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Februrary 2013, EB13-02

Economic Brief
Why Do Debit Card Networks Charge
Percentage Fees?
By David A. Price and Zhu Wang

Why do debit card networks base their fees on a percentage of transaction amounts when the marginal cost of executing a transaction does
not vary by amount? Research suggests that this type of fee structure,
a linear ad valorem fee, maximizes profits for card networks by allowing
price discrimination. Also, because percentage fees make card usage
more economical for lower-value transactions, such a fee structure tends
to increase social welfare.
Americans have been using debit cards more
in recent years. According to the Nilson Report,
a newsletter of the payments industry, the
share of U.S. consumer transactions based on
debit cards grew from 19 percent in 2006 to
31 percent in 2011. Debit card payments also
have been growing in terms of total dollar volume: They handled 14 percent of the value of
consumer transactions in 2006 and 22 percent
in 2011. Most of these increases came at the
expense of paper checks and, to a lesser extent, at the expense of cash transactions. (During the same period, the share of payments
based on credit cards stayed essentially flat, in
terms of both the number of transactions and
dollar volume.)
Merchants that accept debit cards pay fees
known as merchant discounts, which are composed mainly of interchange fees paid to card
issuers (that is, cardholders’ banks); interchange
fees are set by card networks on behalf of their
issuers.1 Interchange fees generally increased
over time to the point where many merchants
contended that the fees reached excessive

EB13-02 - The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

levels and amounted to an abuse of the market
power wielded by card networks and issuers.
Merchant groups fought successfully in Congress for the Durbin Amendment, a provision
of the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 requiring the
Federal Reserve Board of Governors to ensure
that interchange fees on debit transactions are
“reasonable and proportional to the cost incurred by the issuer.”
In addition to the size of the fees, many merchants and some policymakers have criticized
the fee structure, which is based on a linear ad
valorem model—a fixed base fee plus a percentage of the transaction amount, with the percentage component often accounting for most of the
interchange revenue. Signature-based debit card
networks, which rely on the Visa and MasterCard
credit card infrastructures, charged ad valorem
interchange fees from the outset. In contrast,
PIN-based debit card networks began charging
merchants a fixed fee per transaction in the mid1990s, then moved to ad valorem fees, mostly
in the 2000s.2 The prevalence of this fee structure presents a question for economists: Can ad

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valorem fees be rationalized in the context of debit
card transactions when the marginal cost of executing each transaction does not vary with the amount
and when debit card transactions carry little fraud
risk and—unlike credit-card transactions—give rise
to no credit risk?3
One of the authors of this Economic Brief (Wang of
the Richmond Fed) and Julian Wright of the National
University of Singapore attempt to answer this question in a recent working paper. They consider why
debit card networks favor linear ad valorem fee
arrangements, and whether such fees increase or
decrease social welfare.4 (They also apply the same
analysis to auction and shopping websites that accommodate third-party merchants, such as eBay
and Amazon.) They construct a model of a payment
platform—similar to a debit card network—that
handles transactions between buyers and sellers.
In their model, the platform is a monopoly that
charges transaction fees to merchants. The platform
facilitates trade in various goods with differing costs
and valuations that it does not observe (apart from
the transaction amount), and the merchants sell in a
competitive market.5 Wang and Wright then consider three scenarios: one based on an unfettered,
profit-maximizing platform operator; a second
scenario with a Ramsey regulator (that is, a regulator who seeks to maximize social welfare, subject to
the constraint of allowing the network to recover its
costs, including fixed costs); and a third scenario with
a regulator who can choose only between allowing
or forbidding an ad valorem fee structure, while the
operator retains the discretion to set the fee level.
In the unconstrained profit-maximizing scenario,
the researchers find that for a broad class of demand
functions, a linear ad valorem fee determined by
a fixed base rate plus a constant percentage of the
sales price is, in fact, profit-maximizing. It represents
a form of third-degree price discrimination, one in
which the fee for every transaction on the platform
meets the classic Ramsey principle that a monopolist’s markup varies inversely with the price elasticity of demand. While the platform operator does
not observe the costs and valuations of each good
traded, a linear ad valorem fee enables the opera-

