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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS FISCAL. AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES Dallas, Texas, December 12, 1944 S IX T H W A R L O A N D R IV E CLOSING OF SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS FOR TH E FOUR M A R K E T A B L E ISSUES To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: There is quoted below a press statement issued today by Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau: “ The Secretary of the Treasury today called attention to the fact that the sub scription books for the four issues of marketable securities will close, and the Sixth War Loan Drive will terminate, at the close of business December 16. These issues are the 2*4 percent Treasury Bonds of 1966-71, the 2 percent Treasury Bonds of 1952-54, the 1*4 percent Treasury Notes of Series C-1947, and the % percent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series H-1945. Sales of the three issues of savings bonds, Series E, F and G, and of Series C savings notes, will, of course, continue. “ Subscriptions for the four issues of marketable securities which are placed in the mail up to midnight of December 16 will be treated as timely subscriptions. As previously announced, subscriptions for savings bonds and savings notes proc essed by the Federal Reserve banks or the Treasury up to the close of business December 31 will be credited to the drive.” Subscriptions addressed to this bank or one of its branches at El Paso, Houston, and San Antonio, and placed in the mail before twelve o’clock midnight Saturday, December 16, will be considered as timely subscriptions. Reports and remittances covering sales of Series E savings bonds and all applications for Series F and Series G savings bonds and Series C savings notes received and processed through this bank or one of its branches on or before December 31 will be included in the final figures for the drive. In order that the W ar Finance Committees may keep currently informed of sales figures during the remainder of December, issuing agents are urged to forward reports, stubs, and remittances covering Series E bond sales as frequently as possible during the remainder of this month. The cooperation of issuing agents will greatly facilitate our tabulations and reports to the W ar Finance Committees. Yours very truly, R . R . G IL B E R T President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (