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July IS, 1989

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Setting the Discount Rate
by E.J. Stevens

uncommonly wide spread
existed in the first half of this year between the federal funds rate, the rate
that banks pay to borrow from one
another, and the discount rate, the rate
that banks pay to borrow from a
Federal Reserve Bank.
The federal funds rate rose more than
300 basis points (three percentage
points) over the 12 months ending in
March 1989. The discount rate, on the
other hand, was raised by a total of only
100 basis points over that same period:
50 basis points in August 1988 and
another 50 basis points in February of
this year. As a result, the spread between
the federal funds rate and the discount
rate sometimes exceeded 275 basis
points, although it has declined recently.
A rate spread wider than even 200 basis
points is unusual (see table I). In the
past, such extreme values typically

episodes. These have alternated with
contrasting periods of relatively close
comovement of the funds rate and the
discount rate. It is tempting to look for a
uniform explanation of this historical pattern: perhaps policymakers typically underestimate peak interest rates and then
get "locked in" to a discount-rate level
for fear that even a small increase will be
misinterpreted as a major tightening of
policy; perhaps a higher rate would disadvantage small banks; perhaps restrictive policy requires a wide spread.
The trouble with such explanations is
that none of them seems sufficiently
universal to account for all of the
episodes of unusually wide spreads in
the past 25 years. However, such
speculation does raise a more fundamental question: for monetary policy
purposes, does it make any difference
what the level of the discount rate is?

emerged only in periods when the discount rate had reached a kind of plateau
(see figure I). Prior to 1983, these

When the Federal Reserve Banks
opened for business 75 years ago, raising and lowering the discount rate was

discount-rate plateaus all occurred near
business-cycle peaks. Since 1983,

conceived of as the principal monetary
policy tool for tightening and loosening
the supply of reserves. But, in the 1920s,
open market operations took over this

plateaus and their associated wide rate
spreads emerged during the periods of
restrictive monetary policy that have interrupted the long-run disintlationary
downward trend of nominal interest
rates in the U.S. economy.

policy function, now managed by the
Federal Open Market Committee
Open market purchases and sales of

This year's wide rate spread thus was
only the latest in a series of such

ISSN 0428-1276

U.S. government securities add and
drain reserves directly, effectively


An independently determined discount rate seems irrelevant as long as
open market operations implement

monetary policy. This suggests
moving the discount rate frequently
in alignment with market rates. Instead, however, the Federal Reserve
could use the discount rate as an independent tool to enrich the policy
process. In so doing, the central
bank could improve the reliability of
short-term policy information available to the public and prevent market
activity based on faulty assumptions
about policy intentions.

The level of the federal funds rate and

determining the level of the federal

to act simultaneously. If the Board of

All of these arguments raise important

funds rate. The level of the discount rate
relative to the funds rate simply influences the proportion of total reserves
that are created through discount-

Governors thinks that a change is called
for when none of the 12 Banks has
recommended a change, it may make informal efforts to elicit a recommendation.

issues, but none gets to our fundamental question. Regardless of who sets the
discount rate and whether it should be
above or below market rates, and as-


suming that it is not to be fixed at a permanent level for all time, is there a rationale for using the rate as a policy
tool independent of open market opera-

Size of Spread
(basis points)

tions? If there is not, then the best basis
for setting the rate would seem to be to
keep it aligned with market rates that
reflect monetary policy. But if there is
such a rationale, then on what basis
should rate-setting decisions be made?

window borrowing. Open market operations could always compensate for fluctuations in borrowing, thereby maintaining effective long-run control of total
bank reserves and the monetary base.

The discount rate has been lower than
the federal funds rate during most of
the past 25 years without ever generating much borrowing.' Reluctance of

Monetary policy can be thought of as a
decision to provide a particular amount
of reserves to the banking system;

banks to borrow from the discount window, despite a favorable rate spread,
has two primary explanations. One is
that Reserve Banks limit the circum-

policy actions are reflected in the federal funds rate and other money market
interest rates as demand interacts with
supply. An independently determined
discount rate seems irrelevant: in the
long run, if the monetary base and market interest rates get where they have to
go, policy has been implemented.

stances under which a bank may use
the borrowing privilege, reinforced by
careful scrutiny of the frequency and
amount that any bank actually borrows.

• The Discount Rate as a Source of
Policy Information

The other is that banks fear damage to
their market reputations if it were to become known that they were placing
substantial reliance on this nonmarket

Changes in the discount rate can improve the reliability of policy information available to markets. This "announcement effect" will improve the

source of funds.

Federal Reserve's chances of getting
the funds rate where it has to go, of
getting the monetary base where it has
to be, and of getting the whole spec-

Hence the question: is there a rationale
for using the discount rate as an independent monetary policy tool, rather
than simply moving the discount rate to

A frequent suggestion over the years
has been that, as a matter of policy, the
discount rate should always lie above

keep it aligned with the key FOMCdetermined federal funds rate at which
banks borrow from one another? This
Economic Commentary explains one

the federal funds rate and other money
market rates, so that borrowing would
entail a penalty. A related idea is to
eliminate most administrative oversight,

trum of interest rates, monetary aggregates, credit flows, income, and output
where they have to go in order to implement policy and achieve its implicit or
explicit inflation-rate objective.

rationale: accepting all other current
monetary policy arrangements as given,
changes in the discount rate could be
used to convey useful information

counting on the penalty aspect to keep
borrowing to a minimum level consistent with those infrequent occasions
when a bank is unable to access market

The reason the discount rate can enrich
the policy process is that markets
operate in an uncertain environment.


about monetary policy to the public.

sources of funds.

• Current Mechanics and
Subsidiary Issues

Another suggestion that would eliminate administrative overhead is to set the
discount rate itself automatically,

The mechanics of setting the discount
rate are not complicated. The Board of
Directors of each of the 12 Federal
Reserve Banks is required to recommend a rate setting for its Bank to the
Board of Govemors of the Federal
Reserve System no less frequently than
every two weeks. 2 If the Board of

whether above or below market rates, by
some formula linking it to market rates.
Counterarguments emphasize the potential organizational costs of such a
change. In particular, the directors of
Reserve Banks, who receive only nomi-

Govemors approves the recommenda-

nal remuneration for their service to the
nation. are thought to be attracted to

tion, typically it will notify any of the
other 12 Banks that have not made the
same recommendation so that their
Boards of Directors have an opportunity

their positions chiefly by their role in
maintaining prudent national monetary
policy.' A related thought is that involving the Reserve Banks in the rare-setting
process also lends weight to the positions of their presidents within the

Policy actions depend on what policymakers foresee, and market actions
depend on what market participants
foresee and think that the Fed foresees.
The better informed markets are about
Fed intentions, the more effortlessly
markets will reach equilibrium.

(no. of mos.)

looks of FOMC members, FOMC targets for growth of monetary aggregates, and discussion of broader

of cases




































a. Monthly average rates, January 1965 to June 1989.
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Fedwatchers, provides a contemporaneous signal of current policy. This signal is not clear, however, because interpretation of the items is always uncertain
and never unanimous. Moreover, the signal reflects only today's policy setting; it
says little about future policy actions.
In this situation, an occasional increase
or decrease in the discount rate could
certify that policymakers viewed recent
levels or changes in the federal funds
rate not as incidental or temporary, but
as the necessary consequence of ongoing monetary policy. One reason for
changing the rate would be a perception
in the Federal Reserve that markets
were misinterpreting policy intentions.
The other would be a recognition in the
Federal Reserve that its own outlook
had changed, from less to more certain-

monetary policy objectives. While

policy actions. This was because devia-

fresh when delivered, this information
is 26 weeks old before it is updated by
another Humphrey-Hawkins report.

tions of incoming data (and of market
projections of future data) from target
paths implied by the policy record
would suggest the impending need for

The policy record of each FOMC meet-

tighter or easier policy.

ing is released after the next succeeding
meeting. It provides only historical information about policy intentions because it
is about six weeks old when delivered,
and 12 weeks old when updated. Further

This is no longer the case. Deposit-rate
deregulation and reversal of the postwar
upward trend of interest rates in the

qualitative information might be sought
in the occasional speeches and other
statements of FOMC members, but
these necessarily represent individual
views, not statements of FOMC policy.