tor to obtain the same profit that it would if it had
perfect information and could set an optimal fee for
each transaction. In addition to shedding light on
payment platforms, this finding also may help explain
the prevalence of fixed-percentage fees used in many
other areas, such as auction houses, stock exchanges,
and real estate brokerages.
In the case of the Ramsey regulator, the researchers
determine that for the same broad class of demand
functions that rationalizes a platform’s use of linear
ad valorem fees, the Ramsey regulator also will
charge a linear ad valorem fee, though at a lower
level than the profit-maximizing operator. Such a
fee structure satisfies the Ramsey principle that to
maximize social welfare under the condition of just
recovering costs, including fixed costs, the regulator
sets the markup of each transaction lower than a
monopolist’s, but still inversely proportional to the
price elasticity of demand.
In the scenario of the regulator who considers
whether to ban ad valorem fees but does not restrict the level of the fees, Wang and Wright find that
the regulator generally will allow ad valorem fees.
Indeed, they find that within the same broad class
of demand functions, a linear ad valorem fee structure increases social welfare by making the platform
service more economical for lower-value transactions. The advantage of such a fee structure can be
illustrated by a simple example in which only two
goods with sufficiently different values—such as a
pencil and a computer—are sold through the platform. As stated above in the first scenario, a linear
ad valorem fee essentially allows the profit-maximizing platform operator to set a separate monopoly fee
for transactions involving each of the two goods. Presumably, the fee for computers is much higher than
the fee for pencils. In contrast, the platform operator
who is required to use a flat fee would want to forego
transactions involving pencils by setting its flat profitmaximizing fee at the monopoly level for transactions involving computers. (At this fee level, pencils
would not be traded through the platform because
merchants would set the price of pencils at a level
unacceptable to consumers.) Conversely, accommodating transactions involving pencils would require

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a much lower fee and thus sacrifice too much of the
platform’s profit from transactions involving computers. Therefore, allowing the platform to set different
fees by way of a linear ad valorem schedule would
not only increase the platform’s profit but also consumer surplus (and thus social welfare) since transactions involving pencils could be accommodated.
These results suggest that to the extent interchange
fees are viewed as excessive in card payment systems, the harm to social welfare may rest in the fee
level rather than the ad valorem fee structure. If this
is the case, then public policy considerations generally should focus on the fee level rather than the ad
valorem fee structure.
David A. Price is senior editor of Region Focus,
the quarterly economics magazine of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond. Zhu Wang is a senior
economist in the Bank’s Research Department.


For more on the structure of interchange fees, see Mead, Tim,
Renee Haltom, and Margaretta Blackwell, “The Role of Interchange Fees on Debit and Credit Card Transactions in the
Payments System,” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Economic Brief, No. 11-05, May 2011.
“Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing: Final Rule,” Federal
Register, July 20, 2011, vol. 76, no. 139, pp. 43,394–43,405.
With regard to issuers subject to the Durbin Amendment—
banks with assets of $10 billion or more—networks responded by setting the interchange fee at the regulatory
maximum of 21 cents per transaction plus 0.05 percent of
the transaction amount.


Fraud risk is much less for debit cards than for credit cards.
According to industry studies, the average net fraud loss to
card issuers is 0.08 percent for credit card transactions, 0.05
percent for signature debit card transactions, and 0.01 percent for PIN debit card transactions. See page 1,577, footnote
8 of Shy, Oz, and Zhu Wang, “Why Do Payment Card Networks
Charge Proportional Fees?” American Economic Review, June
2011, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 1,575–1,590. In addition, debit card
transactions entail no credit risk because no credit
is extended.


Wang, Zhu, and Julian Wright, “Ad-Valorem Platform Fees
and Efficient Price Discrimination,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond Working Paper No. 12-08, November 2012.


This research therefore differs from Shy and Wang (2011),
who provide another rationale for the use of proportional
fees by platforms. For a specific demand specification and
considering a single good, Shy and Wang (2011) show that
when a platform and sellers both have market power, the
platform earns higher profit by charging a proportional fee
rather than a fixed per-transaction fee. In that scenario, proportional fees are shown to increase social welfare, although
sellers are worse off. Those findings, however, hinge on the
presence of double marginalization (that is, the application
of markups by two levels of actors with market power). If
sellers are competitive, there is no difference between charging a proportional fee and a per-transaction fee in terms of
profit or welfare.

This article may be photocopied or reprinted in its
entirety. Please credit the authors, source, and the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and include
the italicized statement below.
Views expressed in this article are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.

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