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F ederal Reser ve Bank



C irc u la r No. 78-176
December 20, 1978


Enclosed a re copies of re vise d pages to B u lletin 8, "Collection of Cash Item s,"
and B ulletin 11, "In struction s to C ollecting and Paying B an k s." Also enclosed is a r e ­
v is e d c o p y of R eg u la tio n J , effective September 1, 1977, containing the latest amend­
ments .
T h e revisio n s to B u lletin 8 and B u lletin 11 re fle c t the follow ing changes in
System procedures for handling certain re tu rn items.

T h is Bank w ill re tu rn to the sender all items that cannot be
handled as cash item s. T h e p ractice of c h arg in g back and en­
te rin g for collection items of $1,000 or more received from a
sender located outside the c ity of the re ceivin g Federal Reserve
office w ill be discontinued. In a d d itio n , an e n tire cash letter
which does not conform to p res crib ed sorting requirem ents may
be retu rn ed and charged back to the s e n d e r.


When a sender alleges late re tu rn of a cash item by a paying
b an k, the statement of the paying bank to obtain a re ve rs al of the
charges for the item must be signed by an officer of the paying
bank ra th e r than by any authorized re p re sen ta tive.

Member banks and others who m aintain a Regulations B in d er should file the
revised pages of B u lletins 8 and 11 and the copy of Regulation J in th e ir b in d e r and the
corresponding pages of the b u lletin s and the regulation and subsequent amendments
should be removed and destro yed.
Questions concerning these revisions should be d irected to L a r r y J . Reck, As­
sistant V ic e President a t the Head O ffice, E xt. 6337; Robert W. S ch u ltz, Assistant V ice
President at the El Paso B ra n c h , (915) 544-4730; V ernon L . B artee, Assistant V ic e Pres­
ident a t the Houston B ran c h , (713) 659-4433; o r Thomas H . Robertson, A ssistant V ice
President at the San Antonio B ra n c h , (512) 224-2141.
S in c e re ly y o u rs ,
Robert H . Boykin
F irs t V ic e President

Banks and others are encouraged to use the following incoming WATS numbers in contacting this Bank:
1-800-492-4403 (intrastate) and 1-800-527-4970 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus
the extension referred to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Historical Library


Section 1, GENERAL
This bulletin is directed to the member banks of
the Eleventh Federal Reserve District and others
1.00 Collection contract
Regulation J, this bulletin, and our time sched­
ules prescribe the terms and conditions upon
which we will handle cash items for collection.
1.05 Authority
This bulletin, our Bulletin 11, and our time sched­
ules Bulletin 10 are issued pursuant to the pro­
visions of sections 4, 13, 14(e), and 16 of the
Federal Reserve Act and the provisions of re­
lated statutes and in conformity with the pro­
visions of Regulation J.

2.00 Definitions, reference to Regulation J
All terms defined in Regulation J and used herein
have the meanings stated in that regulation.
2.05 Reference to Bulletin 1
Several definitions, rules of construction, and
other provisions applicable to this bulletin are
found in our Bulletin 1, General Provisions, and
are incorporated herein by reference.

Section 3, CASH ITEMS
3.00 Items which will be handled as cash items
Except as otherwise provided by this bulletin,
the following items may be sent to this bank
for handling as cash items in accordance with
and subject to the provisions of Regulation J,
of this bulletin, and of our time schedules:
(a) Checks drawn upon any bank included in
the current “Federal Reserve Par List”, which
indicates the banks upon which checks are col­
lectible at par through the Federal Reserve banks
and is furnished from time to time and supple­
mented each month to show changes subsequent
to the last complete list.
‘Instructions pertaining to the handling of cash items by
collecting and paying banks are contained in our Bul­
letin 11, entitled "Instructions to Collecting Banks and
Paying Banks.”


(b) Government checks, postal money orders,
and food coupons.2
(c) Such other demand items, collectible at par
in funds acceptable to the Federal Reserve bank
of the district3 in which such items are payable,
as we may be willing to accept as cash items.
3.05 Items not received from sender
Whenever any instrument is accepted by us for
credit to our own account, the account of
another Federal Reserve bank, or any account
on our books, we will handle the instrument as
a cash item if it would have been a cash item
but for the fact that it was not sent to us by a
3.10Items which will not be handled as cash
This bank will not handle any item as a cash
item if
(a) A passbook, certificate, or any other docu­
ment is attached to the item; or
(b) Special instructions, including requests for
special advice of payment or dishonor, accom­
pany the item; or
(c) The item consists of more than a single
thickness of paper, except as provided in sec­
tion 12 of this bulletin; provided, however, that
any mutilated, erroneously-encoded or other
cash item contained in a carrier qualifying under
existing standards for handling by high-speed
check-processing equipment will be handled by
us as a cash item; or
(d) Except as provided in Section 12 of this bul­
letin, the item has not been preprinted, or post­
encoded before its receipt by us, with (1) the
routing symbol and the suffix of the transit num­
ber of the paying bank (or nonbank payor), and
(2) the dollar amount of the item, in magnetic
ink in E-13B type in the manner prescribed, and
at the location assigned, by the A.B.A.; pro­
vided, however, that this Bank will handle such
items as cash items when, in our judgment, spe­
cial circumstances justify such handling.
’Provisions governing the collection of the foregoing cash
items are contained in Supplem ents A, B, and C, respec­
tively, of this bulletin.
'For the purposes of this bulletin, the Virgin Islands and
Puerto Rico shall be deemed to be in or of the Second
Federal Reserve District; Guam and American Samoa
shall be deemed to be in or of the T w elfth Federal Re­
serve District. S ee Regulation J, note 1.



Such items, if sent to this Bank for collection,
should be sent only as noncash items and, if so
sent, will be received by us for collection subject
to all the terms and conditions of Regulation J
and of our bulletin relating to the collection of
noncash items.
3.15 Handling of nonconforming items
In the event that an item which will not be
handled as a cash item by virtue of this bulletin
is sent to any Federal Reserve Bank in a cash
letter, the Federal Reserve Bank will charge it
back and return it to the sender. In addition, we
reserve the right to return and charge back an
entire cash letter which does not conform to the
sorting requirements of this bulltin and of our
time schedules.
3.20 Discretion to return or handle as noncash
This Bank will not handle any item if the item
has been dishonored two or more times. We re­
serve the right, in our discretion, to return or
handle as a noncash item any item which has
been dishonored or if special conditions require
that it be handled as a noncash item, and this
Bank shall decide whether such special condi­
tions exist.
3.25 Items received from, payable by same bank
A cash item payable by or through one office of
a bank will not be received from another office
of the same bank for collection as either a cash
or a noncash item by us or by any other Federal
Reserve Bank.

4.00 Regulation J
Regulation J prescribes terms and conditions
under which all Federal Reserve Banks will col­
lect checks and other cash items for the senders
thereof. Such terms and conditions and the
terms and conditions of this bulletin, our Bulle­
tin 11, and of our time schedules will apply to
the handling of all cash items which we accept
for collection thereunder and to the handling of
all bank drafts and other forms of payment or
remittance which we receive for such items.

4.05 Bulletins
Section 210.3 of Regulation J provides that the
provisions of that regulation and of the operat­
ing bulletins of the Federal Reserve Banks shall
be binding upon the sender of a cash item and
shall be binding upon each collecting bank, pay­
ing bank, and nonbank payor to which the Fed­
eral Reserve Bank, or any subsequent collecting
bank, presents, sends, or forwards a cash item
received by the Federal Reserve Bank. Section
210.16 of Regulation J provides that each Fed­
eral Reserve Bank shall issue operating bulletins
not inconsistent with the provisions of that regu­
lation governing the details of its operations in
the handling of cash items and containing such
other matters as are required by the provisions
of that regulation.
4.10 Items payable outside this district
A cash item payable in any other Federal Re­
serve district and forwarded for collection to the
Federal Reserve Bank of such other district by
us or sent direct to such Federal Reserve Bank
for our account by a sender which maintains or
uses an account with us will be handled by such
Federal Reserve Bank subject to the terms and
conditions of Regulation J and of the applicable
bulletins and time schedules of such Federal
Reserve Bank; but we will give credit to the
sender for such item in accordance with our
time schedules.
4.15 Indirect routing discouraged
Under Section 4-204(1) of the Uniform Commer­
cial Code, a collecting bank must send items by
reasonable prompt methods, taking into consid­
eration any relevant instruction, the nature of
the items, the number of such items on hand, the
cost of collection involved, and the methods
generally used by it or others to present such
items. In furtherance of the purpose of this re­
quirement, and in the interests of good banking,
the indirect routing of cash items is discouraged,
and member banks should not send to us or to
other Federal Reserve Banks for our account any
items payable in other Federal Reserve districts
which bear the endorsements of banks located
in other Federal Reserve districts, in cases
where it is evident that such items have been
routed indirectly.

5.00 Preparation of cash letters by senders


senders after receipt by us. For all items ac­
cepted as cash items, the senders will be given
immediate credit or deferred credit, in accor­
dance with such time schedules and as provided
in Regulation J. Credit for cash letters containing
items unsorted as to availability may be deferred
for the longest period of availability prescribed
by the current time schedules of this Bank with
respect to any item enclosed.
7.05 Availability not actual payment
Time schedules do not in many instances show
the actual time required for collection, and ad­
vices from us showing the availability of items
cannot be considered as advices of actual pay­
ment on the dates of availability. Credit will in
all instances be subject to receipt of payment
by us in actually and finally collected funds.
7.10 Immediate credit
For all such cash items as are accepted for im­
mediate credit in accordance with our current
time schedules, immediate credit will be given
upon our books at full face value in the reserve
account or other appropriate account upon the
day of receipt, and the proceeds will at once be
counted as reserves for the purposes of Regula­
tion D and become available for withdrawal and
other use by the sender; provided, however, that
we may in our discretion refuse at any time to
permit the withdrawal or other use of credit
given for any item for which we have not yet
received payment in actually and finally col­
lected funds.
7.15 Deferred credit
For all such cash items as are accepted for de­
ferred credit in accordance with our current
time schedules, deferred credit will be entered
upon our books at full face value, but the pro­
ceeds will not be counted as reserves for the
purposes of Regulation D nor become available
for withdrawal or other use by the sender until
the expiration of the time specified in our time
schedules, at which time credit will be transfer­
red from the deferred account to the reserve ac­
count or other appropriate account and will then
be counted as reserve for the purposes of Regu­
lation D and become available for withdrawal
and other use by the sender; provided, however,
that we may in our discretion refuse at any time


to permit the withdrawal or other use of credit
given for any item for which we have not yet
received payment in actually and finally col­
lected funds.
7.20 Mixed cash letters
Mixed cash letters will be accepted for one-day
credit when presented in accordance with the
following provisions:
Any member bank that has for collection a
daily average of not more than 2,000 immediatecredit and deferred-credit items excluding food
coupons payable outside of the city or town in
which such bank is located may, upon applica­
tion, be permitted to send such items to us un­
sorted with one cash letter: Provided, That the
dollar amount is encoded on each item in ac­
cordance with the ABA Magnetic Ink Charac­
ter Recognition Program: Provided further, That
the items sent to the Federal Reserve Bank by
such bank on any one day shall include all such
items processed by it on that day. Credit for
items so sent, when received by us in time for
presentment on the day of receipt of all immediate-credit items included with such cash letter,
will be given one business day after receipt.
7.25 Late claims for error adjustments
We will send to member banks and other de­
positors maintaining an account on our books
statements of account, which may be supported
by advices, with respect to entries in such an
account made by us in accordance with the pro­
visions of Regulation J and our operating bulle­
tins. If, within one calendar year from the date
of an entry in such an account, such a depositor
fails to advise us in writing of its objection to
such an entry, the depositor, and any sender,
collecting bank, or paying bank using the ac­
count maintained by the depositor which has
handled the item to which the entry relates,
nhall be deemed to have approved the entry and
the statement of account shall be deemed finally
adjusted. The foregoing shall not relieve such
n depositor from the duty of exercising due
diligence to examine statements of account sent
to it and of notifying us immediately upon dis­
covery of any error, nor shall it apply to claims
based upon the breach of a warranty in respect
of an item to which an entry relates by a Federal
Reserve Bank.



on our books of the sender (or Federal Reserve
Bank furnishing such item and statement) with
that amount; provided, however, that such
credit shall be revoked if for any reason this
Bank cannot obtain the amount of such credit
from the paying bank, and such credit to the
sender shall be revoked if this Bank subse­
quently receives not later than fifteen (15)
banking days after this Bank forwarded the
item to the collecting bank or paying bank as
provided in this paragraph, the same cash item
accompanied by a statement, signed by an officer
of the paying bank, that the paying bank took all
action necessary to entitle it to recover its pay­
ment or remittance within the times limited
therefor by the provisions of Regulation J, and
the paying bank (or collecting bank furnishing
such item and statement) will be credited accord­
ingly. No Federal Reserve Bank shall have any
responsibility for determining whether the pay­
ing bank took all action necessary to entitle it to
recover such payment or remittance or whether
the return of the item to it by a collecting bank
was timely.
9.10 Returns without entry
If a cash item is returned without entry, we will
make refund to the returning bank and charge
the sender only if the latter specifically autho­
rizes us to do so.

Instructions pertaining to the handling of cash
items by collecting banks and paying banks are
set forth in our Bulletin 11.

9.00 Information to senders regarding return
The attention of senders is called to our “In­
structions to Collecting Banks and Paying
Banks” to the effect that (1) each paying bank
which takes or receives a credit or obtains a
refund in respect of a cash item received by it
from or through a Federal Reserve Bank war­
rants to such Federal Reserve Bank, to a subse­
quent collecting bank, and to the sender and
all prior parties that it took all action necessary
to entitle it to recover such payment within the
times limited therefor; (2) a collecting bank
which returns an unpaid item to a Federal
Reserve Bank warrants to such Federal Reserve
Bank and to the sender and all prior parties that
its return of the item was timely; and (3) if a
paying or collecting bank, in accordance with
applicable State law, makes a direct return to
the depositary bank of an unpaid cash item
which it has received from or through us or
any other Federal Reserve Bank, any provisional
credit for the item between such paying or col­
lecting bank and this Bank or any other Federal
Reserve Bank, between this Bank or any other
Federal Reserve Bank and the sender, and be­
tween this Bank and any other Federal Reserve
Bank shall become and remain final.
9.05 Untimely return of unpaid items
If we are once furnished with a cash item ac­
companied by a statement, signed by an author­
ized representative of a sender [other than a
Federal Reserve Bank), that, upon the informa­
tion and belief of such sender, the paying bank
did not take all action necessary to entitle it to
recover its payment or remittance for such cash
item within the times limited therefor by the pro­
visions of Regulation J, thereby causing loss to
the sender, we shall, on the basis of such state­
ment, charge the amount of the item to the ac­
count maintained or used by, and forward the
item to, the collecting bank or paying bank to
which the item was originally presented, sent or
forwarded by this Bank and credit the account

10.00 Direct sending of cash items to other
Federal Reserve Banks
Member banks and other senders maintaining or
using accounts with us which have a substan­
tial volume or dollar amount of cash items pay­
able in any other Federal Reserve district which
they wish to collect through the Federal Reserve
Banks are required to apply to us for authority
to send such items direct to the Federal Reserve
Bank of the district in which such items are pay­
able for collection and credit to us; provided,
however, that we may, in our discretion, with­
draw such authority at any time. Appropriate
instructions will be transmitted to the member
and nonmember clearing banks and other send­
ers which are authorized to send direct.
10.05 Right to refuse interdistrict items autho­
rized for direct sending
In the event that any sender maintaining or
using an account with us has, in our judgment,
a sufficient volume or dollar amount of cash




5.15 Warranty of paying banks
In accordance with section 210.12(b) of Regula­
tion J, each paying bank which takes or receives
credit or obtains a refund in respect of a cash
item received by it from or through us, war­
rants to us, to any subsequent collecting bank,
and to the sender and all prior parties that it
took all action necessary to entitle it to recover
such payment within the times limited therefor.

provisions of Regulation J and our operating
bulletins. If, within one calendar year from the
date of an entry in such an account, such a
depositor fails to advise us in writing of its
objection to such an entry, the depositor, and any
sender, collecting bank, or paying bank using the
account maintained by the depositor which has
handled the item to which the entry relates, shall
be deemed to have approved the entry and the
statement of account shall be deemed finally ad­
justed. The foregoing shall not relieve such a
depositor from the duty of exercising due dili­
gence to examine statements of account sent to it
and of notifying us immediately upon discovery
of any error, nor shall it apply to claims based
upon the breach of a warranty in respect of an
item to which an entry relates by a Federal
Reserve Bank.

5.20 Return without entry
A paying bank or a collecting bank may return
to us without entry a cash item which the paying
bank or collecting bank did not return on time,
with the request that we ask our sender to make
refund therefor, in which event we shall make
refund to the paying bank or collecting bank
and charge our sender only if the latter spe­
cifically authorizes us to do so.


5.25 First and second returns

5.00 Recovery
If a paying bank returns to us an unpaid cash
item in accordance with the provisions of sec­
tion 210.12 of Regulation J,4 it may recover any
payment or remittance theretofore made by it
for such item by requesting a credit therefor to
an account on our books; and paying banks are
urged to follow this procedure to the extent
practicable. However, any such paying bank may
return any such unpaid item to us for refund.
5.05 Time for return by collecting banks
Any collecting bank which receives an unpaid
cash item from a paying bank for return to us
is hereby directed to forward the return item
to us before midnight of its next banking day
following the banking day of its receipt of the
return item, or as such time may be extended
by operation of section 210.14 of Regulation J.
5.10 Warranty of collecting banks
A collecting bank which takes or receives a
credit or obtains a refund for the amount of any
remittance made by it in respect of a cash item
forwarded to it by us and returned to us by it
(1) Warrants to us and to the sender of the item
and all prior parties thereon that its return of the
unpaid item to us was timely; and
(2) Agrees to indemnify us for any loss or ex­
pense sustained (including but not limited to
attorneys’ fees and expense of litigation) result­
ing from its breach of such warranty.

If the cash item is being dishonored and returned
for the first time, the paying bank is urged to
stamp the following symbol on the upper right
hand area of the face of the item: ★ . If the cash
item is being dishonored and returned for the
second time, the paying bank shall invalidate
the MICR routing number on the face of the item
in such a manner that the item will no longer
qualify for handling by high-speed automated
check processing equipment. No Federal Reserve
Bank shall have any responsibility for handling
as a cash item an item whose MICR routing num­
ber has not been invalidated as required.
5.30 Reason for nonpayment on item
Each cash item returned unpaid should bear a
notation clearly indicating the reason for non­
5.35 Federal Reserve responsibility
If we are once furnished with a cash item accom­
panied by a statement, signed by an authorized
representative of a sender (other than a Federal
Reserve Bank), that, upon the information and
belief of such sender, the paying bank did not
take all action necessary to entitle it to recover
its payment or remittance for such cash item
within the times limited therefor by the provi­
sions of Regulation J, thereby causing loss to the
sender, we shall, on the basis of such statement,
charge the amount of the item to the account
maintained or used by, and forward the item to,

