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Dallas, Texas, November 27,1946


To the Member Banks o f the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

The election of directors to succeed Mr. Frank Turner, Class A direcĀ­
tor, and Mr. Geo. A. Hill, Jr., Class B director, has been held in accordance
with the provisions of Section 4 o f the Federal Reserve Act, as amended,
and my circulars of October 1 and November 8, 1946.
The results o f this election are as follows:
Mr. J. Edd McLaughlin, Vice President of the Security State Bank and
Trust Company, Ralls, Texas, was elected by the member banks in Group
3 as a Class A director of this bank.
Mr. George L. MacGregor, President and General Manager o f the Dallas
Power and Light Company, Dallas, Texas, was elected by the member banks
in Group 1 as a Class B director o f this bank.
Each was chosen fo r a term of three years beginning January 1, 1947.

J. R. PAR TE N ,
Chairman of the Board

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (