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Federal Reserve Bank






June 12, 1998

Notice 98-44


The Chief Executive Officer of each
financial institution and others concerned
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District

Revisions to the Official Staff
Commentary to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has issued revisions to the
Official Staff Commentary to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending). The commentary applies and
interprets the requirements of Regulation Z.
The update addresses increased rates for open-end plans triggered by events such as
late payments or exceeding credit limits. It provides guidance on deferred payment transactions
in open-end plans. It also addresses how creditors may determine whether credit is an open-end
plan or a closed-end transaction. In addition, the update discusses issues such as the treatment of
annuity costs in reverse mortgage transactions and transaction fees imposed on checking ac­
counts with overdraft protection.
The final rule became effective March 31, 1998. Compliance is optional until Octo­
ber 1, 1998.
A copy of the Board’s notice as it appears on pages 16669-78, Vol. 63, No. 65 of the
Federal Register dated April 6, 1998, is attached.

For additional copies, bankers and others are encouraged to use one of the following toll-free numbers in contacting the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas: Dallas Office (800) 333-4460; El Paso Branch Intrastate (800) 592-1631, Interstate (800) 351-1012;
Houston Branch Intrastate (800) 392-4162, Interstate (800) 221-0363; San Antonio Branch Intrastate (800) 292-5810.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


For more information, please contact Eugene Coy at (214) 922-6201. For additional
copies of this Bank’s notice, please contact the Public Affairs Department at (214) 922-5254.
Sincerely yours,


Rules and Regulations

Federal Register
Vol. 63, No. 65
Monday, April 6, 1998

12CFR Part 226
[Regulation Z; Docket No. R -0992]

Truth in Lending
B oard of G overnors of the
F ed eral Reserve System .
ACTION: F in al rule; official staff
in terp retatio n .

SUMMARY: T he Board is p u b lish in g
revision s to th e official staff
com m en tary to R egulation Z (T ruth in
Lending). T h e co m m entary ap p lies an d
in terp re ts th e req u irem en ts of
R egulation Z. T he u p d a te addresses
in c re ase d rates for o p en -e n d p lan s
triggered b y events su c h as late
pay m en ts or exceeding cre d it lim its. It
pro v id es g u id an ce o n d eferred p ay m en t
tran sa ctio n s in o p en -e n d plans. It also
addresses h o w creditors m ay d eterm in e
w h e th e r cre d it is a n o p en -e n d p la n or a
clo sed -en d tran saction. In ad d itio n , the
u p d a te d iscu sses issues su c h as th e
trea tm e n t of an n u ity costs in reverse
m ortgage tran sa ctio n s an d tran saction
fees im p o sed on checking accoun ts w ith
overdraft protection .
DATES: T his ru le is effective M arch 31,
1998. C om p lian ce is o p tio n al u n til
O ctober 1, 1998.
S ub parts A a n d B (o pen-end credit},
Jane E. A h ren s, S en io r A ttorney, or
O brea 0 . P o in dexter, Staff A ttorney; for
S u bparts A, C, an d E (closed-end cred it
a n d reverse m ortgages), Ms. A hrens or
James A. M ichaels, S en ior A ttorney, or
M ichael E. H entrel, Staff A ttorney;
D ivision of C on su m er an d C om m un ity
Affairs, B oard of G overnors of the
F ederal Reserve System , at (202) 4 5 2 3667 or 45 2-2 412 ; for users of
T elec o m m u n ic atio n s D evice for th e D eaf
(TDD) only, D iane Jenkins at (202) 4 5 2 3544.

I. Background
T he p u rp o se of th e T ru th in L ending
A ct (TILA; 15 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) is to
pro m ote th e in fo rm ed use of co n su m er
cred it b y p ro v id in g for disclosures about
its term s a n d cost. T he act requires
creditors to disclose th e cost of cre d it as
a d o llar am o u n t (the finance charge) an d
as a n an n u a l percen tage rate (the APR).
U niform ity in c re d ito rs’ d isclosures is
in te n d e d to assist consum ers in


Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 6 5 /Monday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations

co m p ariso n sh opp ing . T he TILA
requ ires a d d itio n a l disclosures for loans
se cu red by a c o n s u m e r’s h o m e an d
perm its consum ers to re sc in d certain
tran sa ctio n s th a t inv olv e th e ir p rin c ip a l
dw elling. T he act is im p le m e n te d b y the
B o ard’s R egulation Z (12 CFR P art 226).
T he B o ard’s official staff com m en tary
(12 CFR P art 226 (Supp. I)) in terp re ts
th e reg ulatio n, a n d pro v id es g u id an ce to
creditors in ap p ly in g th e reg u latio n to
specific transactio ns. T he co m m en tary
is a su b stitu te for in d iv id u a l staff
in terp retatio n s; it is u p d a te d
p erio d ica lly to ad d ress significant
qu estio n s th a t arise.
In D ecem ber, th e B oard p u b lish e d
p ro p o se d am en d m e n ts to th e
com m en tary to R egulation Z (62 FR
64769, D ecem ber 9, 1997). T he Board
receiv ed abo ut 110 com m ents. M ost of
th e co m m ents w ere from fin an cial
in stitu tio n s, reta il m e rc h an t
associations, a n d o th er creditors. A bout
a d o ze n co m m ents w ere receiv ed from
state attorneys general or other agencies,
a n d co n su m er rep resentativ es. O verall,
co m m en ters generally s u p p o rte d the
p ro p o se d am en d m en ts. V iew s w ere
m ix ed on a few com m ents, a n d there
w as b ro ad in d u stry o p p o sitio n to the
co m m en t ad d ressin g th e d efin itio n of
o p en -e n d credit.
E xcept as d isc u sse d below , th e
com m en tary is being a d o p ted as
p rop osed; som e te ch n ic al suggestions or
concerns raise d b y co m m en ters are
a d dressed . C om pliance is o p tio n al u n til
O ctober 1, 1998, th e effective date for
m an d ato ry com pliance.
II. Commentary R evisions
S u b p a rt A — G eneral
S ection 226.2—D efinitions an d Rules of
C o nstruction
2(a) D efin itio n s
2(a)(2) A d v e rtise m e n t
C om m ent 2 (a)(2 )-l is a d o p te d as
p ro p o se d w ith m in o r revisio ns for
clarification. T he co m m en t clarifies th at
co m m u n ic atio n s p ro m oting n e w credit
tran sa ctio n s or o p en -e n d cre d it plans,
su c h as pro m o tio n s to sw itc h from a
regular to a p rem iu m b a n k card, are
advertisem ents, in c lu d in g p ro m o tions
by on-line m essages su c h as on th e
Internet. C o m m u nications encouraging
a d d itio n a l or different u ses of an
existing cre d it ac co u n t are not
advertisem ents.
2(a)(18) D o w n p a y m e n t
U n d er R egulation Z, th e term
“ d o w n p a y m e n t” refers to a n am o u n t
p a id to a seller to red u c e th e “ cash
p ric e ” in a cre d it sale transaction.
C om m ent 2(a)(18)-3 gives g u id an ce on

h o w a cred itor discloses the
d o w n p ay m e n t if a trad e -in is invo lv ed
in th e sale a n d if th e am o u n t of an
existing lien exceeds th e v alu e of the
trade-in. T he co m m en t clarifies that
creditors sh o u ld disclose the
d o w n p ay m e n t as zero a n d n o t a
negative am ount. T he com m en t
ad d resses a cre d it sale a n d fin an ced
d o w n p ay m e n t trea te d as a single
tran saction ; it does n o t affect cre d ito rs’
ability to d isclo se th e m as tw o
transactio ns.
Som e com m en ters asked for further
clarification about h o w to reflect costs
associated w ith a “negative
d o w n p a y m e n t,” illu strated in the
com m en t b y a n autom ob ile w ith an
existing lie n of $10,000 a n d a trade-in
v alu e of $8,000; g u id an ce is p ro v id ed in
a rev isio n to co m m en t § 226.18(c)-2.
2(a)(20) O p en -en d Credit
T he pro p o sal ad d re ssed tw o stan d ard s
for d eterm in in g w h e th e r cre d it is
p ro p erly characterized as a n o p en -en d
p la n or a clo sed -en d transaction.
C om m ent 2(a)(20)-3 listed a n u m b e r of
factors th a t creditors sh o u ld co nsid er
w h e n d eterm in in g w h e th e r th ey
“reaso n ab ly co n tem p late rep e ate d
tra n sa c tio n s,” a n d co m m en t 2(a)(20)-5
p ro v id e d g u id an ce o n w h e th e r a credit
lin e is “reu sa b le.”
T he B oard received a substan tial
n u m b e r of com m en ts regarding these
pro p o sed revisions. M ost of the
com m ents ad d ressin g th e issu e w ere
from in d u stry represen tatives, a n d they
o p p o se d th e proposal. M any in d u stry
com m enters ackn o w led g ed th a t som e
cre d it is im p ro p e rly ch aracterized as
open-end ; how ever, they o p p o se d the
pro p o sal on p ro ce d u ra l an d su bstantiv e
grounds. P rocedurally , som e
rec o m m e n d ed th a t the Board not
add ress th e issue in th e com m entary.
S ubstantively, co m m en ters ex pressed
co n cern th a t th e factors a p p e are d to
shift the focus from the cre d ito r’s p lan
as a w h o le to an analysis of in d iv id u a l
tran saction s. M ost com m enters b elieved
that, as stated, th e p ro p o sed factors in
co m m en t 2(a)(20)-3 w ere n o t relev an t to
determ in in g w h e th e r a creditor can
reaso nably co n tem p late rep eated
tran saction s. T hey ex pressed co ncern
th a t th e p ro p o sed in terp re tatio n co uld
hav e h a d u n in te n d e d consequences,
b ecau se in attem p tin g to ad d ress w h at
can be v iew ed as a n arro w problem , the
p ro p o sed in terp re tatio n c o u ld a p p ly to
cre d it p ro d u cts th a t are legitim ately an d
u n q u estio n a b ly o p en -e n d transactions.
T ne Board believes th a t th e analysis
of w h e th e r a cred itor reasonably
con tem p lates rep eated transactio ns
sh o u ld be b ased on th e cre d ito r’s p la n
as a w hole; th e pro p o sal w as n o t m eant

to shift th a t focus. W hile th e a p p lica tio n
of th e factors as p ro p o sed c o u ld be
v iew ed as overly broad, factors su c h as
those articu la te d in th e p ro p o sal cou ld
bear directly, d ep e n d in g o n th e facts
a n d circum stan ces, on a d eterm in a tio n
of w h e th e r cre d it can p ro p erly be
characterized as open-end . A ssum e, for
exam ple, th a t a cre d ito r establish es an
op en -e n d credit p la n prim a rily for th e
financing of a n in freq u en tly p u rc h a se d
p ro d u c t or service, th a t th e cre d it lim its
estab lish ed for m u c h of its custo m er
base are close to the cost of th a t p ro d u c t
or service, an d th a t th e cred itor has little
h a rd in fo rm atio n of rep e ate d
tran sa ctio n s by m u c h of its cu stom er
base. R ead together, these assu m ed facts
co u ld have d irec t relevance on th e issue
of w h e th e r th e p la n com p orts w ith the
C ongress’s in te n t th a t th e T ru th in
L ending d isclo sures sh o u ld show
consu m ers th e cost of th e credit
tran sa ctio n for “ in fre q u en tly p u rc h a se d
p ro d u c ts.”
T he B oard recognizes th a t credit
granting p ractices h av e ch anged
significantly since th e TILA w as en acted
in 1968. T here has b ee n a g radual shift
to o p en -e n d cre d it p ro d u cts. T h ese
p ro d u cts have beco m e co m m o n p lace in
large m easu re becau se of th e op eration al
co nvenien ce for creditors. T h ey also
offer advantages of flexibility to
consu m ers, w h o can d raw o n fun ds
in c re m e n tally or finance p u rch a ses as
n e e d e d an d can rep a y as th e ir
circu m stan ces perm it. A t th e sam e tim e,
th e B oard believes th a t concerns abou t
som e tran sa ctio n s being
m isch aracterized as o p en -e n d p lan s are
legitim ate concerns. For exam ple, the
B oard rec eiv e d from n o n in d u stry
com m enters d o c u m en ta tio n of
tran sactio n s being ch aracterized as
o p en -e n d p la n s th a t in v o lv ed the
financing of u se d autom ob iles an d the
door-to-door cre d it sales of satellite
dishes, w ate r trea tm e n t system s, an d
ho m e im p ro v e m en t contracts.
In seeking to ad d ress th e legitim ate
concerns ex p ressed by in d u stry about
the p ro p o se d in terp re tatio n of T ru th in
L ending w h ile dealing effectively w ith
p o te n tia l abuses, how ever, th e Board
has fo u n d it difficult to establish a clear
ru le th a t differentiates b etw e en sp u rio u s
an d legitim ate o p en -e n d credit. The
Board co n sid ered revising th e p ro p o sal
b ased on th e com m ents received, to
narro w th e b rea d th of th e factors
articu la te d in th e proposal. T he Board
ultim a tely d eterm in ed , how ever, th a t to
do so w ith o u t th e b en efit of further
p u b lic co m m en t co u ld u n n ec essarily
raise u n ce rtain tie s for legitim ate openen d program s w h ile n o t reach in g the
cred itor abuses. C onsequently, th e
B oard has w ith d ra w n th e p ro p o sed

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 6 5 /Monday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations
revision s to th e com m en tary at th is
tim e, ex cep t w ith regard to a n objective
analy sis w h ic h w as ad d re ssed by
pro p o sed factor E.
E ach c re d ito r’s cre d it p ro d u c t m ay
differ b ased on th e ty p e of bu sin ess, th e
n atu re or variety of p ro d u cts or services
available for p u rch a se, a n d the
cre d ito r’s rela tio n sh ip w ith its
custom ers. E ven so, th e d eterm in a tio n
of w h e th e r a cre d ito r ca n reaso nably
co n tem p late rep e ate d tran sactio n s
requires an objective analysis.
A ccordingly, co m m en t 2(a)(20)-3 has
b een revised to clarify th is
in terp re tatio n by ad d in g a direct
reference to th e n e e d for an objective
analy sis in reachin g a d eterm in a tio n
regarding rep e ate d transactions. 2(a)(24)
R esid en tia l M ortgage T ransaction
T he co m m en ts are a d o p te d as
prop osed. C om m ent 2(a)(24)-5 is
revised from th e existing co m m en t for
clarity, w ith o u t sub stan tiv e change.
C om m ent 2(a)(24)-7 clarifies th a t the
d efin itio n of a resid e n tia l mortgage
tran sa ctio n in c lu d e s a lo an for financing
th e co n stru c tio n of a p rim a ry d w ellin g
on la n d alread y o w n ed b y th e
consum er.
S ection 226.4—F in an ce Charge
4(a) D efinition
4(a)(2) S p ec ia l R ule: C losing A g e n t
C om m ent 4(a)(2)-2 is rev ise d to
ad d ress charges to c o n d u c t a closing for
a real estate-secu red transaction . T he
a d d itio n is in te n d e d to reflect th e ru le
for ex clu d in g closing costs from th e
finance charge u n d e r § 226.4(c)(7);
creditors m ay exclu de from th e finance
charge a lu m p -su m settle m e n t or closing
fee th a t in c lu d e s a charge for co n d u ctin g
or atten d in g a closing if th e lu m p -su m
fee is p rim a rily for services listed in
§ 226.4(c)(7). T he entire lu m p -su m m ay
be ex c lu d e d from th e fin an ce charge
even if it in c lu d e s in c id en tal costs for
services th a t are o th erw ise co n sid ered
finance charges. T he co m m en t clarifies
th a t charges attrib u te d to c o n d u c tin g or
atten d in g th e closing are fin an ce charges
an d m ay n o t be ex c lu d e d from th e
finance charge u n le ss th e charge is
in c id en tal to th e lu m p -su m closing fee.
4(b) E xa m p le s o f F in a n ce Charges
Paragraph 4(b)(2)
C om m ent 4 (b )(2 )-l, a d o p te d as
pro p o sed w ith m in o r rev isions, clarifies
th a t a service charge on a checking or
o th er tran sactio n ac co u n t w ith a credit
feature is a fin an ce charge o n ly if th e
charge exceeds th e charge for a sim ilar
ac co u n t w ith o u t a credit feature. In the
propo sal, a sen ten ce in th e existing
com m en tary regarding p artic ip a tio n fees

w as in a d v e rte n tly deleted; th e error has
b e e n corrected.
C om m enters req u e sted th a t the
co m m en t clarify th a t charges ex cludable
u n d e r § 226.4(c)(3)—charges im p o sed
on a n ac co u n t in cases w h ere the
in stitu tio n has n o t agreed in w ritin g to
pay overdraft item s—are n o t req u ired to
be in c lu d e d as finance charges u n d e r
§ 226.4(b)(2); clarifying language has
b een added.
4(d) In su ra n ce
In resp o n se to com m enters, com m en t
4 ( d ) - l h as b ee n revised to clarify th at
for p u rp o ses of § 226.4(d), references to
in su ran c e also in c lu d e debt can cellation
coverage un le ss th e con text ind icates
otherw ise.
C om m ent 4 ( d ) - l l has b een ad o p ted
as p ro p o sed w ith m in o r revision s for
clarity. U n d er § 226.4(d), am o u n ts p aid
for in su ra n c e or d eb t-cancellation
coverage m ay be ex c lu d e d from the
finance charge if th e cre d ito r discloses
th e fee or p re m iu m for th e in itia l term
of coverage, am ong o th e r conditions.
C om m ent 4 ( d ) - l l clarifies th a t the
initia l te rm is b ased on th e p e rio d th a t
th e in su re r or creditor is in itia lly
obligated to p ro v id e coverage. C om m ent
4(d )-1 2 clarifies th a t w h ere th e fee or
p re m iu m for th e coverage is assessed
p erio d ica lly an d th e co n su m er is u n d e r
n o obligation to c o n tin u e m aking th e
p aym ents, creditors h av e th e o p tio n of
p ro v id in g disclosu res on th e basis of
one year of coverage. C reditors also h av e
th is o p tio n if th e in itia l te rm of th e
in su ran c e is n o t clear.
In resp o n se to requests for guidance,
com m ents 4 (d )-4 an d 4(d )-1 2 have been
revised to ad d ress d isclosu res for openen d p lan s w h ere th e am o u n ts of
coverage a n d p erio d ic p rem iu m s are
b ased on o u tstan d in g balances.
C om m ent 4(d)—4 clarifies th a t creditors
p ro v id in g disclosu res for open-end
p la n s o n a u n it-co st basis m u st base the
cost o n th e in itial term of coverage,
un le ss one of th e optio ns in com m ent
4 (d )-1 2 is available. C om m ent 4(d)-12
pro v id es th a t its alternatives a p p ly to
creditors offering cre d it in su ran c e or
deb t can cellatio n coverage for o p en -en d
p la n s or clo sed -en d tran saction s. In
ad d itio n , th e co m m en t clarifies that
creditors w ith o p en -en d p la n s m ay base
th e ir cost d isclo sures o n p erio d s less
th a n one year, in som e cases.
S u b p a rt B— O p en -en d Credit
Section 226.5a— C redit a n d Charge Card
A p p lic atio n s a n d S olicitations
5a(b) R eq u ired D isclosures
5a(b)( 1) A n n u a l P ercentage R ate
C om m ent 5 a(b )(l)-7 pro vides
g u id a n ce on disclo sing p en a lty rates—


an in crease in th e rate u p o n a specific
even t su c h as th e c o n su m e r’s m aking a
late p ay m e n t or exceeding th e credit
lim it. T he p ro p o sal re q u ire d card
issu ers to disclose th e in creased rate,
along w ith th e c o n d itio n for increasing
th e rate. T he co m m en t is a d o p te d w ith
som e m odification . C om m enters
expressed co n c ern th a t req u irin g
p e n a lty rates along w ith th e co n d itio n
for im posing su c h rates w o u ld increase
th e len g th of th e d isclo sures req u ired by
§ 226.5a. T hey believe th e detail
req u ired by th e p ro p o sal is in c o n sisten t
w ith th e ab breviated in fo rm atio n
otherw ise re q u ire d to be d isc lo se d for
cred it card ap p lica tio n s an d
solicitations. A lth o u g h info rm ation
a b out p e n a lty rates m ay ad d to the
disclo sure, th e B oard believes th a t the
rate a n d th e sp ecified ev en t or events
th at trigger a rate increase are im p o rta n t
term s th a t assist co n su m ers in
com paring cre d it offers an d decid in g
w h e th e r to a p p ly for a credit card
account. To ad d ress th e concerns,
how ever, th e co m m en t is m o d ified to
p e rm it issu ers usin g th e tab u lar form at
to disclose th e rate a n d th e specified
event or events th a t trigger a n in creased
rate in th e table, or to disclose th e rate
in th e table along w ith an asterisk th at
refers to a n ex p lan a tio n of th e specified
event or events d isc lo se d o u tsid e the
C om m enters also ex pressed con cern
th a t th e co m m en t w o u ld p rev e n t a riskb ased a p p ro a c h to in creasing the in itia l
rate. C reditors often in crease rates to
cover th e ex penses associated w ith
acco unts th a t becom e d elin q u e n t or
o th erw ise do n o t perform in accord w ith
th e contract. M oreover, several
com m enters sa id it w o u ld be im possible
to disclose th e in creased rate at th e tim e
of d isclo su re since a n u m b e r of factors
u se d to determ in e w h e th e r a rate w ill
increase are b ased on co nsum er
behavior, w h ic h m ay be reflected in a
credit score.
U p on fu rth e r analysis a n d after
co n sid eratio n of th e com m ents received,
a m o d ifie d ap p ro a ch h as b een ado pted.
If th e rate c a n n o t b e d eterm in e d at th e
tim e of disclo sure, issu ers m ay in c lu d e
a d escrip tio n of th e specified event or
events th a t m ay re su lt in an increased
rate. P ro vidin g o nly a general
d escrip tio n of th e c o n d itio n , su c h as
stating th a t th e rate w ill increase if th e
co n su m er “ fails to rem a in in good
sta n d in g ,” is n o t an adequate
description. In ad d itio n , a sen ten ce has
b ee n a d d e d to clarify th a t th e d isclosu re
n e e d n o t b e as specific as th a t req u ired
in § 226.6(a)(2). C reditors m ay list som e
of th e co n sid eratio n s d escrib ed in the
contract th a t are u se d to d eterm in e the
rate w ith o u t p ro v id in g a d etailed


Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 65/M onday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations

ex p lan a tio n of all th e factors th a t the
cre d ito r m ay take into co n sid eratio n
w h e n increasing th e rate.
5a(b)(9) L a te-P a ym en t Fee a n d 5a(b)(10)
O ver-the-Lim it Fee
T he pro p o sal w o u ld have req u ired
th a t th e la te-p aym ent an d th e over-thelim it disclosure, req u ired u n d e r § 226.5a
co n tain a reference to th e APR
d isclo su re re q u ire d u n d e r § 226.5a(b)(l),
w h ere th e APR w ill increase d u e to a
late p ay m e n t or exceeding th e cred it
lim it. U po n fu rth er analysis a n d given
th e tab u lar form at req u irem en ts of
§ 226.5a, th e lin k seem s un necessary.
A ccordingly, th e p ro p o se d com m ents
are w ith d raw n .
S ection 226.6— Initial D isclosure
Statem en t

addresses th e tim ing of perio d ic
statem ents for o p en -en d p lan s offering
free-ride periods.
In resp o n se to com m ents, language is
a d d e d pro v id in g sam p le descrip tio n s for
balan c e a n d finance charge am o u n ts
d u ring th e deferral perio d, an d
a d d itio n a l exam ples of h o w creditors
m ay com ply w ith the tim ing
req u irem en ts for perio d ic statem en ts for
o p en -en d p la n s offering free-ride
periods. T he com m en t also addresses
p erio d ic rates th a t m ay be a p p lie d to the
d eferred p ay m e n t purchase.
S ection 226.14—D eterm in atio n of
A n n u al P ercentage Rate 14(c) A n n u al
P ercentage R a te fo r P eriodic S ta tem en ts

C om m ents 14(c)-5 a n d 14(c)-10 are
a d o p te d sub stan tially as proposed.
C om m ent 14(c)—5 ad dresses th e
6(a) F in a n ce Charge
ca lculation of th e APRs for
6(a)(2) A n n u a l P ercentage R ate
m u ltifea tu re d p lan s th at charge
tran sa ctio n fees in ad d itio n to p eriod ic
C om m ent 6 ( a ) ( 2 ) - ll clarifies th a t if
rates. In resp o n se to requ ests for
th e APR w ill in crease u p o n a specific
guidance, th e co m m en t clarifies th a t
event or events (such as th e c o n su m e r’s
creditors m ay sep arately c o n sid er each
m aking a late p ay m e n t or exceeding the
feature in calculating th e deno m inator.
cre d it lim it), th e cre d ito r m u st in c lu d e
M u ltifeatured p lan s are d efin ed to
th e in c re ase d rate in th e disclosures
in c lu d e p la n s w ith features su c h as
re q u ire d u n d e r § 226.6(a)(2) w ith the
pu rch ases, cash advances, or overdraft
co n d itio n th a t w ill trigger th e increase.
T his co m m en t is sim ilar to th e proposal; checking, or p la n s w ith groups of
tran sa ctio n s w ith different pricing
a few m od ificatio n s h av e b ee n m ade, in
structures. Som e credito rs offer cash
resp o n se to co m m en ts, along th e sam e
ad v an ces w ith fees th a t vary if th e cash
lin es as th e m o difications to co m m ent
advance is ob tain ed by check, at a
pro p rie ta ry ATM, or at a foreign
S ection 226.7—P erio dic S tatem ent
financial in stitu tio n . T hey treat each fee
stru ctu re as a “ feature.” (See co m m en t
Creditors ex ten d in g o p en -e n d cred it
7-1.) C reditors m ay disclose APRs
offer a variety of p ay m en t p la n s th a t
separately for each feature or m ay state
p e rm it con su m ers to avoid finance
a com p osite APR for th e w h o le plan.
charges if th e p u rch a se b alan c e is p aid
by a ce rtain date. F or exam ple, u n d e r
A p p e n d ix F gives in stru c tio n s for
calculating th e APR w h e n th e finance
som e p la n s fin an ce charges are only
charge in c lu d e s interest an d tran sactio n
im p o sed if con su m ers do n o t p ay the
fees. A p p e n d ix F requires creditors to
p u rch a se b alan c e in full b y a specified
in c lu d e in th e d en om in ator: (1) the
date. In others, finance charges are
balan ce subject to a tran sa ctio n fee, p lu s
im p o se d o n th e p u rch a se balan ce, b u t
(2) th e b alan ce subject to p erio d ic rates,
co n su m ers receive rebates of any
less th e am o u n t of th e balan ce subject
finance charges attrib utab le to the
p u rch a se if th e p u rch a se balan ce is p aid to a tran sa ctio n charge (but n o t less th a n
zero). T he a p p e n d ix is silen t on
in full by th e specified date.
C om m ent 7 -3 gives g u id a n ce on th e
calculatin g th e d en o m in ato r w h e n
ty p e of deferred p ay m en t program
separate features are involved.
illu strated in th e first exam ple. In
C om m ent 14(c)-5 clarifies th at
resp o n se to co m m en ts, language is
separate features m ay be co n sid ered in
a d d e d to em p h asize th a t th e co m m en t
calculatin g th e d eno m inato r. C om m ents
ad d resses o n ly a p a rtic u la r ty p e of
w ere m ix ed on w h e th e r “ featu re”
deferred p ay m en t feature, a n d is n o t
sh o u ld be d efin ed w ith m ore precision.
in te n d e d to p re c lu d e cred itors from
T he co m m en t does n o t attem p t to define
offering other types. To ease
“ fea tu re” for p u rp o ses of th e APR
com plian ce, th ree cross-references to
calcu lation , so long as th e cred itor has
th e co m m en t are a d d e d to p ro vision s of
a reaso nable basis for creating the
§ 226.7 ad d ressin g b alances to w h ic h
distin ctio n . T here is no ev id en ce at this
p erio d ic rates are a p p lied , th e am o u n t of tim e th a t fu rth er lim itatio n s on
th e fin an ce charge, a n d free-ride
o p eratio n al or pricin g co n sid eratio n s are
periods; a sim ila r cross-reference is
necessary to g u ard against d istin ctio n s
a d d e d u n d e r § 226.5(b)(2), w h ic h
am ong ac co u n t services th a t artificially

low er th e APR on a c o n s u m e r’s p eriodic
statem ent.
A co m m en ter req u e sted th at
A p p e n d ix F be a m e n d e d to in c lu d e an
exam ple of th e g u id an ce p ro v id ed in
co m m en t 14(c)-5. S u ch a n am en d m e n t
w ill be co n sid ered in a fu ture
ru lem aking a m en d in g R egulation Z or
its ap p en d ices.
T he p ro p o sal req u e sted co m m en t on
w h e th e r a cre d ito r sh o u ld separately
disclose th e b alances related to each
feature u n d e r § 226.7(e), if features are
trea te d separately for p u rp o ses of
calcu lating th e d en o m in ato r in th e APR
co m putatio n. T he co m m en tary is silen t
o n a d d itio n a l sep arate b alance
disclosu re req u irem en ts u n d e r 7(e).
N early all com m en ters ad d ressin g the
issu e w ere o p p o se d to an ad d itio n a l
requ irem en t; th e y said it w o u ld be
costly for creditors to reconfigure th e ir
p erio d ic statem ents a n d confusing for
consum ers to receive p erio d ic
statem en ts sho w ing several balances. No
separate balan ce req u irem en ts u n d e r
§ 226.7(e) relating to m u ltifea tu re d p lan s
h av e b een added.
C om m ent 14(c)-10 ad d resses th e
trea tm e n t of fees im p o sed on
tran sa ctio n s th a t occu r late in a billing
cycle a n d are im p racticab le to p o st u n til
th e follow ing b illin g cycle. T he
co m m en t is rev ise d to p ro v id e broader
gu id an ce for calculating th e A PR w h e n
finance charges p o ste d in th e billing
cycle in c lu d e charges relating to activity
in p rio r cycles, su c h as ad ju stm en ts
relatin g to error resolutio n. It is
in te n d e d to p ro v id e u n ifo rm ity an d
sim p lify co m p lian ce for th e v ariety of
circu m stan ces u n d e r w h ic h ad ju stm ents
m ay occur.
T he co m m en t differs from th e
p ro p o sal in tw o respects. C om m ent
14(c)-10 does n o t co n tain th e p ro p o sed
req u irem en t to disclose a n APR equal to
th e largest p erio d ic rate th a t m ay be
im p o sed on th e ac co u n t w h e n
ad ju stm en ts from p rio r cycles w o u ld
p ro d u ce a negative APR in th e cu rren t
cycle. C om m enters expressed con cern
th a t th e req u irem en t, w h ic h cu rren tly
ap p lies to creditors im p osing
tran sa ctio n fees in a d d itio n to p erio d ic
rate finance charges, w o u ld create costly
program m ing changes for creditors th at
im pose finance charges solely d u e to
p erio d ic rates a n d are n o t req u ired to
m ake th a t calculation. C reditors m u st
disclose o n each p erio d ic statem ent any
perio d ic rate th a t m ay b e a p p lie d durin g
th e billing cycle a n d th e correspon ding
APR. T he co rresp o n d in g APR
ad eq u ately inform s consu m ers ab out the
cost of cre d it u n d e r th e p la n in the
occasional b illin g cycle th a t a co n su m er
m ay receive a negative APR d u e to a
finance charge adjustm en t.

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 65/M onday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations
T he co m m en t in c lu d e s a n alternative
d isclo su re w h e n a finance charge
d eb ited to th e ac co u n t in th e cu rren t
billin g cycle relates to activity for w h ic h
a finance charge w as d eb ited to the
ac co u n t in a p rev io u s b illin g cycle (for
exam ple, if th e fin an ce charge relates to
an ad ju stm e n t su c h as th e reso lu tio n of
a billing error disp u te, or an
u n in te n tio n a l po stin g error, or a
p ay m e n t by ch eck th a t w as later
re tu rn e d u n p a id for in su fficien t fun ds
or o th er reasons). In resp o n se to
concerns by com m enters, as an
altern ativ e to th e general in terp re tatio n
set forth in th e com m ent, th e com m en t
perm its creditors to disclose th e finance
charge a d ju stm e n t on th e p erio dic
statem ent. C reditors id en tify in g th e
ad ju stm e n t on th e p erio d ic statem ent
w o u ld n o t in c lu d e th e finance charge
ad ju stm e n t in th e n u m e ra to r or in
b alan ces asso ciated w ith th e finance
charge ad ju stm e n t in th e d en o m in ato r
w h e n calculatin g th e a n n u a l percentage
rate for th e c u rren t b illin g cycle .
S u b p a rt C—C losed-end Credit
Section 226.18—C ontent of D isclosures
18(c) Item iza tio n o f A m o u n t F in a n ced
C om m ent 18(c)-2 is rev ise d in
resp o n se to req u ests for g u id an ce by
creditors offering cre d it sales w h e n
d o w n p ay m e n ts invo lve a trad e -in an d
an existing lie n th a t exceeds th e value
of th e trade-in. (See co m m en t 2(a)(18)3, w h ere a co n su m er ow es $10,000 on
a n existing au to m o b ile lo a n a n d th e
trad e -in valu e of th e au to m o b ile is
$8,000, leaving a $2,000 deficit.)
T he am o u n t by w h ic h th e lien
exceeds th e trad e -in valu e w o u ld be
reflected in th e am o u n t financed. (See
§ 226.18(b).) A ssum in g th e cash price
for th e n e w car w as $20,000, th e am o u n t
fin an c ed w o u ld be $22,000 ($20,000
rep rese n tin g th e cash p rice p lu s $2,000
rep rese n tin g th e excess of th e lie n over
th e trad e -in v alu e fin an c ed by th e
T he reg u latio n p ro v id es great
flexibility for disclosing th e item izatio n
of am o u n t financed. C om m ent 18(c)2.iii. (n um bered to co m p ly w ith Federal
Register p u b licatio n rules) is revised to
clarify th a t an y am o u n ts fin an c ed b y th e
cre d ito r a n d rep rese n tin g th e excess of
th e lien over th e trad e -in valu e ($2,000
in th is exam ple) m u st a p p e a r in th e
item izatio n of th e am o u n t financed.
H ow ever, cred itors m ay also a d d oth er
categories to exp lain , in th is exam ple,
th e c o n su m e r’s trad e -in valu e of $8,000,
th e c re d ito r’s payoff of th e existing lien
of $10,000, a n d th e resu ltin g am o u n t of
$2,000 in c lu d e d in th e am o u n t

18(g) P a ym e n t S ch e d u le
S ection 226.18(g) req u ires cred itors to
disclose th e tim in g of paym ents. To
m eet th is req uirem ent, creditors m ay list
all of th e p ay m en t d u e dates. C reditors
also h av e th e o p tio n of specifying the
“p e rio d of p a y m e n ts” sc h e d u le d to
rep a y th e obligation. C om m ent 18(g)-4
clarifies th e req u irem en ts for creditors
choosing th is option.
As a general rule, cred itors th a t do n o t
disclose all of th e p ay m en t d u e dates
m u st disclose th e p ay m e n t intervals,
su c h as “m o n th ly ” or “b i-w eek ly ,” a n d
th e ca le n d ar date th a t th e beginning
p ay m e n t is due. F or exam ple, a credito r
m ay disclose th a t p ay m en ts are due
“ m o n th ly beg in n in g on July 1 ,1 9 9 8 .”
T his info rm ation, w h e n co m b in ed w ith
th e n u m b e r of p ay m en ts, is necessary to
define th e rep a y m en t p erio d an d enable
a co n su m er to d eterm in e all of the
p ay m e n t d u e dates.
Som e com m enters v ie w e d th e
in c lu sio n o f a beg in n in g -p ay m en t date
as a n e w re q u ire m e n t th a t is m ore
ap p ro p riate for a regulatory revisio n
th a n an in te rp re ta tio n in th e
com m entary. T he B oard believ es th a t
th e n e w co m m en t m erely in terp re ts an d
clarifies th e existing re q u ire m e n t in
§ 226.18(g). T he staff is aw are that
creditors co u ld reason ably have
in te rp re te d th e statutory re q u ire m e n t for
specifying th e “p e rio d of p a y m e n ts” in
different w ays. B ecause of co n fu sio n in
th is area, co m m en t 18(g)-4 h as been
a d d e d to ex p lain cre d ito rs’ disclosure
resp on sibilities.
Several co m m enters p ro v id ed
exam ples of tran sa ctio n s w h ere th e
b eg in ning-p ay m ent date is u n k n o w n
a n d d ifficu lt to d eterm in e at th e tim e
disclosu res Eire m ade. For exam ple, a
co n su m er m ay becom e obligated on a
cre d it co n tract th at co n tem p lates the
delay ed d isb u rse m en t of fu n d s based on
a co n tin g en t event, su c h as th e
co m p letio n of h o m e repairs. D isclosures
m ay also acco m p an y loan checks th at
are se n t by m ail, in w h ic h case th e
in itial d isb u rse m en t a n d rep ay m en t
dates are solely w ith in th e c o n s u m e r’s
control. T h ese co m m en ters believe th at
a narrativ e ex p lan a tio n of the events
th a t w ill trigger th e first p ay m en t due
date w o u ld be m ore h e lp fu l to
consum ers th a n a n estim ated calen d ar
C om m ent 18(g)-4 has b een revised to
add ress th e se concerns. In su c h cases,
th e credito r m ay u se an estim ated
beg in n in g -p ay m en t date an d label the
disclo su re as a n estim ate p u rsu a n t to
§ 226.17(c). A lternativ ely, th e disclosure
m ay refer to th e o ccurrence of a
p articu la r event, for exam ple, by
disclosing th a t th e beginn ing p ay m en t is


d u e “ 30 days after th e first loan
d isb u rse m en t.” T his info rm atio n also
m ay be in c lu d e d w ith a n estim ated date
to ex p lain th e basis for th e cre d ito r’s
estim ate. See C om m ent 17(a)(1)—5(iii).
S u b p a rt E— S p ec ia l R u les fo r Certain
H o m e M ortgage T ra nsactions
S ection 226.32—R equirem ents for
C ertain C losed-end H om e M ortgages
32(a) Coverage
C reditors m u st follow th e ru les in
§ 226.32 if th e total p o in ts an d fees
pay ab le b y th e c o n su m er at or before
loan closing exceed th e greater of $400
or 8 p e rc e n t of th e total lo an am ount.
T he B oard is req u ired to ad ju st th e $400
am o u n t each year. T h e ad ju sted
am o u n ts for 1997 ($424), p u b lish e d on
D ecem ber 12, 1996 (61 FR 65317), an d
1998 ($435), p u b lish e d o n F ebru ary 9,
1998 (63 FR 6474), are a d d e d to
co m m en t 32(a)(l)(ii)-2.
S ection 226.33— R equirem ents for
Reverse M ortgages
33(c) P rojected T otal Cost o f Credit
33(c)(1) C osts to C on su m er
U n d er 226.33, th e d isc lo se d cost of a
reverse m ortgage tran sa ctio n m u st
co n tain all costs a n d charges p a id by th e
con su m er, in c lu d in g th e cost of any
an n u ity , w h e th e r th e a n n u ity p u rch a se
is m a n d ato ry or v o lu n tary or w h e th e r it
is m ade th ro u g h th e cre d ito r or a th ird
party. C om m ent 33(c)(1)—2 pro v id es
g u id an ce for d eterm in in g w h e n an
an n u ity is p u rch a sed as p a rt of a reverse
m ortgage tran saction . Som e com m enters
req u e sted th a t th e B oard n arro w th e
sta n d ard for in c lu d in g a n n u ity costs in
th e total a n n u a l loan cost rate to
an n u itie s p u rc h a se d “b y or th ro u g h ” th e
creditor, expressing th e ir co n cern about
accu rately disclosing th e im p act of any
a n n u ity con su m ers m a y p urchase.
T he B oard b eliev es th a t th e Congress
in te n d e d a b ro ad ap p lic a tio n of th e
term s “ costs an d charg es” w h e n ap p lie d
to an n u ities. (60 FR 15468, M arch 24,
1995.) T hu s, th e co m m en t is a d o p ted as
propo sed . C reditors m ay rely on
in fo rm atio n p ro v id ed by th e co n su m er
co n cern in g th e ir in te n t to p u rch a se an
a n n u ity as a p art of th e transaction.
List o f Subjects in 12 CFR Part 226
A dvertising, Banks, banking,
C onsum er pro tectio n, C redit, F ederal
Reserve System , Mortgages, Reporting
a n d record keep ing requirem ents, T ru th
in lending.
For th e reaso ns set forth in the
pream ble, th e Board am en d s 12 CFR
P art 226 as follows:

1667 4

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 6 5 /Monday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations

1. T he a u th o rity citatio n for p art 226
co n tin u es to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 3806; 15 U.S.C. 1604
and 1637(c)(5).
2. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
S ectio n 226.2— D efin itio n s a n d R u les o f
C onstruction, th e follow ing
am en d m e n ts are m ade:
a. U n d er Paragraph 2(a)(2)
A d ve rtisem en t., p ara g ra p h 1. is revised;
b. U n d er Paragraph 2(a)(18)
D o w n p a ym en t., a n e w parag rap h 3. is
c. U n d er Paragraph 2(a)(20) O p en -en d
credit., p arag rap h 3. is revised; a n d
d. U n d er Paragraph (2)(a)(24)
R esid en tia l m ortgage transaction.,
paragraph 5. is revised a n d a n ew
p ara g ra p h 7. is add ed .
T he ad d itio n s an d rev isio n s rea d as











3. Effect o f existing liens. In a credit sale,
the “ dow npaym ent” may only be used to
reduce the cash price. For example, w hen the
existing lien on an automobile to be traded
in exceeds the value of the automobile,
creditors m ust disclose a zero on the
dow npaym ent line rather than a negative
number. To illustrate, assume a consum er
owes $10,000 on an existing automobile loan
and that the trade-in value of the automobile
is only $8,000, leaving a $2,000 deficit. The
creditor should disclose a dow npaym ent of
$0, n o t -$2,000.






2(a)(20) O pen-end credit.

Section 226.2—D efinitions and Rules o f


2(a)(18) D ownpaym ent.


Subpart A— General


B. Informational material, for example,
interest rate and loan term memos,
distributed only to business entities.
C. Notices required by federal or state law,
if the law m andates that specific inform ation
be displayed and only the inform ation so
m andated is included in the notice.
D. News articles the use of w hich is
controlled by the new s m edium.
E. Market research or educational materials
that do not solicit business.
F. Com m unications about an existing
credit account (for example, a prom otion
encouraging additional or different uses of an
existing credit card account).





Repeated transactions. U nder this
criterion, the creditor m ust reasonably
2(a) D efinitions.
contem plate repeated transactions. This
(a)(2) A d ve rtisem en t.
means that the credit plan m ust be usable
1. Coverage. O n ly com m ercial
from tim e to time and the creditor m ust
legitimately expect that there w ill be repeat
m essages th a t p ro m o te co n su m er cred it
business rather than a one-time credit
tran sa ctio n s req u irin g d isclosures are
extension. The creditor m ust expect repeated
adv ertisem ents. M essages inviting,
dealings w ith consum ers und er the credit
offering, or o th erw ise an n o u n c in g
plan as a w hole and need not believe a
generally to p ro sp ectiv e custo m ers the
consum er w ill reuse a particular feature of
availability of cre d it transactions,
the plan. The determ ination of w hether a
w h e th e r in visual, oral, or p rin t m edia,
creditor can reasonably contem plate repeated
are covered by R egulation Z (12 CFR
transactions requires an objective analysis.
p art 226).
Information that m uch of the creditor’s
custom er base w ith accounts und er the plan
i. Examples include:
make repeated transactions over some period
A. Messages in a new spaper, magazine,
of tim e is relevant to the determination,
leaflet, prom otional flyer, or catalog.
particularly w hen the plan is opened
B. A nnouncem ents on radio, television, or
prim arily for the financing of infrequently
public address system.
purchased products or services. A standard
C. On-line messages, such as on the
based on reasonable belief by a creditor
necessarily includes some margin for
D. Direct m ail literature or other printed
judgm ental error. The fact that particular
m aterial on any exterior or interior sign.
consum ers do not return for further credit
E. Point-of-sale displays.
extensions does not prevent a plan from
F. Telephone solicitations.
having been properly characterized as openG. Price tags that contain credit
end. For example, if m uch of the customer
base of a clothing store makes repeat
H. Letters sent to customers as part of an
purchases, the fact that some consum ers use
organized solicitation of business.
the plan only once w ould not affect the
I. Messages on checking account
characterization of the store’s plan as openstatem ents offering auto loans at a stated
end credit. The criterion regarding repeated
annual percentage rate.
transactions is a question of fact to be
J. Com m unications prom oting a new opendecided in the context of the creditor’s type
end plan or closed-end transaction.
of business and the creditor’s relationship
ii. The term does n ot include:
A. Direct personal contacts, such as follow- w ith its customers. For example:
It w ould be more reasonable for a thrift
up letters, cost estimates for individual
consumers, or oral or w ritten com m unication institution chartered for the benefit of its
members to contem plate repeated
relating to the negotiation of a specific
transactions w ith a m ember than for a seller

of alum inum siding to make the same
assum ption about its customers.
ii. It w ould be more reasonable for a
financial institution to make advances from
a line of credit for the purchase of an
automobile th an for an automobile dealer to
sell a car under an open-end plan.






2(a)(24) R esidential mortgage transaction.






A cquisition, i. A residential mortgage
transaction finances the acquisition of a
consum er’s principal dwelling. The term
does not include a transaction involving a
consum er’s principal dw elling if the
consum er h ad previously purchased and
acquired some interest to the dwelling, even
though the consum er h ad not acquired full
legal title.
ii. Examples of new transactions involving
a previously acquired dw elling include the
financing of a balloon paym ent due u nd er a
land sale contract and an extension of credit
m ade to a joint ow ner of property to buy out
the other joint ow ner’s interest. In these
instances, disclosures are n ot required under
§226.18(q) or § 226.19(a) (assumability
policies and early disclosures for residential
mortgage transactions). However, the
rescission rules of §§ 226.15 and 226.23 do
apply to these new transactions.
iii. In other cases, the disclosure and
rescission rules do not apply. For example,
w here a buyer enters into a w ritten
agreement w ith the creditor holding the
seller’s mortgage, allowing the buyer to
assume the mortgage, if the buyer had
previously purchased the property and
agreed w ith the seller to make the mortgage
paym ents, § 226.20(b) does not apply
(assumptions involving residential





7. Construction on previously acquired
vacant land. A residential mortgage
transaction includes a loan to finance the
construction of a consum er’s principal
dwelling on a vacant lot previously acquired
by the consumer.






3. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
S ectio n 226.4— F inance Charge, th e
follow ing am en d m e n ts are m ade:
a. U n d er Paragraph 4(a)(2).,
paragraph 2. is revised;
b. U n d er Paragraph 4(b)(2).,
paragraph 1. is revised; an d
c. U n d e r Paragraph 4(d) In su ra n ce
a n d d eb t cancella tio n coverage.,
p aragrap hs 1., 4., an d 11. are revised;
p arag rap h 12. is red esig n ated as
p arag rap h 13.; an d a n e w p arag rap h 12.
is added.
T he revisio ns an d ad d itio n s rea d as
Section 226.4—Finance Charge
4(a) Definition.






4(a)(2) Special rule: closing agent charges.






Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 6 5 /M onday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations
2. Required closing agent. If the creditor
requires the use of a closing agent, fees
charged by the closing agent are included in
the finance charge only if the creditor
requires the particular service, requires the
im position of the charge, or retains a portion
of the charge. Fees charged by a third-party
closing agent may be otherwise excluded
from the finance charge un der § 226.4. For
example, a fee that w ould be paid in a
comparable cash transaction may be
excluded under § 226.4(a). A charge for
conducting or attending a closing is a finance
charge and may be excluded only if the
charge is included in and is incidental to a
lum p-sum closing fee excluded under
§ 226.4(c)(7).

of the total insurance prem ium involves a
particular k ind of insurance plan. For
example, a consum er w ith a current
indebtedness of $8,000 is covered by a plan
of credit life insurance coverage w ith a
m axim um of $10,000. The consum er requests
an additional $4,000 loan to be covered by
the same insurance plan. Since the $4,000
loan exceeds, in part, the m axim um am ount
of indebtedness that can be covered by the
plan, the creditor may properly give the
insurance cost disclosures on the $4,000 loan
on a unit-cost basis.






11. Initial term. i. The initial term of the
insurance or debt cancellation coverage
determ ines the period for w hich a prem ium
am ount or fee m ust be disclosed, unless one
4(b) Exam ples o f fina nce charges.
of the options discussed u nd er comment
4(d)-12 is available. For purposes of
§ 226.4(d), the initial term is the period for
Paragraph 4(b)(2).
1. Checking account charges. A checking w hich the insurer or creditor is obligated to
provide coverage, even though the consum er
or transaction account charge im posed in
may be allow ed to cancel the coverage or
connection w ith a credit feature is a finance
coverage may end due to nonpaym ent before
charge un der § 226.4(b)(2) to the extent the
that term expires.
charge exceeds the charge for a similar
11. For example:
account w ithout a credit feature. If a charge
A. The initial term of a property insurance
for an account w ith a credit feature does not
policy on an automobile that is w ritten for
exceed the charge for an account w ithout a
one year is one year even though prem ium s
credit feature, the charge is not a finance
are paid m onthly and the term of the credit
charge u nd er § 226.4(b)(2). To illustrate:
transaction is four years.
i. A $5 service charge is im posed on an
B. The initial term of an insurance policy
account w ith an overdraft line of credit
is the full term of the credit transaction if the
(where the institution has agreed in w riting
consum er pays or finances a single prem ium
to pay an overdraft), w hile a $3 service
in advance.
charge is im posed on an account w ithout a
12. Initial term; alternative, i. General. A
credit feature; the $2 difference is a finance
creditor has the option of providing cost
charge. (If the difference is not related to
disclosures on the basis of one year of
account activity, however, it may be
insurance or debt cancellation coverage
excludable as a participation fee. See the
instead of a longer initial term (provided the
com mentary to § 226.4(c)(4).)
prem ium or fee is clearly labeled as being for
ii. A $5 service charge is im posed for each
one year) if:
item that results in an overdraft on an
A. The initial term is indefinite or not
account w ith an overdraft line of credit,
clear; or
w hile a $25 service charge is im posed for
B. The consum er has agreed to pay a
paying or returning each item on a similar
prem ium or fee that is assessed periodically
account w ithout a credit feature; the $5
but the consum er is under no obligation to
charge is not a finance charge.
continue the coverage after m aking the initial
4(d) Insurance a nd debt cancellation
ii. O pen-end plans. For open-end plans, a
creditor also has the option of providing unit1. General. Section 226.4(d) perm its
cost disclosures on the basis of a period that
insurance prem ium s and charges and debtis less than one year if the consum er has
cancellation charges to be excluded from the
agreed to pay a prem ium or fee that is
finance charge. The required disclosures
assessed periodically, for example monthly,
m ust be made in writing. The rules on
bu t the consum er is u nd er no obligation to
location of insurance and debt-cancellation
continue the coverage.
disclosures for closed-end transactions are in
iii. Examples. To illustrate:
§ 226.17(a). For purposes of § 226.4(d), all
A. A credit life insurance policy providing
references to insurance also include debt
coverage for a 30-year mortgage loan has an
cancellation coverage unless the context
initial term of 30 years even though
indicates otherwise.
prem ium s are paid m onthly and the
consum er is not required to continue the
4. Unit-cost disclosures, i. O pen-end credit. coverage after m aking the initial payment.
The creditor has the option of making
The prem ium or fee for insurance or debt
disclosures on the basis of coverage for onecancellation for the initial term of coverage
may be disclosed on a unit-cost basis in
open-end credit transactions. The cost per
u n it should be based on the initial term of
4. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
coverage, unless one of the options under
S ectio n 226.5— G eneral D isclosure
com m ent 4(d)-12 is available.
R eq u irem ents, u n d e r P aragraph
ii. Closed-end credit. One of the
5(b)(2)(H) a n e w parag rap h 4 is a d d e d as
transactions for w h ich unit-cost disclosures
(such as 50 cents per year for each $100 of
the am ount financed) may be used in place


Subpart B— O pen-End Credit






Section 226.5— General Disclosure
Requirem ents






5(b) Tim e o f disclosures.






Paragraph 5(b)(2)(H).


4. D eferred p a y m e n t transactions. See
co m m en t 7-3 (iv).
5. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
S ectio n 226.5a— Credit a n d Charge Card
A p p lic a tio n s a n d S o licita tio n s, u n d e r
Paragraph 5 a (b)(l) A n n u a l P ercentage
Rate, a n e w parag rap h 7 is a d d e d to read
as follow s:
Section 226.5a— Credit and Charge Card
A pplications and Solicitations






5a(b) Required Disclosures.
5a(b)(l) A n n u a l Percentage Rate.






7. Increased p en a lty rates. If the initial rate
may increase u p on the occurrence of one or
more specific events, such as a late paym ent
or an extension of credit that exceeds the
credit limit, the card issuer m ust disclose in
the table the initial rate and the increased
penalty rate that may apply. If the penalty
rate is based on an index and an increased
margin, the issuer m ust also disclose in the
table the index and the margin. The issuer
m ust also disclose the specific event or
events that m ay result in im posing the
increased rate, such as “ 22% APR, if 60 days
late.” If the penalty rate cannot be
determ ined at the tim e disclosures are given,
the issuer m ust provide an explanation of the
specific event or events that m ay result in
im posing an increased rate. In describing the
specific event or events that m ay result in an
increased rate, issuers need no t be as detailed
as for the disclosures required under
§ 226.6(a)(2). Alternatively, for issuers using
a tabular format, the specific event or events
may be located outside of the table if the
conditions are noted w ith an asterisk or other
m eans that direct the consum er to the
explanation. At its option, the issuer may
disclose the period for w hich the increased
rate w ill rem ain in effect, such as “un til you
make three tim ely paym ents.” The issuer
need not disclose an increased rate that is
im posed w hen credit privileges are
perm anently terminated.


6. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
S ectio n 226.6— In itia l D isclosure
S ta tem en t, u n d e r Paragraph 6(a)(2), a
n e w p arag rap h 11 is a d d e d to read as
Section 226.6— Initial Disclosure Statem ent






6(a) Finance charge.






Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 65/M onday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations

does n ot pay the deferred paym ent balance
by the due date, the creditor is not required
to identify, on the periodic statem ent
11. Increased p en a lty rates. If the initial
rate may increase upon the occurrence of one disclosing the finance charge for the deferred
paym ent balance, periodic rates that have
or more specific events, such as a late
been disclosed in previous billing cycles
paym ent or an extension of credit that
betw een the date of purchase and the
exceeds the credit limit, the creditor m ust
paym ent due date.
disclose the initial rate and the increased
ii. Balances subject to periodic rates.
penalty rate that may apply. If the penalty
U nder § 226.7(e), creditors m ust disclose the
rate is based on an index and an increased
balances subject to periodic rates during a
margin, the issuer m ust disclose the index
billing cycle. The deferred paym ent balance
and the margin. The creditor m ust also
($500 in this example) is not subject to a
disclose the specific event or events that may
periodic rate for billing cycles between the
result in the increased rate, such as “ 22%
date of purchase and the paym ent due date.
APR, if 60 days late.” If the penalty rate
Periodic statem ents sent for those billing
cannot be determ ined at the time disclosures
cycles should not include the deferred
are given, the creditor m ust provide an
paym ent balance in the balance disclosed
explanation of the specific event or events
un der § 226.7(e). At the creditor’s option, this
that may result in the increased rate. At the
am ount may be disclosed on periodic
creditor’s option, the creditor may disclose
statem ents provided it is identified by a term
the period for w hich the increased rate will
other than the term used to identify the
rem ain in effect, such as “until you make
balance disclosed under § 226.7(e) (such as
three tim ely paym ents.” The creditor need
“deferred paym ent balance”). During any
not disclose an increased rate that is im posed billing cycle in w hich a periodic rate finance
w hen credit privileges are perm anently
charge on the deferred paym ent balance is
debited to the account, the balance disclosed
under § 226.7(e) should include the deferred
7. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r paym ent balance for that billing cycle.
iii. A m o u n t o f finan ce charge. U nder
S ectio n 226.7— P eriodic S ta tem en t, th e
§ 226.7(f), creditors m ust disclose finance
follow ing am en d m e n ts are m ade:
charges im posed during a billing cycle. For
a. U n d er in tro d u c to ry text, a n ew
some deferred paym ent purchases, the
parag rap h 3 is added;
creditor may im pose a finance charge from
b. U n d e r Paragraph 7(d) P eriodic
the date of purchase if the deferred paym ent
rates, a n e w p ara g ra p h 7 is added;
balance ($500 in this example) is not paid in
c. U n d er Paragraph 7(e) B a la n ce on
full by the due date, but otherwise w ill not
w h ich fin a n c e charge c o m p u te d , a n ew
im pose finance charges for billing cycles
p ara g ra p h 10 is added;
betw een the date of purchase and the
paym ent due date. Periodic statem ents for
d. U n d er Paragraph 7(f) A m o u n t o f
billing cycles preceding the paym ent due
fin a n c e charge, a n e w p ara g ra p h 9 is
date should not include in the finance charge
added; an d
disclosed under § 226.7(f) the am ounts a
e. U n d er Paragraph 7(j) F ree-ride
consum er may owe if the deferred paym ent
perio d , a n e w p arag rap h 2 is added.
balance is not paid in full by the paym ent
T he ad d itio n s rea d as follows:
due date. In this example, the February
periodic statem ent should not identify as
finance charges interest attributable to the
Section 226.7—Periodic Statem ent
$500 January purchase. At the creditor’s
option, this am ount may be disclosed on
3. Deferred pa ym ent transactions.
periodic statements provided it is identified
Creditors offer a variety of paym ent plans for
by a term other than “finance charge” (such
purchases that perm it consum ers to avoid
as “contingent finance charge” or “deferred
finance charges if the purchase balance is
finance charge”). The finance charge on a
paid in full by a certain date. The following
deferred paym ent balance should be reflected
provides guidance for one type of deferred
on the periodic statem ent under § 226.7(f) for
paym ent plan where, for exam ple, no finance the billing cycle in w hich the finance charge
charge is im posed on a $500 purchase made
is debited to the account.
in January if the $500 balance is paid by
iv. Free-ride period. Assuming m onthly
March 31.
billing cycles ending at m onth-end and a
Periodic rates. U nder § 226.7(d),
free-ride period ending on the 25th of the
creditors m ust disclose each periodic rate
following m onth, here are four examples
that may be used to com pute the finance
illustrating how a creditor may com ply w ith
charge. U nder some plans w ith a deferred
the requirem ent to disclose the free-ride
paym ent feature, if the deferred paym ent
period applicable to a deferred paym ent
balance is not paid by the paym ent due date,
balance ($500 in this example) and w ith the
finance charges attributable to periodic rates
14-day rule for m ailing or delivering periodic
applicable to the billing cycles between the
statem ents before im posing finance charges
date of purchase an d the paym ent due date
(see §226.5):
(January through M arch in this example) may
A. The creditor could include the $500
be im posed. Periodic rates that m ay apply to
purchase on the periodic statem ent reflecting
the deferred paym ent balance ($500 in this
account activity for February and sent on
example) if the balance is not paid in full by
M arch 1 and identify M arch 31 as the
the paym ent due date m ust appear on
paym ent due date for the $500 purchase.
periodic statem ents for the billing cycles
(The creditor could also identify M arch 31 as
betw een the date of purchase and the
the paym ent due date for any other am ounts
that w ould norm ally be due on M arch 25.)
paym ent due date. However, if the consum er
Paragraph 6(a)(2).






B. The creditor could include the $500
purchase on the periodic statem ent reflecting
activity for M arch and sent on A pril 1 and
identify A pril 25 as the paym ent due date for
the $500 purchase, perm itting the consum er
to avoid finance charges if the $500 is paid
in full by April 25.
C. The creditor could include the $500
purchase and its due date on each periodic
statem ent sent during the deferred paym ent
period (January, February, and March in this
D. If the due date for the deferred paym ent
balance is M arch 7 (instead of March 31), the
creditor could include the $500 purchase and
its due date on the periodic statem ent
reflecting activity for January and sent on
February 1, the m ost recent statem ent sent at
least 14 days prior to the due date.






7(d) Periodic rates.





7. Deferred p a ym ent transactions. See
com m ent 7-3 (i).
7(e) Balance on which finance charge
com puted.





10. Deferred p a ym ent transactions. See
com m ent 7-3(ii).
7(f) A m o u n t o f fina nce charge.





Deferred p a ym en t transactions. See
com m ent 7 -3 (iii).





7 (j) Free-ride period.






Deferred p a ym en t transactions. See
com m ent 7—3(iv).


8. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
S ectio n 226.14— D eterm in a tio n o f
A n n u a l P ercentage R ate, u n d e r
Paragraph 14(c) A n n u a l p ercen ta g e rate
fo r p erio d ic sta tem en ts., parag rap h 5.
an d p arag rap h 10. are rev ise d to rea d as
Section 226.14—D eterm ination o f A nn ual
Percentage Rate






14(c) A n nua l percentage rate fo r periodic
statem ents.






Transaction charges, i. Section
226.14(c)(3) transaction charges include, for
A. A loan fee of $10 im posed on a
particular advance.
B. A charge of 3% of the am ount of each
11. The reference to avoiding duplication in
the com putation requires that the am ounts of
transactions on w hich transaction charges
w ere im posed no t be included both in the
am ount of total balances and in the “ other
am ounts on w hich a finance charge was
im posed” figure. In a m ultifeatured plan,
creditors may consider each bona fide feature
separately in the calculation of the
denom inator. A creditor has considerable
flexibility in defining features for open-end
plans, as long as the creditor has a reasonable

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 6 5 /Monday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations
basis for the distinctions. For further
explanation and examples of how to
determ ine the com ponents of this formula,
see appendix F.






