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F ederal r e s e r v e OF b a n k DALLAS Dallas, Texas, July 11, 1966 REVISED REPORT OF DEPOSITS AND RELATED DATA FORM To the Member Banks of the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: Reference is made to my letter of June 28, 1966, transmitting a statement made public June 27, 1966, by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System concerning an increase in reserve requirements on time deposits other than savings deposits from 4% to 5% of such deposits in excess of $5 million, and an extension of regulations regarding reserve requirements and interest on deposits to shorter-term promissory notes of banks. A revised Supplement to Regulation D reflecting the changes referred to above was also furnished you, together with Amendments to Regulations D and Q. The Report of Deposits and Related Data form has now been revised to give effect to the revised Supplement to Regulation D and other minor changes of which you were also advised in my letters of January 25 and June 9, 1966. You will also note the addition of columns 10 and 11 to provide for the reporting of Federal funds purchased and Federal funds sold, respectively. The revised form, a supply of which is enclosed, should be used by reserve city banks for the period beginning at the opening of business July 14, 1966, and by all other member banks for the period beginning at the opening of business July 21, 1966. Your supply of obsolete forms on hand at that time should be destroyed. There is also enclosed a revised Form F. R. 414 Computation of Reserve to Be Carried with the Federal Reserve Bank by Member Banks. The revised form includes the new information on the breakdown of total time deposits needed to calculate required reserves under the recent amendment to Regulation D. Bulletin No. 4, which incorporates this form, is being revised and will be forwarded to you in the near future. Please acknowledge receipt of the revised forms on the enclosed postal card. Yours very truly, Watrous H. Irons President Enclosures This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( REPORT OF DEPOSITS AND RELATED DATA For W e e k ly Period Ending W e d n e sd a y ,_________________________________ FROM : To: Accounting Departm ent Q F e de ral Reserve Bank, Sta. K, D a lla s, Texas 75222 | | F e de ral Reserve B ank Branch, El Paso, Texas 79999 Q F e de ral Reserve B an k Branch, Houston, T e xa s n Federal Reserve B a n k Branch, S a n A n to n io , Texas 77001 78206 STATED IN NEAREST TH O U S A N D S OF DOLLARS BALANCES AT OPENING OF BUSINESS (Represents balances at close of business of the preceding business day.) DAY DATE ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS DEMAND DEPOSITS SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E CASH ITEMS IN PROCESS OF COLLECTION ITEM 1 SCHEDULE D R eport o f C ond ition Report of C ondition R eport of C ond ition Report of C ondition 1 2 3 4 DEMAND DEPOSITS U. S. GOVERNMENT OTHER DEMAND OF BANKS DEMAND DEPO SITS' DEPOSITS ITEMS 1, 8 AND 9 ITEM 5 ITEMS 2, 3, 6, 1 , 10 M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s NET DEMAND DEPOSITS OTHER TIME DEPOSITS CURRENCY AND COIN ITEM 12 MINUS ITEMS 1 and 2 ITEM 5 COLUMNS 1, 2 and 3 SCHEDULE F Report o f C ondition M inus C o lu m n s 4 a n d 5 Report of C ond ition SCHEDULE F Report o f C ondition Report of C ond ition 6 7 8 9 ITEM 1 5 Thousands SAVINGS DEPOSITS DEMAND BALANCES DUE FROM BANKS ITEM 2 SCHEDULE D M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands SCHEDULE D M illio n s Thousands FEDERAL FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDS PURCHASED SOLD 10 11 M illio n s THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. TOTALS kA s d e fin e d in in s tru c tio n s fo r p r e p a r a t io n o f c a ll re p o rts o f c o n d itio n . PLEASE INCLUDE FIGURES FOR EVERY D A Y , IN C L U D IN G SATURDAYS, S UNDAYS, A N D HOLID A Y S. Certified correct: (P resident — Cashier) THIS REPORT SHOULD BE M AILED PRO M PTLY A FTER THE CLOSE O F EACH RESERVE PERIOD A C -8 R e v . 7 -6 6 Thousands M illio n s Thousands PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS SPACE COMPUTATION OF D A ILY AVERAGES Required reserves on: Savings deposits . . . . Other time deposits up to $5 million . . . . Other time deposits Total ................ Reserve maintained: Currency and coin . . . . Reserve adjustments (Net) . Total ................ D e f ic ie n c y ................... Penalty incurred at % . REPORT OF DEPOSITS AND RELATED DATA For B iw eekly Period Ending W e d n e sd a y ,_______________________________ To: Accounting Departm ent FROM : Q F e de ral Reserve Bank, Sta. K, D a lla s, T e xa s Q F e d e ra l Reserve Ban k Branch, El Paso, T e xa s 75222 □ Federal Reserve B a n k Branch, Houston, T e xa s □ F e d e ra l Reserve Ban k Branch, S a n A n to n io , T e xa s 79999 77001 78206 STATED IN NEAREST TH O U S A N D S OF DOLLARS OPENING OF BUSINESS (Represents balances at close o f business of the preceding business day'.} DEMAND DEPOSITS OF BANKS U. S. GOVERNMENT DEMAND DEPOSITS* OTHER DEMAND DEPOSITS ITEMS 1, 8 AND 9 ITEM 5 ITEMS 2, 3, 6, 7 , 10 SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E Report of C ond ition R eport o f C ond ition Report of C ondition T DAY DATE ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS DEMAND DEPOSITS BALANCES AT M illio n s Thousands 2 M illio n s CASH ITEMS IN PROCESS OF COLLECTION ITEM 1 SCHEDULE D Report o f C on d itio n M illio n s BALANCES DUE FROM BANKS ITEM 2 SCHEDULE D Report o f C ond ition Thousands M illio n s NET DEMAND DEPOSITS Thousands M illio n s SAVINGS DEPOSITS ITEM 1 COLUMNS 1, 2, and 3 SCHEDULE F M inus Colum ns 4 and 5 Report of C ond ition 5 4 3 Thousands DEMAND M illio n s ITEM 12 MINUS ITEMS 1 and 2 SCHEDULE F Report o f C ond ition Thousands M illio n s CURRENCY AND COIN ITEM 5 SCHEDULE D Thousands M illio n s FEDERAL FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDS PURCHASED SOLD Report o f C ond ition 8 7 6 Thousands OTHER TIME DEPOSITS 9 Thousands M illio n s 10 Thousands M illio n s THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. S U B T O TA LS F or F irs t W e e k THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. T O T A L S For B iw e e k ly P e rio d * A s d e fin e d in in s tru c tio n s fo r p r e p a r a t io n of c a ll re p o rts o f c o n d itio n . Certified correct: S e e re v e rs e s id e fo r in s tru c tio n s . A C -6 2 A 3 Rev. 7 -6 6 (President — Cashier) Thousands 11 M illio n s Thousands N o c a rb o n p a p e r is required. If report is not typed p le ase use ball point pen a n d w rite on hard surface. D a te all co p ie s the W e d n e s d a y e n d in g the b iw e e kly reserve com putation p eriod . Sup ple m e nt to Bulletin N o . 4 lists com putation p e rio d s fo r current year. P lease insert all co lu m n a r totals a n d prove the cross-fo otin g in C olum n N o . 6. Total a n d mail the THIRD PA G E on the W e d n e s d a y that e'nds the FIRST W EEK o f the b iw e e kly period. Total a n d mail the FIRST PA G E on the W e d n e s d a y that e n ds the b iw e e kly period. PLEASE INCLUDE FIGURES FOR EVERY DAY, INCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND HOLIDAYS. 11 I REPORT OF DEPOSITS AND RELATED DATA For B iw eekly Period Ending W e d n e sd a y ,_______________________________ To: Accounting Departm ent FROM : □ F e de ral Reserve Bank, Sta. K, Dallas, T e xa s r] F e de ral Reserve B an k Branch, El Paso, T e xa s 75222 | | Federal Reserve Bank Branch, Houston, T e xa s |_J Federal Reserve Bank Branch, S a n A n ton io , T e xa s 79999 77001 78206 STATED IN NEAREST TH O U S A N D S OF DOLLARS DEMAND DEPOSITS BALANCES AT OPENING OF BUSINESS (Represents balances at close o f business of th e preceding business day.) DAY DATE ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS DEMAND DEPOSITS U. S. GOVERNMENT OF BANKS DEMAND DEPOSITS* OTHER DEMAND DEPOSITS ITEMS 1, B AND 9 ITEM 5 ITEMS 2, 3, 6, 7 , 10 CASH ITEMS IN PROCESS OF COLLECTION SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E Report of C ondition Report of C ondition Report of C ond ition ITEM 1 SCHEDULE D Report o f C ond ition 1 2 3 4 M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands DEMAND BALANCES DUE FROM BANKS ITEM 2 SCHEDULE D Report o f C ondition 5 M illio n s NET DEMAND DEPOSITS SAVINGS DEPOSITS CURRENCY AND COIN COLUMNS 1, 2, and 3 SCHEDULE F ITE M 12 MINUS ITEMS 1 and 2 SCHEDULE F M inus Columns 4 and 5 Report of C ondition R eport of C ond ition Report o f C ondition 7 8 9 ITEM 1 6 Thousands OTHER TIME DEPOSITS M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands ITEM 5 SCHEDULE D M illio n s Thousands FEDERAL FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDS PURCHASED SOLD 10 11 M illio n s THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. SU BTO TALS F or F irs t W e e k THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN MON. TUES. WED. TO T A L S For B iw e e k ly Period ‘ A s d e fin e d S e e re v e rs e s id e fo r in s tru c tio n s . A C -6 2 B3 Certified correct: in in s tru c tio n s fo r p r e p a r a t io n o f c a ll re p o rts o f c o n d itio n . R e v . 7 -6 6 THIS C O P Y TO BE RETAINED BY M EM BER BANK (President — Cashier) Thousands M illio n s Thousands N o c a rb o n p a p e r is required. If report is not typ e d p le a se use ball point pen a n d w rite on h a rd surface. D a te all co p ie s the W e d n e s d a y e n d in g the b iw e e kly reserve com putation p eriod . Sup ple m e nt to Bulletin N o . 4 lists com putation p e rio d s fo r current year. Please insert all co lu m n a r totals a n d p rove the cross-fo otin g in C olum n N o . 6. Total a n d mail the THIRD PA G E on the W e d n e s d a y that e n d s the FIRST W EEK o f the b iw e e kly period. Total a n d m ail the FIRST P A G E on the W e d n e s d a y that e n ds the b iw e e kly period. PLEASE INCLUDE FIGURES FOR EVERY DAY, INCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND HOLIDAYS. REPORT OF DEPOSITS AND RELATED DATA For FIRST W eek of B iw eekly Period Ending W e d n e sd a y ,-----------FROM : To: Accounting Departm ent □ Federal Reserve Bank, Sta. K, D a lla s, T e xa s □ Federal Reserve B an k Branch, El Paso, T e xa s ] Federal Reserve Q 75222 79999 B ank Branch, Houston, T e xa s 77001 Federal Reserve Ban k Branch, S a n A n ton io , T e xa s 78206 STATED IN NEAREST TH O U S A N D S OF DOLLARS BUSINESS (Represents balances at close of business o f the preceding business day.) DAY ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS DEMAND DEPOSITS BALANCES AT OPENING OF DATE DEMAND DEPOSITS U. S. GOVERNMENT OTHER DEMAND OF BANKS DEMAND DEPOSITS* DEPOSITS ITEMS 1, 8 AND 9 ITEM 5 ITEMS 2, 3, 6, 7 , 10 DEMAND BALANCES DUE FROM BANKS ITEM 2 SCHEDULE D CASH ITEMS IN PROCESS OF COLLECTION ITEM 1 SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E SCHEDULE E Report of C ondition Report o f C ond ition Report of C ond ition SCHEDULE D Report of C ond ition Report of C ondition l 2 3 4 5 M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s NET DEMAND DEPOSITS SAVINGS DEPOSITS Minus C olum n54 and 5 SCHEDULE F SCHEDULE D R eport o f C ond ition Report of C ond ition Report o f C ond ition 7 8 6 Thousands M illio n s Thousands CURRENCY AND COIN ITEM 12 MINUS ITEMS 1 and 2 SCHEDULE F ITEM 1 COLUMNS 1, 2, and 3 OTHER TIME DEPOSITS M illio n s Thousands M illio n s ITEM 5 FEDERAL FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDS PURCHASED SOLD 10 9 Thousands M illio n s Thousands M illio n s 11 Thousands M illio n s Thousands THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. S U B T O TA LS F o r F irs t W e e k ’ A s d e fin e d in in s tru c tio n s fo r p r e p a r a t io n o f c a ll re p o rts o f c o n d itio n . Reserve requirem ents are to be calculated on a b iw e e kly b asis. D a te the form s fo r the first a n d se con d w eek o f the b iw e e kly p erio d the W e d n e s d a y e n d in g the reserve com putation period. The Supplem ent to Bulletin N o . 4 lists com putation p e rio d s fo r the current year. P lease insert all colum nar totals a n d p rove the cross-fo otin g in C olum n N o . 6. TOTAL AND M AIL THIS C O P Y ON THE W ED N ESD A Y THAT ENDS THE FIRST W E E K O F THE B IW EEK LY PERIOD Certified correct: A C -6 2 C 3 R e v . 7 -6 6 (P resident — Cashier) 3 FR 414 (Rev. 7-66) COMPUTATION OF RESERVE TO BE CARRIED WITH THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK BY MEMBER BANKS (For definitions of the terms gross demand deposits, deductions allowed in computing reserves, cash items in process ofcollec tion, net demand deposits, time deposits, and currency and coin, see Regulation D of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Reference to callreport item numbers, shown below, are to those in the forms used at the June 1 9 6 6 call. ) 1. 2. GROSS DEMAND DEPOSITS: (a) Demand deposits of banks!/ (opening of business) . . . (Corresponds to items 1, 8, and 9 in Schedule E of call report of condition) (b) U. S. Government demand deposits^/ (opening of business) ______ (Corresponds to item 5 in Schedule E of call report of condition) (c) Other demand deposits (opening of business)........... (Corresponds to items 2, 3, 6, 7, and 10 in Schedule E of call report of condition) ...... ...... DEDUCTIONS ALLOWED IN COMPUTING RESERVES: (a) Cash items in process of collection,except to the extent included in item 2-b (including checks with Federal Reserve Banks in process of collection and checks on hand which will be presented for payment or forwarded for collection on the following business day) (opening ...... of b u s i n e s s ) ........................................... (Corresponds to item 1 in Schedule D of call report of condition) (b) Balances subject to immediate withdrawal due from other banks (including cash items forwarded to a correspondent bank for collection and credit and charged to "Due from banks," but excluding balances due from Federal Reserve Banks, from foreign banks or branches thereof, from foreign branches of domestic banks.!' (opening of business)................................... _____ (Corresponds to item 2 in Schedule D of call report of condition) 3. NET DEMAND DEPOSITS (item 1 minus item 2 ) ................... 4. TOTAL TIME DEPOSITS (opening of b u s i n e s s ) ................... (a) Savings deposits (opening of business) ............... (Corresponds to item 1 in Schedule F of call report of condition) (b) 5. $____ Other time deposits (opening of business)............. (Corresponds to items 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of Schedule F of call report of condition) ..... ...... ...... RESERVE REQUIRED^/: (a) On net demand deposits (item 3 above): Banks in reserve cities, ____ per cent i ........... Banks located elsewhere, ____ per c e n t ............. ..... ..... (b) On saving deposits and on other time deposits up to $5 million (item 4 above): per c e n t ........... ..... (c) On other time deposits in excers of $5 million (item 4b above): per c e n t : ................... ^___ (d) Total required reserves to be maintained ............. ..... 6. Currency and Coin (opening of b u s i n e s s ) ...................... (Corresponds to item 5 in Schedule D of call report of condition) ..... 7. Reserves to be maintained with Federal Reserve Bank ......... (Item 5d minus item 6) ..... 1/ 2/ 3/ Reciprocal interbank American branches of Includes deposits in For current required D. demand deposits with banks in the United States, except foreign banks, must be reported net. Treasury tax and loan account and Series E bond account. reserve percentages, see latest supplement to Regulation FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS We acknowledge receipt of the supply of revised Report of Deposits and Related Data forms and a copy of the revised Form F.R. 414 entitled Computation of Reserve to Be Carried with the Federal Reserve Bank by Member Banks. Name of Bank Location Date Signature Official Title