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F ederal R eserve Bank




AugUSt 28 1998


Notice 98-80


The Chief Executive Officer of each
financial institution and others concerned
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District

Request for Public Comment on
Proposed Revisions to the Management Official Interlock Rules
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of Thrift Supervision
have proposed to revise their rules regarding management interlocks. The proposal conforms the
interlock rules to recent statutory changes, modernizes and clarifies the rules, and reduces unneces­
sary regulatory burdens where feasible, consistent with statutory requirements.
The Board must receive comments by October 13, 1998. Please address comments to
Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and
Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20551. All comments should refer to Docket
No. R-1013.
A copy of the Board’s notice as it appears on pages 43052-58, Vol. 63, No. 154 of the
Federal Register dated August 11, 1998, is attached.
For more information, please contact Dianne Wetsel at (214) 922-6085. For additional
copies of this Bank’s notice, contact the Public Affairs Department at (214) 922-5254.
Sincerely yours,

For additional copies, bankers and others are encouraged to use one of the following toll-free numbers in contacting the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas: Dallas Office (800) 333-4460; El Paso Branch Intrastate (800) 592-1631, Interstate (800) 351-1012;
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Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 154/Tuesday, August 11, 1998/Proposed Rules

Office of the Comptroller of the
12CFR Part 26
[Docket No. 98-09]
RIN 1557-AB60

12CFR Part 212
[Docket No. R-1013]

12CFR Part 348
RIN 3064-A C 08

Office of Thrift Supervision
12CFR Part 563f
[Docket No. 98-58]
RIN 1550-AB07

Management Official Interlocks
AGENCIES: Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency, Treasury; Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System; Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation; Office of Thrift
Supervision, Treasury.
ACTION: Joint notice of proposed

The Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency (OCC), Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (Board), Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and
Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) (the
Agencies) propose to revise their rules
regarding m anagement interlocks. The
proposal conforms the interlocks rules
to recent statutory changes, m odernizes
and clarifies the rules, and reduces
unnecessary regulatory burdens w here
feasible, consistent w ith statutory
requirem ents.
DATES: Comments m ust be received by
October 13, 1998.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
directed to:
OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, Com m unications Division,
250 E Street, SW., W ashington, DC
20219, Attention: Docket No. 98-09.
Comments w ill be available for public
inspection and photocopying at the
same location. In addition, comments
m ay be sent by facsimile transm ission to
FAX num ber (202) 874-5274 or by
Internet mail to

Board: Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary,
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Docket No. R-1013,
20th Street and Constitution Avenue,
NW., W ashington, DC 20551. Comments
addressed to Ms. Johnson m ay also be
delivered to the Board’s m ail room
betw een 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m., and to
the security control room outside of
those hours. Both the m ail room and
control room are accessible from the
courtyard entrance on 20th Street
betw een Constitution Avenue and C
Street, NW. Comments may be
inspected in room M P-500 betw een
9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except as
provided in 12 CFR 261.12 of the
Board’s Rules Regarding Availability of
Information, 12 CFR 261.12.
FDIC: W ritten comm ents should be
addressed to Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary, Attention:
Comments/OES, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street,
NW, W ashington, DC 20429. Comments
may be h an d delivered to the guard
station at the rear of the 550 17th Street
Building (located on F Street), on
business days betw een 7:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. (Fax num ber: (202) 898-3838;
Internet address:
Comments m ay be inspected and
photocopied in the FDIC Public
Information Center, Room 100, 801 17th
Street, NW, W ashington, DC, between
9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on business
OTS: Manager, D issem ination Branch,
Records M anagement and Information
Policy, Office of Thrift Supervision,
1700 G Street, NW., W ashington, DC
20552, A ttention Docket No. 98-58.
These subm issions may be handdelivered to 1700 G Street, NW., from
9:00 to 5:00 on business days; sent by
facsimile transm ission to FAX num ber
(202) 906-7755, or may be sent by em ail to: Those
commenting by e-mail should include
their nam e and telephone number.
Comments will be available for
inspection at 1700 G Street, NW., from
9:00 until 4:00 on business days.

OCC: Sue E. Auerbach, Senior Attorney,
Bank Activities and Structure, (202)
874-5300; Emily R. McNaughton,
National Bank Examiner, Senior Policy
Analyst, Core Policy Development, (202)
874-5190; Jackie Durham, Bank
Organization and Structure, Senior
Licensing Policy Analyst, (202) 8745060; or Ursula Pfeil, Attorney,
Legislative and Regulatory Activities,
(202) 874-5090.
Board: Thom as M. Corsi, Senior
Counsel, (202) 452-3275, or M ichelle Q.
Profit, Attorney, (202) 736-5599, Legal

Division, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System. For the hearing
im paired only, Telecom m unication
Device for Deaf (TTD), Diane Jenkins,
(202) 452-3544.
FDIC: Curtis Vaughn, Examination
Specialist, Division of Supervision,
(202) 898-6759; John Jilovec,
Exam ination Specialist, Division of
Supervision, (202) 898-8958; or Mark
Mellon, Counsel, Regulation and
Legislation Section, Legal Division,
(202) 898-3854.
OTS: David Bristol, Senior Attorney,
Business Transactions Division, Chief
Counsel’s Office, (202) 906-6461; or
Joseph M. Casey, Supervision Policy,
(202) 906-5741.

I. Background
The Depository Institution
M anagem ent Interlocks Act (12 U.S.C.
3201-3208) (the Interlocks Act or Act)
generally prohibits bank m anagem ent
officials from serving sim ultaneously
w ith two unaffiliated depository
institutions or their holding companies
(depository organizations). The scope of
the prohibition depends on the size and
location of the organizations involved.
For instance, the Act prohibits
interlocks betw een unaffiliated
depository organizations, regardless of
size, if both organizations have an
office 1 in the same com m unity (the
com m unity prohibition). Interlocks are
also prohibited betw een unaffiliated
depository organizations if both
organizations have total assets of $20
m illion or more and have offices in the
same Relevant M etropolitan Statistical
Area (RMS A) (the RMS A prohibition).
The Interlocks Act also prohibits
interlocks between unaffiliated
depository organizations, regardless of
location, if the organizations have total
assets exceeding specified thresholds
(the major assets prohibition).
Section 2210 of the Economic Growth
and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1996 (EGRPR Act) am ended
sections 204, 206 and 209 of the
Interlocks Act (12 U.S.C. 3203, 3205 and
3207). Section 2210(a) of the EGRPR Act
am ended the Interlocks Act by changing
the thresholds for the major assets
prohibition u nder 12 U.S.C. 3203. Prior
to the EGRPR Act, m anagem ent officials
of depository organizations w ith total
assets exceeding $1 billion were
prohibited from serving as m anagem ent
officials of unaffiliated depository
organizations w ith assets exceeding
$500 million, regardless of the location
1 Each of the Agencies’ regulations generally
define “office” as a home or branch office. See 12
CFR 26.2, 212.2, 348.2, and 563f.2.

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 154/Tuesday, August 11, 1998/Proposed Rules
of the organizations.2 The EGRPR Act
raised the thresholds to $2.5 billion and
$1.5 billion, respectively. The revision
also authorized the Agencies to adjust
the thresholds by regulation, as
necessary to allow for inflation or
m arket conditions.
Section 2210(b) of the EGRPR Act
perm anently extended the grandfather
exem ptions found in 12 U.S.C. 3205(a)
and (b). These exem ptions were due to
expire in 1998. The EGRPR Act repealed
section 3205(c), w hich m andated
Agency review of grandfathered
interlocks before M arch 1995.
The EGRPR Act also am ended 12
U.S.C. 3207 to provide that the Agencies
may adopt “regulations that perm it
service by a management official that
w ould otherwise be prohibited by [the
Interlocks Act], if such service w ould
not result in a m onopoly or substantial
lessening of com petition.” This change
repealed the specific “regulatory
standards” and “management
consignm ent” exem ptions added by the
Riegle Comm unity Development and
Regulatory Im provem ent Act of 1994
(CDRI A ct),3 and restored the Agencies’
broad authority to create regulatory
exemptions to the statutory prohibitions
on interlocks.
II. Discussion of Proposed Regulations
The proposal reflects these statutory
changes. This proposal also renews an
earlier proposal for a small market share
exem ption th at the Board, OCC, and
FDIC had advanced before enactm ent of
the CDRI Act. The Agencies invite
comments on all aspects of this
A. D efinitions
The Agencies’ current regulations
define key term s im plem enting the
Interlocks Act. A num ber of these
definitions were added or revised in
1996 to im plem ent the CDRI Act.4 W ith
the repeal of the specific exemptive
standards in the CDRI Act, two of these
definitions have become unnecessary
and w ould be removed.
A nticom petitive Effect
The current rule defines
“anticom petitive effect” as a “m onopoly
or substantial lessening of com petition.”
U nder the new statutory scheme, the
2The Agencies define “total assets” of diversified
savings and loan holding companies and bank
holding companies exempt from § 4 of the Bank
Holding Company Act to include only the assets of
their depository institution affiliates. See 12 CFR
26.2(r), 212.2(q), 348.2(q), and 563f.2(r).
3The Agencies adopted final regulations
implementing the management interlocks
provisions of the CDRI Act, effective October 1,
1996. See 61 FR 40293 (August 2,1996).
4 See 61 FR 40293 (August 2, 1996).

substance of this definition is the sole
criterion for gauging w hether to grant an
exem ption u nder the A gencies’ general
exemptive authority. Because the
proposed regulations w ould em ploy this
phrase in only one provision, a separate
definition is unnecessary.
The current regulations use the term
“critical” in connection w ith the
Regulatory Standards exem ption created
by the CDRI Act. Since the EGRPR Act
elim inates the Regulatory Standards
exem ption, a regulatory definition of
“critical” is unnecessary.
B. Major A ssets Prohibition
Prior to the EGRPR Act, if a
depository institution or depository
holding com pany had total assets
exceeding $1 billion, a management
official of such institution or any
affiliate thereof could not serve as a
m anagem ent official of any other
nonaffiliated depository institution or
depository holding com pany having
total assets exceeding $500 m illion or as
a m anagement official of any affiliates of
such other institution, regardless of
location. The EGRPR Act revised the
asset thresholds for the major assets
prohibition from $1 billion and $500
m illion to $2.5 billion and $1.5 billion,
respectively. The legislation also
authorized the Agencies to adjust the
threshold from tim e to tim e to reflect
inflation or market changes.
The proposal w ould am end the
regulations to reflect the new threshold
am ounts, and to add a m echanism
providing for periodic adjustm ents of
the thresholds. The adjustm ent w ould
be based on changes in the Consumer
Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and
Clerical Workers (the Consum er Price
Index). In those years w hen changes in
the Consumer Price Index w ould change
the thresholds by more than $100
m illion, the Agencies w ill provide
appropriate notice of the change to
depository institutions and depository
institution holding companies. The
Agencies invite com m ent on other types
of m arket changes that m ay w arrant
subsequent adjustm ents to the major
assets prohibition.
C. Regulatory Standards and
M anagem ent Consignment Exem ptions
The current regulations contain
Regulatory Standards and M anagement
Consignment exem ptions, w hich were
predicated on section 3207 of the CDRI
Act. The EGRPR Act rem oved the
specific exem ptions from the Interlocks
Act an d substituted a general authority
for the Agencies to create exem ptions by
regulation. Accordingly, the proposed


rule w ould rem ove these regulatory
However, the rule proposed u n d er the
am ended exemptive authority,
discussed in the following section,
includes rebuttable presum ptions that
interlocks in certain circum stances
w ould not result in a m onopoly or
substantial lessening of competition.
These presum ptions are based on
criteria that the Agencies used before
the passage of the CDRI Act, and w hich
Congress em ployed in creating the
M anagement Consignment exemption.
D. General Exem ptive A uthority
Section 2210(c) of the EGRPR Act
authorizes the Agencies to adopt
regulations perm itting service by a
m anagem ent official that w ould
otherwise be prohibited by the
Interlocks Act, if such service w ould not
result in “a m onopoly or substantial
lessening of com petition.” To
im plem ent this authority, the Agencies
are proposing to exem pt otherwise
prohibited m anagem ent interlocks
w here the dual service w ould not result
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
of com petition, and w ould not
otherwise threaten safety and
soundness. The process for obtaining
such exem ptions w ill be set out in each
Agency’s procedural regulations or, in
the case of the OCC, in its Corporate
Since 1979, w hen regulations
im plem enting the Interlocks Act were
first prom ulgated, the Agencies have
recognized that interlocks involving
certain classes of depository
organizations present a reduced risk to
com petition, and that, by enlarging the
pool of m anagem ent available to such
organizations, com petition could be
enhanced. Thus, in the initial interlocks
rules published in 1979, the Agencies
reserved the authority to perm it
interlocks to strengthen new ly chartered
organizations, troubled organizations,
organizations in low- or m oderateincom e areas, and organizations
controlled or m anaged by m inorities or
women. The authority to perm it
interlocks in such circum stances was
deem ed “necessary for the prom otion of
com petition over the long term .” 5 Prior
to the CDRI Act, these exem ptions were
granted to m eet the need for qualified
management. The Management
Consignment exem ption u n d er the CDRI
Act was generally available to the same
four classes of organizations, b u t on a
m ore lim ited basis.
W ith the EGRPR A ct’s restoration of
the broad exem ptive authority u n d er the
Interlocks Act, the Agencies again have
5See 44 FR 42161, 42165 (July 19,1979).


Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 154/Tuesday, August 11, 1998/Proposed Rules

broad authority to grant exem ptions that
w ill not adversely affect competition.
The Agencies believe that interlocks
involving the four classes of
organizations previously identified may
provide managem ent expertise needed
to enhance such organizations’ ability to
compete. Accordingly, the Agencies
propose to create a rebuttable
presum ption that an interlock w ould
not result in a m onopoly or substantial
lessening of com petition, if: (1) The
depository organization prim arily
serves, low- or m oderate-incom e areas;
(2) the depository organization is
controlled or m anaged by members of a
m inority group or women; (3) the
depository institution has been
chartered for less than 2 years; or (4) the
depository organization is deem ed to be
in “troubled condition” under
regulations im plem enting section 914 of
the Financial Institutions Reform,
Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989
(12 U.S.C. 1831i). These presum ptions
w ould be applied in a m anner
consistent w ith the Agencies’ past
analysis of the factors to meet the
legitimate needs of the institutions and
organizations involved for qualified and
skilled management.
The presum ptions are designed to
provide greater flexibility to classes of
organizations that may have greater
need for seasoned management. A claim
th at factors exist giving rise to a
presum ption does not preclude an
Agency from denying a request for an
exem ption if the Agency finds that the
interlock nevertheless w ould result in a
m onopoly or substantial lessening of
com petition.
The definitions of “area m edian
incom e” and “low- and moderateincom e areas” added to the regulations
in 1996 to im plem ent the CDRI Act
am endm ents w ould be retained to
provide guidance as to w hen an
organization w ould qualify for one of
the presum ptions.
Interlocks that are based on a
rebuttable presum ption w ould be
allow ed to continue for three years,
unless otherwise provided in the
approval order. Nothing in the proposed
rule w ould prevent an organization from
applying for an extension of an interlock
exem ption granted u nder a presum ption
if the factors continued to apply. The
organization w ould also be free to
utilize any other exem ption that may be
available. The Agencies propose that
any interlock approved u n d er this
section m ay continue so long as it
w ould not result in a m onopoly or
substantial lessening of competition,
becomes unsafe or unsound, or is
subject to a condition requiring
term ination at a specific time.

E. Sm all M arket Share Exem ption
In 1994, the OCC, Board, and FDIC
published notices of proposed
rulemaking seeking com m ent on a
proposed market share exem ption.6 The
proposed exem ption w ould have been
available for interlocks involving
institutions that, on a com bined basis,
w ould control less than 20 percent of
the deposits in a com m unity or relevant
MSA. These agencies published small
market share exem ption proposals
pursuant to the broad exemptive
authority vested in the agencies prior to
the CDRI Act. After the CDRI Act
restricted the agencies’ broad authority,
the OCC, Board and FDIC w ithdrew
their proposals.7 The broad exemptive
authority u nder the EGRPR Act provides
authority for a small m arket share
exemption. Accordingly, the OCC,
Board and FDIC, joined by the OTS, are
issuing this proposal for the small
market share exemption.
The exem ption is intended to enlarge
the pool of management talent upon
w hich depository institutions may
draw, resulting in more competitive,
better-managed institutions w ithout
causing significant anticom petitive
effects. The Interlocks Act, by
discouraging com mon m anagement
among financial institutions, seeks to
prevent adverse effects on com petition
in the provision of products and
services that financial institutions offer.
W here depository institutions dom inate
a large portion of the market, these risks
are significant. W hen a particular
market is served by m any institutions,
however, the risks dim inish that
depository institutions w ith interlocking
relationships can adversely affect the
available products and services in their
The Agencies believe that the
com bined share of the deposits of two
institutions provides a meaningful
assessm ent of the capacity of the two
institutions to control credit and related
services in their market. Accordingly,
the Agencies propose to exempt
interlocking service involving two
unaffiliated depository organizations
that together control no m ore than 20
percent of the deposits in any RMSA or
com m unity in w hich the organizations
have offices. Organizations claiming the
exem ption w ould be required to
determ ine the market share in each
RMSA and com m unity in w hich both
depository organizations (or their
6 See OCC, 59 FR 29740 (June 9,1994); Board, 59
FR 7909 (February 17, 1994); and FDIC, 59 FR
18764 (April 20, 1994).
7 See 60 FR 67424 (December 29,1995) for
withdrawal by the OCC and the Board; and 60 FR
7139 (February 7,1995) for withdrawal by the FDIC.

depository institution affiliates) have
The relevant m arket used for the
sm all market share exception (i.e. the
RMSAs or com m unities in w h ich both
depository organizations or their
depository institution affiliates have
offices) are the same m arkets described
in the com m unity and RMSA
prohibitions. The small m arket share
exem ption w ould not be available for
interlocks subject to the major assets
The exemptions w ould continue to
apply as long as the organizations meet
the applicable conditions. Any event,
such as expansion or a merger, that
causes the level of deposits controlled to
exceed 20 percent of deposits in any
RMSA or com m unity w ould be
considered to be a change in
circumstances. Accordingly, the
depository organizations w ould have 15
m onths (or such shorter period as
directed by the appropriate Agency) to
address the prohibited interlock by
term ination or otherwise. Conforming
changes relating to term ination have
been m ade to the Agencies’ change of
circum stances provisions.
No prior Agency approval w ould be
required in order to claim the proposed
sm all market share exemption.
M anagement is responsible for
com pliance w ith the terms of the
exem ption and for m aintaining
sufficient supporting docum entation. To
determ ine their eligibility for the
exemptions, depository organizations
w ould need to obtain appropriate
deposit share data from the FDIC. This
information is collected in the Summary
of Deposits published by the FDIC and
is available for institutions regulated by
the Agencies on the Internet at h ttp ://
The most recently available deposit
share data w ill be used to determ ine
w hether organizations are entitled to the
exemptions. Thus, the depository
organization seeking the exem ption is
entitled to rely u p o n the deposit share
data that has been com piled for the
previous year, until the next year’s data
has been distributed.
The Agencies request com m ents on
all aspects of the proposed sm all market
share exemption. In particular, the
Agencies request com m ents regarding
the following issues:
1. W hether 20 percent of the deposits
in a com m unity or RMSA is an
appropriate lim it for the application of
the exemptions.
2. W hether deposit data collected by
the FDIC in connection w ith the Report
of Condition and Income should be used
to determ ine eligibility for the
exemptions, and w hether alternative

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 154/Tuesday, August 11, 1998/Proposed Rules
sources of inform ation concerning
deposit share should be acceptable for
determ ining availability of the
3. W hether calculation of a depository
organization’s eligibility for exem ption
from the com m unity prohibition will
create u n d u e burdens, and, if so, how
the burdens could be reduced (for
example, by basing the exem ption on
the total asset size of the institutions
4. W hether there is a significant risk
that the purposes of the Interlocks Act
w ould be evaded through “hub and
spoke” arrangements. U nder these
arrangements, directors of one
depository organization w ould serve as
directors of different unaffiliated
organizations that have, in the aggregate,
a deposit share in excess of the 20%
III. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Agencies invite comm ent on:
(1) W hether the proposed collection
of inform ation contained in this notice
of proposed rulemaking is necessary for
the proper performance of each
Agency’s functions, including w hether
the inform ation has practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of each Agency’s
estimate of the b urden of the proposed
inform ation collection;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected;
(4) Ways to m inim ize the b urden of
the inform ation collection on
respondents, including the use of
autom ated collection techniques or
other forms of inform ation technology;
(5) Estimates of capital or start-up
costs and costs of operation, m inutes,
and purchase of services to provide
Recordkeepers are not required to
respond to this collection of inform ation
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.
OCC: The collection of inform ation
requirem ents contained in this notice of
proposed rulem aking have been
subm itted to the Office of Management
and Budget for review in accordance
w ith the Paperw ork R eduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)). Comments on
the collections of inform ation should be
sent to the Office of M anagement and
Budget, Paperw ork Reduction Project
(1557-0196), W ashington, DC 20503,
w ith copies to the Legislative and
Regulatory Activities Division (15570196), Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, 250 E Street, SW,
W ashington, DC 20219.
The collection of information
requirem ents in this proposed rule are

found in 12 CFR 26.4(h)(l)(i), 26.6(b),
and 26.6(c). This inform ation is required
to evidence com pliance w ith the
requirem ents of the Interlocks Act by
national banks and District banks. The
likely respondents are national banks
and District banks.
E stim ated average annual burden
hours p er respondent: 4 hours.
E stim ated num ber o f respondents: 7.
E stim ated total annual reporting
burden: 29 hours.
Start-up costs to respondents: None.
Board: In accordance w ith section
3506 of the Paperw ork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Ch. 35; 5 CFR 1320
A ppendix A .l), the Board review ed the
proposed rule u nder the authority
delegated to the Board by the Office of
M anagem ent and Budget. Comments on
the collections of inform ation should be
sent to the Office of M anagement and
Budget, Paperw ork R eduction Project
(7100-0046, 7100-0134, 7100-0171,
7100-0266), W ashington, DC 20503,
w ith copies of such comm ents to be sent
to Mary M. McLaughlin, Chief,
Financial Reports Section, Division of
Research and Statistics, Mail Stop 97,
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, W ashington, DC 20551.
The collection of inform ation
requirem ents in this proposed
rulem aking are found in 12 CFR
212.4(h)(l)(i), 212.6(b), and 212.6(c).
This inform ation is required to evidence
com pliance w ith the requirem ents of the
Interlocks Act as am ended by section
338 of the CDRI Act. The respondents
are state m em ber banks and subsidiary
depository institutions of bank holding
E stim ated num ber o f respondents: 6
applicants per year.
E stim ated average annual burden per
respondent: 4 hours.
E stim ated annual frequency o f
reporting: Not applicable (one-time
E stim ated total annual reporting
burden: 24 hours.
Start-up costs to respondents: None.
No issues of confidentiality u nd er the
provisions of the Freedom of
Inform ation Act norm ally arise for the
FDIC: The collections of inform ation
contained in this notice of proposed
rulem aking have been subm itted to the
Office of M anagement and Budget for
review in accordance w ith the
Paperw ork R eduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C.3507(d)). Comments on the
collections of inform ation should be
sent to the Office of M anagement and
Budget, Paperw ork R eduction Project
(3604-0118), W ashington, DC 20503,
w ith copies of such comm ents to be sent
to Steven F. Hanft, Office of the


Executive Secretary, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street,
NW., W ashington, DC 20429.
The collection of inform ation
requirem ents in this proposed
regulation are found in 12 CFR
348.4(i)(l)(i), 348.6(b), and 348.6(c).
This inform ation is required to evidence
com pliance w ith the requirem ents of the
Interlocks Act. The likely respondents
are insured nonm em ber banks.
Estim ated num ber o f respondents: 5
applicants per year.
Estim ated average annual burden per
respondent: 4 hours.
Estim ated annual frequency o f
reporting: Not applicable (one-time
E stim ated total annual reporting
burden: 20 hours.
OTS: The collection of inform ation
requirem ents contained in this notice of
proposed rulem aking have been
subm itted to the Office of M anagement
and Budget for review in accordance
w ith the Paperw ork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)). Comments on
the collection of inform ation should be
sent to the Office of M anagem ent and
Budget, Paperw ork R eduction Project
(1550-0051), W ashington, DC 20503,
w ith copies to the Office of Thrift
Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW.,
W ashington, DC.
The inform ation collection
requirem ents in this proposed rule are
found in 12 CFR 563f.4(h)(l)(i),
563f.6(b) and 563f.6(c). The OTS
requires this inform ation as evidence of
com pliance w ith the requirem ents of the
Interlocks Act by savings associations.
The likely respondents are savings
Estim ated annual frequency o f
reporting: Not applicable (one-time
E stim ated total annual reporting
burden: 32 hours.
E stim ated average annual hours per
respondent: 4 hours.
Estim ated num ber o f respondents: 8.
Start-up costs to respondents: None.
IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Pursuant to section 605(b) of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5
U.S.C. 605(b)) the Agencies hereby
certify that this proposed rule w ill not
have a significant econom ic im pact on
a substantial num ber of sm all entities.
The Agencies expect that this proposal
w ill not: (1) Have significant secondary
or incidental effects on a substantial
num ber of sm all entities; or (2) create
any additional b u rden on sm all entities.
The proposed regulations relax the
criteria for obtaining an exem ption from
the interlocks prohibitions, and
specifically address the needs of small


Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 154/Tuesday, August 11, 1998/Proposed Rules

entities by creating the sm all market
share exemption. Accordingly, a
regulatory flexibility analysis is not

3. Section 26.3 is am ended by revising
paragraph (c) to read as follows:

V. Executive Order 12866

(c) Major assets. A m anagement
official of a depository organization
w ith total assets exceeding $2.5 billion
(or any affiliate of such an organization)
m ay not serve at the same time as a
m anagement official of an unaffiliated
depository organization w ith total assets
exceeding $1.5 billion (or any affiliate of
such an organization), regardless of the
location of the two depository
organizations. The OCC w ill adjust
these thresholds, as necessary, based on
the year-to-year change in the average of
the Consumer Price Index for the Urban
Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, not
seasonally adjusted, w ith rounding to
the nearest $100 million.
4. Section 26.5 is revised to read as

The OCC and OTS have determ ined
that this proposal is not a significant
regulatory action u nder Executive Order
VI. Unfunded Mandates Act o f 1995
The OCC and OTS have determ ined
that the proposed rule w ill not result in
expenditures by State, local, and tribal
governments, or by the private sector, of
more than $100 m illion in any one year.
Accordingly, neither the OCC nor the
OTS has prepared a budgetary im pact
statem ent or specifically addressed the
regulatory alternatives considered.
List of Subjects
12 CFR Part 26
A ntitrust, Holding companies,
M anagement official interlocks,
National banks, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
12 CFR Part 212
A ntitrust, Banks, banking, Federal
Reserve System, Holding companies,
Management official interlocks,
Reporting an d recordkeeping
12 CFR Part 348
A ntitrust, Banks, banking, Holding
companies, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
12 CFR Part 563f
A ntitrust, Holding com panies,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirem ents, Savings associations.
Office of the Comptroller o f the
12 CFR Chapter I
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set out in the joint
preamble, the OCC proposes to am end
chapter I of title 12 of the Code of
Federal Regulations as follows:

1. The authority citation for part 26
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 93a and 3201-3208.


2. Section 26.2 is am ended by
removing paragraphs (b) and (f) and
redesignating paragraphs (c) through (s)
as paragraphs (b) through (q),

§ 26.3






Small market share exemption.

(a) Exem ption. A m anagement
interlock that is prohibited by § 26.3 is
permissible, if:
(1) The interlock is not prohibited by
§ 26.3(c); and
(2) The depository organizations (and
their depository institution affiliates)
hold, in the aggregate, no m ore than 20
percent of the deposits in each RMSA or
com m unity in w hich both depository
organizations (or their depository
institution affiliates) have offices. The
am ount of deposits shall be determ ined
by reference to the most recent annual
Summary of Deposits published by the
FDIC for the RMSA or community.
(b) Confirmation and records. Each
depository organization m ust m aintain
records sufficient to support its
determ ination of eligibility for the
exem ption u nder paragraph (a) of this
section, and m ust reconfirm that
determ ination on an annual basis.
5. Section 26.6 is revised to read as
§ 26.6

General exemption.

(a) E xem ption. The OCC may, by
order issued following receipt of an
application, exem pt an interlock from
the prohibitions in § 26.3, if the OCC
finds that the interlock w ould not result
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
of com petition, and w ould not present
safety and soundness concerns.
(b) Presumptions. In reviewing
applications for an exem ption under
this section, the OCC w ill apply a
rebuttable presum ption that an interlock
w ill not result in a m onopoly or
substantial lessening of com petition if
the depository organization seeking to
add a m anagem ent official:

(1) Prim arily serves low- and
m oderate-incom e areas;
(2) Is controlled or managed by
persons w ho are members of a m inority
group, or women;
(3) Is a depository institution that has
been chartered for less than two years;
(4) Is deem ed to be in “troubled
co ndition” as defined in 12 CFR
(c) Duration. Unless a specific
expiration period is provided in the
OCC approval, an exem ption perm itted
by paragraph (a) of this section may
continue so long as it w ould not result
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
of com petition, or be unsafe or unsound.
If the OCC grants an interlock
exem ption in reliance upon a
presum ption u n d er paragraph (b) of this
section, the interlock may continue for
three years, unless otherwise provided
by the OCC in writing.
Section 26.7 is am ended by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Change in circumstances.

(a) Term ination. A management
official shall term inate his or her service
or apply for an exem ption if a change
in circum stances causes the service to
become prohibited. A change in
circum stances may include an increase
in asset size of an organization, a change
in the delineation of the RMSA or
com m unity, the establishm ent of an
office, an increase in the aggregate
deposits of the depository organization,
or an acquisition, merger, consolidation,
or any reorganization of the ow nership
structure of a depository organization
that causes a previously permissible
interlock to become prohibited.





Dated: July 14,1998.
Julie L. Williams,
Acting Comptroller o f the Currency.

Federal Reserve System
12 CFR Chapter II
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set out in the joint
pream ble, the Board proposes to am end
chapter II of title 12 of the Code of
Federal Regulations as follows:

1. The authority citation for part 212
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 3201-3208; 15 U.S.C.


2. Section 212.2 is am ended by
removing paragraphs (b) and (f) and

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 154/Tuesday, August 11, 1998/Proposed Rules
redesignating paragraphs (c) through (r)
as paragraphs (b) through (p),
3. Section 212.3 is am ended by
revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:

the depository organization seeking to
add a m anagem ent official:
(1) Prim arily serves low- and
m oderate-incom e areas;
(2) Is controlled or managed by
persons w ho are members of a m inority
§212.3 Prohibitions.
group, or women;
(3) Is a depository institution that has
(c) Major assets. A m anagement
been chartered for less than two years;
official of a depository organization
w ith total assets exceeding $2.5 billion
(or any affiliate of such an organization)
(4) Is deem ed to be in “troubled
may not serve at the same tim e as a
condition” as defined in 12 CFR 225.71.
m anagem ent official of an unaffiliated
(c) Duration. Unless a shorter
depository organization w ith total assets expiration period is provided in the
exceeding $1.5 billion (or any affiliate of Board approval, an exem ption perm itted
such an organization), regardless of the
by paragraph (a) of this section may
location of the two depository
continue so long as it w ould not result
organizations. The Board w ill adjust
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
these thresholds, as necessary, based on of com petition, or be unsafe or unsound.
the year-to-year change in the average of If the Board grants an interlock
the Consumer Price Index for the Urban
exem ption in reliance upon a
Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, not
presum ption u nder paragraph (b) of this
seasonally adjusted, w ith rounding to
section, the interlock m ay continue for
the nearest $100 million.
three years, unless otherwise provided
4. Section 212.5 is revised to read as
by the Board in writing.
Section 212.7 is am ended by
revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 212.5 Small market share exemption.
(a) E xem ption. A management
interlock that is prohibited by § 212.3 is
perm issible, if:
(1) The interlock is not prohibited by
§ 212.3(c); and
(2) The depository organizations (and
their depository institution affiliates)
hold, in the aggregate, no more than 20
percent of the deposits in each RMSA or
com m unity in w hich both depository
organizations (or their depository
institution affiliates) have offices. The
am ount of deposits shall be determ ined
by reference to the m ost recent annual
Summary of Deposits published by the
FDIC for the RMSA or community.
(b) Confirmation and records. Each
depository organization m ust m aintain
records sufficient to support its
determ ination of eligibility for the
exem ption u nder paragraph (a) of this
section, and m ust reconfirm that
determ ination on an annual basis.
5. Section 212.6 is revised to read as

General exemption.

(a) Exem ption. The Board may, by
agency order, exem pt an interlock from
the prohibitions in § 212.3, if the Board
finds that the interlock w ould not result
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
of com petition, and w ould n ot present
safety and soundness concerns.
(b) Presum ptions. In reviewing
applications for an exem ption under
this section, the Board w ill apply a
rebuttable presum ption that an interlock
w ill not result in a m onopoly or
substantial lessening of com petition if


Change in circumstances.

(a) Termination. A management
official shall term inate his or her service
or apply for an exem ption if a change
in circum stances causes the service to
become prohibited. A change in
circum stances may include an increase
in asset size of an organization, a change
in the delineation of the RMSA or
com munity, the establishm ent of an
office, an increase in the aggregate
deposits of the depository organization,
or an acquisition, merger, consolidation,
or reorganization of the ow nership
structure of a depository organization
that causes a previously perm issible
interlock to become prohibited.
By order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, July 20, 1998.
Jennifer J. Johnson,

Secretary o f the Board.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
12 CFR Chapter III
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set forth in the joint
preamble, the Board of Directors of the
FDIC proposes to am end chapter III of
title 12 of the Code of Federal
Regulations as follows:

§ 348.2



2. Section 348.2 is am ended by
removing paragraphs (b) and (f) and
redesignating paragraphs (c) through (r)
as paragraphs (b) through (p),
3. Section 348.3 is am ended by
revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:




(c) Major assets. A m anagem ent
official of a depository organization
w ith total assets exceeding $2.5 billion
(or any affiliate of such an organization)
m ay not serve at the same tim e as a
m anagem ent official of an unaffiliated
depository organization w ith total assets
exceeding $1.5 billion (or any affiliate of
such an organization), regardless of the
location of the two depository
organizations. The FDIC w ill adjust
these thresholds, as necessary, based on
the year-to-year change in the average of
the Consum er Price Index for the Urban
Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, not
seasonally adjusted, w ith rounding to
the nearest $100 million.
4. Section 348.5 is revised to read as

Small market share exemption.

(a) Exem ption. A m anagem ent
interlock th at is prohibited by § 348.3 is
perm issible, if:
(1) The interlock is not prohibited by
§ 348.3(c); and
(2) The depository organizations (and
their depository in stitution affiliates)
hold, in the aggregate, no m ore than 20
percent of the deposits in each RMSA or
com m unity in w hich both depository
organizations (or their depository
institution affiliates) have offices. The
am ount of deposits shall be determ ined
by reference to the m ost recent annual
Summ ary of Deposits published by the
FDIC for the RMSA or com munity.
(b) Confirmation and records. Each
depository organization m ust m aintain
records sufficient to support its
determ ination of eligibility for the
exem ption u nder paragraph (a) of this
section, and m ust reconfirm that
determ ination on an annual basis.
5. Section 348.6 is revised to read as
§ 348.6

General exemption.

(a) Exem ption. The FDIC may, by
agency order, exem pt an interlock from
the prohibitions in § 348.3, if the FDIC
finds that the interlock w ould not result
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
of com petition, and w ould n ot present
safety and soundness concerns.
The authority citation for part 348
(b) Presum ptions. In reviewing
is revised to read as follows:
applications for an exem ption under
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1823(k), 3207.
this section, the FDIC w ill apply a

43 0 5 8

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 154/Tuesday, August 11, 1998/Proposed Rules

rebuttable presum ption that an interlock
w ill n ot result in a m onopoly or
substantial lessening of com petition if
the depository organization seeking to
ad d a m anagem ent official:
(1) Prim arily serves low- and
m oderate-incom e areas;
(2) Is controlled or m anaged by
persons w ho are members of a m inority
group, or women;
(3) Is a depository institution that has
been chartered for less than two years;
(4) Is deem ed to be in “troubled
condition” as defined in § 303.101(c) of
this chapter.
(c) Duration. Unless a shorter
expiration period is provided in the
FDIC approval, an exem ption perm itted
by paragraph (a) of this section may
continue so long as it w ould not result
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
of com petition, or be unsafe or unsound.
If the FDIC grants an interlock
exem ption in reliance upon a
presum ption u nder paragraph (b) of this
section, the interlock may continue for
three years, unless otherwise provided
by the FDIC in writing.
Section 348.7 is am ended by
revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Change in circumstances.

(a) Termination. A m anagem ent
official shall term inate his or her service
or apply for an exem ption if a change
in circum stances causes the service to
become prohibited. A change in
circum stances may include an increase
in asset size of an organization, a change
in the delineation of the RMSA or
com m unity, the establishm ent of an
office, an increase in the aggregate
deposits of the depository organization,
or an acquisition, merger, consolidation,
or reorganization of the ow nership
structure of a depository organization
that causes a previously perm issible
interlock to become prohibited.





By order of the Board of Directors.
Dated at W ashington, DC, this 18th day of
May, 1998.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,

Executive Secretary.

Office of Thrift Supervision
12 CFR Chapter V
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set out in the joint
preamble, the OTS proposes to amend
chapter V of title 12 of the Code of
Federal Regulations as follows:

finds that the interlock w ould not result
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
of com petition, and w ould not present
1. The authority citation for part 563f
safety and soundness concerns. A
continues to read as follows:
depository organization m ay apply to
the OTS for an exem ption as provided
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 3201-3208.
by § 516.2 of this chapter.
§ 563f,2 [Amended]
(b) Presum ptions. In reviewing
2. Section 563f.2 is am ended by
applications for an exem ption under
removing paragraphs (b) and (f) and
this section, the OTS will apply a
redesignating paragraphs (c) through (s)
rebuttable presum ption that an interlock
as paragraphs (b) through (q),
w ill not result in a m onopoly or
substantial lessening of com petition if
3. Section 563f.3 is am ended by
the depository organization seeking to
revising paragraph (c) to read as follows: add a m anagement official:
(1) Prim arily serves low-and
§ 563f .3 Prohibitions.
m oderate-incom e areas;
(2) Is controlled or m anaged by
(c) Major assets. A m anagement
persons who are members of a m inority
official of a depository organization
group, or women;
w ith total assets exceeding $2.5 billion
(3) Is a depository institution that or
(or any affiliate of such an organization)
has been chartered for less than two
may not serve at the same time as a
years; or
m anagem ent official of an unaffiliated
depository organization w ith total assets
(4) Is deem ed to be in “troubled
exceeding $1.5 billion (or any affiliate of cond itio n ” as defined in § 574.9(a)(5) of
such an organization), regardless of the
this chapter.
location of the two depository
(c) Duration. Unless a shorter
organizations. The OTS w ill adjust these expiration period is provided in the
thresholds, as necessary, based on the
OTS approval, an exem ption perm itted
year-to-year change in the average of the by paragraph (a) of this section may
Consum er Price Index for the Urban
continue so long as it w ould n ot result
Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, not
in a m onopoly or substantial lessening
seasonally adjusted, w ith rounding to
of com petition, or be unsafe or unsound.
the nearest $100 million.
If the OTS grants an interlock
4. Section 563f.5 is revised to read as
exem ption in reliance upon a
presum ption u nder paragraph (b) of this
section, the interlock may continue for
§ 563f.5 Small market share exemption.
three years, unless otherwise provided
(a) Exem ption. A management
by the OTS in writing.
interlock that is prohibited by § 563f.3 is
Section 563f.7 is am ended by
perm issible, if:
revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
(1) The interlock is not prohibited by
§ 563f.3(c); and
§ 563f.7 Change in circumstances.
(2) The depository organizations (and
(a) Termination. A management
their depository institution affiliates)
official shall term inate his or her service
hold, in the aggregate, no more than 20
or apply for an exem ption if a change
percent of the deposits in each RMSA or
in circum stances causes the service to
com m unity in w hich both depository
become prohibited. A change in
organizations (or their depository
circum stances may include an increase
institution affiliates) have offices. The
in asset size of an organization, a change
am ount of deposits shall be determ ined
in the delineation of the RMSA or
by reference to the most recent annual
com m unity, the establishm ent of an
Sum mary of Deposits published by the
office, an increase in the aggregate
FDIC for the RMSA or community.
deposits of the depository organization,
(b) Confirmation and records. Each
or an acquisition, merger, consolidation,
depository organization m ust m aintain
or reorganization of the ow nership
records sufficient to support its
structure of a depository organization
determ ination of eligibility for the
th at causes a previously perm issible
exem ption u nder paragraph (a) of this
interlock to become prohibited.
section, and m ust reconfirm that
determ ination on an annual basis.
By the Office of Thrift Supervision.
5. Section 563f.6 is revised to read as
Dated: May 27, 1998.

Ellen Seidman,

General exemption.

(a) Exem ption. The OTS may, by
agency order, exem pt an interlock from
the prohibitions in § 563f.3, if the OTS
