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Federal r e se r v e B ank



f i r s t v ic e p r e s i d e n t


C i r c u l a r 87-41


The Chief Executive O f f i c e r o f a l l
member banks, bank holding companies
and o t h e r s concerned in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve D i s t r i c t

S lip sh e et with amendments and c o rr e ctio n s to
Regulation Z — Truth in Lending and th e Truth in
Lending Act
The Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve
System has pu b li sh ed amendments and c o r r e c t i o n s in
s l i p - s h e e t form to Regulati on Z, e f f e c t i v e April 1987.
The new s l i p s h e e t should be i n s e r t e d in Volume 2 o f
yo ur R eg ul atio ns Binders.
Enclosed i s a s l i p - s h e e t to Regulation Z.
For more i n f o r m a t i o n , p le a s e c o n t a c t David W.
Dixon of t h i s Bank's Legal Department a t (214)
Sincerely yours,

For additional copies of any circular please contact the Public Affairs Department at (214) 651-6289. Banks
and others are encouraged to use the following incoming WATS numbers in contacting this Bank (800)
442-7140 (intrastate) and (800) 527-9200 (interstate).

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Amendments and Corrections to Regulation Z,
Truth in Lending,
^ m d the Truth in Lending Act
^ V p r i l 1987*

1. The April 1, 1982 effective date for manda­
tory compliance with Regulation Z was de­
layed to October 1, 1982, pursuant to Public
Law 97-110.
2. Effective December 31, 1984, section
226.1(a) is amended by adding a sentence
to the end to read as follows:
(a) Authority. * * * Information-collection requirements contained in this regula­
tion have been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget under the provi­
sions of 44 USC 3501 et seq. and have been
assigned OMB No. 7100-0199.
3. Effective October 1, 1982, section 226.2 is
amended by deleting the text o f paragraph
(a)(3) and footnote 2 and reserving those
paragraph and footnote numbers and by de­
leting paragraph (a)(17)(ii) and redesignatk ing paragraphs (a) (17) (iii), (iv), and (v) as
f paragraphs (a)(17)(ii), (iii), and (iv), respec­
tively, to read as follows:
(a) Definitions. * * *
(3) [Reserved]
[Footnote 2 reserved]

of Refunds), a person that honors a
credit card.
(iii) For purposes of subpart B, any
card issuer that extends either openend credit or credit that is not subject
to a finance charge and is not payable
by written agreement in more than
four installments.
(iv) For purposes of subpart B (ex­
cept for the finance charge disclosures
contained in sections 226.6(a) and
226.7(d) through (g) and the right of
rescission set forth in section 226.15)
and subpart C, any card issuer that
extends closed-end credit that is sub­
ject to a finance charge or is payable
by written agreement in more than
four installments.

4. Effective December 31, 1984, section 226.3
is amended by removing footnote 4 to para­
graph (a) and adding a new footnote 4 to
read as follows:
SEC TIO N 226.3— Exem pt
This regulation does not apply to the
following:4 * * *


(17) “Creditor” means: * * *
(ii) For
of sections
226.4(c)(8) (Discounts), 226.9(d)
(Finance Charge Imposed at Time of
Transaction), and 226.12(e) (Prompt
Notification of Returns and Crediting
* The complete Regulation Z, as amended effective De­
cember 16, 1986, consists of—
* Regulation Z pamphlet dated April 1, 1981 and
• this slip sheet.
Items 7 and 10 of the regulatory amendments and item 2 of
the statutory amendments are new. All other items were
included in the December 1984 slip sheet.

♦T h e provisions in sections 226.12(a) and (b) gov­
erning the issuance of credit cards and the liability for
their unauthorized use apply to all credit cards, even if
the credit cards are issued for use in connection with
extensions of credit that otherwise are exempt under
this section.

5. Effective October 1, 1982, section 226.3 is
amended by adding new paragraph (f) to
read as follows:
(f) Student loan programs. Loans made,
insured, or guaranteed pursuant to a pro1

Regulation Z
gram authorized by title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965 (20 USC 1070 et

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6. Effective October 1, 1982, footnotes 31a to
section 226.14(a) and 45a to section
226.22(a)(1) are amended by deleting the
last sentence o f both.
7. Effective December 16, 1986, section
226.23(f)(2) is amended to read as follows:
(2) A refinancing or consolidation by the
same creditor of an extension of credit al­
ready secured by the consumer’s principal
dwelling. The right of rescission shall ap­
ply, however, to the extent the new
amount financed exceeds the unpaid prin­
cipal balance, any earned unpaid finance
charge on the existing debt, and amounts
attributed solely to the costs of the refi­
nancing or consolidation.


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1. Effective July 27, 1981, section 103 o f the
Truth in Lending Act is amended by adding
paragraph (z); and effective April 10, 1982,
section 103 is amended by redesignating
paragraphs (x), (y), and (z) as (y), (z), and
(x), respectively. New paragraph (x), origi­
nally designated as (z), reads as follows:

9. Effective December 3, 1981, the paragraph
entitled “How to Cancel” o f model form
G-6 is amended by adding “I f you send or
deliver your written notice to cancel some
other way, it must be delivered to the above
address no later than that time. ” immedi­
ately after “(or midnight o f the third busi­
ness day following the latest o f the three
events listed above). ”

(x) As used in this section and section
167, the term “regularprice" means the tag
or posted price charged for the property or
service if a single price is tagged or posted,
or the price charged for the property or
service when payment is made by use of an
open-end credit plan or a credit card if ei­
ther (1) no price is tagged or posted, or
(2) two prices are tagged or posted, one of
which is charged when payment is made by
use of an open-end credit plan or a credit
card and the other when payment is made
by use of cash, check, or similar means.
For purposes of this definition, payment by
check, draft, or other negotiable instruJ
ment which may result in the debiting on
an open-end credit plan or a credit card­
holder’s open-end account shall not be con­
sidered payment made by use of the plan or
the account.

10. Effective April 4, 1985, appendix I is
amended by changing the enforcement
agency for air carriers:

2. Effective March 4, 1985, section 108(a)(4)
o f the Truth in Lending Act is amended to
read as follows:

Air Carriers
Assistant General Counsel for Aviation
Enforcement and Proceedings
Department of Transportation
400 Seventh St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

(4) the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, by
the Secretary of Transportation with re­
spect to any air carrier or foreign air carri­
er subject to that Act.

8. Effective December 3, 1981, the last sen­
tence o f the paragraph entitled “Section
226.11” in appendix E is amended by
changing “five business days” to “seven
business days. ”

11. The equation in paragraph (c)(4) o f appen­
dix J is corrected to appear as follows:

3. Section 108(e)(7) o f the Truth in Lending
Act, as amended, is corrected by removing
‘*except in the case o f an irregular mortgage
lending transaction, ” after lttitle," and be­
fore “with”.

Regulation Z
4. Effective December 21, 1982, section 114 o f
the Truth in Lending Act is amended by
revising the first sentence to read: “Each
year the Board shall make a report to the
Congress concerning the administration o f
its functions under this title, including such
recommendations as the Board deems nec­
essary or appropriate. ”
5. Pursuant to section 201 o f Public Law 97­
25 (July 27, 1981), section 167(a)(2) o f the
Truth in Lending Act ceased to be effective
on February 27, 1984.

6. Effective July 27, 1981, section 167(b) o f
the Truth in Lending Act is amended to
read as follows:
(b) With respect to any sales transaction,
any discount from the regular price offered
by the seller for the purpose of inducing
payment by cash, checks, or other means
not involving the use of an open-end credit
plan or a credit card shall not constitute a
finance charge as determined under section
106 if such discount is offered to all pro­
spective buyers and its availability is dis­
closed clearly and conspicuously.