10. Prior-cycle adjustm ents, i. The annual
percentage rate reflects the finance charges
im posed during the billing cycle. However,
finance charges im posed during the billing
cycle may relate to activity in a prior cycle.
Examples of circum stances w hen this may
occur are:
A. A cash advance occurs on the last day
of a billing cycle on an account that uses the
transaction date to figure finance charges,
and it is im practicable to post the transaction
until the following cycle.
B. An adjustm ent to the finance charge is
m ade following the resolution of a billing
error dispute.
C. A consum er fails to pay the purchase
balance un der a deferred paym ent feature by
the paym ent due date, and finance charges
are im posed from the date of purchase.
11. Finance charges relating to activity in
prior cycles should be reflected on the
periodic statem ent as follows:
A. If a finance charge im posed in the
current billing cycle is attributable to
periodic rates applicable to prior billing
cycles (such as w hen a deferred paym ent
balance was not p aid in full by the paym ent
due date and finance charges from the date
of purchase are now being debited to the
account, or w hen a cash advance occurs on
the last day of a billing cycle on an account
that uses the transaction date to figure
finance charges and it is im practicable to
post the transaction until the following
cycle), and the creditor uses the quotient
m ethod to calculate the annual percentage
rate, the num erator w ould include the
am ount of any transaction charges plus any
other finance charges posted during the
billing cycle. At the creditor’s option,
balances relating to the finance charge
adjustm ent may be included in the
denom inator if perm itted by the legal
obligation, if it w as im practicable to post the
transaction in the previous cycle because of
timing, or if the adjustm ent is covered by
com m ent 14(c)10.11.B.
B. If a finance charge debited to the
account relates to activity for w hich a finance
charge w as debited to the account in a
previous billing cycle, for example, if the
finance charge relates to an adjustm ent such
as the resolution of a billing error dispute, or
an unintentional posting error, or a paym ent
by check that was later returned u np aid for
insufficient funds or other reasons, the
creditor shall at its option:
1. Calculate the annual percentage rate in
accord w ith com m ent 14(c)10.11.A, or
2. Disclose the finance charge adjustm ent
on the periodic statem ent and calculate the
annual percentage rate for the current billing
cycle w ithout including the finance charge
adjustm ent in the num erator and balances
associated w ith the finance charge
adjustm ent in the denominator.

a. U n d er Paragraph 18(c) Item iza tio n
o f a m o u n t fin a n c e d ., p arag rap h 2. is
revised; an d
b. U n d er P aragraph 18(g) P a ym en t
sch ed u le., the 18(g) h ead in g is revised,
a n d a n ew parag rap h 4. is added.
T he rev isions an d a d d itio n read as
Supbart C -C losed-E n d Credit






Section 226.18— Content o f Disclosures






18(c) Item ization o f am ount financed.





A ddition al inform ation. Section
226.18(c) establishes only a m inim um
standard for the m aterial to be included in
the item ization of the am ount financed.
Creditors have considerable flexibility in
revising or supplem enting the inform ation
listed in § 226.18(c) and show n in model
form H—3, although no changes are required.
The creditor may, for example, do one or
m ore of the following:
i. Include am ounts that reflect paym ents
not part of the am ount financed. For
example, escrow items and certain insurance
prem ium s may be included, as discussed in
the com mentary to § 226.18(g).
ii. Organize the categories in any order. For
example, the creditor may rearrange the
terms in a m athem atical progression that
depicts the arithm etic relationship of the
iii. A dd categories. For example, in a credit
sale, the creditor may include the cash price
and the dow npaym ent. If the credit sale
involves a trade-in of the consum er’s car and
an existing lien on that car exceeds the value
of the trade-in am ount, the creditor may
disclose the consum er’s trade-in value, the
creditor’s payoff of the existing lien, and the
resulting additional am ount financed.
iv. Further itemize each category. For
example, the am ount paid directly to the
consum er may be subdivided into the
am ount given by check and the am ount
credited to the consum er’s savings account.
v. Label categories w ith different language
from that show n in § 226.18(c). For example,
an am ount paid on the consum er’s account
may be revised to specifically identify the
account as “your auto loan w ith u s.”
vi. Delete, leave blank, mark “N /A ” or
otherwise not inapplicable categories in the
itemization. For example, in a credit sale
w ith no prepaid finance charges or am ounts
paid to others, the am ount financed may
consist of only the cash price less
downpaym ent. In this case, the itemization
may be com posed of only a single category
and all other categories may be eliminated.






18(g) P aym ent schedule.






Tim ing o f paym ents, i. General rule.
Section 226.18(g) requires creditors to
disclose the tim ing of paym ents. To m eet this
9. In S u p p lem en t I to P art 226, u n d e r requirem ent, creditors may list all of the
S ectio n 226.18— C o n tent o f D isclosures,
paym ent due dates. They also have the
th e follow ing am en d m e n ts are m ade:
option of specifying the “period of


paym ents” scheduled to repay the obligation.
As a general rule, creditors that choose this
option m ust disclose the paym ent intervals
or frequency, such as “m onthly”or “bi­
w eekly,” and the calendar date that the
beginning paym ent is due. For example, a
creditor may disclose that paym ents are due
“m onthly beginning on July 1 ,1 9 98 .” This
information, w hen com bined w ith the
num ber of paym ents, is necessary to define
the repaym ent period and enable a consum er
to determ ine all of the paym ent due dates.
Exception. In a lim ited num ber of
circumstances, the beginning-paym ent date is
unknow n and difficult to determ ine at the
tim e disclosures are made. For example, a
consum er may become obligated on a credit
contract that contem plates the delayed
disbursem ent of funds based on a contingent
event, such as the com pletion of home
repairs. Disclosures may also accom pany
loan checks that are sent by mail, in w hich
case the initial disbursem ent and repaym ent
dates are solely w ithin the consum er’s
control. In such cases, if the beginningpaym ent date is unknow n the creditor may
use an estim ated date and label the
disclosure as an estimate pursuant to
§ 226.17(c). Alternatively, the disclosure may
refer to the occurrence of a particular event,
for example, by disclosing that the beginning
paym ent is due “ 30 days after the first loan
disbursem ent.” This inform ation also may be
included w ith an estim ated date to explain
the basis for the creditor’s estimate. See
Comment 17 (a) (1)—5 (iii).


10. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
S ectio n 226.32— R eq u irem en ts fo r
Certain C losed-E nd H o m e M ortgages,
u n d e r P aragraph 32(a)(1)(H), parag rap h
2. is rev ise d to read as follow s:
Subpart E— Special Rules for Certain Hom e
M ortgage Transactions






Section 226.32— R equirem ents fo r Certain
Closed-End H om e Mortgages
32(a) Coverage.






Paragraph 32(a)(1)(H).






A n n u a l adjustm ent o f $400 am ount. A
mortgage loan is covered by § 226.32 if the
total points and fees payable by the consum er
at or before loan consum m ation exceed the
greater of $400 or 8 percent of the total loan
amount. The $400 figure is adjusted annually
by the Board; the adjusted figure becomes
effective on January 1 of the following year.
The Board w ill publish adjustm ents after the
June figures become available each year. The
adjustm ent for the upcom ing year w ill be
included in any proposed commentary
published in the fall, and incorporated into
the commentary the following spring. The
adjusted figures are:
For 1996, $412, reflecting a 3.00 percent
increase in the CPI-U from June 1994 to June
1995, rounded to the nearest w hole dollar.
11. For 1997, $424, reflecting a 2.9 percent
increase in the CPI-U from June 1995 to June
1996, rounded to the nearest w hole dollar.


Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 6 5 /Monday, April 6, 1998/Rules and Regulations

iii. For 1998, $435, reflecting a 2.5 percent
increase in the CPI-U from June 1996 to June
1997, rounded to the nearest w hole dollar.


11. In S u p p le m e n t I to P art 226, u n d e r
S ectio n 226.33— R eq u irem en ts fo r
R everse M ortgages, u n d e r Paragraph
33(c)(1) Costs to co n su m er, in paragraph
2., a n e w sen ten ce is a d d e d at th e en d
of th e p arag rap h to read as follows:
Section 226.33— R equirem ents fo r Reverse






33(c) Projected total cost o f credit.
Paragraph 33(c)(1) Costs to consum er.






A n n u ity costs. * * * For example, this
includes the costs of an annuity that a
creditor offers, arranges, assists the consum er
in purchasing, or that the creditor is aware
the consum er is purchasing as a part of the






By order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, acting through the
Secretary of the Board u n der delegated
authority, M arch 31, 1998.

William W. Wiles,
Secretary o f the Board.
[FR Doc. 98-8829 Filed 4 -3 -9 8 ; 8:45 am]
BILLING CODE 6210 -01 -P