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F ederal reserve bank O F D A LL A S Da l l a s . T e x a s ,October 30* 1945 UNUSUAL CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: Under date of May 29, 1945, at the request of the Secretary of the Treasury, all banking institutions and others concerned were furnished a supply of Treasury Department Form TCR-1 for reporting unusual currency transactions* Such transactions are defined as those involving #1,000 or more of United States currency in denominations of #50 or higher, or those involving transactions of #10,000 or more of United States currency in any denominations, unless in the judgment of the financial institution the transaction is commensurate with the legitimate and customary conduct of the business, industry, or profession of the person or organization concerned. There is enclosed a supply of the revised Form TCR-1. It will be observed that Item 1 of Part C of the form has been amended so as to require a statement of the nature of each reported transaction, that is, whether it is a deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency, cashing or purchase of check, etc., and that Item 2 of Part C has been amended so as to enable reporting institutions to furnish information relative to reported trans actions which they desire to supply and which is not called for specifically in the form. In connection with the revision of the report form the Treasury Department has ad vised this bank as follows: "The end of hostilities has, unfortunately, not put an end to tax evasions, nor lessened the need for tax enforcement. Accordingly this Department is continuing to give the fullest attention to the reporting and other phases of its tax enforcement program. In this respect Report Form TCR-1 has been revised for the purpose of mak ing the program more effective. The continued cooperation of banks and other report ing institutions is essential to the success of the program and will be greatly ap preciated.” Commencing with the month of November, 1945, reports should be filed monthly in duplicate on the revised Form TCR-1 on or before the 15th day of the month following that in which the reported transactions occurred. Financial institutions located in those sec tions of the district assigned to the El Paso, Houston and San Antonio branches of this bank should send their monthly reports in duplicate to the branch serving their section. All others should send their reports to the Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas, Texas. An additional supply of the forms will be furnished upon request. Yours very truly, R. R. GILBERT President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( •UNITED, .STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT (Rev. 9-45 ) TO BE F I L E D IN DUPL I CATE FORM TCR-1: REPORT OF CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS Pursuant to Instructions to Financial Institutions in the United States Prescribed May 21, 1945 Part A. FINANCIAL INSTITUTION REPORTING. 1. Name ............................. ................................... 2. Address.............................. .............. .............. . (Musber) (S tre e t) (C ity) (8 ta te ) Part B. PERSON OR ORGANIZATION CONCERNED IN TRANSACTIONS REPORTED. 1. Name............................. ................................... 2. Add ress.... ............................ ....... ........ ............ . 3. Business, profession, or occupation................................. Part C. TRANSACTIONS REPORTED. 1. Description of transactions. U. 8 . Cu rrenc y In v o lv e d Date .2. Tota 1 AMount Amount In d eno ilnatIo ns o f $5 0 or h Ig her Na ture o f T r a n s a c t i o n ( S t a t e whether d e p o s i t , w i t h d r a w a l , exchange of c u r r e n c y , ca s h i n g or pur chase o f ch ec k, e t c . ) Any additional information concerning the transactions reported which the report ing institution may wish to submit. Part D. CERTIFICATION. I certify that I am authorized to make this report on behalf of the financial institution named in Part A above and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this report is true and accurate. Dated..................... 194... ..................................... (Signature of a u t h o r iz e d ag e n t) INFORMATION TO REPORTING INSTITUTIONS Reports shall be filed in duplicate, on or before the 15th day of the month following that in which the reported transactions occur, with the Federal Reserve Bank of the d is t ric t in which the reporting financial institution is located. Copies of this form and the instructions of May 21, 1945 may be obtained from any Federal Reserve Bank.