‘Section 210.12 of Regulation J is set forth in Supplem ent A to this bulletin.





the collecting bank or paying bank to which the
item was originally presented, sent or forwarded
by us and credit the account on our books of the
sender (or Federal Reserve Bank furnishing such
item and statement) with that amount; provided,
however, that such credit to the sender shall be
revoked if for any reason we cannot obtain the
amount of such credit from the paying bank, and
such credit to the sender shall be revoked if we
subsequently receive not later than fifteen (15)
banking days after we forwarded the item to the
collecting bank or paying bank as provided in
this paragraph, the same cash item accompanied
by a statement, signed by an officer of the paying
bank, that the paying bank took all action neces­
sary to entitle it to recover its payment or remit­
tance within the times limited therefor by the
provisions of Regulation J, and the paying bank
(or collecting bank furnishing such item and
statement) will be credited accordingly. No Fed­
eral Reserve Bank shall have any responsibility
for determining whether the paying bank took
all action necessary to entitle it to recover such
payment or remittance or whether the return of
the item to it by a collecting bank was timely.


Except as provided in section 6.05 hereof, all
paying banks and collecting banks must receive,
handle, and forward cash items in accordance
with the following uniform instructions regard­
ing protest and wire advice of nonpayment; and
any contrary or special instructions noted on
cash letters or otherwise transmitted with cash
items are to be disregarded:
(1) PROTEST any dishonored item of $2,500 or
(a) Which appears on its face to have been
drawn at a place which is not within any state,6
unless it bears on its face the ABA no-protest
symbol of a Federal Reserve Bank or of a pre­
ceding bank endorser, or
(b) Which bears on its face the legend, "PRO­
TEST REQUIRED,” of a Federal Reserve Bank
or of a preceding bank endorser.
(a) Any item of less than $2,500, or
(b) Any item of $2,500 or over unless it is protestable under subparagraph (1).
(3) WIRE ADVICE of nonpayment of any item
of $2,500 or over, unless it has not been paid
because of a missing, irregular, or unsatisfactory
endorsement or unless it bears on its face the
legend, "DO NOT WIRE NONPAYMENT,” of a
Federal Reserve Bank or a preceding bank en­
dorser. Include in the advice of nonpayment,
the amount of the item, the reason for nonpay­
ment, the date of our cash letter, the name of
the drawer or maker, and the names of all en­
dorsers preceding the Federal Reserve Bank or
their ABA transit numbers, if any. Wire ad­
vices of nonpayment should be furnished in a
form similar to that which is used in the follow­
ing specimen:
Returning $2,513.24 insufficient funds yours
18th maker John Doe endorsed 37-2 17th
88-4185 16th and Richard Roe.

5.40 Maintenance of records
For its own protection each paying and collect­
ing bank returning cash items to us for any
reason should maintain adequate records to per­
mit the reproduction or tracing of any items lost
or destroyed in transit.
5.45 Provisional credits
If a paying bank or a collecting bank makes, in
accordance with applicable state law, a direct
return to the depositary bank of an unpaid cash
item which it has received from or through us
or any other Federal Reserve Bank, any provi­
sional credit for the item:
(1) Between such paying bank or collecting bank
and this Bank or any other Federal Reserve
(2) Between this Bank or any other Federal Re­
serve Bank and the sender; and
(3) Between this Bank and any other Federal
Reserve Bank
shall become and remain final.

(4) DO NOT WIRE ADVICE of nonpayment of:
(a) Any item less than $2,500; or
(b) Any item of $2,500 or over unless such ad­
vice is required by subparagraph (3).



United States obligations

VICE of nonpayment of any cash item, regard-

"The term “state" is defined in section 210.2(n) of Regulation J to mean any state of the United States, the District of
Columbia, or Puerto Rico, or any territory, p ossession , or dependency of the United States.