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Vol. 8, No. 5 • July 2013­­


Value-Added Data Recast
the U.S.–China Trade Deficit
by Michael Sposi and Janet Koech

Value-added trade
data provide a needed
measure to
compilations to aid
in the understanding
of bilateral


hina accounts for a larger share
of the overall United States
trade deficit than any other
country, an imbalance that
has gained increasing prominence. The
deficit has surged in recent years, growing by more than $200 billion since 2000
and amounting to almost 2 percent of U.S.
gross domestic product (GDP), up from
about 0.5 percent of GDP in 2000.
Although some view this widening
gap as symptomatic of a large and growing interdependence between the two
countries, these data paint an incomplete
picture and don’t fully take into account
that production networks span multiple
countries. In the past, most goods were
manufactured from start to finish within a
country’s borders. Today, the production
of a single good, such as a mobile phone
or computer, typically occurs across several countries, with each specializing in
a particular phase or component of the
final product.
When trade flows are recorded, they
reflect the value of goods at each border
crossing, as noted in customs reports. The
full value of a good is assigned to the last
link in the production chain, even if the
contribution of that last country is minimal. Accounting for trade in this manner
fails to identify the contribution of different countries in the intermediate production of the final good and is not represen-

tative of actual interdependence.
China, often dubbed the “factory of
the world,” is a key link in international
production chains. Although its participation is mostly toward the final stages
of production, its contribution to the
final value of a product is often small.
Conventional trade statistics attribute
all the value to China, even though the
product embodies inputs from around
the world. As a result, Chinese exports are
inflated, impacting the size of bilateral
trade balances.
Rather than assign the full value of
a good to the last country from which it
was shipped, trade data should ideally
also track the value and source of each
production step and allocate the share
of value accordingly. That is, instead of
a “Made in China” label, a finished good
assembled in China with inputs from different countries might bear a label saying,
“Made 15 percent in Canada, 20 percent
in Korea, 25 percent in Japan, 30 percent
in the U.S. and 10 percent in China.”
In practice, tracking every country’s
share in the value of each good would
be next to impossible. However, using
recently released data, economists have
applied new methods of measuring each
country’s contribution to the value of final
items. These methods involve combining
available trade flow figures with valueadded data and trade composition data.1

Economic Letter
Defining Value Added
Value added refers to the amount
by which the value of a good or service
increases at a specific step in a production
process. Inputs (computer chips and bare
circuit boards) are converted into outputs
(assembled circuit boards). These are
then combined with other inputs (processor, an operating system, memory and a
hard drive) to become a computer. The
value of total (gross) output from every
stage of production can be decomposed
into two parts: the value of intermediate inputs and the value added during
production. The value added at each step
of production is computed by taking the
gross value of the output and subtracting the value of all intermediate inputs.
Equivalently, value added is defined as
the value of output that compensates for
the factors of production (such as labor
and physical capital) that transform the
intermediate inputs into output.
Data reveal that China engages in low
value-added production, while the U.S.
engages in high value-added activities.
At the most aggregate level, the share of
value added in gross output in China was
34 percent in 2005, compared with the
U.S. at 53 percent.2 Meanwhile, the average proportion for the rest of the world—
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) countries plus
some non-OECD countries and excluding
the U.S. and China—was 47 percent (Chart

Data reveal that China
engages in low valueadded production,
while the U.S. engages
in high value-added



Share of Value-Added Output Relative to Gross Output (2005)




Rest of world

NOTE: Rest of world includes OECD countries plus 11 non-OECD countries, excluding U.S. and China.
SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Input-Output tables.


Trade Compositions
Another aspect of China’s role in global
production chains is explained by the composition of its trade. More than 75 percent
of China’s imports are intermediate goods,
compared with 50 percent in the U.S. and
an average of 60 percent for the rest of the
world.4 Final goods account for only about
25 percent of China’s imports compared
with 50 percent for the U.S. and an average of 40 percent for the rest of the world
(Chart 2).
The composition of exports also varies across countries. While intermediate
goods account for only 40 percent of
China’s exports, the share is much higher
elsewhere, including in the U.S. where
the average share is about 55 percent.
Conversely, final goods account for 60
percent of China’s total exports versus 45
percent for the U.S.
Looking at the direct trade flows
between the U.S. and China reveals that
intermediate goods account for 70 percent
of U.S. exports to China. In the other direction, final goods account for 75 percent of
Chinese exports to the U.S. China’s sizeable
imports of intermediate goods and exports
of final goods suggest its role as an assembly hub of imported inputs into end products—it is typically at the end of the value
chain in global production networks.

Understanding the Data



1).3 These numbers mean that for every
dollar of gross output produced in China,
only 34 cents is value created by Chinese
factors of production, while each dollar of
U.S. output attributes 53 cents of value to
U.S. factors of production.

Combining value-added data with
the trade composition figures paints an
interesting picture. The U.S. engages in
high value-added activities in early stages
of production resulting in intermediate
goods. Early stages of production of such
high-tech items as computer central processing units often entail extensive use of
resources on research and development
and design. Production of these components requires a large share of highly
skilled workers and sophisticated equipment, so the proportion of value added is
high. These intermediate goods are then
exported to countries such as China, where
intermediate goods from various sources

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • July 2013

Economic Letter
are combined and converted into final
goods for export. However, the assembly
process involves a small share of value
added. The asymmetries between the U.S.
and China in value-added shares and in
trade composition have distinct implications for interpreting the interdependence
between the two countries vis-à-vis trade

Measuring Value-Added Trade
To illustrate, suppose that computer
components worth $350 are produced in
Japan and exported to China, and a monitor assembly worth $100 is exported by the
U.S. to China. Now, assume that China puts
together and packages the monitor and
other computer components into a final
computer, which it exports to the U.S. for
$500. Under conventional trade measures,
customs data will record the transaction as
a U.S. import from China valued at $500,
even though most of the value was created
in Japan. The contribution to the bilateral
trade balance between the U.S. and China
will be a deficit of $400 for the U.S.
However, not all the value of the computer should be attributed to China since
it imported $450 worth of intermediate
components to build the computer. Its
value added in the computer was only
$50, not $500. Using value-added trade
measures, the transaction would be split
to show trade from the U.S. perspective
as an import of $350 from Japan and only
$50 from China—a picture very different from the one represented in customs
data. In fact, when measured in valueadded terms, the contribution to the
bilateral trade balance between the U.S.
and China will be a $50 surplus for the
U.S. (Chart 3).
This example, while illustrating the
main idea behind measuring value-added
trade, masks some important details and
underscores the need for further analysis.
For instance, the $350 in computer components produced in Japan may incorporate
parts from Germany and Korea, which may
also be made from inputs from other countries, including the U.S. and China.
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
and the OECD provide estimates of
value-added trade based on methodology
proposed by economists Robert Johnson
and Guillermo Noguera.5 These data
decompose the value of a final good in a



Composition of Imports and Exports in Total Trade (2009)
Final goods


Intermediate goods














Rest of world




Rest of world

NOTE: Annual data through 2011 are available and composition shares are broadly similar to 2009 data. Rest of world
includes OECD countries plus 28 non-OECD countries, excluding U.S. and China.
SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Structural Analysis (STAN) database.



Comparison of Gross Trade and Value-Added Trade Measures
Conventional trade

Value-added trade








U.S.gross trade
deficit with China: $400

given country into the individual values
contributed by all other countries. Rather
than allocating the total value of a good
to the last link in the production chain,
as is done in customs data, value-added
trade estimates the contribution of each
country in the production process to the
overall value of the final good.

Reinterpreting the Trade Gap
When trade is expressed in valueadded terms, the U.S. trade deficit with
China is far less than it would be when
measured in gross terms. In 2009, U.S.
imports from China were $89 billion
larger in gross terms than in value-added
terms. On the other hand, U.S. exports
to China were only $26 billion larger in
gross terms than in value-added terms.


U.S. value-added trade
deficit with China: –$50 (surplus)

Taken together, the U.S.–China trade
deficit, computed as U.S. imports from
China minus U.S. exports to China, is
$63 billion larger using gross rather than
value-added calculations.
Measuring trade in value-added terms
lowers the deficit in 2009 by 33 percent,
to $126 billion from $189 billion. These
data also show that the U.S. is less trade
dependent on China than conventionally
thought. The U.S.–China trade deficit as a
percentage of U.S. GDP falls to 0.9 percent
from 1.4 percent in 2009 using valueadded instead of gross trade (Chart 4). Put
another way, since 2000, China’s share
in the overall U.S. trade deficit on average is more than 25 percent larger when
measured in gross terms rather than valueadded terms.

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • July 2013


Economic Letter

Complementary Measure

The difference between the two measures of U.S.–China trade has clearly widened since 2000, partly because the share
of value added in gross output in China has
declined by a larger amount than in the
U.S. and most other countries.
The disconnect between bilateral
gross and value-added trade deficits is not
confined to U.S.–China trade. In fact, there
are instances of bilateral U.S. trade deficits
that are actually larger in value-added
terms than in gross terms. This happens
when U.S. exports to a country are overstated by a smaller margin than are U.S.
imports from that country.6



Conventional measures of international trade fail to capture the impact of
global supply chains; thus they paint an
incomplete picture of bilateral interdependence when multiple countries are
involved in the production of a final good.
Value-added trade data provide a needed
complementary measure to conventional
compilations to aid in the understanding of
bilateral interdependence, the underlying
factors affecting it, and the business and
policy implications.
The U.S. bilateral trade deficit with
China is reduced by 33 percent when trade

U.S.–China Trade Deficit Smaller Using Value-Added Measure

Percent of U.S. GDP

Gross trade

Value-added trade







is recalculated on a value-added basis,
meaning that the two countries are less
trade dependent than commonly thought.
Sposi is a research economist and Koech
is an assistant economist in the Research
Department at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.

This analysis focuses on 2009, the most recent year
for which data are available for most measures of activity
2005 is the latest year for which value-added shares are
available for a large set of countries.
The non-OECD countries cited are those with data reported
in the OECD input-output database: Brazil, China, Cyprus,
India, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, South
Africa, Taiwan and Thailand.
Countries that make up the “rest of world” include OECD
countries (excluding the United States) and the following non-OECD countries: Albania, Argentina, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatia, Cyprus,
Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Philippines,
Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South
Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
See the OECD–WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA) database
and “Accounting for Intermediates: Production Sharing and
Trade in Value Added,” by Robert C. Johnson and Guillermo
Noguera, Journal of International Economics, vol. 86, no. 2,
2012, pp. 224–36.
One case is the U.S.–Germany trade deficit. In 2009, the
U.S. ran a bilateral gross trade deficit of $24 billion with
Germany (0.17 percent of GDP). However, when measured
in value-added terms, that deficit becomes $32 billion (0.23
percent of GDP).

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and World Trade Organization’s Trade in Value Added


Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not
be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the
source is credited and a copy is provided to the Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available free of charge by writing
the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 75265-5906; by fax
at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at 214-922-5254. This
publication is available on the Dallas Fed website,

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