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FEDERALOF R E S E R V E B A N K DALLAS June 12, 1925. SP E C IA L ELECTIO N O F C L A S S B D IR ECTOR To Member Banks in Group 1: Referring to the circular of May 25th on the above subject: There is shown below the name of the only candidate nominated for Class B Director to succeed Mr. Marion Sansom, resigned, together with the names of the banks by which nominated: Name of Candidate J. H. Nail Fort Worth, Texas Banks by which Nominated Texas Dallas_____________ American Exchange National Bank Fort Worth_______ Farmers & Mechanics National Bank Fort Worth_______First National Bank Fort Worth_______ Fort Worth National Bank Fort Worth_______ Texas National Bank Houston__________ South Texas Commercial National Bank Houston__________ Union National Bank San Antonio______ Frost National Bank Texarkana________ Texarkana National Bank There is enclosed, for the use of banks in Group 1 which have designated an offi cial to vote for them, a preferential ballot showing the name of the nominee. Please see that this ballot is executed in strict accordance with the instructions thereon. As ad vised in the circular of May 25th the designation of an officer to vote for your bank is continuous, and if a previous authorization has been made and no change has occurred in the name or title of the officer designated, your bank is entitled to vote regardless of the date of the designation. The polls will open on Tuesday, June 16th, and ballots will be received for fifteen days thereafter, or up to and including June 30th. The tabulation of the vote will be facilitated if the ballots are promptly executed and returned, and your special attention is requested. Yours very truly, Chairman of the Board. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS PREFERENTIAL BALLOT GROUP NO. 1 FOR 1925 SPECIAL ELECTION OF CLASS “B” DIRECTOR INSTRUCTIONS TO MEMBER BANK ELECTORS These instructions must be carefully followed. Failure to do so will invalidate this ballot. Indicate in the appropriate column by cross mark thus (X ) your first choice. This ballot, with the certificate duly executed, must be returned and in this office by 3:00 P. M., June 30th. This ballot must be signed by the official authorized and designated by the Board of Directors to cast the vote of your bank, otherwise it cannot be counted. LYN N P. TALLEY, Chairman VOTE FOR ONE CLASS B DIRECTOR (Indicate in proper column thus (X ) your first choice) CLASS B DIRECTOR N A M E OF C A N D ID A T E J. H. Nail 1st Choice Fort Worth, Texas Lynn P. Talley, Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. In accordance with Section 4 of the Act of Congress approved December 23, 1913, known as the Federal Reserve Act as amended by the Act of September 26, 1918, I hereby certify that my choice for a Class B Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is as indicated thus (X ) in the appropriate column of this ballot. For. (Name and location of bank) SE A L (Official authorized to cast vote of bank)