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BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM E.3.3 (For Immediate Release) December 27, 1949 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANKS ON NOVEMBER 1, 1949 COMPARED WITH JUNE 30, 1949 AND JUNE 30, 1948 (Amounts in thousands of dollars) November 1, 1949 Change since— June 30, June 30, 1948 19**9 A S S E T S LOANS AND INVESTMENTS Loans (including overdrafts) United States Government direct and guaranteed obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including Federal Reserve Bank stock) RESERVES, CASH, AND BANK BALANCES Reserve with Federal Reserve Banks Cash in vault Demand balances with banks in United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection Due from own foreign branches Bank premises owned and furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances Income accrued but not yet collected Other assets TOTAL ASSETS +5,573,208 +1,108,580 +3,920,119 + *130,531 + 110,989 + 2,989 +5 ,1*38,932 +1 ,693,568 +2,912,720 + 705,1*15 4 119,784 4 7,715 29,092,178 -1,330,61*7 -1,210,970 16 ,150 ,1*29 1,537,771 -1,657,355 30,096 -1 ,205,652 68,154 5,606,677 27,91** 1*9,1*1*7 5,719,9**0 + + + - 568,139 4 220,033 31,1*89 21*1*,630 4 - 58,888 + + 16,683 17,882 4 4 393 4 51,957 64,297 2,902 3,161* 2,730 6U , 736 758 4 4 8,244 54,306 71,895 - 65,195 100,888,205 35,56*1,792 57,052,116 5,l*tO,99** 2 ,81*3 ,1*37 286,866 910,803 15,581 68,091* + 137,336 + 297,1*36 + 136,710 1,806 - 4,478 26,400 17 9 ,119 +*1 ,307,756 131,605,231 44,346,605 91,392,587 43,817,082 +2 ,809,799 69,1*93,173 2,986,897 5,912,568 9,777,981 1,392,830 42,336,599 41,006,696 70,617 4 913,779 4 23,404 +1 ,288,917 +1,11*1,21*1* + 39,251 + 3*i**,695 + 39,**15 L I A B I L I T I E S DEMAND DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers’ checks, etc. TIME DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government Postal Savings States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries TOTAL DEPOSITS Due to own foreign branches Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances outstanding Dividends declared but not yet payable Income collected but not yet earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 1 ,829,138 - 392,779 - *t3,723 29,21*7,633 - 157,132 + 378,188 27,875,578 165,792 1*,323 1 ,01*3,0 51 21*,821 131 *,068 - 162,176 “ 12,221 443 25,919 4 70,124 4 64,l4l 4 430 4 131,115 6,169 + 17,339 + 4 960 120,640,220 +3 ,659,950 371,788 1*2,57** 395,010 9,978 ***1,1*73 26,271 + **16,35*1 + 159, **28 + 8,039 198,25** + **12,195 + 162 ,1*68 122,368,746 C A P I T A L 4 4 69,163 26,335 +**,132,138 118,5*17 +3,187,987 + + + + - 102,773 363,521 5*i,9*iO 1*3,800 53,378 98,5*17 12 ,18 8 +3,695,278 A C C O U N T S Capital Surplus Undivided profits Other capital accounts 2,879,895 4,039,402 1 ,858,684 458,504 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 4 4 4 4 6,126 39,899 160,327 8,115 + + + 125,75*1 15*t,15*i 33**,195 1,625 612,478 9,236 ,1*85 1 3 1 ,605,231 4 214,467 4 44,346,605 +*1 ,307,756 80,067,617 43,494,041 42,117,833 2 +2 ,769,332 +1 ,1*63 ,56*1 21* M E M O R A N D A Net demand deposits subject to reserve Demand deposits adjusted Number of banks 71,51*1,939 6,901 - 1 - (Over) ASSETS AM D LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANKS O N NOVEMBER 1, 1949, B Y CLASS OF BA N K (Amounts in thousands of dollars) All member banks Central reserve city member banks New York* Chicago .. Reserve city member banks* Country member banks A S S E T S LOANS AND INVESTMENTS Loans (including overdrafts) United States Government direct and guaranteed obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including