Sources of information about policy intentions are readily enumerated. Twice
a year, the FOMC's HumphreyHawkins report to Congress includes
information about the economic out-

the nature of open market operations can
be observed on a daily basis. Careful
scrutiny of these items, either directly or
through the judgment of professional


WeekJy and monthly data for the targeted monetary aggregates become
available with only a two-week delay.
For considerable periods in the past,
these data provided important information about prospective open market

1980s introduced substantial uncertainty
into relationships between the monetary
aggregates and national output and
prices. Deviations of monetary aggregates from target paths within the annual
ranges no longer playa central role in
determining FOMC actions, at least on a
dependable short-run basis. The annual
target ranges themselves are quite broad,
so that an equally broad spectrum of
monetary aggregate levels may be consistent with the targets.

ty about the joint implications of its objective and its economic outlook for the
direction or extent of future changes in
the funds rate. Within these guidelines,
the discount rate might be changed with
varying frequency, and result in variable spreads from the funds rate.
The information content of a discountrate change need not be restricted to the
direction and size of the change:
discount-rate changes typically are announced in a press release that includes
a brief explanation of the action. For example, "In the light of inflationary pressures in the economy, the Federal Reserve Board announced ... an increase in
the discount rate ... (2/24/89)." Such brief
statements can provide the public with
some sense of direction about policy,
whereas open market operations are conducted without any accompanying explanation for adding or draining reserves.

The level of the federal funds rate and

determining the level of the federal

to act simultaneously. If the Board of

All of these arguments raise important

funds rate. The level of the discount rate
relative to the funds rate simply influences the proportion of total reserves
that are created through discount-

Governors thinks that a change is called
for when none of the 12 Banks has
recommended a change, it may make informal efforts to elicit a recommendation.

issues, but none gets to our fundamental question. Regardless of who sets the
discount rate and whether it should be
above or below market rates, and as-


suming that it is not to be fixed at a permanent level for all time, is there a rationale for using the rate as a policy
tool independent of open market opera-

Size of Spread
(basis points)

tions? If there is not, then the best basis
for setting the rate would seem to be to
keep it aligned with market rates that
reflect monetary policy. But if there is
such a rationale, then on what basis
should rate-setting decisions be made?

window borrowing. Open market operations could always compensate for fluctuations in borrowing, thereby maintaining effective long-run control of total
bank reserves and the monetary base.

The discount rate has been lower than
the federal funds rate during most of
the past 25 years without ever generating much borrowing.' Reluctance of

Monetary policy can be thought of as a
decision to provide a particular amount
of reserves to the banking system;

banks to borrow from the discount window, despite a favorable rate spread,
has two primary explanations. One is
that Reserve Banks limit the circum-

policy actions are reflected in the federal funds rate and other money market
interest rates as demand interacts with
supply. An independently determined
discount rate seems irrelevant: in the
long run, if the monetary base and market interest rates get where they have to
go, policy has been implemented.

stances under which a bank may use
the borrowing privilege, reinforced by
careful scrutiny of the frequency and
amount that any bank actually borrows.

• The Discount Rate as a Source of
Policy Information

The other is that banks fear damage to
their market reputations if it were to become known that they were placing
substantial reliance on this nonmarket

Changes in the discount rate can improve the reliability of policy information available to markets. This "announcement effect" will improve the

source of funds.

Federal Reserve's chances of getting
the funds rate where it has to go, of
getting the monetary base where it has
to be, and of getting the whole spec-

Hence the question: is there a rationale
for using the discount rate as an independent monetary policy tool, rather
than simply moving the discount rate to

A frequent suggestion over the years
has been that, as a matter of policy, the
discount rate should always lie above

keep it aligned with the key FOMCdetermined federal funds rate at which
banks borrow from one another? This
Economic Commentary explains one

the federal funds rate and other money
market rates, so that borrowing would
entail a penalty. A related idea is to
eliminate most administrative oversight,

trum of interest rates, monetary aggregates, credit flows, income, and output
where they have to go in order to implement policy and achieve its implicit or
explicit inflation-rate objective.

rationale: accepting all other current
monetary policy arrangements as given,
changes in the discount rate could be
used to convey useful information

counting on the penalty aspect to keep
borrowing to a minimum level consistent with those infrequent occasions
when a bank is unable to access market

The reason the discount rate can enrich
the policy process is that markets
operate in an uncertain environment.


about monetary policy to the public.

sources of funds.

• Current Mechanics and
Subsidiary Issues

Another suggestion that would eliminate administrative overhead is to set the
discount rate itself automatically,

The mechanics of setting the discount
rate are not complicated. The Board of
Directors of each of the 12 Federal
Reserve Banks is required to recommend a rate setting for its Bank to the
Board of Govemors of the Federal
Reserve System no less frequently than
every two weeks. 2 If the Board of

whether above or below market rates, by
some formula linking it to market rates.
Counterarguments emphasize the potential organizational costs of such a
change. In particular, the directors of
Reserve Banks, who receive only nomi-

Govemors approves the recommenda-

nal remuneration for their service to the
nation. are thought to be attracted to

tion, typically it will notify any of the
other 12 Banks that have not made the
same recommendation so that their
Boards of Directors have an opportunity

their positions chiefly by their role in
maintaining prudent national monetary
policy.' A related thought is that involving the Reserve Banks in the rare-setting
process also lends weight to the positions of their presidents within the

Policy actions depend on what policymakers foresee, and market actions
depend on what market participants
foresee and think that the Fed foresees.
The better informed markets are about
Fed intentions, the more effortlessly
markets will reach equilibrium.

(no. of mos.)

looks of FOMC members, FOMC targets for growth of monetary aggregates, and discussion of broader

of cases




































a. Monthly average rates, January 1965 to June 1989.
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Fedwatchers, provides a contemporaneous signal of current policy. This signal is not clear, however, because interpretation of the items is always uncertain
and never unanimous. Moreover, the signal reflects only today's policy setting; it
says little about future policy actions.
In this situation, an occasional increase
or decrease in the discount rate could
certify that policymakers viewed recent
levels or changes in the federal funds
rate not as incidental or temporary, but
as the necessary consequence of ongoing monetary policy. One reason for
changing the rate would be a perception
in the Federal Reserve that markets
were misinterpreting policy intentions.
The other would be a recognition in the
Federal Reserve that its own outlook
had changed, from less to more certain-

monetary policy objectives. While

policy actions. This was because devia-

fresh when delivered, this information
is 26 weeks old before it is updated by
another Humphrey-Hawkins report.

tions of incoming data (and of market
projections of future data) from target
paths implied by the policy record
would suggest the impending need for

The policy record of each FOMC meet-

tighter or easier policy.

ing is released after the next succeeding
meeting. It provides only historical information about policy intentions because it
is about six weeks old when delivered,
and 12 weeks old when updated. Further

This is no longer the case. Deposit-rate
deregulation and reversal of the postwar
upward trend of interest rates in the

qualitative information might be sought
in the occasional speeches and other
statements of FOMC members, but
these necessarily represent individual
views, not statements of FOMC policy.

Sources of information about policy intentions are readily enumerated. Twice
a year, the FOMC's HumphreyHawkins report to Congress includes
information about the economic out-

the nature of open market operations can
be observed on a daily basis. Careful
scrutiny of these items, either directly or
through the judgment of professional


WeekJy and monthly data for the targeted monetary aggregates become
available with only a two-week delay.
For considerable periods in the past,
these data provided important information about prospective open market

1980s introduced substantial uncertainty
into relationships between the monetary
aggregates and national output and
prices. Deviations of monetary aggregates from target paths within the annual
ranges no longer playa central role in
determining FOMC actions, at least on a
dependable short-run basis. The annual
target ranges themselves are quite broad,
so that an equally broad spectrum of
monetary aggregate levels may be consistent with the targets.

ty about the joint implications of its objective and its economic outlook for the
direction or extent of future changes in
the funds rate. Within these guidelines,
the discount rate might be changed with
varying frequency, and result in variable spreads from the funds rate.
The information content of a discountrate change need not be restricted to the
direction and size of the change:
discount-rate changes typically are announced in a press release that includes
a brief explanation of the action. For example, "In the light of inflationary pressures in the economy, the Federal Reserve Board announced ... an increase in
the discount rate ... (2/24/89)." Such brief
statements can provide the public with
some sense of direction about policy,
whereas open market operations are conducted without any accompanying explanation for adding or draining reserves.


Federal funds rate





__ L-~-L~~L-~~-L~

__ ~~-L~

__ L-J--L~

__ L-~~~~















The level of the discount rate between March 17. 1980. and November 17. 1981. includes a surcharge in addition to the basic rate. This surcharge varied between
levied on borrowing by banks with deposits in excess of $500 million. It was intended to discourage frequent use of the discount window and to encourage

o and 4 percent.

large banks to adjust their loans and investments



in response to market conditions.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

of routine attempts to keep it aligned
with the federal funds rate (see figure
I). Nonetheless, alignment has been
far from perfect. Contrary to popular

In any case, the discount-rate-setting
mechanism provides a means of convey-

or tighter future monetary policy than
might otherwise be reflected in current

ing useful policy information. The directors of a District Bank could recommend
a change in the rate to inform the Board
of Governors of the direction they

financial-market prices. Resetting the
rate may thereby impose immediate
losses, but prevent future days or weeks
of market activity based on incorrect or

believe monetary policy should take to
achieve FOMC objectives. An actual
change in the discount rate, approved by
the Board of Governors, could be used

less-certain policy assumptions.
• Past Changes in the Rate
With hindsight, many past changes in

rate and of closely associated market
rates. In fact, it was adjusted in only a
quarter of the months plotted in the figure. Markets may have received useful

to assure fuller incorporation of an easier

the discount rate have the appearance

policy information from the Federal

belief, the discount rate is not necessarily the bellwether of the federal funds

Reserve in those months in which the



discount rate was changed, but not in
the others.6

Delayed release of the FOMC policy
record is an important basis for the
potential usefulness of the discount rate
as an independent tool of monetary
policy. Reasons for, contingencies at-

The usefulness of information conveyed
by a change in the discount rate need
not be uniform over time. In particular,
the operating procedure employed by
the FOMC to guide open market operations might influence the effect of

tached to, and
FOMC policy
ket operations
could provide

discount-rate changes. When the funds
rate is the direct target of daily open
market operations, there should be little
market uncertainty about the "equilib-

icy outlook that now might be attributed
to changes in the discount rate. But
delayed release makes the policy record
useful largely as an historical document.

rium" funds rate. This is because the
Federal Reserve can enter the market to
add or drain reserves on a daily basis
whenever the funds rate varies from the
FOMC's desired equilibrium.

any dissents from the
record guiding open maruntil the next meeting
much of the flavor of pol-

Immediate release of the policy record
could make changes in the discount
rate less informative, except to the extent that fundamental changes in policy
thinking between meetings might war-

Uncertainty should be greater when
open market operations seek to provide
only a predetermined amount of non-

rant an immediate signal to markets.
Frequent changes to maintain alignment with the funds rate would seem to

borrowed reserves. In this case, the
market must discover an equilibrium
funds rate consistent with the FOMC
open market policy setting because the

be the appropriate way to manage the
discount rate if immediate release of
the policy record provided more information about the basis for policy actions than currently is the case.

FOMC explicitly will tolerate some
variance in the funds rate. Changes in
the discount rate may provide information that helps the market find the right
funds rate in this latter case, while no
such information is needed in the
former case, when the funds rate is the
direct policy target.

Setting the discount rate inescapably involves this choice between inertia and
alignment. Directors' recommendations
to change the discount rate could be a
tool for conveying useful information
from the public to policymakers. Actual discretionary changes in the discount rate could be a tool for conveying useful information to the public
about the near-term intentions of
monetary policy.




times are thought to reflect regional rather

rent form of the FOMC to control open

than national conditions, but this seems un-

market operations. The Committee consists

likely as a general rule. Directors know that

of the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the presi-

there is no basis for maintaining regional dif-

dent of the Federal Reserve Bank of New

of integrated global money and capital

York, and, on an annual rotating basis, four

markets. Also, the expertise of many direc-

of the presidents of the other II Federal
Reserve Banks. (The Cleveland Bank presi-

tors is not about the regional economy, but

dent serves every other year, alternating with

dustries in which they are employed.

the president of the Chicago Bank.) The

6. Substantial effort has gone into the

FOMC now meets eight times each year,
with additional meetings as necessary (typi-

search for evidence that past discount-rate
changes conveyed new information and

cally by telephone conference).

therefore had an impact on securities prices,

ferences in interest rates in the modern world

about national and global conditions in the in-

Under this scenario for managing the
rate, an unusually wide spread of the

2. This rate recommendation

funds rate above a relatively stable discount rate would have an explanation. It
would suggest a persistent tendency for
policymakers to be, or to want to be seen

adjustment credit and seasonal credit.

useful summary of the evolution of these efforts can be found in Timothy Cook and

3. Adjustment borrowing has averaged

Thomas Hahn, "The Information Content of

to be, both more surprised than the
market at the need for tighter policy, as
well as dubious that so restrictive a
policy would continue to be needed.

4. An extension of this idea is that the dis-

is for the level

of the basic discount rate borrowers pay for

1.9% of total reserves over the past 25 years,
with a standard deviation of 1.6%.
count window for adjustment credit could be


E.1. Stevens is an assistant vice president
and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland. The author thanks .fohn
Carlson. William Gavin. Owen Humpage,
and Mark Sniderman for useful discussion.
Susan Black provided able research assistance.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

with at least partial success. Citations and a

Discount Rate Announcements

and Their Ef-

fect on Market Interest Rates," Journal of
Money. Credit. and Banking, vol. 20, no. 2
(May 1988), pp. 167-180.

closed completely. Banks in exigent circumstances that prevent access to market
sources of liquidity would run overnight
overdrafts, making up the reserve deficiency
on succeeding days. Presumably they would
also have to pay the penalty for such overdrafts. currently the larger of $50, or the
larger of 10% or a rate 2 percentage points
above the federal funds rate, in addition


making up the deficiency.

Inertia in the discount rate is the source
of its power, but this poses a danger.
By allowing a wide or narrow spread between market rates and an unchanged
discount rate to build up over a longer
and longer interval, a change in the rate,
when it comes, might suggest a major

In either case, changes in the discount
rate may provide information about the
short-run future, affecting rates on
securities with maturities longer than

innovation in policy thinking. Apprehension of market overreaction could
then make a rate-change decision increasingly difficult for the Board of

overnight federal funds. Failure to
detect information effects uniformly in
past discount-rate changes would not
disprove the information rationale for

Govemors, even though the language of
a rate-change announcement can be
used to shape its interpretation. On the
other hand, changing the rate frequently


managing the discount rate. An adverse
finding says only that the rate was not
managed this way during some time
periods in the past or, if it was, that the

and in minor amounts to avoid this
danger would trivialize the tool into a
routine device for rate alignment.

Address Correction Requested:

result was too small to be detected.

Directors' rate recommendations

1. The Banking Act of 1935 created the cur-

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department

P.O. Box 6387
OH 44101

Please send corrected mailing label to
the above address.

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Reserve in those months in which the



discount rate was changed, but not in
the others.6

Delayed release of the FOMC policy
record is an important basis for the
potential usefulness of the discount rate
as an independent tool of monetary
policy. Reasons for, contingencies at-

The usefulness of information conveyed
by a change in the discount rate need
not be uniform over time. In particular,
the operating procedure employed by
the FOMC to guide open market operations might influence the effect of

tached to, and
FOMC policy
ket operations
could provide

discount-rate changes. When the funds
rate is the direct target of daily open
market operations, there should be little
market uncertainty about the "equilib-

icy outlook that now might be attributed
to changes in the discount rate. But
delayed release makes the policy record
useful largely as an historical document.

rium" funds rate. This is because the
Federal Reserve can enter the market to
add or drain reserves on a daily basis
whenever the funds rate varies from the
FOMC's desired equilibrium.

any dissents from the
record guiding open maruntil the next meeting
much of the flavor of pol-

Immediate release of the policy record
could make changes in the discount
rate less informative, except to the extent that fundamental changes in policy
thinking between meetings might war-

Uncertainty should be greater when
open market operations seek to provide
only a predetermined amount of non-

rant an immediate signal to markets.
Frequent changes to maintain alignment with the funds rate would seem to

borrowed reserves. In this case, the
market must discover an equilibrium
funds rate consistent with the FOMC
open market policy setting because the

be the appropriate way to manage the
discount rate if immediate release of
the policy record provided more information about the basis for policy actions than currently is the case.

FOMC explicitly will tolerate some
variance in the funds rate. Changes in
the discount rate may provide information that helps the market find the right
funds rate in this latter case, while no
such information is needed in the
former case, when the funds rate is the
direct policy target.

Setting the discount rate inescapably involves this choice between inertia and
alignment. Directors' recommendations
to change the discount rate could be a
tool for conveying useful information
from the public to policymakers. Actual discretionary changes in the discount rate could be a tool for conveying useful information to the public
about the near-term intentions of
monetary policy.




times are thought to reflect regional rather

rent form of the FOMC to control open

than national conditions, but this seems un-

market operations. The Committee consists

likely as a general rule. Directors know that

of the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the presi-

there is no basis for maintaining regional dif-

dent of the Federal Reserve Bank of New

of integrated global money and capital

York, and, on an annual rotating basis, four

markets. Also, the expertise of many direc-

of the presidents of the other II Federal
Reserve Banks. (The Cleveland Bank presi-

tors is not about the regional economy, but

dent serves every other year, alternating with

dustries in which they are employed.

the president of the Chicago Bank.) The

6. Substantial effort has gone into the

FOMC now meets eight times each year,
with additional meetings as necessary (typi-

search for evidence that past discount-rate
changes conveyed new information and

cally by telephone conference).

therefore had an impact on securities prices,

ferences in interest rates in the modern world

about national and global conditions in the in-

Under this scenario for managing the
rate, an unusually wide spread of the

2. This rate recommendation

funds rate above a relatively stable discount rate would have an explanation. It
would suggest a persistent tendency for
policymakers to be, or to want to be seen

adjustment credit and seasonal credit.

useful summary of the evolution of these efforts can be found in Timothy Cook and

3. Adjustment borrowing has averaged

Thomas Hahn, "The Information Content of

to be, both more surprised than the
market at the need for tighter policy, as
well as dubious that so restrictive a
policy would continue to be needed.

4. An extension of this idea is that the dis-

is for the level

of the basic discount rate borrowers pay for

1.9% of total reserves over the past 25 years,
with a standard deviation of 1.6%.
count window for adjustment credit could be


E.1. Stevens is an assistant vice president
and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland. The author thanks .fohn
Carlson. William Gavin. Owen Humpage,
and Mark Sniderman for useful discussion.
Susan Black provided able research assistance.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

with at least partial success. Citations and a

Discount Rate Announcements

and Their Ef-

fect on Market Interest Rates," Journal of
Money. Credit. and Banking, vol. 20, no. 2
(May 1988), pp. 167-180.

closed completely. Banks in exigent circumstances that prevent access to market
sources of liquidity would run overnight
overdrafts, making up the reserve deficiency
on succeeding days. Presumably they would
also have to pay the penalty for such overdrafts. currently the larger of $50, or the
larger of 10% or a rate 2 percentage points
above the federal funds rate, in addition


making up the deficiency.

Inertia in the discount rate is the source
of its power, but this poses a danger.
By allowing a wide or narrow spread between market rates and an unchanged
discount rate to build up over a longer
and longer interval, a change in the rate,
when it comes, might suggest a major

In either case, changes in the discount
rate may provide information about the
short-run future, affecting rates on
securities with maturities longer than

innovation in policy thinking. Apprehension of market overreaction could
then make a rate-change decision increasingly difficult for the Board of

overnight federal funds. Failure to
detect information effects uniformly in
past discount-rate changes would not
disprove the information rationale for

Govemors, even though the language of
a rate-change announcement can be
used to shape its interpretation. On the
other hand, changing the rate frequently


managing the discount rate. An adverse
finding says only that the rate was not
managed this way during some time
periods in the past or, if it was, that the

and in minor amounts to avoid this
danger would trivialize the tool into a
routine device for rate alignment.

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Directors' rate recommendations

1. The Banking Act of 1935 created the cur-

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department

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