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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Frances P erkin s, Secretary B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S Isador L u k in , Commissioner (o n lea ve) A . F. H in rich s, A cting Commissioner + Earnings o f Bank Employees Spring and Summer o f 1943 Prepared by DIVISION OF WAGE ANALYSIS Robert J. Myers, C h ief Bulletin T^o. 774 [Reprinted from the M onthly Labor R eview , April 1944, w ith additional data] UNITED STATES GOVERNM ENT PRINTING OFFICE, W ASHINGTON : 1944 For sale by the Superintendent o f Documents, U . S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D . C. - Price 5 cents Letter of Transmittal U n it e d S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t of L a b o r , B u r e a u o f L a b o r S t a t is t ic s , Washington, D. C A p r i l 19, 1944 The S e c r e t a r y of L a b o r : I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on earnings of bank employees, spring and summer of 1943. This report was prepared by Harold R. Hosea in the Bureau's Division of Wage Analysis. A. F. H in r ic h s , Acting Commissioner. H o n . F r a n c e s P e r k in s , Secretary of Labor. Summary_________________ .......................................................................... Method and scope of study............. .................... ................... .................... Earnings of tellers__________________ Wage differences, by sex_________ Wage differences, by type of work Earnings of clerical workers.................................................. ........................ Earnings in individual areas. ................................................................ ....... (n) Page 1 1 <rc7» o* ^ to Contents 5 7 Bulletin T^o. 774 o f the U nited States Bureau o f Labor Statistics [Reprinted from the Monthly Labor Review, April 1944, with additional data] Earnings of Bank Employees, Spring and Summer of 1943 Sum m ary TH E straight-time hourly earnings of 18,657 bank tellers employed in 1,312 institutions studied by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1943 averaged 92.5 cents. Tellers in cities of less than 50,000 popula tion earned an average of 84.8 cents per hour, while the corresponding figure for cities of 250,000 and over was 94.2 cents. The earnings of note tellers exceeded those of all-round tellers by 14.6 cents an hour. The 3,056 stenographers studied earned an average of 79.8 cents an hour; clerk-typists averaged 58.4 cents an hour. The rate for bookkeeping-machine operators (66.3 cents) was slightly above that for bookkeepers, who received an average of 64.9 cents. The total earnings for these workers are somewhat above these averages as a result of overtime premiums and bonuses; the latter sometimes amount to as much as 10 percent of yearly salaries. M ethod and Scope o f Study This analysis of earnings in banks is based on a study of more than 28,000 employees of 1,312 banks, trust companies, and savings and loan associations in 144 communities. The areas studied were selected principally on the basis of the needs of the National War Labor Board for wage data to be used in connection with the stabilization program. Although these areas are widely scattered and of many different types, they do not necessarily constitute a representative cross section of all American communities, since they were not selected with any such purpose in mind. Despite this limitation, the data collected constitute a large and important addition to the available information on earnings which, for this type of worker, has hereto fore been somewhat scanty. The establishments selected for study within each of the 144 wage areas constitute all or a representative sample of the local banking institutions. The types of banks studied include National, State, industrial, mutual and private savings banks, trust companies, building and loan associations, and, in many areas, personal credit or finance companies. The wage data on which this analysis is based were compiled from pay rolls by trained field representatives of the Bureau of Labor Statistics who visited each bank and classified the employees in ac cordance with a set of standard job descriptions. The wage data 584999°— 44 ( 1) 2 reflect the rates in effect during the spring and summer of 1943. The employees covered by this study do not include all of those working in the entire group of banks. Differences in size as well as in scope and type of operations among institutions give rise to rather marked variations in occupational patterns. It was necessary, therefore, to limit the study to workers in jobs which can be defined in reasonably specific terms and are found in nearly every type of establishment covered by the survey. A few occupations have been omitted because of their comparative numerical unimportance. This summary is thus based primarily on the earnings of tellers and of women employed as bookkeepers, bookkeeping-machine operators, calculating-machine operators, file and general clerks, stenographers, and clerk-typists. The numbers of men employed in jobs other than that of teller were insufficient to warrant detailed study. It should be noted also, that the scope of this survey differed some what among the occupations covered. For example, earnings data are available for tellers in the entire 144 communities studied, but the information on general office occupations is limited to 116 areas,, as noted below. Although the majority of bank employees are paid by the week, half month, or month, the earnings data have been reduced to an hourly basis to permit comparisons among banks with differing pay periods and between bank wage scales and those for other industries in which substantial proportions of the workers are customarily paid in terms of hourly rates. The rates for bank employees have been computed by dividing their standard pay (exclusive of any overtime premiums or bonuses except cost-of-living adjustments) for the pay period by the scheduled or regular hours. The averages shown do not, consequently, reflect “ take-home” pay. Payment for over time work at premium rates in these banks was by no means universal at the time of the survey,1 but the total earnings of some employees were increased by such extra amounts. Even more important, perhaps, is the widespread practice of paying various types of bonuses in amounts which may be related to the pro ductivity of the employee or to company earnings, volume of business, or profits.2 These bonuses, often paid at Christmas, sometimes amount to 10 percent or more of the employees’ annual earnings, but the great variety of provisions governing these payments makes any systematic tabulation of the amounts involved virtually impossible. Consequently, no precise estimate of the effect of bonus payments on earnings can be made, but it is apparent that the general averages would be increased appreciably if it were possible to take account o f these amounts. Earnings o f Tellers The 18,657 tellers included in this survey earned an average o f 92.5 cents per hour, exclusive of overtime premiums and bonuses, during the pay-roll periods studied (table 1). In the 40-hour week 1 Because of differences in the nature of their operations, there is considerable variation among banks in, the proportions of these institutions which are subject to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. It should also be noted that the method of computing pay for overtime typical of industrial establishments is not used in many banks. Some institutions compute overtime on the basis of varying workweeks; in this case the total hours worked by an employee in any given week are divided into his basic weekly salary thus giving the average hourly rate for that particular week. The overtime premium is then com puted by multiplying one-half the hourly rate by the number of hours worked in excess of 40. 2 Amounts paid as a result, of cost-of-living adjustments are included in the earnings data shown, eventhough the payments are, in some cases, in the form of a bonus. 3 ^common in banking, their average straight-time earnings would amount to about $37. The average of 93.6 cents for the 15,200 tellers employed in northern banks exceeds the corresponding figure for southern institutions (87.9 cents) by less than 6 cents per hour. It should be noted, how ever, that this comparison must be interpreted as only a rough approxi mation, since the northern and southern cities studied do not constitute a completely representative cross section of the communities within these two broad regions. T able 1.— Straight-Time Average Hourly Earnings 1 o f Bank Tellers, by Region, Sex, and City Si e, Spring and Summer 1943 Region, sex, and city size Hourly earnings Number Number of estab Number of of cities lish Highest tellers General Lowest studied ments city city average average studied average Males and females All cities combined............................................... Under 50,000 population................................ 50,000 and under 100,000............. ................... 100,000 and under 250,000............................... 250,000 and over............................... .............. 144 31 31 48 34 1,312 190 193 378 551 18,657 857 1,182 3,449 13,169 $0,925 .848 .876 .898 .942 $0,502 .700 .502 .753 .773 $1,151 1.081 1.146 1.077 1.151 North.................................................................... Under 50,000 population................................ 50,000 and under 100,000................................. 100,000 and under 250,000............................... 250,000 and over.............................................. 97 22 20 31 24 935 127 130 241 437 15,200 555 768 2,314 11,563 .936 .853 .877 .915 .948 .502 .700 .502 .753 .844 1.151 1.081 1.146 1.077 1.151 South........................................................... ......... Under 50,000 population................................ 50,000 and under 100,000................................. 100,000 and under 250,000............................... 250,000 and over.............................................. 47 9 11 17 10 377 63 63 137 114 3,457 302 414 1.135 1,606 .879 .838 .875 .864 .899 .706 .724 .706 .753 .773 1.076 1.069 1.078 1.001 1.040 All cities combined.............. ................................ Under 50,000 population................................ 50,000 and under 100,000................................. 100,000 and under 250,000............................... 250,000 and over.................. - .......................... 143 31 30 48 34 1,308 190 189 378 551 11,662 467 708 2,055 8,432 1.053 .986 1.010 1.038 1.064 .720 .720 .760 .871 .905 1.305 1.161 1.305 1.239 1.243 North.................................................................... Under 50,000 population...... .......................... 50,000 and under 100,000................................. 100,000 and under 250,000..... .......................... 250,000 and over............................................ - 96 22 19 31 24 931 127 126 241 437 9,536 287 434 1,399 7,416 1.064 .995 1.024 1.053 1.071 .720 .720 .760 .897 .960 1.305 1.161 1.305 1.239 1.243 South..................................... - ............................. Under 50,000 population...... .......................... 50,000 and under 100,000................................. 100,000 and under 250*000............................... 250,000 and over.............................................. 47 9 11 17 10 377 63 63 137 114 2,126 180 274 656 1,016 1.004 .972 .987 1.007 1.013 .778 .778 .823 .871 .905 1.152 1.080 1.134 1.135 1.152 All dities combined................................................ Under 50,000 population................................ 50,000 and under 100,000.......... ...................... 100,000 and under 250,000............................... 250,000 and over.............................................. 141 30 30 47 34 1,298 186 188 373 551 6,995 390 474 1,394 4,737 .713 .682 .677 .692 .725 .472 .565 .472 .613 .631 .995 .995 .870 .860 .837 North..................................................................... Under 50,000 population................................ 50,000 and under 100,000................................. 100,000 and under 250,000............................... 250,000 and over.............................................. 96 22 20 30 24 930 127 130 236 437 5,664 268 334 915 4,147 .721 .701 .687 .704 .728 .502 .565 .502 .646 .641 .995 .995 .807 .829 .837 South..................................................................... Under 50,000 population................................ 50,000 and under 100,000................................. 100,000 and under 250,000............................... 250,000 and over.............................................. 45 8 10 17 10 368 59 58 137 114 1,331 122 140 479 590 .680 .640 .655 .670 .703 .472 .598 .472 .613 .631 .864 .864 .742 .860 .804 Males Females » Exclusive of bonuses (except when based on cost-of-living adjustments) and premium payments for overtime work. 4 As might be expected, the earnings of tellers tend to be higher in the larger centers. For the country as a whole, they range from 84.8 cents in places with less than 50,000 population to 94.2 cents in cities with 250,000 or more inhabitants, in which roughly 70 percent of the tellers studied were employed. A similar relationship between earnings and size of city is generally apparent when the northern and southern cities are considered sepa rately; but, especially in the case of the South, the data are probably not entirely conclusive because of the distribution of the areas studied. W AGE D IFFER EN C ES, BY SEX