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November 2011, EB11-11

Economic Brief

Recoveries From Recessions Associated With
Banking Crises: How Does This One Compare?
By Juan Carlos Hatchondo, David A. Price, and Jonathan Tompkins

Recessions associated with banking crises tend to differ from other recessions
in that the weakness of the financial sector, particularly the limited supply of
credit, encumbers the subsequent recovery. The recovery from the 2007–09
recession, compared to past recoveries from recessions associated with banking crises, is within the historical range in terms of its level of GDP growth. In
terms of unemployment, however, the recovery from the 2007–09 recession is
markedly weaker than the historical norm.
The aftermath of the 2007–09 recession has
been an outlier in a number of respects. The
recovery of GDP has been slower than recoveries following past recessions, which are normally followed by a steep rebound in output;
unemployment has remained above 9 percent
for more than two years, a pattern not previously seen during the post-World War II era;
and in September 2011, the rate of long-term
unemployment—the share of unemployed
workers who have been out of work for at least
six months—reached 46 percent, another first
in the postwar era.
But the 2007–09 recession was unique among
postwar U.S. recessions in that it was associated with a major financial crisis, which could
have contributed to the depth of the recession and the protracted recovery observed so
far. To what extent does the current recovery
remain an outlier when considered against this
backdrop? To shed light on that question, two
of the authors of this Economic Brief, Juan
Carlos Hatchondo and Jonathan Tompkins of
the Richmond Fed, have looked at data from
this recession and from 45 past recessions

EB11-11 - The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

associated with banking crises worldwide. The
results of this analysis suggest that the present recovery is indeed an anomaly in important
respects, even in comparison to recoveries from
other recessions associated with financial crises.
Earlier literature observes that financial-crisis
recessions historically have affected both economic output and unemployment differently
than recessions generally. An International
Monetary Fund (IMF) study in 2009 of business
cycles in advanced economies finds that while an
economy in recession typically returns to its peak
GDP level in less than a year, GDP declines tend
to be more severe and more drawn-out during
financial-crisis recessions.1 Carmen Reinhart and
Kenneth Rogoff’s investigation of financial crises
in advanced economies, published in their book
This Time Is Different (2009), finds that systemic
crises, in particular, are “associated with profound
declines in output and employment.”2
Part of the reason for this relationship may
be simple correlation: Financial crises are most
likely to occur in the context of weak economic
fundamentals. But in addition, there is an

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extensive literature documenting that financial crises
in fact retard the recovery process by constraining
the supply of credit. A 1983 paper on the subject by
Ben Bernanke (a Stanford University economist at the
time who now chairs the Federal Reserve) finds that
the collapse of the financial system in the early 1930s,
and the resulting collapse in credit supply, was a major
cause of the long duration of the Great Depression.3

of either of two types of events: (1) bank runs that
led to the closure, merging, or takeover by the public
sector of one or more financial institutions, or (2) the
closure, merging, takeover, or large-scale government assistance of an important financial institution.

Hatchondo and Tompkins’ analysis compares the current economic recovery with those associated with
past banking crises in 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) from 1960 to 2010. A recession year is one in
which real per-capita GDP decreases. For purposes
of the study, a recession associated with a banking
crisis is one in which a banking crisis occurred either
in the year in which per-capita GDP peaked or during
the subsequent recession. (Thus, the analysis covers recessions that coincided with banking crises,
whether or not the banking crises caused or even
preceded the recessions.) As in Reinhart and Rogoff’s
study, a banking crisis is defined by the occurrence

Figure 1 illustrates the evolution of the log of real
per-capita GDP in OECD countries before and after
the start of each recession. The figure shows that
recessions associated with banking crises are longer,
lead to larger output drops, and have more protracted recoveries than other recessions. (A logarithmic presentation is used to facilitate comparisons of
growth rates.) This is consistent with what the IMF’s
2009 study finds using different sample periods.
In terms of the long-term consequences of banking crises, the figure suggests that growth rates are
lower in the aftermath of recessions associated with
banking crises than in the aftermath of other recessions. The figure also suggests that the recent U.S.
recession was more severe than typical recessions
associated with banking crises and that the current
recovery of GDP in the United States has been

Figure 1: GDP Performance Relative to Years When
Recessions Began

Figure 2: Unemployment Rates Relative to Years When
Recessions Began



Per-Capita GDP (log)


Unemployment Rate Relative to Year Zero

United States (2007 = Zero Year)
Recessions With Banking Crises
Recessions Without
Banking Crises





Years Relative to Onset of Recessions


Note: Data are from OECD countries that experienced recessions
beginning in 1960 through 2008. Years when recessions began are
normalized to zero for comparison purposes. The blue line represents
average GDP performance across countries before, during, and after
recessions with financial crises. The light blue line represents average
GDP performance across countries before, during, and after recessions
without financial crises.
Sources: International Monetary Fund and This Time Is Different
(Reinhart and Rogoff, 2009)


United States (2007 = Zero Year)
Recessions With Banking Crises
Recessions Without
Banking Crises





Years Relative to Onset of Recessions



Note: Data are from OECD countries that experienced recessions beginning in 1960 through 2008. Years when recessions began are normalized
to zero for comparison purposes. The blue line represents an average
unemployment rate across countries before, during, and after recessions
with financial crises. The light blue line represents an average unemployment rate across countries before, during, and after recessions without
financial crises.
Sources: International Monetary Fund and This Time Is Different
(Reinhart and Rogoff, 2009)

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Figure 3: Individual GDP Performances Following Onset of Recessions With Banking Crises
Individual GDP Performances
United States (2007 = Zero Year)
Recessions With Banking Crises
Recessions Without
Banking Crises


Per-Capita GDP (log)





Years Relative to Onset of Recessions





Note: Data are from OECD countries that experienced recessions beginning in 1960 through 2008. Years when recessions began are normalized to zero for comparison purposes. The thick blue line represents average GDP performance across countries before, during, and after recessions with financial crises. The thin blue lines break out individual GDP performances during and following recessions with financial crises.
The light blue line represents average GDP performance across countries before, during, and after recessions without financial crises.
Sources: International Monetary Fund and This Time Is Different (Reinhart and Rogoff, 2009)

weak compared to the recoveries following previous
crisis episodes.
With regard to unemployment, Figure 2 shows that
the unemployment rate increases more in recessions
associated with banking crises and that it remains
at a higher level for many years following the peak
in GDP, regardless of the type of recession. Figure 2
shows that the unemployment rate in the United
States has increased substantially more than the
increases observed in past recessions associated
with banking crises.
Reinhart and Rogoff show that the qualitative behavior of GDP, equity prices, house prices, and the unemployment rate is similar across banking crises. While
more severe, the recent crisis in the United States
was not dissimilar from previous crises in terms of
those variables, but the behavior of other variables
has been significantly different. One important difference is that the U.S. currency appreciated during the
crisis, in contrast to what has been observed in other
recessions associated with banking crises. It has been
argued that the depreciations that accompany many
banking crises tend to amplify recessions by weaken-

ing the balance sheets of banks, leaving some creditors unable to service debts denominated in other
currencies. A second important difference is that
the United States did not experience a fiscal crisis as
severe as in some other recessions associated with
banking crises. While the long-term fiscal situation in
the United States is a source of widespread concern,
it differs from the fiscal situation seen in some other
crises in that it has not impaired the ability of the
government to borrow at low interest rates.
These differences may signal the need for a cautious
interpretation of comparisons of the current state of
the economy in the United States to what has been
observed in other episodes at the same stage of
recovery. But the absence of these factors suggests
that the 2008 banking crisis—perhaps in combination with other policy and nonpolicy factors—may
have had an even more powerful effect on the
economy than previous banking crises in the sample.
A second qualification to the comparison with other
episodes is that there is a significant degree of heterogeneity underlying the lines presented in Figures
1 and 2. This is clear in Figure 3, which presents the
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evolution of the log of per-capita GDP in all OECD
recessions associated with banking crises.
Given the heterogeneity of banking crises, the
unique behavior of the exchange rate, and the
demand for U.S. government bonds, one should not
draw firm conclusions from analyses of this kind.
Hatchondo and Tompkins’ results suggest, however,
that the aftermath of the 2007–09 recession, while
consistent with other banking-crisis recessions in
terms of GDP recovery, nonetheless poses unique
problems in terms of unemployment compared with
past banking-crisis recessions.
Juan Carlos Hatchondo is an economist, David A.
Price is a senior editor, and Jonathan Tompkins is a
research associate in the Research Department at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

Marco E. Terrones, Alasdair Scott, Prakash Kannan, et al.
“From Recession to Recovery: How Soon and How Strong?”
in World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund,
April 2009, pp. 113–114.


Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff, This Time Is
Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, pp. 224, 227,
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.


Ben S. Bernanke, “Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in
the Propagation of the Great Depression,” American Economic
Review, June 1983, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 257–276.

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entirety. Please credit the authors, source, and the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and include the
italicized statement below.
The views expressed in this article are those of
the authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal
Reserve System.

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