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U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Financial Stability, published on 10/12/2021. This copy of the report is subject to the terms and conditions of download as stated at Cumulative Dividends, Interest and Distributions Report as of September 30, 2021 Total Monthly Payments: Program $0 Institution Instrument Type Total Life-to-Date Payments: Interest Expected Payment Date N/A Actual Payment Date N/A Payment Type 30 AIFP MOTORS LIQUIDATION COMPANY (OLD GM) Debt Obligation with Additional Note CDCI BUFFALO COOPERATIVE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI CARTER FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI COMMUNITY BANK OF THE BAY Preferred Stock CDCI COMMUNITY FIRST GUAM FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI COOPERATIVE CENTER FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI D.C. FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI Subordinated Debentures CDCI EAST END BAPTIST TABERNACLE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI FIRST AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CORP. Preferred Stock CDCI FIRST VERNON BANCSHARES, INC. Preferred Stock 42, 148 CDCI HOPE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI IBC BANCORP, INC. Subordinated Debentures CDCI LIBERTY COUNTY TEACHERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures CDCI NEIGHBORHOOD TRUST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION CDCI $162,722,495 Payment Frequency N/A Notes Payment This Month Life-To-Date Payments $143,526,108 Next Scheduled Payment Date N/A Interest Quarterly N/A N/A $45,530 N/A 1g Interest N/A N/A N/A $690,172 N/A 1g, 42 Dividend - Non Cumulative N/A N/A N/A $630,202 N/A 1g Interest N/A N/A N/A $423,117 N/A Interest Quarterly N/A N/A $847,308 11/16/2021 167 Interest Quarterly N/A N/A $361,134 11/16/2021 177 Interest N/A N/A N/A $1,120 N/A 1g Interest N/A N/A N/A $15,067 N/A 1g, 42 Dividend - Cumulative N/A N/A N/A $2,825,476 N/A Dividend - Cumulative N/A N/A N/A $783,123 N/A Interest N/A N/A N/A $953,720 N/A 1g, 42 Interest N/A N/A N/A $1,896,706 N/A 1b Interest N/A N/A N/A $46,434 N/A Subordinated Debentures Interest N/A N/A N/A $53,183 N/A NORTH SIDE COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures Interest Quarterly N/A N/A $82,631 N/A CDCI NORTHEAST COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures 1g Interest N/A N/A N/A $54,036 N/A CDCI OPPORTUNITIES CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures 1g Interest N/A N/A N/A $175,651 N/A CDCI TRI-STATE BANK OF MEMPHIS Preferred Stock 42 Dividend - Non Cumulative N/A N/A N/A $241,008 N/A CDCI TULANE-LOYOLA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures 1g Interest N/A N/A N/A $66,756 N/A CDCI UNION BAPTIST CHURCH FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures 177 Interest N/A N/A N/A $1,600 N/A CDCI VIGO COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Subordinated Debentures 1b, 163 Interest N/A N/A N/A $132,601 N/A CPP HARBOR BANKSHARES CORPORATION Preferred Stock 175 Dividend - Cumulative N/A N/A N/A $2,555,361 CPP ONE UNITED BANK Preferred Stock Dividend - Non Cumulative Quarterly N/A N/A $365,241 CPP ONEFINANCIAL CORPORATION Subordinated Debentures with Exercised Warrants 176 Interest N/A N/A N/A $3,782,991 N/A CPP PINNACLE BANK HOLDING COMPANY, INC. Preferred Stock with Exercised Warrants 87, 174 Dividend - Cumulative N/A N/A N/A $284,999 N/A CPP ST. JOHNS BANCSHARES, INC. Preferred Stock with Exercised Warrants 1a Dividend - Cumulative N/A N/A N/A $1,881,221 N/A N/A 11/16/2021 Notes This institution repaid Treasury pursuant to Title VII, Section 7001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, prior to this month. No current or future dividend payments are required. The life to date payment amount will remain the This institution repaid Treasury prior to this month pursuant to one or more of the following, as appropriate: Section 5 of the CDCI Certificate of Designation, Section 6.10 or 6.11 of the CDCI Securities Purchase Agreement, and/or Section 5.11 of the This institution repaid Treasury during or prior to this month pursuant to one or more of the following, as appropriate: Section 5 of the CDCI Certificate of Designation, Section 6.10 or 6.11 of the CDCI Securities Purchase Agreement, and/or Section 5.11 of the CDCI Exchange Agreement. No current or future dividend payments are required. The life to date payment amount will remain the same on future reports. General Motors Corporation (Old GM) is now known as Motors Liquidation Company. Although interest accrues quarterly, payment is not due until the maturity date of the note. This institution qualified to participate in the Community Development Capital Initiative (CDCI), and has exchanged its Capital Purchase Program investment for an equivalent amount of investment with Treasury under the CDCI program terms. On 7/27/2012, Treasury entered into an agreement with Pinnacle Bank Holding Company, Inc. (“Pinnacle”) pursuant to which Treasury agreed to sell its CPP preferred stock back to Pinnacle at a discount subject to the satisfaction of the conditions On 11/29/2016, Treasury entered into an agreement with First Vernon Bancshares, Inc. (the “Company”), pursuant to which Treasury agreed to sell its CDCI preferred stock to the Company for fair value of $5,745,400 plus accrued and unpaid dividends to the date of closing, subject to the satisfaction of the conditions specified in the agreement. The sale was completed on 11/29/2016. On 12/27/2016, Treasury entered into an agreement with Vigo County Federal Credit Union (the “Company”), pursuant to which Treasury agreed to sell 389,150 of its CDCI senior subordinated securities to the Company for fair value of $358,018 plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of closing, subject to the satisfaction of the conditions specified in the agreement. The sale was completed on 12/27/2016. On 12/30/2016, Treasury entered into an agreement with D.C. Federal Credit Union (the “Company”), pursuant to which Treasury agreed to sell 1,022,000 of its CDCI senior subordinated securities to the Company for fair value of $970,900 plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of closing, subject to the satisfaction of the conditions specified in the agreement. The sale was completed on 12/30/2016. On 5/22/2018, Treasury entered into an agreement with Pinnacle Bank Holding Company, Inc. (the “Company”) pursuant to which Treasury agreed to sell its CPP preferred stock back to the Company at a discount subject to the satisfaction of the conditions specified in the agreement. The sale was completed on 5/22/2018. On 7/13/2018, Treasury exchanged its preferred stock in Harbor Bankshares Corporation (“Harbor”) and all accrued, unpaid dividends on that stock for 5,491,843 shares of common stock and payment of $2,272,617 pursuant to the terms of the exchange agreement between Treasury and Harbor entered into on that day. On 8/15/2018, Treasury determined that its securities holdings in One Financial Corporation (OFC) were worthless and wrote off the investment. Additional information can be found in the TARP Investment Program Transaction Report. This institution repaid Treasury on the date of maturity of its Subordinated Debentures. No current or future dividend payments are required. The life to date payment amount will remain the same on future reports. CAPITAL PURCHASE PROGRAM (CPP) MISSED DIVIDENDS & INTEREST PAYMENTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 $204,894,726,320 Total CPP Dividends/Interest Paid as of September 30, 2021 (Note 1) Total CPP Investment Amount (Note 24) $12,136,223,732 $8,986,935 Non-Current CPP Dividends/Interest (Note 3) Notes Institution Name Portfolio? Purchase Amount (Note 6) Unpaid Dividends/Interest (Note 2) Non-Current Cumulative Dividends: $0 Non-Current Non-Cumulative Dividends: $8,986,935 Non-Current S-Corp Interest: $0 Payments Made Later (Note 4) Non-Current Dividends/Interest (Note 3) Number of Missed Payments (Note 5) CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS: 15, 92 91 HARBOR BANKSHARES CORPORATION N $6,800,000 $3,910,000 $1,615,000 $0 15 PINNACLE BANK HOLDING COMPANY, INC. N $4,389,000 $2,615,520 $0 $0 32 Y $12,063,000 $8,986,935 $0 $8,986,935 42 N $17,300,000 $13,552,384 $0 $0 26 NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS: 37 ONE UNITED BANK S-CORPORATION INTEREST: 93 ONEFINANCIAL CORPORATION Notes 1 "Dividends and Interest Paid" includes amounts paid in respect of exercised warrants. 2 3 "Unpaid Dividends/Interest" includes unpaid cumulative dividends, non-cumulative dividends and s-corp/interest, but does not include interest accrued on unpaid cumulative dividends. "Unpaid Dividends/Interest" are stated for the period until the institution (i) exited their investment in the Capital Purchase Program or (ii) entered bankruptcy or its bank subsidiary was placed into receivership. "Non-current dividends/interest" includes unpaid cumulative dividends, non-cumulative dividends and s-corp/interest, but does not include interest accrued on unpaid cumulative dividends. "Non-current dividends/interest" excludes institutions that missed payments but (i) have fully caught-up on missed payments, (ii) exited their investment in the Capital Purchase Program, (iii) completed an exchange with Treasury for new securities (such as common stock), or for which Treasury has sold its investment, or (iv) are in, or have completed, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings. 4 "Payments Made Later" refers to an institution that paid accrued and unpaid dividends after missing the initial scheduled payment date(s). 5 "Number of Missed Payments" are stated for the period until the institution (i) exited their investment in the Capital Purchase Program or (ii) entered bankruptcy or its bank subsidiary was placed into receivership. 6 "Purchase Amount" includes the investment amount for child institutions from mergers, acquisitions. 15 As of the date of this report, this institution has agreed to have a Treasury observer attend board of directors meetings and an observer has been assigned. 24 Total CPP Investment Amount includes the capitalization of accrued dividends / interest referred to in footnote 8. 37 As of the date of this report, this institution has declined Treasury's request to have a Treasury observer attend board of directors meetings. 91 For information related to the sale of Treasury's investment, please see footnote 174 to the Cumulative Dividends, Interest and Distributions Report in the notes preceding this table. 92 For information related to the exchange of Treasury's investment, please see footnote 175 to the Cumulative Dividends, Interest and Distributions Report in the notes preceding this table. 93 For information related to the disposition of Treasury's investment, please see footnote 176 to the Cumulative Dividends, Interest and Distributions Report in the notes preceding this table. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INITIATIVE (CDCI) MISSED DIVIDENDS & INTEREST PAYMENTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30 2021 $570,073,000 Total CDCI Dividends/Interest Paid as of September 30, 2021 Total CDCI Investment Amount $666,265,808 $0 Non-Current CDCI Dividends/Interest (Note 1) Notes Institution Name Portfolio? Purchase Amount Unpaid Dividends/Interest (Note 1) Non-Current Cumulative Dividends: $0 Non-Current Non-Cumulative Dividends: $0 Non-Current S-Corp Interest: $0 Non-Current Credit Union Interest: $0 Payments Made Later (Note 2) Non-Current Dividends/Interest (Note 1,4) Number of Missed Payments CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS: 3, 6 CARVER BANCORP, INC. N $18,980,000 $284,700 $284,700 $0 0 CREDIT UNION INTEREST: 0 Notes 1 "Non-current dividends/interest" includes unpaid cumulative dividends, non-cumulative dividends and s-corp/interest, but does not include interest accrued on unpaid cumulative dividends. 2 "Payments Made Later" refers to an institution that paid accrued and unpaid dividends after missing the initial scheduled payment date(s). 3 For information related to the exchange of Treasury's investment, please see footnote 71 to the Cumulative Dividends, Interest and Distributions Report in the notes preceding this table. 4 "Non-current dividends/interest" excludes institutions that missed payments but (i) have fully caught-up on missed payments, (ii) have repaid their investment amounts and exited the Community Development Capital Initiative Program, (iii) completed an exchange with Treasury for new securities (such as common stock), or for which Treasury has sold its investment, or (iv) are in, or have completed, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings. As of the date of this report, this institution has agreed to have a Treasury observer attend board of directors meetings and an observer has been assigned. 6