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Federal R eserve Bank


DALLAS. T E X A S 7 5 2 2 2


May 31, 1989
C i r c u l a r 89-36


The Chief Operations O f f i c e r of
a l l f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n s in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve D i s t r i c t

Revised Regulation J and D pamphlets
Enclosed a re t he r e v i s e d Regulation J —
C o l l e c t i o n of Checks and Other Items and Wire T r a n s f e r s
of Funds and Regulation D - - Reserve Requirements of
Depository I n s t i t u t i o n s . P le ase p lace t h e s e in your
r e g u l a t i o n s bin de rs and remove any old c op ie s.

The r e v i s e d r e g u l a t i o n J and D pamphlets are
encl ose d.

For a d d i t i o n a l copi es of th e se r e g u l a t i o n s ,
p le a s e c o n t a c t J a c k i e Nicholson a t (214) 651-6289.
S i n c e r e l y y ou r s ,

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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Regulation D
Reserve Requirements
of Depository Institutions
12 C FR 204; as amended effective December 31, 1987

Any inquiry relating to this regulation should be addressed to the Federal Reserve Bank of the
Federal Reserve District in which the inquiry arises.
September 1988



Section 204.1—Authority, purpose and
scope ....................................................
(a) Authority ....................................
(b) Purpose........................................
(c) Scope...........................................
Section 204.2—Definitions.......................
(a) D eposit........................................
(d )
(h )
(m )
(n )
(p )

Demand d e p o s it.............................
Time d e p o s it....................................
Savings d e p o s it................................
Transaction account.......................
Nonpersonal time d e p o s it............
N atural p e r s o n ...............................
Eurocurrency liab ilities................
Cash items in process of collection
N et transaction ac co u n ts..............
V a u ltc a s h ........................................
Pass-through acco u n t.....................
Depository institution ..................
Member b a n k ..................................
Foreign b a n k ....................................
De novo depository institution . . .
A ffiliate............................................
United States....................................
United States resident.....................
Any deposit that is payable only at
an office located outside the United
S ta te s.................................. ..............
Section 204.3—Computation and
maintenance .............................................
(a) Maintenance of required reserves .
(b) Form of reserves.............................
(c) Computation of required reserves
for institutions that report on a
weekly basis.......................................
(d ) Computation of required reserves
for institutions that report on a
quarterly b asis..................................
(e) Computation of transaction
accounts ...........................................
(f) Deductions allowed in computing
reserv es.............................................
(g) Availability of cash items as
reserv es.............................................
(h ) Carryover of excesses or





(i) Pass-through r u le s ......................... 15
Section 204.4— Transitional adjustments . 17
(a) N onm em bers.................................... 17
(b) New m em bers.................................. 18
(c) De novo in stitu tio n s....................... 18
(d ) Nonmember depository
institutions with offices in Hawaii . 19
(e) Mergers and consolidations.......... 19
Section 204.5— Emergency reserve
requirem ent............................................... 20
(a) Finding by B o a rd ........................... 20
(b) T e r m ................................................. 20
(c) Reports to C ongress....................... 20
(d ) Reserve requirem ents..................... 20
Section 204.6— Supplemental reserve
requirem ent............................................... 21
(a) Finding by B o a rd ........................... 21
(b) T e r m ................................................. 21
(c) Earnings participation account . . . 21
(d) Report to Congress......................... 21
(e) Reserve requirem ents..................... 21
Section 204.7— Penalties
(a) Penalties for deficiencies ............... 21
(b) Penalties for violations................... 22
Section 204.8— International banking
facilities...................................................... 22
(a) Definitions........................................ 22
(b) Acknowledgment of IB F deposits
and extensions of c r e d it ................. 23
(c) Exemption from reserve
requirem ents.................................... 23
(d) Establishment of an international
banking facility ................................ 23
(e) Notification to Federal R eserve. . . 24
(f) Recordkeeping requirem ents........ 24
Section 204.9— Supplement: Reserve
requirement ratio s.................................... 24
(a) Reserve percentages....................... 24
(b) Reserve ratios in effect during last
computation period prior to
September 1,1980............................ 24
Section 204.125—Foreign, international,
and supranational entities whose
deposits are exempt from reserves......... 26


Section 25 ................................................. 34

Federal Reserve Act
Section 19 ................................................. 27
Section 11(a), (c), and ( e ) ................... 33

Section 2 5 ( a ) ............................................. 34
International Banking Act


Section 7 ................................................... 35

Regulation D
Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
12 C FR 204; as amended effective December 31, 1987

SECTION 204.1—Authority, Purpose
and Scope
(a) Authority. This part* is issued under the
authority of section 19 (12 USC 461 et seq.)
and other provisions of the Federal Reserve
A ct and of section 7 of the International
Banking A ct of 1978 (12 USC 3105).
(b) Purpose. This part relates to reserves that
depository institutions are required to main­
tain for the purpose of facilitating the imple­
mentation of monetary policy by the Federal
Reserve System.
(c) Scope. (1) The following depository in­
stitutions are required to maintain reserves
in accordance with this part:
(i) Any insured bank as defined in sec­
tion 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance
A ct (12 USC 1813(h)) or any bank that
is eligible to apply to become an insured
bank under section 5 of such act (12
USC 1815);
(ii) Any savings bank or mutual savings
bank as defined in section 3 of the Feder­
al Deposit Insurance A ct (12 USC
1813(f), (g ));
(iii) Any insured credit union as defined
in section 101 of the Federal Credit U n­
ion A ct (12 USC 1752(7)) or any credit
union that is eligible to apply to become
an insured credit union under section 201
of such act (12 USC 1781);
(iv) Any member as defined in section 2
of the Federal Home Loan Bank A ct (12
USC 1422(4)); and
(v) Any insured institution as defined in
section 401 of the National Housing Act
(12 USC 1724(a)) or any institution
which is eligible to apply to become an
insured institution under section 403 of
such act (12 USC 1726).
(2) Except as may be otherwise provided
by the Board, a foreign bank’s branch or
agency located in the United States is re­
*The words “ this part,” as used herein, mean Regulation
D (Code o f Federal Regulations, title 12, chapter II, part

quired to comply with the provisions of this
part in the same manner and to the same
extent as if the branch or agency were a
member bank, if its parent foreign bank (i)
has total worldwide consolidated bank as­
sets in excess of $1 billion; or (ii) is con­
trolled by a foreign company or by a group
of foreign companies that own or control
foreign banks that in the aggregate have to­
tal worldwide consolidated bank assets in
excess of $1 billion. In addition, any other
foreign bank’s branch located in the United
States that is eligible to apply to become an
insured bank under section 5 of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act (12 USC 1815) is
required to maintain reserves in accordance
with this part as a nonmember depository
(3) Except as may be otherwise provided
by the Board, an Edge corporation (12
USC 611 et seq.) or an agreement corpora­
tion (12 USC 601 et seq.) is required to
comply with the provisions of this part in
the same m anner and to the same extent as
a member bank.
(4) This part does not apply to any finan­
cial institution that (i) is organized solely
to do business with other financial institu­
tions; (ii) is owned primarily by the finan­
cial institutions with which it does business;
and (iii) does not do business with the gen­
eral public.
(5) The provisions of this part do not ap­
ply to any deposit that is payable only at an
office located outside the United States.

SECTION 204.2—Definitions
For purposes of this part, the following defini­
tions apply unless otherwise specified:
(a) (1) “Deposit” means—
(i) the unpaid balance of money or its
equivalent received or held by a deposito­
ry institution in the usual course of busi­
ness and for which it has given or is obli­
gated to give credit, either conditionally
or unconditionally, to an account, includ1

ing interest credited, or which is evi­
denced by an instrument on which the
depository institution is primarily liable;
(ii) money received or held by a deposi­
tory institution, or the credit given for
money or its equivalent received or held
by the depository institution in the usual
course of business for a special or specific
purpose, regardless of the legal relation­
ships established thereby, including es­
crow funds, funds held as security for
securities loaned by the depository insti­
tution, funds deposited as advance pay­
ment on subscriptions to United States
government securities, and funds held to
meet its acceptances;
(iii) an outstanding draft, cashier’s
check, money order, or officer’s check
drawn on the depository institution and
issued in the usual course of business for
any purpose, including payment for ser­
vices, dividends, or purchases;
(iv) any due bill or other liability or un­
dertaking on the part of a depository in­
stitution to sell or deliver securities to, or
purchase securities for the account of,
any customer (including another deposi­
tory institution), involving either the
receipt of funds by the depository institu­
tion, regardless of the use of the pro­
ceeds, or a debit to an account of the cus­
tom er before the securities are delivered.
A deposit arises thereafter, if after three
business days from the date of issuance of
the obligation, the depository institution
does not deliver the securities purchased
or does not fully collateralize its obliga­
tion with securities similar to the securi­
ties purchased. A security is similar if it
is of the same type and if it is of com para­
ble m aturity to that purchased by the
(v) any liability of a depository institu­
tion’s affiliate that is not a depository in­
stitution, on any promissory note, ac­
knowledgment of advance, due bill, or
similar obligation (written or oral), with
a m aturity of less than one and one-half
years, to the extent that the proceeds are
used to supply or to maintain the avail­
ability of funds (other than capital) to
the depository institution, except any

Regulation D
such obligation that, had it been issued
directly by the depository institution,
would not constitute a deposit. If an obli­
gation of an affiliate of a depository
institution is regarded as a deposit and is
used to purchase assets from the deposi­
tory institution, the maturity of the de­
posit is determined by the shorter of the
maturity of the obligation issued or the
remaining m aturity of the assets pur­
chased. If the proceeds from an affiliate’s
obligation are placed in the depository in­
stitution in the form of a reservable de­
posit, no reserves need be maintained
against the obligation of the affiliate since
reserves are required to be maintained
against the deposit issued by the deposi­
tory institution. However, the maturity
of the deposit issued to the affiliate shall
be the shorter of the m aturity of the affili­
ate’s obligation or the maturity of the
(vi) credit balances;
(vii) any liability of a depository institu­
tion on any promissory note, acknowl­
edgment of advance, banker’s accept­
ance, or similar obligation (written or
oral), including mortgage-backed bonds,
that is issued or undertaken by a deposi­
tory institution as a means of obtaining
funds, except any such obligation that—
(A ) is issued or undertaken and held
for the account of—
(1) an office located in the United
States of another depository institu­
tion, foreign bank, Edge or agree­
ment corporation, or New York In­
vestment (article X II) Company;
(2) the United States government
or an agency thereof; or
(3) the Export-Import Bank of the
United States, Minbanc Capital Cor­
poration, the Government Develop­
ment Bank for Puerto Rico, a Feder­
al Reserve Bank, a Federal Home
Loan Bank, or the National Credit
Union Administration Central Li­
quidity Facility;
(B) arises from a transfer o f direct ob­
ligations of, or obligations that are ful­
ly guaranteed as to principal and inter­
est by, the United States government

Regulation D
or any agency thereof that the deposi­
tory institution is obligated to
(C ) is not insured by a federal agency,
is subordinated to the claims of deposi­
tors, has a weighted average maturity
of seven years or more, and is issued by
a depository institution with the ap­
proval of, or under the rules and regu­
lations of, its primary federal
(D ) arises from a borrowing by a de­
pository institution from a dealer in se­
curities, for one business day, of pro­
ceeds of a transfer of deposit credit in a
Federal Reserve Bank or other imme­
diately available funds, (commonly re­
ferred to as “federal funds” ), received
by such dealer on the date of the loan
in connection with clearance of securi­
ties transactions; or
(E ) arises from the creation, discount
and subsequent sale by a depository in­
stitution of its banker’s acceptance of
the type described in paragraph 7 of
section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act
(12 USC 372);
(viii) any liability of a depository insti­
tution that arises from the creation after
June 20, 1983, of a banker’s acceptance
that is not of the type described in para­
graph 7 of section 13 of the Federal Re­
serve Act (12 U.S.C. 372) except
any such liability held for the account
of an entity specified in section
204.2(a)(1) (vii) (A ).
“Deposit” does not include—
(i) trust funds received or held by the
depository institution that it keeps prop­
erly segregated as trust funds and apart
from its general assets or which it depos­
its in another institution to the credit of
itself as trustee or other fiduciary. If trust
funds are deposited with the commercial
department of the depository institution
or otherwise mingled with its general as­
sets, a deposit liability of the institution is
(ii) an obligation that represents a con­
(iii) obligations, the proceeds of which

are not used by the depository institution
for purposes of making loans, invest­
ments, or maintaining liquid assets such
as cash or “due from” depository institu­
tions or other similar purposes. An obli­
gation issued for the purpose of raising
funds to purchase business premises,
equipment, supplies, or similar assets is
not a deposit;
(iv) accounts payable;
(v) hypothecated “deposits” created by
payments on an installment loan where
(A ) the amounts received are not used
immediately to reduce the unpaid bal­
ance due on the loan until the sum of the
payments equals the entire amount of
loan principal and interest; (B) and
where such amounts are irrevocably as­
signed to the depository institution and
cannot be reached by the borrower or
creditors of the borrower;
(vi) dealer reserve and differential ac­
counts that arise from the financing of
dealer installment accounts receivable,
and which provide that the dealer may
not have access to the funds in the ac­
count until the installment loans are re­
paid, as long as the depository institution
is not actually (as distinguished from
contingently) obligated to make credit or
funds available to the dealer;
(vii) a dividend declared by a depository
institution for the period intervening be­
tween the date of the declaration of the
dividend and the date on which it is paid;
(viii) an obligation representing a “pass­
through account,” as defined in this
(ix) an obligation arising from the reten­
tion by the depository institution of no
more than a 10 percent interest in a pool
of conventional one- to four-family m ort­
gages that are sold to third parties;
(x) an obligation issued to a state or m u­
nicipal housing authority under a loanto-lender program involving the issuance
of tax exempt bonds and the subsequent
lending of the proceeds to the depository
institution for housing finance purposes;
(xi) shares of a credit union held by the
National Credit Union Administration or
the National Credit Union Administra3

tion Central Liquidity Facility under a
statutorily authorized assistance pro­
gram; and
(xii) any liability of a United States
branch or agency of a foreign bank to an­
other United States branch or agency of
the same foreign bank, or the liability of
the United States office of an Edge corpo­
ration to another United States office of
the same Edge corporation.
(b) (1) “D em and deposit” means a deposit
that is payable on demand, or a deposit is­
sued with an original m aturity or required
notice period of less than seven days, or a
deposit representing funds for which the de­
pository institution does not reserve the
right to require at least seven days’ written
notice of an intended withdrawal. Demand
deposits may be in the form of—
(i) checking accounts;
(ii) certified, cashier’s and officer’s
checks (including checks issued by the
depository institution in payment of
(iii) traveler’s checks and money orders
that are primary obligations of the issu­
ing institution;
(iv) checks or drafts drawn by, or on be­
half of, a non-United States office of a
depository institution on an account
maintained at any of the institution’s
United States offices;
(v) letters of credit sold for cash or its
(vi) withheld taxes, withheld insurance
and other withheld funds;
(vii) time deposits that have m atured or
time deposits upon which the contractu­
ally required notice of withdrawal was
given and the notice period has expired
and which have not been renewed (either
by action of the depositor or automatical­
ly under the terms of the deposit agree­
m ent); and
(viii) an obligation to pay, on demand
or within six days, a check (or other in­
strument, device, or arrangement for the
transfer of funds) drawn on the deposito­
ry institution, where the account of the
institution’s customer already has been

Regulation D
(2) The term “demand deposit” also
means deposits or accounts on which the
depository institution has reserved the right
to require at least seven days’ written notice
prior to withdrawal or transfer of any funds
in the account and from which the deposi­
tor is authorized to make withdrawals or
transfers in excess of the withdrawal or
transfer limitations specified in section
204.2(d)(2) for such an account and the
account is not a NOW account, or an ATS
account or other account that meets the
204.2(b) (3) (ii) or (iii) below.
(3) “Demand deposit” does not include—
(i) any account that is a time deposit or
a savings deposit under this part;
(ii) any deposit or account on which the
depository institution has reserved the
right to require at least seven days’ writ­
ten notice prior to withdrawal or transfer
of any funds in the account and either—
(A ) is subject to check, draft, negotia­
ble order of withdrawal, share draft or
similar item, such as an account autho­
rized by 12 USC 1832(a) ( “NOW A c­
count” ) and an M M D A as described
in section 204.2(d) (2) (ii), provided
that the depositor is eligible to hold a
NOW account; or
(B) from which the depositor is au­
thorized to make transfers by preau­
thorized transfer or telephonic (in­
cluding data transmission) agreement,
order or instruction to another account
or to a third party, provided that the
depositor is eligible to hold a NOW
(iii) any deposit or account on which
the depository institution has reserved
the right to require at least seven days’
written notice prior to withdrawal or
transfer of any funds in the account and
from which withdrawals may be made
automatically through payment to the
depository institution itself or through
transfer of credit to a demand deposit or
other account in order to cover checks or
drafts drawn upon the institution or to
maintain a specified balance in, or to
make periodic transfers to such other ac­
count, such as accounts authorized by 12

Regulation D
USC 371a (autom atic transfer account
or ATS account), provided that the de­
positor is eligible to hold an ATS
(iv) any obligation that is a time deposit
under section 204.2(c) (1) (iv);
(v) checks or drafts drawn by the depos­
itory institution on the Federal Reserve
or on another depository institution; or
(vi) IBF time deposits meeting the re­
quirements of section 204.8(a)(2).
(c) (1) “Tim e deposit” means—
(i) a deposit that the depositor does not
have a right and is not permitted to make
withdrawals from within six days after
the date of deposit unless the deposit is
subject to an early withdrawal penalty of
at least seven days’ simple interest on
amounts withdrawn within the first six
days after deposit.1 A time deposit from
which partial early withdrawals are per­
mitted must impose additional early
withdrawal penalties of at least seven
1 Accounts existing on M arch 31, 1986, may satisfy the
early w ithdrawal penalties specified by this part by meeting
the Depository Institutions D eregulation Committee’s ear­
ly w ithdrawal penalties in existence on M arch 31, 1986.
A ccounts that otherwise meet the requirements for time
deposits but that lack such penalties due to a lack o f a
regulatory requirement for such a penalty, as in the case of
federally chartered credit unions, may continue to be classi­
fied as time deposits; however, the penalty should be in­
cluded in time deposits opened, renewed o r to which addi­
tional deposits are made on o r after January 1, 1987.
A time deposit, o r a portion thereof, may be paid before
m aturity without imposing the early w ithdrawal penalties
specified by this part—
(a ) where the time deposit is maintained in an individu­
al retirement account established in accordance with 26
USC 408 and is paid within seven days after establishment
of the individual retirement account pursuant to 26 C FR
1.408-6(d)(4), o r where it is maintained in a Keogh (H .R.
10) plan; provided that the depositor forfeits an am ount at
least equal to the simple interest earned on the amount
(b ) where the depository institution pays all o r a por­
tion of a time deposit representing funds contributed to an
individual retirement account o r a Keogh (H .R . 10) plan
established pursuant to 26 USC 408 or 26 USC 401 when
the individual for whose benefit the account is maintained
attains age 59^ or is disabled (as defined in 26 USC
7 2 (m ) (7 )) o r thereafter;
(c ) where the depository institution pays that portion of
a time deposit on which federal deposit insurance has been
lost as the result o f the merger of two or more federally
insured banks in which the depositor previously maintained
separate time deposits, for a period o f one year from the
date of the merger;
(d ) upon the death o f any owner o f the time deposit

days’ simple interest on amounts with­
drawn within six days after each partial
withdrawal. If such additional early
withdrawal penalties are not imposed,
the account ceases to be a time deposit.
The account may become a savings de­
posit if it meets the requirements for a
saving deposit; otherwise it becomes a
transaction account.2 “Time deposit” in­
cludes funds—
(A ) payable on a specified date not
less than seven days after the date of
(B) payable at the expiration of a
specified time not less than seven days
after the date of deposit;
(C ) payable only upon written notice
that is actually required to be given by
the depositor not less than seven days
prior to withdrawal;
(D ) held in “club” accounts (such as
“Christmas club” accounts and “vaca­
tion club” accounts that are not main­
tained as “savings deposits” ) that are
deposited under written contracts pro­
viding that no withdrawal shall be
made until a certain number of period­
ic deposits have been made during a
period of not less than three months
even though some of the deposits may
be made within six days from the end
of the period; or
(E ) share certificates and certificates
of indebtedness issued by credit un­
ions, and certificate accounts and no­
tice accounts issued by savings and
loan associations;
(ii) a “savings deposit;”
(iii) an “IBF time deposit” meeting the
requirements of section 2 0 4.8(a)(2); and
(iv) borrowings, regardless of maturity,
represented by a promissory note,
an acknowledgment of advance, or
(e) when the owner of the time deposit is determined to
be legally incompetent by a court or other administrative
body o f competent jurisdiction; or
(f) where a time deposit is w ithdraw n within ten days
after a specified m aturity date even though the deposit con­
tract provided for autom atic renewal at the m aturity date.
2 A nonpersonal time deposit with a stated m aturity of
one and one-half years or m ore may be treated as having an
original m aturity o f one and one-half years or more for
reserve requirement purposes only if it is subject to the
minimum penalty described in section 204.2(f)(3).


similar obligation described in section
2 0 4 .2 (a)(1) (vii) that is issued to, or any
banker’s acceptance (other than the type
described in 12 USC 372) of the deposi­
tory institution held by—
(A ) any office located outside the
United States of another depository in­
stitution or Edge or agreement corpo­
ration organized under the laws of the
United States;
(B) any office located outside the
United States of a foreign bank;
(C ) a foreign national government, or
an agency or instrumentality thereof,3
engaged principally in activities which
are ordinarily performed in the United
States by governmental entities,
(D ) an international entity of which
the United States is a member, or
(E ) any other foreign, international,
or supranational entity specifically des­
ignated by the Board.4
(2) A time deposit may be represented by
a transferable or nontransferable, or a nego­
tiable or nonnegotiable, certificate, instru­
ment, passbook, or statement, or by book
entry or otherwise.
(d )( 1 ) “Savings deposit” means a deposit or
account with respect to which the depositor
is not required by the deposit contract but
may at any time be required by the deposi­
tory institution to give written notice of an
intended withdrawal not less than seven
days before withdrawal is made, and that is
not payable on a specified date or at the
expiration of a specified time after the date
of deposit. The term “savings deposit” in­
cludes a regular share account at a credit
union and a regular account at a savings
and loan association.
(2) The term “savings deposit” also
(i) A deposit or account that otherwise
meets the requirements of section
204.2(d)(1) and from which, under the
terms of the account agreement, or by
3 O ther than states, provinces, municipalities, o r other
regional or local governmental units or agencies o r instru­
mentalities thereof.
4 The designated entities are specified in 12 C FR 204.125
(page 26).


Regulation D
practice of the depository institution, the
depositor is permitted or authorized to
make no more than three withdrawals
per calendar month, or statement cycle
(or similar period) of at least four weeks,
for the purpose of transferring funds to
another account of the depositor at the
same institution (including a “transac­
tion account” ) or for making payment to
a third party by means of a preauthorized
or automatic transfer, or telephonic (in­
cluding data transmission) agreement,
order or instruction, provided that no
such withdrawals may be by check, draft
or similar order (including debit card)
drawn by the depositor to third persons.
A “preauthorized transfer” includes any
arrangement by the depository institution
to pay a third party from the account of a
depositor upon written or oral instruc­
tion (including an order received
through an automated clearing house
(A C H )) or any arrangement by a depos­
itory institution to pay a third party from
the account of the depositor at a prede­
termined time or on a fixed schedule.
Such an account is not a “transaction ac­
count” by virtue of an arrangement that
permits transfers for the purpose of re­
paying loans and associated expenses at
the same depository institution (as origi­
nator or servicer) or that permits trans­
fers of funds from the account to another
account of the same depositor at the
same institution or permits withdrawals
(payments directly to the depositor)
from the account when such transfers or
withdrawals are made by mail, messen­
ger, automated teller machine or in per­
son or when such withdrawals are made
by telephone (via check mailed to the de­
positor) regardless of the number of such
transfers or withdrawals.5
(ii) A deposit or account, such as an ac­
count commonly known as a “money
market deposit account” (M M D A ), that
otherwise meets the requirements of sec5 In order to ensure th a t no more than the permitted
num ber o f withdrawals or transfers are made, for an ac­
count to come within the definitions in section
2 0 4 .2 (d )(2 ), a depository institution m ust either—

Regulation D
tion 204.2(d)(1) and from which, under
the terms of the deposit contract or by
practice of the depository institution, the
depositor is permitted or authorized to
make no more than six transfers per cal­
endar month or statement cycle (or simi­
lar period) of at least four weeks to an­
other account (including a transaction
account) of the depositor at the same in­
stitution or to a third party by means of a
preauthorized or automatic transfer (see
section 204.2 (d )( 2 ) (i)) , or telephonic
(including data transmission) agree­
ment, order or instruction and no more
than three of the six such transfers may
be made by check, draft, debit card or
similar order made by the depositor and
payable to third parties. Such an account
is not a “transaction account” by virtue
of an arrangement that permits transfers
for the purpose of repaying loans and as­
sociated expenses at the same depository
institution (as originator or servicer) or
that permits transfers of funds from this
account to another account of the same
depositor at the same institution or per­
mits withdrawals (payments directly to
the depositor) from the account when
such transfers or withdrawals are made
by mail, messenger, automated teller m a­
chine or in person or when such with­
drawals are made by telephone (via
check mailed to the depositor) regardless
of the number of such transfers or
(3) A deposit may continue to be classified
as a savings deposit even if the depository

(a ) prevent w ithdrawals or transfers o f funds in this ac­
count that are in excess o f the limits established by sections
204.2(d) ( 2 ) (i) o r (ii) or
(b ) adopt procedures to monitor those transfers on an
ex post basis and contact customers who exceed the limits
established by sections 204.2(d) ( 2 ) (i) o r 204.2(d) ( 2 ) (ii)
on more than an occasional basis.
For customers who continue to violate those limits after
being contacted by the depository institution, the deposito­
ry institution must either close the account and place the
funds in another account that the depositor is eligible to
maintain o r take away the account’s transfer and draft
A n account that authorizes w ithdrawals o r transfers in
excess o f the perm itted num ber is a transaction account
regardless o f whether the authorized num ber o f transac­
tions are actually made.

institution exercises its right to require no­
tice of withdrawal.
(4) “Savings deposit” does not include
funds deposited to the credit of the deposi­
tory institution’s own trust department
where the funds involved are utilized to
cover checks or drafts. Such funds are
“transaction accounts.”
(e) “Transaction account” means a deposit
or account from which the depositor or ac­
count holder is permitted to make transfers or
withdrawals by negotiable or transferable in­
strument, payment order of withdrawal, tele­
phone transfer, or other similar device for the
purpose of making payments or transfers to
third persons or others or from which the de­
positor may make third-party payments at an
automated teller machine (A T M ) or a remote
service unit, or other electronic device, includ­
ing by debit card, but the term does not in­
clude savings deposits or accounts described
in section 2 0 4 .2 (d )(2 ) even though such ac­
counts permit third-party transfers. “Transac­
tion account” includes—
(1) demand deposits;
(2) deposits or accounts on which the de­
pository institution has reserved the right to
require at least seven days’ written notice
prior to withdrawal or transfer of any funds
in the account and that are subject to
check, draft, negotiable order of with­
drawal, share draft, or other similar item,
except accounts described in section
204.2(d) (2) (ii) (M M D A s), but including
accounts authorized by 12 USC 1832(a)
(NOW accounts).
(3) Deposits or accounts on which the de­
pository institution has reserved the right to
require at least seven days’ written notice
prior to withdrawal or transfer of any funds
in the account and from which withdrawals
may be made automatically through pay­
ment to the depository institution itself or
through transfer of credit to a demand de­
posit or other account in order to cover
checks or drafts drawn upon the institution
6 See footnote 5. F or accounts described in section
2 0 4 .2 (d )( 2 ) (ii), the institution at its option may use on a
consistent basis either the date on the check, draft or simi­
lar item or the date the item is paid in applying the limits
on such items.


or to maintain a specified balance in, or to
make periodic transfers to such accounts,
except accounts described in section
2 0 4 .2 (d )(2), but including accounts autho­
rized by 12 USC 371a (autom atic transfer
accounts or ATS accounts).
(4) Deposits or accounts on which the de­
pository institution has reserved the right to
require at least seven days’ written notice
prior to withdrawal or transfer of any funds
in the account and under the terms of
which, or by practice of the depository in­
stitution, the depositor is permitted or au­
thorized to make more than three with­
drawals per month or statement cycle (or
similar period) of at least four weeks for
purposes of transferring funds to another
account of the depositor at the same institu­
tion (including a “transaction account” ) or
for making payment to a third party by
means of preauthorized transfer, or tele­
phonic (including data transmission)
agreement, order or instruction, except ac­
counts described in section 204.2(d)(2).
An account that authorizes more than three
such withdrawals in a calendar month, or
statement cycle (or similar period) of at
least four weeks, is a “transaction account”
whether or not more than three such trans­
fers are made during such period. A
“preauthorized transfer” includes any ar­
rangement by the depository institution to
pay a third party from the account of a de­
positor upon written or oral instruction (in­
cluding an order received through an auto­
mated clearing house (A C H )), or any
arrangement by a depository institution to
pay a third party from the account of the
depositor at a predetermined time or on a
fixed schedule. Such an account is not a
“transaction account” by virtue of an ar­
rangement that permits transfers for the
purpose of repaying loans and associated
expenses at the same depository institution
(as originator or servicer) or that permits
transfers of funds from this account to an­
other account of the same depositor at the
same institution or permits withdrawals
(payments directly to the depositor) from
the account when such transfers or with­
drawals are made by mail, messenger, auto­
mated teller machine or in person or when

Regulation D
such withdrawals are made by telephone
(via check mailed to the depositor) regard­
less of the number of such transfers or
(5) Deposits or accounts maintained in
connection with an arrangement that per­
mits the depositor to obtain credit directly
or indirectly through the drawing of a nego­
tiable or nonnegotiable check, draft, order
or instruction or other similar device (in­
cluding telephone or electronic order or in­
struction) on the issuing institution that
can be used for the purpose of making pay­
ments or transfers to third persons or oth­
ers, or to a deposit account of the depositor.
(6) All deposits other than time and sav­
ings deposits.
(f) (1) “Nonpersonal tim e deposit” means—
(i) A time deposit, including an M M DA
or any other savings deposit, representing
funds in which any beneficial interest is
held by a depositor which is not a natural
(ii) A time deposit, including an
M M D A or any other savings deposit,
that represents funds deposited to the
credit of a depositor that is not a natural
person, other than a deposit to the credit
of a trustee or other fiduciary if the entire
beneficial interest in the deposit is held by
one or more natural persons;
(iii) a time deposit that is transferable,
except a time deposit originally issued be­
fore October 1, 1980, to and held by one
or more natural persons, including a de­
posit to the credit of a trustee or other
fiduciary if the entire beneficial interest in
the deposit is held by one or more natural
(iv) a time deposit that is transferable,
issued on or after October 1, 1980, to and
held by one or more natural persons, in­
cluding a deposit to the credit of a trustee
or other fiduciary if the entire beneficial
interest is held by one or more natural
persons. A time deposit is transferable
unless it contains a specific statement on
the certificate, instrument, passbook,
statement or other form representing the
account that it is not transferable. A time
deposit that contains a specific statement

Regulation D
that it is not transferable is not regarded
as transferable even if the following
transactions can be effected: a pledge as
collateral for a loan; a transaction that
occurs due to circumstances arising from
death, incompetency, marriage, divorce,
attachment or otherwise by operation of
law or a transfer on the books or records
of the institution; and
(v) A time deposit represented by a
promissory note, an acknowledgment of
advance, or similar obligation described
in section 2 0 4 .2 (a )(l)(v ii) that is issued
to, or any banker’s acceptance (other
than the type described in 12 USC 372)
of the depository institution held by—
(A ) any office located outside the
United States of another depository in­
stitution or Edge or agreement corpo­
ration organized under the laws of the
United States,
(B) any office located outside the
United States of a foreign bank,
(C ) a foreign national government, or
an agency or instrumentality thereof,7
engaged principally in activities which
are ordinarily performed in the United
States by governmental entities,
(D ) an international entity of which
the United States is a member, or
(E ) any other foreign, international,
or supranational entity specifically des­
ignated by the Board.8
(2) “Nonpersonal time deposit” does not
include nontransferable time deposits to the
credit of or in which the entire beneficial
interest is held by an individual pursuant to
an individual retirement account or Keogh
(H. R. 10) plan under 26 USC (IR C 1954)
408, 401, or nontransferable time deposits
held by an employer as part of an unfunded
deferred-compensation plan established
pursuant to subtitle D of the Revenue Act of
1978 (Pub. L. No. 95-600, 92 Stat. 2763).
(3) Any nonpersonal time deposit with a
stated maturity or notice period of one and
one-half years or more that permits any ear7 O ther than states, provinces, municipalities, o r other
regional or local governmental units o r agencies o r instru­
m entalities thereof.
8 The designated entities are specified in 12 C F R 204.125
(page 26).

ly withdrawal must be subject to a mini­
mum early withdrawal penalty equal to at
least thirty days’ simple interest on the
am ount withdrawn for any withdrawal that
occurs more than six days but within one
and one-half years after the date of deposit.
Any such account not subject to this mini­
mum early withdrawal penalty will be re­
garded as a nonpersonal time deposit with
an original m aturity or notice period of
from seven days to less than one and onehalf years from the date of the deposit.9
(g) “N aturalperson” means an individual or
a sole proprietorship. The term does not mean
a corporation owned by an individual, a part­
nership or other association.
(h ) “Eurocurrency liabilities” means—
(1) For a depository institution or an Edge
or agreement corporation organized under
the laws of the United States, the sum, if
positive, of the following:
(i) net balances due to its non-United
States offices and its international bank­
ing facilities ( “IBFs” ) from its United
States offices;
(ii) (A ) for a depository institution orga­
nized under the laws of the United States,
assets (including participations) acquired
from its United States offices and held by its
non-U nited States offices, by its IBF, or by
non-U nited States offices of an affiliated
Edge or agreement corporation;10 or
(B) for an Edge or agreement corpora­
tion, assets (including participations)
acquired from its United States offices
and held by its non-U nited States of­
fices, by its IBF, by non-U nited States
offices of its U.S. or foreign parent insti­
tution, or by non-U nited States offices
of an affiliated Edge or agreement
corporation;10 and
9 See footnote 1 for treatm ent of accounts existing on
M arch 31, 1986, and for exceptions to the imposition of the
early w ithdrawal penalties imposed by this part. The penal­
ty required by this section 204.2(f)(3) and that required
by section 2 0 4 .2 (c )(1 ) need not be aggregated.
10 This subparagraph does not apply to assets (1 ) that
were acquired before O ctober 7, 1979, or (2) that were
acquired by an IBF from its establishing entity before the
end o f the second reserve com putation period after its


§ 204.2
(iii) credit outstanding from its nonUnited States offices to United States res­
idents (other than assets acquired and
net balances due from its United States
offices), except credit extended (A ) from
its non-United States offices in the aggre­
gate am ount of $100,000 or less to any
United States resident, (B) by a nonUnited States office that at no time dur­
ing the computation period had credit
outstanding to United States residents ex­
ceeding $1 million, (C ) to an interna­
tional banking facility, or (D ) to an insti­
tution that will be maintaining reserves
on such credit pursuant to this part.
Credit extended from non-United States
offices or from IBFs to a foreign branch,
office, subsidiary, affiliate, or other for­
eign establishment ( “foreign affiliate” )
controlled by one or more domestic cor­
porations is not regarded as credit ex­
tended to a United States resident if the
proceeds will be used to finance the oper­
ations outside the United States of the
borrower or of other foreign affiliates of
the controlling domestic corporation (s).
(2) For a United States branch or agency
of a foreign bank, the sum, if positive, of the
(i) net balances due to its foreign bank
(including offices thereof located outside
the United States) and its international
banking facility after deducting an
am ount equal to 8 percent of the follow­
ing: the United States branch’s or agen­
cy’s total assets less the sum of (A ) cash
items in process of collection; (B) un­
posted debits; (C ) demand balances due
from depository institutions organized
under the laws of the United States and
from other foreign banks; (D ) balances
due from foreign central banks; and (E )
positive net balances due from its IBF, its
foreign bank, and the foreign bank’s
United States and non-United States of­
fices; and
(ii) assets (including participations) ac­
quired from the United States branch or
agency (other than assets required to be
sold by federal or state supervisory au­
thorities) and held by its foreign bank
(including offices thereof located outside

Regulation D
the United States), by its parent holding
company, by non-United States offices or
an IBF of an affiliated Edge or agreement
corporation, or by its IBFs.11
(i) (1) “Cash item in process o f collection ”
(i) checks in the process of collection,
drawn on a bank or other depository in­
stitution that are payable immediately
upon presentation in the United States,
including checks forwarded to a Federal
Reserve Bank in process of collection and
checks on hand that will be presented for
payment or forwarded for collection on
the following business day;
(ii) government checks drawn on the
Treasury of the United States that are in
the process of collection; and
(iii) such other items in the process of
collection, that are payable immediately
upon presentation in the United States
and that are customarily cleared or col­
lected by depository institutions as cash
items, including—
(A ) drafts payable through another
depository institution;
(B) redeemed bonds and coupons;
(C ) food coupons and certificates;
(D ) postal and other money orders,
and traveler’s checks;
(E ) amounts credited to deposit ac­
counts in connection with automated
payment arrangements where such
credits are made one business day pri­
or to the scheduled payment date to
insure that funds are available on the
payment date;
(F ) commodity or bill of lading drafts
payable immediately upon presenta­
tion in the United States;
(G ) returned items and unposted deb­
its; and
(H ) broker security drafts.
(2) “Cash item in process of collection”
does not include items handled as noncash
collections and credit card sales slips and
(j) “N et transaction accounts” means the to­
tal amount of a depository institution’s trans­
11 See footnote 10.

Regulation D
action accounts less the deductions allowed
under the provisions of section 204.3.
(k) (1) “ Vault cash” means United States
currency and coin owned and held by a de­
pository institution that may, at any time,
be used to satisfy depostitors’ claims.
(2) “Vault cash” includes United States
currency and coin in transit to a Federal
Reserve Bank or a correspondent deposito­
ry institution for which the reporting de­
pository institution has not yet received
credit, and United States currency and coin
in transit from a Federal Reserve Bank or a
correspondent depository institution when
the reporting depository institution’s ac­
count at the Federal Reserve or correspon­
dent bank has been charged for such
(3) Silver and gold coin and other curren­
cy and coin whose numismatic or bullion
value is substantially in excess of face value
is not vault cash for purposes of this part.
(/) “Pass-through account” means a balance
maintained by a depository institution that is
not a member bank, by a U.S. branch or agen­
cy of a foreign bank, or by an Edge or agree­
ment corporation, (1) in an institution that
maintains required reserve balances at a Fed­
eral Reserve Bank, (2) in a Federal Home
Loan Bank, (3) in the National Credit Union
Administration Central Liquidity Facility, or
(4) in an institution that has been authorized
by the Board to pass through required reserve
balances if the institution, Federal Home
Loan Bank, or National Credit Union Admin­
istration Central Liquidity Facility maintains
the funds in the form of a balance in a Federal
Reserve Bank of which it is a member or at
which it maintains an account in accordance
with rules and regulations of the Board.
(m ) (1) “Depository institution” means—
(i) any insured bank as defined in sec­
tion 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Act (12 USC 1813(h)) or any bank that
is eligible to apply to become an insured
bank under section 5 of such act (12
USC 1815);
(ii) any savings bank or mutual savings
bank as defined in section 3 of the Feder­

§ 204.2
al Deposit Insurance A ct (12 USC
1813(f), (g ));
(iii) any insured credit union as defined
in section 101 of the Federal Credit U n­
ion A ct (12 USC 1752(7)) or any credit
union that is eligible to apply to become
an insured credit union under section 201
of such act (12 USC 1781);
(iv) any member as defined in section 2
of the Federal Home Loan Bank A ct (12
USC 1422(4)); and
(v) any insured institution as defined in
section 401 of the National Housing Act
(12 USC 1724(a)) or any institution
which is eligible to apply to become an
insured institution under section 403 of
such act (12 USC 1726).
(2) “Depository institution” does not in­
clude international organizations such as
the W orld Bank, the Inter-American D e­
velopment Bank, and the Asian Develop­
ment Bank.
(n ) “M em ber bank” means a depository in­
stitution that is a member of the Federal Re­
serve System.
(o) “Foreign b a n k” means any bank or other
similar institution organized under the laws of
any country other than the United States or
organized under the laws of Puerto Rico,
Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands,
or other territory or possession of the United
(p) “De novo depository institution” means a
depository institution that was not engaged in
business on July 1, 1979, and is not the suc­
cessor by merger or consolidation to a deposi­
tory institution that was engaged in business
prior to the date of merger or consolidation.
(q) “A ffiliate” includes any corporation, as­
sociation, or other organization—
(1) of which a depository institution, di­
rectly or indirectly, owns or controls either
a majority of the voting shares or more than
50 percent of the numbers of shares voted
for the election of its directors, trustees, or
other persons exercising similar functions at
the preceding election, or controls in any
manner the election of a majority of its di­
rectors, trustees, or other persons exercising
similar functions;

§ 204.2
(2) of which control is held, directly or in­
directly, through stock ownership or in any
other manner, by the shareholders of a de­
pository institution or more than 50 percent
of the number of shares voted for the elec­
tion of directors of such depository institu­
tion at the preceding election, or by trustees
for the benefit of the shareholders of any
such depository institution;
(3) of which a majority of its directors,
trustees, or other persons exercising similar
functions are directors of any one deposito­
ry institution; or
(4) which owns or controls, directly or in­
directly, either a majority of the shares of
capital stock of a depository institution or
more than 50 percent of the number of
shares voted for the election of directors,
trustees or other persons exercising similar
functions of a depository institution at the
preceding election, or controls in any man­
ner the election of a majority of the direc­
tors, trustees, or other persons exercising
similar functions of a depository institution,
or for the benefit of whose shareholders or
members all or substantially all the capital
stock of a depository institution is held by
(r) “United States” means the states of the
United States and the District of Columbia.
(s) “United States resident” means (1) any
individual residing (at the time of the transac­
tion) in the United States; (2) any corpora­
tion, partnership, association or other entity
organized in the United States ( “domestic
corporation” ); and (3) any branch or office
located in the United States of any entity that
is not organized in the United States.
(t) “A ny deposit that is payable only at an of­
fice located outside the United States” means
(1) a deposit of a United States resident12
that is in a denomination of $100,000 or more,
and as to which the depositor is entitled, un­
der the agreement with the institution, to de­
12 A deposit o f a foreign branch, office, subsidiary, affili­
ate or other foreign establishment ( “foreign affiliate” ) con­
trolled by one or more domestic corporations is not regard­
ed as a deposit o f a U nited States resident if the funds serve
a purpose in connection with its foreign o r international
business or that o f other foreign affiliates o f the controlling
domestic corporation(s).


Regulation D
mand payment only outside the United States
or (2) a deposit of a person who is not a Unit­
ed States resident12 as to which the depositor
is entitled, under the agreement with the insti­
tution, to demand payment only outside the
United States.

SECTION 204.3—Computation and
(a) M aintenance o f required reserves. A de­
pository institution, a U.S. branch or agency
of a foreign bank, and an Edge or agreement
corporation shall maintain reserves against its
deposits and Eurocurrency liabilities in ac­
cordance with the procedures prescribed in
this section and section 204.4 and the ratios
prescribed in section 204.9. Penalties shall be
assessed for deficiencies in required reserves in
accordance with the provisions of section
204.7. Every depository institution, U.S.
branch or agency of a foreign bank, and Edge
or agreement corporation shall file reports of
deposits in accordance with the instructions of
the Board, based on the level of its deposits
and reservable liabilities consistent with the
Board’s need for data to carry out its responsi­
bility to monitor and control monetary and
credit aggregates. For purposes of this part,
the obligations of a majority-owned (50 per­
cent or more) U.S. subsidiary (except an
Edge or agreement corporation) of a deposi­
tory institution shall be regarded as obliga­
tions of the parent depository institution.
(1) United States branches and agencies o f
foreign banks.
(i) A foreign bank’s United States
branches and agencies operating within
the same state and within the same Fed­
eral Reserve District shall prepare and
file a report of deposits on an aggregated
(ii) United States branches and agencies
of the same foreign bank shall, if possible,
assign the low reserve tranche on trans­
action accounts (§ 204.9(a)) to only one
office or to a group of offices filing a sin­
gle aggregated report of deposits. If the
low reserve tranche cannot be fully uti­
lized by a single office or by a group of
offices filing a single report of deposits,

Regulation D
the unused portion of the tranche may be
assigned to other offices of the same for
eign bank until the amount of the tranche
or net transaction accounts is exhausted.
The foreign bank shall determine this as­
signment subject to the restriction that if
a portion of the tranche is assigned to an
office in a particular state, any unused
portion must first be assigned to other of­
fices located within the same state and
within the same Federal Reserve District,
that is, to other offices included on the
same aggregated report of deposits. If
necessary in order to avoid underutiliza­
tion of the low reserve tranche, the allo­
cation may be changed at the beginning
of a calendar month. U nder other cir­
cumstances, the low reserve tranche may
be reallocated at the beginning of a calen­
dar year.
(2) Edge and agreement corporations.
(i) An Edge or agreement corporation’s
offices operating within the same state
and within the same Federal Reserve
District shall prepare and file a report of
deposits on an aggregated basis.
(ii) An Edge or agreement corporation
shall, if possible, assign the low
reserve tranche on transaction accounts
(§ 204.9(a)) to only one office or to a
group of offices filing a single aggregated
report of deposits. If the low reserve
tranche cannot be fully utilized by a sin­
gle office or by a group of offices filing a
single report of deposits, the unused por­
tion of the tranche may be assigned to
other offices of the same institution until
the amount of the tranche or net transac­
tion accounts is exhausted. A n Edge or
agreement corporation shall determine
this assignment subject to the restriction
that if a portion of the tranche is assigned
to an office in a particular state, any un­
used portion must first be assigned to
other offices located within the same state
and within the same Federal Reserve
District, that is, to other offices included
on the same aggregated report of depos­
its. If necessary in order to avoid under­
utilization of the low reserve tranche, the
allocation may be changed at the begin­
ning of a calendar month. Under other

circumstances, the low reserve tranche
may be reallocated at the beginning of a
calendar year.
(3) Allocation o f exemption fro m reserve
requirements, (i) In determining the re­
serve requirements of a depository insti­
tution, the exemption provided for in sec­
tion 204.9(a) shall apply in the following
order of priorities:
(A ) first, to net transaction accounts
that are first authorized by federal law
in any state after April 1, 1980;
(B) second, to other net transaction
accounts; and
(C ) third, to nonpersonal time depos­
its (including M M DAs and other
savings deposits) and Eurocurrency li­
abilities, starting with those with the
highest reserve ratio under section
204.9(a) and then to succeeding lower
reserve ratios.
(ii) A depository institution, United
States branches and agencies of the same
foreign bank, or an Edge or agreement
corporation shall, if possible, assign the
reserve requirement exemption of section
204.9(a) to only one office or to a group
of offices filing a single aggregated report
of deposits. If the reserve requirement ex­
emption cannot be fully utilized by a sin­
gle office or by a group of offices filing a
single report of deposits, the unused por­
tion of the exemption may be assigned to
other offices of the same institution until
the am ount of the exemption or reservable liabilities is exhausted. A depository
institution, foreign bank, or Edge or
agreement corporation shall determine
this assignment subject to the restriction
that if a portion of the exemption is as­
signed to an office in a particular state,
any unused portion must first be assigned
to other offices located within the same
state and within the same Federal Re­
serve District, that is, to other offices in­
cluded on the same aggregated report of
deposits. The exemption may be reallo­
cated at the beginning of a calendar year,
or, if necessary to avoid underutilization
of the exemption, at the beginning of a
calendar month. The am ount of the re­
serve requirement exemption allocated to

§ 204.3
an office or group of offices may not ex­
ceed the amount of the low reserve
tranche allocated to such office or offices
under this paragraph.
(b) Form o f reserves. Reserves shall be held
in the form of (i) vault cash, (ii) a balance
maintained directly with the Federal Reserve
Bank in the District in which it is located, or
(iii) a pass-through account. Reserves held in
the form of a pass-through account shall be
considered to be a balance maintained with
the Federal Reserve.
(c) Computation o f required reserves fo r insti­
tutions that report on a weekly basis.
(1) Required reserves are computed on the
basis of daily average balances of deposits
and Eurocurrency liabilities during a 14day period ending every second Monday
(the “computation period” ). Reserve re­
quirements are computed by applying the
ratios prescribed in section 204.9 to the
classes of deposits and Eurocurrency liabili­
ties of the institution. The reserve balance
that is required to be maintained with the
Federal Reserve shall be maintained during
a 14-day period (the “maintenance peri­
od” ) which begins on a Thursday and ends
on the second Wednesday thereafter.
(2) A reserve balance shall be maintained
during a given maintenance period, based—
(i) on the daily average net transaction
accounts held by the depository institu­
tion during the computation period that
began immediately prior to the beginning
of the maintenance period; and
(ii) on the daily average nonpersonal
time deposits and daily average Eurocur­
rency liabilities held by the depository in­
stitution during the computation period
that ended 17 days prior to the beginning
of the maintenance period.
(3) In determining the reserve balance that
is required to be maintained with the Feder­
al Reserve, the daily average vault cash
held during the computation period that
ended 17 days prior to the beginning of the
maintenance period is deducted from the
amount of the institution’s required
(d ) Computation o f required reserves fo r insti14

Regulation D
tutions that report on a quarterly basis. For a
depository institution that is permitted to re­
port quarterly, required reserves are comput­
ed on the basis of the depository institution’s
daily average deposit balances during a sevenday computation period that begins on the
third Tuesday of March, June, September,
and December. In determining the reserve
balance that such a depository institution is
required to maintain with the Federal Re­
serve, the daily average vault cash held during
the computation period is deducted from the
amount of the institution’s required reserves.
The reserve balance that is required to be
maintained with the Federal Reserve shall be
maintained during a corresponding period
that begins on the fourth Thursday following
the end of the institution’s computation peri­
od and ends on the fourth Wednesday after
the close of the institution’s next computation
(e) Computation o f transaction accounts.
Overdrafts in demand deposit or other trans­
action accounts are not to be treated as nega­
tive demand deposits or negative transaction
accounts and shall not be netted since over­
drafts are properly reflected on an institution’s
books as assets. However, where a customer
maintains multiple transaction accounts with
a depository institution, overdrafts in one ac­
count pursuant to a bona fide cash manage­
ment arrangement are permitted to be netted
against balances in other related transaction
accounts for reserve requirement purposes.
(f) Deductions allowed in computing reserves.
(1) In determining the reserve balance re­
quired under this part, the amount of cash
items in process of collection and balances
subject to immediate withdrawal due from
other depository institutions located in the
United States (including such amounts due
from United States branches and agencies
of foreign banks and Edge and agreement
corporations) may be deducted from the
amount of gross transaction accounts. The
amount that may be deducted may not ex­
ceed the amount of gross transaction ac­
counts. However, if a depository institution
maintains any transaction accounts that are
first authorized under federal law after
April 1, 1980, it may deduct from these bal­

Regulation D
ances cash items in process of collection
and balances subject to immediate with­
drawal due from other depository institu­
tions located in the United States only to
the extent of the proportion that such newly
authorized transaction accounts are of the
institution’s total transaction accounts. The
remaining cash items in process of collec­
tion and balances subject to immediate
withdrawal due from other depository insti­
tutions located in the United States shall be
deducted from the institution’s remaining
transaction accounts.
(2) United States branches and agencies of
a foreign bank may not deduct balances due
from another United States branch or agen­
cy of the same foreign bank, and United
States offices of an Edge or agreement cor­
poration may not deduct balances due from
another United States office of the same
Edge corporation.
(3) Balances “due from other depository
institutions” do not include balances due
from Federal Reserve Banks, pass-through
accounts, or balances (payable in dollars or
otherwise) due from banking offices located
outside the United States. A n institution ex­
ercising fiduciary powers may not include
in “balances due from other depository in­
stitutions” amounts of trust funds deposited
with other banks and due to it as a trustee
or other fiduciary.
(g) Availability o f cash item s as reserves. Cash
items forwarded to a Federal Reserve Bank
for collection and credit shall not be counted
as part of the reserve balance to be carried
with the Federal Reserve until the expiration
of the time specified in the appropriate time
schedule established under Regulation J,
“Collection of Checks and O ther Items and
Transfers of Funds” (12 CFR 210). If a de­
pository institution draws against items before
that time, the charge will be made to its re­
serve account if the balance is sufficient to pay
it; any resulting impairment of reserve bal­
ances will be subject to the penalties provided
by law and by this part. However, the Federal
Reserve Bank may, at its discretion, refuse to
permit the withdrawal or other use of credit
given in a reserve account for any time for
which the Federal Reserve bank has not re­

ceived payment in actually and finally collect­
ed funds.
(h ) Carryover o f excesses or deficiencies. Any
excess or deficiency in a required reserve bal­
ance for any maintenance period that does not
exceed the greater of 2 percent of the institu­
tion’s required reserves (including required
clearing balances and net of the required
clearing balance penalty-free band where ap­
plicable) or $25,000, shall be carried forward
to the next maintenance period. A ny carry­
over not offset during the next period may not
be carried forward to subsequent periods.
(i) Pass-through rules.
(1) Procedure
(i) A nonmember depository institution
required to maintain reserve balances
( “respondent” ) may select only one in­
stitution to pass through its required re­
serves. Eligible institutions through
which respondent required reserve bal­
ances may be passed ( “correspondents” )
are Federal Home Loan Banks, the N a­
tional Credit Union Administration Cen­
tral Liquidity Facility, and depository in­
stitutions that maintain required reserve
balances at a Federal Reserve office. In
addition, the Board reserves the right to
permit other institutions, on a case-bycase basis, to serve as pass-through corre­
spondents. The correspondent chosen
must subsequently pass through the re­
quired reserve balances of its respondents
directly to the appropriate Federal Re­
serve office. The correspondent placing
funds with the Federal Reserve on behalf
of respondents will be responsible for re­
serve account maintenance as described
in subparagraphs (3) and (4) below.
(ii) Respondent depository institutions
or pass-through correspondents may in­
stitute, terminate, or change pass­
through arrangements for the mainte­
nance of required reserve balances by
providing all documentation required for
the establishment of the new arrange­
ment an d /o r termination of the existing
arrangement to the Federal Reserve
Bank in whose territory the respondent is
located. The time period required for
such a change to be effected shall be spec15

§ 204.3
ified by each Reserve Bank in its operat­
ing circular.
(iii) U.S. branches and agencies of for­
eign banks and Edge and agreement cor­
porations may (a) act as pass-through
correspondents for any nonmember insti­
tution required to maintain reserves or
(b) pass their own required reserve bal­
ances through correspondents. In accord­
ance with the provision set forth in subparagraph (3) below, the U.S. branches
and agencies of a foreign bank or offices
of an Edge and agreement corporation
filing a single aggregated report of depos­
its may designate any one of the other
U.S. offices of the same institution to
serve as a pass-through correspondent for
all of the offices filing such a single aggre­
gated report of deposits.
(2) Reports
(i) Every depository institution that
maintains transaction accounts or non­
personal time deposits is required to file
its report of deposits (or any other re­
quired form or statement) directly with
the Federal Reserve Bank of its District,
regardless of the manner in which it
chooses to maintain required reserve
(ii) The Federal Reserve Bank receiving
such reports shall notify the reporting de­
pository institution of its reserve require­
ments. Where a pass-through arrange­
ment exists, the Reserve Bank will also
notify the correspondent passing respon­
dent reserve balances through to the Fed­
eral Reserve of its respondent’s required
reserve balances.
(iii) The Federal Reserve will not hold a
correspondent responsible for guarantee­
ing the accuracy of the reports of depos­
its submitted by its respondents to their
local Federal Reserve Banks.
(3) Account maintenance
(i) A correspondent that passes through
required reserve balances of respondents
whose main offices are located in the
same Federal Reserve territory in which
the main office of the correspondent is lo­
cated shall have the option of maintain­
ing such required reserve balances in one
of two ways: (a) A correspondent may

Regulation D
maintain such balances, along with the
correspondent’s own required reserve
balances, in a single commingled account
at the Federal Reserve Bank office in
whose territory the correspondent’s main
office is located, or (b) A correspondent
may maintain its own required reserve
balance in an account with the Federal
Reserve Bank office in whose territory its
main office is located. The correspondent,
in addition, would maintain in a separate
commingled account the required reserve
balances passed through for respondents
whose main offices are located in the
same Federal Reserve territory as that of
the main office of the correspondent.
(ii) A
through required reserve balances of re­
spondents whose main offices are located
outside the Federal Reserve territory in
which the main office of the correspon­
dent is located shall maintain such re­
quired reserve balances in a separate
commingled account at each Federal Re­
serve office in whose territory the main
offices of such respondents are located.
(iii) A Reserve Bank may, at its discre­
tion, require a pass-through correspon­
dent to consolidate in a single account
the reserve balances of all of its respon­
dents whose main offices are located in
any territory of that Federal Reserve
(4) Responsibilities o f parties
(i) Each individual depository institu­
tion is responsible for maintaining its re­
quired reserve balance with the Federal
Reserve Bank either directly or through a
pass-through correspondent.
(ii) A pass-through correspondent shall
be responsible for assuring the mainte­
nance of the appropriate aggregate level
of its respondents’ required reserve bal­
ances. A Reserve Bank will compare the
total reserve balance required to be main­
tained in each reserve account with the
total actual reserve balance held in such
reserve account for purposes of determin­
ing required reserve deficiencies, impos­
ing or waiving penalties for deficiencies
in required reserves, and for other reserve
maintenance purposes. A penalty for a

§ 204.4

Regulation D
deficiency in the aggregate level of the re­
quired reserve balance will be imposed by
the Reserve Bank on the correspondent
maintaining the account.
(iii) Each correspondent is required to
maintain detailed records for each of its
respondents in a manner that permits Re­
serve Banks to determine whether the
respondent has provided a sufficient re­
quired reserve balance to the correspon­
dent. A correspondent passing through a
respondent’s reserve balance shall main­
tain records and make such reports as the
Federal Reserve System requires in order
to insure the correspondent’s compliance
with its responsibilities for the mainte­
nance of a respondent’s reserve balance.
Such records shall be available to the
Federal Reserve Banks as required.
(iv) The Federal Reserve Bank may ter­
minate any pass-through relationship in
which the correspondent is deficient in its
recordkeeping or other responsibilities.
(v) Interest paid on supplemental re­
serves (if such reserves are required un­
der section 204.6 of this part) held by
respondent (s) will be credited to the
commingled reserve account (s) main­
tained by the correspondent.
(5) Services
(i) A depository institution maintaining
its reserve balances on a pass-through ba­
sis may obtain available Federal Reserve
System services directly from its local
Federal Reserve office. For this purpose,
the pass-through account in which a re­
spondent’s required reserve balance is
maintained may be used by the respon­
dent for the posting of entries arising
from transactions involving the use of
such Federal Reserve services, if the
posting of these types of transactions has
been authorized by the correspondent
and the Federal Reserve. For example,
access to the wire transfer, securities
transfer, and settlement services that in­
volve charges to the commingled reserve
account at the Reserve Bank will require
authorization from the correspondent
and the Reserve Bank for the type of
transaction that is occurring.
(ii) In addition, in obtaining Federal

Reserve services, respondents maintain­
ing their required reserves on a pass­
through basis may choose to have entries
arising from the use of Federal Reserve
services posted to (a) with the prior au­
thorization of all parties concerned, the
reserve account maintained by any insti­
tution at a Federal Reserve Bank, or (b)
an account maintained for clearing pur­
poses at a Federal Reserve Bank by the
(iii) Accounts at Federal Reserve Banks
consisting only of respondents’ reserve
balances that are passed through by a
correspondent to a Federal Reserve Bank
may be used only for transactions of re­
spondents. A correspondent will not be
permitted to use such pass-through ac­
counts for purposes other than serving its
respondents’ needs.
(iv) A correspondent may not apply for
Federal Reserve credit on behalf of a re­
spondent. Rather, a respondent should
apply directly to its Federal Reserve
Bank for credit. Any Federal Reserve
credit obtained by a respondent may be
credited, at the respondent’s option and
with the approval of the parties con­
cerned, to the reserve account in which
its required reserves are maintained by a
correspondent, to a clearing account
maintained by the respondent, or to any
account to which the respondent is au­
thorized to post entries arising from the
use of in Federal Reserve services.

SECTION 204.4— Transitional
The following transitional adjustments for
computing federal reserve requirements shall
apply to all member and nonmember deposi­
tory institutions, except for reserves imposed
under sections 204.5 and 204.6.
(a) Nonmembers. Except as provided below,
the required reserves of a depository institu­
tion that was engaged in business on July 1,
1979, but was not a member of the Federal

§ 204.4

Regulation t>

Reserve System on or after that date shall be
determined by reducing the amount of
required reserves computed under section
204.3 in accordance with the following

Reserve maintenance
periods occurring

Percentage that
computed reserves
will be reduced

November 13, 1980
to September 2, 1981


September 3, 1981
to September 1, 1982


September 2, 1982
to August 31, 1983


September 1, 1983
to September 12, 1984


September 13, 1984
to September 11, 1985


September 12, 1985
to September 10, 1986


September 11, 1986
to September 9, 1987


September 10, 1987


M aintenance periods
occurring during
successive quarters
after becoming
a m em ber bank
8 and succeeding

(b) New members. The required reserves of a
nonmember depository institution that was
engaged in business but was not a member
bank during the period between July 1, 1979
and September 1, 1980, inclusive, and which
becomes a member of the Federal Reserve
System after September 1, 1980, shall be de­
termined under paragraph (a) as if it had re­
mained a nonmember and adding to this
am ount an am ount determined by multiplying
the difference between its required reserves
computed using the ratios specified in section
204.9(a) and its required reserves computed
as if it had remained a nonmember times the
percentage specified below in accordance with
the following schedule:


(c) D e novo in stitu tio n s. ( 1 ) The required re­
serves of any depository institution that was
not engaged in business on September 1,
1980, shall be computed under section
204.3 in accordance with the following
M aintenance periods
occurring during
successive quarters
after entering
into business
8 and succeeding

However, an institution shall not reduce the
am ount of required reserves on any category
of deposits or accounts that are first autho­
rized under federal law in any state after April
1, 1980.

Percentage applied
to difference
to compute am ount
to be added

Percentage o f
reserve requirement
to be m aintained

This paragraph shall also apply to a United
States branch or agency of a foreign bank if
such branch or agency is the foreign bank’s
first office in the United States. Additional
branches or agencies of such a foreign bank
shall be entitled only to the remaining phasein available to the initial office.
(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (1),
the required reserves of any depository in­
stitution that—
(i) was not engaged in business on No­
vember 18, 1981, and
(ii) has $50 million or more in daily av­
erage total transaction accounts, nonper­
sonal time deposits and Eurocurrency lia­
bilities for any computation period after
commencing business
shall be 100 percent of the required reserves
computed under section 204.3 starting with
the maintenance period that begins 17 days


Regulation D
after the computation period during which
such institution has daily average total
transaction accounts, nonpersonal time de­
posits and Eurocurrency liabilities of $50
million or more.
(d ) Nonm ember depository institutions with
offices in Hawaii. Any depository institution
that, on August 1, 1978, (1) was engaged in
business as a depository institution in Hawaii,
and (2) was not a member of the Federal Re­
serve System at any time on or after such date
shall not maintain reserves imposed under this
part against deposits held or maintained at its
offices located in Hawaii until January 2,
1986. Beginning January 2, 1986, the required
reserves on deposits held or maintained at of­
fices located in Hawaii of such a depository
institution shall be determined by reducing
the amount of required reserves under section
204.3 in accordance with the following

M aintenance periods
occurring between

Percentage that
computed reserves
will be reduced

January 2
to December 31, 1986


January 1, 1987
to January 6, 1988


January 7, 1988
to January 4, 1989


January 5, 1989
to January 3, 1990


January 4, 1990
to January 2, 1991


January 3, 1991
to January 1, 1992


January 2, 1992
to January 6, 1993


January 7, 1993


(e) Mergers and consolidations. The follow­
ing rules concerning transitional adjustments
apply to mergers and consolidations of deposi­
tory institutions:
(1) Where all depository institutions in­
volved in a merger or consolidation are sub­
ject to the same paragraph of the transition­
al adjustment rules contained in paragraphs
(a) through (d ) of this section during the
reserve computation period immediately

preceding the merger, the surviving institu­
tion shall continue to compute its transi­
tional adjustment of required reserves un­
der such applicable paragraph, except that
the am ount of reserves which shall be main­
tained shall be reduced by an amount deter­
mined by multiplying the am ount by which
the required reserves during the com puta­
tion period immediately preceding the date
of the merger (computed as if the deposito­
ry institutions had merged) exceed the sum
of the actual required reserves of each de­
pository institution during the same compu­
tation period, times the appropriate per­
centage as specified in the following

M aintenance periods
occurring during
quarterly periods
following merger
8 and succeeding

Percentage applied
to difference
to compute am ount
to be subtracted

(2) (i) Where the depository institutions
involved in a merger or consolidation are
not subject to the same paragraph of the
transitional adjustment rules contained in
paragraphs (a) through (d ) of this sec­
tion and such merger or consolidation
(A ) on or after July 1, 1979, between
a nonmember bank and a bank that
was a member bank on or after July 1,
1979, and the survivor is a nonmember
(B) on or after M arch 31, 1980, be­
tween a member bank and a nonmem­
ber bank and the survivor is a member
bank; or
(C ) on or after September 1, 1980, be­
tween any other depository institu­
the required reserves of the surviving in­
stitution shall be computed by allocating
its deposits, Eurocurrency liabilities, oth19

er reservable claims, balances due from
other depository institutions and cash
items in process of collection to each de­
pository institution involved in the merg­
er transaction and applying to such
amounts the transitional adjustment rule
of paragraphs (a) through (d ) of this
section to which each such depository in­
stitution was subject during the reserve
computation period immediately prior to
the merger or consolidation.
(ii) The deposits of the surviving institu­
tion shall be allocated according to the
ratio that daily average total required re­
serves of each depository institution in­
volved in the merger were to the sum of
daily average total required reserves of all
institutions involved in the merger or
consolidation during the reserve compu­
tation period immediately preceding the
date of the merger.
(A ) If the merger occurs before N o­
vember 6, 1980, such ratio of daily av­
erage total required reserves shall be
computed using the reserve require­
ment ratios in section 204.9(b).
(B) If the merger occurs on or after
November 6, 1980, such ratio of daily
average total required reserves shall be
computed using the reserve require­
ment ratios in section 204.9(a) with­
out regard to the transitional adjust­
ments of this section.
(iii) The low reserve tranche on transac­
tion accounts (section 204.9(a)) shall be
allocated to each institution involved in
the merger or consolidation using the ra­
tio computed in paragraph ( e )(2 )(ii)
and the reserve requirement tranches on
demand deposits (section 204.9(b))
shall be allocated to member bank depos­
its using such ratio of daily average total
required reserves.
(iv) The vault cash of the surviving de­
pository institution also will be allocated
to each institution involved in the merger
or consolidation according to the ratio
that daily average total required reserves
of each depository institution involved in
the merger was to the sum of daily
average total required reserves of all in­
stitutions involved in the merger or con­

Regulation D
solidation during the reserve com puta­
tion period immediately preceding the
date of the merger.
(v) The am ount of reserves which shall
be maintained shall be reduced by an
amount determined by multiplying the
amount by which the required reserves
during the computation period immedi­
ately preceding the date of the merger
(computed as if the depository institu­
tions had merged) exceed the sum of the
actual required reserves of each deposito­
ry institution during the same com puta­
tion period, times the appropriate per­
centage as specified in the following
M aintenance periods
occurring during
quarterly periods
following merger
8 and succeeding

Percentage applied
to difference
to compute am ount
to be subtracted

SECTION 204.5—Emergency Reserve
(a) Finding by Board. The Board may im­
pose, after consulting with the appropriate
committees of Congress, additional reserve re­
quirements on depository institutions at any
ratio on any liability upon a finding by at least
five members of the Board that extraordinary
circumstances require such action.
(b) Term. Any action taken under this sec­
tion shall be valid for a period not exceeding
180 days, and may be extended for further pe­
riods of up to 180 days each by affirmative
action of at least five members of the Board
for each extension.
(c) Reports to Congress. The Board shall
transm it promptly to Congress a report of any
exercise of its authority under this paragraph
and the reasons for the exercise of authority.
(d ) Reserve requirements. A t present, there

Regulation D
are no emergency reserve requirements im­
posed under this section.

SECTION 204.6—Supplemental Reserve
(a) Finding by Board. Upon the affirmative
vote of at least five members of the Board and
after consultation with the Board of Directors
of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora­
tion, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board,
and the National Credit Union Administra­
tion Board, the Board may impose a supple­
mental reserve requirement on every deposito­
ry institution of not more than 4 percent of its
total transaction accounts. A supplemental re­
serve requirement may be imposed if—
(1) the sole purpose of the requirement is
to increase the amount of reserves main­
tained to a level essential for the conduct of
monetary policy;
(2) the requirement is not imposed for the
purpose of reducing the cost burdens result­
ing from the imposition of basic reserve
(3) such requirement is not imposed for
the purpose of increasing the amount of
balances needed for clearing purposes; and
(4) on the date on which supplemental re­
serve requirements are imposed, the total
amount of basic reserve requirements is not
less than the am ount of reserves that would
be required on transaction accounts and
nonpersonal time deposits under the initial
reserve ratios established by the Monetary
Control A ct of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-221) in
effect on September 1, 1980.
(b) Term
(1) If a supplemental reserve requirement
has been imposed for a period of one year
or more, the Board shall review and deter­
mine the need for continued maintenance of
supplemental reserves and shall transmit
annual reports to the Congress regarding
the need for continuing such requirement.
(2) Any supplemental reserve requirement
shall terminate at the close of the first 90day period after the requirement is imposed
during which the average am ount of supple­
mental reserves required are less than the
am ount of reserves which would be re­

§ 204.7
quired if the ratios in effect on September 1,
1980, were applied.
(c) Earnings participation account. A deposi­
tory institution’s supplemental reserve re­
quirement shall be maintained by the Federal
Reserve Banks in an earnings participation ac­
count. Such balances shall receive earnings to
be paid by the Federal Reserve Banks during
each calendar quarter at a rate not to exceed
the rate earned on the securities portfolio of
the Federal Reserve System during the previ­
ous calendar quarter. Additional rules and
regulations may be prescribed by the Board
concerning the payment of earnings on earn­
ings participation accounts by Federal Re­
serve Banks.
(d) Report to Congress. The Board shall
transm it promptly to the Congress a report
stating the basis for exercising its authority to
require a supplemental reserve under this
(e) Reserve requirements. A t present, there
are no supplemental reserve requirements im­
posed under this section.

SECTION 204.7—Penalties
(a) Penalties fo r deficiencies.
(1) Assessment o f penalties. Deficiencies in
a depository institution’s required reserve
balance, after application of the 2 percent
carryover provided in section 204.3(f) are
subject to penalties. Federal Reserve Banks
are authorized to assess penalties for defi­
ciencies in required reserves at a rate of 2
percent per year above the lowest rate in
effect for borrowings from the Federal Re­
serve Bank on the first day of the calendar
month in which the deficiencies occurred.
Penalties shall be assessed on the basis of
daily average deficiencies during each main­
tenance period. Reserve Banks may, as an
alternative to levying monetary penalties,
after consideration of the circumstances in­
volved, permit a depository institution to
eliminate deficiencies in its required reserve
balance by maintaining additional reserves
during subsequent reserve maintenance
(2) Waivers, (i) Reserve Banks may waive

the penalty for reserve deficiencies except
when the deficiency arises out of a depos­
itory institution’s gross negligence or
conduct that is inconsistent with the
principles and purposes of reserve re­
quirements. Each Reserve Bank has
adopted guidelines that provide for waiv­
ers of small penalties. The guidelines also
provide for waiving the penalty once dur­
ing a two-year period for any deficiency
that does not exceed a certain percentage
of the depository institution’s required
reserves. Decisions by Reserve Banks to
waive penalties in other situations are
based on an evaluation of the circum­
stances in each individual case and the
depository institution’s reserve mainte­
nance record. If a depository institution
has demonstrated a lack of due regard for
the proper maintenance of required re­
serves, the Reserve Bank may decline to
exercise the waiver privilege and assess
all penalties regardless of am ount or rea­
son for the deficiency.
(ii) In individual cases, where a federal
supervisory authority waives a liquidity
requirement, or waives the penalty for
failing to satisfy a liquidity requirement,
the Reserve Bank in the District where
the involved depository institution is lo­
cated shall waive the reserve requirement
imposed under this part for such deposi­
tory institution when requested by the
federal supervisory authority involved.
(b) Penalties fo r violations. Violations of this
part may be subject to assessment of civil
money penalties by the Board under authority
of section 19(1) of the Federal Reserve Act
(12 USC 505) as implemented in 12 CFR
263. In addition, the Board and any other fed­
eral financial institution supervisory authority
may enforce this part with respect to deposito­
ry institutions subject to their jurisdiction un­
der authority conferred by law to undertake
cease-and-desist proceedings.

SECTION 204.8— International Banking
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this part, the
following definitions apply:

Regulation D
(1) “International banking fa c ility ” or
“IB F ” means a set of asset and liability ac­
counts segregated on the books and records
of a depository institution, United States
branch or agency of a foreign bank, or an
Edge or agreement corporation that in­
cludes only international banking facility
time deposits and international banking fa­
cility extensions of credit.
(2) “International banking facility tim e de­
posit” or “IB F tim e deposit” means a depos­
it, placement, borrowing or similar obliga­
tion represented by a promissory note,
acknowledgment of advance, or similar in­
strument that is not issued in negotiable or
bearer form, and
(i) (A ) that must remain on deposit at
the IBF at least overnight; and
(B) that is issued to—
(7) any office located outside the
United States of another depository
institution organized under the laws
of the United States or of an Edge or
agreement corporation;
(2) any office located outside the
United States of a foreign bank;
(3) a United States office or a nonUnited States office of the entity es­
tablishing the IBF;
(4) another IBF; or
(J ) a foreign national government,
or an agency or instrumentality
thereof,13 engaged principally in ac­
tivities which are ordinarily per­
formed in the United States by gov­
ernmental entities; an international
entity of which the United States is a
member; or any other foreign inter­
national or supranational entity spe­
cifically designated by the Board;14
(ii) (A ) that is payable—
( / ) on a specified date not less than
two business days after the date of
(2) upon expiration of a specified
period of time not less than two
13 O ther than states, provinces, municipalities, or other
regional o r local governmental units or agencies or instru­
mentalities thereof.
14 The designated entities are specified in 12 C FR
204.125 (page 26).

Regulation D
business days after the date of de­
posit; or
( J ) upon written notice that actual­
ly is required to be given by the de­
positor not less than two business
days prior to the date of withdrawal;
(B) that represents funds deposited to
the credit of a non-U nited States
resident or a foreign branch, office,
subsidiary, affiliate, or other foreign es­
tablishment ( “foreign affiliate” ) con­
trolled by one or more domestic corpo­
rations provided that such funds are
used only to support the operations
outside the United States of the deposi­
tor or of its affiliates located outside
the United States; and
(C ) that is maintained under an
agreement or arrangement under
which no deposit or withdrawal of less
than $100,000 is permitted, except that
a withdrawal of less than $100,000 is
permitted if such withdrawal closes an
“International banking facility exten­
sion o f credit” or “IB F loan ” means any
transaction where an IBF supplies funds by
making a loan, or placing funds in a deposit
account. Such transactions may be repre­
sented by a promissory note, security,
acknowledgment of advance, due bill, re­
purchase agreement, or any other form of
credit transaction. Such credit may be ex­
tended only to—
(i) any office located outside the United
States of another depository institution
organized under the laws of the United
States or of an Edge or agreement
(ii) any office located outside the United
States of a foreign bank;
(iii) a United States or a non-United
States office of the institution establishing
the IBF;
(iv) another IBF;
(v) a foreign national government, or an
agency or instrumentality thereof,15 en­
gaged principally in activities which are
ordinarily performed in the United States
by governmental entities; an internation­
al entity of which the United States is a
15 See footnote 13.

member; or any other foreign interna­
tional or supranational entity specifically
designated by the Board,16 or
(vi) a non-U nited States resident or a
foreign branch, office, subsidiary, affiliate
or other foreign establishment (“foreign
affiliate” ) controlled by one or more do­
mestic corporations provided that the
funds are used only to finance the opera­
tions outside the United States of the bor­
rower or of its affiliates located outside
the United States.
(b) Acknowledgm ent o f use o f IB F deposits
and extensions o f credit. A n IBF shall provide
written notice to each of its customers (other
than those specified in section 204.8(a)(2)
(i)(B ) and section 2 0 4 .8 (a)( 3 ) (i) through
(v )) at the time a deposit relationship or a
credit relationship is first established that it is
the policy of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System that deposits received
by international banking facilities may be used
only to support the depositor’s operations out­
side the United States as specified in section
204.8(a) (2) (ii) (B) and that extensions of
credit by IBFs may be used only to finance
operations outside of the United States as
specified in section 204.8(a) (3) (vi). In the
case of loans to or deposits from foreign affili­
ates of U. S. residents, receipt of such notice
must be acknowledged in writing whenever a
deposit or credit relationship is first estab­
lished with the IBF.
(c) Exem ption from reserve requirements. An
institution that is subject to the reserve re­
quirements of this part is not required to
maintain reserves against its IBF time depos­
its or IBF loans. Deposit-taking activities of
IBFs are limited to accepting only IBF time
deposits and lending activities of IBFs are re­
stricted to making only IBF loans.
(d) Establishm ent o f an international bank­
ing facility. A depository institution, an Edge
or agreement corporation or a United States
branch or agency of a foreign bank may estab­
lish an IBF in any location where it is legally
authorized to engage in IBF business. Howev­
er, only one IBF may be established for each
reporting entity that is required to submit a
,6 See footnote 14.


§ 204.8

Regulation D

Report of Transaction Accounts, O ther De­
posits and Vault Cash (Form FR 2900).
(e) Notification to Federal Reserve. At least
14 days prior to the first reserve computation
period that an institution intends to establish
an IBF it shall notify the Federal Reserve
Bank of the District in which it is located of
its intent. Such notification shall include a
statement of intention by the institution that it
will comply with the rules of this part con­
cerning IBFs, including restrictions on sourc­
es and uses of funds, and recordkeeping and
accounting requirements. Failure to comply
with the requirements of this part shall subject
the institution to reserve requirements under
this part or result in the revocation of the in­
stitution’s ability to operate an IBF.
(f) Recordkeeping requirements. A deposito­
ry institution shall segregate on its books and
records the asset and liability accounts of its
IBF and submit reports concerning the opera­
tions of its IBF as required by the Board.

S E C T IO N 204.9— S upplem ent: R eserve
R e q u irem e n t R a tio s
(a) (1) Reserve percentages. The following re­
serve ratios are prescribed for all depository
institutions, Edge and agreement corpora­
tions, and United States branches and agen­
cies of foreign banks:

Reserve requirement


(2) Exemption from reserve requirements.
Each depository institution, Edge or agree­
ment corporation, and U.S. branch or agen­
cy of a foreign bank is subject to a zero
percent reserve requirement on an amount
of its transaction accounts subject to the
low reserve tranche in paragraph (a )(1 ),
nonpersonal time deposits, or Eurocurrency
liabilities or any combination thereof not in
excess of $3.2 million determined in accord­
ance with section 204.3(a)(3) of this part.
(b) Reserve ratios in effect during last compu­
tation period prior to Septem ber 1, 1980.

Reserve requirement

Deposit tranche:
$0-$2 million


over $2 million$10 million

$140,000 + 95%
of amount over
$2 million

over $ 10 million$100 million

$ 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 + ll|%
of amount over
$10 million

over $100 million$400 million

$11,475,000+ 12|%
of amount over
$ 100 million

over $400 million

of amount over
$400 million



(subject to 3%
minimum specified
by law)
By initial maturity:

$0 to $40.5 million

3% of amount

Over $40.5 million

$1,215,000 plus
12% of amount over
$40.5 million

By original maturity
(or notice period):
less than 1J years


1j years or more




* D ollar amounts do not reflect the adjustment to be
made by the next paragraph.

less than 180 days
$0-5 million
over $5 million


180 days to four years


four years or more


Accounts authorized
pursuant to section 303
of Pub. L. 96-221
offered by member banks
located in states
outside Connecticut,
Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York,
Rhode Island and


Club accounts


Regulation D

§ 204.9

For purposes of computing the reserves un­
der this part, that would have been required
using the reserve ratios that were in effect on
August 31, 1980, the reserve ratio on time de­
posits of a member bank shall be the average
time deposit ratio of the member bank during
the 14-day period ending August 6, 1980, ex­
cept that the reserve ratio on time deposits of
a nonmember bank that was a member bank
on or after July 1, 1979, but which became a
nonmember bank before March 31, 1980, may
be the average time deposit ratio of the non­
member during the 14-day period ending A u­
gust 27, 1980.



SECTION 204.125—Foreign,
International, and Supranational Entities
Whose Deposits Are Exempt from
The entities referred to in section 204.2(c)
(1) (iv) (E ) are:
Bank for International Settlements
European Atomic Energy Community
European Coal and Steel Community
The European Communities
European Development Fund
European Economic Community
European Free Trade Association
European Fund
European Investment Bank
Latin America
Andean Development Corporation
Andean Subregional Group
Caribbean Development Bank
Caribbean Free Trade Association
Caribbean Regional Development Agency
Central American Bank for Economic
The Central American Institute for
Industrial Research and Technology
Central American M onetary Stabilization
East Caribbean Common Market

Regulation D
Latin American Free Trade Association
Organization for Central American States
Permanent Secretariat of the Central
American General Treaty of Economic
River Plate Basin Commission
African Development Bank
Banque Centrale des Etats de l’Afrique
Equatorial et du Cameroun
Banque Centrale des Etats d ’Afrique
Conseil de l’Entente
East African Community
Organisation Commune Africaine et
Organization of African Unity
Union des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale
Union Douaniere et Economique de
l’Afrique Centrale
Union Douaniere des Etats de l’Afrique de
Asia and Pacific Council
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Bank of Taiwan
K orea Exchange Bank
M iddle East
Central Treaty Organization
Regional Cooperation for Development

Statutory Provisions

SECTION 19—Bank Reserves
(a) The Board is authorized for the purposes
o f this section to define the terms used in this
section, to determine what shall be deemed a
payment of interest, to determine what types
of obligations, whether issued directly by a
member bank or indirectly by an affiliate of a
member bank or by other means, shall be
deemed a deposit, and to prescribe such regu­
lations as it may deem necessary to effectuate
the purposes of this section and to prevent
evasions thereof.
(b) Reserve requirements.
(1) Definitions. The following definitions
and rules apply to this subsection, subsec­
tion (c), section 11A, the first paragraph of
section 13, and the second, thirteenth, and
fourteenth paragraphs of section 16:
(A ) The term ‘depository institution’
(i) any insured bank as defined in sec­
tion 3 of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance Act or any bank which is eligible
to make application to become an in­
sured bank under section 5 of such
(ii) any mutual savings bank as de­
fined in section 3 of the Federal Depos­
it Insurance A ct or any bank which is
eligible to make application to become
an insured bank under section 5 of
such Act;
(iii) any savings bank as defined in
section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance Act or any bank which is eligible
to make application to become an in­
sured bank under section 5 of such
(iv) any insured credit union as de­
fined in section 101 of the Federal
Credit Union A ct or any credit union
which is eligible to make application to
become an insured credit union pursu­
ant to section 201 of such Act;

(v) any member as defined in section
2 o f the Federal Home Loan Bank Act;
(vi) any insured institution as defined
in section 401 of the National Housing
A ct or any institution which is eligible
to make application to become an in­
sured institution under section 403 of
such Act; and
(vii) for the purpose of section 13 and
the fourteenth paragraph of section 16,
any association or entity which is
wholly owned by or which consists
only of institutions referred to in claus­
es (i) through (vi).
(B) The term ‘bank’ means any insured
or noninsured bank, as defined in section
3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act,
other than a mutual savings bank or a
savings bank as defined in such section.
(C ) The term ‘transaction account’
means a deposit or account on which the
depositor or account holder is permitted
to make withdrawals by negotiable or
transferable instrument, payment orders
of withdrawal, telephone transfers, or
other similar items for the purpose of
making payments or transfers to third
persons or others. Such term includes de­
mand deposits, negotiable order of with­
drawal accounts, savings deposits subject
to automatic transfers, and share draft
(D ) The term ‘nonpersonal time depos­
its’ means a transferable time deposit or
account or a time deposit or account rep­
resenting funds deposited to the credit of,
or in which any beneficial interest is held
by, a depositor who is not a natural
(E ) In order to prevent evasions of the
reserve requirements imposed by this
subsection, after consultation with the
Board of Directors of the Federal Depos­
it Insurance Corporation, the Federal
Home Loan Bank Board, and the N a­
tional Credit Union Administration
Board, the Board of Governors of the

Statutory Provisions
Federal Reserve System is authorized to
determine, by regulation or order, that an
account or deposit is a transaction ac­
count if such account or deposit may be
used to provide funds directly or indirect­
ly for the purpose of making payments or
transfers to third persons or others.
(2) Reserve requirements. (A ) Each de­
pository institution shall maintain re­
serves against its transaction accounts as
the Board may prescribe by regulation
solely for the purpose of implementing
monetary policy—
(i) in the ratio of 3 per centum for
that portion of its total transaction ac­
counts of $25,000,000 or less, subject
to subparagraph (C ); and
(ii) in the ratio of 12 per centum, or
in such other ratio as the Board may
prescribe not greater than 14 per cen­
tum and not less than 8 per centum,
for that portion of its total transaction
accounts in excess of $25,000,000, sub­
ject to subparagraph (C ).
(B) Each depository institution shall
maintain reserves against its nonpersonal
time deposits in the ratio of 3 per cen­
tum, or in such other ratio not greater
than 9 per centum and not less than zero
per centum as the Board may prescribe
by regulation solely for the purpose of
implementing monetary policy.
(C ) Beginning in 1981, not later than
December 31 of each year the Board
shall issue a regulation increasing for the
next succeeding calendar year the dollar
amount which is contained in subpara­
graph (A ) or which was last determined
pursuant to this subparagraph for the
purpose of such subparagraph, by an
am ount obtained by multiplying such
dollar amount by 80 per centum of the
percentage increase in the total transac­
tion accounts of all depository institu­
tions. The increase in such transaction
accounts shall be determined by subtract­
ing the am ount of such accounts on June
30 of the preceding calendar year from
the am ount of such accounts on June 30
of the calendar year involved. In the case
of any such 12-month period in which
there has been a decrease in the total

Regulation D
transaction accounts of all depository in­
stitutions, the Board shall issue such a
regulation decreasing for the next suc­
ceeding calendar year such dollar
am ount by an am ount obtained by m ulti­
plying such dollar am ount by 80 per cen­
tum of the percentage decrease in the to­
tal transaction accounts of all depository
institutions. The decrease in such trans­
action accounts shall be determined by
subtracting the am ount of such accounts
on June 30 of the calendar year involved
from the amount of such accounts on
June 30 of the previous calendar year.
(D ) Any reserve requirement imposed
under this subsection shall be uniformly
applied to all transaction accounts at all
depository institutions. Reserve require­
ments imposed under this subsection
shall be uniformly applied to nonpersonal
time deposits at all depository institu­
tions, except that such requirements may
vary by the maturity of such deposits.
(3) Waiver o f ratio lim its in extraordinary
circumstances. Upon a finding by at least 5
members of the Board that extraordinary
circumstances require such action, the
Board, after consultation with the appropri­
ate committees of the Congress, may
impose, with respect to any liability of
depository institutions, reserve require­
ments outside the limitations as to ratios
and as to types of liabilities otherwise pre­
scribed by paragraph (2) for a period not
exceeding 180 days, and for further periods
not exceeding 180 days each by affirmative
action by at least 5 members of the Board in
each instance. The Board shall promptly
transm it to the Congress a report of any
exercise of its authority under this para­
graph and the reasons for such exercise of
(4) Supplem ental reserves. (A ) The Board
may, upon the affirmative vote of not less
than 5 members, impose a supplemental
reserve requirement on every depository
institution of not more than 4 per centum
of its total transaction accounts. Such
supplemental reserve requirement may be
imposed only if—
(i) the sole purpose of such require­
ment is to increase the am ount of re­

Regulation D
serves maintained to a level essential
for the conduct of monetary policy;
(ii) such requirement is not imposed
for the purpose of reducing the cost
burdens resulting from the imposition
of the reserve requirements pursuant
to paragraph (2);
(iii) such requirement is not imposed
for the purpose of increasing the
amount of balances needed for clearing
purposes; and
(iv) on the date on which the supple­
mental reserve requirement is imposed,
except as provided in paragraph (11),
the total am ount of reserves required
pursuant to paragraph (2) is not less
than the am ount of reserves that would
be required if the initial ratios specified
in paragraph (2) were in effect.
(B ) The Board may require the supple­
mental reserve authorized under subpar­
agraph (A ) only after consultation with
the Board of Directors of the Federal De­
posit Insurance Corporation, the Federal
Home Loan Bank Board, and the N a­
tional Credit Union Administration
Board. The Board shall promptly trans­
mit to the Congress a report with respect
to any exercise of its authority to require
supplemental reserves under subpara­
graph (A ) and such report shall state the
basis for the determination to exercise
such authority.
(C ) The supplemental reserve autho­
rized under subparagraph (A ) shall be
maintained by the Federal Reserve banks
in an Earnings Participation Account.
Except as provided in subsection
( c ) ( l ) ( A ) ( ii) , such Earnings Participa­
tion Account shall receive earnings to be
paid by the Federal Reserve banks during
each calendar quarter at a rate not more
than the rate earned on the securities
portfolio of the Federal Reserve System
during the previous calendar quarter.
The Board may prescribe rules and regu­
lations concerning the payment of earn­
ings on Earnings Participation Accounts
by Federal Reserve banks under this
(D ) If a supplemental reserve under
subparagraph (A ) has been required of

Statutory Provisions
depository institutions for a period of one
year or more, the Board shall review and
determine the need for continued mainte­
nance of supplemental reserves and shall
transm it annual reports to the Congress
regarding the need, if any, for continuing
the supplemental reserve.
(E ) Any supplemental reserve imposed
under subparagraph (A ) shall terminate
at the close of the first 90-day period af­
ter such requirement is imposed during
which the average am ount of reserves re­
quired under paragraph (2) are less than
the am ount of reserves which would be
required during such period if the initial
ratios specified in paragraph (2) were in
(5) Reserves related to foreign obligations
or assets. Foreign branches, subsidiaries,
and international banking facilities of non­
member depository institutions shall main­
tain reserves to the same extent required by
the Board of foreign branches, subsidiaries,
and international banking facilities of mem­
ber banks. In addition to any reserves oth­
erwise required to be maintained pursuant
to this subsection, any depository institu­
tion shall maintain reserves in such ratios as
the Board may prescribe against—
(A ) net balances owed by domestic of­
fices of such depository institution in the
United States to its directly related for­
eign offices and to foreign offices of non­
related depository institutions;
(B) loans to United States residents
made by overseas offices of such deposi­
tory institution if such depository institu­
tion has one or more offices in the United
States; and
(C ) assets (including participations)
held by foreign offices of a depository in­
stitution in the United States which were
acquired from its domestic offices.
(6) Exem ption fo r certain deposits. The re­
quirements imposed under paragraph (2)
shall not apply to deposits payable only out­
side the States of the United States and the
District of Columbia, except that nothing in
this subsection limits the authority of the
Board to impose conditions and require­
ments on member banks under section 25 of
this A ct or the authority of the Board under

Statutory Provisions
section 7 of the International Banking Act
of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3105).
(7) Discount and borrowing. Any deposito­
ry institution in which transaction accounts
or nonpersonal time deposits are held shall
be entitled to the same discount and bor­
rowing privileges as member banks. In the
administration of discount and borrowing
privileges, the Board and the Federal Re­
serve banks shall take into consideration
the special needs of savings and other de­
pository institutions for access to discount
and borrowing facilities consistent with
their long-term asset portfolios and the sen­
sitivity of such institutions to trends in the
national money markets.
(8) Transitional adjustments.
(A ) Any depository institution required
to maintain reserves under this subsec­
tion which was engaged in business on
July 1, 1979, but was not a member of
the Federal Reserve System on or after
that date, shall maintain reserves against
its deposits during the first twelve-month
period following the effective date of this
paragraph in amounts equal to oneeighth of those otherwise required by this
subsection, during the second such
twelve-month period in amounts equal to
one-fourth of those otherwise required,
during the third such twelve-month peri­
od in amounts equal to three-eighths of
those otherwise required, during the
fourth twelve-month period in amounts
equal to one-half of those otherwise re­
quired, and during the fifth twelve-month
period in amounts equal to five-eighths of
those otherwise required, during the
sixth twelve-month period in amounts
equal to three-fourths of those otherwise
required, and during the seventh twelve­
month period in amounts equal to seveneighths of those otherwise required. This
subparagraph does not apply to any cate­
gory of deposits or accounts which are
first authorized pursuant to Federal law
in any State after April 1, 1980.
(B) W ith respect to any bank which was
a member of the Federal Reserve System
during the entire period beginning on
July 1, 1979, and ending on the effective
date of the Monetary Control A ct of

Regulation D
1980, the amount of required reserves
imposed pursuant to this subsection on
and after the effective date of such Act
that exceeds the am ount of reserves
which would have been required of such
bank if the reserve ratios in effect during
the reserve computation period immedi­
ately preceding such effective date were
applied may, at the discretion of the
Board and in accordance with such rules
and regulations as it may adopt, be re­
duced by 75 per centum during the first
year which begins after such effective
date, 50 per centum during the second
year, and 25 per centum during the third
(C )(i) W ith respect to any bank which
is a member of the Federal Reserve
System on the effective date of the
Monetary Control A ct of 1980, the
am ount of reserves which would have
been required of such bank if the re­
serve ratios in effect during the reserve
computation period immediately pre­
ceding such effective date were applied
that exceeds the am ount of required re­
serves imposed pursuant to this subsec­
tion shall, in accordance with such
rules and regulations as the Board may
adopt, be reduced by 25 per centum
during the first year which begins after
such effective date, 50 per centum dur­
ing the second year, and 75 per centum
during the third year.
(ii) If a bank becomes a member bank
during the four-year period beginning
on the effective date of the Monetary
Control A ct of 1980, and if the amount
of reserves which would have been re­
quired of such bank, determined as if
the reserve ratios in effect during the
reserve computation period immedi­
ately preceding such effective date
were applied, and as if such bank had
been a member during such period, ex­
ceeds the am ount of reserves required
pursuant to this subsection, the
am ount of reserves required to be
maintained by such bank beginning on
the date on which such bank becomes
a member of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem shall be the amount of reserves

Regulation D
which would have been required of
such bank if it had been a member on
the day before such effective date, ex­
cept that the amount of such excess
shall, in accordance with such rules
and regulations as the Board may
adopt, be reduced by 25 per centum
during the first year which begins after
such effective date, 50 per centum dur­
ing the second year, and 75 per centum
during the third year.
( D ) ( i) Any bank which was a member
bank on July 1, 1979, and which with­
draws from membership in the Federal
Reserve System during the period be­
ginning on July 1, 1979, and ending on
March 31, 1980, shall maintain re­
serves during the first twelve-month
period beginning on the date of enact­
ment of this clause in am ounts equal to
one-half of those otherwise required by
this subsection, during the second such
twelve-month period in amounts equal
to two-thirds of those otherwise re­
quired, and during the third such
twelve-month period in am ounts equal
to five-sixths of those otherwise
(ii) Any bank which withdraws from
membership in the Federal Reserve
System on or after the date of enact­
ment of the Depository Institutions
Deregulation and M onetary Control
A ct of 1980 shall maintain reserves in
the same amount as member banks are
required to maintain under this subsec­
tion, pursuant to subparagraphs (B)
and (C )(i).
(E )
This subparagraph applies to any
depository institution that, on August 1,
1978, (i) was engaged in business as a
depository institution in a State outside
the continental limits of the United
States, and (ii) was not a member of the
Federal Reserve System at any time on or
after such date. Such a depository institu­
tion shall not be required to maintain re­
serves against its deposits held or main­
tained at its offices located in a State
outside the continental limits of the U nit­
ed States until the first day of the sixth
calendar year which begins after the ef­

Statutory Provisions
fective date of the M onetary Control Act
of 1980. Such a depository institution
shall maintain reserves against its
deposits during the sixth calendar year
which begins after such effective date in
an am ount equal to one-eighth of that
otherwise required by paragraph (2 ),
during the seventh such year in an
am ount equal to one-fourth of that other­
wise required, during the eighth such
year in an am ount equal to three-eighths
of that otherwise required, during the
ninth such year in an am ount equal to
one-half of that otherwise required, dur­
ing the tenth such year in an amount
equal to five-eighths of that otherwise re­
quired, during the eleventh such year in
an am ount equal to three-fourths of that
otherwise required, and during the
twelfth such year in an am ount equal to
seven-eighths of that otherwise required.
(9) Exemption. This subsection shall not
apply with respect to any financial institu­
tion which—
(A ) is organized solely to do business
with other financial institutions;
(B) is owned primarily by the financial
institutions with which it does business;
(C ) does not do business with the gener­
al public.
(10) Waivers. In individual cases, where a
Federal supervisory authority waives a li­
quidity requirement, or waives the penalty
for failing to satisfy a liquidity requirement,
the Board shall waive the reserve require­
ment, or waive the penalty for failing to
satisfy a reserve requirement, imposed pur­
suant to this subsection for the depository
institution involved when requested by the
Federal supervisory authority involved.
(11) Additional exemptions. ( A )(i) N ot­
withstanding the reserve requirement
ratios established under paragraphs
(2) and (5) of this subsection, a re­
serve ratio of zero per centum shall ap­
ply to any combination of reservable
liabilities, which do not exceed
$2,000,000 (as adjusted under subpar­
agraph (B )), of each depository
(ii) Each depository institution may

Statutory Provisions
designate, in accordance with such
rules and regulations as the Board
shall prescribe, the types and amounts
of reservable liabilities to which the re­
serve ratio of zero per centum shall ap­
ply, except that transaction accounts
which are designated to be subject to a
reserve ratio of zero per centum shall
be accounts which would otherwise be
subject to a reserve ratio of 3 per cen­
tum under paragraph (2).
(iii) The Board shall minimize the re­
porting necessary to determine wheth­
er depository institutions have total re­
servable liabilities of less than
$2,000,000 (as adjusted under subpar­
agraph (B )). Consistent with the
Board’s responsibility to monitor and
control monetary and credit aggre­
gates, depository institutions which
have reserve requirements under this
subsection equal to zero per centum
shall be subject to less overall report­
ing requirements than depository insti­
tutions which have a reserve require­
ment under this subsection that ex­
ceeds zero per centum.
(B) (i) Beginning in 1982, not later
than December 31 of each year, the
Board shall issue a regulation increas­
ing for the next succeeding calendar
year the dollar amount specified in
subparagraph (A ), as previously ad­
justed under this subparagraph, by an
amount obtained by multiplying such
dollar am ount by 80 per centum of the
percentage increase in the total reserv­
able liabilities of all depository
(ii) The increase in total reservable li­
abilities shall be determined by sub­
tracting the amount of total reservable
liabilities on June 30 of the preceding
calendar year from the amount of total
reservable liabilities on June 30 of the
calendar year involved. In the case of
any such twelve-month period in
which there has been a decrease in the
total reservable liabilities of all deposi­
tory institutions, no adjustment shall
be made. A decrease in total reservable
liabilities shall be determined by sub­

Regulation D
tracting the am ount of total reservable
liabilities on June 30 of the calendar
year involved from the am ount of total
reservable liabilities on June 30 of the
previous calendar year.
(c)(l)R eserv es held by a depository institu­
tion to meet the requirements imposed pur­
suant to subsection (b) shall, subject to
such rules and regulations as the Board
shall prescribe, be in the form of—
(A ) balances maintained for such pur­
poses by such depository institution in
the Federal Reserve bank of which it is a
member or at which it maintains an ac­
count, except that (i) the Board may, by
regulation or order, permit depository in­
stitutions to maintain all or a portion of
their required reserves in the form of
vault cash, except that any portion so
permitted shall be identical for all deposi­
tory institutions, and (ii) vault cash may
be used to satisfy any supplemental re­
serve requirement imposed pursuant to
subsection (b )(4 ), except that all such
vault cash shall be excluded from any
computation of earnings pursuant to sub­
section (b )( 4 )( C ) ; and
(B) balances maintained by a depository
institution which is not a member bank
in a depository institution which main­
tains required reserve balances at a Fed­
eral Reserve bank, in a Federal Home
Loan Bank, or in the National Credit
Union Administration Central Liquidity
Facility, if such depository institution,
Federal Home Loan Bank, or National
Credit Union Administration Central Li­
quidity Facility maintains such funds in
the form of balances in a Federal Reserve
bank of which it is a member or at which
it maintains an account. Balances re­
ceived by a depository institution from a
second depository institution and used to
satisfy the reserve requirement imposed
on such second depository institution by
this section shall not be subject to the re­
serve requirements of this section im­
posed on such first depository institution,
and shall not be subject to assessments or
reserves imposed on such first depository
institution pursuant to section 7 o f the

Statutory Provisions

Regulation D
Federal Deposit Insurance A ct (12
U.S.C. 1817), section 404 of the National
Housing A ct (12 U.S.C. 1727), or sec­
tion 202 of the Federal Credit Union Act
(12 U.S.C. 1782).
(2) The balances maintained to meet the
reserve requirements of subsection (b) by a
depository institution in a Federal Reserve
bank or passed through a Federal Home
Loan Bank or the National Credit Union
Administration Central Liquidity Facility
or another depository institution to a Fed­
eral Reserve bank may be used to satisfy
liquidity requirements which may be im­
posed under other provisions of Federal or
State law.
[12 USC 461. As amended by acts o f June 21, 1917 (40
Stat. 239); Aug. 23, 1935 (49 Stat. 714); Sept. 21, 1966 (80
Stat. 823); Dec. 23, 1969 (83 Stat. 374, 375); Oct. 29, 1974
(88 Stat. 1557); M arch 31, 1980 (94 Stat. 133, 138); Aug.
13, 1981 (95 Stat. 433); and Oct. 15, 1982 (96 Stat. 1520,
1521, 1522, 1523, 1540).]






(f) The required balance carried by a mem­
ber bank with a Federal Reserve bank may,
under the regulations and subject to such pen­
alties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, be
checked against and withdrawn by such mem­
ber bank for the purpose of meeting existing
[12 USC 464. As amended by acts o f Aug. 15, 1914 (38
Stat. 691); June 21, 1917 (40 Stat. 239); Aug. 23, 1935 (49
Stat. 704); and July 7, 1942 (56 Stat. 648).]

(g) In estimating the reserve balances re­
quired by this Act, member banks may deduct
from the amount of their gross demand depos­
its the amounts of balances due from other
banks (except Federal Reserve banks and for­
eign banks) and cash items in process of col­
lection payable immediately upon presenta­
tion in the United States, within the meaning
of these terms as defined by the Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System.
[12 USC 465. As amended by acts o f Aug. 15, 1914 (38
Stat. 691); June 12, 1917 (40 Stat. 239); and Aug. 23, 1935
(49 Stat. 714).]

SECTION 11 — Powers of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System
The Board of Governors of the Federal Re­
serve System shall be authorized and
(a) (1) To examine at its discretion the ac­
counts, books, and affairs of each Federal
reserve bank and of each member bank and
to require such statements and reports as it
may deem necessary. The said board shall
publish once each week a statement show­
ing the condition of each Federal reserve
bank and a consolidated statement for all
Federal reserve banks. Such statements
shall show in detail the assets and liabilities
of the Federal reserve banks, single and
combined, and shall furnish full informa­
tion regarding the character of the money
held as reserve and the amount, nature, and
maturities of the paper and other invest­
ments owned or held by Federal reserve
(2) To require any depository institution
specified in this paragraph to make, at such
intervals as the Board may prescribe, such
reports of its liabilities and assets as the
Board may determine to be necessary or de­
sirable to enable the Board to discharge its
responsibility to m onitor and control mone­
tary and credit aggregates. Such reports
shall be made (A ) directly to the Board in
the case of member banks and in the case of
other depository institutions whose reserve
requirements under section 19 of this Act
exceed zero, and (B) for all other reports to
the Board through the (i) Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation in the case of in­
sured State nonmember banks, savings
banks, and mutual savings banks, (ii) N a­
tional Credit Union Administration Board
in the case of insured credit unions, (iii)
Federal Home Loan Bank Board in the case
of any institution insured by the Federal
Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or
which is a member as defined in section 2 of
the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, and (iv)
such State officer or agency as the Board
may designate in the case of any other type
of bank, savings and loan association, or
credit union. The Board shall endeavor to
avoid the imposition of unnecessary bur33

Statutory Provisions

Regulation D

dens on reporting institutions and the du­
plication of other reporting requirements.
Except as otherwise required by law, any
data provided to any department, agency,
or instrumentality of the United States pur­
suant to other reporting requirements shall
be made available to the Board. The Board
may classify depository institutions for the
purposes of this paragraph and may impose
different requirements on each such class.





(c) To suspend for a period not exceeding
thirty days, and from time to time to renew
such suspensions for periods not exceeding fif­
teen days, any reserve requirements specified
in this Act.





(e) To add to the number of cities classified
as reserve cities under existing law in which
national banking associations are subject to
the reserve requirements set forth in section
[nineteen] of this Act; or to reclassify existing
reserve cities or to terminate their designation
as such.
[12 USC 248 (a ), (c ), and (e ). As amended by acts of
June 12, 1945 (59 Stat. 237); July 28, 1959 (73 Stat. 264);
M arch 18, 1968 (82 Stat. 50) and M arch 31, 1980 (94 Stat.

S E C T IO N 25 — F o reig n B ranches
Any national banking association possessing a
capital and surplus of $1,000,000 or m ore may
file application with the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System for permission
to exercise, upon such conditions and under
such regulations as may be prescribed by the
said board, the following powers:
First. To establish branches in foreign coun­
tries or dependencies or insular possessions of
the United States for the furtherance of the
foreign commerce of the United States, and to
act if required to do so as fiscal agents of the
United States.





[ 12 USC 601. As amended by act o f Sept. 7, 1916 (39 Stat.


S E C T IO N 2 5 ( a ) — B anking
C o rp o ratio n s A u th o riz e d to D o F o reig n
B anking B usiness





Each corporation so organized shall have
power, under such rules and regulations as the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System may prescribe:
(a) To purchase, sell, discount, and negoti­
ate, with or without its indorsement or guar­
anty, notes, drafts, checks, bills of exchange,
acceptances, including bankers’ acceptances,
cable transfers, and other evidences of indebt­
edness; to purchase and sell with or without
its indorsement or guaranty, securities, in­
cluding the obligations of the United States or
of any State thereof but not including shares
of stock in any corporation except as herein
provided; to accept bills or drafts drawn upon
it subject to such limitations and restrictions
as the Board of Governors of the Federal Re­
serve System may impose; to issue letters of
credit; to purchase and sell coin, bullion, and
exchange; to borrow and to lend money; to
issue debentures, bonds, and promissory notes
under such general conditions as to security
and such limitations as the Board of Gover­
nors of the Federal Reserve System may pre­
scribe; to receive deposits outside of the U nit­
ed States and to receive only such deposits
within the United States as may be incidental
to or for the purpose of carrying out transac­
tions in foreign countries or dependencies or
insular possessions of the United States; and
generally to exercise such powers as are inci­
dental to the powers conferred by this A ct or
as may be usual, in the determination of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, in connection with the transaction of
the business of banking or other financial op­
erations in the countries, colonies, dependen­
cies, or possessions in which it shall transact
business and not inconsistent with the powers
specifically granted herein. Nothing contained
in this section shall be construed to prohibit
the Board of Governors of the Federal Re­
serve System, under its power to prescribe
rules and regulations, from limiting the aggre­
gate amount of liabilities of any or all classes
incurred by the corporation and outstanding

Regulation D

Statutory Provisions

at any one time. Whenever a corporation or­
ganized under this section receives deposits in
the United States authorized by this section it
shall carry reserves in such amounts as the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System may prescribe for member banks of
the Federal Reserve System.





[12 USC 615. As amended by acts o f Aug. 23, 1935 (49
Stat. 704) and Sept. 17, 1978 (92 Stat. 609).]

S E C T IO N 7— A u th o rity o f F ed eral
R eserve System
( a ) (1 ) ( A ) Except as provided in paragraph
(2) of this subsection, subsections (a),
(b ), (c), (d ), ( 0 , (g), (i), (j), (k ), and
the second sentence of subsection (e) of
section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act
shall apply to every Federal branch and
Federal agency of a foreign bank in the
same manner and to the same extent as if
the Federal branch or Federal agency
were a member bank as that term is de­
fined in section 1 of the Federal Reserve
Act; but the Board either by general or
specific regulation or ruling may waive
the minimum and maximum reserve ra­
tios prescribed under section 19 of the
Federal Reserve A ct and may prescribe
any ratio, not more than 22 per centum,
for any obligation of any such Federal

branch or Federal agency that the Board
may deem reasonable and appropriate,
taking into consideration the character of
business conducted by such institutions
and the need to maintain vigorous and
fair competition between and among
such institutions and member banks. The
Board may impose reserve requirements
on Federal branches and Federal agen­
cies in such graduated manner as it
deems reasonable and appropriate.
(B) After consultation and in coopera­
tion with the State bank supervisory au­
thorities, the Board may make applicable
to any State branch or State agency any
requirement made applicable to, or
which the Board has authority to impose
upon, any Federal branch or agency un­
der subparagraph (A ) of this paragraph.
(2) A branch or agency shall be subject to
this subsection only if (A ) its parent for­
eign bank has total worldwide consolidated
bank assets in excess of $1,000,000,000; (B)
its parent foreign bank is controlled by a
foreign company which owns or controls
foreign banks that in the aggregate have to­
tal worldwide consolidated bank assets in
excess of $1,000,000,000; or (C) its parent
foreign bank is controlled by a group of for­
eign companies that own or control foreign
banks that in the aggregate have total
worldwide consolidated bank assets in ex­
cess of $1,000,000,000.
[12 USC 3105.]



