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By the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

For immediate release
Wednesday, November lli, 1951

The Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System has
suspended fo r a p eriod o f t h ir t y days from November ll; through
December 13, 1951, the lic e n s e o f the Master T ire and Supply Company,
Lawrence, Massachusetts, to make instalm ent sa les o f a r t ic le s
l i s t e d in Regulation Wa

The company consented to the entry o f the

order by the Boards


company i s engaged in the business o f s e l ­

lin g t e le v is io n sets and

household appliances, and was charged with

f a ilin g to obtain the down payment required by

Regulation Win a

large number o f s a le s .

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (