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Fe d er a l Reser v e

bank of



December 6, 1965
To AH Member Banks in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
Effective December 6, 1965, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System increased the maximum rates that member
banks are permitted to pay to 5V2 per cent on all time deposits and
certificates of deposit having a maturity of 30 days or more. Pre­
viously, the maximum rates payable were 4 per cent for time deposits
and certificates of 30 to 90 days, and 4% per cent on those of 90 days
or more. No change was made in the 4 per cent maximum rate pay­
able on savings deposits.
The changes were effected by revision of the Supplement to the
Board’s Regulation Q. A copy of the revised Supplement is attached.
Member banks are requested to insert the new Supplement in
their ring binders containing the Regulations of the Board of Gov­
ernors and the Bulletins of this bank. The Supplement effective
November 24, 1964, should be destroyed.
Yours very truly,
Watrous H. Irons

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Maximum Rates of Interest Payable on Time and Savings
Deposits by Member Banks

I ssued

by t h e

B oard oe G overnors of t h e F ederae R eserve S y s t e m
E ffe c t iv e D ec em b er 6, 196S

Pursuant to the provisions of section 19 of the Federal Reserve
Act and § 217.3, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System hereby prescribes the following maximum rates1 of interest
payable by member banks of the Federal Reserve System on time
and savings deposits:
(a) M axim um rate of Sl/ 2 percent. — No member bank shall
pay interest accruing at a rate in excess of 5j4 per cent per annum, com­
pounded quarterly,2 regardless of the basis upon which such interest
may be computed, on any time deposit.
(b) M axim um rate of 4 per cent. — No member bank shall pay
interest accruing at a rate in excess of 4 per cent per annum, compounded
quarterly,2 regardless of the basis upon which such interest may be
computed, on any savings deposit.
xThe maximum rates of interest payable by member banks of the Federal Reserve System on
time and savings deposits as prescribed herein are not applicable to any deposit which is payable
only at an office of a member bank located outside of the States of the United States and the
District of Columbia.
2This limitation is not to be interpreted as preventing the compounding of interest at
other than quarterly intervals, provided that the aggregate amount of such interest so com­
pounded does not exceed the aggregate amount of interest at the rate above prescribed when
compounded quarterly.