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Number 95-42, December 15, 1995

Budget Deficit Cuts and the Dollar
Since the spring of this year, policymakers and
academics have disagreed on how expected reductions in the u.s. budget deficit will affect the
u.S. dollar. Prominent policymakers, including
the Federal Reserve Board Chairman, the Bundesbank President, and the Japanese Finance Minister have stated publicly that such reductions may
lead to a strengthening of the u.s. dollar. Wellknown u.s. academics have criticized this view,
arguing that budget deficit cuts will lead to.a
dollar depreciation.
This Weekly Letter assesses these conflicting
views in the context of standard explanations of
the determinants of the exchange rate. It, revievJ
of these explanations suggests that u.S. academics are focusing on the short-run impact of lower
budget deficits on the dollar, whereas policymakers are focusing on medium- and long-run effects.

depreciation of the currency. The reason is that
the fall in the domestic interest rate will produce
a large incremental capital outflow, because from
the point of view of a small economy, the supply
of international capital is unlimited.
For a large economy like the U.S., the effects of
a budget deficit cut are ambiguous. The supply
of international capital is no longer unlimited,
so that as domestic income declines, the trade
balance increase may exceed the capital outflow
associated with the fall in interest rates, causing a
balance of payments surplus and dollar appreciation. This ambiguity is resolved by (plausibly) assuming that the tendency for budget deficit cuts
to result in capital outflows outweighs the effects
on the trade balance. Thus, the academics' insistence that a budget deficit cut will tend to lead to
a weaker dollar may be motivated by focusing on
short-run effects.

Budget deficit cuts in the short run
The simplest way to think of how budget deficits
affect the dollar is to use a Keynesian framework
where the dollar adjusts to restore equilibrium in
the balance of payments. The dollar depreciates
if the balance of payments isin deficit, and it
appreciates if it is in surplus. So the key to predicting what happens to the dollar when the
budget deficit is cut is to see what happens to
the balance of payments.

Budget deficit cuts and long-run effects
Shifting the focus to the longer-run impacts of
budget deficit cuts, we can explore two reasons
why such cuts can lead to dollar appreciation.
First, a budget deficit cut may lead to

capital inflows and a balance ofpayments surplus if the
risk premium on domestic interest rates falls by
enough. Suppose investors are worried that the
continued accumulation of u.s. government debt

Roughly speaking, the balance of payments is
the sum of the trade balance and net capital
flows. And part of the ambiguity in the debate is
because a cut in the budget deficit affects these
two components of the balance of payments differently. It tends to increase the trade balance,
because it cuts today's income, which reduces
the demand for imports; in other words, it can
create a balance of payments surplus. At the same
time, it tends to encourage capital outflows, because it tends to lower u.s. interest rates relative'
to foreign rates-that creates a balance of payments deficit.

may make investors reluctant to hold u.S. treasury securities some time in the future, exposing
them to sudden capital losses. In order to bear
this risk, investors require a premium, which is
reflected in the spread between domestic and
foreign interest rates. A budget deficit cut may reassure investors that the future stock of u.s. government debt will not be so large, which would
reduce the risk premium. If the reduction is large
enough, there may be incipient capital inflows
even if the budget deficit cut causes the domestic
interest rate to fall. The dollar would thenappreciate to restore balance of payments equilibrium.

Which effect is likely to dominate? In the case
of a small open economy the answer is clear: A
budget deficit cut will push the balance of payments toward a deficit and hence will produce a


a budget deficit reduction may reduce inflationary pressures. Many international econo-

mists believe that in the long run, when prices
can adjust, the value of the dollar depends on

the relative price of representative baskets of U.S.
and foreign goods and therefore on relative money
supplies and money demands. This is an implication of the theory of purchasing power parity,
and it is known as the monetary approach to the
exchange rate.. JA,. decline in the budget deficit to=
day may reduce the expected rate of long-run
money creation and inflation required to finance
current and prospective deficits. The decline in
long-run inflationary expectations causes the longrun nominal interest to fall and money demand to
rise and the dollar to appreciate in the long-run.
Such an expected future appreciation in the dollar from its current expected long-run level will
lead to an appreciation in the dollar today, which
will offset the tendency towards depreciation in
the short-run highlighted earlier.
It is not clear how big a role these reasons are
likely to play. For example, Allan Meltzer has
pointed out that historically risk premium effects
have been small in the U.S.; however, he notes
that they may be rising because private financing
of u.s. net debt has been replaced by financing
by foreign central banks. In addition, several observers have questioned whether the effect of
budget deficit cuts on inflationary expectations
is empirically relevant, since the U.s., like other
industrial countries, has not monetized its deficits
in recent years. However, evidence from other
countries suggests that in the absence of credible
measures to reduce the budget deficit, the pressure on the central bank to resort to inflationary
fi nance tends to grow.

Effects on productivity
or the composition of demand
While much of the discussion in the financial
press focuses on the effects of deficit reduction
on the dollar, the effect of specific tax and government expenditure policies on sectoral productivity or the composition of demand may have
implications for the exchange rate in the long
run that are separate from those associated with
deficit financing. These policies affect the real, or
inflation-adjusted, dollar exchange rate, which,
holding monetary factors constant, will affect the
nominal exchange rate as well. Some insights into
these effects can be gained by assessing how the
long-run (real) exchange rate is determined and
the possible effects of tax and spending policies.
In what follows, it is useful to think of an economy with two goods, traded and non-traded, and
of the real exchange rate as the relative price of
traded to nontraded goods. This relative price is

widely taken to represent the real exchange rate,
because it reflects the relative profitability, or
competitiveness of production, in the traded
goods sector. A fall in the price of traded goods
relative to nontraded
goods means the
traded goods sector is relatively less profitable,
and represents an appreciation of the dollar.


International economists believe that an important long-run determinant of the real exchange
rate is productivity growth. Bela Balassa and Paul
Samuelson concluded three decades ago that if
productivity grows faster in the traded goods sector than in the nontraded goods sector, then in
the long run, the relative price of traded to nontraded goods will fall, which means that the real
exchange rate wi II tend to appreciate. The reason
is that an increase in traded goods productivity
drives up the demand for workers and their
wages. The price of nontraded goods rises in
response to the increase in cost, but the price of
traded goods does not adjust because it is set in
world markets. Richard Marston (1987) provides
empirical support for this theory, finding that rising labor productivity differentials between traded
and nontraded goods in Japan, in excess of those
observed in the U.S., provide a good explanation
of the long-run trend real appreciation of the yen
against the dollar.
These findings suggest that if the budget deficit
is cut by reducing spending or altering taxes in a
way that increases relative productivity growth in
traded goods sector, the dollar may appreciate. Unfortunately, the quantitative effects
of specific spending or tax policies on aggregate
long-run productivity growth are not well understood. For example, it is tempting to argue that
past Japanese subsidies to the traded goods sector
enhanced that sector's productivity growth and
contributed to the trend yen appreciation apparent since the 1960s. However, subsidies to specific sectors in other countries have not necessarily
enhanced productivity. Further research on this
question would be instructive.


Another factor believed to affect the real value of
the dollar is the composition of demand. For example, a budget cut achieved by cutting government spending will cause a dollar depreciation
(a fall in the price of U.S. domestic nontraded
goods) if government spending is more biased towards domestic nontraded goods. There is some
empirical evidence of a connection between government spending and the real exchange rate. In
this context, it can be argued that the fiscal factors

behind the real appreciation ofthe dollar in the
early 1980s was not so much the result of budget
deficits rising as of the increase in government
spending that favored domestic goods.
Apart from the composition of government spending, the wealth of consumers is often believed to
influence the demand for domestic nontraded
goods and therefore the real value of the dollar.
In this view, a country incurring a current account
surplus accumulates wealth, thus increasing the
demand for its own goods and its own money,
which results in a real and nominal appreciation
of the exchange rate. Thus, fiscal policies that
increase the long-run stock of capital or national
saving will increase national wealth and the demand for domestic goods, thus causing the dollar
to appreciate in the long run. In particular, tax
policies that encourage consumers to invest rather
than to consume may lead to dollar appreciation.

It can be argued that if the short-run reduction in
the budget deficit is large relative to the planned
reductions in the future, short-run effects may
dominate and, under plausible conditions, the
dollar will depreciate, as argued by academics.
If deficit reductions will take place largely in the
future, and consumers and investors are mainly
worried about the accumulation of government
debt, long-run considerations may be dominant.
In this case the dollar may appreciate, as suggested by po!icymakers. !n either case, the types
of tax or government spending policies that are
used to achieve deficit reduction are likely to
affect the path of the dollar as well.

Ramon Moreno
Senior Economist

The disagreement between policymakers and
some academics on the effects of budget deficit
reductions on the dollar appears to reflect the
former's emphasis on long-run effects and the latter's emphasis on the short-run effects. It is difficult to tell which viewpoint is more credible
empirically. As discussed by Kasa (1995), there
is no close empirical relationship between macroeconomic fundamentals, such as budget deficits,
and short-run exchange rate behavior. Furthermore, while there is some evidence that certain
variables (including inflation and productivity
growth) affect the exchange rate in the long run,
it is difficult to isolate the impact of such long run
factors on the behavior of exchange rates in the
short run,


Kasa, Kenneth. 1995. "Understanding Trends in Foreign
Exchange Rates." FRBSF Weekly Letter Uune 9).
Marston, Richard. 1987. "Real Exchange Rates and Productivity Growth in the United States and Japan."
In Real Financial Linkages among Open Economies,
S. W. Arndt and J. D. Richardson, eds., pp. 71-96.
Cambridge: MIT Press.
Meltzer, Allan H. 1995. "Comment on: 'What Do
Budget Deficits Do?' by L. Ball and N. G. Mankiw."
Delivered at Budget Deficits and Debt: Issues and
Options, FRB Kansas City Symposium, Jackson
Hole, Wyoming.

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily refled the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor
or to the author. Free copies of Federal Reserve publications can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal
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Weekly Lettertexts and other FRBSF publications and data are available on FedWest Online, a public bulletin board service
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Research Department

Federal Reserve
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Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter







Inflation Goals and Credibility
The Economics of Merging Commercial and Investment Banking
Financial Fragility and the Lender of Last Resort
Understanding Trends in Foreign Exchange Rates
Federal Reserve Policy and the Predictability of Interest Rates
New Measures of Output and Inflation
Rebound in U.S. Banks' Foreign Lending
Is State and Local Competition for Firms Harmful?
Productivity and Labor Costs in Newly Industrializing Countries
Using Consumption to Track Movements in Trend GDP
Output-Inflation Tradeoffs and Central Bank Independence
Inflation-Indexed Bonds
California Dreamin': A Rebound in Net Migration?
Interest Rate Smoothing and Inflation, Then and Now
Russian Banking
Consolidation: California Style
Is Pegging the Exchange Rate a Cure for Inflation? East Asia
Monetary Policy in a Dynamic, Global Environment
The Rhyme and Reason of Bank Mergers
New Estimates of the Recent Growth in Potential Output
Reserve Requirements and Asian Capital Inflow Surges

The FRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in June, July, August, and December.