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February 2018, EB18-02

Economic Brief

How Does Family Structure during Childhood
Affect College Preparedness and Completion?
By Adam Blandin, Christopher Herrington, and Aaron Steelman

From 1996 through 2015, the share of twenty-eight-year-olds in the United
States who attended college grew 8 percentage points while the share who
completed college also grew 8 percentage points. But college attainment
trends varied significantly by family structure. In particular, completion grew
much faster for children from “high-resource” households (two parents with
at least one holding a four-year degree) compared with children from “low-resource” households (one parent and no degree). New research suggests that
this attainment gap expanded because high-resource households increased
precollege investment relative to low-resource households in response to a
rising college wage premium.
From 1975 through 1995, the share of twentyeight-year-olds in the United States who had
attended college grew 13 percentage points,
while the share who had completed a four-year
degree grew only 3 percentage points. During
the next two decades, from 1996 through 2015,
the attendance share grew 8 percentage points,
and the completion share also grew 8 percentage points.1
Trends in college completion are important because people who attend and complete college
can, on average, expect to earn substantially
more over the course of their careers than those
who do not attend college or those who do attend but do not complete their degrees. Indeed,
Lutz Hendricks of the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill and Oksana Leukhina of the St.
Louis Fed found that, for individuals born from
1957–65, college graduates earned an average

EB18-02 - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

of $340,000 more over their lifetimes than high
school graduates, while college dropouts earned
only $40,000 more (measured in 2000 dollars).2
Since the financial incentive to complete college
has been clear for many years, why have college completion rates grown more rapidly in the
United States after 1995? Two authors of this Economic Brief (Blandin and Herrington of Virginia
Commonwealth University) have attempted
to answer this question.3 A key feature of their
analysis is to show that college-attainment
trends have differed by family structure. Specifically, they use the University of Michigan’s
Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) 1968–
2015 to follow children from birth to age twenty-eight. They classify households with children
as “high resource” if there are two parents and
at least one has a four-year degree. They classify
households as “low resource” if only one parent

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is present and he or she lacks a four-year degree. This
language reflects the idea that high-resource families will tend to have more time and money at their
disposal to invest in their children.4
For children from high-resource families, college
attendance increased by only 1 percentage point
from 1996–2015, but completion increased by 13
percentage points. In contrast, for children from
low-resource families, college attendance increased
by 7 percentage points, but completion grew by only
4 percentage points. The attendance gap between
low- and high-resource children, then, shrank by 6
percentage points, while the completion gap grew
by 9 percentage points. Importantly, the authors
verify that family structure remains an important
predictor of college completion even after controlling for family earnings, number of siblings, race, sex,
and the family’s geographic region.
Figure 1 provides details of these trends. It displays
three-year moving averages of college attendance
and completion rates by family type from 1996

through 2015.5 Individuals are assigned to the year
they turned twenty-eight. For example, the aggregate attendance rate of 53 percent in 1996 corresponds to individuals who turned twenty-eight from
1995 to 1997. Children from the lowest-resource
households are designated 1L (one parent, no degree); children from households with two parents,
neither of whom has a degree are designated 2L; and
children from households with two parents with at
least one degree between them are designated 2H,
the highest-resource category in the study.6
Precollege Investment and Preparedness
Why did college completion grow more rapidly for
children from high-resource households compared
with children from low-resource households? Blandin
and Herrington propose that, conditional on attending college, an individual’s chance of completing
depends primarily on how prepared the individual is
for college. They suggest that a rising college wage
premium since the 1980s induced an increase in attendance among children from all family structures,
but that high-resource households increased precol-

Figure 1: U.S. College Attendance and Completion Rates by Age Twenty-Eight


Percent Completing Four Years of College


Percent Attending College








Two Parents / At Least One Degree (2H)
Two Parents / No Degree (2L)










One Parent / No Degree (1L)
Aggregate Levels

Source: Authors’ analysis of data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
Notes: Curves are three-year moving averages. Values for 2001 are generated by linear interpolation. The years correspond to the years when
individuals turned twenty-eight. College attendance is defined as attaining more than twelve years of education. College completion is defined
as attaining at least sixteen years of education. The number of parents includes cohabitants. Individuals are assigned to the lowest-resource
“family type” they experienced from birth to age seventeen. Attainment rates for children from families with one parent who has a degree
(1H) are not included due to small sample size.

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lege investment more than low-resource households.
This led to a larger increase in college preparedness
and college completion among high-resource children compared with low-resource children.
Blandin and Herrington provide several pieces of
evidence that are consistent with this explanation.
First, they document trends in earnings by family type,
which has implications for the family’s capacity to
invest money in children’s human capital accumulation. From 1968, the year the 1996 cohort was born,
until 2015, the year the final cohort turned twentyeight, aggregate median parental earnings increased
roughly 10 percent, from $60,900 to $66,200 (in 2015
dollars). The increase did not occur proportionately
across types, however. Median earnings fell 12 percent
for 1L households, grew by 7 percent for 2L households, and grew by 29 percent for 2H households.
These patterns suggest that earnings alone cannot
account for the observed trends in college attendance
and completion. For example, attendance and completion rose among 1L households despite the drop
in median earnings. And completion rates increased
by comparable amounts among children from 2L and
2H households, even though median earnings growth
was significantly larger among the latter.
Next, Blandin and Herrington point to work by Sabino Kornrich of the Center for Advanced Studies in
the Social Sciences at the Juan March Institute in Madrid and Frank Furstenberg of the University of Pennsylvania that documents growing gaps in expenditures on children based on family income, parental
education, and number of parents.7 This analysis is
based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer
Expenditure Survey from the early 1970s through the
late 2000s. For example, the gap in annual spending per child between the second and ninth deciles
of the income distribution increased from $1,200 in
1972 to $2,800 in 2006, measured in constant 2008
dollars.8 Similarly, the gap in spending per child
between households with high school-educated parents and college-educated parents increased from
roughly $700 in 1972 to $1,500 in 2006. Interestingly,
single mothers in 1972 spent about $500 more per
child than dual-parent households, but by 2006 that
difference had essentially disappeared. It is possible

that the initial gap was largely due to higher childcare expenses in single-parent households, and this
difference declined as more married women entered
the labor force, resulting in higher care expenses for
dual-parent households.
Blandin and Herrington also document that the
amount of time parents spend with their children
has increased across all households, according to
data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American
Time Use Survey and the Centre for Time Use Research’s American Heritage Time Use Study. But
college-educated parents have increased time with
their children more than non-college-educated
parents.9 Moreover, two-parent households have
increased time with their children more than singleparent households. As a result, the gap in weekly
hours spent with children between 2H and 1L
households more than doubled in recent decades,
from about seven hours per week to more than
fifteen hours per week. This growing disparity is
important because parental time has been widely
credited as a crucial input in the production of a
child’s human capital.10
Finally, Blandin and Herrington argue that these
growing gaps in parental investments between 2H
and 1L households translated into growing gaps in
college preparedness. To test this idea, they look at
changes over time in SAT scores by family type, using
the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ National Longitudinal
Surveys. They first document that, conditional on attending college, SAT scores strongly predict a child’s
chances of completing a four-year college degree.11
Next, they show that among children who turned
twenty-eight around 1990, there already existed
small test-score gaps between 2L and 1L children
and large test-score gaps between 2H and 1L children. Finally, they show that those gaps increased
from the 1990 cohort to the 2010 cohort. For example, the median SAT score for 2H children (averaging
math and verbal scores) grew twenty points (512 to
532) while the median score for 1L children fell by
one point (448 to 447). As a result, the median score
gap between 2H and 1L children grew by twentyone points, an increase of one-fifth of a standard

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Why Did High-Resource Parents Invest
Relatively More in Their Children?
The evidence above is consistent with the idea
that high-resource households increased precollege investments in their children relative to lowresource households, and that this investment gap
generated stronger growth in college completion
among high-resource children. However, this evidence does not directly explain why high-resource
households increased their precollege investment,
and why they did so to a greater extent than lowresource households.
Blandin and Herrington’s explanation for “why”
comes in three parts: (i) the college wage premium
increased substantially from the early 1980s to the
mid-2000s; (ii) high-resource parents responded to
the rising college wage premium by investing more
time and money in their children; and (iii) low-resource parents, facing tight time and budget constraints, responded less to the rising college wage
premium. To test whether this story is quantitatively
powerful enough to generate the observed trends in
college completion, Blandin and Herrington build a

structural model of intergenerational human capital
investment and college attainment with heterogeneous households.
Within this model, they simulate an increase in the
college wage premium from 43 percent to 75 percent, as observed in the U.S. data between 1986 and
2005. The increase in the college wage premium increases attendance and completion among children
from all family types. But attendance and completion do not increase proportionately across all family
types. Attendance increases most, 24 percentage
points, for children from 1L households, while it
increases least, 19 percentage points, for children
from 2H households. Completion increases least, 11
percentage points, for children from 1L households,
while it increases most, 16 percentage points, for
children from 2H households.
As a result, the attendance gap between 2H and 1L
children decreases 5 percentage points in response
to the increased college wage premium, while the
completion gap between 2H and 1L children increases by 5 percentage points. Qualitatively, these pat-

Figure 2: Population Shares by Family Type among Households with Children












Two Parents / At Least One Degree (2H)

One Parent with Degree (1H)

Two Parents / No Degree (2L)

One Parent / No Degree (1L)


Source: Authors’ analysis of data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Institute for Social Research,
University of Michigan
Notes: Parents are considered to be college graduates if they report completing at least sixteen years of education. Number of parents includes cohabitants. Individuals are assigned to the lowest-resource “family type”
they experienced from birth to age seventeen. The authors exclude years 1969–71 because the education
of the “spouse” was not reported for those years. Values in this chart for 1969–71 (and for even years beginning with 1998) are generated by linear interpolation.

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terns are in line with the empirical findings described
earlier. Quantitatively, the model is able to account for
most of the 6 percentage point decrease in the 2H-1L
attendance gap observed in the data and about half
of the 9 percentage point increase in the observed
2H-1L completion gap.
College attendance and completion rates have been
increasing among children from both low-resource
households and high-resource households. The rates
of attendance and completion differ between those
groups, however. Attendance rates have been growing more quickly among low-resource families, while
completion rates have been growing more quickly
among high-resource families. Moreover, for children
from low-resource families, college attendance has
been increasing more than completion. The opposite is true for children from high-resource families:
completion among them has been increasing more
than attendance. As a result, the attendance gap between low-resource and high-resource children has
shrunk while the completion gap has grown.
These findings have important implications for
income inequality. As Figure 2 shows, the share of
families classified as high resource has increased
sharply from 1968 through 2015, from 15 percent
to 40 percent. The share of families classified as low
resource has grown also during this period, from 8
percent to 17 percent. The growth of high-resource
families in recent years suggests that the aggregate
share of children who complete college, and therefore earn the associated college premium, will continue to increase throughout the next decade. At the
same time, the remaining large share of low-resource
families means that many children still will face low
probabilities of completing college, despite the large
and growing rewards to doing so.12
Adam Blandin is an assistant professor of economics
at Virginia Commonwealth University and a visiting
scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond;
Christopher Herrington is an assistant professor of
economics at Virginia Commonwealth University;
and Aaron Steelman is director of publications at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.


 ggregate attendance and completion rates are computed
using data from the March Current Population Survey for individuals who turned twenty-eight from 1975 through 2015.


L utz Hendricks and Oksana Leukhina, “The Return to College:
Selection and Dropout Risk,” International Economic Review,
forthcoming. A working paper version is available.


 dam Blandin and Christopher Herrington, “Family Structure,
Human Capital Investment, and Aggregate College Attainment,” Manuscript, January 29, 2018.


S ome children experience multiple family types during childhood. Children are assigned to a single family type using
two procedures. The first assigns individuals to the “lowestresource” type they experienced during childhood (from age
zero to seventeen). The second assigns individuals to the
modal family type: the family type they experienced most often during childhood. The results are very similar across both
methods. The “lowest-resource” results are presented because
they seem to present the least noisy estimates.


 ue to data issues that make it difficult to measure college
completion consistently over the time period they examine,
Blandin and Herrington use sixteen years of education as a
proxy for college completion.


 hildren from households with one parent who has a fouryear degree (1H) are not included due to small sample size.


S abino Kornrich and Frank Furstenberg, “Investing in Children:
Changes in Parental Spending on Children, 1972–2007,” Demography, February 2013, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 1–23.


T he spending gaps and the increase in the gaps over time between the lowest and top deciles were even larger and are not
mentioned to minimize the effects at the tails of the income


T his fact has been noted previously by others, including Garey
Ramey and Valerie A. Ramey in “The Rug Rat Race,” Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2010, pp. 129–176.


S ee Daniela Del Boca, Christopher Flinn, and Matthew Wiswall,
“Household Choices and Child Development,” Review of Economic Studies, January 2014, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 137–185.


S ee Nancy W. Burton and Leonard Ramist, “Predicting Success
in College: SAT Studies of Classes Graduating since 1980,”
Research Report No. 2001-2, The College Board, 2001. There
are other factors that seem to predict whether a child will
complete college, such as teacher quality and noncognitive
skills. See Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman, and Jonah E. Rockoff,
“Measuring the Impacts of Teachers II: Teacher Value-Added
and Student Outcomes in Adulthood,” American Economic
Review, September 2014, vol. 104, no. 9, pp. 2633–2679; and
David T. Conley, “Understanding University Success: A Report
from Standards for Success,” Center for Education Policy Research, University of Oregon, 2003.


I n a paper related to Blandin and Herrington’s work, Kartik
Athreya of the Richmond Fed and Janice Eberly of Northwestern University show that if the distribution of college readiness
among high school completers does not improve over time,

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aggregate college attainment is likely to remain stagnant even
if the demand for college-educated labor, and hence the payoff
to completing college, rises. This is because a higher enrollment
rate will, in that setting, disproportionately draw from the ranks
of poorly prepared students. Blandin and Herrington find evidence, however, that college preparedness differs by family
structure and has led to increased college attainment, both in
the aggregate and particularly among children from highresource households. Nevertheless, even if college attainment
remains stagnant, Athreya and Eberly argue that under current conditions in the United States, increases in the college
premium can be expected to increase earnings inequality and
income inequality. See Kartik Athreya and Janice Eberly, “Risk,
the College Premium, and Aggregate Human Capital Investment,” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper No.
13-02R, November 27, 2016.

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