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Dallas, Texas, March 20, 1936

To the Member or Nonmember
Clearing Bank Addressed:

We have today received a telegram from the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, reading as follows:
“Because of flood and road conditions in this district and the
curtailment of train and bus service to many cities, incoming mail
has been greatly delayed and it has been impossible to effect deliv­
ery or receive payment on a substantial portion of our outgoing cash
letters since March 17.
“ Until conditions improve mail schedules cannot be maintained
and cash items received by us on March 17 and thereafter are being
credited according to our published time schedule, subject to right
of this bank to charge back to you any unpaid items at any time.”
Please be advised that cash items payable in the Fourth Federal Reserve
District received by us or sent direct by member banks are being credited
according to our published time schedule, subject to right to charge back
to you at any time any such items that are unpaid.

Yours very truly,

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (