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A review from the
Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago

C irc u it b re a k e rs
H ig h w a y c a p a c ity and
e c o n o m ic g ro w th

C irc u it b r e a k e r s ............................................................................................... 2
Jam es T. M oser

Threatened with greater regulation,
the markets have installed various safety
measures to forestall trading disasters

H ig h w a y c a p a c ity and
e c o n o m ic g r o w th ............................................................................................ 14
D avid A . A schauer

Economic growth benefits from
improvements in highway systems and,
by extension, from all improvements
in public investment in infrastructure


SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1990 Volume XIV, Issue 5

Karl A. Scheld, Senior Vice President and
Director of Research

the Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are the
authors’ and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank.
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Editorial direction
Edward G. Nash, editor, David R. Allardice, regional
studies, Herbert Baer, financial structure and regulation,
Steven Strongin, monetary policy,
Anne Weaver, administration
Nancy Ahlstrom, typesetting coordinator,
Rita Molloy, Yvonne Peeples, typesetters,
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Roger Thryselius, Thomas O ’Connell,
Lynn Busby, graphics
Chris Cacci, design consultant,
Kathryn Moran, assistant editor

ISSN 0164-0682

C ir c u it b re a k e rs

These safety mechanisms are triggered
by rapid or heavy market changes,
and they can have unintentional
effects on the financial system

Jam es T. M oser

The “circuit breakers’’ that
have gradually been added to
financial markets since 1987
got their toughest test of the
year yesterday. They passed.
—Wall Street Journal, July 24, 1990.
The limits “did exactly what they were sup­
posed to do,’’ he said.
—New York Times, July 24, 1990,
quoting a trader.

age to system integrity. Activation of a circuit
breaker intentionally imposes costs that are
expected to be less than losses realized by
exceeding the system’s capacity. Cost consid­
erations naturally focus on the value the in­
tended users can expect to obtain through their
use of the system.
Activation of circuit breakers can also
have unintentional costs. These have two
sources. First, activation of circuit breakers
can lead to unanticipated convenience losses.
For example, system engineers may under­
value some activities lost when a circuit
breaker is activated. Therefore, system users
with a financial stake in its operation have
incentives to increase system capacity by al­
lowing increases in the activation levels of
circuit breakers. It is these incentives that
produce pressure to re-allocate financial re­
sources toward increased investment in the
system. Thus, when private interests are in­
volved, the ability to re-allocate resources
insures that unanticipated convenience losses
will be infrequent and temporary.
Second, costs are also incurred when un­
planned uses of the system are disrupted. Sys­
tem engineers focusing on anticipated uses
will not incorporate the value of unanticipated
uses into their circuit-breaker decisions. These
value losses are recognized only when service
interruption motivates increased investment by
such users. When value losses fail to attract
investment, system engineers are not moti-

Press reports describing the markets’ en­
counter with circuit breakers on July 23, 1990,
regarded them as successful. Their apparent
criterion for success is the fact that the Dow
Jones Industrial Average rose 60 points after
encountering the circuit breaker. The experi­
ence from other markets suggests that circuit
breakers do not usually produce dramatic price
reversals. But, they do have effects. This
article examines these effects.
Circuit breakers are mechanisms used by
management to control activity in capacityconstrained systems. The term circuit breaker
originates in electrical engineering to describe
a pre-set switch that shuts down electrical
activity in excess of a system’s design capac­
ity. The activation level of the breaker reflects
an ex ante decision on the capability of the
Circuit breaker activation is inherently
costly. The system engineer designing a cir­
cuit-breaker makes an ex ante choice between
temporary loss of the use of the system and
reductions in the likelihood of permanent dam­

James T. Moser is a senior economist at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago.



vated to include these losses in the circuitbreaker decision. I refer to these interests as
public, to distinguish them from private inter­
ests that do lead to increased investment in the
In financial markets, the intended effect of
circuit breakers is to halt trading when activity
levels threaten market viability. Earlier circuit
breaker policy was determined within the
affected market by parties having private
rather than public interests in the activation of
circuit breakers. Exchanges, responding to
these interests, developed three separate circuit
breaker mechanisms. Order-imbalance circuit
breakers are intended to protect the interests of
market makers in specialist markets. Volumeinduced circuit breakers are intended to protect
the viability of back-office operations. Pricechange circuit breakers are intended to bring
excessive volatility under control.
Recent developments in financial markets
have elevated the importance of public inter­
ests. Markets are increasingly characterized as
inter-related. This inter-relatedness increases
the importance of price information flowing
between markets. This is particularly true
between the stock markets and the markets for
financial derivatives—options and futures.
Futures exchanges have developed stan­
dardized contracts for a variety of financial
assets. Value changes in these contracts are
closely linked to developments in their related
asset markets. Thus, asset prices serve the
public purpose of determining gains and losses
in futures contracts. Futures exchanges and
their customers have benefitted from the price
information generated by asset markets. Acti­
vation of circuit breakers interrupts this infor­
mation flow, decreasing the public value of the
services rendered by asset markets.
Futures markets offer a distinct set of
services including opportunities to manage
risks and additional routes to price discovery.
Circuit breakers activated in these markets
similarly disrupt these services, lessening their
value. The stock-index futures contract illus­
trates this. Prices for these futures contracts
are for hypothetical baskets of stocks. Thus, a
single quote determines the price of the futures
basket, whereas in the asset market cash prices
must be aggregated to produce a cash index.
In addition, daily settlement in the futures
market is in cash, greatly simplifying order


processing. The simplicity of stock-index
futures contracts produces an ideal instrument
for institutions to manage systematic risk lev­
els through simultaneous trading in asset mar­
kets and futures. Circuit breakers disrupt the
normal synchronization of price changes be­
tween futures contracts and asset prices. This
disruption amplifies the risk that gains realiz­
able in one market may be unavailable to
offset losses in the other market.
The current proliferation of derivativeasset markets with differing capacity con­
straints, combined with intensive intermarket
trading, raises coordination issues that were
less crucial in the past. Circuit breakers acti­
vated in one market now can affect several
markets, not only the market in which they
were activated. Thus, circuit breakers in fi­
nancial markets can influence public interests.
These public costs are realized in two ways.
First, circuit breaker interruption of private
markets serves to shift trading into markets
that remain open. Such interruptions initiate a
chain of events that ultimately generates de­
mand for a lender of last-resort to supply li­
quidity to the financial system. Second, pricechange circuit breakers shift credit risk to
gaining positions that implicitly extend credit
to loss positions. Their creditworthiness may
decrease the quality of exchange guarantees of
The next section describes the three types
of circuit breakers. Then, I examine the his­
tory of circuit breaker activity. An analysis of
the unintended result of price limits on liquid­
ity demands and the quality of nonperform­
ance guarantees follows.
C la s s ific a tio n o f c irc u it b reakers

Circuit breakers are of three types. Each
addresses a different design-capability issue.
The first, the order-imbalance circuit breaker,
occurs in specialist markets. Inequalities in
the number of buy and sell orders are balanced
by specialists trading for their own accounts.
These trades maintain orderly markets by
smoothing short-run order imbalances. Sub­
stantial order imbalances increase the risk bom
by specialists. This, in turn, jeopardizes or­
derly markets. The second type, volumeinduced, occurs when order processing be­
comes uneconomic. At low volume, order
processing does not meet costs. High volume
impedes the ability of the exchange to effec­


tively process orders. Markets close when
either volume effect pushes trading costs to
uneconomic levels. The third type, the pricetriggered circuit breaker, closes markets when
a given price level is reached. This last type
originated in the futures markets. Such circuit
breakers are called “ price limits.” Justifica­
tions of price limits are couched in terms of
controlling “ excessive” volatility.
O rd e r-im b alan ce c irc u it b reakers

