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Fe d e r al R eserve



Da ll a s


September 4, 1963


To AH Member Banks in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
Effective August 1, 1963, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System adopted a revision of Regulation M affecting foreign
branches of national banks. Under Section 25 of the Federal Reserve
Act the Board may authorize national banks to establish branches
abroad for the furtherance of United States foreign commerce.
The new Regulation is designed primarily to implement an amend­
ment to Section 25 of the Act pursuant to Public Law 87-588, which
empowered the Board to issue regulations authorizing foreign
branches of national banks to exercise additional powers (with certain
exceptions) which are usual in connection with banking business
abroad, and to simplify the procedure under which a national bank
may establish additional branches in a particular foreign country.
The Board also adopted on August 1, 1963, an amendment to Sec­
tions 208.8 (d) and (e) of Regulation H to conform the procedure under
which a member State bank may establish branches abroad to that
set forth with respect to national banks in the revision of Regula­
tion M.
Enclosed are copies of the revised Regulation M and the amend­
ment to Regulation H for insertion in ring binders containing the
Regulations of the Board of Governors and the Bulletins of this bank.
The existing copy of Regulation M, effective August 14, 1937, should
be destroyed.
Yours very truly,
Watrous H. Irons

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


Any inquiry relating to this regulation should be addressed to the
Federal Reserve Bank o f the district in which the inquiry arises.

(12 CFR PART 213)
Revised effective August 1, 1963


Pursuant to authority conferred upon it by section 25 of the
Federal Reserve A c tt (the “ A ct” ), as amended (12 U.S.C. 601-604a),
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “ Board” )
prescribes the following regulations relating to foreign branches of
national banks.

For the purposes of this part—
“ Foreign branch” means any branch established by a national
bank pursuant to section 25 of the Act.
(fc>) “ Foreign country” or “ country” includes any foreign nation or
colony, dependency, or possession thereof, any overseas territory, de­
pendency, or insular possession of the United States, or the Common­
wealth of Puerto Rico.

A foreign branch may be established with prior Board permission.
If a national bank has established a branch in a foreign country, it
may, unless otherwise advised by the Board, establish other branches
in that country after thirty days’ notice to the Board with respect to
each such branch.

In addition to its other powers, a foreign branch may, subject to
§ 213.5 and so far as usual in connection with the transaction of the
business of banking in the places where it shall transact business:
(a) Guarantee customers’ debts or otherwise agree for their benefit
to make payments on the occurrence of readily ascertainable events,*1
if the guarantee or agreement specifies its maximum monetary lia­
bility thereunder; but, except to the extent secured with respect
* The text corresponds to the Code o f Federal Regulations, Title 12, Chapter II, Part 213 ;
cited as 12 CFR Part 213.
t Pertinent portions of this section are printed in the Appendix.
1 Including, but not limited to, such types of events as nonpayment of taxes, rentals,
customs duties, or costs of transport and loss or nonconformance of shipping documents.




S ecs . 213.4-213.5

thereto, no national hank may have such liabilities outstanding (1)
in an aggregate amount exceeding 50 per cent of its capital and surplus
or (2) for any customer in excess of the amount by which 10 per cent
of its capital and surplus exceeds the aggregate of such customer’s
“ obligations” to it which are subject to any limitation under section
5200 of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 84);
(6) Accept drafts or bills of exchange drawn upon it, which shall be
treated as “ commercial drafts or bills” for the purposes of paragraphs
(c), (d), and (e) of § 203.1 of Part 203 (Reg. C ) ;
(c) Acquire and hold securities (including certificates or other
evidences of ownership or participation) of the central bank, clearing
houses, governmental entities, and development banks of the country
in which it is located, unless after such an acquisition the aggregate
amount invested by the branch in such securities (exclusive of securi­
ties held as required by the law of that country or as authorized
under section 5136 of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24)) would
exceed one per cent of its total deposits on the preceding year-end call
report date (or on the date of such acquisition in the case of a newly
established branch which has not so reported);
(d) Underwrite, distribute, buy, and sell obligations of the na­
tional government of the country in which it is located; 2 but no bank
may hold, or be under commitment with respect to, obligations of
such a government as a result of underwriting, dealing in, or purchas­
ing for its own account in an aggregate amount exceeding 10 per cent
of its capital and surplus;
(e) Take liens or other encumbrances on foreign real estate in
connection with its extensions of credit, whether or not of first priority
and whether or not such real estate is improved or has been appraised;
(/) Extend credit to an executive officer of the branch in an amount
not to exceed $20,000 or its equivalent in order to finance the acqui­
sition or construction of living quarters to be used as his residence
abroad, provided each such credit extension is promptly reported to its
home office.

(a) Nothing in § 213.4 shall authorize a foreign branch to engage
in the general business of producing, distributing, buying, or selling
goods, wares, or merchandise or, except as permitted by §213.401), to
engage or participate, directly or indirectly, in the business of under­
writing, selling, or distributing securities.
(b) The continued or prospective exercise of any power under
§ 213.4 shall be subject to any notice interpreting or applying the
terms of this part that a national bank may receive from the Board,
and such bank shall cause its foreign branches to comply therewith;
2 including obligations issued by any agency or instrumentality, and supported by the full
faith and credit, of such government.

S e c s . 213.5-213.6



such branches may, however, unless the Board specifies otherwise,
complete transactions undertaken prior to receipt thereof by the
national bank.
(c) The Board may from time to time require a national bank to
submit information regarding compliance with this part.

The officer in charge of a foreign branch may suspend its operations
during disturbed conditions which, in his judgment, make conduct of
such operations impracticable; but every effort shall be made before
and during such suspension to serve its depositors and customers.
Full information concerning any such suspension shall be promptly
reported to the branch’s home office, which shall immediately send a
copy thereof to the Board through the Federal Reserve Bank of its


Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 601-604a) reads in part as
S e c . 25. Any national banking association possessing a capital and
surplus of $1,000,000 or more may file application with the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System for permission to exercise,
upon such conditions and under such regulations as may be prescibed
by the said board, either or both of the following powers:

First. To establish branches in foreign countries or dependencies or
insular possessions of the United States for the furtherance of the for­
eign commerce of the United States, and to act if required to do so as
fiscal agents of the United States.





Such application shall specify the name and capital of the banking
association filing it, the powers applied for, and the place or places
where the banking or financial operations proposed are to be carried on.
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall have
power to approve or to reject such application in whole or in part if for
any reason the granting of such application is deemed inexpedient, and
shall also have power from time to time to increase or decrease the
number of places where such banking operations may be carried on.
Every national banking association operating foreign branches shall
be required to furnish information concerning the condition of such
branches to the Comptroller of the Currency upon demand, and every
member bank investing in the capital stock of banks or corporations
described above shall be required to furnish information concerning the
condition of such banks or corporations to the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System upon demand, and the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System may order special examinations of the
said branches, banks, or corporations at such time or times as it may
deem best.





Every such national banking association shall conduct the accounts
of each foreign branch independently of the accounts of other foreign
branches established by it and of its home office, and shall at the end
of each fiscal period transfer to its general ledger the profit or loss
accrued at each branch as a separate item.



Regulations issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Re­
serve System under this section, in addition to regulating powers
which a foreign branch may exercise under other provisions of law,
may authorize such a foreign branch, subject to such conditions and
requirements as such regulations may prescribe, to exercise such fur­
ther powers as may be usual in connection with the transaction of the
business of banking in the places where such foreign branch shall
transact business. Such regulations shall not authorize a foreign
branch to engage in the general business of producing, distributing,
buying or selling goods, wares, or merchandise; nor, except to such
limited extent as the Board may deem to be necessary with respect to
securities issued by any ‘foreign state’ as defined in section 25 (b)
of this Act, shall such regulations authorize a foreign branch to en­
gage or participate, directly or indirectly, in the business of under­
writing, selling, or distributing securities.


(12 C F R P A R T 208)
I ssued by t h e B oard of G overnors of t h e F ederal R eserve S y s t e m

E ffe ctiv e August 1, 1963, paragraph ( e ) o f § 208.8 is revoked, and
paragraph ( d ) thereof is amended to read as fo llo w s:






Foreign branches. — With prior Board approval, a member

State bank having capital and surplus o f $1,000,000 or more may e s ­
tablish branches in "foreign co u n trie s” , as defined in § 213.2 ( b ) o f Part
213 (R eg. M).
If a member State bank has establish ed a branch in
such a country, it may, u nless otherw ise ad vised by the Board, estab­
lish other branches therein after thirty d a y s ’ n otice to the Board with
resp ect to each such branch.

Section 2 1 5 . 2 ( b ) of Regulation M defines “ foreign countries" to include
"any foreign nation or colony, dependency, or possession thereof, any over­
seas territory, dependency, or insular possession of the United States, or the
Commonwealth of Puerto R ico .”