transfers to compensate for loss of interest and the provisioning of
the principal of doubtful accounts from the 1989 storm
and the 1995–96 flood are not readily apparent in the
income accounts themselves.
Table 4 presents more recent information that reflects the financial crisis. Of the amount of one-year
arrears in 1997, 4.49 billion baht, about 41 percent, of
that was repaid by 1998, leaving 2.67 billion baht; 25
percent of that (two years in arrears) was repaid by
1999, leaving a little over 2 billion baht. Other rows
in table 4, for example, two years arrears in 1997, illustrate similar geometric patterns, with the percentage
of the residual repaid positive and declining. Linear
rules are potentially too conservative in early years.
A comparison of 1997 and 1998, that is, columns 3 and
5 of table 4, shows that the repayment rate on many
age categories deteriorated between the two years.
Also, total arrears increased for most age categories,
and overall by 53 percent. This reflects the impact of
the macroeconomic and financial crisis on the Thai
economy. These and other shocks need to be factored
into expectations in setting future provisioning rates.
In this article, we put forward a new integrated
method for the evaluation of a financial institution.
Specifically, we identify a risk-reduction or insurance

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


Changes in arrears by age, BAAC, 1997–99

Amount in


Amount in


Amount in


































































Years in arrears









from FY 1997







from FY 1998







Note: Amounts are bahts in millions.
Source: Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (1999).

role for the BAAC in Thailand. Microeconomic data
on consumption and income fluctuations and the
BAAC’s own operating system both suggest potential substantial benefits from a risk-contingency system that is embedded in the operation of an otherwise
standard credit-generating bank. However, the costs
of operating that risk-contingency system and the
magnitude of the subsidy granted by the government
of Thailand to this state-operated financial institution
are difficult to estimate, given the way that the BAAC
is keeping its accounts. Accordingly, we recommend
some changes in the operating procedures, accounts,
and managerial information system that would improve the BAAC’s financial performance. Specifically, when an individual farmer or small business owner
experiences an idiosyncratic or aggregate shock, for
example, individual-specific losses such as house fire
or aggregate losses such as flood or cyclone, the reason for difficulty is identified at some expense by loan
officers in the field. In principle, the reason for nonpayment is recorded in the borrower’s credit history,
but apparently, these are not systematically coded

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

into a data management system, either at the level of
the branch or the head office. Doing this would allow
an analysis of the frequency of adverse events, providing a clearer, more direct measure of the insurance
functions of the bank. Further, these data would allow an assessment of the likelihood of eventual default on extended or rolled over loans, thus allowing
improved provisioning and more accurate cost analysis. Indeed, because interest on late payment may not
be compounded (that is, interest is not accrued), concessional interest rates are sometimes offered, and
even the principal due may be reduced. As for the
case of aggregate shocks, there are other direct costs
associated with these various adverse events. It is important to identify and record separately all these
costs and enter them as line items under expenses in
the financial accounts. Provisions based on assessments of future events and eventual repayments should
take into account variations in risk by event and by
branch and possibly include low covariation across
events and branches.


Although the BAAC provides an excellent presentation of the age of arrears, it does not make the best
use of these data, apparently, in the determination of
current provisioning rates. What might be rationalized
as international best practice is in fact not that at all,
but rather conventional norms that may be inappropriate for the BAAC, given the data already available.
For example, BAAC loans should be broken down
by whether they are rescheduled and provisioned accordingly. Related, nontrivial discrepancies between
needed provisions and actual provisions would be associated with necessary adjustments to income later
on. However, these are hard to find in the accounts.
In turn, any transfer from the GOT that is intended to compensate the BAAC for these various
costs should be identified and broken down into
subcategories in the “other income” line item. Currently, the “other income” line in the income statement is aggregated over a variety of potential subsidies,
including government funding of special projects,
something that is potentially quite inefficient and in
any event has nothing to do with the risk-contingency system. More generally, it is sometimes difficult
to tell if a farmer has repaid a loan or if the government has done so on the farmer’s behalf. Likewise,
the branch accounts need to keep track of the timing
of transfers from the head office and price them appropriately. With these changes, we could estimate

that part of the government subsidy that covers the
costs of the risk-contingency system. These results
could then be compared with the estimates of welfare
benefits coming from the micro data.
As the magnitude of the total subsidy seems nontrivial, we would also recommend ways for the BAAC
to increase income and recover costs that are not subsidy reliant. The most obvious of these is to charge
borrower clients a fee, which would cover the costs
of implicit indemnities. Indeed, even if the government is determined to transfer income to farmers and
others in rural areas, the more efficient form of the
transfer would be a lump sum, for example, provide
a given amount to all villagers, then let households
decide whether to borrow, and if they do borrow, let
them pay the insurance premium if they wish to do
so. Otherwise, they would forfeit the future indemnities listed above. Similarly, the premia would be based
on actuarial fair values, using the historical data generated under the new system (or as can be surmised
from SES survey data). Costs could also be recovered
from higher fees charged to households displaying
willful default, and this income should be identified
as a separate item. Finally, costs could be reduced by
less comprehensive, random checks of claimed adverse events, still allowing client borrowers to make
verbal or written claims.

Ideally, the benefits would be measured as a function of observed
characteristics, for example, wealth, and then compared with the
cost financed by indirect or direct taxes, again as a function of observed characteristics. A subsidy is not necessarily redistributive.

The annual average yield on the loan portfolio is 118,500 million
baht, the yield obtained on a loan portfolio at 11 percent per annum,
so with a Subsidy Dependence Index of 35.4 percent, this equals
about 4.6 billion baht. For an explanation of the Subsidy Dependence Index (SDI), see box 1, page 35. All data are from 1995.

We are not apologists for all Asian financial institutions. Indeed,
by our more appropriate standards, the commercial banks of
Thailand do not do so well. As nearly as one can tell from the limited information provided, the nonperforming loans of commercial
banks would seem to be genuinely problematic, nor do micro data
provide overwhelming evidence for a beneficial role. The larger
point is that our methods of evaluation are objective and yet respect
the local variation one might suspect would be contained in a country-specific, indigenous system. Such indigenous systems need to
be assessed and that requires the appropriate accounts and the integration of those improved accounts with the theory of risk bearing and measurements from micro data.

The value of the subsidy can be calculated by computing the yield
rate of the subsidy against the value in baht of the yield on the loan
portfolio—(14.89 percent – 11 percent) ´ 118,500 million baht =
about 4.6 billion baht.

Disclosure of BAAC financial data is somewhat limited and the
measure of its subsidy dependence therefore may not be fully


precise. However, it is more likely to reflect trends in the BAAC’s
subsidy dependence over time. Data that are required for more accurate computation of the SDI are monthly balances of the major
items of the BAAC’s financial statements, to compute more accurately than with annual averages, and the specific financial cost of
each financial resource, as information often is available only in
the aggregate.
One might question the optimality of checking everyone. In lieu
of this, one could check randomly as in the costly state-verification framework. Still, the BAAC does have relatively low administrative costs compared with other SACIs.

The new BAAC system introduced in 2000 requires that nonperforming loans be amortized in five years, so there is an even higher
requirement to provision in the first year.

An allocation is said to be Pareto optimal if no one can be made
better off without making someone else worse off. The first fundamental welfare theorem of economics is that under certain assumptions any competitive equilibrium is Pareto optimal. The
second welfare theorem is that any Pareto optimal allocation can
be supported as a competitive equilibrium with appropriate taxes
and transfers.

The calculation (100 – 10) ´ (1 + x) = 100 ´ 1.15 implies
x = 27.8 percent.


This can be calculated 90 ´ 1.15 = 103.50.

Again, to realize $115, an interest rate of 27.8 percent is needed
as 1.278 ´ (100 – 10) = 100 ´ 1.15 = 115.


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3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

The value of using interest rate derivatives
to manage risk at U.S. banking organizations
Elijah Brewer III, William E. Jackson III, and James T. Moser

Introduction and summary
Commercial banks help their customers manage the
financial risks they face. Of the risks that banks help
to manage, one of the most important is interest rate
risk. For example, suppose that we obtain a fixed rate
mortgage from our bank. From our perspective, we
have eliminated most of the interest rate risk associated
with this mortgage. In reality the risk is shifted from
us to the bank. Now, the bank that approved our fixed
rate mortgage loan is subject to losses from changes
in interest rates. These changes affect the costs to the
bank of providing the mortgage. For example, if market interest rates rise, our mortgage payment to the
bank is not affected because we have a “fixed” rate
mortgage. However, the cost to the lending bank does
increase unless it actively manages its cost. This rise
in market interest rates increases the bank’s funding
costs, that is, the interest rate the bank pays on the
money it uses to “fund” our mortgage loan.
Changes in funding costs are considered part of
the interest rate risk associated with a fixed rate mortgage loan. Managing this interest rate risk is very
important to the bank as it lessens the likelihood of
extreme fluctuations in the bank’s financial condition
and thus decreases the probability of the bank becoming
insolvent. Lessening the likelihood of insolvency
allows the bank to hold less capital, as capital is the
bank’s first line of defense against insolvency. However, capital is expensive. Thus, interest rate risk management is valuable because it lessens the amount of
expensive capital that a bank must hold.
A typical bank has several methods available to
manage interest rate risk. For the purposes of this article, we focus on the use of certain interest rate derivative instruments (for example, interest rate swaps) to
offset the inherent interest rate risk in fixed rate lending. An interest rate swap is a financial contract that
allows one party to exchange (swap) a set of interest

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

payments (say, fixed rate) for another set of interest
payments owned by another party (say, floating rate).
This article examines the major differences in the
financial characteristics of banking organizations that
use derivatives relative to those that do not. Specifically, we address six research questions.1 First, do banks
that use derivatives also grow their business loan portfolio faster than banks that do not use derivatives?
Our results suggest that they do. So, derivative usage
appears to foster greater business lending, or financial intermediation.
Second, do banks that use derivatives to manage
interest rate risk also have different risk profiles than
nonusers? Our results suggest that they do. They tend
to hold lower levels of (expensive) capital. This implies
that derivative usage (and interest rate risk management
in general) allows banks to substitute (inexpensive)
risk management for (expensive) capital. Derivative
users have higher balance-sheet exposure to interest rate
risk. This is reasonable because interest rate derivatives
provide them with an opportunity to hedge this balancesheet exposure. Users tend to have lower insolvency
risk, suggesting that derivative activity allows banking
organizations to lower their risk or that low risk banking organizations are more likely to use derivatives.
Third, are large banks more likely to use derivatives? Our results strongly suggest that large banking
organizations are much more likely than small banking
organizations to use derivatives. This is in agreement
with the idea that there is a fixed cost associated with
initially learning how to use derivatives. Large banks
Elijah Brewer III is an economic adviser and assistant
vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
William E. Jackson III is an associate professor of finance
and economics at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business of
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. James T.
Moser is a senior economist and research officer at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.


are more willing to incur this fixed cost because they
will more likely use a larger amount of derivatives.
Thus, this fixed cost can be spread across more opportunities to actually use derivatives and thereby lower
the average usage cost.
Fourth, does derivative usage negatively affect
banking organizations’ performance? Our results suggest that the performance of users is not better or worse
than that of nonusers. Accounting-based measures of
performance suggest that returns on assets and book
equity are roughly the same for derivative users and
nonusers. However, net interest margins are higher for
nonusers than for users. A part of this margin could
be nonusers’ compensation for bearing interest rate
risk. Banks charge their loan and deposit customers
for providing interest rate intermediation services
and assuming the associated interest rate risk. This
fee is included in the difference between the loan
rate charged and the deposit rate paid.
Fifth, are derivative users more efficient than nonusers? The results here are mixed. In the two smallest
groups, users are less efficient than nonusers, while in
the large banking organization category, users are not
more efficient than nonusers.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we ask
whether derivative usage by commercial banks is
associated with different sensitivities to stock market
and interest rate fluctuations? Interestingly, our results
imply that it is.
In the next section of this article we present some
background on derivative usage and interest rate risk
management by U.S. banking organizations. Next, we
present an explanation of how the use of interest rate
derivative instruments by banking organizations can
complement lending strategies. We summarize some
recent research on the relationship between lending
and derivative usage of commercial banks. Then, we
report some new results on the relationship between
lending and derivative usage using a sample of bank
holding companies that have both commercial banking and nonbanking subsidiaries. Finally, we examine the risk sensitivity of banking organizations’
stock returns.
Measuring and managing interest rate risk
A typical U.S. bank has some floating rate liabilities (such as federal funds borrowings) and some
fixed rate liabilities (such as certificates of deposit,
or CDs). It will also have some floating rate assets
(such as variable rate mortgages and loans and floating rate securities) and some long-term fixed rate
assets (such as fixed rate mortgages and securities).
Techniques for managing interest rate risk match the


economic characteristics of a bank’s inflows from assets with its outflows from liabilities. Early on, a bank
matched the maturities of its assets and liabilities. More
precise matching came later as banks began to look at
the duration of assets and liabilities (we will discuss
duration later in this section). U.S. commercial banks’
need to match assets to liabilities arose from their strategic decisions regarding interest rate exposure. If the
going forward changes in revenue from assets perfectly match the changes in expense from liabilities, then
a rise or fall in interest rates will have an equal and offsetting effect on both sides of the balance sheet. In
principle, perfect matching leaves a bank’s earnings
or market value unaffected by changes in interest rates.
Alternatively, a bank can adjust its portfolio of assets
and liabilities to make a profit when rates rise, but take
a loss when rates fall. It could also position itself for
the opposite. Realizing profits from changes in interest
rates does represent a speculation and is risky, perhaps
more risky than other profit opportunities.
In the past, banks typically had relatively fewer
long-term fixed rate liabilities (such as CDs) than they
had long-term fixed rate assets (such as loans). To make
up for this shortfall, banks that wished to match assets
and liabilities complemented their loan portfolios with
fixed rate investments commonly called balancing
assets, such as Treasury securities. By adjusting the
characteristics of these balancing assets, a bank could
better match the revenue inflows from its assets to the
expense outflows from its liabilities.
Prior to the 1980s, most banks did not precisely
measure their exposure to changes in interest rates.
Instead, they generally avoided investing in longer
maturity securities, feeling that these investments added
undue risk to the liquidity of their investment portfolio.
By the early 1980s, it had become clear to most bank
management teams that measuring interest rate risk
more precisely was a critical task. The second oil shock
of the 1970s had increased the level and volatility of
interest rates. For example, the prime rate soared to
more than 20 percent in early 1980, twice the average
for the 1970s and four times as large as the average
in the 1960s. In 1980 alone, the prime rate rose to 19.8
percent in April, fell to 11.1 percent in August and
rebounded to more than 20 percent in December. To
determine their exposure to interest rate movements
in this new, more volatile environment, many banks
began measuring their maturity gaps soon after 1980.
Maturity gap analysis compared the difference in
maturity between assets and liabilities, adjusted for their
repricing interval. The repricing interval was the amount
of time over which the interest rate on an individual
contract remained fixed. For example, a three-year

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

loan with a rate reset after year one would have a repricing interval of one year. Banks grouped their assets and liabilities into categories, or “buckets,” on the
basis of their repricing schedules (for example, typical
categories or buckets might be intervals less than three
months, three to six months, six to 12 months, and
more than 12 months). The maturity gap for each category was the dollar value of assets less the dollar value
of liabilities in that category. If the bank made shortterm floating-rate loans funded by long-term fixed rate
deposits, it would have a large positive maturity gap in
the shorter categories and a large negative maturity gap
in the longer periods. Banks used these maturity gaps
to predict how their net interest margin, or accounting
earnings, would be affected by changes in market interest rates. For example, if interest rates dropped
sharply, a large positive maturity gap for the short maturity buckets would predict a drop in interest income
and therefore earnings, because the bank would immediately receive lower rates on its loans while still
paying higher fixed rates on its deposits.
While the dollar maturity gap tool is a useful
starting point to measure a bank exposure to interest
rate risk, it is crude. Simplicity is its virtue; its drawback is that it focuses only on the impact of interest
rate changes on accounting measures of performance
rather than on market value measures of performance.
It does not consider economic values prior to maturity or repricing dates. Because the precise timing of
interest receipts and payments is important to the market valuation of assets and liabilities, bank began to
use a concept called duration to measure their interest
rate risk exposure.
This concept, first introduced by Frederick R.
Macaulay in the pricing of the interest rate sensitivity
of bonds, considers the timing of all cash flows both
before and at the asset’s or liability’s maturity. Duration is defined as the present-value weighted time to
maturity. The formula for duration is


∑ tPV ( Ft )
t =1

∑ PV ( Ft )


t =1

where D is duration, t is the length of time (number
of months or years to the date of payment, PV(Ft )
represents the present value of payment (F) made at
t, or Ft /(1 + i)t, with i representing the appropriate

yield to maturity, and ∑ is the summation from the
t =1

first to the last payment (N).
Duration is an important measure of the average
life of a security because it recognizes that not all of

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

the cash flow from a typical security occurs at its maturity. Duration of a stream of positive payments is
always less than the time until the last payment or maturity, unless the security is a zero-coupon issue, in
which case duration is equal to maturity.2 Duration also
expresses the elasticity of a security’s price relative to
changes in the interest rate and measures a security’s
responsiveness to changes in market interest rates.
In the banking literature, a bank’s exposure to
interest rate risk is measured by the difference between
the duration of assets, weighted by dollars of assets,
and the duration of liabilities, weighted by dollar of
liabilities. The larger this difference, or duration gap,
the more sensitive is the bank’s shareholder value to
changes in interest rates.
If the duration gap is equal to zero, the shareholder
value is protected against changes in interest rates.
Thus, banks can hedge against uncertain fluctuations
in the prices and yields of financial instruments by
managing their loans and investments so that the asset
duration, weighted by total assets, is equal to the liability duration, weighted by total liabilities. Because
of the typical short duration of banks’ liabilities and
traditional emphasis on liquidity, banks often prefer
short-duration to medium-duration assets.
If a bank accepts a liability, say, in the form of a
deposit that is apt to be of short duration, it can offset
that liability by lending for the same duration. In theory,
the value of the asset and liability would be affected
the same way by unanticipated changes in interest rates.
The bank, presumably, is content to make its profit
on the spread between the interest rate it pays on the
liability and the rate earned on the asset.
To the extent, however, that banks try to match
the durations of assets and liabilities, they can encounter conflicts between desired duration and opportunities for profits. This comes about when asset duration
alters the duration of the existing portfolios, when the
bank is unable to issue long duration liabilities, or when
liquidity issues prevent needed adjustments. For greater flexibility and possibly greater profitability, most
banks keep an approximate hedged position. Of course,
once banks have obtained a more precise measure of
their interest rate risk exposure, they can develop more
precise strategies to manage it.
Interest rate risk management using derivatives
Most banks’ evolving sophistication in managing
interest rate exposure mirrored their sophistication in
measuring it. In the early 1980s, most banks managed
their exposure to interest rate risk by balancing the assets in their investment portfolio until they felt they had
enough fixed rate investments to offset their fixed rate
liabilities. By the mid-1980s, many banks shifted to


derivative instruments (specifically, interest rate swaps)
to help manage their exposure to interest rate risk.
Since the mid-1980s derivative instruments have
become an increasingly important part of the product
set used by depository institutions to manage their interest rate risk exposure. As interest rates have become
more volatile, depository institutions have recognized
the importance of derivatives, particularly interest rate
futures and interest rate swaps, in reducing risk and
achieving acceptable financial performance. Many
researchers have documented the effect of interest rate
risk on the volatility of earnings and the ensuing adverse impact on the common stock returns of depository institutions (see Flannery and James, 1984; Scott
and Peterson, 1986; Kane and Unal, 1988, 1990; and
Kwan, 1991). In coping with interest rate risk, depository institutions may alter their business mix and move
away from traditional lending activity to nontraditional activities. Deshmukh, Greenbaum, and Kanatas
(1983) argue that an increase in interest rate uncertainty encourages depository institutions to reduce lending activities that entail interest rate risk and to increase
fee-based activities (for example, selling derivative
instruments or providing investment advice and cash
management services) that do not entail interest rate
risk. Derivative instruments may be useful to depository institutions because such instruments give firms
a chance to hedge their exposure to interest rate risk,
complementing their lending activities. However, the
financial press during 1994 (Jasen and Taylor, 1994,
and Stern and Lipin, 1994) widely reported that trading derivatives for profit is risky and may expose firms
to large losses.3
In theory, the existence of an active derivative
market should increase the potential for banking firms
to attain their desired levels of interest rate risk exposure. This potential has been widely recognized, and
the question that has arisen in consequence is whether banking firms have used derivatives primarily to
reduce the risks arising from their other banking activities (for hedging) or to increase their levels of interest rate risk exposure (for speculation). This research
examines the role played by interest rate derivatives
in determining the interest rate sensitivity of bank
holding companies’ (BHCs) common stock, controlling for the influence of on-balance-sheet activities
and other BHC-specific characteristics.
Because the accessibility of credit depends
heavily on banks’ role as financial intermediaries,
loan growth is a meaningful measure of intermediary
activity.4 We use commercial and industrial (C&I) loan
growth as a measure of lending activity because of
its importance as a channel for credit flows between
the financial and productive sectors of the economy.


Derivative usage may complement lending
Lending is the cornerstone of explanations for
the role of banks in the financial services industry
(Kashyap, Stein, and Wilcox, 1991; Sharpe and
Acharya, 1992; and Bernanke and Lown, 1991).
Modern theories of the intermediary role of banks
describe how derivative contracting and lending can
be complementary activities (Diamond, 1984). Banks
intermediate by offering debt contracts to their depositors and accepting debt contracts from borrowers. Their
lending specialization enables them to economize the
costs of monitoring the credit standings of their borrowers. Depositors facing the alternatives of incurring
monitoring costs themselves or supplying funds to
banks can benefit from the monitoring specialization
by delegating monitoring activities to banks.
Delegation of monitoring duties does result in
incentive problems referred to as “delegation costs.”
Banks can reduce delegation costs through diversification of their assets. However, even after diversifying, banks still face systematic risks. Diamond
demonstrates that derivative contracts enable banks
to reduce their exposure to systematic risk. The use
of derivative contracts to resolve mismatches in the
interest rate sensitivities of assets and liabilities reduces
delegation costs and, in turn, enables banks to intermediate more effectively. Diamond’s (1984) model predicts that interest rate derivative activity will be a
complement to lending activity. Subsequently, we
would expect a positive relationship between derivative usage and lending.
Derivatives might also be used to replace traditional lending activities. To improve financial performance, a bank might alter its business mix and move
away from traditional business lines. Bank revenues
from participating in interest rate derivative markets
have two possible sources. One source of revenue
comes from use of derivatives as speculative vehicles.
Gains from speculating on interest rate changes enhance revenues from bank trading desks. A second
source of income is generated when banks act as overthe-counter (OTC) dealers and charge fees to institutions placing derivative positions. When either of these
activities is used as a replacement for the traditional
lending activities of banks, we can expect a negative
relationship between derivative usage and lending.
Lending and derivative usage of commercial
banks—Early empirical evidence
Brewer, Minton, and Moser (2000) examine the
relationship between lending and derivative usage
for a sample of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insured commercial banks. Figure 1 presents

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year-end data for derivatives and bank lending activity for the sampled banks used in the Brewer, Minton,
and Moser study. Figure 2 graphs data for banks with
total assets greater than or equal to $10 billion. Both
figures illustrate a decline in lending activity and a
contemporaneous rise in derivative activity during
the sample period.
For the full sample, the average ratio of C&I loans
to total assets declined from about 19.0 percent at the
end of 1985 to 14.2 percent at the end of 1992. Most
of the decline occurred during the period from yearend 1989 to year-end 1992. As the figures suggest,
the largest decline occurred in banks having total
assets more than $10 billion.
During the period in which banks were becoming less important in the market for short- and mediumterm business credit, they were becoming increasingly
active in markets for interest rate derivative instruments
as end-users, intermediaries, or both. There are two
main categories of interest rate derivative instruments:
swaps and positions in futures and forward contracts.
Interest rate futures and forwards markets experienced substantial growth during the sample period.
The total face value of open contracts in interest rate
futures reached $1.7 trillion for short-term interest
rate futures contracts and $54 billion for long-term
interest rate contracts by year-end 1991.
In addition to interest rate forwards and futures,
banks also use interest rate swaps. Since the introduction of swaps in the early 1980s, activity has increased
dramatically. At year-end 1992, the total notional principal amount of U.S. interest rate swaps outstanding
was $1.76 trillion, about 225 percent higher than the
amount in 1987 (International Swaps and Derivatives

Association, ISDA). Of those swaps outstanding, 56
percent had maturities between one and three years.
In contrast, only 10 percent had maturities beyond
ten years.
Figure 1 presents the notional principal amount
outstanding of interest rate derivatives stated as a fraction of total assets from year-end 1985 to year-end
1992. Figure 2 reports the same ratio for banks with
total assets greater than or equal to $10 billion.
As evidenced by the growth of the derivative
markets, banks increased their participation in the interest rate derivative market over the sample period.
This increased use of interest rate derivatives and the
concurrent downward trend in lending activity depicted
in figures 1 and 2 suggest that derivative use might be
substituting for lending activity.
Empirical results
Brewer, Minton, and Moser estimate an equation
relating the determinants of C&I lending and the impact of derivatives on C&I lending activity. The base
model relates C&I lending to previous quarter capital
to total assets ratio, C&I chargeoffs to total assets ratio,
and the growth rate in state employment where the
bank’s headquarters is located. They add to the base
model indicator variables for participation in any
type of interest rate derivative contract.
In their base model results, C&I loan growth is
significantly and positively related to beginning of
period capital–asset ratios. This result is consistent
with the hypothesis that banks with low capital–asset
ratios adjust their loan portfolios in subsequent periods to meet some target capital–asset ratio. There is
a significant and negative association between C&I



C&I lending and derivative activity
All banks: 1985–92*

C&I lending and derivative activity
Large banks: 1985–92*
percentage of assets

percentage of assets


Notional value
of derivatives


Notional value
of derivatives


C&I loans



C&I loans

1984 '85








*With total assets greater than $300 million as of June 30, 1985.
Source: Brewer, Minton, and Moser (2000).

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


1984 '85









*Large banks are firms with total assets greater than $10 billion.
Source: Brewer, Minton, and Moser (2000).


loan chargeoffs and C&I loan growth. This negative
relation is consistent with the chargeoff variable capturing the impact of regulatory pressures, a strong
economic environment or both. C&I loan growth is
statistically and positively related to the previous period’s state employment growth. Banks located in states
with stronger economic conditions, on average, experience greater C&I loan growth. Thus, one may interpret the negative coefficient on the chargeoffs variable
as capturing market-wide economic conditions (that
is, national) not captured by the employment growth
variable or the impact of regulatory pressures.
The derivative-augmented regressions indicate
that banks using any type of interest rate derivative,
on average, experience significantly higher growth in
their C&I loan portfolios. This positive relation is consistent with models of financial intermediation in which
interest rate derivatives allow commercial banks to
lessen their systematic exposures to changes in interest rates and thereby increase their ability to provide
more C&I loans. Further, given this positive coefficient estimate one may conclude that the net impact
of derivative usage complements the C&I lending activities of banks. That is, the complementarity effect
of derivative usage for bank lending dominates any
substitution effect.
Some new results using a sample of bank
holding companies
Financial characteristics of users and nonusers
We use a sample of BHCs that have publicly
traded stock prices on June 30, 1986, the beginning
of the first quarter in which BHC consolidated quarterly call reports of assets and liabilities (FR-Y9C)
were filed with the Federal Reserve System. The
sample begins with 154 BHCs in June 1986 and, because of failures and mergers, ends with 97 in December 1994. Balance-sheet data and information on banks’
use of interest rate derivative instruments are obtained
from the FR-Y9C reports. The sample of bank holding companies is sorted into three asset groups. There
are 57 large BHCs, all of which have significant international banking operations and average total assets of more than $10 billion. The next group is labeled
“mid-sized BHCs” and is made up of the 35 banking
organizations with average total assets between $5
billion and $10 billion. The last group is referred to
as “small BHCs” and consists of the 62 BHCs with
average total assets less than $5 billion. At the end of
1986, the sample of BHCs had $1.9 trillion in total
assets. Expressed as a percentage of the industry’s
total assets, sample BHCs constituted about 78
percent. By the end of 1994, the sample BHCs had


$2.8 trillion in total assets (or 78 percent of total
BHC assets).
For each quarter in the sample period, a BHC is
labeled as a derivative user if it reported participation
in any interest rate swap or futures-forward products
on Schedule HC-F of the FR-Y9C report; otherwise
it is labeled as a nonuser. Table 1 presents the notional principal amount outstanding and frequency of use
of interest rate derivatives by BHCs during the period
from year-end 1986 to year-end 1994. Data are reported
for the three subsets of BHCs sorted by total asset size.
Of BHCs with total assets greater than $10 billion,
over 75 percent reported using both interest rate swaps
and interest rate futures and forwards throughout the
sample period. Swap dealers are included in this group
of banking organizations. These dealers often use interest rate futures-forward contracts to manage the
net or residual interest rate risk of their overall swap
portfolios (Brewer, Minton, and Moser, 2000). Table
1 also shows that BHCs with total assets greater than
$10 billion report the highest average ratio of the notional amount of interest rate swaps outstanding to
total assets. However, the double counting referred to
previously implies that these numbers overstate the
actual positions held by these banking organizations.
Since dealer institutions are more likely to have offsetting swap transactions, reported notional amounts generally overstate actual market exposures.
With the exception of 1987, over 50 percent of
BHCs with total assets between $5 billion and $10
billion reported using both interest rate swaps and
interest rate futures and forwards. On the other hand,
less than 20 percent of BHCs with total assets less than
$5 billion reported using both types of financial instruments. At the end of 1986, 30.6 percent of small BHCs
reported using interest rate swaps and the same percentage reported using futures-forwards. By the end
of 1994, these percentages were 48.5 percent and 24.2
percent, respectively.
Table 2 provides financial characteristics for derivative users and nonusers by asset categories. We
use this information to highlight some of the differences
between users and nonusers. Across all size categories
derivative users tend to be on average larger than nonusers. For example, the average size of a representative nonuser in the small BHC category is $2.1 billion,
while that of a user is $3.2 billion. The difference of
$1.1 billion is statistically significant (at the 1 percent
level). The average sizes of a representative nonuser
and user in the mid-sized category are $6.1 billion
and $7.3 billion, respectively. Nonusers in the large
BHC category are less than one-third as large as users.
Thus, relatively larger BHCs tend to make greater use
of interest rate derivatives than smaller institutions.

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


Interest rate derivative activities for BHCs, year-end 1986–94









Bank holding companies with total assets < $5 billion
Users of swaps (%)




























Avg. ratio to total assetsb










Users of both swaps and
futures/forwards (%)



















Avg. ratio to total assetsa
Users of futures/forwards (%)

No. of observations

Bank holding companies with total assets > $5 billion but < $10 billion
Users of swaps (%)




























Avg. ratio to total assetsb










Users of both swaps and
futures/forwards (%)










No. of observations










Users of swaps (%)























































Avg. ratio to total assets


Users of futures/forwards (%)

Bank holding companies with total assets > $10 billion

Avg. ratio to total assetsa
Users of futures/forwards (%)
Avg. ratio to total assets


Users of both swaps
and futures/forwards (%)
No. of observations

Average ratio to total assets equals the ratio of the notional principal amount of outstanding swaps to total assets for bank holding
companies reporting the use of swaps.
Average ratio to total assets equals the ratio of the principal amount of outstanding futures to total assets for bank holding
companies reporting the use of futures or forwards.
Source: Authors’ calculations using Federal Reserve FRY-9C data.

An important reason why managing interest rate
risk through derivatives may be preferable to balancesheet adjustments using securities and loans is that the
former lessens the need to hold expensive capital.
Capital protects the liability holders and institutions
that guarantee those liabilities. Federal deposit insurers are especially important guarantors of bank liabilities. In addition, capital imposes discipline by putting
owners’ funds at risk. Regulators set minimum capital
requirements.5 Most BHCs chose their actual capital
levels to satisfy the capital guidelines plus a buffer of
excess capital. Capital buffers reduce the chance that

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

a banking firm will be forced to raise additional capital due to weak earnings performance. If a derivative
position that allows banking firms to hedge against
unanticipated changes in interest rates can negatively
affect earnings, then users could hold less capital relative to assets than nonusers. This is because the gains
or losses on the balance-sheet position as a result of
unanticipated changes in interest rates are offset by
losses or gains on the derivative position. For all size
categories of BHCs, the average book capital ratios
are higher for nonusers than for users. Nonusers’ capital ratios are 39 basis points, 100 basis points, and 34


basis points higher than those of users for small-, mid-,
and large-size BHCs, respectively. These differences
are significant at conventional statistical levels. More
importantly for banking institutions, they imply substantial reductions in cost.
When users are sorted into capital categories using the leverage ratio of 5.5 percent of total assets as
the regulatory minimum, an interesting pattern emerges.6
About 51 percent of the observations for small BHC
users are less than 200 basis points above the 5.5 percent guideline. For small nonusers, about 45 percent
of the observations are less than 200 basis points
above the guidelines. On the other hand, approximately 31 percent and 40 percent of the users’ and nonusers’
observations, respectively, show capital ratios more
than 200 basis points above the 5.5 percent guideline.
A similar pattern is observed for mid-sized banks. The
percentages of the observations with capital ratios no
more than 200 basis points above the guidelines are
68 percent and 20 percent for mid-sized BHC users
and nonusers, respectively. The percentages of the observations with capital ratios greater than 200 basis
points above the guidelines are 23 percent and 71 percent for users and nonusers, respectively. Because over
95 percent of large BHC observations are for derivative users, we were not able to meaningfully sort them
into different capital categories. Nevertheless, the results for the two smaller banking categories suggest
that derivative usage affords banking organizations
the opportunity to operate with less excess capital
than they otherwise would need.
Because derivative usage allows BHCs to cope
with interest rate risk, BHCs may decide to hold more
loans to earn more income from their lending activity.
This activity involves services in which the banking
subsidiaries of BHCs have a comparative information
advantage. For example, banking subsidiaries are often perceived as having a comparative advantage over
other intermediaries in the loan market because they
have special access to timely information about their
loan customers since they clear customers’ transactions.
Deposit accounts provide early warning of deterioration in borrowers’ cash flows. By monitoring the total
amount of checks clearing through the bank, the banker can gauge a client’s sales relatively accurately without waiting for quarterly reports from accountants. If
derivative usage allows banks to reduce interest rate
exposure and expand their lending activity, which entails default risk, then users should have higher loan
to asset ratios. Table 2 shows that nonusers have
higher loan to asset ratios than users. For instance,
the average small nonuser had 61 cents of each dollar
of assets invested in loans, while the average small


user had 59 cents of each dollar of assets in loans. A
similar pattern is evident at the other two groups of
BHCs. The difference is significant at all BHCs. One
factor acting to raise the loan to asset ratios of nonusers relative to users is the higher capital ratio at the
former institutions.
If, as is often perceived, loans are illiquid and subject to the greatest default risk of all bank assets, then
nonusers are more exposed to loan losses than users.
Because the ratio of loans to total assets measures the
corrosive effect of potential loan losses on assets and
equity, a high ratio could have a negative effect on
the level of earnings and the volatility of earnings. The
ability to use derivative instruments to reduce the volatility of earnings is another justification for their use
by BHCs. A BHC that has a high volatility of earnings
tends to have low debt capacity and high probability
of failure. High earnings volatility increases the chances
that earnings will fall below the level needed to service the BHC’s debt, raising the probability of bankruptcy. Derivative usage can lower earnings variability.
A reduction in earnings variability should improve debt
capacity and reduce the probability of bankruptcy.
The volatility of equity returns is frequently used to
proxy for earnings volatility. Higher volatility of equity
implies greater risk, and lower volatility of equity
implies less risk. With the exception of the large BHC
category, table 2 shows that volatility of equity is higher
for nonusers than for users. However, this difference
is statistically significant only for small BHCs. Consistent with the higher loan to asset ratio, the higher
volatility of equity suggests, at least for small BHCs,
that nonusers tend to be on average riskier than users. But the higher capital ratios at nonusers tend to
mitigate the effects of these factors.
To capture the probability of bankruptcy more
directly and the possibility that losses (negative earnings) will exceed equity, we employ an insolvency
index used in the banking literature (see Brewer,
1989). See box 1 for a discussion of this measure of
risk. Table 2 indicates that only small BHCs realize a
significant difference in the insolvency index between
nonusers and users. Nonusers have an insolvency
index, the Z-score, of 51.3, compared with 57.9 for
users. It seems, then, that small users tend, ex ante,
to pose less risk than small nonusers to investors and
insurers. The insolvency index is roughly the same
for both nonusers and users in the mid-sized BHC
category. While large nonusers have a lower probability of insolvency than large users, the difference is
not significant.
A banking organization’s risk profile is also reflected in its interest rate risk exposure as measured

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Univariate tests of financial characteristics and derivative usage, 1986–94
Small BHCs
Total assets ($ billions)


Mid-sized BHCs



Large BHCs













Book capital/total assets










Capital category (percent)
Less than or equal to 5.5%
Between 5.5 and 7.5%
Greater than 7.5%
Market capital/total assets










Loans/ total assets










Loan loss allowance/
gross loans










Dollar maturity gap/
total assets










Standard deviation of
daily stock returns



















Return on assets










Return on equity










(Gross interest income – gross
interest expense)/total assets





























(Noninterest income – noninterest
expense)/total assets
Efficiency ratio

Notes: Sample period is June 30, 1986–December 31, 1994. Subsample classification is by average assets during the full sample period. Small institutions are those with assets averaging less than $5
billion. Mid-sized are those with average assets between $5 billion and $10 billion. Large are those with assets averaging over $10 billion. The t-ratio tests the difference in the values of derivative users
and nonusers. The number in parentheses under the t-ratio is the level of statistical significance. For example, for small BHCs, the value of difference in the total assets row is –17.04 and the number in
parentheses indicates that this is significantly different from zero at a level of better than 1 percent.
Source: Authors’ calculations using Federal Reserve FRY-9C data.


by the duration gap. The presumption is that the higher
the duration gap, the more the banking organization
is exposed to unanticipated interest rate changes. Data
limitations require most researchers to measure a bank’s
interest rate risk exposure with the so-called dollar
maturity gap measure—the difference between the
dollar value of short-term on-balance-sheet assets and
liabilities (where short-term is typically defined as maturities less than a year). The dollar maturity gap position is taken as a percentage of total assets to express
the degree of interest rate sensitivity relative to the
banking organization’s total size. This dollar gap position as reported does not include the impact of derivative activity on a banking organization’s interest
rate risk exposure. Thus, banking firms that are derivative users should have a larger dollar maturity gap than
nonusers. The results in table 2 support this prediction. Notice that the dollar maturity gap as percent of
total assets presented in table 2 for small BHCs is
higher for users (0.0876) than for nonusers (0.0638).
The dollar maturity gap results in table 2 suggest
that a 100 basis points decrease in interest rates will
cause net interest margin to fall by 0.0638 percentage
points for small BHC nonusers. The same interest rate
change would cause net interest margin to fall by 0.0876
percentage points for small BHC users, but this may
be partly or completely offset by their derivative position. Thus, when derivatives are present, their use
tends to increase the amount of on-balance-sheet interest rate risk exposure an average small bank holding company is willing to accept. A similar pattern is
observed for large BHCs. The gap position is larger,
in absolute value, for large users than for large nonusers. For mid-size users, the dollar gap position is
smaller than for mid-size nonusers.

derivative users have lower ROA than nonusers, while
for the mid-size group of BHCs derivative users have
a higher ROA than nonusers. However, these differences are not statistically significant. Similarly, the difference in ROE between derivative users and nonusers
is not significant. Thus, derivative users, on average,
do not appear to earn higher (or lower) accounting
profits than nonusers.
On the other hand, net interest margin as measured by the difference between gross interest income
and gross interest expense divided by total assets is
smaller for users. Net interest margin is a comprehensive measure of management’s ability to control the
spread between interest revenues and interest costs.7
With the exception of mid-sized BHCs, nonusers appear to be able to control the spread better than users.

Does derivative usage allow banking organizations
to earn higher accounting profits?
We use two profitability measures to answer this
question: return on book value of assets and return
on book value of capital. Return on book value of
assets (ROA) is an indicator of managerial efficiency.
It is calculated in this study as the ratio of net income
divided by total assets. ROA indicates the extent of
success realized by bank management in converting
the assets of the bank into net earnings. Return on book
value of equity (ROE) is a measure of the rate of return flowing to the institution’s shareholders. We calculate ROE as net income divided by the total book
value of bank equity. ROE approximates the rate of
return the stockholders have received for investing
their capital (that is, placing their funds at risk in the
hope of earning suitable profits). Table 2 shows that
for the smallest and largest asset size categories

Assuming that the return on equity is distributed as a normal random variable, and standardizing the terms in equation 1, the probability of
failure is equal to



Insolvency index
The insolvency index is a comprehensive
measure of risk that includes three pieces of information (capital ratio, returns, and variability
of returns) into a single number and captures the
probability of failure (see Brewer, 1989). That is,
Probability of failure = Probability (Earnings <
Dividing both terms of the inequality in the
parentheses by equity, the probability of failure
can be expressed as being equal to the probability
that the rate of return on equity, rE = (Earnings/
Equity), is less than negative one:

Probability (rE < –1).

Probability [(rE − rE ) / σ E < z ],
where rE is the expected rate of return on equity,
equals [(– 1 – rE )/sE], and sE is the standard deviation (volatility) of equity returns. The variable
z is the standard normal variate, representing how
far, in standard deviations, the rate of return
would have to fall below its expected value for
the bank to fail. To be consistent with the banking literature, we will use the negative of z and
denote it as an insolvency index. Thus, a higher
value of this index indicates a lower probability
of failure.

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

In the small BHC category, for every dollar of assets,
derivative nonusers are able to generate a return of
about 2.45 percent, compared with 2.34 percent for
derivative users. The difference is greater between
large users and large nonusers. For nonusers, every
dollar of assets is able to generate a return of about
2.4 percent, while for users it is able to generate a
return of about 2.14 percent. In the mid-sized BHC
category, every dollar of assets generates about a
2.30 percent return for users and a 2.37 percent return for nonusers.
Banking organizations also earn noninterest income from deposit service charges, other service fees,
and off-balance-sheet activities; and incur noninterest
costs in the form of salaries and wages expense and
repair and maintenance costs on bank equipment and
facilities. Net noninterest rate margin as measured by
the difference between noninterest revenue and noninterest expense divided by total assets captures the
banking organization’s ability to generate noninterest
revenue to cover noninterest expenses. For most banking organizations net noninterest margin is negative,
with noninterest costs generally outstripping fee income. The less negative this profitability measure is,
the better the banking organization is at generating
noninterest income to cover noninterest expenses.
Table 2 shows that, with the exception of mid-sized
BHCs, derivative users have a less negative net noninterest margin than nonusers. In the small BHC
category, for every dollar of assets, derivative users
incurred a net cost of about 1.42 percent, compared
with 1.57 percent for derivative nonusers. In the large
BHC category, derivative users incurred a net cost of
1.1 percent for every dollar of assets, compared with
1.49 percent for nonusers. However, in the mid-size
BHC category, the difference was not significant at
conventional levels. These results suggest that, with
the exception of mid-size BHCs, derivative users
have better control over noninterest expenses relative
to noninterest income than nonusers. This could reflect lower noninterest expense and/or higher noninterest income.
Are derivative users more efficient than nonusers?
One way to measure efficiency is to compare noninterest expenses to total operating income (the sum
of interest and noninterest income). The lower is this
ratio, the greater the efficiency. The results in table 2
suggest that in the smallest category derivative users
are less efficient than nonusers. For example, in the
small BHC category derivative users spend about 41
cents per dollar of operating income on personnel,
occupancy, and equipment expenses, while nonusers
spend 40 cents. Thus, the 15 basis points difference

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

in net noninterest income between small users and
small nonusers is primarily caused by higher noninterest income at users. Mid-size users spend about
the same amount of their operating income on noninterest expenses (37 cents) as nonusers. The same 37
cents per dollar of operating income was spent on noninterest expense by both users and nonusers at large
BHCs. Thus, users in the small BHC category tend to
be less efficient than nonusers, while those in the midand large-size BHC categories appear to be as efficient as nonusers.
Lending and derivative usage of BHCs
The study by Brewer, Minton, and Moser (2000)
shows that banks using interest rate derivatives experienced greater growth in their C&I loan portfolio than
banks that did not use these financial instruments. Here,
we reexamine the notion that firms’ use of interest rate
derivatives allows them to continue to provide credit
by applying the Brewer, Minton, and Moser (2000)
methodology to a sample of BHCs over the period
from the fourth quarter of 1986 to the fourth quarter
of 1994.
As in Brewer, Minton, and Moser (2000), the
association between BHCs’ lending and their use of
derivatives can be measured by examining the relationship between the growth in BHC business loans and
their involvement in interest rate derivative markets.
The base model relates C&I lending to previous quarter capital to total assets ratio and C&I chargeoffs to
total assets ratio.8 We next add to the base model indicator variables for participation in any type of interest rate derivative contract. Table 3 reports the results
of these pooled cross-sectional time series regressions.
The results show that the previous quarter ratio of
capital to total assets is positively related to growth
in BHC business lending. The chargeoff rate is negatively related to lending, and the relationship is statistically significant at the standard levels. When the
indicator variable for interest rate derivative usage is
added to the base model, the results show a significant
positive relationship between lending and derivative
activity. The base model was also estimated using two
alternative indicator variables of derivative usage: interest rate swap and futures contracts. Both of these
indicator variables are positively correlated with lending. Overall, these results are consistent with those in
Brewer, Minton, and Moser (2000), suggesting that
derivative usage complements business lending. These
empirical results show that banking organizations that
employ interest rate derivative instruments tend to
increase their business loan portfolio at a faster rate
than other banking organizations. These results are consistent with the derivative users employing interest


rate derivative instruments to hedge their exposure to
interest rate risk as a result of their financial intermediation activity. The additional lending resulting from
this activity expands banking organizations’ level of
financial intermediation in that area where some researchers claim banks can generate returns above the
competitive rate. But this lending could raise a bank’s
exposure to another type of risk—credit risk. Thus,
while a bank may decrease its exposure to interest
rate risk through the use of interest rate derivatives,
the rise in lending as a result of derivative usage may
increase its exposure to credit risk. The net effect of
these changes on banks’ overall risk and on the return
a bank must earn to compensate stockholders for
bearing this risk can only be determined empirically by
examining stock market returns.
Risk sensitivity of BHC stock returns
Finance theory suggests that bank risk sensitivity can be measured by analyzing stock market returns.
Financial economists typically consider the total variance of historical stock returns (or its standard deviation) as an appropriate measure of the overall volatility
associated with the asset risk of a firm. This measure

of risk can be separated into 1) the risk associated with
movements in the overall stock market and interest
rates, and 2) risk associated with the specific operations
of the firm. Bank equity values are sensitive to all the
factors that affect the overall stock market as well as
to factors specific to the banking industry. For example,
banks are sensitive to “earning risk” through possible
defaults on their loans and investments, changes in loan
demand, and potential variability in growth and profitability of their nonloan portfolio operations. Bank
equity values are also sensitive to movement in interest
rates because, as we have noted above, banks typically fail to match the interest rate sensitivity of their
assets and liabilities. As a result, changes in interest
rates affect the market value of both sides of the
bank’s balance sheet and its net worth (or capital)
and stock values.
We use a widely accepted two-index market model
to characterize the return generating process for bank
common stocks.9 This model is an extension of the
common single-index market model in which capital
market risk sensitivity can be represented by the equity
“beta,” or the measured sensitivity of the firm’s equity
return with respect to the return on the market-wide


Univariate multiple regression coefficient estimates
for the determinants of quarterly changes in C&I loans

Independent variables

Basic model, including
bank-specific determinants
of lending and a local
economic condition factor

Basic model, adding
the derivative
indicator variable

Basic model, adding
separate derivative
indicator variables

Previous quarter ratio of
capital to total assets




Previous quarter ratio of
commercial and industrial
chargeoffs to total assets




Indicator variable for
derivative usage


Indicator variable for
interest rate swap usage


Indicator variable for
interest rate futures usage


Adj. R2







Notes: The dependent variable is the quarterly change in C&I loans relative to last period’s total assets. The estimates are measured
relative to last period’s total assets. All regression equations contain time period indicator variables. Sample period is 1986:Q4 to 1994:Q4.
The numbers in parentheses below the regression coefficients are the significance levels. For example, a value of 0.001 would indicate a
statistical significance at the 1 percent level.
Source: Authors’ calculations using Federal Reserve FRY-9C data.


3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives

portfolio of risky assets. We examine one other determinant of bank stock returns: unanticipated changes
in interest rates.
Our two-index market model takes the following

RETj,t= b0 + b1 RMKTt + b2 RTBONDt + ej,t ,

where RETj,t is the rate of return on equity; RMKTt is
the rate of return on a stock market index; RTBONDt
is a measure of the unanticipated change in interest
rates; and ej,t is a stochastic error term.
The value of b1 measures the riskiness of a BHC
stock relative to the market as a whole; and b2 measures the effect of changes in interest rates on the
stock returns of the jth firm given its relation to the
market index.
Equation 1 was estimated over the period January 1986 through December 1994 using daily stock
returns data (adjusted for dividends and stock splits)
for our sample of 154 BHCs. There are 2,250 daily
stock return observations over this period. Based on
the asset sizes used in the previous section, we formed
three groups: large, mid-size, and small banking organizations. As mentioned earlier, there are 57 large
BHCs (average total assets of more than $10 billion),
35 mid-size BHCs (average total assets between $5
and $10 billion), and 62 small BHCs (average total
assets less than $5 billion). Within each group, we
formed portfolios based on derivative usage. Because
there are only a few derivative nonusers in the large
BHC group, we formed one portfolio for this asset
group. Thus, we formed five equally weighted portfolios. The sample period was divided into two
subperiods: January 1986 to December 1990 and
January 1991 to December 1994. There are 1,249
daily stock return observations in the first subperiod
and 1,001 in the second subperiod. We select these
two subperiods in recognition that over a representative business cycle there may be a shift in the relationship between BHC stock returns and our two-index
market model.
The relationship between stock returns and the
return on the market portfolio and return on a shortterm Treasury security is estimated for each of the
five portfolios over the two subperiods. The return
on the market portfolio is measured by the return on
a value-weighted portfolio of the firms on the New
York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange
obtained from the Center for Research in Security
Prices (CRSP) database. The return on the short-term
Treasury security is computed by taking the percentage
change in the yield on a one-year security instrument.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

The results of estimating the relationship between
stock returns and the return on the market portfolio
and the return on the one-year Treasury security are
shown in table 4 for the entire sample period and in
table 5 for each of the two subperiods. Tables 4 and 5
also show the total risk (standard deviation of stock
returns) and the portfolio-specific risk for each of the
five portfolios.
Entire period: January 1986 – December 1994
For small BHCs, the results indicate that the market risk of both the average derivative user and nonuser was about 0.44. This suggests that, over the nine
years of the sample interval, changes in the stock market as a whole were associated with less than one-forone changes in the average small BHC stocks. The
interest rate risk coefficient is negative for both derivative users and nonusers, suggesting that a rise in
holding period return on one-year Treasury securities
will lead to lower stock returns. For example, a 100
basis point rise in the holding period return on oneyear Treasuries will lead to an 83 basis point (0.8353
´ 100) decline in the stock return of the average small
derivative nonuser. The number in the difference row
(0.2201) suggests this change in holding period return
will have roughly the same impact on both derivative
users and nonusers.
The two groups of mid-size BHCs all exhibited
generally higher values for market risk than smallsize BHCs. A 100 basis point increase in stock market returns leads to an approximately 57 basis point
increase in the stock return on the average mid-size
BHC, while the same change in market returns leads
to a 44 basis point increase in the stock return of the
average small BHC. Thus, the stocks of the mid-sized
BHCs are more sensitive to stock-market-related risk
than those of smaller banking organizations. Like the
results for small BHCs, the interest rate risk coefficient is negative for both derivative users and nonusers.
However, the coefficient is only statistically significant for derivative users.
For large BHCs, the market risk coefficient is
higher than that for smaller BHCs, and it is close to
one. A value of this coefficient that is close to one for
large BHCs is reasonable because they are expected
to hold diversified portfolios of loans and other
assets whose returns should mimic the behavior of
the broader market. As in the other cases, the interest
rate risk coefficient is negative, but it is not statistically significant.
While the estimates in table 4 contain important information about BHC equity risks during the
nine–year period ending in 1994, they also conceal


substantial time-series variation in BHC stocks’ responses to stock market and interest rate risks. There
may be several reasons for time-variations in BHC
risk sensitivity. For example, an important source of
BHC stock return variability over time is related to
earnings variability due to the business risk of a
banking organization represented by the demand and
supply shifts for its services and inputs, specifically
loans, deposits, and transactions services. BHC stock
returns are related to future cash flows from changing
levels of bank activities, such as lending. The present
value of the loan business may change, in part, with
expected changes in economic activity. Business expansions increase the quantities of bank loans, securities, and deposits. These factors are thought to have
a positive impact on the expected earnings stream
and, as a result, BHC stock returns. Conversely, business recessions may affect the performance of the existing loan portfolio and decrease the quantities of
bank loans, securities, and deposits. This would tend
to have a negative implication for BHC stock returns.
Alternatively, monetary policy is likely to shift
over the business cycle. As the Federal Reserve System
shifts, for example, from tight to easy monetary policy during the business cycle, this may lead to a shift
in the relationship between BHC stock returns and the
market index. To capture the time-variation in market
and interest rate risk sensitivities, we estimate the

two-factor market model over two subperiods: January
1986 to December 1990 and January 1991 to December 1994. Over the first subperiod, the average volatility of one-year Treasury security return was more
than 25 percent of the average volatility over the second subperiod. This difference is statistically significant at the 5 percent level. The lower volatility in the
second subperiod may have shifted the relationship
between BHCs stock returns and interest rates.
Subperiod: January 1986 – December 1990
For small BHCs, the standard deviation of stock
returns is greater for users (0.0085) than for nonusers
(0.0075). The equity values of derivative users are
equally exposed to market risk as those of nonusers.
For derivative users, the regression results indicate
that for every 1 percent change in the return on the
market portfolio, bank returns will change 0.40 percent. Although derivative users are equally sensitive
to market risk, their equity values are significantly
less exposed to interest rate risk. The coefficient for
the interest rate factor is significantly negative for both
derivative users and nonusers.
A negative coefficient on the interest rate variable
indicates that higher than anticipated interest rates
will cause bank holding company equity values to decline. This implies that over the estimation period, the
BHCs in our sample held on average more interest rate


Risk sensitivity of bank holding company stock returns,
January 1986–December 1994

Total risk
(standard deviation
of stock returns)


rate risk


Small BHCs (62)
Users (33)
Nonusers (29)


Users (30)
Nonusers (5)









Mid-size BHCs (35)
Large BHCs (57)



Notes: Subsample classification is by average assets during the full sample period. Small institutions are those with assets
averaging less than $5 billion. Mid-size are those with average assets between $5 billion and $10 billion. Large are those with
assets averaging over $10 billion. Difference in the table is the level of statistical significance of the difference in the values of
derivative users and nonusers. For example, for small BHCs, the value of difference in the interest rate risk column is 0.02201,
indicating that the market risk sensitivity of derivative users is significantly different from that of nonusers at the 22.01 percent
Source: Authors’ calculations using daily data from the Center for Research in Security Prices database.


3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


Risk sensitivity of BHC stock returns, two subperiods

Total risk
(standard deviation
of stock returns)


rate risk


Sample Period: January 1986–December 1990
Users (33)
Nonusers (29)


Small BHCs (62)



Users (30)
Nonusers (5)


Mid-size BHCs (35)





Large BHCs (57)



Sample Period: January 1991–December 1994
Users (33)
Nonusers (29)


Small BHCs (62)



Users (30)
Nonusers (5)


Mid-size BHCs (35)





Large BHCs (57)



Notes: Subsample classification is by average assets during the full sample period. Small institutions are those with assets
averaging less than $5 billion. Mid-size are those with average assets between $5 billion and $10 billion. Large are those with
assets averaging over $10 billion. Difference in the table is the level of statistical significance of the difference in the values of
derivative users and nonusers. For example, for small BHCs covering the January 1986 to December 1990 subperiod, the
value of difference in the interest rate risk column is 0.0946, indicating that the interest rate risk sensitivity of derivative
users is significantly different from that of nonusers at the 9.46 percent level.
Source: Authors’ calculations using daily data from the Center for Research in Security Prices database.

sensitive assets than interest rate sensitive liabilities.
This follows from four facts. First, declining interest
rates raise holding period returns on bonds. Second,
the returns on interest rate sensitive assets and the cost
of interest rate sensitive liabilities decrease when market interest rates decrease. Third, a BHC’s net interest
income decreases when gross revenues from its assets
decline by a larger amount than interest expenses on
its liabilities. And, fourth, this change in net interest
income is priced in BHC equity values. However, small
derivative nonusers have a larger negative coefficient
than users, suggesting that nonusers have significantly more exposure to interest rate risk.
For mid-size BHCs, the standard deviation of
stock returns is less for users (0.0084) than for nonusers (0.0136). However, there is little, if any difference in the market and interest rate sensitivities of
users’ and nonusers’ stock returns. Thus, there is little

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

difference in the sensitivity of both types of BHCs to
economy-wide movements in both market returns
and interest rates.
Subperiod: January 1991 – December 1994
For small BHCs, the standard deviation of stock
returns is less for users (0.0069) than for nonusers
(0.0081). However, the equity values of derivative
users are relatively less exposed to market risk than
those of nonusers. For derivative users, the regression
results indicate that for every 1 percent change in the
return on the market portfolio, derivative-users’ stock
returns will change 0.50 percent, while nonusers returns’ will change 0.64 percent. Thus, nonusers are
more exposed to economy-wide movements than users.
There is little statistical difference in the interest rate
sensitivity of derivative users and nonusers.


For mid-size BHCs, similar to the results covering the January 1986 to December 1990 subperiod,
the standard deviation of stock returns is less for derivative users (0.0078) than for nonusers (0.0094).
Unlike the earlier subperiod, the market risk sensitivity of derivative users is more significant than that
for nonusers.
In this article, we examine the major differences
in the financial characteristics of banks that use derivatives relative to those that do not. We find that banking organizations that use derivatives also increase their
business lending faster than banks that do not use derivatives. So, derivative usage appears to foster relatively more loan making, or financial intermediation.
We also find that banking organizations that use
derivatives to manage interest rate risk hold lower levels of (expensive) capital than other institutions. This
implies that derivative usage (and interest rate risk management in general) allows banks to substitute (inexpensive) risk management for (expensive) capital.
Our results strongly suggest that large banks are
much more likely than small banks to use derivatives.
This is in agreement with the idea that there is a fixed
cost associated with initially learning how to use derivatives. Large banks are more willing to incur this
fixed cost because they will more likely use a larger
amount of derivatives. Thus, this fixed cost can be
spread across more opportunities to actually use
derivatives, thereby lowering the average usage cost.

Our stock return results suggest that for the group
of banking organizations for which there is a substantial variation in usage of interest rate derivative instruments, users tend to have less exposure to interest rate
risk than nonusers and they also tend to have the same
sensitivity to stock market risk. This suggests that derivative users overall tend to have less systematic risk
than nonusers. This is an important observation because
the derivative losses in the mid-1990s caused regulators and others to express grave concerns about the
risk exposure of commercial banks operating in the
derivative markets.
Regulators seem mainly concerned that losses on
derivative trading could force the failure of some of
the institutions serving as dealers, which would send
shock waves not only through the derivative markets,
but also through money and exchange rate markets to
which derivative trading is closely linked through complex arbitrage strategies (Phillips, 1992). Our results
suggest that derivative users are less risky than nonusers, and the introduction of stiffer regulations of the
use of derivative instruments by federally insured
depository institutions could have unintended consequences for the risk exposure of the deposit insurance
agency. Moreover, any regulatory or accounting (for
example, Financial Accounting Standard No. 133, “Accounting for derivative instruments and hedging activities”) initiatives affecting hedging behavior and risk
exposures may have negative implications for lending
and banking organizations’ stock market valuation.

In this article, we use banks and banking organizations interchangeably to refer to institutions for which banking is an important line of business.

This concept is similar to standard payback ratios in corporate
finance with the cash flows being adjusted to their present values.

See Loomis (1994) for an insightful discussion about the risk
exposure of firms using derivative instruments.

See Kashyap, Stein, and Wilcox (1991), Sharpe and Acharya
(1992), and Bernanke and Lown (1991).

In the early 1980s, bank regulators announced minimum “primary
capital ratios” for banks and bank holding companies. Primary
capital included common and preferred equity, mandatory convertible debt instruments, perpetual debt instruments, and loan-loss reserves. After a phase-in period, the minimum primary capital ratio
was set at 5.5 percent of total assets. In the second half of the 1980s,
regulators introduced a plan for risk-based capital requirements. The
risk-based capital ratio measures a bank’s capital with respect to the
default risk of its on- and off-balance-sheet credit exposures. In addition, regulators tightened the old primary capital standard and added
it to the risk-based requirements. The result is the leverage ratio.
Published regulations indicated that most banking organizations


will be required to maintain an equity (the sum of common equity,
certain preferred stock, and minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries less goodwill) to total assets ratio of at least 4 percent to 5
percent (Baer and McElravey, 1993). We use an equity to total assets
ratio of 5.5 percent as the minimum required by regulators. This is
probably more stringent than the actual standard during the first part
of our sample period (because we do not include certain items) and
weaker than the actual standard during the last part of our sample
period (because we do not exclude goodwill), but it should represent a middle ground that will allow us to investigate the capital
management behavior of derivative nonusers and users.
See Baer and McElravey (1993) for an excellent discussion of
this type of analysis.

Unfortunately, these booked gains/losses would not capture the
unbooked gains/losses from the derivative position.

We do not include the growth rate in state employment because
the holding company is likely to operate in several different states.

See, for example, Stone (1974), Lloyd and Shick (1977), Lynge
and Zumwalt (1980), Chance and Lane (1980), Flannery and
James (1984), Kane and Unal (1988), and Kwan (1991).

3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives


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3Q/2001, Economic Perspectives