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March 1, 1991

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Deregulation, Money, and
the Economy
by John B. Carlson

I othing complicates the life of an
economist quite like institutional change.
When institutions change, patterns of behavior change, and long-standing economic relationships may break down. It
often takes time for new behavioral patterns to stabilize and hence for new relationships to emerge. This lag frustrates the
economist, who often must rely on historical relationships as a basis for analysis.
A key historical relationship has been
the one between money and economic
activity. Regulatory change in the financial industry in the 1980s was expected
to affect this relationship. Many analysts believed that deregulation would
enable depository institutions to pay
higher yields on deposits and thereby
claim a larger share of the household
portfolio. This would in turn affect the
relationship between money measures
—comprised largely of deposits—and
the level of economic activity.
More recently, other changes in the financial industry have made it difficult to interpret the behavior of the money supply.
Over the past year, money growth has
been unusually weak, raising concerns
about the implications for the economy.
While part of the weakness in money
growth reflects a slowdown in economic
activity, some of it can probably be attributed to financial factors.
This Economic Commentary examines
the behavior of bank deposit yields in
the period after deregulation and discusses some implications for deposit

ISSN 0428-1276

variability and for the interpretation of
money growth. Though the relationship between money and the economy
appears to have the same general form
as it did before deregulation, it has become less reliable for interpreting shortrun movements of money.
• Demand for Deposits
and Opportunity Cost
An important determinant of the level of
balances held in any given deposit is the
forgone interest, or opportunity cost, of
not holding the balances in nondeposit
(that is, higher-yielding) financial instruments. The opportunity cost of a given
deposit typically is measured by the difference between the market interest rate
on a relatively risk-free, short-term asset
(such as the three-month Treasury bill)
and the rate paid on that deposit (its
own rate ) .

From 1933 until the financial deregulation of the 1980s, virtually all consumer
deposit rates were subject to some kind
of ceiling or other restriction. Most significantly, checking accounts were prohibited from paying interest. Although
banks found ways to alter the yields on
deposits by offering gifts and providing
free services for deposits, the restrictions
were quite effective during periods of
high and rising interest rates. At these
times, banks could not respond competitively, and deposit flows were largely
determined by rates paid on nondeposit

In the early 1980s, Congress authorized significant changes in U.S. banking regulations, giving banks and
thrifts increased competitive powers
and eliminating interest-rate restrictions on deposits. Has the relationship
between money measures and the level
of economic activity changed as a
result of this financial deregulation?

The advent of deregulation raised questions about how deposit flows might be
affected if banks were allowed to be
more competitive in attracting funds.
Such flows depend on how rapidly
banks adjust their deposit rates in
response to changing market rates.
For example, consider the case where
deposit rates respond sluggishly to
changes in market rates. A permanent
increase in market interest rates would
initially be associated with an increase
in opportunity cost as market rates
moved above deposit rates, followed
by a decrease as deposit rates caught
up. The demand for deposits would initially be reduced as the opportunity
cost increased. If the deposit rates ultimately adjusted point-for-point, the
opportunity cost of the deposits would
be unaffected in the long run, as would
the demand for deposits.
If, on the other hand, deposit rates adjust quickly but only partially to a
change in interest rates (that is, not
point-for-point), then the opportunity

cost of such deposits would move proportionally with movements in interest
rates. Opportunity cost would be affected by changing interest rates, but
less so than if banks were prohibited
from responding to market conditions.
Finally, consider the extreme case in
which deposit rates respond instantaneously to changes in market rates, so
that a constant spread is maintained between them. In such a case, the opportunity cost of deposits would not change
at all, and the demand for deposits
would be largely unaffected by changes
in market interest rates.
Because eliminating restrictions on
deposit rates would enable depository institutions to respond more freely to
market conditions, it was thought that
deregulation would lead to less variation
in opportunity costs, particularly during
periods of high and rising interest rates.
• Deposit Rates That Adjust
Somewhat Quickly
The historical pattern of the interest rate
paid on six-month time deposits illustrates how deregulation has affected
the pricing of most small time deposits.
Figure 1 shows that prior to deregulation, interest-rate ceilings were effective during several periods when yields
on market instruments exceeded deposit
ceiling rates. These times are denoted
by the plateaus evident from the mid1960s to the mid-1970s.
During these periods, banks and thrifts
suffered great withdrawals of funds.
Depositors who held sufficient balances
were purchasing instruments such as U.S.
Treasury bills that were paying higher, unregulated yields. By 1973, money market
mutual funds (MMMFs) began to appear.
MMMFs acquired money market instruments and thereby allowed small investors to invest indirectly in market-yielding
instruments. These funds involved little
risk, often required only $500 or less to
open, and were reasonably liquid.
MMMFs grew rapidly in the mid- and
late 1970s at the expense of regulated
deposit instruments.

Since deregulation, however, banks and
thrifts have responded by pricing small
time deposits competitively, adjusting
them relatively rapidly in response to
money market conditions (measured as
the Treasury bill rate). Given the substitutability between six-month time deposits and Treasury bills, it is not surprising
that depositories have adopted such a
pricing strategy. Nevertheless, adjustment of the deposit rates has not been
point-for-point and the opportunity cost
has varied, albeit less than before deregulation. Thus, the demand for time deposits is still affected by changes in the level
of interest rates.

• Rates Paid on Checkable Deposits
Of the post-deregulation experience, the
evolution of pricing strategies for checkable deposit rates was probably the most
difficult to anticipate. Deregulation of
such deposits was incremental. Negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOWs)
were first allowed to appear at thrifts in
New England in the early 1970s. Prior
to the introduction of NOWs, households had no payment instrument that
offered an explicit yield.
To circumvent the prohibition of interest payments on demand deposits,
banks introduced automatic-transfer
savings accounts in 1978, allowing (if
only indirectly) interest earnings on
checkable balances. In the early 1980s,
Congress authorized NOW accounts
nationwide for all depositories, although such accounts were subject to
interest-rate ceilings roughly equal to
those for passbook savings.
After NOW accounts came superNOWs, which were permitted to pay
market rates with initial minimumbalance restrictions of $10,000. Figure
2 illustrates the rates paid on superNOWs and NOWs. In 1986, all deposit
restrictions were removed, thus eliminating the distinction between NOWs
and super-NOWs. This meant that rates
paid on personal checkable deposits
could move with the market.
Perhaps surprising to some analysts,
rates paid on checkable deposits have
not been noticeably affected by the rise

in the general level of interest rates
since deregulation. Consequently, the
opportunity cost of checkable deposits
increased substantially in 1988, and
while falling somewhat in 1989 and
1990, remained relatively high.
The sluggishness of checkable deposit
rates may reflect a number of different
factors. First, when a bank changes the
interest it pays on checkable deposits, all
balances are immediately affected. This
means that the average cost of the change
to the bank is equal to the marginal cost.
For time deposits, on the other hand,
changes in the interest rates paid affect
only new balances, so the average cost
of these funds is less affected by the
change than the marginal cost. Consequently, among retail deposits, there is a
greater incentive for depositories to be
more aggressive when pricing time
rather than checkable deposits.
Another factor affecting the pricing strategy of checkable deposits is the implicit
yield of the payment service—the ratio
of the value of payment services to average balances held. Processing checks is
costly. While some depositories charge
per item processed, most account holders
pay by earning less interest on their balances than they would on a nontransactions instrument. When interest rates
change, the value of the payment service
is unaffected, while the level of balances
fluctuates. Thus, the implicit yield typically changes with interest rates. Because
average balances generally fall in response to rising market rates, the implicit
yield increases. Conversely, average balances tend to rise as market rates fall,
causing the implicit yield to decrease. In
principle, one might expect that the value
of the services rendered would equal the
forgone interest.
• Rates Paid on MMDAs
In 1983, banks and thrifts were permitted to offer money market deposit
accounts (MMDAs). These deposits
had limited checking privileges but
were not subject to interest-rate ceilings. Their characteristics made them
relatively close substitutes for MMMFs;
hence, one might expect that MMDA






• Opportunity Cost and M2 Velocity
To the extent that deregulation may have
lowered the opportunity cost of M2 relative to the general level of interest rates,
one might expect that deregulation has
affected the relationship between M2
and economic activity. One simple
measure of this relationship is the
velocity of M2—the ratio of nominal
gross national product (GNP) to M2.


•1 1








1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990













Opportunity .




| M2
1 velocity




"~ « 4 r ^



1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988


SOURCES: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and author's calculations.

yields would be responsive to changes
in money market rates.
While MMDA rates do move with
other market rates (see figure 3), the
response is somewhat less rapid and
complete than the response of small
time deposit rates. This probably
reflects the fact that rate changes apply
to all MMDA balances. Thus, the
average cost of a change in MMDA
rates equals the marginal cost.
The pricing patterns evidenced since
MMDAs were introduced suggest that adjustments to market conditions appear to
be asymmetric. Depositories appear to respond more completely when market
rates are falling than when rates are rising.
• The Opportunity Cost of Money
As noted above, many analysts believed
that deregulation would allow depositories to compete more readily for funds

is lower (see figure 4) largely because
market interest rates have been lower.

by paying interest rates that were more
sensitive to market conditions. Moreover, it was thought that depositories,
which were given expanded powers,
would have more profit opportunities,
allowing them to pay more for deposits.
One might expect that the opportunity
cost of deposits would be lower on
average and would vary less than before
M2—currently the most widely used
measure of the money supply—largely
comprises deposits at banks and thrifts.
Its opportunity cost is commonly measured as the difference betweenthe Treasury bill rate and the share-weighted
average of rates paid on deposits included in M2. Although the opportunity
cost of M2 has recently been lower and
less variable than historical standards, the
effect of deregulation does not appear
substantial. The opportunity cost of M2

Figure 4 shows that, historically, M2
velocity has varied directly with its
opportunity cost. When opportunity
cost has risen, M2 velocity has also increased. Conversely, when the opportunity cost of M2 has been low, households have tended to hold a greater
share of their assets as M2 components,
and the ratio of spending to M2 deposits
has fallen. This suggests that increased
holdings of M2 are sometimes a portfolio choice that is unrelated to current
and future levels of spending.
Many analysts expected M2 opportunity cost to be lower after deregulation, and thus expected the average
level of M2 velocity to be lower. Indeed, by the early 1980s, M2 velocity
had dropped to new lows, even beyond
what the historical relationship with its
opportunity cost would suggest. Some
analysts argued then that the long-term
average of M2 velocity had shifted
downward. The implication is that the
rapid money growth experienced during that period was associated with
portfolio decisions of households and
was not indicative of a surge in future
spending. With hindsight, it is clear
that the buildup in M2 balances in the
mid-1980s was not associated with a
subsequent surge in spending.
Curiously, since early 1988, M2 velocity
has increased while its opportunity cost
has fallen, bringing M2 velocity back to
its long-term average value and suggesting that the long-term average velocity
has not shifted downward. What is puzzling is why the relationship between M2
velocity and its opportunity cost has
changed. While it is clear how the rela-

tionship between deposit rates and other
interest rates might be affected by deregulation, it is not obvious why the link
between opportunity cost and velocity
would be affected.
Preliminary investigations suggest that
the aggregate measure of M2 opportunity cost may not be accurate: It may
not capture the "effective" cost of holding deposits. For example, time deposits
involve a commitment of funds, possibly for several years. The relevant alternative interest rate for these deposits is
more appropriately that of a U.S. Treasury note (security with maturities of one
to seven years) rather than a three-month
bill (used above). Ideally, one would
want to estimate a disaggregated model
where each alternative rate would correspond in maturity to that of the deposit
rate. Unfortunately, data limitations do
not allow the level of disaggregation that
would be necessary to measure opportunity cost appropriately.
Another problem is that the deposit
rates used in the opportunity cost calculation are based on the single most
common rate paid. Some depositories
have at times offered rates substantially
above their most common rate. Hence,
the most common rate is not relevant
for calculating the opportunity cost of
such deposits.

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Finally, some analysts have argued that
the breakdown in the relationship between velocity and opportunity cost
may be related to the restructuring of
the thrift industry. While the economic
foundations for this hypothesis are not
evident, preliminary analysis suggests
that changes in the thrift industries'
share of the economy's total deposit
base help to explain the unusual behavior of velocity.
• Conclusion
Recent evidence indicates that the
relationships among M2, opportunity
cost, and nominal GNP have changed.
How these relationships have been affected by deregulation and by other
changes in the financial industry is not
completely understood, nor is it known
whether effects have stabilized so that
reliable relationships have emerged.
This raises uncertainties about the interpretation of M2 growth in the short run.
If thrift restructuring is a factor in the
recent weakness of M2, the effect on
velocity is likely to continue, and money
growth will be weaker than usual relative to economic activity. Thus, recovery
from the recent economic downturn
will not necessarily be accompanied by
a sharp rise in M2 growth.

there is no compelling reason for concluding that the long-term average
value of velocity has changed. On the
one hand, the opportunity cost of M2
seems low for the prevailing level of interest rates, suggesting that velocity
should be lower than its trend. At the
same time, velocity appears to be
higher than usual relative to the prevailing opportunity cost. The net effect is
that these two disturbances largely offset one another right now.


1. MMDAs allow three debits per month.
2. M2 comprises currency in the hands of
the nonbank public, checkable deposits,
money market deposit accounts, small time
deposits, money market mutual funds
(general purpose), and overnight repurchase
agreements. Deposits account for about 80
percent of M2.

John B. Carlson is an economist at the
Federal Resen'e Bank of Cleveland. Christine Dingledine and Sharon Parrott contributed substantially to the preparation of
this article.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Resen-e Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

Without an economic basis for explaining the recent patterns of M2 velocity,

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