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Number 92-22, May 29, 1992

The Silicon Valley Economy
When most people think about Siiicon VaHey
they think of computers and computer com- .
ponents-and the economic boom that those
technological innovations brought to the region.
Although technology continues to dominate
the area, in recent years the economic boom
has turned to a whimper. This Weekly Letter
describes the earlier growth of the Silicon Valley
economy and documents the onset of the current
weakness. The analysis suggests that there is
some reason for optimism about the area's future,
although several factors are likely to restrain
growth in the short term.

A high-tech region
Technology-oriented industries clearly are important to Santa Clara County, which includes the
Silicon Valley. At the end of 1991, the electronics
and computer sectors alone accounted for 17 percent of Santa Clara County's jobs, compared to
less than 2 percent for the U.S. Given the importance of these technology industries to the area's
economy, it should not be surprising that these
industries are major determinants of overall economic activity in the Silicon Valley. Simple statistical tests suggest that these two industries, taken
together, explain about 60 percent of employment fluctuations. in Santa Clara County between
1972 and 1991.

most doubled duiing the decade, adding 115,000
jobs in Santa Clara County. Fully 40 percent of
the region's new jobs were in the manufacturing
sectors. By way of comparison, only 5 percent of
the jobs created nationally during the 1970s were
in manufacturing industries. As a result of the
spurt in the area's manufacturing jobs, by 1980,
Santa Clara County was much more dependent
on manufacturing jobs than the U.s. was. Manufacturing accounted for 37 percent of its jobs,
compared with only 22 percent of national jobs.

The early to mid-1980s: Growth and a downturn
In the first half of the 1980s, the pace of overall
job creation slowed somewhat, to a 3.6 percent
annual rate from the frenetic 5.8 percent pace of
the 1970s (see Chart). Still this perfOimance was
relatively strong, considering that the nation

suffered two iec~ssions during the 1980-1\982

Change in Employment, Annual Rate
Santa Clara County



The 1970s boom
From 1970 to 1980, the number of jobs in
Santa Clara County increased from 380,000 to
665,000. This phenomenal rate of job creation
was almost three times the national pace during
the same period.
A large proportion of these new jobs were in the
computer and electronic components sectors,
which alone added more than 84,000 jobs just
between 1972 and 1980. That means that computers and electronic components accounted
for close to a third of the decade's employment
growth-a huge contribution considering that
these sectors accounted for only 12V2 percent of
the region's jobs in 1972.
Because of the rapid growth in computer and
electronicsjobs, manufacturing employment al-



..------.----.-----:=--,..-----r---l -10



Total ~ Manufacturing


iii Ele~ronic


"Data for these industries begin in 1972.


• COli1put~rs and,data
processing eqUipment"

The pattern of growth was like the 1970s, with
technology-related industries accounting for more
than their share of the country's new jobs. Employment in electronic equipment grew at an
annual rate of 6.3 percent, while the number of
computer jobs grew at a 5.5 percent annual rate.

In the mid-1980s, while the nation was experiencing a rapid recovery, Silicon Valley had a
recession. Santa Clara County lost 28,000 jobs
from the beginning of 1985 until the end of 1986:
20,000 in the electronic equipment industry
alone, and 6,000 in the computer sector The remaining three-fourths of the region's economyincluding other manufacturing sectors, as well as
services, trade, and construction~came out just
about even during this two-year period.
It is not hard to find explanations for the downturn. First, the initial surge in demand for personal computers had been satisfied. Additional
sales had to wait until buyers had digested their
recent purchases, or until further technological
developments made those purchases obsolete,
or until prices fell far enough to bring additional
buyers into the market. Second, the electronic
components sector faced an excessive buildup
of memory chip inventories, and production suffered while those inventories were drawn down.
Finally, competition from foreign producers was
cutting into an industry that previously had been
dominated by u.s. companies.

The late 19805: Modest improvement
The region's economy did pick up during the
final years of the decade, but the bloom clearly
was off the rose. From the beginning of 1987 until
the end of 1989, employment in Silicon Valley
grew at a healthy but unspectacular annual rate
of 2Vz percent. However, electronic equipment
employment in Silicon Valley continued to decline, falling at a rapid rate averaging 4Vz percent
annually. As a result, at the beginning of 1990,
employment in Silicon Valley's electronic equipment sector was even lower than the level at the
beginning of the 1980s.
This made the area's economy look more like that
of other regions, with services and other nonmanufacturing sectors taking over as the leading
sources of job creation. Indeed, in a reversal from
the area's previous experience, manufacturing
grew much more slowly than the rest of the
area's economy.

The early 1990s: Another downturn
So far in the 1990s, conditions have continued to
be disappointing. Since employment reached its

most recent peak in May of 1990, Santa Clara
County has lost 33,700 jobs. This makes the current downturn as long as the mid-1980s downturn, but more severe in terms of the number
of jobs lost. The number of jobs in March 1992
was about the same as in November 1991,
suggesting that the economy may have stopped
deteriorati ng.
As in the mid-1980s, manufacturing industries
dominate the decline, accounting for 15,200
of the 33,700 jobs lost. The electronic components sector alone lost 7,300 jobs. But, unlike the
mid-1980s, weakness in Silicon Valley this time
around has coincided with weak economic conditions in both California and the nation, so the
job losses now are spread throughout the economy. Whereas computers and electronic equipment together accounted for 97 percent of the
area's net job losses in 1985-86, these sectors
have contributed only a fifth of the net lost jobs
this time around. (In fact, Santa Ciara County
computer makers actually added 600 jobs to
their payroiis during the past two years.) Reflecting the more generalized weakness, 8,800 jobs
have been lost in trade sectors, while the service
sector has lost 3,500 jobs. On top of this weakness, Santa Clara County has been hard hit by
defense cuts, leading to the loss of 3,700 jobs
in the guided missiles and space vehicles sector.

The current situation
All told, then, the Santa Clara County economy
has been fairly weak for the past seven years.
There are several explanations for this weakness,
with sluggishness in the area's crucial high-tech
industries prominent among them.
To some extent, slower growth in computers and
electronic components would be expected as the
markets for new products grow and mature. In
addition, many have argued that the industry's
activity-particularly large-scale production activity-has moved from Silicon Valley to other,
lower-cost locations. The U.s. clearly has lost
market share as production by foreign companies
has increased. According to the Semiconductor
Industry Association, the share of U.s.-based
companies in total world semiconductor production fell fairly steadily at least until 1988 (65
percent in 1977, 60 percent in 1982,45 percent

in 1987, and 38 percent in 1988). Moreover, the
share of industry production actually made in the
u.s. has fallen even more sharply, since U.S. investments in facilities abroad were growing
during this period.
There is evidence, though, that 1988 marked the
nadir for U.S. semiconductor firms, and that they
have halted their slide-or perhaps even improved their position-since then. The U.s. share
of the world semiconductor market now stands
at just under 40 percent, a small inCiease from
38 percent in 1988. The improved position of
U.S. producers is attributable to several factors,
including better chip quality and U.S. firms'
willingness to plow money into innovative but
untested technologies. Japanese firms continue to
excel in manufacturing, and in fact are involved
in several joint ventures to manufacture technology products developed and licensed by u.s.
Problems among high-tech producers have not
been the only sources of weakness in the Silicon
Valley in recent years. Defense cutbacks have
hurt, and a national recession that has hit California particularly hard has provided an additional
negative biow.

In this context, recent improvements in the national economy provide some positive news, as
increased profits and production should give
firms the resources to invest in additional computer capacity. And indications that American
high-tech producers have found profitable niches
in the international market also represent a positive development.
At the same time, though, defense cutbacks are
likely to continue for a few more years, and the
market for computer-related technologies remains very competitive. These factors are likely
to keep any immediate recovery relatively re~
strained. Nevertheless, the prospects for the
medium to long term are reasonably bright.
The concentration of highly educated workers,
combined with the infrastructure of financial,
business, and legal services that are unusually
well-suited to fostering new technologies, enable
the area to continue to be an important seedbed
of innovations in technology-oriented industries.

Carolyn Sherwood-Call

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor or to the author.... Free copies of Federal Reserve publications can be
obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco 94120.
Phone (415) 974-2246, Fax (415) 974-3341.
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with soybean inks.
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Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter







Taxpayer Risk in Mortgage Policy
The Problem of Weak Credit Markets
Risk-Based Capital Standards and Bank Portfolios
Investment Decisions in a Water Market
Red Ink
Presidential Popularity, Presidential Policies
Progress in Retail Payments
Services: A Future of Low Productivity Growth?
District Agricultural Outlook
The Product Life Cycle and the Electronic Components Industry Sherwood-Call
Japan's Recessions
. Moreno
Will the RealI/Real GOP" Please Stand Up?
Foreign Direct Investment: Gift Horse or Trojan Horse?
U.S. International Trade and Competitiveness
Utah Bucks the Recession
Monetary Announcements: The Bank of japan and the Fed
Causes and Effects of Consumer Sentiment
California Banks' Problems Continue
Is a Bad Bank Always Bad?
An Unprecedented Slowdown?
Agricultural Production's Share of the Western Economy
Can Paradise Be Affordable?

The FRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in june, july, August, and December.