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F ed er a l R eser ve Ba n k o f D allas


C i r c u l a r No. 75-75
J u n e 11, 1975


Enclosed a r e r e v i s e d p a g e s 1 , 2 , and 3 of Bulletin 13, "Collection
of C ash Items T h r o u g h the Regional C heck P r o c e s s in g C e n t e r . " T h e r e v i ­
sion on p a g e s 1 an d 2 is th e deletion of p a r t of p a r a g r a p h ( b ) , Section 3,
c o n c e r n in g a n y b a n k w h ich s e n d s to RCPCs a d a ily a v e r a g e of few er th a n
100 c a s h items p e r d a y . T h e r e v is io n of p a g e 3 is the d eletion of th e seco n d
a n d t h i r d p a r a g r a p h s of Section 5. T h e s e p a r a g r a p h s no longer a p p ly a s
r e t u r n items a r e h a n d le d in a c c o r d a n c e with Section 9 of Bulletin 8 an d S e c ­
tion 5 of Bui letin 11.
If you have a n y q u e s tio n s c o n c e r n in g th e s e r e v i s i o n s , p le a s e
c o ntact a n y officer h a v in g r e s p o n s ib il ity o v e r th e c h e c k collection function
at th e Head Office o r th e a p p r o p r i a t e B ra n ch o ffice r.
Please file th e p a g e s in y o u r b i n d e r of R egulations a n d remove
the c o r r e s p o n d i n g u n c u r r e n t p a g e s . T h e p a g e s rem oved from y o u r b i n d e r
sh o u ld be d e s t r o y e d .
Additional copies of th e a tta c h e d r e v i s e d p a g e s of Bulletin 13
will be f u r n i s h e d u pon r e q u e s t to th e S e c r e t a r y 's Office of th is B ank.
Sincerely y o u rs ,
T . W. P la n t
F i r s t V ic e P r e s i d e n t

E n c lo s u re s

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (



Section 1, GENERAL

2.20 Use of term “Participating Bank”

This bulletin is directed to the appropriate mem­
ber and nonmember banks of the Eleventh Fed­
eral Reserve District and others concerned:

The term “Participating Bank” refers to any
member or nonmember bank shown in the cur­
rent supplements to this bulletin.

1.00 Collection contract

2.25 Use of term “Correspondent Bank”

Regulation J and this bulletin prescribe the terms
and conditions upon which we will handle cash
items for collection at Regional Check Processing

A “Correspondent Bank” in this bulletin means
a member bank that a Participating Bank may
designate by agreement for purposes of any set­
tlement necessitated by the Participating Bank’s
use of the RCPCs.

1.05 Authority
This bulletin is issued pursuant to the provisions
of sections 4, 13, 14(e), and 16 of the Federal
Reserve Act and the related statutes and in con­
formity with the provisions of related statutes
and Regulation J.

2.00 Definitions, references to Regulation J
All terms defined in Regulation J and used herein
have the meanings stated in that regulation.

2.05 Reference to Bulletin 1
Several definitions, rules of construction, and
other provisions applicable to this bulletin are
found in our Bulletin 1, General Provisions, and
are incorporated herein by reference.

2.10 Reference to Bulletins 8,11, and 12
Except as may otherwise be specifically pro­
vided in this bulletin, all provisions of our Bul­
letins 8, 11, and 12 shall be applicable to cash
items sent to Regional Check Processing Centers.

2.15 Use of term “Regional Check Processing
Center” (RCPC)
The term “Regional Check Processing Center”
(RCPC) means the location of a facility operated
by or under contract with the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas or its Branches for the receipt and
handling, pursuant to the provisions of this bul­
letin, of cash items to be presented or forwarded
for collection to any Participating Bank.

2.30 Use of term “Relay Station”
The term “Relay Station” means any location des­
ignated by this Bank for the receipt of cash items
sent thereto, by any Participating Bank with per­
mission of this Bank, for transport to an RCPC
and subsequent handling pursuant to the provi­
sions of this bulletin.


Requirements for handling by RCPCs

RCPCs will handle as cash items all items which
fulfill the below requirements and which are to be
presented to a Participating Bank from any Fed­
eral Reserve Bank, from any member bank of
another Federal Reserve District for account of
such other Federal Reserve Bank, from any mem­
ber bank of this District, from a Participating
Bank, or from a Correspondent Bank.
Except as otherwise provided by this bulletin, all
items sent for handling to RCPCs must meet the
requirements of section 3 in our Bulletin 8 and
must also:
(a) Be preprinted or post-encoded with the rout­
ing symbol and suffix of the transit number of
the paying bank in magnetic ink in E-13B type in
the manner prescribed and at the location as­
signed by the ABA;
(b) Be amount-encoded in the manner prescribed,
and at the location assigned by the ABA;



(c) Be separately sorted in separate cash letters
of Government checks, postal money orders,
food stamp coupons, and items drawn on a Par­
ticipating Bank;and

bank’s reserve account. Each cash letter will be
debited in full with subsequent adjustments for
return items and errors.

(d) Be properly endorsed as set forth in section 5
of our Bulletin 8.

The following forms will be executed by Partici­
pating Banks for payment of cash letters:

3.05 Unsorted cash items, 2,000 items daily
Any member bank that has for collection a daily
average of not more than 2,000 amount-encoded
items drawn on Participating Banks and items
which originate from outside the RCPC area and
which are payable outside the city or town in
which such bank is located, may, upon applica­
tion, be permitted to send all those items to this
bank unsorted in one cash letter. Credit for items
so sent, when received in time for presentment
on the day of receipt of all items drawn on Par­
ticipating Banks included with such cash letter,
will be given one business day after receipt.

3.10 Cash items received from a Correspondent
With respect to any cash item received from a
Correspondent Bank under the terms of this bul­
letin, the relationships, rights, warranties, and
liabilities existing between the Correspondent
Bank and this Bank will be deemed to be the
same, and the provisions of Regulation J and this
Bank’s bulletins shall apply, as though the Cor­
respondent Bank had endorsed such items and
sent them to the RCPC for its own account.

3.15 Cash items received at Relay Stations
With the permission of this Bank, cash items
may be sent to Relay Stations, and when received
there, shall be deemed to have been received at
the appropriate RCPC.

4.00 Time of payment
Payment for each cash letter will be effected on
the day of presentment by a debit to a member


Forms to be used

(a) An Automatic Charge Authorization covering
automatic charges to a member bank’s reserve
account for items presented to it.
(b) An Automatic Charge Authorization to be ex­
ecuted by a member or nonmember bank des­
ignating the reserve account of another bank to
be charged for payment of items drawn on the
former. Any member bank authorizing use of its
reserve account in this manner shall be deemed
to designate the bank executing the agreement
its agent to send cash items to the clearing center
and to receive return items.
(c) A Letter of Authority to Deliver Cash Letters
to a Processing Center to be used in conjunction
with either of the previously named two agree­


Effects of new agreements

An executed form of Automatic Charge Authori­
zation or a Letter of Authority to Deliver Cash
Letters to a Processing Center shall effectively
supersede and rescind all previous agreements of
the same type and all previous agreements and
authorizations concerning or related to the use of
the automatic payment plan with regard to cash
letters handled by an RCPC.


Termination of agreements

Any party to a Letter of Authority to Deliver
Cash Letters to a Processing Center may at any
time give written notice of termination to the
other parties. Notice of termination by this Bank
will terminate the agreement as of the time stated
in the notice. Notice of termination by any other
party will terminate the agreement upon the later
time of receipt of the notice by this Bank or the
time stated in the notice. Termination shall not
affect this Bank’s rights to make all account


entries required by the automatic payment plan
relating to any cash letter dispatched prior to the
effective date of termination.

Cash items received by the respective paying
banks to which they have been presented or for­
warded hereunder are to be returned, if unpaid,


in accordance w ith the provisions of s e c ­
tion 210.12 of Regulation J, and subject to in­
structions contained in section 9 of Bulletin 8
and in Bulletin 11.
If a cash item is returned without entry, refund
will be made to the returning bank and charges
will be made to the sender only if the sender
specifically authorizes us to do so.