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Ba n k


D allas


Circular No, 7*+-306
November I*)-, 197*+


To All Member Banks in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

There is quoted below the text of a press release issued Wednesday,
November 13, 197*+ by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
announcing amendments to Regulation D modifying reserve requirements for
member banks. The amendments are effective on deposits outstanding in the
week beginning November 28, 197*+ and affect reserves held by member banks
in the week beginning December 12, 197*+.
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
today approved a restructuring of reserve requirements
that will help meet the seasonal need for bank reserves
over the coming weeks.
The Board's action is also designed to improve the
liquidity of the banking system by encouraging member
banks to seek longer-term time deposits. This will be
done by lowering reserve requirements on longer-term
time deposits and increasing reserve requirements on
shorter-term time deposits.
The net effect of the over-all restructuring — which
includes some reduction in reserve requirements on
demand deposits over $*+00 million — will be to release
about $750 million in reserves to the banking system.
Normally, the Federal Reserve provides a substantial
amount of reserves to accommodate the seasonal expan­
sion in the demand for money and credit that occurs
over this period, particularly during the Christmas
shopping season. This restructuring will provide part
of the needed reserves directly to member banks rather
than through open market operations.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


Actions taken by the Board will:

Reduce from 5 per cent to 3 per cent the reserve
requirement on all time deposits with an initial
maturity of four months or longer.


Increase from 5 per cent to 6 per cent the reserve
requirement on all time deposits with an initial
maturity of less than four months.

(The first $5 million of such deposits at each member bank
will be subject to a 3 per cent reserve requirement).

Reduce from 18 per cent to 17-1/2 per cent the
reserve requirement on net demand deposits over
$1+00 million.


Remove the remaining marginal reserve requirement
of 3 per cent on large certificates of deposit
issued to mature in less than four months.

All changes will apply to deposits outstanding in the week
beginning November 28 and will release reserves in the
week beginning December 12. The net reduction in reserves
will be distributed among various size banks as shown in
the following table:
Size of Bank
(Total deposits in
millions of dollars)
Under 50
50 - 100
100 - 500
500 and over

Net reduction in
required reserves


Reserve Requirements on Time Deposits
Reserve requirements on time deposits will be restruc­
tured to provide for a higher reserve requirement on
shorter-term time deposits and a lower reserve require­
ment on longer-term time deposits. The following table
depicts the new reserve structure:

Time and Savings Deposits
Type of Deposit


Savings deposits


Other Time Deposits
30-119 days
$5 million and under
Over $5 million
120 days and over


This change introduces a maturity breakdown for reserve
requirements on "other time deposits" regardless of de­
nomination. Under the system now in effect, member banks
are required to maintain a 3 per cent reserve requirement
on "other time deposits" up to $5 million and a 5 per
cent reserve requirement on "other time deposits" of more
than $5 million.
Reserve Requirements on Demand Deposits
Reserve requirements will be reduced from 18 per
to 17-1/2 per cent on net demand deposits over $1+00
million. This will offset the increase in required
serves that large banks will experience as a result
changes in the structure of reserve requirements on


The reduction will also narrow somewhat the gap now exist­
ing in reserve requirements for large banks as shown in
the following table:
millions of dollars)
10 - 100
100 - i+oo
Over 1+00

Net Demand Deposits



-UMarginal Reserve Requirement
Removal of the remaining marginal reserve requirement
of 3 per cent affects large certificates of deposit ($100,000
and over) maturing in less than four months. The Board
in September removed the marginal reserve requirement on
large CD’s -with an initial maturity of four months or
This action was taken in recognition of the fact that the
volume of large CD’s has declined in recent weeks and in
view of the outdated base period used by banks to compute
their marginal reserves.
The elimination of the marginal reserve requirement on
large CD's means that non-member banks that maintained
this reserve requirement voluntarily are no longer asked
to do so as of the effective date of today's action.
A marginal reserve requirement (the regular 5 per cent
plus a supplemental 3 per cent) was first announced by the
Board on May l6, 1973. An additional 3 per cent marginal
reserve was announced on September 7» 1973, but this
was removed by the Board last December. On September U,
197*+, the Board announced removal of the 3 per cent mar­
ginal reserve requirement on large CD's with an initial
maturity of four months or longer. Today's action will
result in removal of the remaining marginal reserve re­
quirement .
The marginal reserve requirement applied to increases
(beyond the amount outstanding in the week ended May l6,
1973) is the total of (a) t ime deposits in denominations
of $100,000 and over and (b) bank-related commercial
paper and finance bills with a maturity of 30 days or
longer. In no case did the supplemental reserve apply to
banks whose deposits of this type totaled less than
$10 million.
Reserve requirements on borrowings of Euro-dollars by
American banks remain at 8 per cent. Agencies and branches
of foreign banks that are maintaining this reserve require­
ment voluntarily are not affected by today's action."
A revised Supplement to Regulation D (Reserves of Member Banks) is
enclosed and should be inserted in your binder of Bulletins and Regulations
issued by this Bank.
Yours very truly,
T. W. Plant
First Vice President


As amended effective November 28,1974

Reserve percentages. Pursuant to the provi­
sions of section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act
and § 204.2(a) and subject to paragraph (c) of
this section, the Board of Governors of the Fed­
eral Reserve System hereby prescribe the follow­
ing reserve balances that each member bank of
the Federal Reserve System is required to main­
tain on deposits with the Federal Reserve Bank of
its district:
(1) If not in a reserve city—

deposits are in excess of $10 million but less than
$100 million, or ( d ) $12,250,000 plus 13 Vi per
cent of its net demand deposits in excess of $100
If in a reserve city (except as to any bank
located in such a city that is permitted by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem, pursuant to § 2 0 4 .2 (a )(2 ), to maintain the
reserves specified in subparagraph (1) of this
paragraph) —

(i) 3 per cent of (A ) its savings deposits and
(B) its time deposits, open account, that constitute
deposits of individuals, such as Christmas club ac­
counts and vacation club accounts, that are made
under written contracts providing that no with­
drawal shall be made until a certain number of
periodic deposits have been made during a period
of not less than 3 months; and

(i) 3 per cent of (A) its savings deposits and
(B) its time deposits, open account, that consti­
tute deposits of individuals, such as Christmas
club accounts and vacation club accounts, that are
made under written contracts providing that no
withdrawal shall be made until a certain number
of periodic deposits have been made during a
period of not less than 3 months; and

(ii) 3 per cent of its time deposits outstanding
on November 28, 1974, which have an initial
maturity of 120 days or more, or are issued on or
after November 28, 1974 with an initial maturity
of 120 days or more, 3 per cent of its time deposits
up to $5 million, outstanding on November 28,
1974, which have an initial maturity of less than
120 days, or are issued on or after November 28,
1974 with an initial maturity of less than 120
days, plus 6 per cent of such deposits in excess
of $5 million; and

(ii) 3 per cent of its time deposits outstanding
on November 28, 1974, which have an initial
maturity of 120 days or more, or are issued on
or after November 28, 1974 with an initial m atur­
ity of 120 days or more, 3 per cent of its time
deposits up to $5 million, outstanding on Novem­
ber 28, 1974, which have an initial maturity of
less than 120 days, or are issued on or after
November 28, 1974 with an initial maturity of less
than 120 days, plus 6 per cent of such deposits
in excess of $5 million; and

(iii) (a) 8 per cent of its net demand deposits
if its aggregate net demand deposits are $2 million
or less, ( b ) $160,000 plus IOV2 per cent of its net
demand deposits in excess of $2 million if its
aggregate net demand deposits are in excess of $2
million but less than $10 million, (c) $1 million
plus H V 2 per cent of its net demand deposits in
excess of $10 million if its aggregate net demand

(iii) $52,750,000 plus Y lV i per cent of its net
demand deposits in excess of $400 million.
Currency and coin. The amount of a mem­
ber bank’s currency and coin shall be counted as
reserves in determining compliance with the re­
serve requirements of paragraph (a) of this sec­

Reserve percentages against certain de­
posits by foreign banking offices. Deposits repre­
sented by promissory notes, acknowledgments of
advance, due bills, or similar obligations described
in § 204.1(f) to foreign offices of other banks,8
or to institutions the time deposits of which are
exempt from the rate limitations of Regulation Q
pursuant to § 217.3(g) thereof, shall not be sub­
ject to paragraph (a) of this section or to § 204.3
(a ) (1 ) and (2 ); but during each week of the
four-week period beginning June 21, 1973, and
during each successive four-week ( “maintenance” )
period, a member bank shall maintain with the
Reserve Bank of its district a daily average bal­
ance equal to 8 per cent of the daily average
amount of such deposits during the four-week
computation period ending on the Wednesday
fifteen days before the beginning of the mainte­
nance period. An excess or deficiency in reserves
in any week of a maintenance period under this
paragraph shall be subject to § 204.3(a) (3 ), as if
computed under § 2 0 4 .3 (a )(2 ), and deficiencies

8 Any banking office located outside the States of the
United States and the District of Columbia of a bank
organized under domestic or foreign law.

under this paragraph shall be subject to § 204.3
Provided, That any bank that, under the terms
of § 204.5(c) of Regulation D as in effect
prior to June 21, 1973,10 was deducting for the
computation period ending on May 9, 1973, an
earlier period’s corresponding daily average total
of such deposits (hereinafter called “reserve-free
base”) in calculating its reserve requirements shall
continue to be entitled to do so in accordance with
the terms of such former section, but such reservefree base shall not exceed progressively lower
ceilings established hereunder by reducing the
amount of its reserve-free base for the computa­
tion period ending on May 9, 1973, in ten incre­
ments, each equal to 10 per cent of its base in
such computation period ending on May 9, 1973,
applied consecutively in each succeeding computa­
tion period beginning with the period ending on
August 1, 1973, until such reserve-free base is
9The term “computation period” in § 204.3(a)(3)
and (b) shall, for this purpose, be deemed to refer to
each week of a maintenance period under this para­
10 35 Federal Register 18658.