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July 2018, EB18-07

Economic Brief

Slowing Growth in Educational Attainment
By Urvi Neelakantan and Jessie Romero

Research suggests the economy’s demand for college-educated workers
exceeds the supply, which might be contributing to slower economic growth.
Improving students’ preparation at the K-12 level could both increase the
college completion rate and help those who are not college-bound choose
the best paths for themselves.
Why isn’t the United States producing more
college graduates? It might seem like a surprising question, given that the share of the adult
population with a college degree is at an alltime high. There is reason to believe, however,
that the demand for college-educated workers
is outpacing the supply and has been for some
time. One piece of evidence is the growth and
persistence over the past several decades of the
“college wage gap” — the difference in earnings
between workers with and without a four-year
college degree. Research has shown that for
much of U.S. history, workers have obtained
more education in response to higher wages
and that the resulting increase in the supply of
workers eventually led the wage gap to shrink.
A persistent college wage gap thus suggests
that the demand for college-educated workers
still exceeds the supply.1
Two key — and related — factors appear to play
a role in college enrollment and completion:
socioeconomic status and preparedness, broadly
defined to include both academic preparation
and the knowledge needed to make informed
choices about college. The K-12 system plays a
central role in preparedness, which means that
children’s ability to make informed choices about

EB18-07 - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

their paths after high school and to succeed
along those paths can vary with the quality of
their schools. A challenge for policymakers, however, is that the evidence on what makes a school
high quality is somewhat mixed and difficult to
generalize from one school to another.
Why Does the Fed Care about Education?
Policymakers, including those at the Federal
Reserve, are ultimately concerned about people’s
standards of living. Improvements in standards
of living are driven by economic growth, which
depends on productivity. Productivity, in turn,
depends at least in part on human capital — the
skills, knowledge, and other intangible qualities
that individuals possess. And formal education
is a key component of human capital. Economists have identified a slowdown in productivity
growth in the United States (and other developed countries) beginning in the early 2000s,
which could be contributing to slower economic
growth.2 One factor contributing to slower productivity growth might be slower growth in the
United States’ stock of human capital.
The Fed also cares about education because its
monetary policy mandate includes a charge to
promote maximum employment. Aggregate

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employment (or unemployment) is determined by
the rates at which individual workers flow through
the labor market, and these flows are influenced
by a variety of factors outside the purview of monetary policy. Understanding these factors, however,
gives policymakers the necessary context for taking monetary policy actions. Education is one such
factor: during economic downturns and expansions
alike, college graduates on average have much lower
unemployment rates than workers with less formal
education. And during recessions, the unemployment rate for college graduates tends to rise less
than the rate for less-educated workers.
Supply and Demand for High-Skill Workers
In the first half of the twentieth century, schooling
increased steadily for successive cohorts of Americans. However, educational attainment decelerated
sharply for those born during the next twenty years,

with the result that Americans, particularly men, born
in 1970 barely completed more years of school than
those born in 1950.3 (See Figure 1.) This slowdown in
skill acquisition, combined with growing demand for
high-skill workers, contributed to a large increase in
the “college premium” — the higher wages and earnings of college graduates relative to workers with
only high school degrees. (See Figure 2.)
In previous periods in the United States, an increase
in the demand for highly educated workers has been
met with a supply response: workers, observing that
a skill premium existed, increased their level of education to take advantage of it. Over time, this had the
effect of reducing the wage gap.4
Recent data do point to an increase in educational
attainment for cohorts born after the 1970s. Still, the
persistence of the college premium suggests that the

Figure 1: Years of Schooling by Birth Year

Estimated Years of Schooling at Age 35









Birth Year
Sources: Authors’ calculations using the 1940–2000 data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 7.0.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2017. The authors follow a procedure similar to Goldin and Katz (2010).
Note: Estimates are for average years of schooling.

Page 2

economy’s demand for high-skill workers exceeds
the supply. Moreover, to the extent attainment has
increased, it has increased unequally.5
Trends in College Enrollment and Completion
College enrollment varies significantly by measures
of socioeconomic status (SES). Following the 2010–
11 school year, 51 percent of graduates from public
high schools where less than a quarter of the students were approved for free or reduced-price lunch
programs enrolled in a four-year college. In contrast,
during the same time period, only 29 percent of high
school students graduating from a school where
more than three-fourths of the students were ap-

proved for free or reduced-price lunch enrolled in a
four-year college. There is also variation by geography; students from rural areas are slightly less likely
to attend college than students from urban and
suburban areas, and they are more likely to attend a
two-year college. Students who obtain a two-year
degree do earn more on average than those with
only a high school diploma, but the premium is
much smaller than for those with a four-year degree.
(See Figure 2.)
Currently, a large share of students who enroll in
college fail to earn a degree: among students who
started attending a four-year institution in 2009, only

Figure 2: Median Weekly Earnings by Educational Attainment

Figure 2: Median Weekly Earnings by Educational Attainment











Bachelor’s Degree or Higher
Less than High School
Some College

High School





High School Diploma
Some College
Less than High School





Bachelor's Degree or Higher

Notes: "Some
earned two-year
are inTable
2017 dollars
for full-time,
U.S. Bureau
of Labor
of Women’s
in 2016,”
19, August
2017. Data
for 2017 wage-and-salary
are from BLS,
age 25
and older.
of Wage
Table 9.
U.S. College”
Bureau of
Labor Statistics
of Women's
in 2016,"
19, August
Data for
from BLS,
people who
degrees. Earnings
in constant
dollars for
"Usual Weekly
of Wage
age twenty-five

Page 3

59 percent had earned a bachelor’s degree within six
years, according to the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES). That’s a modest improvement since
the 1996 cohort, the first year for which the NCES has
published data, when 55 percent earned a degree
within six years. (Completion rates vary greatly by
type of institution: 59 percent at public colleges, 66
percent at private nonprofit colleges, and 23 percent
at private for-profit colleges.)
Like college enrollment, college completion varies by
socioeconomic factors. In 2002, the NCES began surveying a cohort of about 15,000 high school sophomores. Students were assigned a composite score for
SES based on their parents’ education levels, occupations, and incomes. By 2012, 77 percent of the highSES students who were enrolled in a four-year college
in 2006 had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. But
only 50 percent of the low-SES students who enrolled
in college had completed their degrees by 2012. Even
among students with similar prematriculation academic achievement, low-SES students were less likely
to complete college than high-SES students.6
Preparing Students for College
A large body of research suggests that college preparation is a key factor in college completion. Preparation includes two components, both of which tend
to vary with socioeconomic factors. One component
is information or “knowledge about college.” Numerous studies have shown that low-income students
don’t know as much about the application process
and tend to receive less help navigating it. In part,
this could be because they know fewer adults who
have completed college. It also could be because
they attend high schools with fewer resources for
college guidance.7
The schools children attend also affect the second
major component, academic preparation. In the
United States, most students are assigned to schools
based on where they live. The value of a neighborhood’s schools in turn affects its housing prices. This
gives wealthier parents more options because they
can afford to move to neighborhoods with higher
housing prices and better quality schools or opt to
send their children to private schools.

While research suggests that school quality improves
academic outcomes, defining “quality” is no simple
task. And because there is significant variation across
school districts, schools, and students themselves, it
is difficult to generalize the outcomes of any specific
intervention to other settings. In addition, it is very
challenging to disentangle the various factors that
contribute to school quality and student outcomes.
Despite these caveats, two factors consistently
emerge from the research as important inputs into
school quality: teacher quality and class size.8 But
what makes a teacher effective? One determinant
is experience — teachers who have been in the
classroom at least three years tend to do better than
those with less experience.9 But beyond this fact, the
answer remains somewhat elusive. This is an open
area of research, and the findings will be important
for designing policies that effectively incentivize better teaching.10 Switching to a small class can raise a
student’s test scores, according to studies of Project
STAR, a class-size reduction initiative in Tennessee.
The gains were the largest for lower-income and
minority students. But while reducing class size,
particularly for kindergarten through third grade,
may have significant effects on students’ academic
performance, smaller classes are costly. Moreover,
to the extent class-size reduction requires schools
to hire inexperienced or less-effective teachers, the
benefits could be muted.
School Choice
School choice programs — such as private school
vouchers, charter schools, and open enrollment
— attempt to break the link between families’ SES
and their access to quality schools. Proponents of
expanding school choice also argue that offering
more alternatives to traditional public schools would
introduce competition in an otherwise noncompetitive public school sector and make public schools
more productive. A potential downside of such programs is that they reduce academic diversity in the
classroom, which may be particularly detrimental
for lower-achieving students.11 In addition, lowperforming schools (and the students who remain
in them) may be left even worse off because school
funding is typically tied to school size.

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Currently, twelve states and Washington, D.C., offer
voucher programs, including Maryland and North
Carolina.12 (Some states also offer education savings plans or scholarship tax credits to help children
attend private schools.) Some studies have found
positive effects for certain groups of students in
certain subjects, but the results are inconsistent.
There seems to be more evidence in favor of charter schools, which receive public funding but are
independently operated under a charter with the
school district. Numerous studies have shown improvements in standardized test scores for students
attending charter schools, with the largest gains accruing to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Some research also has found that students attending charter schools are more likely to graduate from
high school and attend college.13 Because charter
schools vary widely in their instructional approaches,
however, any positive results might only be applicable to the particular schools studied.14
Another mechanism for increasing school choice is
open enrollment, where students have the option
to transfer to another school within their district or
even to a school outside their district. Most states
allow open enrollment in some form, albeit with a
number of restrictions based on schools’ capacities
and which students receive priority.15 Research on an
open-enrollment program in North Carolina’s Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district for the 2002–03
school year found that students who used the choice
program to attend a school with higher test scores
had significant gains in academic achievement.16 Another study found that girls who attended a higherquality school were much more likely to graduate
from high school and attend college, although for
boys on average there was little effect.17
A universal difficulty in assessing school-choice programs is controlling for selection effects. For example, the gains in academic achievement observed in
Charlotte might have occurred because more academically focused or motivated students (or those
with more academically focused parents) chose to
take advantage of the opportunity to attend a different school.

Beyond College
It is possible that improvements in K-12 preparation
could lead to higher college completion rates without
increasing the number of graduates: to the extent
that better “knowledge about college” is part of being
prepared, students likely to be on the margin of dropping out of college might decide not to enroll in the
first place.
In fact, a high school that focuses predominantly on
college preparation might not be a good match for
everyone. If the only reason to graduate from high
school is to enroll in college, then students who do
not wish to attend college or who perceive large
barriers to doing so might not see much value in
graduating from high school. For those students,
information about and access to vocational training
or apprenticeship programs, for example, could help
them understand the value of finishing high school
and improve their labor market outcomes relative to
dropping out.18
In addition, while most studies of school quality
focus on academic gains, these are not the only
reason to try to improve schools. Efforts to improve
school quality also may improve students’ noncognitive skills and thus lead to improved labor market
outcomes long after their effects on test scores have
Urvi Neelakantan is a senior policy economist
and Jessie Romero is an economics writer in the
Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Richmond.

T his Economic Brief is adapted from Urvi Neelakantan and
Jessie Romero, “Falling Short: Why Isn’t the U.S. Producing
More College Graduates?” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
2017 Annual Report, pp. 4–16.


 ilbert Cette, John Fernald, and Benoît Mojon, “The Pre-Great
Recession Slowdown in Productivity,” European Economic
Review, September 2016, vol. 88, pp. 3–20.


 laudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, The Race between Education and Technology, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 2010. See also Rui Castro and Daniele Coen-Pirani,
“Explaining the Evolution of Educational Attainment in the

Page 5

United States,” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,
July 2016, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 77–112.

F or more on changing wage structures, see Goldin and
Katz (2010).


 dam Blandin, Christopher Herrington, and Aaron Steelman,
“How Does Family Structure during Childhood Affect College
Preparedness and Completion?” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Brief No. 18-02, February 2018.


 ational Center for Education Statistics, “Education LongitudiN
nal Study of 2002.” For more on socioeconomic and regional
disparities see Emily E. Cook, Jessie Romero, and Sarah Turner,
“Transitioning from High School to College: Differences across
Virginia,” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Brief No.
17-12, December 2017.


Caroline M. Hoxby and Christopher Avery, “The Missing ‘OneOffs’: The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low-Income
Students,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2013.


Steven G. Rivkin, Eric A. Hanushek, and John F. Kain, “Teachers,
Schools, and Academic Achievement,” Econometrica, March
2005, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 417–458; Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, “What Have Researchers Learned from Project STAR?”
Brookings Papers on Education Policy, May 2006, vol. 9, pp.
205–228; and Roland G. Fryer, “Teacher Incentives and Student
Achievement: Evidence from New York City Public Schools,”
Journal of Labor Economics, April 2013, vol. 31, no. 2, pp.


ters and Pilots,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2011, vol.
126, no. 2, pp. 699–748; and Kevin Booker, Tim R. Sass, Brian
Gill, and Ron Zimmer, “The Effects of Charter High Schools
on Educational Attainment,” Journal of Labor Economics, April
2011, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 377–415.

 obert Bifulco and Helen F. Ladd, “The Impacts of Charter
Schools on Student Achievement: Evidence from North
Carolina,” Education Finance and Policy, Winter 2006, vol. 1,
no. 1, pp. 50–90.


T he No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 mandated that students
can transfer out of schools that fail to make “adequate yearly
progress” two years in a row. For an overview of open-enrollment policies, see Micah Ann Wixom, “Open Enrollment: Overview and 2016 Legislative Update,” Education Commission of
the States, January 2017.


J ustine S. Hastings and Jeffrey M. Weinstein, “Information,
School Choice, and Academic Achievement: Evidence from
Two Experiments,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November
2008, vol. 123, no. 4, pp. 1373–1414.


 avid J. Deming, Justine S. Hastings, Thomas J. Kane, and
Douglas O. Staiger, “School Choice, School Quality, and Postsecondary Attainment,” American Economic Review, March
2014, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 991–1013.


J ulie Berry Cullen, Steven D. Levitt, Erin Robertson, and Sally
Sadoff, “What Can Be Done To Improve Struggling High
Schools?” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2013, vol.
27, no. 2, pp. 133-152.


 aj Chetty et al., “How Does Your Kindergarten Classroom
Affect Your Earnings? Evidence from Project STAR,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics, November 2011, vol. 126, no. 4,
pp. 1593–1660.

Rivkin, Hanushek, and Kain (2005).


 erek Neal, “The Design of Performance Pay in Education,” In
Handbook of the Economics of Education, Volume 4, edited by
Eric A. Hanushek, Stephen Machin, and Ludger Woessmann,
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011.


F or an overview of the literature on peer effects, see Bruce
Sacerdote, “Peer Effects in Education: How Might They Work,
How Big Are They and How Much Do We Know Thus Far?” In
Handbook of the Economics of Education, Volume 3, edited by
Eric A. Hanushek, Stephen Machin, and Ludger Woessmann,
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011.


 ermont and Maine also have voucher programs, but these
are longstanding policies for students who live in towns without a public school.


Caroline M. Hoxby and Jonah E. Rockoff, “The Impact of
Charter Schools on Student Achievement,” Manuscript, March
2005; Timothy J. Gronberg and Dennis W. Jansen, Navigating
Newly Chartered Waters: An Analysis of Texas Charter School
Performance, Austin, Texas: Texas Public Policy Foundation,
April 2001; Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Joshua D. Angrist, Susan M.
Dynarski, Thomas J. Kane, and Parag A. Pathak, “Accountability
and Flexibility in Public Schools: Evidence from Boston’s Char-

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