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July 2013, EB13-07

Economic Brief

Land of Opportunity?
Economic Mobility in the United States
By Kartik Athreya and Jessie Romero

Income inequality has increased in recent years, while economic mobility has
decreased. Many factors contribute to mobility, but for most people advancement depends on opportunities to obtain human capital—opportunities that
are not as good for children in poor families. Initiatives that focus on early
childhood education seem to yield high returns on investment and potentially
could help the United States achieve a more inclusive prosperity.1
Income and wealth inequality have grown significantly in recent years. Public discussion of this
trend, however, often overlooks the way economic mobility determines what inequality implies for
opportunity. If mobility is high, for example, then
it’s possible that today’s poor will be tomorrow’s
rich. But recent data suggest that mobility in the
United States is declining and that children born
to poor families have an especially difficult time
moving up the income ladder.
From a normative standpoint, there is likely to be
more support for policy interventions that seek
to equalize opportunities rather than outcomes.
One such intervention is greater investment in
early education. High-quality early childhood
education equips children with the skills they
need to succeed at each subsequent stage of life,
yet in the United States, access to such education
appears to strongly depend on parents’ income.
Children of poor parents are thus at a disadvantage from the very beginning. But these children
are not the only ones who are affected; all else
equal, a more skilled workforce increases the productivity of society as a whole. Enhancing early

EB13-07 - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

education opportunities for the initially disadvantaged could therefore lead to better economic
outcomes for everyone.
Trends in Income Inequality
Income inequality in the United States is increasing. In 1979, the top 1 percent of households
took home 7.4 percent of total after-tax income
in the United States. By 2007, the share had more
than doubled to 16.7 percent, according to the
Congressional Budget Office. At the same time,
the share of income earned by households at all
levels of the remaining distribution stayed flat
or declined.2 These changes are a result both of
increasing concentration of all types of income
at the top of the distribution and a shift in the
composition of income toward business income
and capital gains. This compositional change
also makes incomes at the top of the distribution
more volatile, but the trend is clearly one of growing inequality. (See Figure 1.)
The trend continued after the 2007–09 recession. Although average real income for the top
1 percent fell about three times more during

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the recession than for the remaining 99 percent, the
decline was almost entirely due to the stock market
crash. As markets recovered in 2010, incomes for the
top 1 percent increased 11.6 percent, compared to
only 0.2 percent for all other households.3
Trends in Economic Mobility
An observation of inequality at any point in time is
only a snapshot; to understand how that snapshot
developed, one must study economic mobility.
Intragenerational mobility refers to how a person’s
economic status changes over her lifetime. Intergenerational mobility describes the degree to which a
person’s economic status as an adult differs from
that of her parents.
If intragenerational mobility is high, then any snapshot of inequality will overstate the actual long-term
inequality among individuals. For example, it is possible that the large gap in recent years between those
in the top percentile and the rest of the distribution
reflects an increase in the variation of annual earnings
due to stock options and large bonuses. If that were

the case, short-term inequality might be high, but
long-term inequality could be much lower, reflecting
high mobility.
Recent research suggests this is not the case.
Wojciech Kopczuk, Emmanuel Saez, and Jae Song
study workers’ earnings between 1937 and 2004
and find that short-term (five-year) mobility has not
changed over the period, which implies that greater
volatility of short-term earnings is not the source of
observed higher inequality.4 Instead, higher inequality is likely the result of increased variation in lifetime
earnings, including higher earnings at the top of
the distribution.
The authors also find that long-term income mobility, from the beginning to the end of working life,
actually increased significantly for all workers between 1942 and 1999. There is significant heterogeneity among groups of workers, however. Although
on average men are more upwardly mobile than
women, men’s mobility has been stable or declining
during the sample period. But women’s mobility has

Figure 1: Income Distribution by Quintiles
The top quintile (fifth) of households account for about half of after-tax income.


Top Quintile


Top 1 Percent
(right scale)






Fourth Quintile


Third Quintile



Second Quintile


Bottom Quintile








Note: Quintiles are displayed on the left scale; the top 1 percent is displayed on the right scale. After-tax income is defined as market
income (labor income, business income, capital income, capital gains, and capital income) net of transfer payments and taxes.
Source: Congressional Budget Office

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increased greatly since the 1960s, as more women
have joined the workforce and moved into higherpaying professions. Thus, the increase in mobility
for all workers has been driven by the labor market
experiences of women.
Heterogeneity in intragenerational mobility also
is apparent across the income distribution. Gerald
Auten, Geoffrey Gee, and Nicholas Turner find that
about 75 percent of taxpayers aged 35–40, who were
in the second, third, or fourth quintile of the income
distribution in 1987, were in a different quintile in
2007.5 (About 60 percent of those who changed
position moved up or down a single quintile.) But the
authors find greater persistence at the top and bottom of the distribution: 42 percent of taxpayers in the
bottom quintile were still there 20 years later, and 46
percent of taxpayers in the top quintile maintained
their positions. The authors also find that the very
top earners tended to remain top earners. From 1992
through 2006, between 60 percent and 70 percent of

the top 1 percent in a given year remained there in
the following year.
How do these individuals’ incomes compare to their
parents’ incomes? Early studies of the United States
and other developed countries found a high degree
of intergenerational mobility. Later research, however,
found that data used in this work featured biases that
would lead to artificially low measurements of the
true level of earnings persistence, that is, the degree
to which parents’ income determines the income of
their children.6 New and better data suggest that
intergenerational mobility in the United States has
been historically lower than initial estimates implied and that it has declined even further in recent
decades.7 In addition, most research suggests that
people in the United States are somewhat less mobile than people in many other developed countries.8
As with intragenerational mobility, intergenerational
mobility varies significantly according to income.

Figure 2: Intergenerational Income Quintile Transition Rates
Income Quintiles as Adults









Transition Rate





















Families’ Income Quintiles



Note: The figure shows what percentages of adolescents from familes in a given income quintile remained in that quintile or transitioned
to a different quintile as young adults. For example, 33.5 percent of adolescents from families in the bottom quintile remained in the
bottom quintile, while 26.9 percent moved to the second quintile. Income data were gathered from 1979 through 1980 and again from
1997 through 2003.
Source: Mazumder (2008)

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Bhashkar Mazumder finds a great deal of “stickiness”
at the top and bottom of the distribution; people
whose parents are in the bottom quintile are more
likely to be in the bottom quintile themselves, and
those whose parents are in the top quin-tile are likely
to remain there.9 (See Figure 2.) He also finds stark
differences between black people and white people
and between men and women. Whites appear to be
more upwardly mobile and less downwardly mobile
than blacks, and more than twice as many whites as
blacks experience the “rags-to-riches” scenario of moving from the bottom quintile to the top quintile, 10.6
percent compared to 4.1 percent. Similarly, men are
more upwardly mobile and less downwardly mobile
than women. The gender gap is trumped by the race
gap, however. Both black men and black women are
the most likely to remain in the bottom quintile and
the most likely to fall out of the top quintile.
What Generates Persistence?
Empirical findings on the persistence of economic
outcomes do not explain why such persistence exists
in the first place or why it may have increased. Given
the high wage premium for college-educated workers, one might conclude that educational attainment
is the key to economic mobility. But in fact, educational attainment alone appears to explain less than
half the intergenerational transmission of earnings.10
Instead, non-cognitive skills such as work ethic,
the ability to follow instructions, motivation, and
patience may be just as important as cognitive skills
in determining future success in the labor market.
For example, the General Educational Development (GED) credential is supposed to demonstrate
cognitive equivalence between people who have
graduated from high school and people who have
dropped out and taken the GED exam. But GED
holders have much poorer labor market outcomes
than high school graduates. The reason may be that
many students who earn a GED lack precisely those
non-cognitive skills that would have enabled them
to complete high school—skills that later on would
help them succeed in the labor market.11
A consensus now exists among child-development
experts that the foundation for acquiring these skills

is laid very early in life, even from infancy. Skill development is hierarchical; the early mastery of basic
emotional, social, and other non-cognitive skills
makes it easier to learn more complex cognitive skills
throughout life. Children who fall behind early have
difficulty catching up—and the data suggest that
poor children and black children (who are disproportionately poor) are much more likely to fall behind.
A recent report from the Brookings Institution finds
that only 48 percent of children from families in the
bottom income quintile are ready for school at age
5, compared to 78 percent of children from families
in the top quintile.12 Comparing children by race, 68
percent of white children are ready for school at age
5 versus only 56 percent of black children and 61
percent of Hispanic children. The gap between white
and black widens throughout the lifespan. By age 11,
73 percent of white children versus 52 percent of
black children have basic reading and math skills.
And by age 29, only 33 percent of black people have
successfully transitioned to adulthood (defined by
the authors as living independently and having
either a college degree or a family income at least
250 percent of the poverty level), while 68 percent of
white people reach this milestone. Hispanic people
fare somewhat better than black people; 66 percent
achieve the age-11 milestone, and 47 percent reach
the age-29 milestone.
Investing in Human Capital
For most people, labor is what they can sell to generate income. They can increase the value of their labor
by acquiring greater skills, but the value of their labor
also depends on the supply and demand for their
skills in the marketplace.
The industrial revolution, for example, created factories that made workers more productive and more
valuable without substantially increasing their skills.
But the information revolution has created a marketplace that rewards personally acquired skills, such as
computer programming or mathematical analysis. In
this new environment, an individual’s innate ability
and early life education become critical because they
largely determine the levels of skills each person can
develop to “rent” to the marketplace.

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Given the large earnings gap between workers with
and without college degrees, many policies aim to
increase college access, for example by increasing
federal subsidies for student loans. But it’s not clear
that college is the best focus for policymakers. The
wage premium for college graduates is observed in
people who have graduated already; it’s not necessarily the case that every person who enrolls in college
will receive the same benefit. For example, it’s likely
that college graduates on average differ from nongraduates in some way that would make them better
earners regardless of educational attainment.
Intervening well before college could yield much
higher returns. A growing body of research shows
that the return on a dollar invested in human capital is higher the earlier that investment occurs. In
addition, children who receive high-quality early
education fare much better on a variety of socioeconomic measures.13 This occurs in part because
the skills learned early in life prepare children to
obtain more complex skills later in life. The most
cost-effective policy for increasing equality of opportunity is thus likely to be one that shifts funding
away from universal college subsidies and toward
early childhood interventions.14
Greater public investment in early childhood education cannot replace the advantages that some
parents are able to bestow upon their children, nor
can it guarantee that all children will grow up to be
prosperous. But such investments could give more
children the necessary foundation for future acquisition of skills and ensure that large amounts of human capital are not foregone simply because many
children are born to poor families. This foregone
human capital is a loss not only for the child, but also
for society as a whole. According to an influential line
of research, long-run economic growth depends on
the amount of human capital in a society. Knowledge
leads to new ideas and new technologies, which lead
to higher productivity, thus raising per capita income
and living standards for society as a whole.
Many factors contribute to the attainment and persistence of economic status. But for nearly all people,
advancement depends critically on opportunities to

obtain human capital—and those opportunities are
not as good for children born to poor families. Policies that aim to equalize these opportunities, particularly early in life, appear to yield a very high return on
investment, although much remains to be learned
about the feasibility of implementing such interventions on a large scale. Nonetheless, such efforts have
the potential to help the United States achieve a
more inclusive prosperity.
Kartik Athreya is group vice president for microeconomics and research communications, and Jessie
Romero is an economics writer in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

This brief is based on the essay, “Land of Opportunity? Economic Mobility in the United States,” by Kartik Athreya and
Jessie Romero, which was published in the Richmond Fed’s
2012 Annual Report.


The CBO defines after-tax income as market income (labor
income, business income, capital gains, capital income, and
other income) plus government transfers (Social Security
payments, unemployment benefits, or in-kind transfers such
as food stamps) minus taxes paid. Data are from the supplemental data tables posted at


Saez, Emmanuel, “Striking It Richer: The Evolution of Top
Incomes in the United States (Updated with 2011 Estimates),”
Manuscript, January 2013.


Kopczuk, Wojciech, Emmanuel Saez, and Jae Song, “Earnings
Inequality and Mobility in the United States: Evidence from
Social Security Data since 1937,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2010, vol. 125, no. 1, pp. 91–128.


Auten, Gerald, Geoffrey Gee, and Nicholas Turner, “Income Inequality, Mobility and Turnover at the Top in the United States,
1987–2010,” Paper presented at the Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 4, 2013.


See Stokey, Nancy, “Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves: The Economics
of Social Mobility,” in Frontiers of Research in Economic Theory:
The Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lectures, 1983–1997, edited by
Donald P. Jacobs, Ehud Kalai, and Morton I. Kamien,
pp. 210–241. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 1998.


Aaronson, Daniel, and Bhashkar Mazumder, “Intergenerational
Economic Mobility in the United States, 1940 to 2000,” Journal
of Human Resources, Winter 2008, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 139–172.


Corak, Miles, “Do Poor Children Become Poor Adults? Lessons
from a Cross-Country Comparison of Generational Earnings
Mobility,” in Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 13, edited
by John Creedy and Guyonne Kalb, pp. 143–188. Bingley, U.K.:
Emerald Group Publishing, 2006.

Page 5


Mazumder, Bhashkar, “Upward Intergenerational Economic
Mobility in the United States,” Economic Mobility Project, The
Pew Charitable Trusts, May 2008.


Bowles, Samuel, Herbert Gintis, and Melissa Osborne Groves,
“Intergenerational Inequality Matters,” in Unequal Chances,
edited by Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, and Melissa Osborne
Groves, pp. 1–22. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 2008.


Heckman, James J., John Eric Humphries, and Nicholas S.
Mader, “The GED,” National Bureau of Economic Research
Working Paper No. 16064, June 2010.


Sawhill, Isabel V., Scott Winship, and Kerry Searle Grannis,
“Pathways to the Middle Class: Balancing Personal and Public
Responsibilities,” Brookings Institution Center on Children and
Families, September 2012. The authors define “school-ready”
as having acceptable pre-reading and math skills and behavior
that is generally school-appropriate.


Heckman, James J., “Schools, Skills, and Synapses,” Economic
Inquiry, July 2008, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 289–324.


See Caucutt, Elizabeth M., and Krishna B. Kumar, “Higher Education Subsidies and Heterogeneity: a Dynamic Analysis,” Journal
of Economic Dynamics and Control, June 2003, vol. 27, no. 8,
pp. 1459–1502; and Restuccia, Diego, and Carlos Urrutia,
“Intergenerational Persistence of Earnings: The Role of Early
and College Education,” American Economic Review, December
2004, vol. 94, no. 5, pp. 1354–1378.

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