Stock markets activate order-imbalance
circuit breakers at the request of a specialist.
The specialist asks for a suspension of trade in
an individual stock when an order imbalance
occurs. In these cases, suspension gives the
specialist time to determine a market-clearing
price based upon information obtained off the
exchange floor. Following the price determi­
nation period, the market re-opens with the
specialist taking a position at the newly deter­
mined price. The purpose of this circuit
breaker is to protect the specialist from large
Order imbalances were a problem in both
the 1987 and 1989 breaks. In 1987, selling
pressure at the October 19 opening prevented
trading in 140 of the NYSE-listed stocks in the
S&P 500 during the first half hour. In 1989,
openings on October 16, 1989 were similarly
delayed. (Most stocks were reported not
opened during the first fifteen minutes of trad­
ing. Beginning 8:45 CT, stocks began opening
and trading was reported at 9:15.) In both
cases, the intended effect of the order-imbal­
ance circuit breakers was to protect specialists
from losses incurred by purchases in declining
Activation of these circuit breakers have
unintentional effects. Trading halts in individ­
ual stocks create uncertainty about the correct
level of the aggregate indexes. This, in turn,
tends to be reflected in the futures contract.
As a result, the futures contract becomes more
likely to encounter a price limit. (On October
16, 1989, it did hit the open limit—5 points
down.) When a price limit is reached futures
trading stops, shifting some trades to the stock
exchange. These trades tend to aggravate any
existing order-imbalance problems.

low trading levels, breakeven costs are not
met. The determination of exchange trading
hours recognizes that the fixed costs of opera­
tions must be covered by revenues generated
from trading activities. Exchanges schedule
closings based on expectations that additions
to these fixed costs will not be adequately
compensated. Thus, daily closes can be con­
strued as activation of a circuit breaker.
Trading volume can surpass the ability of
exchange back offices to process the paper­
work required to document executed trades.
When this happens, the effectiveness of order
processing is reduced, producing additional
costs as the need for correcting orders rises.
These costs are expected to rise with trading
volume. With these additional costs, exchange
operations can become uneconomic and the
exchange closes.
In 1968, the stock exchanges instituted a
temporary four-day week during the last half
of the year, closing on Wednesdays to increase
the time available to process paperwork.
Heavy volume in the period prior to the fourday week had led to increases in errors execut­
ing orders. These midweek closings insured
that each five-trading-day delivery period
included at least one nontrading day, allowing
the back offices to catch up.
More recently, heavy volume appears to
have complicated the order-matching activity
of the specialists. Stock trading volume during
the 1987 price break surpassed the ability of
specialists to match orders. As a result, execu­
tions were not timely and the ticker lagged
current trades. Changes instituted after 1987
substantially increased the capacity of the
exchange to process orders to an estimated one
billion shares daily. However, the trading
suspensions that resulted from the volume on
October 13, 1989, suggest a lower capacity.
At the rate of trading in the last hour of Octo­
ber 13, daily volume would have been just
over 703 million shares. Volume on October
16, 1989, the heaviest day of trading since
October 1987, was 416 million shares. After
processing the overhang from the previous
Friday (most stocks were trading by 10:15),
stock trading proceeded smoothly all day.
P ric e -lim it c irc u it b re akers

V o lu m e -in d u c e d c irc u it b reakers

The cost-effectiveness of order processing
depends on the level of trading volume. At


In futures markets, price limits restrict
trading to a band of prices generally symmetri­
cal above and below the previous trading day’s


settlement price.1 The stated goals of circuit
breaker policies have historically been to con­
trol volatility. More recently, price limits on
stock index contracts have been set to coordi­
nate price movements in the cash and futures
markets. Price limits serve as market-closing
rules because:
1) short trades (sales of futures contracts)
are not offered on up-limit days—the market
clearing price is higher; and
2) long trades (buying futures contracts)
are not offered on down-limit days—the mar­
ket clearing price is lower.
Historically, the rules committees of the
futures exchanges incorporated price limits
into trading rules in response to threatened
regulatory intervention. That pattern suggests
that price-triggered circuit breakers would not
exist without potential regulatory intervention.
Past c irc u it b re a k e r e xp erien c e

This history of the price-limit form of
circuit breaker demonstrates that price limits
appear to resolve “ political” volatility.2 The
imposition of price limits, an apparent impedi­
ment to the price discovery purpose of futures
exchanges, coincides with threats to the inde­
pendence of the exchanges. Rather than face
increased regulatory oversight and lose their
ability to resolve disputes internally, the ex­
changes accommodated pressures for regula­
tion by self-imposing price limits.
Early h is to ry o f p rice lim its

The earliest occurrence of a price limit in
futures trading was at the Dojima exchange in
Japan during the early 18th century. Settle­
ment in the koku “ small futures” contract for
rice was determined by the average of the
previous three days’ forward-closing prices. If
this price deviated by more than a fixed
amount from the cash price for rice, all con­
tracts were either reversed out or delivered.
This effectively discontinued trading in the
contract by eliminating all futures positions.
Also, the futures price was tied to the cash
market, avoiding the potential criticism that
futures trading caused problems in cash mar­
kets. Imposition of the rule came during a
time when rice markets were described as
“ deteriorating.” Deteriorating markets are
often characterized by price volatility.


The first instance of a price limit rule in
the United States came during the First World
War. On February 1, 1917, Germany an­
nounced that its submarines would sink all
ships found in the major Atlantic shipping
lanes. Cotton prices for May delivery on the
New York Cotton Exchange closed down by a
record of over five cents a pound. By the
following Monday, however, the market had
recovered to within one and one-half cents of
the earlier price. In subsequent weeks, futures
prices continued to be extremely volatile. The
threat of attacks on shipping continued to run
down prices as traders feared lost access to the
European markets. Cotton prices rose as mar­
kets responded to news of potentially large
purchases of cotton for military uniforms.
Congress responded by supplying flat-rate
three percent war loss insurance—a substantial
discount from the then-current Lloyd’s of
London quote of ten percent. Cotton prices
reached an all-time high following the intro­
duction of this subsidized insurance.
The futures exchanges trading cotton
responded to this volatility in two ways. On
June 20, 1917, the British Board of Trade
closed down cotton futures trading and the
New York Cotton Exchange increased margin
requirements. Separately, the U.S. govern­
ment requested a price limit on the cotton
contract. On August 22, 1917, a three-cent
price limit was imposed. This limit remained
in effect for the duration of the war. Interest­
ingly, there is no record of a limit day during
this period.
Also during the First World War, the Food
Administration froze prices on wheat to pre­
vent profiteering in that commodity. This
action closed down trading in wheat futures at
the Chicago Board of Trade. However, other
grain prices were not frozen and their corre­
sponding futures contracts traded freely. Since
these grains are partially substitutable for
wheat, government policy regarding wheat
induced volatility in other grains. Futures
prices for these commodities reflected this
volatility, attracting the attention of the Food
Administration. As a result of this scrutiny,
the Board of Trade instituted a two-cent per
day price limit on the oat contract and the New
York Mercantile Exchange introduced a threecent per day price limit on soy bean oil con­
tracts. These price limits were removed once


trading in wheat futures resumed after the war.
Price limits were formalized in 1925 at the
Chicago Board of Trade. The 1925 Annual
Report reported a modification to all contracts
allowing the Board of Directors to set pricechange limits of five percent of the preceding
day’s average closing price, following a tenhour notice period. (For comparison, a five
percent limit on wheat in today’s wheat con­
tract comes to 18.9 cents per bushel. The
present limit is twenty cents per bushel.) De­
termination of an emergency was left to the
Board. Nevertheless, price limits retained
their temporary character, to be used only in
emergency situations.
Direct federal intervention in agricultural
markets during peace time began in the early
1930s under the authority of the Agricultural
Adjustment Act. The Federal Farm Board,
attempting to maintain prices in spite of large
supplies of wheat, opened long futures con­
tracts in May 1931 and 1932 wheat. Uncer­
tainty about government policy (including
complaints that officials were manipulating
prices in their own interests) increased the
frequency of emergency use of price limits.
(A recent proposal by Robert Heller
makes similar use of futures markets. He
argues the current policy of supplying liquidity
during a market break disrupts monetary pol­
icy. Instead he suggests the Fed supply liquid­
ity directly by taking long futures positions.
His use of futures contracts is reasoned from
the same basis as the Federal Farm Board
policy of six decades ago—both approaches
avoid the problem of the federal government
holding and disposing of assets. The experi­
ence of the 1930s suggests that careful consid­
eration should be given to the problem of
contract expiration.)3
Passage of the National Industrial Recov­
ery Act in July 1933 opened the way for trade
associations to enforce price stabilization
agreements, with the federal government act­
ing both as architect and enforcing partner.
Application for these partnerships was made
through the National Recovery Administration
(NRA) with the agreements chartered through
Executive Orders by President Franklin
Roosevelt. The agreements came in the form
of codes for fair competition.
Grain price volatility continued to be high
after the Farm Board ceased its price manipu­


lations. The drought of the period and uncer­
tainty about government policy were contrib­
uting factors. This high volatility led to De­
partment of Agriculture pressure in July 1933
for a fair-trade agreement among the grain
exchanges. Pressure on the exchanges to com­
ply came in the form of a proposal by the
Agricultural Adjustment Administration and
the Grain Futures Administration that would
have empowered the Secretary of Agriculture
to modify and enforce trading rules at the
futures exchanges. The proposed authority
included limits on individual trading, limits on
daily price changes, and margin setting. The
futures exchanges complied with the request
and Executive Order No. 6648, entitled “Code
of Fair Competition for Grain Exchanges and
Members Thereof’, was signed by President
Roosevelt on March 20, 1934. The agreement,
implemented the next day, included price
limits which could not be exceeded, but did
permit exchanges to set limits below the pre­
scribed maximums.
The Supreme Court ruling in the Schechter Poultry Corporation case on May 27, 1935,
declared the NRA codes unconstitutional.
Following the Schechter decision, Congres­
sional hearings began on the Commodity Ex­
change Act to broaden the scope of federal
regulatory powers over the futures exchanges.
These powers had previously been lodged
within the Grain Futures Administration. Con­
gressional discussion indicated the proposed
Act would institutionalize the defunct NRA
To thwart increased regulation, the Chi­
cago Board of Trade incorporated permanent
price limits on all its contracts. (At the same
time, the Board of Trade also eliminated trad­
ing of options on futures, then called “priviledges [sic].” These were also targeted in
Congressional hearings.) The action began the
use of price limits as a standard contract fea­
ture. The Commodity Exchange Act later
passed specifying only regulatory review,
rather than expanded powers, over contract
details—including price limits.
C irc u it b re akers in th e 1 98 0s

In 1982, futures contracts on stock indexes
were introduced. The initial contracts, keep­
ing with standard practice, were introduced
with price limits. However, for the first time
since the 1930s, these limits were dropped on


objections from New York stock trading inter­
ests. In late 1984, price limits were dropped
on all International Monetary Market contracts
for foreign exchange.
The movement away from price limits
continued until the market break of October
1987, when price limits were instituted on the
S&P 500 contract. Three of the six commis­
sions studying issues of the market break rec­
ommended significant regulatory changes.
With regard to price limits the recommenda­
tions differ substantially. The Brady Commis­
sion recommended coordinated trading halts.
While no specific method was proposed, the
Commission indicated that price limits should
be considered among the possible mecha­
nisms. The NYSE “Katzenbach” study group
said that price limits will not resolve market
break issues. Their proposals focused on in­
creasing the cost of trading to prevent specula­
tion. They specifically proposed requiring
delivery of stocks on stock-index futures contracts-increasing the cost of trading futures.
The SEC study recommended against price
limits on stock-index contracts. The SEC
proposal suggested optional delivery of stock
on index contracts, again increasing the cost of
trading futures.
After the 1987 break, price limits were
imposed on stock-index futures. The stated
reason for these limits was to synchronize
futures and cash prices. In 1988, the S&P 500
contract traded with a level-determined price
limit. At levels below 275, the limit was 15
index points ($7500 per contract); between
275.05 and 325, the limit was 20 index points
($10,000 per contract); and, above 325, the
limit was 25 index points ($12,500 per con­
tract). Initial margins on these contracts were
$15,000, twice the pre-break amount. In addi­
tion, a five-point limit was established at mar­
ket opening. On reaching an opening limit,
trading is suspended for two minutes and re­
opened at a new opening level. The opening
limit rule holds only for the first ten minutes of
The 1987 market break also led to intro­
duction of price-triggered circuit breakers on
the New York Stock Exchange. After a fall of
25 points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average
(DJIA), the Sidecar program re-prioritized
orders, giving priority to small (less that one
million dollars) orders. After a decline of 250


points in the DJIA, the stock market would be
closed for one hour. After a 400-point decline
in the DJIA, the stock market would be closed
for two hours. In addition, the DOT (Desig­
nated Order Turnaround) program would be
shut down after a 50-point decline in the DJIA.
The m ini-crash o f O c to b e r 1 9 8 9

Recalling that the intent of these circuit
breakers is to synchronize cash and futures
markets, the events of October 13, 1989, pro­
vide a gauge for the usefulness of circuit
breaker mechanisms. The evidence suggests
that price limits did not synchronize these
markets and may have routed dynamic-hedge
trades into the stock market.
At 1:43 (CDT) negotiators announced the
failure of financing for the proposed UAL
buyout. The announcement sent the stock and
index-futures markets into a steep decline. At
2:00 the DJIA was down 55 points. This cor­
responds to a 7.3 point drop in the S&P.
Seven minutes later, the S&P futures contract
hit its limit— 12 points down. With futures
trading suspended, the DJIA at 2:30 was down
114.76 points or roughly 15.3 S&P points. At
2:30, the futures contract reopened, but closed
again fifteen minutes later—down 30 points.
At the close of trading (3:00), the DJIA was
down 190 points, or 25.3 S&P points. Quotes
from the stock market clearly lagged behind
those from the futures market. The circuit
breakers do not appear to have kept prices in
Trading volume was affected by the cir­
cuit breakers. Figure 1 shows NYSE volume
for half-hour intervals for 10/13/89 and 10/16/
89. Volume at 1:30 on 10/13 was 125.52
million shares for the day, or 12.55 million
shares per half-hour interval. The market
response to the UAL announcement in the
1:30-2:00 interval increased volume to 17.48
million shares, or 39 percent above the aver­
age prior to 1:30 but still less than two of the
previous half-hour intervals.
At 2:07 CDT futures trading was sus­
pended for the remainder of the half-hour
period. Minutes later Chicago Board Options
Exchange (CBOE) closed without re-opening.
Volume during that period was 45.86 million
shares, 265 percent above the average and
more than twice the busiest previous period.
During the last half-hour of trading, volume
was 396 percent above the average—nearly



Stock volume levels: October 1989
millions of shares

four times the busiest period before 1:30. This
trading might be explained as a response to
new information and, therefore, independent
of the incidence of circuit breakers but evi­
dence in the Index futures pit suggests more
was involved.
After limits were hit in the S&P 500 pit
for the second time, a limited number of sell
orders were executed at the limit price despite
the disadvantageous price obtained there.
Further, at the official 3:15 close of index
trading, 2,000 sell orders worth $330 million
were said to be outstanding. The pattern of
selling in the Index pit indicates that traders
were searching for reliable executions. The
closest available substitute to selling stockindex futures is the sale of stock holdings.
Thus, the substantial increase in stock volume
can be related to the incidence of the CME
circuit breaker. (See Figure 2).
The consequence of the volume increase
may have been an increased difficulty in keep­
ing up with the flow of orders. Heavy selling
after 1:30 CDT produced suspensions in ten
stocks with seven not re-opening. This sug­
gests that stock markets were unable to handle
the increased volume.
Finally, the evidence from the 1989 price
break reveals three weaknesses. First, volume
increases after price limits were encountered
suggest these circuit breakers routed trades
from the futures markets to the stock markets.


This is a serious concern. There is good evi­
dence from the 1987 break that order imbal­
ances are positively correlated with price
changes. Policies tending to exacerbate the
order-imbalance problem are likely to increase
price volatility during price swings encoun­
tered in the future. Second, both the price lags
reflected in the DJIA and the suspensions in
stock trading indicate that the circuit breakers
did not keep prices in line. Third, taking the
$330 million overhang in the futures market to
be intended to cover stock positions of institu­
tional traders, at least one-third of a billion
dollars went unhedged.
N e w c irc u it b reakers in place

After the 1989 market break, price limits
were revised. The following describes current
limit procedures for the S&P contract. The
five-point opening limit is retained. After the
opening interval and at all levels of the index,
current levels are: On a 12-point drop in the
index prior to 2:30 PM (Central Time), trading
is suspended for thirty minutes; on a 20-point
drop in the index prior to 1:30 PM, trading is
suspended for one hour; on a 30-point change
(up or down), trading is suspended until 50
percent of S&P stocks (by capitalized value)
are open for trading.
The NYSE also revised its circuit breakers
to restrain program trading. After a 30-point
drop in the DJIA, incoming orders are routed


into the Sidecar for fifteen minutes. After a
75-point drop trading orders are Sidecar’d for
thirty minutes. In addition, the CME rejects
incoming S&P 500 contract orders after a 12point drop in the S&P.
The emphasis on drops clarifies the pur­
pose of recent price-linked, circuit-breaker
policies. They do not resolve cash flow prob­
lems for the futures exchanges—else limits
would be imposed on the upside as well. Nor
do they control volatility—for the same rea­
son. They do shield the futures exchanges
from the criticism that futures trading pulls
down stock prices.
C irc u it b reakers and th e m a rk e t
fo r liq u id ity

Liquidity is the relative ease of matching
buy and sell orders at recently observed prices.
Sellers can always obtain liquidity by lowering
offers to sell. The difference between the
price they obtain and the previously observed
prices they expected can be construed as the
cost of liquidity. Buyers recognize that for
some assets these costs may be high. Thus,
their offers to buy incorporate the risk of en­
countering a high liquidity cost on the eventual
sale of the asset. Buyers respond by adjusting
bids downward.
Markets respond by organizing to keep
liquidity costs low. They accomplish this
through efficient matching of buy and sell
orders backed up by methods to handle any
order imbalances that may arise.
T h e m a rk e t-m a k in g a c tiv ity

Market making refers to the activity of
matching buy and sell orders. In specialist
markets such as the stock exchanges, orders to
buy or sell arrive at a central post, are matched
up by a specialist, and are posted as transac­
tions. The specialist’s order book is unbal­
anced when the number of buy and sell orders
at the most recent price are unequal. When
these order imbalances occur, exchange rules
require the specialist to trade for his own
position—buying in a declining market or
selling in a rising market. Since these trades
are aimed at re-balancing the order book, they
may be loss trades for the specialist; that is,
buying above the correct market price in a
declining market or selling below in a rising
market. These trades produce a balance of buy
and sell orders and fulfill the specialist’s re­


sponsibility of maintaining an orderly market.
To facilitate this role, dealers have exchangerequired capitalization and minimum invento­
ries for their stock listings.
Under an interest-rate targeting policy, the
Fed acts as a marketmaker in markets directly
linked to reserve assets. Reserve policy effects
credit levels so that a stable monetary policy
depends on a stable market for reserves. To
maintain this stability, the Fed acts as a spe­
cialist in reserves—both buying and selling to
prevent order imbalances.
Links b e tw e e n fin a n c ia l m a rk e ts

The Federal Reserve is affected by circuit
breakers because markets for stocks, bonds,
and futures contracts are fundamentally linked
through the payments system and the market
for reserves. To see this, consider the problem
faced by the specialist after a steep decline in
stock prices. In the process of buying stock to
maintain an orderly market, losses have been
encountered. In addition, inventories of stock,
generally purchased on margin, have been
marked down and require additional financing.
Summing the financing needs of many special­
ists after declines of the magnitude experi­
enced during the breaks of 1987 and 1989, one
will generally observe a large increase in the
demand for loanable funds. Institutions sup­
plying funds to specialists respond by selling
short-term Treasury securities to meet reserve
requirements. Thus, the demand shock in the
loanable funds market tends to destabilize
markets for Treasury securities—orders to sell
Treasury securities exceed buy orders.
Shocks to the loanable funds market are
also felt as the margin accounts of mark-tomarket assets are adjusted. Dynamic hedge
trades in a declining market increase demand
for Treasury securities placed in the initial
margin accounts of long and short futures
positions. Long and short positions marked to
market add further shocks as losing positions
sell Treasuries to generate funds required to
cover calls for variation margin and winning
positions invest cash balances in Treasuries.
Over a period of time these shocks will net
out. Nevertheless, lack of synchronicity in­
duces short-term swings in the supply of li­
Combining with these separate effects,
stock-market specialists encountering losses
from their market-making activities are seek-



------- — — ------------- —

Stock market


285 \

8:30 am



1:00 pm




1:43 pm



1:54. pm

- _ , 2:00 pm

_______ __________________ s,_________ ______________

The UAL break: Trading
on October 13,1989

Volum e m oderate at
117.46 m illio n shares
fo r the day.

Trading in UAL halted.
Stock prices begin decline.

S & P futures


Negotiators announce
their failure to obtain
financing fo r proposed
UAL buyout.

Market opens,trends down.

Futures market

7 ” 8WM"1V »..■■■«------------------ ---------


DJIA dow n 57 points (from
previous close). D ro pco rre -(
sponds to a 7.3 point drop in
S & P 500 contract. Volume i
last hour 25.54 m illion shares

S & P futures



2:00 pm


jng funds in a market subjected to volatile
levels of liquidity. In its capacity as reserve
specialist, the Federal Reserve supports liquid­
ity by maintaining a balance between buy and
sell orders for reserves and Treasury securities.
This activity prevents short-run order imbal­
ances from wringing liquidity from the system.
The credit-demand shock from specialists’
needs for funds are supported as the Fed adds
reserves to the system.
Importantly, Fed policy must first distin­
guish between the real and monetary compo­
nents of these shocks in the market for re­
serves. Facilitating the liquidity demands of a
financial shock need not have real effects.
Liquidity can be increased through purchases
of Treasuries. Once the short-term credit
needs of the payments system subside, reserve
levels can then be reduced. These financial
shocks can be identified by sharp market de­
clines accompanied by volume and order­
balancing problems. The timing of this credit
accommodation requires consideration.

Circuit breakers interfere with trades needed to
generate liquidity. The appropriate time for
the Fed to begin the supply of liquidity is at
the point when trading halts create an imbal­
ance of buy and sell orders for reserves and
Treasury securities.
Policy considerations for mixed realmonetary shocks differ. In these events, the
Fed must consider both the need for credit
accommodation through its order-matching
activity and its monetary policy which is im­
plemented through reserve-level choices. For
example, liquidity operations after the 1987
break produced significant decreases in short­
term rates. Reserves were left in the system
after October 1987, giving permanence to the
October liquidity operations. The 1989 break
was followed by reports that the Fed would
supply liquidity as in 1987. These reports
were later disavowed. However, open market
operations on October 16, 1989, did effect a
modest temporary increase in the reserve base.



In terms of the effect on credit markets, the
expectation of increased credit availability is
key. Interest rates fell on October 16, evidenc­
ing market anticipation of increased purchases
of Treasuries. Interest rates rose shortly after­
wards as the Fed’s response and its disclaimers
became known.
Identification of a real component to a
shock suggests consideration of a less tempo­
rary adjustment to the reserve level. Accom­
modation of temporary liquidity needs facili­
tates the allocation of capital. Failure to ac­
commodate liquidity tends to hinder the re­
allocation of capital, delaying recovery from
the real shock. Once temporary liquidity
needs are met, reserve policy should then
focus on real, relatively permanent aspects.
E ffe c t o f c irc u it b reakers

Circuit breakers alter the effect of a mar­
ket move on credit markets by altering cash
flows. Trading halts have three effects on the
flow of funds.


First, amounts marked to market based on
prices recorded when trading was halted do not
reflect market values—short positions record
less gain in a price decline, long positions
record less loss. Provided trading halts are
synchronized across markets, amounts marked
to market for related securities are similar
causing no excess demand for loanable funds.
Unsynchronized trading halts, on the other
hand, tend to produce asymmetry in that losses
and gains on related assets are unequal. The
liquidity needs produced by losses incurred in
one market cannot be covered by recognition
of gains in related markets. Thus, nonsynchronized trading halts increase the demand
for loanable funds and shift liquidity trades
into those markets which remain open. This
places greater stress on these markets.
Consider, for example, a specialist hedg­
ing his equity position with a short futures
position in an index contract. A trading halt in
the index futures contract can result in equity


losses exceeding gains on futures. In an unre­
stricted market, the futures position, in this
example, would generate needed cash to cover
the financing needs of the stock position. A
halt in futures trading reduces the flow of
funds to the specialist, increasing dependance
on borrowed funds. Inventory financing needs
that cannot be met with gains from the futures
contract must be covered by increased borrow­
Second, positions not marked to market
are affected like marked-to-market accounts.
The difference is one of form, not result.
Gains and losses on stocks or options are real­
ized by unwinding the position. Circuit break­
ers halt trading and prevent unwinding of
contracts. This restricts access to invested
balances required to cover losses, realized
elsewhere, increasing the demand for credit.
For example, traders holding UAL on 10/
13 attempted to sell out after the 1:43 an­
nouncement. The halt in trading of that stock
initiated a search for close substitutes for UAL
stock. The nearest substitutes were other take­
over stocks and transportations, particularly
airlines. Order books for these stocks quickly
became unbalanced. Three Big Board stocks
halted trading temporarily: USAir Group,
Delta Air Lines, and Philips Industries. Seven
Big Board stocks halted and remained closed
for the day: UAL, AMR, BankAmerica, Walt
Disney, Capital Cities/ABC, Philip Morris,
and Pacific Telesis. Sales again shifted; first
to index futures, then to a broad range of
stocks after the 15-point limit halted futures
These first two effects of price limits
derive from restrictions on investor access to
liquidity. During market breaks when liquid­
ity is most valuable, circuit breakers reduce
the number of routes available for private
resolution of liquidity needs. This tends to
increase demand for a source of last resort to
supply liquidity—a role many expect to be
taken up by the Fed.
A third effect derives from responses to
price uncertainty as clearinghouses re-consider
prudential margin levels. The trade halt pro­
duced by a circuit breaker creates uncertainty
about the market’s actual volatility. Since
margin levels are determined in response to
estimates of price volatility, risk-averse clear­
inghouses are forced to estimate margin needs


on a worst-case basis. This will tend to in­
crease the margin levels required by prudent
clearinghouses. Recognizing that further
losses to customer accounts may be substan­
tial, initial and variation margin levels are
increased to prevent losses from spilling over
from customer accounts into clearing-member
accounts. This effect tends to decrease the
supply of loanable funds by increasing use of
Treasury securities to meet margin obligations.
C re d it ris k due to loss fin a n c in g

The previous comments on circuit break­
ers emphasize problems induced by disruption
to the flow of funds. Circuit breakers can also
be viewed as shifting credit risk. Failure to
record the full loss amount in a marked-tomarket account implicitly extends an interestfree loan for a portion of the loss amount to
the losing position. The amount of this loan is
the difference between the amount marked to
the settlement price and the amount marked to
the true market price. The loan is extended to
losing positions from gaining positions.
The amount of credit extended by these
loans can be considerable. To illustrate, I will
use the October 1989 market break. Taking
the true futures price to be roughly the 10/16/
89 opening, the true settlement price for the
117, 202 December contracts outstanding
should have been 323.85. The difference
between the actual settlement of 328.85 and
the estimate of the true settlement is 5 S&P
points. The amount of credit implicitly ex­
tended to short positions over the weekend of
10/14-10/15 was, therefore, $58.6 million or
3.3 percent of the value marked to market on
10/ 13.4
To gauge the risk to the financial system,
we need to recall that futures clearinghouses
provide performance guarantees for contracts
trading on their affiliated exchanges. The
quality of these guarantees depends on the
amount of potential loss relative to equity. As
potential losses increase relative to a fixed
level of equity, the possibility of default rises,
diminishing the quality of any guarantees.
Book equity balances for the CME at the end
of 1988 were $79.3 million. The $58.6 million
implicitly lent to short positions is 73.9 per­
cent of book equity.
The full implication for contract perform­
ance guarantees is not known. Threats to these
guarantees will tend to shift trading away from


the futures markets as the perceived quality of
the guarantees declines. This tends to increase
the credit needs of specialists operating in
stock markets, requiring increases in reserves
to meet these demands. Thus, the significance
of the credit balance implied by price limits
bears investigation. The policy issue is the
viability of contract performance guarantees
provided by the futures exchanges.
C onclusion

This article examines the effects of circuit
breakers on the stability of the financial mar­
kets. Circuit breakers are classified into three
types based on capacity issues: volume-trig­
gered circuit breakers halt trading when vol­
ume exceeds order-processing capacity; orderimbalance circuit breakers halt trading when
orders to buy or sell threaten the viability of
the specialist; and price-limit circuit breakers

halt trading when price changes are regarded
as excessive. The history of price limits sug­
gests they are introduced when futures ex­
changes are threatened with greater regulatory
This paper argues that circuit breakers re­
duce access to markets. This reduces the abil­
ity of markets to resolve needs for liquidity.
Second, price limits extend credit to loss posi­
tions in futures and options markets. Since
clearinghouses guarantee contract perform­
ance, these guarantees may be threatened by
large credit balances.
On several recent occasions, circuit break­
ers have proved of some value in market
crises. But it must be remembered that their
value is not costless, nor their benefits without

*A notable exception to price-limit symmetry is found in
the stock-index contracts. These are discussed in the next
2This term is from Joseph A. Grundfest, Commissioner of
the Securities and Exchange Commission.
^The Heller proposal is in Heller, R., “ Have the Fed Sup­
port Stock Market, Too,” Wall Street Journal, October 27,
1989, p. A 14. An analysis of the 1930s experience is in


Moser, James T., “ Public Policy Intervention Through
Futures Market Operations,” forthcoming in the Journal of

Futures Markets.
4 The 10/16 open price is probably too high. Opening
contract prices on that date encountered the CME open
limit of five points, preventing realization of a lower price
on the S&P contract. Thus, our estimate may significantly
underestimate the amount of credit extended.


H ig h w a y c a p a c it y and
e c o n o m ic g ro w th

The quality and quantity of highway
transportation systems have a direct bearing
on economic growth— good roads
are good business

D avid A . A schauer

To the commuter struggling
along the clogged freeways of
southern California, this sta­
tistic must seem unlikely: the
average auto commute in Los
Angeles County took only 22 minutes in 1985.
Even more unlikely: that time was shorter than
1980’s average, 23.7 minutes. After decades
of increasing traffic and looming gridlock,
how could these daily pilgrimages have be­
come shorter?
One answer is suggested by Peter Gordon,
Associate Dean of the School of Urban and
Regional Planning at the University of South­
ern California. Gordon and his colleague,
Harry Richardson, say that the highly devel­
oped freeway system in the Los Angeles area
has allowed business and industry to further
decentralize, often locating (or relocating)
along the freeway system. It is this shift that
has helped to shorten the commuter trips.
Four minutes or so a day per worker may
not seem like much. But it adds up to nearly
two full working days a year per worker, in a
working-age population of some 5.4 million.
And industry’s intelligent use of the freeway
system has other benefits, such as shorter de­
livery and pick-up times.
The concepts and empirical evidence
contained in this article support the idea that
transportation infrastructure plays an important
role in the process of regional economic
growth. While it is common for economists to
argue that investment is a key determinant of
productivity growth and economic develop­
ment, it is often the case that the particular

investment chosen for analysis is quite limited
in scope. Indeed, public investment in infra­
structure capital—streets and highways, mass
transit, airports, water and sewer systems, and
the like—is typically left out of growth discus­
sions, at least at the level of national, aggre­
gate analysis.1
Only a relatively small number of studies
have sought to establish the importance of
infrastructure investment to private sector
productivity and income growth. In a series of
papers, I have developed a framework
(Aschauer 1988, 1989a, 1989b, 1989c) with
three basic empirical implications: 1) That
infrastructure capital carries a positive mar­
ginal product in a private-sector neoclassical
production technology; 2) That infrastructure
capital is complementary to private capital and
is capable of enhancing the marginal product
of private capital; and 3) That infrastructure
investment is likely to spur private investment
in plant and equipment. The empirical results
contained in those papers are in broad confor­
mity with the underlying framework.
Holz-Eakin (1989) and Munnell (1990)
come to nearly the same conclusions using
slightly different empirical approaches or
sample periods. Similarly, Garcia-Mila and
McGuire (1987) establish a contemporaneous,
positive link between the stock of highways
and per capita output. Based on the results of



When he w rote this article, David A. Aschauer was
a senior econom ist at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago. He is now the Elmer W. Campbell profes­
sor of economics at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine.

these studies, one might be convinced that by
ignoring public capital stocks the relationship
between investment and economic growth is
misspecified and potentially underestimated.
Still, legitimate questions may be raised
about the results in the aforementioned papers.
For instance, the estimates in Aschauer
(1989a) seem to suggest a marginal productiv­
ity of public capital in private production
which is “too high.” The elasticity of private
sector output with respect to public capital is
approximately the same as that with respect to
private capital while the public capital stock is
approximately one-half the size of the private
capital stock. This implies a marginal product
of public capital which is approximately twice
as large as that of private capital. Perhaps, it
may be argued, the correlation between the
public capital stock and private sector produc­
tivity is merely evidence of economic causa­
tion running in the reverse direction—from
productivity through per capita output and, in
turn, through tax revenues to the demand for
public capital.
This article develops an alternative esti­
mation strategy in order to establish the direc­
tion of causation from highway investment to
economic growth. Specifically, this article
searches for a connection between the level of
highway capacity and the growth rate of per
capita output. The following section lays out
the conceptual approach. The next section
contains a description of the data and a discus­
sion of empirical results. The article con­
cludes by offering some suggestions for future

highway capacity regardless of the level of
vehicle density; additions to the highway stock
reduce travel time and, thus, increase traffic
flow and the associated transportation services.
The production technology can exhibit a posi­
tive, a flat, or a negative marginal product of
density, however, depending upon whether
density is below, at, or above a certain critical
level, vd*, which is typically termed the “ bot­
tleneck point” for the highway stock.*2 The
production function is depicted as the funda­
mental diagram of traffic in Figure 1. For a
given level of highway capacity, the produc­
tion of transportation services increases with
vehicle density up to the bottleneck point, and
declines with further increases in density.3 A
number of empirical studies, such as Fare,
Grosskopf, and Yoon (1982), have confirmed
this relationship for isolated locales.

Fundamental diagram of traffic
transportation services

C o n c e p tu al issues

The conceptual analysis centers on the
linkages among highway capacity and the
production of transportation services, private
sector investment, and economic growth.
Transportation services are taken to be “ pro­
duced” by a simple neoclassical technology
1) t. = f(vdj, hi.)
? +
where t. = transportation services (measured as
a flow of vehicles per time period) in a par­
ticular locale j; vd. = vehicle density (meas­
ured as vehicles per mile of highway); and hi.
= highway capacity (measured as miles of
highway). The production technology is char­
acterized by a positive marginal product of


This article links the level of highway
capacity to a measure of economic growth
across localities. I argue that the return to
productive activity (apart from transportation
services) in any place is positively related to
the level of transportation services, measured
as a flow of vehicles per time period. Thus, I
postulate the rate of return function
2) r. = r(t.) = r(vd., hi)
? +
so that the return from production, r, in locale
j depends on the degree to which the highway


3) Dk. = g (r.-p )
where Dk. = the growth rate of the physical
capital stock per person in locale j.
Finally, non-transportation output per
person is assumed to be related to the accumu­
lated capital stock per head according to a
Cobb-Douglas production function augmented
by a common rate of exogenous technological
growth and a “catch-up” factor whereby total
factor productivity in any given local is al­
lowed to converge on that of other, leading
locales. Following Dowdrick and Nguyen
(1989), this allows us to write the growth rate
of per capita output in the form

Dyj = a0 + a^y^O) + a2*DL

where y.(0) is the initial level of output in
locality j; and where < 0, and a2 > 0. Com­
bining Equations (2), (3), and (4) yields the
growth relationship between output, vehicle
density, and highway capacity

Dyj = y(yj(0), vd., hi.)
? +
so that output growth will be negatively re­
lated to the initial level of output; positively or
negatively related to vehicle density (depend­
ing on whether vehicle density has passed the
bottleneck point); and positively related to
highway capacity.
The logic of this approach is quite simple.
An increase in the stock of highways for a
given locale generates a higher return to local,
productive activity by raising the level of
transportation services available to producers.
This higher return to production, in turn,
stimulates private investment in these produc­
tive facilities. The increased investment car­
ries with it higher growth in output and income
for the particular locale.4
Increased productivity, of course, is not
the only possible mechanism by which infra­
structure in general, or highways in particular,
might affect the rate of economic growth.
Murphy, Shleifer, and Vishny (1989) suggest


that investment in infrastructure (in this case, a
railroad) may result in lower production costs
to a number of economic sectors. These “ex­
ternal effects” of the investment allow for a
multiplicity of equilibria, so that infrastructure
spending can generate a “big push” to a higher
level of output.5
In a recent paper, Romer (1989a) con­
structs a model in which technological change
evolves endogenously as the result of profit
maximizing investment behavior by imper­
fectly competitive firms. Knowledge is only
partly excludable so that the aggregate produc­
tion function for final goods exhibits increas­
ing returns to scale. This nonconvexity in the
production set allows for steady-state growth
in per capita income. Romer shows how mar­
ket power is necessary for the growth in
knowledge to be a result of a response to mar­
ket incentives; without imperfect competition,
total output is less than would be required in
payment of all inputs according to their mar­
ginal productivities. From the perspective of
the current article, the key result of his model
is that the rate of growth of a particular econ­
omy depends directly on the degree to which it
is integrated with other economies. Such
integration allows access to a larger stock of
human capital which, in turn, raises invest­
ment in knowledge or technological improve­
ment and boosts growth.
Sokoloff (1989) offers support for the
Romer model. Sokoloff utilizes 19th century
United States county-level data to show that
the introduction of water transportation (canal
construction or river dredging) sparked a
sharply higher rate of patenting in those coun­
ties adjacent to the transportation system.
Presumably, such counties displayed a higher
rate of economic growth as well. Clearly, one
could argue that similar effects would be ex­
pected from the development or improvement
of a highway transportation system.
In a model that also admits the possibility
of increasing returns to scale, and steady-state
growth in per capita income, Barro (1989a)
shows how the rate of economic growth can
affected by the size of a government sector,
larger government raises economic growth to
the extent that it raises the marginal productiv­
ity of private capital but lowers economic
growth to the extent that the associated higher
rate of taxation discourages productive activ­
> 8T

stock is congested and on the magnitude of the
highway stock.
The level of capital accumulation in a
particular locale, in turn, is dependent upon
the gap between the return to productive
activity, r., and the economy-wide cost of
capital which we denote p. Hence, we have


ity. In a companion empirical paper, Barro
(1989b) presents evidence that suggests that
governments optimize in their choice of the
size of the government sector relative to the
economy. In particular, he finds that eco­
nomic growth is inversely related to “unpro­
ductive” government activity (such as govern­
ment consumptions spending) and weakly
positively related to “ productive” government
activity (such as nonmilitary public invest­
D a ta and e m p iric a l resu lts

In this article, I use data on real per capita
income growth and measures of highway ca­
pacity and quality across the contiguous fortyeight states during the period 1960 to 1985.
As the focus of the study is on the longer term
relationship between the transportation infra­
structure and economic growth, the data on per
capita income growth are sample averages of
underlying annual observations. The basic
highway capacity variable is measured as the
total existing road mileage, inclusive of urban
and rural roadway, in a given state relative to
the square mileage of the state over the period
1960 to 1985.
The separate importance of the urban and
rural road systems to per capita income growth
will also be investigated. In these data, urban
refers to census places with a minimum popu­
lation of 5,000. The basic highway quality
variable is the percent of highway mileage of
deficient quality in 1982; such road surface
carries a Present Serviceability Rating (PSR)
of 2.5 or less for interstate highways and of 2.0
or less for other categories of roadway (other
arterial and collector roads).6
In order to assess the degree to which the
transportation system is congested, a highway
usage variable must be employed. The vari­
able chosen for that purpose in this article is
vehicle density, expressed as total vehicle
registrations (cars, trucks, and motorcycles)
per highway mile over the period 1960 to
1985. Of course, this measure of vehicle den­
sity will be inaccurate to the extent that ve­
hicles registered in a particular state are oper­
ated in other states.
The basic relationship to be investigated is
a linearized version of Equation (5):

Dy. = b0 + b,*y.(0) + b2*vd. + b3*hi. +
b4*pqj + c*d, + e


where Dy. = per capita income growth in state
j; yj(0) = initial (1960) level of per capita in­
come (in logarithms), vd. = logarithm of ve­
hicle density; hi. = logarithm of highway
capacity; pq. = pavement quality; and d. =
dummy variables for the Northeast, Midwest,
and West regions of the United States as de­
fined by the Census Bureau.
As the primary focus of this article is on
the relationship between highway capacity and
economic activity, the above equation is esti­
mated without explicit consideration of the
separate effects of vehicle density and pave­
ment quality. Table 1 contains results of esti­
mating this simpler equation by ordinary least
squares (OLS) and weighted least squares
(WLS) methods. Column 1 reports OLS re­
sults including all regional dummy variables.
As is shown, there is a significant tendency for
states’ economies to converge toward a com­
mon level of per capita income. Specifically,
the coefficient estimate of -1.38 on initial
income implies that a one-standard-deviation
reduction in the initial level of the logarithm
of per capita income results in a faster rate of
income growth of .28 percentage point during
the period 1960 to 1985. Notably, the central
proposition of this article—that economies
with a superior surface transportation infra­
structure will benefit through higher productiv­
ity and per capita income growth—achieves
empirical confirmation. The coefficient esti­
mate of .22 on the highway capacity variable
indicates that a one-standard-deviation in­
crease in the logarithm of highway capacity
induces a . 13 of a percentage point increase in
the growth rate of per capita income.
The finding that the stock of highways is
an important contributor to economic growth
parallels the results of recent empirical re­
search by Romer (1989b). Romer focuses on
the importance of human capital—measured
by the level of literacy of the population—for
economic growth across countries. In regres­
sions similar to those in Table 1, he finds a
significant positive relationship between hu­
man capital and per capita output growth. He
also finds that human capital is positively
correlated with private investment in plant and
equipment. According to the conceptual
analysis above, a similar connection between
highways and investment would be expected.
The results in Column 1 of Table 1 indi­
cate that, apart from initial per capita income



Per capita income growth and highway capacity
(Dependent variable: Dy^






















sq. rt.

sq. rt.




























































































Variable definitions in appendix.

and highway capacity, only the Midwest re­
gion has a growth rate of per capita income
statistically different from that of the South,
which is used as a benchmark in this Table.
Column 2 reestimates the basic equation, drop­
ping the Northeast and West regional dummy
variables. As was to be expected, ther adjusted
coefficient of determination improves margin­
ally upon this alteration and only minor im­
pacts on the individual coefficient estimates
can be discerned.
Column 3 includes a measure of pavement
quality in the regression equation to determine
the separate effect of pavement quality on
productivity and income growth. Here, a onepercentage-point erosion in pavement quality
induces a reduction of per capita income
growth equal to .009 of a percentage point per
year. The point estimates of the coefficients

on initial income and on highway capacity are
left relatively undisturbed and, as before, the
Northeast and West regional dummies are
statistically insignificant. Column 4 elimi­
nates the latter dummy variables and exhibits
nearly the same results for the remaining coef­
As estimation is being undertaken over a
cross-section of states, there is some presump­
tion that the error structure may not be homoskedastic. Accordingly, Table 1 also con­
tains the results of various generalized leastsquares estimations using a variety of weight­
ing series. Columns 5 and 6 use the square
root of initial per capita income as a weighting
series; columns 7 and 8 use the level of initial
per capita income; and columns 9 and 10 use
the logarithm of initial per capita income.
Only the results with the Midwest regional



ing the relationship between highway quantity
and quality variables and per capita income
growth by two-stage, least-squares methods.
Instruments chosen for estimation are the ini­
tial 1960 stock of highway mileage, initial
1960 vehicle registrations, initial 1960 popula­
tion, new road mileage financed with federal
aid highway funds during 1980, seasonal heat­
ing degree days, and the number of local gov­
ernmental units in 1982. The reasoning behind
the choice of certain instruments, such as ini­
tial highway capacity, initial vehicle registra­
tions, and initial population require no expla­
nation. New road mileage financed through
federal grants is taken as exogenous to individ­
ual states and is expected to be correlated with
highway capacity and quality. Heating degree
days is a measure of temperature extremes and
is expected to be correlated with pavement
quality. Finally, the extent to which a state’s
governmental decision-making is concen­
trated, measured by the number of local gov­
ernmental units, arguably will affect its ability
to collect and disburse funds for the purpose of

dummy are presented; as in previous equa­
tions, the Northeast and West regional dum­
mies carried little “explanatory” power. In
every case, the rate of growth of per capita
income is significantly related to highway
capacity and pavement quality; further, the
quantitative values of the coefficient estimates
remain within a small interval of the original
unweighted estimates.
Of course, one should be concerned about
the potential for simultaneity bias in the esti­
mated coefficients contained in Table 1. For
instance, it may be argued that a portion of the
positive correlation between highway capacity
and per capita income growth is simply due to
the fact that high income growth states are
likely to be states with adequate resources to
invest in additional highways. Similarly,
states with such resources would be in a posi­
tion to undertake appropriate maintenance
expenditures in order to avoid an erosion of
pavement quality over time.
To address the possibility of such simulta­
neity bias, Table 2 exhibits results of estimat­


Per capita income growth and highway quantity and quality
(Dependent variable: Dy.)


















sq. rt.

sq. rt.




w eight

































































Instrum ent list: y^O), hi(0), v(0), |3.(0), newhi.(0) , hddj( govu.




highway construction and maintenance. As
before, only results from estimating with a
dummy variable for the Midwest region are
displayed; inclusion of other regional dummies
does not affect the conclusions in any impor­
tant way.
Column 1 of Table 2 shows that the basic
relationship between highway capacity and
economic growth is not reflective of a reverse
causation from per capita income growth to
highways. The point estimate of the effect of
highways on economic growth remains the
same as with ordinary least squares regression,
and there is no change in the standard error
associated with the coefficient on highway
capacity. The results contained in Column 2
reflect an increase in the quantitative relation­
ship between pavement quality and economic
growth, with a near doubling of the relevant
coefficient estimate. However, the associated
standard error increases by a large amount,
with the result that the relationship between
pavement quality and per capita income
growth is of somewhat diminished statistical
significance. Nevertheless, the negative rela­
tionship between deficient highway mileage
and economic growth still remains at roughly
the 5% significance level. Columns 3 and 4
repeat the estimation utilizing weighted twostage least squares, with the square root of
initial per capita income as a weighting series;
the point estimates are similar to those in Col­
umns 1 and 2 with some improvement in the
statistical importance of pavement quality.
Columns 5 and 6 make use of initial per capita
income as a weighting series; the only discern­
ible difference in results is a further increase in
the importance of the pavement quality vari­
able. Finally, Columns 7 and 8 use the loga­
rithm of initial per capita income to weight the
observations; in this case, the statistical asso­
ciation between pavement quality and per
capita income growth is attenuated and returns
to that obtained in Column 2.
Highway capacity may be acting as a
proxy for some other variable that may be of
direct and primary importance to economic
growth. One such variable might be the de­
gree to which the economy of a state is geo­
graphically concentrated; perhaps highly ur­
banized states exhibit higher per capita income
growth due to the compact nature of the par­
ticular state’s economy. Table 3 allows one to
dismiss the validity of this particular argu­



Per capita growth and urbanization
(Dependent variable: Dy.)

















































Instrum ent list: see Table 2.

ment. As can be seen, urban density—meas­
ured by the raw percentage of total population
living in standard statistical metropolitan areas
in Columns 1 and 2 and by its natural loga­
rithm in Columns 3 and 4— is, at best, only
marginally significant and does not attenuate
the strength of the basic relationships between
highway capacity, highway quality, and eco­
nomic growth.
V e h ic le d en s ity and e co n o m ic g ro w th

According to the discussion in the theo­
retical section, an economy with an overbur­
dened highway system—one with traffic den­
sity beyond the bottleneck level—will have
lower traffic volume and, as a result, lower
productivity and per capita income growth.
Thus, if during the period under investigation
there existed chronic underinvestment in high­
way capacity across states, one would expect
to find a negative relationship between vehicle
density—measured as the logarithm of vehicle
registrations per highway mile—and per capita
income growth. The results contained in
Table 4 allow one to gauge the adequacy of
the highway capital stock across states.



Adequacy of highway capital stock
(Dependent variable: Dy.)



















sq. rt.



sq. rt.












































































Instrum ent list: see Table 2.

Upon scanning the results of Table 4, one
finds no evidence of a chronic shortage of
highway capacity across states over the entire
period 1960 to 1985. The point estimate of the
effect of higher vehicle density on per capita
income growth is uniformly statistically insig­
nificant regardless of the method of estimation
(ordinary least squares, weighted least squares,
two-stage least squares, and weighted twostage least squares). Furthermore, the esti­
mated relationship between highway capacity
and economic growth and that between pave­
ment quality and economic growth remain
nearly the same as when the vehicle density
variable was omitted from the basic empirical
U rb an versus ru ral h ig h w a y c a p ac ity

A natural question is whether urban or
rural roads are of greater quantitative and/or
statistical importance in determining economic
growth across states. Table 5 allows for a



decomposition of the initial stock of highways
into urban (SSMA) and rural (non-SSMA)
mileage. The first Column of Table 5 indi­
cates that both the urban and rural components
are quantitatively and statistically important
determinants of economic growth, with rural
roads having the larger effect. One should
note that the diminished statistical significance
of the relationship between highways and per
capita income growth to a large degree is due
to the collinearity between urban and rural
highway mileage; the correlation between the
two variables across states is .59. Indeed,
dropping each of the rural and urban compo­
nents in turn—as in Columns 2 and 3—leaves
significant importance for the remaining high­
way capacity measure, with individual point
estimates of .17 (urban) and .40 (rural) and
associated standard errors of .04 (urban) and
.09 (rural). Column 4 combines the two com­
ponents of the highway stock by weighting



Urban and rural highway capacity
(Dependent variable: Dy.)


constant -7.35



-7.37 -7.53
1.04 1.06




-1.54 -1.61






h ia





h it












































-008 -009
.003 .003

according to the coefficient estimates in Col­
umn 1 and then summing the two separate
components. The coefficient estimate is

highly statistically significant. Finally, Col­
umn 5 takes the highway capacity measure in
Column 4 and normalizes by the surface area
of the state. The coefficient estimate can be
compared with that of Table 1, whereupon it is
seen that this measure of highway capacity
bears a stronger statistical association with per
capita income growth than did the original,
simpler measure.
C onclusion

This article develops a simple model in
which the government sector of a particular
jurisdiction can influence the rate of growth of
output in that locale. A higher level and better
quality of highway capacity expands transpor­
tation services and, in so doing, raises the
marginal product of private capital. The
higher marginal product of capital induces
higher investment in physical capital and
growing per capita incomes and output. Local
governments can thereby exert an important
influence on the rate of economic growth
within their own locality.
In future research, it would be interesting
to expand on the theme of this article by look­
ing at the relationship between other measures
of infrastructure—water and sewer systems,
airports, mass transit, etc.—and local eco­
nomic growth. Along with existing results on
the importance of public capital to metropoli­
tan production, such as contained in Eberts
(1988), such evidence would give an improved
indication of the importance of the services of
government capital to the development and
performance of state and local economies.


Data description and sources
Dy = average annual growth of per capita in­
come (1972$) from 1960 to 1985. SAUS,
various issues.

hiu = logarithm of total existing urban road
mileage, average over 1960 to 1985. SAUS,
various issues.
hit = logarithm of weighted sum of hir and hiu.

y = logarithm of level of per capita income
(1972$). SAUS, various issues.

area = logarithm of square miles of surface
area. SAUS.

p = logarithm of population, average over
1960 to 1985. SAUS, various issues.

hita = hit-area.

hi = logarithm of total existing road mileage,
average over 1960 to 1985. SAUS, various

pq = percent of highway mileage of deficient
quality in 1982 (PSR < or = 2.5 for interstate
highways, PSR < or = 2.0 otherwise). HS
1982, Table HM63.

hir = logarithm of total existing rural road
mileage, average over 1960 to 1985. SAUS,
various issues.


v = total vehicle registrations, average over
1960 to 1985. SAUS, various issues.
vd = logarithm of vehicle registrations per
highway mile, average over 1960 to 1985.
SAUS, various issues.
urb = percent of total population residing in
standard metropolitan statistical areas in 1970.
SAUS, 1977 Table 17.

newhi = new road mileage financed with fed­
eral aid highway funds in 1980. HS 1980,
Table FA1.
hdd = seasonal heating degree days (60_
base). SAUS, 1982-83, Table 378.
govu = number of local governmental units in
1982. SAUS, 1988, Table 452.

'For example, consider the following statement by Richard
Bartel (1989): “ ...some economists tend to think of invest­
ment in narrow terms—private spending on business plant
and equipment. We often forget about additions to the
stock of public infrastructure—spending on roads, bridges,
mass transportation, airports, waterways, water supply,
waste disposal facilities, and other public utilities.

a link between general infrastructure capital (inclusive of
but not confined to highways), the rate o f return to private
capital, and the level of private investment in nonresidential
equipment and structures. .

2See McDonald and d’Ouville (1989).

T h e U.S. Department of Transportation’s “ PSR is a
numerical value between zero and five reflecting poor
pavement condition at the lower end and very good pave­
ment condition at the higher values.” Highway Statistics
(1982), p. 108).

3See McDonald and d’Ouville (1988).
4These conceptual results are consistent with the empirical
results in Aschauer (1988) and (1989b), which established

sFor related arguments, the reader is referred to Rostow
(1960) and Rosenstein-Rodan (1961).

Aschauer, David A., 1988, “ Government
spending and the falling rate of profit,” Eco­
nomic Perspectives, Vol. 12, pp. 11-17.

_____, 1989b, “ A cross-country study of
growth, saving, and government,” unpub­

_____, 1989a, “ Is government spending pro­
ductive?,” Journal of Monetary Economics,
Vol. 23, pp. 177-200.

Dowdrick, Steven and Duc-Tho Nyugen,
1989, “ OECD comparative economic growth
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can Economic Review, Vol. 79, pp. 10101030.

_____, 1989b, “ Does public capital crowd
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Economics, Vol. 24, pp. 171-188.
_____, 1989c, “ Public investment and pro­
ductivity growth in the Group of Seven,”
Economic Perspectives, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.
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Challenge, September/October, pp. 2-3.
Barro, Robert J., 1989a, “ Government
spending in a simple model of endogenous
growth,” Rochester Center for Economic Re­
search, Working Paper, No. 186.


Eberts, Randall, 1988, “ Estimating the con­
tribution of public capital stock to metropoli­
tan manufacturing production,” Federal Re­
serve Bank of Cleveland, Working Paper.
Fare, R., S. Grosskopf and B. Yoon, 1982,
“A theoretical and empirical analysis of the
highway speed-volume relationship,” Journal
of Urban Economics, Vol. 12, pp. 115-121.
Garcia-Mila, Teresa and Terese McGuire,
1987, “ The contribution of publicly provided
inputs to states’ economies,” unpublished.
Holz-Eakin, Douglas, 1989, “ A note on the
infrastructure crisis,” unpublished.



McDonald, John F. and Edmond L.
d’Ouville, 1988, “ Highway traffic flow and
the uneconomic region of production,” Re­
gional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 18,
pp. 503-510.
_____, 1988, “Optimal road capacity and the
uneconomic region of production,” unpub­
Munnell, Alicia, 1990, “Why has productivity
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January/February, pp. 3-22.
Murphy, Kevin M., Andrei Shleifer, and
Robert W. Vishny, 1989, “ Industrialization
and the big push,” Journal of Political Econ­
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_____, 1989b, Human capital and growth:
theory and evidence, National Bureau of Eco­
nomic Research, Working Paper, No. 3173.
Rostow, Walt W., 1960, The stages of eco­
nomic growth: A non-Communist manifesto,
Cambridge University Press, London.
Rosenstein-Rodan, 1961, “ Notes on the the­
ory of the big push,” in Economic develop­
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records, 1790-1846,” Journal of Economic
History, Vol. 48, pp. 813-850.
Statistical Abstract of the United States, vari­
ous issues (U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C.).



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