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October 24, 1958


To the Member Bank Addressed:

We enclose a copy of our Bulletin No. 4, dated November 1, 1958, relat­
ing to reports of deposits. It supersedes Bulletin No. 4, dated July 1, 1947,
and our circular letter of October 20, 1949, relating to the waiver, in certain
circumstances, of penalties for deficient reserves. It will be noted that the
information given in the circular letter is now incorporated in the bulletin.
The bulletin now provides that member banks will furnish, in addition
to figures relating to deposits, a separate listing of U. S. Government de­
mand deposits and a report of currency and coin on hand, and in transit if
carried in the bank’s assets. We enclose a supply of new forms to be used in
reporting deposits for reserve purposes and in supplying the additional
information. Please destroy all of the old forms now on hand to prevent
their inadvertent use at some future date.
The new form should be used for the reserve computation period begin­
ning November 1, 1958, and ending November 15, 1958, and thereafter.
Your cooperation in placing this new form into use as requested will be
greatly appreciated.
The member bank should acknowledge receipt of the new bulletin, on
the enclosed postal card, and substitute it for the superseded bulletin and
letter in its ring binder.
Yours very truly,
Watrous H. Irons

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


November 1, 1958
(Superseding Bulletin No. 4,
dated July 1, 1947)


T o the Member Banks o f the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

Unless otherwise stated, all references to the Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas include the head office and all of its branches.
Under Section 19 o f the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, every member
bank is required to establish and maintain a reserve balance as prescribed by
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System within the limitations
set forth in the section mentioned. The percentages applicable to the various
classes o f banks will be found in the current supplement to Regulation D
issued by the Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System.

For the determination o f reserve status and other purposes, the Board o f
Governors o f the Federal Reserve System is authorized to define the various
classes o f deposits. The Board’s definitions o f the terms “ Demand Deposits,”
“ Gross Demand Deposits,” “ Savings Deposits,” “ Cash Items in Process of
Collection,” and “ Net Demand Deposits” will be found in Regulation D.

In order that the Federal Reserve Bank may determine whether reserves
have been maintained as required by law, each member bank is required to
report on forms provided for that purpose, the amounts o f its gross demand
deposits (broken down into “ Demand Deposits o f Banks” and “ Other Demand
Deposits” ) , its balances subject to immediate withdrawal due from other
banks, its cash items in process o f collection, and its time deposits. In addition,
member banks are requested to furnish information with respect to “ Currency
and Coin” and “ U. S. Government Demand Deposits.” All figures should be
reported in thousands o f dollars.
In preparing the report o f deposits subject to reserve requirements, the
amounts inserted opposite each date must represent the balances at the opening
o f business on that date. Accordingly, balances for Sunday and Monday will
be identical and will be those at the close o f business on Saturday. I f Saturday
is a nonbusiness day balances for Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be
identical and will be those at the close o f Friday. Balances reported for a holiday
will be those at the close o f the preceding business day, and they will be
repeated for the next business day.


— 2—

T o determine the amount o f reserves required, the formula outlined on
Page 4 o f this bulletin should be followed. A s indicated by parenthetical refer­
ences, the various items in the formula correspond to certain items and schedules
in the call reports o f condition. Please note that gross demand deposits are to
be divided into (a ) demand deposits o f banks, and (b ) other demand deposits,
and should include all o f the demand deposit liabilities that would be shown
in Schedule E o f the call reports o f condition. It will be observed that at the
top o f each column o f the form provided for reporting deposits subject to
reserve requirements, there is inserted a reference to the corresponding items
and schedules in the call reports o f condition.

The form provided for the reporting o f deposits subject to reserve require­
ments includes columns for reporting certain memorandum information. In
the column captioned “ Currency and Coin,” the balances reported should
include all currency and coin owned and held in the bank, and all currency
and coin in transit if included in the reporting bank’s assets. In the column
captioned “ U. S. Government Demand Deposits,” the balances reported should
include, among other such deposits, balances in the Treasury T ax and Loan
Account and in the Series E Bond Account. Please note that U. S. Government
Demand Deposits are also reportable as a part o f “ Other Demand Deposits”
in the second column o f the form. The report form indicates the corresponding
items and schedules in the call reports o f condition.

Penalties for deficiencies will be assessed monthly on the basis o f average
daily deficiencies during each o f the reserve computation periods ending in the
preceding calendar month.
The penalty for deficiencies in reserves has been fixed by the Board of
Governors o f the Federal Reserve System at a rate o f 2 per cent per annum
above the Reserve Bank rate applicable to discounts of 90-day commercial paper
for member banks, in efifect on the first day o f the calendar month in which
the computation period ends.

The Board o f Governors has given the Federal Reserve banks authority,
in their discretion, to waive the assessment o f penalties for deficiencies in the
reserves o f member banks under the following circumstances:1
(1 ) W hen a member bank is deficient in reserves during any reserve com­
putation period, the penalty for the deficiency may be waived to the
extent that the deficiency is offset by excess reserves during the
immediately following reserve computation period, provided that such
deficiency does not exceed two per cent o f the member bank’s required


(2 ) W hen a member bank is deficient in reserves during a reserve computa­
tion period which ends on a nonbusiness day o f the member bank or o f
its Federal Reserve bank, the penalty for the deficiency may be waived
to the extent that the inclusion o f that day in the next reserve compu­
tation period would reduce or eliminate the deficiency. ( I f the period
in which the deficiency occurs ends with two or more nonbusiness days,
they may all be included in the next reserve computation period.)
W ith respect to paragraph (2 ) above the Federal Reserve Bank will make
any necessary adjustment or revision o f the reports for periods ending on non­
business days and for the next succeeding period. N o change is necessary in
the reporting procedure o f the member bank.
These rules have been adopted with the definite objective o f reducing the
number o f occasions on which member banks might otherwise incur deficient
reserve penalties. However, the law contemplates that member banks should
make reasonable efforts to hold and maintain the prescribed reserve balances
from day to day, making allowance for unforeseen fluctuations in deposits and
reserves, even though penalties are assessed on daily average deficiencies over
prescribed periods.

The right is reserved to withdraw, add to, or amend at any time, any o f the
provisions o f this bulletin.
W atrous H . Irons

Form approved
Budget Bureau No. 55-R159.2

Form F.R. 414
Rev. October, 1958


(For definitions of the terms gross demand deposits, deductions allowed in computing
reserves, cash items in process of collection, net demand deposits and time deposits, see
Regulation D of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.)
(a) Demand deposits of banks1 (opening of business)
(Corresponds to items 4 and 5 in Schedule E of call reports of condition)


(b) Other demand deposits (opening of business)
-------------------------------------------------------- $.
(Corresponds to items 1, 2, 3, and 6 in Schedule E of call reports of condition)
(a) Cash items in process of collection, except to the extent included in item 2-b
(including checks with Federal Reserve Banks in process of collection and
checks on hand which will be presented for payment or forwarded for
collection on the following business day) (opening of business)
(Corresponds to item 1 in Schedule D of call reports of condition)


(b) Balances subject to immediate withdrawal due from other banks (including
cash items forwarded to a correspondent bank for collection and credit
and charged to "Due from banks,” but excluding balances due from Federal
Reserve Banks, from foreign banks or branches thereof, from foreign
branches of domestic banks, or from private banks)1 (opening of b u s in e s s ) ________
(Corresponds to item 2 in Schedule D of call reports of condition)
3. NET DEMAND DEPOSITS (item 1 minus item 2

) .............................................. -

4. TIME DEPOSITS (opening of business)
(See Schedule F of call reports of condition for items constituting time deposits)
(a) On net demand deposits (item 3 above) :
Banks in central reserve cities, ______ per cent
Banks in reserve cities, ______ per cent











Banks located elsewhere, ______ per cent











(b) On time deposits (item 4 above) : ...........per cent


(c) Total reserve to be maintained with Federal Reserve Bank
(a) Currency and coin (opening of business) (Corresponds to item 6 in Schedule D of call reports of condition — include currency
and coin in transit if included in assets)
(b) U. S. Government demand deposits (opening of business)
Reciprocal interbank demand deposits with banks in the United States, except private banks and American
branches of foreign banks, must be reported net.
2For current required reserve percentages, see latest supplement to Regulation D.