Nearly 40 percent (6,995) of the tellers whose earnings were studied were women, and their straight-time hourly average of 71.3 cents was 34 cents below the corresponding figure for men. The city averages for men ranged from 72.0 cents per hour in a small northern area to $1,305 for a city in the size group 50,000 to 100,000 population. One southern area showed an average as low as 47.2 cents per hour for female tellers; the highest was 99.5 cents, for a small northern com munity. The relationship between earnings and size of city is clearly discernible in the case of the men studied; for women it is apparent though less marked. The general North-South difference was about 6 percent for both men and women. The substantial difference of 34 cents per hour in the average earn ings of men and women can by no means be interpreted as an accurate measure of sex differences in basic rates. Several factors tend to exag gerate these differences. In the first place, the widespread employ ment of women as bank tellers is a comparatively recent development, and their average length of service is presumably somewhat shorter than that of the typical male employee, despite the increased turnover among the latter occasioned by the war. Since the wage scales of most banks provide for automatic salary increases based on length of service on a given job, there is a tendency for the women to be con centrated in the lower salary brackets. Detailed data on length of service were not compiled in the course of the present survey, hence it is not possible to make a precise estimate of the importance of this factor. There is, nevertheless, adequate evidence to indicate that the sex differential of 34 cents per hour referred to above is a substantial overstatement of any differences in basic wage rates for men and women. A second factor to be considered has been reported by many of the Bureau’s field representatives. Principally because of their longer average experience, the male tellers in many banks are assigned to cages in which the volume of business is heaviest; in other cases, men wait on customers for a relatively larger proportion of the working day. Such differences in duties, although insufficient to warrant separate occupational classifications, may nevertheless be reflected in the differences in salary rates for men and women. 5 W AGE DIFFERENCES, BY TYPE OF WORK Note tellers, who constituted about a seventh of the 18,657 studied, earned a straight-time average of $1,020 per hour, or nearly 10 cents more than the average for the entire group (table 2). The lowest average (87.4 cents) was that for all-round tellers, while paying and receiving tellers, by far the largest of the three groups, showed an average of 92.5 cents per hour. The relationships between earnings and type of work follow the same general pattern when the data for men and women are considered separately. An examination of the information for individual areas and city-size groups reveals a similar set of differences. It should also be noted that the average for all round tellers is affected to a greater degree than the other two groups by the relatively lower earnings of women; nearly half the all-round tellers found were women, whereas the corresponding proportions for note and paying and receiving tellers were a third or less. T able 2.— Average H ourly Earnings 1 o f Bank Tellers in 144 Areas, by Type o f Work and Sex, Spring and Summer 1943 All workers Occupation All tellers _ Women Number Average Number Average Number Average of work hourly of work hourly of work hourly ers earnings ers earnings ers earnings . _ . All-rminri tell firs _ _ Note tellers Paying and reee.iving tellers _ Men _ _ 18,657 $0,925 11,662 $1,053 6,995 $0,713 5,161 2,679 10,817 .874 1.020 .925 2,671 1,913 7,078 1.035 1.125 1.040 2,490 768 3,739 .703 .761 .710 * Exclusive of bonuses (except when based on cost-of-living adjustments) and premium pay for overtime work. Earnings o f Clerical Workers As previously noted, data on earnings of clerical workers are available for 116 of the areas and approximately 1,100 of the banks included in this survey. Of the seven occupational groups studied in detail, the 3,056 class A stenographers, who earned an average of 79.8 cents per hour, constituted the largest and the highest paid (table 3). The average for the northern cities (80.7 cents) exceeded that for the southern areas (75.9 cents) by about 5 cents per hour. As might be expected, the North-South differences were somewhat smaller in the large cities than those found in the less densely popu lated communities. Although there is a noticeable relationship be tween earnings and size of city for these workers, it is not uniform; this may be, to some extent, a reflection of the fact that the com munities in various size groups are not proportionately represented in the study. The lowest-paid group was that made up of general clerks who earned an average of 53.7 cents per hour. No striking variations in the pattern of North-South differences appear except in the case of the bookkeeping-machine operators. Among these workers, the averages for southern cities of 100,000 or more population are above those in the North. 6 T able 3.— Average H ourly Earnings1 o f Women Workers in Selected Occupations in Banks, 116 Areas9 B y Region and Size o f City, Spring and Summer 1943 CalculatingBookkeepingmachine operators machine operators Bookkeepers Region and size of city Number Average Number Average Number Average hourly of of hourly hourly of workers earnings workers earnings workers earnings All cities_______________ ___________________ TTndfir 50,000 population 50,000 and under 100,000__________________ 100,000 and under 250,000......... ...................... 250,000 and over_______ __________________ 1,812 103 142 379 1,188 $0,649 .582 .645 .617 .665 1,487 70 96 273 1,048 $0,663 .618 .643 .635 .676 266 $0,664 16 83 167 .676 .626 .681 North..................................................................... TTndar 50,000 population 50,000 and under 100,000 _________________ 100,000 and under 250,000-............................. 250,000 and over.............................................. 1,287 43 53 143 1,048 .668 .639 .668 .623 .676 1,230 68 51 215 896 .662 .621 .688 .624 .672 196 .676 7 42 147 .774 .642 .682 South..................................................................... Under 50,000 population 60,000 and under 100.000__________________ 100,000 and under 250,000_________________ 250,000 and over.............................................. 525 60 89 236 140 .601 .540 .631 .613 .589 257 2 45 58 152 .671 (2) *592 .674 .695 70 .629 9 41 20 .600 .610 .681 File clerks, class A Region and size of city General clerks Stenographers, class A Clerktypists Num Aver Num Aver Num Aver Num Aver age ber ber age ber age ber age of hourly of hourly of hourly of hourly work earn work earn work earn work earn ers ings ers ings ers ings ers ings An cities........................................................... Under 60,000 population_______________ 50,000 and under 100,000........................... 100,000 and under 250,000.......................... 250,000 and over........................................ 460 $0,670 4 .500 5 .540 62 .625 389 .680 871 $0,537 9 .463 89 .547 198 .570 575 .526 3,056 $0,798 65 .721 151 .756 596 .750 2,244 .816 2,145 41 59 367 1,678 $0,584 .553 .575 .562 .590 North............................................................... Under 50,000 population........................... 50,000 and under 100,000_______________ 100,000 and under 250,000.......................... 250,000 and over........................................ 374 4 4 31 335 .671 .500 .570 .618 .679 673 9 89 198 377 .551 .463 .547 .570 .545 2,514 40 70 386 2,018 .807 .741 .802 .753 .818 1,756 34 56 195 1,471 .586 .541 .575 .581 .588 South................................................................ Under 50,000 population. 50,000 and under 100,000 _ _ 100,000 and under 250,000 _____ 250,000 and over.._.................................... 86 .663 198 .490 1 31 54 (2) . 633 .685 198 .490 542 25 81 210 226 .759 .688 .716 .745 .796 389 7 3 172 207 .573 .610 (2) .540 .598 * Exclusive of bonuses (except when based on cost-of-living adjustments) and premium pay for overtime work. 1 Number of establishments and/or workers insufficient to warrant presentation of an average. 7 Earnings in Individual Areas The data for individual areas shown in table 4 are limited to the occupations in which significant numbers of workers were found in most of the areas studied. As has been pointed out, variations in size of establishment and type of business are reflected in appreciable differences among individual banks in occupational patterns. Thus, for example, in a small institution a stenographer may also do most of the general clerical work and filing, and the two tellers may divide most of the bookkeeping duties. In such cases, which are numerous, no specialized file clerks, general clerks and typists, or (frequently) bookkeepers, are found. Calculating-machine operators are, of course, ordinarily found only in the larger institutions; any such work in the typical small bank is performed by a clerk or other employee, and these duties may account for a relatively small proportion of the working day. Even in the case of bookkeepers, bookkeeping-machine operators, class A stenographers, and clerk-typists— jobs for which data are shown in table 4— the numbers of workers in some areas are insuffi cient to warrant the presentation of averages. This circumstance is also the result of variations in organization of the work in individual institutions. In many cases employees were found to be dividing their time among several jobs to an extent that made it impossible to classify them in terms of any of the standard job descriptions. Such workers, whose numbers were substantial, were omitted in order to preserve a reasonable degree of comparability among insti tutions and areas. Information on the earnings of tellers is presented for each of the 144 communities; the data on clerical employees are limited to 116. It will be noted that some of the cities referred to are designated as “ areas.” In such cases the banks included in the study were not limited to those within the city proper but include all or a representa tive sample of those in the local labor-market or metropolitan area. T able 4.— Average H ou rly E arnings 1 o f Bank Em ployees in Specified Occupations in 144 A reas, Spring and Summer, 1943 Office occupations (females) Tellers Area All areas______________ Alabama: Birmingham. Arizona: Phoenix area---------Tucson area_______ Arkansas: Little R ock .. California: Los Angeles area___ Orange County____ San Diego area.. San Jose area---------San Francisco Bay a Santa Barbara area. Stockton area______ Colorado: Colorado Springs— Denver___ Rocky Ford area___ Connecticut: Bridgeport--------------Hartford____________ New Haven------------Waterbury__________ Florida: Jacksonville________ Miami. Tampa-------------------Georgia: Atlanta____________ Savannah---------------Idaho: Lewiston-----------Illinois: Aurora_____________ Chicago____________ Peoria area------------ - Number of establishments All tellers Bookkeepers Females Males Bookkeeping-ma chine operators Stenographers, class A Clerk-typists Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings 1,312 18,657 11,662 $1,053 6,995 $0,713 1,812 5 59 .857 24 1.021 35 .745 3 (2) 4 6 5 65 52 28 .819 .856 1.020 25 15 28 1.010 1.029 1.020 .40 37 .700 .785 7 .690 33 6 6 4 16 5 .882 .910 .798 .820 1.011 1.015 1.031 699 20 49 12 406 12 25 .999 .980 .927 .970 1.223 1.160 1.070 502 10 44 17 468 10 6 .719 .770 .656 .714 .828 .840 .870 66 23 2 366 4 1,201 30 93 29 874 22 31 5 .720 4 9 6 28 198 16 .822 .950 .742 22 156 5 .884 1.011 .856 6. 42 11 .594 .724 .690 8 11 12 6 82 146 109 39 1.024 1.077 1.057 1.146 45 96 89 26 1.239 1.206 1.121 1.305 37 50 20 13 .763 .829 .771 .827 4 7 5 *25 121 41 .941 .779 .926 16 57 27 1.023 .871 1.057 9 .64 14 12 5 4 153 63 6 .773 .747 .773 48 28 2 .967 .894 (’) 5 37 16 20 2,375 87 .977 .919 .786 13 1,615 39 1.082 1.020 .953 $0,925 $0,649 3 $0,663 (2) 3,056 $0,798 2,145 30 .760 3 $0,584 <2) 69 16 .560 .640 6 2 .740 (2) .671 5 .770 59 .836 159 .607 .510 (2) .650 5 4 112 12 .700 (2) .760 .670 16 6 297 9 2 .720 .770 .841 .980 (2) 7 2 .660 (2) 5 .670 26 72 .548 .620 3 10 <2) .780 12 .570 — — 1,487 — — 6 3 1.030 (2) 32 18 21 28 .630 .790 (2) .720 25 29 15 12 .830 1.050 .820 .920 20 2 5 6 .610 (2) .649 .740 .797 .698 .675 23 10 .640 .480 9 .640 10 8 .760 .850 14 6 .560 .420 105 35 4 .684 .629 <2) 7 .690 31 .740 4 18 7 .710 .690 (2) 7 760 48 .783 .705 .650 4 215 11 <2) .680 .630 3 575 15 (*) .750 .740 3 320 2 (») .550 (2) — 2 140 (2) .740 Indiana: Evansville______ ____________ Fort Wayne............................... Gary area___________________ Indianapolis............................... South Bend__________________ Iowa: Cedar Rapids......... ........... ........ Des Moines__________________ Sioux City______________ ____ Kansas: Hutchinson__________________ Topeka____ _________________ Wichita_________________ ____ Kentucky: Lexington area_______________ Louisville area___ ____________ Louisiana: New Orleans_________________ Shreveport area.............. - _____ Maine: Lewiston and Auburn________ Portland____________________ Maryland: Baltimore____________________ Hagerstown__________________ Massachusetts: Boston______________________ Worcester________ ____ ______ Michigan: Adrian______________________ Battle Creek............................... Bay City and Saginaw......... Detroit....................... ................ Flint............................................ Grand Rapids............................ Jackson______ _______ ____ ___ Kalamazoo.................................. Lansing............ .......................... Muskegon............................ ...... Minnesota: Minneapolis and St. Paul......... Rochester.. ................................ St. C lo u d ...______ ___________ Mississippi: Jackson_____________ Missouri: Kansas City_________________ St. Louis.................... ................ See footnotes at end of table 10 6 11 48 46 106 116 60 .955 1.044 .793 .909 .753 29 34 39 84 17 1.120 1.147 .977 .975 1.018 5 5 13 52 32 .711 .924 .794 9 42 25 .760 .970 .840 4 17 30 40 .718 .913 .853 7 17 26 .900 1.022 .897 29 186 .951 .804 24 113 .969 .905 5 186 64 .936 1.001 165 47 .969 1.135 8 5 42 39 .947 .746 25 17 1.128 .857 10 4 240 11 , 935 1.069 172 11 1.045 1.069 17 8 188 .79 .944 .861 109 47 1.135 1.006 4 4 4 15 55 51 1,484 91 104 30 36 59 20 .700 .805 1.051 .971 .864 .897 .732 .844 .844 1.081 6 17 41 874 37 70 3 21 33 15 .880 1.036 1.127 1.135 1.120 1.008 (2) .966 .965 1.148 52 4 5 7 417 20 11 47 .897 .833 .740 .740 259 16 5 15 1.026 .869 .950 .880 19 18 290 594 .872 .937 194 434 .960 1.046 12 8 5 6 4 10 20 11 6 18 4 7 5 5 6 4 1 12 8 8 .864 .648 21 17 .677 .632 17 22 19 12 67 32 43 .703 .752 .686 .736 .648 4 10 7 0 .730 .630 10 13 14 .590 .770 .770 5 73 8.600 7 4 5 36 12 .500 0 .780 2 5 4 1 0 .670 0 0 1 12 1 1 53 .580 12 .620 33 .710 10 .470 7 8 .610 .580 12 1 .690 (2) 6 6 .770 .790 14 2 .550 (2) .681 .660 6 .780 (2) 2 4 68 .657 24 .610 30 2 .620 (2) 79 32 .681 .648 15 2 .880 0 3 13 (2) .559 38 4 .890 (2) 11 4 9 38 10 610 64 34 27 16 26 6 .580 .702 .740 .736 .689 .670 .677 .674 .691 .880 38 .760 50 .780 116 .910 338 10 .630 5 .780 5 .760 168 4 6 32 .684 (2) .565 .674 27 1 6 2 .650 (2) .520 <2) 96 160 .693 .641 1 3 16 (2) .570 (2) .760 8 0 0 3 0 (2) 72 5 .710 4 92 .790 106 16 .750 1 .460 .590 .600 .560 .590 0 .620 0 .620 0 CO T able 4.— Average H ou rly Earnings 1 o f Bank Em ployees in Specified Occupations in 144 Areas, Spring and Summer 1943 — Continued Office occupations (females) Tellers Area Nebraska: Lincoln_____________ Omaha............................ New Hampshire: Dover area____________ Manchester................. . New Jersey: Trenton............ New York: Buffalo_______________ Rochester_____________ Utica............................... North Carolina: Asheville area_________ Charlotte........................ Kinston and Goldsboro.. Raleigh and Durham. __ Rocky Mount........ ........ Wilmington............ ........ Winston-Salem............... North Dakota: Fargo area.. Ohio: Akron____ ___________ Canton area.................... Cincinnati area........ ...... Cleveland.................. . Columbus........ ............. Dayton........................... Hamilton area................ Mansfield area............... Marion............................ Sandusky area................ Springfield area________ Toledo............................. Warren area.................... Youngstown_____ _____ Zanesville_____________ Number of establishments All tellers Males Bookkeepers Females Bookkeeping-ma chine operators Stenographers, class A Clerk-typists Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings 15 $0,502 3 (2) .993 1.137 1.017 38 14 30 .607 .787 .747 9 3 $0.670 (2) 2 1 8 67 170 23 1.036 1.123 1.027 38 142 8 .660 .681 .660 19 70 2 ( 2) .690 .670 20 242 .801 .834 .724 .803 .875 .895 .930 .782 18 52 17 31 20 20 62 12 .870 1.016 .793 .970 1.014 1.036 1.005 .885 12 54 11 30 10 11 16 13 .697 .660 .617 .631 .598 .639 .640 .688 9 45 16 18 10 12 11 2 .550 .570 .480 .810 .460 .530 .600 (2) .933 .846 .919 1.009 .882 .997 .880 .930 .811 .907 .804 .844 .942 .989 .833 82 46 290 332 100 62 31 21 19 17 18 55 17 65 21 1.029 1.012 .961 1.145 1.021 1.144 1.059 1.023 (*) 1.161 1.020 1.054 1.115 1.130 .939 35 58 62 193 69 32 24 6 23 20 27 61 19 31 10 .707 .715 .725 .775 .682 .713 .648 .607 (2) .692 .660 .655 .786 .693 .612 13 .560 8 11 4 2 .640 .720 (2) (2) 1 4 6 1 (2) (2) .530 (2) 1 2 3 3 9 .670 12 1 4 5 16 76 $0,502 .970 76 $0,970 12 6 4 49 39 72 .694 1.011 .905 11 25 42 9 8 3 105 312 31 .900 .922 .933 5 11 5 10 6 4 12 6 30 106 28 61 30 31 78 25 7 16 21 12 17 11 10 7 11 11 6 9 5 9 5 117 104 352 525 169 94 55 27 42 37 45 116 36 96 31 -______ _______ 8 58 $0.650 ( 2) ( 2) 3 3 24 (2) (2) .590 .590 .550 64 76 15 .710 1.030 .730 10 25 3 15 2 .700 .770 (2) \ 670 C) (2) .640 15 $0.560 15 .490 33 .510 18 .520 7 .610 (2) (2) 28 7 .710 .670 11 .650 28 .830 15 .610 55 24 24 2 .700 .750 .580 (2) 17 145 12 13 .680 .840 .790 .760 39 70 16 39 (2) .630 .550 .640 3 6 20 00 .700 .750 17 8 1 .680 (2) 3 2 3 2 (2) (*) (2) (2) .590 (*) 2 1 (2) (2) .530 (2) b) Oklahoma: Muskogee___________________ Oklahoma City______________ Tulsa................... ...................... Oregon: Portland........... ................. Pennsylvania: Allentown area_______________ Erie............................................. Harrisburg__________ ________ Lancaster................ ................... Lebanon____ ________ ________ Philadelphia_________________ Pittsburgh____ ____________ _ Reading area......................... . Scranton-Wilkes-Barre area___ York............................................ Rhode Island: Providence________ South Carolina: Greenville_______ Tennessee: Chattanooga_________________ Knoxville____________________ Memphis________ ____________ Nashville____________________ Texas: Beaumont and Port Arthur___ Corpus Christi_______________ Dallas_______ _______________ Fort Worth__________________ Galveston...................... ............ Houston_____________________ San Antonio_________________ Waco........................................... Virginia: Bristol (Tenn.-Va.)___________ Charlottesville_____ __________ Danville____ _________ _______ Norfolk_______________ ______ Richmond__________ _________ Washington: Everett area_________________ Seattle.............. .......................... Spokane_______ _____________ Tacoma_______ _____________ Wenatchee area______________ West Virginia: Charleston______ ____________ Huntington area_____________ Parkersburg area_____________ Wheeling area________________ See footnotes at end of table. 4 9 8 16 25 69 43 210 1.022 .995 .967 .877 14 6 10 5 6 14 14 10 19 8 11 5 74 50 49 43 23 616 426 75 123 49 150 44 1.151 .943 .932 .942 .814 .912 1.683 .863 1.Q46 .938 1.053 .845 5 7 4 4 54 39 93 28 .984 .823 .850 .806 5 4 16 6 5 17 10 4 39 24 180 61 17 138 93 15 .956 .812 .844 .868 .947 1.040 .910 .706 6 10 11 13 13 27 40 62 132 121 .731 .758 .785 .877 .753 7 13 6 7 8 19 288 88 57 23 .978 1.019 .865 1.046 .858 7 9 7 16 43 49 44 82 1.076 .836 .924 .828 2 16 11 128 (*) .831 .860 .763 2 24 6 81 (*) V590 .750 .690 5 10 15 5 5 180 72 20 20 7 34 16 .748 .660 .803 . 691 .638 .665 .706 .687 .683 .630 .708 .665 4 17 (*) .590 12 13 39 16 2 1 12 36 1 (*) .770 .740 (*) C2) 24 3 19 .863 (2) .560 24 15 .650 .600 36 2 15 3 21 24 .756 (8) .620 (2) .640 .510 .623 .645 .631 .660 3 10 C2) .590 17 12 69 18 4 22 8 5 .736 .742 .633 .627 (2) .735 .668 .472 10 2 7 7 8 5 41 .660 C2) .600 .670 .560 .800 .550 7 23 38 65 69 .599 .603 .599 .683 .613 3 19 23 49 (2) .620 .620 .580 23 .640 6 159 48 23 12 .793 .837 .715 .770 .732 3 24 (2) .735 7 18 7 .610 .810 .750 6 .660 6 15 17 39 .717 .619 .772 .652 3 2 3 4 1 15 25 8 (2) (2) 0 (2) (2) .710 .610 .500 3 1 12 70 (*) (*) .890 .830 9 53 .690 .620 10 1 5 2 .770 C2) .780 (2) 13 15 16 6 .500 .630 .610 .550 56 198 8 24 5 24 8 .707 .895 .700 .730 .740 .910 .620 60 105 5 24 3 2 .575 .529 .540 .490 (2) (2) 12 3 .910 (2) 19 .560 14 .690 4 1 23 9 5 62 2 3 (2) 0 .780 .860 .760 .810 (2) (2) 18 12 .500 .540 15 11 .560 .640 4 3 13 36 55 (2) (2) .710 .740 .650 31 28 .560 .530 7 54 51 21 .700 .887 .720 .830 49 6 8 16 .726 .590 .610 .580 3 (*) T able 4.— Average H ou rly Earnings 1 o f Bank Em ployees in Specified Occupations in 144 Areas, Spring and Summer, 1943 — Continued Tellers Area Wisconsin: Duluth and Superior(Minn-Wis.)_ Eau Claire_____ _____________ Madison______ _________ _____ Milwaukee area______________ Racine and Kenosha_________ Wyoming: Kammerer area Washington, D. C............................ Num ber of estab lish ments 16 7 9 29 7 4 10 All tellers Office occupations (females) Males Females Bookkeepers Bookkeeping-ma chine operators Stenographers, class A Clerk-typists Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly Number hourly earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings earnings 80 24 58 360 49 8 278 $0,823 .808 .800 1.070 .930 1.086 .964 44 9 24 283 31 6 128 $0,968 1.040 .977 1.163 1.055 1.010 1.152 36 15 34 77 18 2 150 $0,646 .668 .675 .726 .716 (2) .804 19 8 4 19 4 1 $0,500 .560 (1 23 ) .630 (2) (2) 1 1 3 18 1 6 42 (2) (2) (2) $0,730 (*) .710 .800 19 7 12 60 10 2 52 $0,690 .630 .720 .810 .750 (2) .890 13 5 10 26 13 $0,430 .500 ‘ .480 .510 .490 64 .700 1 Earnings shown are exclusive of bonuses (except cost-of-living adjustments) and premium pay for overtime work. Data for office occupations are based on a (study of 1,102 establishments in 116 areas. 3 Number of establishments and/or employees insufficient to warrant presentation of an average.