Federal Reserve Bank stock) 100 ,888,205 19 ,450,875 5 ,275,362 38,110,029 38 ,051,939 35,564,792 57 ,0 52 ,116 5,140,994 2,843,1*37 7 ,505,228 10 ,7 5 0 ,5 11 668,379 434 ,371 92,386 1,564,010 3,256,424 263,417 180 ,641 1 4 ,0 53,152 2 1 ,076,024 1 ,742,398 1 ,14 3,8 33 94,622 12,442,402 2 1 ,969,157 2,466,800 1,084,592 6 ,457,447 4 ,532,353 113 ,6 8 3 1 ,623,043 9,913,608 1,125,603 27,473 1 1 ,098,080 6 ,130,296 497,961 4 ,3 6 2 ,177 898,654 32,880 2,540 3 4 ,1 1 1 1 ,741,880 102,574 985 2,127 364,281 1 ,712,6 22 12,9 56 11,9 6 5 2 ,732,280 3,758,601 11,433 1,244 881,499 47 ,1*05 153,86 2 506 16 ,2 12 11,483 336,453 8,178 404,276 286,866 29 ,092,178 RESERVES, CASH, AND BANK BALANCES Reserve with Federal Reserve Banks Cash in vault Demand balances with banks in United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection Due from own foreign branches Bank premises owned and furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances Income accrued but not yet collected Other assets TOTAL ASSETS 16 ,150,429 1,537,771 5 ,606,677 27,914 49,447 5,719,940 58,888 910,803 15,581 68,094 2,958 8 3,17 4 74,401 10,870 --- 137,336 297,436 136,710 41,021 284 6,993 23,093 4,390 1 3 1 ,60 5,231 26,311,649 6 ,949,377 49,845,334 88,988 — 6,897 14 ,0 7 1 50,781 44,002 138,971 47,357 3,167 60,971 43,942 48,498,871 L I A B I L I T I E S DEMAND DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers' checks, etc. TIME DEPOSITS Individuals, partnerships, and corporations United States Government Postal Savings States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries TOTAL DEPOSITS Due to own foreign branches Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances outstanding Dividends declared but not yet payable Income collected but not yet earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES C A P I T A L 91,392,587 21,423,130 5,339,052 34,564,203 30,066,202 69,493,173 2 ,986,897 5,912,568 9,777,981 1,392,830 15,475,097 841,246 357,269 2,744,233 1,177,959 3 ,652,692 205,999 315,040 1 ,089,651 3 7 ,15 5 25,475,101 1,177,672 2 ,180,071 5 ,076,542 24,890,283 761,980 3,060,188 867,555 9,513 1 ,8 29,138 827,326 38 ,5 15 486,614 476,683 29,247,633 27,875,578 165,792 4,323 1 ,043,051 24,821 1,652,241 1 1 ,6 54,123 1,1*92,538 1,055,746 1,040,746 26,653 4,450 14,885,523 14,405,803 69,117 3,734 393,677 13,192 — 27,722 134,068 810 io4, 518 120,640,220 23,075,371 — 10,250 300 — 6,394,798 _ 168,203 10,936,491 65,572 589 611,40 2 10,519 29,550 46,218,326 44,951,725 __ 371,78 8 316,714 416 ,354 159,428 8,039 198,254 412,195 162,468 280,275 97,758 350 18,733 90,683 104,024 44,400 7,565 1,517 5,029 24,830 5,625 36,485 18,624 3,631 1,274 77,>*08 94,812 16,334: 12 2 ,368 ,7^6 2 3 ,983,908 6,483,764 46,737,266 45,163,808 2,879,895 4,039,402 1 ,858,684 458,504 652,825 1,182,850 442,243 49,823 16 1,7 5 0 19 6 ,18 5 1,000,191 1,298,580 624,501 1 ,3 6 1,78 7 55,464 52,214 184,796 1 7 1 ,6 7 1 9 ,236,485 2 ,3 2 7 ,7 4 1 465,613 3 ,108,068 3,335,063 1 3 1 ,605,231 26 ,311,6 4 9 6 ,949,377 49,845,334 48,498,871 80 ,067,617 71,514,939 6,901 19,648,370 14,917,812 25 4 ,8 72,19 7 30 ,12 0 ,112 25,409,506 344 25,426,938 27,545,655 6,519 55,074 73,0 55 50,474 4,898 97,084 201,870 A C C O U N T S Capital Surplus Undivided profits Other capital accounts TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 1,065,129 736,476 M E M O R A N D A Net demand deposits subject to reserve Demand deposits adjusted Number of banks * 3,641,966 13 Data not entirely comparable with prior dates due to reclassification of 9 central reserve city banks in New York City as reserve city banks. 2 - (Over)