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F ederal reserve Bank of Dallas


C i r c u la r No. 7 2 -1 6 6
A u gust 1 0 , 1972

(N ot Inclu d ed . W ith in Scope o f A c t i v i t i e s )

To A l l B an ks, Bank H o ld in g Companies and O th ers C oncerned i n t h e
E le v e n th F e d e r a l R e se r v e D i s t r i c t :

On A u gust 3> 1 9 7 2 , t h e Board o f G overnors o f t h e
F e d e r a l R e se r v e System announced t h a t s a v in g s and. lo a n
a s s o c i a t i o n s w i l l n o t b e in c lu d ed , on t h e l i s t o f a c t i v i t i e s
i n w h ich bank h o l d i n g com panies may e n g a g e .
The Board had. p r e v i o u s l y in d ic a t e d , t h a t o p e r a t io n
o f a s a v in g s and. lo a n a s s o c i a t i o n was n o t w i t h i n t h e sc o p e
o f a c t i v i t i e s h e r e t o f o r e a u th o r iz e d , t o b e conducted, b y a
bank h o l d i n g company und er S e c t i o n b(c)(Q) o f t h e Bank
H o ld in g Company A c t , and. t h a t i t was t h e n c o n s id e r i n g w h eth er
t o expand i t s l i s t o f a c t i v i t i e s t o i n c lu d e su ch a c t i v i t y .
A cop y o f t h e p r e s s r e l e a s e i s p r i n t e d on t h e
fo llo w in g p a g es.

Yours very truly,
P. E. Coldwell,

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (




For immediate release

August 3, 1972

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System announced
today that it has decided not to include at the present time operation
of savings and loan associations on its list of activities in which bank
holding companies may engage.
The Board had previously indicated that operation of a savings
and loan association was not within the scope of activities heretofore
authorized to be conducted by a bank holding company under section 4 (c)(8)
of the Bank Holding Company Act, and that it was then considering whether
to expand its list of activities to include such activity.
The Board noted that Congress has created a statutory framework
for savings and loan associations that is separate from the statutes
governing commercial banks.

Under these statutes, different rules have

been established for the two kinds of institutions on such matters as
branching, taxation, and ceilings on rates paid to attract savings.


statute lias also been enacted governing savings and loan holding companies,
separate and distinct from the Bank Holding Company Act.

This statutory

pattern suggests past intent on the part of Congress to maintain savings
and loan associations as specialized lenders to finance housing, with
specialized rules appropriate to that role.

Acquisition of savings and

loan associations by bank holding companies could tend to blur this
Congressionally-established structure.

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Proposals for affiliation of banks and savings and loan
associations in a holding company system involve broad questions of
public policy which, in the Board's opinion, should not be decided until
Congress has had an opportunity to consider the matter.

Suggestions for

changes in rules governing specialized thrift institutions have been made
by the President*s Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation (the
"Hunt Commission"), as well as others.

It is expected that the next

Congress will have occasion to thoroughly consider bank and savings and
loan association relationships.
The action announced today does not affect previous Board
decisions permitting affiliations of thrift institutions and commercial
banks in Rhode Island.

(Applications of Newport Savings & Loan Associa­

tion, 1972 Federal Reserve Bulletin 313 (February 17, 1972) and Old Colony
Co-operative Bank, 1972 Federal Reserve Bulletin 417

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(March 9, 1972)).