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Federal R eserve Bank OF DALLAS ROBERT D. M C T E E R , J R . PRESIDENT DALLAS, TEXAS 7 5 2 2 2 AND CH IE F E X EC U TIV E O F F IC E R July 27, 1992 Notice 92-62 TO: The Chief Executive Officer of each member bank and others concerned in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District SUBJECT Request for Comments on Proposed Amendments to Regulation H (Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System) DETAILS The Federal Reserve Board has requested public comment on proposals to implement prompt corrective action for undercapitalized state member banks in accordance with Section 131 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA). The proposed amendments to the Bo ar d’s Regulation H (Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System) would: • Adopt definitions of the capital measures and capi tal thresholds for each of the five capital catego ries established in the statute; • Establish a schedule for filing and review of capi tal restoration plans required to be filed by under capitalized institutions; • Clarify certain aspects of the capital guarantee required to be made by any company that controls an undercapitalized institution as part of an accept able plan; • Establish a procedure for providing institutions with notice of, and an opportunity to respond to, a proposed agency directive to apply to supervisory requirements committed by the statute to agency di scretion; • Establish procedures for downgrading an institution to a lower capital category based on supervisory factors other than capital; and, For additional copies, bankers and others are encouraged to use one of the following toll-free numbers in contacting the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: Dallas Office (800) 333-4460; El Paso Branch Intrastate (800) 592-1631, Interstate (800) 351-1012; Houston Branch Intrastate (800) 392-4162, Interstate (800) 221-0363; San Antonio Branch Intrastate (800) 292-5810. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( - 2 - • Establish procedures by which senior executive officers and directors who are ordered dismissed by the Board may petition for reinstatement. The Board must receive comments by August 14, 1992. Comments should be addressed to William W. Wiles, Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20551. All comments should refer to Docket No. R-0763. ATTACHMENT Attached is a copy of the Bo ar d’s notice as it appears on pages 29226-44, Vol. 57, No. 127, of the Federal Register dated July 1, 1992. MORE INFORMATION For more information, please contact Gayle Teague at (214) 744-7224. For additional copies of this Ba n k ’s notice, please contact the Public Affairs Department at (214) 922-5254. Sincerely yours, 29226_______Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 12 CFR Parts 208 and 263 [Docket No. R-0763; Regulation H] Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System; Rules of Practice for Hearings; Prompt Corrective Action AGENCY: Board o f Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ACTION; Notice o f proposed rulemaking. su m m ary : The Board i9 proposing to revise Regulation H to implement for state member banks the system of prompt corrective action established by section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDI Act) as added by section 131 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA). Section 38 requires each federal banking agency to implement prompt corrective action for the institutions that it regulates. The Board is also proposing to revise its rules of practice for hearings to establish procedures for the issuance o f directives and other actions required under prompt corrective action. Section 38 requires or permits the Board to take certain supervisory actions when a state member bank falls within one of five specifically enumerated capital categories. It also restricts or prohibits certain activities and requires the submission of a capital restoration plan when an insured institution becom es undercapitalized. The proposed amendments to the Board's regulations are necessary to establish the capital levels at which state member banks will be deemed to come within the five capital categories, The proposed amendments also establish procedures for issuing and contesting prompt corrective action directives including directives requiring the dismissal of directors and senior executive officers. The Board is seeking comment on all aspects of its proposal. OATES: Written comments must be received on or before August 14,1992, ADDRESSES: Comments, which should refer to Docket No. R-0763, may be mailed to Mr. William W iles, Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW„ Washington, DC 20551. Comments addressed to Mr. W iles may also be delivered to the Board’s mail room betw een 8:45 ajm. and 5j15 p.m., and to the security control room outside of those hours. Both the mail room and the security control room are accessible from the courtyard Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29227 several instances, procedures governing extent feasible in implementing the agency review have already been prompt corrective action framework of established in other agency regulations. section 38. The agencies believe that a uniform approach to capital definitions The agencies request comment on all and capital categories would simplify aspects of this proposal, including the the tasks facing bank and thrift specific numbered questions presented management of monitoring and below. In addition, the agencies request maintaining the capital levels of insured comment on whether other provisions of depository institutions, and would section 38 require clarification or should remove any competitive distortions that be implemented by regulation. The might arise if different standards were agencies stress that comments may applied to competing institutions. address any aspect of the proposal and In order to implement the provisions need not be confined to the numbered of section 38, the agencies have questions set out below. Commenters proposed regulations that have uniform are invited to submit comments to any provisions. The agencies propose to or all of the federal banking agencies. define in the same manner the capital II. Summary o f Statutory Framework measures and capital thresholds for each of the five capital categories The following fs a brief summary of established in the statute. The agencies the supervisory framework established also propose to establish a uniform by section 38. This summary has been schedule for filing and review of capital prepared in order to give context to the restoration plans. In addition, the agency proposal and request for agencies propose to adopt identical comment. The summary is not intended provisions clarifying certain aspects of to be complete description of the the capital guarantee required to be requirements of section 38, and made by companies that control an commenters may find it useful to consult undercapitalized institution as part of an the provisions of section 38, contained I. Background acceptable capital plan, including the at 12 U.S.C. 1831o, in preparing their Section 131 of FDICIA, Public Law limit on the liability of such companies. comments. 102-242, created a new statutory The agencies’ proposal establishes a Section 38 provides a framework of framework that applies to every insured procedure under which institutions are supervisory actions based on the capital depository institution a system of provided advance notice of a proposed level of an insured depository supervisory actions indexed to the agency action under section 38 and institution. Section 38 establishes five capital level of the individual institution. provided an opportunity to respond to capital categories: w ell capitalized, The stated purpose of this statutory the proposed action. A separate adequately capitalized, provision is to resolve the problems of procedure is proposed that governs undercapitalized, significantly insured depository institutions at the decisions by the appropriate federal undercapitalized, and critically least possible long-term loss to the banking agency to change the capital undercapitalized. The statute deems an deposit insurance fund. The new category to which the institution is insured depository institution to be: framework is contained in section 38 of assigned after review of supervisory the FDI Act. This framework and the W eil capitalized if the institution factors other than capital. Finally, the authority it confers on the federal significantly exceeds the required minimum proposal implements the statutory level for each relevant capital measure: banking agencies are meant to requirement that officers and directors Adequately capitalized if the institution supplement the existing supervisory who are subject to dism issal as a result fails to meet the required minimum level for authority vested in the agencies, and do of an agency order issued under section any relevant capital measure; not limit in any w ay their existing 38 be afforded agency review of the U ndercapitalized if the institution fails to authority under other statutes or dismissal. meet the required minimum level for any regulations to initiate supervisory Many of the provisions of section 38 relevant capital measure; actions to address capital deficiencies, apply without the need for agency Significantly undercapitalized if the unsafe or unsound conduct, practices, or action, or impose requirements or institution is significantly below the required conditions, or violations of law. minimum level for any relevant capital limitations on an agency in the exercise Section 38 requires the federal measure; or, of its discretion. These provisions have Critically undercapitalized if the institution banking agencies, within 9 months of the not been repeated in the proposed has a ratio of tangible equity to total assets of enactment of FDICIA, to promulgate regulation. The proposal implements final regulations necessary to carry out only those portions of section 38 that the 2 percent or less, or otherwise fails to meet the critical capital level established pursuant the purposes of that section. Under the agencies believe require regulatory to section 38(c)(3)(A). statute, these regulations must become specification or clarification. The applicability of supervisory effective within one year after the date Where procedures have not been actions provided in section 38 to an of enactment of FDICIA, or no later than established in this proposal, such as individual institution depends on the December 19,1992. procedures for review of a stock It is the goal of the Board of redemption or an expansion proposal by institution’s classification within one of these five categories. Governors of the Federal Reserve an undercapitalized institution, each System (“Federal Reserve Board”), the agency w ill implement a procedure A. P rovisions A pplica ble to A ll Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation governing agency review. Such Institutions (“FDIC”), the Office of the Comptroller procedures w ill be established by Section 38 prohibits are insured of the Currency (“OCC"), and the Office regulation or through instructions to its depository institution from declaring of Thrift Supervision (“OTS”) to appropriate field offices or examiners any individuals, making any other and to the institutions involved. In promulgate uniform regulations to the entrance on 20th Street betw een Constitution Avenue and C Street, NW. Comments may be inspected in room B-1122 betw een 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., except as provided in § 261.8 of the Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information, 12 CFR 261.8. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Frederick M. Struble, A ssociate Director (202/452-3794), Norah Barger, Supervisory Financial Analyst (202/4522402), Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation; Scott G. Alvarez, A ssociate General Counsel (202/4523583), Gregory A. Baer, Senior Attorney (202/452-3236), Legal Division; Myron L. Kwast, Assistant Director, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. For the hearing impaired only, Telecommunication Device for the D eaf (TDD), Dorothea Thompson (202/4523544), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets, NW., Washington, DC 20551. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 29228_______Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules capital distribution, or paying a management fee to a controlling person if, following the distribution or payment, the institution would be within any of the three undercapitalized categories. The statute provides a limited exception to this prohibition for stock redemptions that do not result in any decrease in an institution’s capital and would improve the institution's financial condition provided the redemption has been approved by the institution's appropriate federal banking agency after consultation with the FDIC. B. P rovisions A pp lia b le to U n dercapitalized Institutions Institutions that are classified as undercapitalized are subject to a number of additional mandatory supervisory actions. These include. • Increased monitoring by the appropriate federal banking agency for the institution and periodic review of the institution's efforts to restore its capital; • A requirement that the institution submit, generally within 45 days, a capital restoration plan acceptable to the appropriate federal banking agency for the insitution and implement that plan; • A restriction on growth of the institution's total assets; and • A limitation on the institution’s ability to make any acquisition, open any new branch offices, or engage in any new line of business without the prior approval of the appropriate federal banking agency for the institution. Section 38 also provides that the appropriate federal banking agency for an undercapitalized institution may take any a number of discretionary supervisory actions if the agency determines that any of these actions is necessary to resolve the problems of the institution at the least possible long term cost to the deposit insurance fund. These discretionary supervisory actions include requiring the institution to raise additional capital, restricting transactions with affiliates, restricting interest rales paid by the institution on deposits, requiring replacement of senior executive officers and directors, restricting the activities of the institution and its affiliates, requiring divestiture of the institution or the sale of the institution to a willing purchaser, and any other supervisory action that the agency deems appropriate. Because these discretionary actions are also applicable to significantly undercapitalized institutions (as w ell as to critically undercapitalized institutions), these actions are described more fully in the next section. C. P rovisions A p plicab le to S ignificantly U n dercapitalized Institutions Section 38 provides that significantly undercapitalized institutions are subject to the four mandatory provisions listed above that are applicable to undercapitalized institutions. Sections 38 also provides that a significantly undercapitalized institution must restrict the payment of bonuses and raises to senior executive officers of the institution. In addition to these mandatory requirements, section 38 specifies that the appropriate federal banking agency for the institution shall impose one or more restrictions on an institution that is significantly undercapitalized. These discretionary actions include: • Requiring the institution to sell enough additional capital, including voting shares, so that the institution would be adequately capitalized after the sale; • Restricting transactions between the institution and its affiliates, including transactions with its insured depository institution affiliates; • Restricting the interest rates paid on deposits collected by the institution to the prevailing rates in the region where the institution is located; • Restricting the institution's asset growth or requiring the institution to reduce its total assets; • Requiring the institution or any subsidiary of the institution to terminate, reduce or alter any activity that the agency determines poses excessive risk to the institution; • Requiring the institution to hold a new election of its board of directors; • Requiring the institution to dismiss any director or senior executive officer who had held office at the institution for more than 180 days immediately before the institution became undercapitalized if the agency deems such dismissal to be appropriate, and to employ new officers who may be subject to agency approval; • Prohibiting the institution from accepting deposits from correspondent depository' institutions; • Prohibiting any bank holding company that controls the institution from making any dividend payment without prior approval of the Federal Reserve Board; • Requiring the institution to accept an offer to be acquired by another institution or company, or requiring any company that controls the institution to divest the institution; • Requiring the institution to divest or liquidate any subsidiary that is in danger of becoming insolvent and poses a significant risk to the institution, or that is likely to cause significant dissipation of the institution's assets or earnings; • Requiring any company that controls the institution to divest or liquidate any affiliate of the institution (other than another insured depository institution) if the appropriate federal banking agency for the holding company determines that the affiliate is in danger of becoming insolvent and poses a significant risk to the institution, or is likely to cause significant dissipation of the institution’s assets or earnings; and • Requiring the institution to take any other action that the agency determines would better carry out the purposes of section 38. While the statute generally provides the agency with discretion to determine whether these actions are appropriate In connection with a particular institution, the statute establishes certain presumptions and requirements with respect to the agency’s consideration of these actions. Section 38 requires that the agency take at least one of the above discretionary supervisory actions in connection with every institution that is significantly undercapitalized or critically undercapitalized. The statute also establishes a presumption that the agency require each significantly undercapitalized or critically undercapitalized institution to (1) be acquired by another institution or company or sell sufficient shares to restore the institution's capital to at least the minimum acceptable capital level, (2) restrict transactions with affiliates of the institution, including transactions with depository institution affiliates, and (3) restrict interest rates paid by the institution on deposits. The agency must impose each of these three actions unless the agency determines that the action would not further the purpose of section 38. A s discussed above, each of the discretionary actions listed above may also be taken in connection with undercapitalized institutions if a finding is made by the agency that the action is necessary to carry out the purposes of section 38. In addition, these discretionary actions may be taken in connection with any undercapitalized institution that fails to submit or materially implement a capital restoration plan, as if the institution were a significantly undercapitalized institution. In addition to the discretionary actions discussed above, section 38 also provides that the appropriate federal banking agency may require a significantly undercapitalized institution or an undercapitalized institution that Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29229 has failed to submit or implement an acceptable capital restoration plan to comply with one or more of the restrictions established by the FD1C on the activities of critically undercapitalized institutions. O. P rovision s A p p lica b le to C ritica lly U n dercapitalized Institutions Section 38 requires that an insured depository Institution that is critically undercapitalized be placed in conservatorship or receivership within 90 days, unless the appropriate federal banking agency for the institution and the FDIC concur that other action would better achieve the purposes of section 38. A determination by the agency to defer placing a critically undercapitalized institution in receivership or conservatorship must be reviewed every 90 days and must document the reasons the agency believes other action would better achieve the purposes of section 38. The statute requires that the institution be placed in receivership if the institution continues to be critically undercapitalized on average during the fourth quarter after the institution initially becam e critically undercapitalized, unless certain specific statutory requirements are met. To be eligible for the exception, the institution must (1) have positive net worth, (2) be in substantial compliance with an approved capital restoration plan. (3) b e profitable or have an upward trend in earnings, and (4) have reduced its ratio of nonperforming loans to total loans. In addition, the head of the appropriate federal banking agency for the institution and the Chairperson of the FDIC must both certify that the institution is viable and not expected to fa il Critically undercapitalized institutions are also prohibited, beginning 60 days after becoming critically undercapitalized, from making any payment of principal or interest on subordinated debt issued by the institution without the prior approval of the FDIC. Section 38 does not prevent unpaid interest from accruing on subordinated debt under the terms of the debt instrument Section 38{i) of the FDI Act also provides that the FDIC, by regulation or order, must restrict the activities of critically undercapitalized institutions. At a minimum, the FDIC must prohibit a critically undercapitalized institution from doing any of the following without the prior written approval of the FDIC: • Entering into any material transaction other than in the usual course of business. Such activities include any investment, expansion. acquisition, sale of a ssets or other similar action where the institution would have to notify its appropriate federal banking agency; • Extending credit for any highly leveraged transaction; • Amending the institution's charter or bylaw s unless required to do so in order to carry out any other requirement of any law, regulation or order: • Making any material change in its accounting methods; • Engaging in any "covered transactions" within the meaning of § 23A(b) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 371c), which concerns affiliate transactions; • Paying excessive compensation or bonuses; and • Paying interest on new or renewed liabilities at a rate which would increase the institution’s weighted average cost of funds to a level significantly exceeding the prevailing rates in the institution's normal market areas. Pursuant to section 38(j) of the FDI Act, none of these restrictions apply to institutions in conservatorship or to any bridge bank that is w holly owned by the FDIC or the RTC. Pursuant to section 38(o)(2) of the FDI Act, none of these restrictions shall apply, before July 1,1994, to any insured savings association if: (a) The savings association had submitted a plan meeting the requirements of section 5(t)(A)(ii) of the Home Owners’ Loan Act; (b) The Director of OTS had accepted the plan; and (c) The savings association remains in compliance with the plan or is operating under a written agreement with the appropriate federal banking agency. III. Proposal and Request for Comment A. C apita l M easures For purposes of defining each of the capital categories (except for the critically undercapitalized category), section 38(c) requires the agencies to prescribe capital standards that include a leverage limit and a risk-based capital requirement The agencies may establish additional capital measures for these categories if additional capital measures would serve the purposes of section 38. In addition, section 38 permits the agencies to rescind the leverage limit or the risk-based capital measure if the federal banking agencies concur that either measure is no longer an appropriate m eans for carrying out the purposes of section 38. The agencies are proposing to adopt the leverage limit and the total riskbased capital measure in defining the capital categories other than the critically undercapitalized category. In addition, the agencies propose to adopt the Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio as a capital measure in defining these capital categories. These measures are generally used by the federal banking agencies in determining the adequacy of capital of insured depository institutions. Com m ent 1: The agencies request comment on whether adoption of these three capital measures is appropriate to carry out the purpose of section 38. The agencies note that the capital requirements applicable to insured depository institutions may be affected by section 305 of FDICIA, which amends section 18 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (“FDI Act") to require the agencies to revise their risk-based capital standards to take into account interest rate risk, concentration of credit risk, and the risks of nontraditional activities. The statutory deadline for implementation of these revisions is i" June 1993. A s the revisions required under section 18 of the FDI Act are implemented, it might prove necessary of appropriate to review the capital measures and thresholds specified for the various capital categories. In particular, the agencies note that one of the rationales for retaining a leverage ratio after the risk-based capital measure w as introduced w as that the risk-based capital measure is focused on credit-related risk, and does not explicitly factor in other risks, particularly interest rate risk. The agencies w ill address in an appropriate and expeditious manner the need for lowering or eliminating the leverage capital component from the definitions of w ell capitalized, adequately capitalized, undercapitalized, and significantly undercapitalized after the risk-based capital standards have been revised by each Federal banking agency to take account o f interest rate risk as required by section 305 of FDICIA. B. D efinition o f C ap ital Term s The agencies propose to adopt the same definitions of capital terms for purposes of the prompt corrective action provisions o f section 38 as are currently used under the capital adequacy guidelines or regulations adopted by the agencies. The definition of the riskbased and leverage capital ratios for purposes of the prompt corrective action subpart would refer to the definitions of Tier 1 capital, total capital, total riskweighted assets, adjusted total assets, and total assets as those terms are defined in the agencies' current capital adequacy guidelines and regulations. 29230 Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules C. S pecific C ap ital L evels fo r Five This proposal attempts to reduce C apital C ategories complexity that could result from the use of new or modified capital Section 38 requires the agencies to definitions, and to minimize confusion establish specific capital thresholds for and the possibility that an institution each capital category and sets general may be uncertain regarding its capital standards, as described above, for each levels for purposes of section 38. of these categories. Under these Com m ent 2: The agencies request standards, an institution is adequately public comment regarding whether this capitalized if it meets the required approach is appropriate or whether the minimum level for each relevant capital agencies should modify the existing measure. Thus, capital levels set for the capital definitions for purposes of adequately capitalized category applying section 38. If adjustments of generally would be the same as the modifications to the capital definitions minimum ratios established under the currently used are deemed to be existing minimum capital adequacy appropriate, the agencies request rules and guidelines adopted by the comment on what type of adjustments agencies. These minimums are 8 percent or modifications should be made. for the total risk-based capital ratio, 4 Com m ent 3: The agencies also request percent for the Tier 1 risked-based comment regarding the appropriate capital ratio, and 4 percent for the Tier 1 period for calculation of capital levels. leverage ratio (3 percent for composite Under current practice and 1-rated banks and savings associations, requirements, die level of capital of an subject to appropriate federal banking institution is calculated on the basis of agency guidelines). An institution would the amount of capital held by the have to meet all these minimums in institution on a given day as a ratio of order to be deemed adequately the most recent quarterly average of capitalized. total assets or quarter-end risk-weighted The statute also provides specific assets for the institution. A daily guidance as to the capital level for calculation of both capital and assets defining a critically undercapitalized may facilitate prompt action under institution. Section 38 requires that a section 38. However, the agencies note critically undercapitalized institution be that insured depository institutions are defined by reference to the institution’s not currently required to make daily ratio of tangible equity to total assets. calculations of capital, and such a The statute requires the agencies to requirement would increase the establish the threshold ratio for defining reporting burden on many institutions. a critically undercapitalized institution In addition, a daily calculation may at no lower than 2 percent. A s discussed distort capital calculations by focusing below, the agencies are proposing that a on individual daily events (such as a critically under capitalized institution be decline in the market value of certain defined as any institution that has a Tier investments on a given day) rather than 1 leverage ratio of 2 percent or less. on related actions taken during a given Taking the capital levels for the period or remedial actions that are adequately capitalized and critically readily available to the institution (such undercapitalized categories as as a decline in market value in one benchmarks, the agencies are proposing investment followed by a gain realized that the capital levels for the on the sale of another investment). undercapitalized category be defined as Com m ent 4: The agencies request any level under 8 percent for the total comment on whether, for purposes of risk-based capital ratio, under 4 percent applying the prompt corrective action for the Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio, or requirements of section 38, the use of under 4 percent for the Tier 1 leverage quarterly average total assets or ratio (under 3 percent for composite 1quarter-end risk-weighted assets in rated banks and savings associations, calculating capital levels is appropriate, subject to appropriate federal banking or whether the capital calculations for agency guidelines). An institution would an institution should be based on an be considered undercapitalized if it actual daily measure or quarter-end were below the specified capital level measure of the institution’s capital and for any of the three capital measures. Further, the capital levels for assets. Com m ent 5: The agencies also request significantly undercapitalized comment on whether a daily calculation institutions would be defined as any level under 6 percent for the total riskof total assets and risk-weighted assets based capital ratio, under 3 percent for is feasible, and whether a requirement the Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio, or that an institution make daily under 3 percent for the Tier 1 leverage calculations would impose significant ratio. An institution would be added burden on insured depository considered significantly institutions. undercapitalized if it were below the specified capital level for any of the three capital measures. Under the proposed definitions, an institution thai is significantly undercapitalized also would be deemed to be undercapitalized. Similarly, an institution that is critically undercapitalized also would be deemed to be significantly undercapitalized and undercapitalized. The overlap between these categories is contemplated by the statute and has the effect of applying to significantly undercapitalized institutions and to critically undercapitalized institutions any provisions of section 38 that are applicable to undercapitalized institutions. The agencies are proposing to establish the minimum total risk-based capital level for the w ell capitalized category at 10 percent and to set the minimum leverage capital level for this category at 5 percent. To emphasize the importance the agencies place on Tier 1 capital, it is proposed that for the w ell capitalized category the minimum level for the Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio be set at 6 percent. The specifications of the minimum ratios for the w ell capitalized category are proposed at levels that are 25 percent to 50 percent higher than the minimum for the adequately capitalized category to promote safe and sound banking conditions, giving due consideration to the international capital standards to which the United States and other G-10 Countries have agreed, and to the competitive pressures faced by U.S. banks operating in international markets with foreign banks adhering to these standards. Capital ratios alone, of course, are not fully indicative of the capital strength of an institution. In particular, in proposing these minimum capital levels, the agencies are aware that some poorlyrated depository institutions have capital ratios above the specified minimums for the w ell capitalized and adequately capitalized categories. One reason that some poorly-rated institutions qualify as w ell capitalized for prompt corrective action purposes is that capital is a lagging indicator of problems of insured depository institutions. Some institutions are subject to a written order or directive that establishes a higher capital level for the institution. The agencies are proposing that for an institution to be w ell capitalized, it must not be subject to any written capital order or directive. This proposal reflects the view that an institution that is subject to a written Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29231 capital directive from the appropriate federal banking agency does not have capital that significantly exceeds the required minimum level for the relevant capital measures. The agencies also intend to assess carefully all aspects of a troubled institution's condition, and to exercise their reclassification authority under section 38(g) of FDICIA. Section 38(g) gives the agencies discretion to downgrade, where appropriate, a "well capitalized" institution by one category and require an “adequately capitalized” or "undercapitalized” institution to comply with supervisory actions as if it were in the next lower category if that institution has received a less-thansatisfactory examination rating for asset quality, management, earnings, or liquidity without correcting the deficiency. Any institution would be subject to downgrading on the basis of the components of the institution’s examination rating, including an institution that has been deemed not to be within the w ell capitalized category because the institution is subject to a written capital order, or directive. W hile the prompt corrective action framework constitutes an additional supervisory tool, the federal banking agencies continue to have available ail supervisory tools traditionally used to supervise institutions. The agencies also fully intend to use these tools as appropriate in supervising institutions. These include appropriate enforcement actions and supervisory follow-up measures based upon the institution’s overall condition and the existence of any financial, operational, or other supervisory w eaknesses, irrespective of the organization’s capital category for purposes of the prompt corrective action provisions of section 38. Accordingly, the assignment of an institution to a particular capital category—including the w ell capitalized category— does not prevent the appropriate federal banking agency from taking other supervisory action that the agency deems to be appropriate. Moreover, in light of the intended limited purpose of a capital category designation, the agencies are proposing to limit a given insured depository institution’s use of its capital category, except when permitted by the appropriate federal banking agency or otherwise required by statute or regulation. This is intended to limit the ability of insured depository institutions to advertise their category. Com m ent 6: The agencies invite comment on this limitation on advertising. Traditionally, examiners have reached judgments on an institution's requires a deduction from equity capital for most intangible assets, including goodwill. The use of Tier 1 capital also focuses primarily on common equity rather than other forms of equity and, therefore, represents the most secure form of equity available to absorb losses that may be incurred by an insured depository institution. In addition, because Tier 1 capital is an element of the existing capital adequacy guidelines and is included in the definition of the other capital measures proposed under section 38, use of the Tier 1 capital definition would promote consistency and simplicity and, therefore, minimize the potential for confusion in the capital computations required to be made by insured depository institutions. It would also reduce the potential for distortion in the capital raising efforts of insured depository institutions and for anomalies in the classification o f institutions under section 38 that might result from use of a substantially different definition of capital for the critically undercapitalized category than is used for the other capital categories. C om m ent 9: The agencies request public comment on this definition. D. C ritica lly U n dercapitalized Com m ent 10: The agencies also In stitutions request comment on whether the The statute requires that the critically definition of tangible equity should undercapitalized category be based on reflect additional adjustments to deduct the ratio of tangible equity to total intangible assets. The agencies note that assets o f the institution. Section 38 section 475 of FDICIA requires the requires that the minimum ratio for this federal banking agencies to determine category be established at a level of whether a portion of certain purchased tangible equity that is no less than 2 mortgage servicing rights should be percent of the institution’s total assets, and that is no higher than the ratio equal included in the calculation ot tangible capital. The agencies also recently to 65 percent of the required minimum sought public comment on a proposal to level of capital under the leverage lim it The agencies may, be regulation, specify permit insured depository institutions to include a portion of certain purchased additional capital measures (such as a credit-card relationships in the risk-based capital ratio) in defining the critically undercapitalized category. Any calculation o f tangible capital for purposes of meeting applicable such measures may not, without the minimum capital adequacy standards. concurrence of the FDIC, be set at a Com m ent 11: The agencies request level lower than the level specified by comment on whether purchased the FDIC for insured state-chartered mortgage servicing rights and purchased banks that are not members of the credit-card relationships should be Federal Reserve System. excluded from the definition of tangible The agencies are proposing to define equity for purposes of section 38. critically undercapitalized institutions Similarly, investm ents in certain types as institutions that have a ratio of Tier 1 of subsidiaries, which savings capital to total assets of 2 percent or associations are required to deduct for less. The agencies do not at this time purposes of their general capital propose to establish any additional calculations, represent realizable assets capital measures for the critically which buffer the exposure of the deposit undercapitalized category. insurance funds. Under this proposal, the agencies Com m ent 12: The agencies request would define tangible equity to be Tier 1 comment on whether these investments capital as defined under the agencies' should be deducted in computing the existing capital adequacy guidelines or regulations. The use of the Tier 1 capital relevant capital ratio for purposes o f definition has been proposed for several determining whether an institution is critically undercapitalized. reasons. The definition o f Tier 1 capital capital needs by also taking intc account a range of factors such as interest rate risk and concentration risk. The agencies have initiatives under w ay mandated by FDICIA to review their risk-based capital standards to ensure that they take more adequate account of such risks, and also have been engaged in a project under the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (“FFIEC”) to refine and improve procedures for assessing the reserving policies and practices of individual institutions. After those projects have been completed and improvements implemented and assessed, the agencies intend to revisit the question of how the specifications for the w ell capitalized category may need to be modified or adjusted. C om m ent 7: The agencies request comment on all aspects of the capital levels proposed in the draft regulation. Com m ent 8: In particular, the agencies seek comment on whether the specific levels set for each capital category are appropriate, as w ell as whether it is appropriate to require that wellcapitalized institutions not be subject to a capital order or directive. 29232______ Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules Com m ent 13: In addition, the agencies request comment on whether tangible equity should be defined to take into account broader forms of equity beyond those included in the definition of Tier 1 capital. Com m ent 14: In particular, the agencies request comment on whether cumulative perpetual preferred stock should be included in determining whether an institution is critically undercapitalized. Com m ent 15: Because the agencies are not proposing to include this form of equity in determining whether an institution is critically undercapitalized, the agencies also request comment on whether a transition period should be permitted for institutions that are permitted to rely on cumulative perpetual preferred stock under currently outstanding agency orders. Com m ent 16: The agencies also request comment on whether a higher threshold should be established than the proposed 2 percent leverage limit. By statute, this ratio may not exceed 65 percent of the minimum leverage ratio established by the agencies. Com m ent 17: Finally, the agencies request comment on whether it is appropriate to establish additional capital measures for the critically undercapitalized category. A s noted above, section 38 permits the agencies to establish additional capital measures in defining the critically undercapitalized category. The agencies are proposing the use the total risk-based capital measure and the Tier 1 risk-based capital measure for all other categories, but are not proposing to use these capital measures in defining critically undercapitalized institutions. E. Calculation o f C apital L evels an d N otice o f C apital L evels Under the proposal, an institution would be expected to monitor its capital levels continually and to notify the appropriate federal banking agency promptly if the institution’s capital levels fall into a lower capital category. In addition, capital levels would be periodically determined on the basis of information filed by each insured depository institution in its quarterly Consolidated Report of Condition and Income (“Call Report”), or on the basis of information obtained in an examination or inspection of the institution. Capital levels may also be determined by the appropriate federal banking agency for an institution on the basis of other information obtained by the agency from any source. This information may include data provided by the institution to the agency on a voluntary basis, information obtained in connection with an application, calculations based on a report that the institution must file other than a Call Report or adjustments that are appropriate bused on publicly announced events that may affect the institution’s capital. Under the proposal, an institution would be deemed to be aware of information that it files in a Call Report as of the date that the Call Report is required to be filed. Similarly, the institution would be deemed to be notified of capital levels calculated in the examination or inspection process as of the date that the examination report or inspection report is provided to the institution. In the event that the agency determines the capital levels of the institution on the basis of other information, the agencies are proposing to notify the institution in writing of the calculation and the information used as a basis for the capital calculation. The agencies are concerned that, while the proposed arrangement for calculating the capital levels of an institution on the basis of Call Reports and reports of examination and inspection may be reliable and in most instances timely, this procedure may not alw ays lead to a prompt calculation of capital levels for a given institution. For example, an institution may become aware of information that affects its capital calculation betw een the time that Call Reports are required to be filed and when an examination is not in process or another report may not be required. This could result in delay in application of the supervisory requirements of section 38, including the provisions that are mandated by the statute. In order to address changes in capital promptly, the agencies propose to require insured depository institutions to notify the appropriate federal banking agency within 5 days of any event that would cause the institution to be assigned to a different capital category than the category assigned on the basis of the most recent Call Report or report of examination or inspection. The institution would be deemed to be aware of a necessary adjustment when its senior management determines that the adjustment is appropriate, even if the adjustment is not required to be reported in an official report of otherwise disclosed for some period of time. Under the proposal, the agency would review the information provided by the institution, along with any explanation provided by the institution, to determine whether the institution should be assigned to a different capital category for purposes of the provisions of section 38. This procedure would apply to both upward and downward adjustments to capital that occur betw een the filing of Call Reports or examinations. C om m ent 18: The agencies invite public comment on all aspects of this approach to the capital calculations. C om m ent 19: In particular, the agencies request comment on the use of Call Reports and examination reports a9 the primary b ases for capital calculations. Com m ent 20: In addition, the agencies request comment on the procedures that have been proposed for self-monitoring and agency notification of changes in capital levels, including comment on the burden associated with this procedure and comment on whether any other procedure to permit the timely monitoring of an institution’s capital levels is appropriate. F. R eclassification B a sed on S u pervisory C riteria O th er Than C apital S tandards Section 38 provides that the appropriate federal banking agency may, under certain circumstances, reclassify a w ell capitalized insured depository institution as adequately capitalized and require an adequately capitalized or undercapitalized institution to comply with supervisory actions as if it were in the next lower category (but not treat a significantly undercapitalized institution as critically undercapitalized) based on supervisory information other than the capital levels of the institution. (Reclassification to the adequately capitalized category and treatment of an institution as if it were in the next lower capital category are referred to collectively herein as a “reclassification.") The statute permits the agency to reclassify an institution where the agency has determined, after notice and opportunity for hearing, that the institution is in unsafe or unsound condition. Section 38 also provides that an institution may be reclassified if the agency deems the institution to be engaged in an unsafe or unsound practice under section 8(b)(8) of the FDI Act. 12 U.S.C. 1818(b)(8). Section 8(b)(8) of the FDI Act w as amended by FDICIA to provide that an institution may be deemed to be engaged in an unsafe or unsound practice if the institution has received a less-than-satisfactory rating in its most recent examination report in any of the categories for assets, m anagem ent earnings, or liquidity, and the institution has not corrected the deficiency. Under the proposed rule, an institution would be reclassified on any o f these supervisory grounds only after Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29233 receiving prior yvritten notice of the proposed reclassification from the agency and having an opportunity to respond to the proposed reclassification. In the case of a proposed reclassification based on a determination that the institution is in unsafe or unsound condition, the agencies also propose, pursuant to section 38, to accord the institution an opportunity for an informal oral hearing prior to the reclassification. Because section 38 expressly provides for notice and opportunity for hearing in connection with a reclassification on the ground of unsafe and unsound condition but does not with respect to the reclassification based on examination ratings, the agencies are not proposing to provide an opportunity for an oral hearing prior to reclassification based on an institution’s examination rating. In the case of a reclassification proposed on the basis of an examination rating of the institution, the agencies are proposing to provide the institution an opportunity to present written arguments and information prior to the agency’s reclassification of the institution. Under the proposal, the appropriate federal banking agency would provide an institution with written notice of the agency’s intention to reclassify the institution. The institution would be provided at least 14 days to respond to the proposed reclassification unless the agency determines that the condition of the institution warrants a shorter time period for response. In its response, the institution should set forth any reasons w hy the proposed reclassification would not be appropriate, and provide the agency with any information that the institution believes supports its position on the reclassification. The agency would consider the response in deciding whether to proceed with the reclassification. Com m ents 21: The agencies invite comment on all aspects of these procedures for reclassifying institutions based on supervisory criteria other than capital. G. Timing o f M an datory P rovision s Under section 38, an institution becomes subject to certain mandatory provisions on the basis of the capital levels of the institution. These mandatory provisions apply immediately without agency action. As noted above, an undercapitalized institution is immediately subject to a restriction on the payment o f dividends and management fees, a limitation on asset growth, and an obligation to file an acceptable capital restoration plan. In addition to these requirements, an institution that is significantly undercapitalized or critically undercapitalized is subject to a limitation on the payment of bonuses or raises to senior executive officers. Under the proposal, once an institution is deem ed to have notice of its capital levels and category or is given actual notice by the agency of the institution's capital category, the institution is deem ed immediately to be subject to the mandatory provisions that apply to institutions within the corresponding capital category without any further action by the appropriate federal banking agency for the institution. A s explained above, the agencies propose to deem an institution to have notice of its capital category whenever a Call Report is due to be filed by the institution, or an examination report or report of inspection has been provided to the institution. The agencies w ill provide actual notice to the institution of its capital categorization if the category is based on an adjustment to capital betw een the filing of Call Reports or examinations; if the agency determines the capital levels of the institution based on information other than information contained in the Call Reports or an examination report; or if the agency determines to reclassify the institution based on supervisory criteria other than capital. H. P rocedures fo r Issuing Prom pt C orrective A ction D irectives Section 38 also provides the agencies with discretion to impose other requirements or restrictions on an insured institution that is undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized or critically undercapitalized, as w ell as on any company that controls such an institution. These discretionary supervisory actions are described above. Because these provisions rely on an agency determination that certain action is appropriate, the agencies are proposing a procedure under which a federal banking agency would issue a written directive w henever the agency has determined that a discretionary supervisory action is appropriate. The agencies propose to provide written notice to an institution prior to issuing any directive to take an action committed by section 38 to the agency’s discretion. The notice would describe the action contemplated by the agency and would provide the institution or company with 14 calendar days to respond to the proposed agency action, unless the agency determines that a shorter response period is appropriate in light of the condition of the institution. Under the proposal, the institution or company would be permitted to submit written arguments regarding whether the directive is an appropriate exercise of the agency’s discretion, along with any information or evidence supporting the respondent’s position, Failure to file a timely response would constitute consent to the issuance of the directive and a waiver of the opportunity to appeal. The agency would consider the institution’s response prior to issuing a final directive to take action under section 38. The agencies are also proposing to permit the appropriate federal banking agency to issue a final directive without notice or opportunity to respond where immediate supervisory action is appropriate. In cases where immediate action is necessary, the agencies propose to provide the institution with an opportunity to appeal the action to the agency and request modification or rescission of the agency action following issuance o f the directive. An institution that seeks to appeal an immediately effective directive would be required to file a written appeal with the agency within 14 calendar days of the effective date of the directive. The agency would be required to consider and take action regarding a timely appeal within 60 days of receiving the appeal. The agencies believe that these procedures w ill afford an adequate and fair opportunity to obtain agency review of the agency’s action. See, e.q., FDIC v. M allen, 486 U.S. 230 (1988) (upholding post-deprivation hearing in case of suspension or removal of a bank officer charged with a felony); F ederal D eposit Ins. Corp. v. B ank o f Coushatta, 930 F.2d 1122 (5th Cir. 1991), cert, denied, 112 S. Ct. 170 (1992) (affirming procedures for issuance of capital directives). In proposing these procedures, the agencies have attempted to adhere to the mandate of section 38 that the agencies take prompt corrective action to resolve the problems of insured depository institutions at the least possible long-term loss to the deposit insurance fund while providing institutions with an opportunity for agency review of disputed factual claims. These procedures generally permit an institution advance notice of a proposed directive and an opportunity to present written information and argument to the agency prior to final agency action regarding the directive. The agencies would not be required to follow these procedures, and the respective time periods would not apply, if an institution consented to the action 29234______ Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules to be taken by the agency either as initially proposed by the agencies or as modified by mutual agreem ent Actions taken with such consent would have the sam e legal affect and be enforceable to the sam e extent and by the same means as actions taken upon exhaustion of these procedures. The agencies are not proposing an oral hearing in connection with the issuance of a prompt corrective action directive for several reasons. First, the terms and legislative history of section 38 indicate that Congress intended agency action under section 38 to be taken as promptly as possible. 12 U.S.C. 1831o(a)(2); see also S. Rep. No. 102-167, 102d Cong., 1st Sess. 32-38 (1991) ("The prompt corrective action system will require regulators to act at the first sign of trouble."). Second, Congress clearly indicated several occasions when it believed that a hearing w as appropriate in connection with actions taken under section 38, such as orders requiring dism issal of a director or senior executive officer. Congress gave no indication in either the statutory language or legislative history that it intended to provide for an agency hearing in connection with supervisory actions committed to agency discretion under section 38. Third, a requirement that an agency hold a hearing in each case involving action committed to agency discretion under section 38 would cause the prompt corrective action provisions of section 38 largely to duplicate the existing cease-and-desist authority grant to the agencies under section 8(b) of the FDI A c t Com m ent 22: The agencies request comment on all aspects of the proposal to issue prompt corrective action directives where the agency determines to apply the provisions of section 38 committed to the discretion of the agency. Com m ent 23: In particular, the agencies request comment on the sufficiency of the proposal to provide notice and opportunity for written response in connection with these directives. Com m ent 24: The agencies also request comment on w ays that these procedures can be improved to give an institution or company that is subject to a prompt corrective action directive a fair opportunity to contest such a directive, while at the same time adhering to the statutory mandate to take prompt action to resolve the problems of inadequately capitalized institutions. I. Enforcem ent o f D irectives Section 8 of the FDI Act, as amended by FDICIA, includes prompt corrective action directives issued pursuant to section 38 among the orders that may be enforced in the courts pursuant to section 8(i)(l), and also makes any depository institution, company, or institution-affiliated party that violates such a directive subject to civil money penalties pursuant to section 8(i)(2)(A). 12 U.S.C. 1818(i). The proposed regulation makes clear that failure o f a depository institution to implement a capital restoration plan or the failure of a company having control of a depository institution to fulfill a guarantee that the company has given in connection with a capital plan accepted by the appropriate federal banking agency w ill subject responsible parties to civil money penalties. /. D ism issa l o f D irectors or Senior E xecu tive O fficers Section 38 provides that a director or senior executive officer dism issed by an insured depository institution in compliance with an agency directive under section 38 may obtain review of the dism issal by filing with the appropriate federal banking agency a petition of reinstatement. The statute also provides that the petitioner shall have the opportunity to submit written materials in support of the petition and to appear at a hearing before m em bers) or designated employee(s) of the agency. The hearing shall occur within 30 days of the filing of the petition unless the petitioner requests a later date. The agency decision shall issue within 60 days of the date of the closing of the hearing record. The statute appears to envision on a post-dismissal hearing procedure, as it refers to the appeal as a “petition for reinstatement” and sets a short time for agency decision. Accordingly, the proposed regulation contemplates that an institution ordered to dismiss a senior executive officer or director w ill take that action immediately upon receiving a final directive requiring that action. The agencies are proposing that any officer or director that is dismissed in compliance with an agency directive under section 38 be provided an opportunity to petition the appropriate federal banking agency for reinstatement within the statutorilyprescribed period. The proposed regulation permits the affected officer or director an opportunity for an informal agency hearing. The agency will designate a presiding officerfs) to conduct the hearing. The petitioner will have the right to appear at the hearing, with counsel, and to submit written materials and present oral argument. The petitioner may present oral testimony or w itnesses only with the consent of the presiding officers). The proposed regulation incorporates the statutory burdens of proof imposed upon an officer or director seeking reinstatem ent When the dism issal order is based upon an institution's capital category or its failure to submit or implement a capital restoration plan, the petitioner must prove that his or her continued employment would materially strengthen the institution's ability to become adequately capitalized. When the dism issal order is based upon a reclassification of an institution on grounds o f unsafe or unsound condition or practice, the petitioner must prove that his or her continued employment would materially strengthen the institutions’ ability to correct the condition or practice. H ie agencies propose to restrict the ability of an officer or director seeking reinstatement to challenge the capital category to which the institution has been assigned. Com m ent 25: The agencies seek comment on these procedures. K. C ap ital R estoration Plans 1. Information Required Section 38 requires an institution that is under-capitalized, significantly under capitalized, or critically undercapitalized to submit a plan to the appropriate federal banking agency to restore the institution’s capital at least to the minimum capital levels required for adequately capitalized institutions. The statute requires that this capital restoration plan be submitted in writing and specify: (1) The steps the institution will take to becom e adequately capitalized; (2) The levels of capital the institution expects to attain in each year that the plan is in effect; (3) How the institution will comply with the restrictions and requirements imposed on the institution under section 38; (4) The types and levels of activities in which the institution w ill engage; and (5) Any other information required by the appropriate federal banking agency. The agencies do not propose at this time to require by regulation any additional information in a capital restoration plan submitted under section 38. The agencies may, in individual cases, require an institution to provide additional information based on particular circumstances. Com m ent 26: The agencies request comment on whether and what additional information should be required by regulation for all capital Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1. 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29235 restoration plans submitted under section 38. 2. Schedule for Submission and Review of Capital Plans The statute requires the agencies to establish by regulation deadlines for the submission and review of capital restoration plans. The agencies propose to adopt the schedule generally established in the statute. Under this schedule, an institution would generally be required to submit a capital restoration plan within 45 days of receiving notice or having been deemed to have notice that the institution is undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized or critically undercapitalized. A s discussed above, an institution is deem ed to have been notified of its capital category on the date that it is required to file its Call Report, the date that the institution receives its final report of examination or inspection, or the date that the appropriate federal banking agency notifies the institution of the institution's capital category (based on an adjustment to capital reported by the institution or on other information obtained by the agency). Under the proposal, the appropriate federal banking agency may change this period in individual cases, in which case the agency would notify the institution that a different schedule has been adopted. The proposed schedule would require the appropriate federal banking agency to review each capital restoration plan within 60 days o f submission of the plan unless the agency extends the time for review. The agencies propose to provide written notice to the institution regarding whether the agency has approved or rejected the capital plan. The agency would also provide a copy of each acceptable capital restoration plan, or amendments thereto, to the FDIC within 45 days of accepting the plan. Com m ent 27: The agencies request comment on the proposed time schedules for submission and review of a capital restoration pjan. 3. Failure to Submit or Implement an Acceptable Capital Plan In the event that the appropriate federal banking agency has disapproved an institution’s capital restoration plan, the proposal would require the institution to submit a new capital restoration plan within a time specified by the appropriate federal banking agency. During the period following notice of such disapproval and prior to approval by the agency of a new or revised capital plan, the institution would be subject to all of the provisions in section 38 that apply to undercapitalized institutions that have failed to submit and implement, in any material respect, an acceptable capital restoration plan. The proposed regulation incorporates the provision of section 38 that makes any insured depository institution that is undercapitalized and fails to submit or implement a capital restoration plan within the required time subject to the provisions applicable to significantly undercapitalized institutions. Under the proposal these provisions apply immediately upon expiration of the time for submission of a capital restoration plan. Accordingly, under the proposal, an undercapitalized institution that fails to submit a capital restoration plan within the required time would, upon the expiration of that period, become subject to the mandatory and discretionary provisions of section 38 outlined above that are applicable to significantly undercapitalized institutions, including limitations on the compensation paid to senior executive officers. An undercapitalized institution that fails to implement, in any material respect, its capital restoration plan would immediately be subject to these same provisions upon the institution’s failure to implement the plan. C om m ent 28-. The agencies invite comment on each of these aspects of the proposed rule, 4. Content of Capital Restoration Plans Section 38 provides that the appropriate federal banking agency may not accept a capital restoration plan unless the plan: (1) Contains the information required by statute; (2) Is based on realistic assumptions and is likely to succeed in restoring the institution’s capital; and (3) Would not appreciably increase the risk (including credit risk, interestrate risk, and other types of risk) to which the institution is exposed. The statute also provides that the appropriate federal banking agency may not approve a capital restoration plan unless each company that controls the institution guarantees the institution’s compliance with the plan until the institution has been adequately capitalized for each o f four consecutive calendar quarters, and provides appropriate assurances of performance. This guarantee by any controlling company is independent of any liability of affiliates of the depository institution pursuant to the cross-guarantee provision of the FDI Act. 5. Capital Plan Performance Guarantee The agencies propose to implement the performance guarantee provision, contained in section 38(e)(2)(E), by requiring each company to submit a written guarantee of any capital plan submitted by an undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized, or critically undercapitalized institution controlled by the company. This guarantee would include assurance that the institution would fulfill any commitments to raise capital made in the plan. Each company that provides the guarantee would be jointly and severally liable for fulfillment of the guarantee. Liability could extend to the amount necessary (up to the statutory limit of liability) to restore the institution to applicable capital standards. Failure of any company that controls an undercapitalized institution to provide the required guarantee causes the institution to become subject to the provisions of section 38 applicable to significantly undercapitalized institutions. Com m ent 29: The agencies request comment on whether the rule should provide greater detail regarding the content and form of the guarantee. Com m ent 30: In addition, the agencies request comment on what assurances the agencies should find to be "appropriate assurances of performance” of the capital plan and guarantee. Section 38 appears to permit the agencies to determine the appropriateness of assurances in connection with the agency's review of the capital restoration plan. Com m ent 31: The agencies seek comment on whether there are particular assurances that the agencies should require by regulation in all cases. For example, should the agencies require a guarantor to demonstrate that it has sufficient financial resources to honor the guarantee? The statute limits the aggregate liability under the capital performance guarantee of all companies that control a given insured depository institution to the lesser of: (1) An amount equal to 5 percent of the institution's total assets at the time the institution became undercapitalized; or (2) The amount necessary (or that would be necessary) to bring the institution into compliance with all capital standards applicable with respect to such institution as of the time the institution fails to comply with its capital restoration plan. In incorporating this provision into the regulation, the agencies propose to 29236______ Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules adopt the same definition of total assets liability, and, if so, when that for purposes of computing the first calculation should be made. component o f the limit on liability as Com m ent 36: In addition, the agencies would be used in determining the capital request comment on whether any category of the institution. additional regulatory clarifications of Com m ent 32: Accordingly, as the holding company guarantee are necessary. discussed above in connection with the definition of capital categories, the 6. Priority in Bankruptcy agencies request comment on whether It should be noted that the FDIC will the definition of total assets should be have a priority claim in any bankruptcy based on a period average of total assets (as proposed above) or should be proceedings of a holding company that has guaranteed an institution’s based on a daily report of the compliance with a capital restoration institution’s total assets. plan. The FDIC’s claim against a holding The agencies also propose that the company's estate would have priority second component of the limit on over the claims of unsecured creditors liability refers to the amount necessary to restore the capital of the institution to and is provided for in section 507(a)(8) the applicable minimum capital levels as of title 11 of the United States Code, as amended by the Crime Control Act of those levels were defined at the time 1990, Public Law 101-647,104 Stat. 4789. that the institution initially failed to Sections 365(o) and 523(a)(12) of title 11 comply with its capital plan. The amount of a capital guarantee would not of the United States Code, as amended change if the minimum capital adequacy by the Crime Control Act of 1990, also provide special protections for the FDIC, requirements change after the time the institution initially failed to comply with 7. Submission of Plans by Reclassified its capital restoration plan. Institutions Com m ent 33: The agencies request Section 38(g) provides that an comment on this clarification of the institution that has been reclassified to a statutory provision. different capital category as a result of The proposed rule also implements an agency determination that the the statutory provision that limits the institution is in an unsafe or unsound duration of a guarantee of a capital plan. condition or is engaged in an unsafe or Under the proposal, the appropriate unsound practice must describe the federal banking agency would provide steps the institution will take to address notice to the company that the these deficiencies. Section 38(g) also guarantee has expired once the provides that an institution that depository institution has remained nominally has adequate capital but has adequately capitalized for four been reclassified to the under consecutive calendar quarters. The capitalized category because of its proposal makes clear that expiration of condition or practices is not required to a guarantee or fulfillment of a guarantee submit a capital restoration plan. The given by a company in connection with portions of the proposed regulation one capital restoration plan does not regarding capital restoration plans relieve the company from the obligation reflect these provisions. to guarantee another capital restoration Com m ent 37: While section 38 does plan that may be required at a future not require an institution that nominally date for the same institution if it again has adequate capital but has been becom es undercapitalized. Similarly, the reclassified to the undercapitalized fact that a company has, at one time, category to file a capital restoration fulfilled a guarantee by providing plan, the agencies request comment resources to an institution up to the regarding whether it is appropriate for statutory limit would not reduce the the agencies to exercise their general amount of any guarantee of a future supervisory authority to require such an capital plan for the same institution. institution to submit a description of the Moreover, the provision or fulfillment by steps the institution will take to address a company of a guarantee for one the deficiencies in the institution’s institution does not affect the obligation condition. of that company to guarantee a capital 8. Revised Capital Restoration Plans plan in connection with any other insured depository institution. Under the proposal, and insured Com m ent 34: The agencies request depository institution that is operating comment on these provisions of the under a capital restoration plan that has proposal. been approved by the appropriate Com m ent 3& The agencies also federal banking agency would not request comment on whether the generally be required to submit an agencies should establish by regulation additional or a revised capital a time for computing the limit on restoration plan if the institution’s capital classification changes, unless the agency notifies the institution that a new or revised capital restoration plan is required. Under this proposal, for example, an undercapitalized institution that is implementing an approved capita] restoration plan would not be required to submit a second or revised capital restoration plan if the institution experienced further declines in its capital levels unless the appropriate federal banking agency determined that a new plan w as appropriate in light of the particular circumstances. Com m ent 38: The agencies request comment on this approach and on whether the agencies should, by regulation, require each insured depository institution to file a new or revised capital restoration plan in the event that the institution’s capital category has changed. L O ther M atters 1. Definition o f "Management Fee" Section 38 of the FDI Act prohibits any institution from paying management fees to a controlling person if, following the payment of those fees, the institution would be undercapitalized. The statute does not provide a definition of management fees. The agencies have proposed to define management fees to include any payment of money or provision of any other thing of value to « company or individual for the provision of management services or advice other than compensation paid to an individual in the individual’s capacity as an officer or employee of the institution. This definition covers all companies, including consulting firms, companies owned by the principal shareholder of an institution, and servicing corporations owned by bank holding companies. Under the proposal, compensation for duties performed by an officer or em ployee of the institution would not be deemed to be a management fee for purposes of section 38. Com m ent 39: The agencies request comment on the proposal’s provisions regarding management fees and compensation in light of the purpose of section 38 of limiting losses to the deposit insurance funds that might result from the payment o f dividends or the payment of management fees by an undercapitalized institution or an institution that would be undercapitalized after the payment. 2. Definition of “Control” Certain provisions o f section 38 apply to companies that “control’’ ah insured depository institution. Section 38 of the Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29237 FDI A ct does not define the term "control". However, section 3 of the FDI A ct adopts the definition of "control” contained in section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act ("BHC A ct”) (12 U.S.C. 1841(a)(2)). Under the BHC Act, a company controls an institution if (1) the company ow ns or controls 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of that institution; (2) the company controls in any manner the election of a majority of the board of directors of the institution; or (3) the agency determines, after notice and opportunity for hearing, that the company exercises a controlling influence over the management or policies of the institution. Other provisions of the BHC Act exclude certain types of share ownership from the provisions of the BHC Act, including shares acquired by a company in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted (“DPC”) or shares held by a company in a fiduciary capacity. Com m ent 40: The agencies request comment on whether it would be appropriate under section 38 to provide, by regulation, an exception from the definition of “control” for shares acquired DPC or shares held in a fiduciary capacity. Com m ent 41: In particular, the agencies request comment on whether the agencies should by regulation adopt the DPC and fiduciary ownership exceptions contained in section 2(a)(5) of the Bank Holding Company Act. Section 2(a)(5) of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1841(a)(5)) permits a company to hold shares of a depository institution acquired DPC without becoming subject to the restrictions of that Act provided that the company disposes of the shares within two years (with the possibility of three one-year extensions). Section 2(a)(5) also permits a company to hold shares of a depository institution in a fiduciary capacity without becoming subject to the restrictions of the BHC Act provided that the company does not retain sole right to vote the shares. Com m ent 42: Finally, in the event that an exception for shares acquired DPC is included in the regulations implementing section 38, the agencies request comment on whether the exception should include conditions similar to those contained in the DPC exception to section 5 of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1815(e)), which imposes cross-guarantee requirements on affiliated institutions. Section 5 of the FDI Act contains an exception for the acquisition by an insured depository institution of shares of another depository institution in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted. That exception is conditioned on the requirement that all transactions betw een the controlling institution or any affiliate of the controlling institution and the subsidiary institution comply with the restrictions contained in sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act. 3. Applicability of Capital Categories to Bank Holding Companies and Savings and Loan Holding Companies Section 38 applies capital-based prompt corrective action to insured depository institutions but not to holding companies that control such institutions. However, various provisions of section 38 apply to companies that control insured depository institutions. These provisions appear to apply to holding companies regardless of the capital level of those holding companies. The Federal Reserve Board and the OTS do not propose to adopt a parallel framework of capital categories for holding companies. Instead, the Federal Reserve intends to consult with the federal banking agency for each insured depository institution subsidiary of the holding company to monitor supervisory actions required under section 38, and, in the supervision of the holding company, to take appropriate action at the holding company level based on an assessm ent of these developments. In supervising savings and loan holding companies, the OTS w ill also take appropriate action at the holding company level based on an assessm ent of the actions taken under section 38 regarding its savings association subsidiaries. Com m ent 43: The agencies request comment on whether it is appropriate for the agencies to exercise their supervisory authority under other provisions of law to establish a framework of supervisory actions for bank holding companies and savings and loan holding companies similar to those established in section 38 for insured depository institutions. 4. Restrictions on Activities of Critically Undercapitalized Institutions Section 38(i) of the FDI Act provides that the FDIC must, by regulation or order, restrict the activities of critically undercapitalized institutions. The activities that must be restricted are described above. In order to facilitate state member banks providing comments on the FDIC’s proposal to implement the restrictions on section 38(i), the following discussion of the FDIC proposal has been provided. The FDIC proposes to rely on existing industry or regulatory guidance, to the extent possible, when evaluating and applying each of the restrictive provisions of section 38(i) and to continue to coordinate closely with the primary Federal and/or State banking regulators. The interagency procedures implemented will be similar to those already in place at both the Federal agency and state banking department levels. For example, prior to imposing any order restricting or prohibiting an institution from engaging in any of the activities that can be restricted, the FDIC would consult with the appropriate federal banking agency and State banking agency, as appropriate. FDICIA does not provide specific guidance on how to interpret and implement each of the above restrictive provisions. Consequently, the FDIC is considering a number of options. The prohibition on entering into "any material transaction other than in the usual course of business” can be interpreted in a general fashion relying on outstanding case law in the area of securities disclosures. The concept of materiality also could be defined from an accounting perspective by establishing specific limits for determining materiality. For example, the FDIC could, by regulation, require that any prospective transaction other than one that is in the usual course of business that results or could result in a 5 percent change in an institution’s tangible equity capital account or net income account would automatically be considered a material transaction requiring the FDIC’s prior approval. Other transactions could be defined as material on a case by case basis. Com m ent 44: The FDIC solicits comment on how to define the terms "material” and “usual course of business" as w ell as what specific guidance, if any, should be provided by the FDIC to the banking industry. The FDIC proposes to define the term "highly leveraged transaction” by utilizing the currently outstanding interagency definition published in the Federal Register (57 FR 5040, February 11,1992). The FDIC proposes to rely on existing generally accepted accounting principles w hen interpreting the restriction on making any “material change in accounting method.” Section 39(c) of the FDI Act requires the federal banking agencies to prescribe standards for determining when compensation paid to employees, directors and principal shareholders of insured depository institutions is excessive. An advance notice of proposed rulemaking is expected to be published in the Federal Register in the near future. The FDIC intends to interpret the restrictive provision of section 38(i) involving the payment of excessive compensation or bonuses in a 29238_______Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 f Proposed Rules manner that is consistent with the FDIC’s actions in fulfilling the requirements of section 39(c) of the FDI Act. The provision that restricts “paying interest on new or renewed liabilities at a rate that would increase the institution’s weighted average cost of funds to a level significantly exceeding the prevailing rates of interest on insured deposits in the institution's normal market areas" contains terms that relate to the changes mandated by section 301 of FDICIA and the revisions of § 337.6 of the FDIC’s regulations as recently implemented by the FDIC. The FDIC proposes to interpret the phrase "significantly exceeding the prevailing rates” the same as defined in § 337.6. The prevailing effective yields of interest are the effective yields on insured deposits of comparable maturities offered by other insured depository institutions in the market area in which deposits are being solicited. A rate of interest on a deposit with an odd maturity will be considered excessive if it is more than 75 basis points higher than the yield calculated by interpolating betw een the yields offered by other depository institutions on deposits of the next longer and shorter maturities offered in the market. A market area is any readily defined geographic area in which the rates offered by any one insured depository institution operating in the area may affect the raters offered by other institution operating in the same area. The FDIC invites comments on all aspects of these proposed interpretations. Regulatory Flexibility Act The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires an initial regulatory flexibility analysis with any notice of proposed rulemaking. A description of the reasons why the action by the Board is being considered and a statement of the objectives of, and legal basis for, the proposed rule are contained in the supplementary information above. There are no relevant federal rules that duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the proposed rule. The proposed rule implements the prompt corrective action provisions of section 131 of FDICIA for all state member banks, regardless of size. The regulation requires each bank to monitor its capital levels and to report to the Board any event that would change the bank’s capital category. The proposed rule requires that a bank that becom es undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized, or critically undercapitalized submit a capital restoration plan. The proposal is not expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. The filing of the capital plan is a requirement imposed by statute and occurs only w hen an institution initially becom es undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized, or critically undercapitalized. In establishing a mechanism for gathering sufficient information to determine the appropriate capital category for each state member bank, the Board has attempted to reduce the burden imposed on such banks by relying primarily on the call report that must already be filed and on reports of examination that would otherwise take place. No additional regular reporting requirement has been proposed. Rather, each state member bank is required to monitor its capital levels— an effort that analysts at an institution should already be undertaking—and report to the Board only when an event occurs that would change the capital category in which the banks w as previously placed. Paperwork Reduction The proposal would require certain state member banks to file capital restoration plans and would require all banks to monitor their capital levels and report any event that would result in a change in capital category under prompt corrective action. A s described above, the filing of a capital plan occurs only under limited circumstances and is required by statute. The requirement that a state member bank notify the Board of an event that would change its capital category is intended to supplement existing call report data and reports of examination, and should be triggered infrequently. The institution should not be required to engage in significant additional recordkeeping to comply with this requirement. List of Subjects 12 CFR P art 208 Accounting, Agriculture, Banks, Banking, Confidential business information, Currency, Federal Reserve System, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Securities. 12 CFR P art 263 Administrative practice and procedure, Federal Reserve System. For the reasons outlined above, the Board of Governors proposes to amend 12 CFR parts 208 and 263 as set forth below: PART 208—MEMBERSHIP OF STATE BANKING INSTITUTIONS IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 1. The authority citation for 12 CFR part 208 is revised to read as follows: Authority: Secs. 9 ,11(a), 11(c), 19, 21, 25 and 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act, as am ended (12 U.S.C. 321-338, 248(a), 248(c), 461, 481-480, 601, and 611, respectively); secs. 4 ,13(j) and .38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as am ended (12 U.S.C. 1814, 1823(j), and 1831o, respectively); sec. 7(a) of the International Banking Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3105); secs. 907-910 of the International Lending Supervision Act of 1983 (12 U.S.C. 3906-3909); secs. 2 ,12(b), 12(g), 12(i), 15B(c)(5), 17,17A, and 23 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78b, 781(b), 1781(g), 781(i), 78o-4(c)(5), 78q, 78q-l, and 78w, respectively); sec. 5155 of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 36) as am ended by the McFadded Act of 1927; and secs. 11011122 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (12 U.S.C. 3310 and 3331-3351). 2. The undesignated centerheading preceding § 208.1 is removed, §§ 208.1 through 208.19 are designated as subpart A to part 208, and the subpart A heading is added to read as follows: Subpart A—General Provisions 3. Subpart B, comprising § § 208.30 through 208.35, is added to part 208 to read as follows: Subpart B—Prompt Regulatory Action Sec. 208.30 Authority, purpose, applicability and other supervisory authority. 208.31 Definitions. 208.32 Financial data calculations and notice of capital category. 208.33 Capital measures and capital category definitions. 208.34 Capital restoration plans. 208.35 M andatory and discretionary supervisory actions and section 38. Subpart B—Prompt Regulatory Action § 208.30 Authority, purpose, applicability and other supervisory authority. (a) A uthority. This subpart is issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) pursuant to section 38 (section 38) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDI Act), as added by section 131 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (Pub. L. 102242,105 Stat. 2236 (1991)) (12 U.S.C. 1831o). (b) Purpose. Section 38 of the FDI Act establishes a framework of supervisory actions for insured depository institutions that are not adequately capitalized. The principal purpose of this subpart is to define, for state member banks, the capital measures Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29239 and capital levels that are used for determining the supervisory actions authorized under section 38 of the FDI Act. This subpart also establishes procedures for submission and review of capital restoration plans and for issuance and review of orders pursuant to that section. (c) A p p lica b ility. This subpart implements the provisions of section 38 of the FDI Act as they apply to state member banks. Certain of these provisions also apply to officers, directors and em ployees of state member banks. Other provisions apply to any company that controls a state member bank and to the affiliates of a state member bank. (d) O th er S u pervisory A uthority. Neither section 38 nor this subpart in any w ay limits the authority of the Board under any other provision of law to take supervisory actions to address unsafe or unsound practices, deficient capital levels, violations of law or regulation, unsafe or unsound conditions, or other practices. Action under section 38 of the FDI A ct and this subpart may be taken independently of, in conjunction with, or in addition to any other enforcement action available to the Board, including issuance of cease and desist orders, capital directives, approval or denial of applications or notices, assessm ent of civil money penalties, or any other actions authorized by law. (e) L im ited S cope o f C ap ital Categories. The assignment of a bank under this subpart within a particular capital category is for purposes of implementing and applying the provisions of section 38 and, unless permitted by the Board or otherwise required by law or regulation, may not be used by, for, or on behalf of a state member bank for any other purpose. §208.31 Definitions. For purposes of this subpart, except as modified in this section or unless the context otherwise requires, the terms used in this subpart have the same meanings as set forth in sections 38 and 3 of the FDI Act. (a) L everage ra tio means the ratio of Tier 1 capital to average total consolidated assets, as calculated in accordance with the Board’s Capital Adequacy Guidelines for State Member Banks: Tier 1 Leverage Measure (appendix B to part 208). (b) M anagem ent fe e m eans any payment of money or provision of any other thing of value to a company or individual for the provision of management services or advice to the bank, other than com pensation to an individual in the individual’s capacity as an officer or employee of the bank. (c) R isk-w eigh ted a sse ts m eans total weighted risk assets, as calculated in accordance with the Board’s Capital Adequacy Guidelines for State Member Banks: Risk-Based Measure (appendix A to part 208). (d) Tangible eq u ity m eans the amount of Tier 1 capital as calculated in accordance with the Board’s Capital A dequacy Guidelines for State Member Banks: Risk-Based Measure (appendix A to part 208). (e) T ier 1 ca p ita l means the amount of Tier 1 capital as defined in the Board’s Capital Adequacy Guidelines for State Member Banks: Risk-Based Measure (appendix A to part 208). (f) T ier 1 risk -b a sed c a p ita l ratio m eans the ratio of Tier 1 capital to w eighted risk assets, as calculated in accordance with the Board’s Capital A dequacy Guidelines for State Member Banks: Risk-Based Measure (appendix A to part 208). (g) T otal a sse ts m eans average total consolidated assets as calculated in accordance with the Board’s Capital Adequacy Guidelines for State Member Banks: Tier 1 Leverage Measure (appendix B to part 208). (h) T otal risk -b a sed c a p ita l ratio m eans the ratio of qualifying total capital to risk-weighted assets, as calculated in accordance with the Board’s Capital Adequacy Guidelines for State Member Banks: Risk-Based Measure (appendix A to part 208). purposes of section 38 of the FDI Act and this subpart; or (5) The date any written notice is served in the bank that the bank's capital category has been changed pursuant to § 208.33(c). (c) Adjustments of reported capital levels and category— (1) N o tice o f adju stm ent to be p ro v id e d b y bank. A state member bank shall provide the Board with written notice that an adjustment to the bank’s capital category may have occurred no later than 5 calendar days following the earlier of the date that the bank: (1) Reports, or has determined to report, any event that would cause the bank to be placed in a different capital category from the category assigned to the bank for purposes of section 38 and this subpart on the basis of the bank’s most recent Call Report or report of examination or inspection; or (ii) Determines that any event has occurred that would cause the bank to be placed in a different capital category from the category assigned to the bank for purposes of section 38 and this subpart on the basis of the bank's most recent Call Report or report of Examination or inspection. (2) D eterm ination to change ca p ita l category. After receiving notice pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Board shall determine whether the capital category of the bank should be changed and shall notify the bank of the Board’s determination. § 208.32 Financial data calculations and notice of capital category. (a) E ffective d a te o f determ ination o f c a p ita l category. A state member bank shall be deem ed to be within a given capital category for purposes of section 38 of the FDI Act and this subpart as of the date the bank is notified of, or is deemed to have notice of, its capital category, pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section. (b) N o tice o f c a p ita l category. A state member bank shall be deem ed to have notice of its capital levels and its capital category as of the most recent of: (1) The date of Report of Condition and Income (“Call Report”) is required to be filed with the Board; (2) The date a final report of examination or report of inspection is delivered to the bank; (3) The date that the Board provides written notice to the bank that the bank's capital category has changed as provided in paragraph (C) of this section; (4) The date that the Board provides written notice to the bank of its capital levels and its capital category for § 208.33 Capital m easures and capital category definitions. (a) C apital m easures. For purposes of section 38 and this subpart the relevant capital measures shall be: (1) The total risk-based capital ratio; (2) The Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio; and (3) The leverage ratio. (b) C apital categories. For purposes of the provisions of section 38 and this subpart, a state member bank shall be deemed to be: (1) “W ell capitalized” if the bank: (1) Has a total risk-based capital ratio of 10.0 percent or greater; (ii) Has a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 6.0 percent or greater; (iii) Has a leverage ratio of 5.0 percent or greater, and (iv) Is not subject to any order of final capital directive by the Board to meet and maintain a specific capital level for any capital measure. (2) "Adequately capitalized” if the bank: (i) Has a total risk-based capital ratio of 8.0 percent or greater; 29240______ Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules (ii) Has a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 4.0 percent or greater; (iii) Has— (A) A leverage ratio of 4.0 percent or greater, or (B) A leverage ration of 3.0 percent or greater if the bank is rated composite 1 under the CAMEL rating system in the most recent examination or inspection of the bank and is not experiencing or anticipating significant growth; and (iv) Does not meet the definition of a “well capitalized" bank. (3) “undercapitalized” if the bank— (i) Has a total risk-based capital ratio that is less than 8.0 percent; or (ii) Has a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio that is less than 4.0 percent; or (iii) (A) Except as provided in clause (B), has a leverage ratio that is less than 4.0 percent; or (B) If the bank is rated composite 1 under the CAMEL rating system in the most recent examination or inspection of the bank, has a leverage ratio that is less than 3.0 percent. (4) “Significantly undercapitalized” if the bank has— (i) A total risk-based capital ratio that is less than 6.0 percent; or (ii) A Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio that is less than 3.0 percent; or (iii) A leverage ratio that is less than 3.0 percent. (5) “Critically undercapitalized" if the bank has a ratio of tangible equity to total assets that is equal to or less than 2.0 percent. (c) C lassification b a sed on su p ervisory criteria oth er than capital. The Board may reclassify a well capitalized state member bank as adequately capitalized and may require an adequately capitalized or an undercapitalized state member bank to comply with supervisory actions as if it were in the next lower capital category (except that the Board may not reclassify a significantly undercapitalized bank as critically undercapitalized) in the following circumstances: (1) Unsafe or unsound conditions. The Board has determined, after notice and opportunity for hearing pursuant to § 263.202(a) of this chapter, that the bank is in unsafe or unsound condition; or (2) Unsafe or unsound practice. The Board has determined, after notice and opportunity for response pursuant to § 263.202(b) of this chapter, that the bank has received, and not corrected, a less-than-satisfactory rating for any of the categories of asset quality, management, earnings, or liquidity in the most recent examination or inspection of the bank. § 208.34 Capital restoration plans. (a) Schedule o f filin g plan —(1) In general. A state member bank must file a written capital restoration plan with the appropriate Reserve Bank within 45 days of the date that the bank receives notice or is deemed to have notice that the bank is undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized, or critically undercapitalized, unless the Board notifies the bank in writing that the plan must be filed within a different period. A bank that has been reclassified as undercapitalized pursuant to § 208.33(c) is not required to submit a capital restoration plan solely by virtue of the reclassification. (2) A d ditio n al ca p ita l restoration plan s. Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a bank that has already submitted and is operating under a capital restoration plan approved under section 38 and this subpart is not required to submit an additional capital restoration plan based on a revised calculation of its capital measures unless the Board notifies the bank that it must submit a new or revised capital plan. A bank that is notified that it must submit a new or revised capital restoration plan shall file the plan in writing with the appropriate Reserve bank within 45 days of receiving such notice, unless the Board notifies the bank in writing that the plan is to be filed within a different period. (b) Contents o f plan. All financial data submitted in connection with a capital restoration plan shall be prepared in accordance with the instructions provided on the Call Report, unless the Board instructs otherwise. The capital restoration plan shall include all of the information required to be filed under section 38(e)(2) of the FDI Act, including any performance guarantee required to be executed under section 38(e)(2)(C) of that Act by each company that controls the bank. A bank that is required to submit a capital restoration plan as the result of a reclassification of the bank pursuant to § 208.33(c) shall include a description of the steps the bank will take to correct the unsafe or unsound condition or practice. (c) R e view o f ca p ita l restoration plan s. Within 60 days after receiving a capital restoration plan under this subpart, the Board will provide written notice to the bank of whether the plan has been approved. The Board may extend the time within which notice regarding approval of a plan shall be provided. (d) D isapproval o f ca p ita l plan. If a capital restoration plan is not approved by the Board, the bank must submit a revised capital restoration plan within the time specified by the Board. Upon receiving notice that its capital restoration plan has not been approved, any undercapitalized state member bank (as defined in § 208.33(b)(3)) shall be subject to all of the provisions of section 38 and this subpart applicable to significantly undercapitalized institutions. These provisions shall be applicable until such time as a new or revised capital restoration plan submitted by the bank has been approved by the Board. (e) Failure to su bm it a ca p ita l restoration plan. A state member bank that is undercapitalized (as defined in § 208.33(b)(3)) and that fails to submit a written capital restoration plan within the period provided in this section shall, upon the expiration of that period, be subject to all of the provisions of section 38 and this subpart applicable to significantly undercapitalized institutions. (f) Failure to im plem en t a ca p ita l restoration plan. Any undercapitalized state member bank that fails in any material respect to implement a capital restoration plan shall be subject to all of the provisions of section 38 and this subpart applicable to significantly undercapitalized institutions. (g) A m endm ent o f ca p ita l plan. A bank that has filed an approved capital restoration plan may, after prior written notice to and approval by the Board, amend the plan to reflect a change in circumstance. Until such time as a proposed amendment has been approved, the bank shall implement the capital restoration plan as approved prior to the proposed amendment. (h) N otice to FDIC. With 45 days of the effective date of Board approval of a capital restoration plan, or any amendment to a capital restoration plan, the Board w ill provide a copy of such plan or amendment to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (i) Perform ance guarantee b y com panies th at control a bank.—(1) L im itation on lia b ility .— (i) Am ount lim itation. The aggregate liability under the guarantee provided under section 38 and this subpart for all companies that control a specific state member bank that is required to submit a capital restoration plan under this subpart shall be limited to the lesser of: (A) An amount equal to 5.0 percent of the bank’s total assets at the time the bank w as notified or deem ed to have notice that the bank w as undercapitalized; or (B) The amount necessary to restore the relevant capital measures of the bank to the levels required for the bank to be classified as adequately capitalized, as those capital measures Federal Register / VoL 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules 29241 undercapitalized, the bank shall become designated as subpart E of part 208, and subject to the provisions of section 38 of the subpart E heading is added to read as follows: the FDI Act— (i) Restricting payment of capital Subpart E—Interpretations distributions and management fees (section 38(d)); PART 263—RULES OF PRACTICE FOR (ii) Requiring that the Board monitor HEARINGS the condition of the bank (section 38(e)(1)); 1. The authority citation for 12 CFR (iii) Requiring submission of a capital part 263 is revised to read as follows: restoration plan within the schedule Authority: 5 U.S.C. 504; 12 U.S.C. 248. 324, established in this subpart (section 504, 505,1817(j), 1818.1828(c), 18310,1847(b), 38(e)(2)); 1847(d), 1884(b), 1972(2)(F), 3105, 3107, 3108, (iv) Restricting the growth of the 3907, 3909,15 U.S.C. 21, 78o-4, 78o-5, and bank’s assets (section 38(e)(3)); and 78u—2. (v) Requiring prior approval of certain 2. Section 263.50(b) is amended by expansion proposals (section 38(e)(4)). removing the word “and” at the end of (3) A d d itio n a l p ro visio n s ap plicable paragraph (b)(9), removing the period at to sig n ifican tly u n dercapitalized, an d the end of paragraph (b)(10) and adding c ritic a lly u n d ercapitalized banks. In in its place a semicolon, and by adding addition to the provisions of section 38 paragraphs (b )(ll) through (b)(14) to of the FDI Act described in paragraph read as follows: (a)(2) of this section, immediately upon receiving notice or being deemed to § 263.50 Purpose and scope. have notice, as provided in § 208.32 or * * * * * § 208.34 of this subpart, that the bank is (b) * * * significantly undercapitalized, or (11) Issuance of a prompt corrective critically undercapitalized, the bank shall become subject to the provisions of action directive to a member bank under section 38 of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. section 38 of the FDI Act that restrict 1831o); compensation paid to senior executive (12) Reclassification of a member officers of the institution (section bank on grounds of unsafe or unsound 38(f)(4)). (4) A d d itio n a l p ro visio n s ap plicable condition under section 38(g)(1) of the to c ritic a lly u n dercapitalized banks. In FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 18310(g)(1)); addition to the provisions of section 38 (13) Reclassification of a member of the FDI Act described in paragraphs bank on grounds of unsafe and unsound (a) (2) and (3) of this section, practice under section 38(g)(1) of the FDI immediately upon receiving notice of Act (12 U.S.C. 1831o(g)91)); and being deem ed to have notice, as (14) Issuance of an order requiring a provided in § 208.32 or § 208.34 of this member bank to dismiss a director or subpart, that the bank is critically senior executive officer under section undercapitalized, the bank shall become 38(e)(5) and 38(f)(2)(F)(ii) of the FDI Act subject to the provisions of section 38 of (12 U.S.C. 18310(e)(5) and the FDI Act— 1831o(f)(2)(F)(ii)). (i) Restricting the activities of the 3. A new subpart H is added to part bank (section 38(h)(1)); and 263 to read as follows: (ii) Restricting payments on Subpart H—Issuance and Review of Orders subordinated debt of the bank (section Pursuant to Prompt Regulatory Action 38(h)(2)). (b) D iscretio n ary su p erviso ry actions. Sec. § 208.35 Mandatory and discretionary In taking any action under section 38 § 263.200 Scope. supervisory actions under section 38. § 263.201 Directives to take prompt that is within the Board’s discretion to regulatory action (a) M an datory su p erviso ry action s.— take in connection with a state member | 263.202 Procedures for reclassifying a state bank that is deemed to be (1) P rovision s app licab le to a ll banks. member bank based on criteria other All state member banks are subject to undercapitalized, significantly than capital. the restrictions contained in section undercapitalized or critically S 263.203 Order to dismiss a director or undercapitalized, an officer or director 38(d) of the FDI Act on payment of senior executive officer. of such bank, or a company that controls I 263.204 Enforcement of directives. capital distributions and management fees. such bank, the Board will follow the (2) P rovision s applicable to procedures for issuing directives under SUBPART H—INSURANCE AND undercapitalized, sign ifican tly § § 263.201 and 263.203 of this chapter, REVIEW OF ORDERS PURSUANT TO u n dercapitalized, an d c ritic a lly unless otherwise provided in section 38 PROMPT REGULATORY ACTION u n d ercap italized banks. Immediately or this subpart. 4. Subparts C and D are added to part § 263.200 Scope. upon receiving notice or being deemed (a) The rules and procedures set forth 208 and reserved, the undesignated to have notice, as provided in § 208.32 or in this subpart apply to state member centerhead preceding 5 208.116 is § 208.34 of this subpart, that the bank is banks, companies that control state removed, §§ 208.116,208.117,208.122, undercapitalized, significantly member banks or are affiliated with and 208.124 through 208.128 are undercapitalized, or critically and levels are defined at the time that the bank initially fails to comply with a capital restoration plan under this subpart. (ii) L im it on duration. The guarantee and limit of liability under section 38 and this subpart shall expire after the Board notifies the bank that it has remained adequately capitalized for each of four consecutive calendar quarters. The expiration or fulfillment by a company of a guarantee of a capital restoration plan shall not limit the liability of the company under any guarantee required or provided in connection with any capital restoration plan filed by the same bank after expiration of the first guarantee. (iii) Collection on guarantee. Each company that controls a given bank shall be jointly and severally liable for the guarantee for such bank as required under section 38 and this subpart, and the Board may require and collect payment of the full amount of that guarantee from any or all of the companies issuing the guarantee. (2) Failure to p ro vid e guarantee. In the event that a bank that is controlled by any company submits a capital restoration plan that does not contain the guarantee required under section 38(e)(2) of the FDI Act, the bank shall, upon submission of the plan, be subject to the provisions of section 38 and this subpart that are applicable to banks that have not submitted an approved capital restoration plan. (3) Failure to perform guarantee. Failure by any company that controls a bank to perform fully its guarantee of any capital plan shall constitute a material failure to implement the plan for purposes of section 38(f) of the FDI Act. Upon such failure, the bank shall be subject to the provisions of section 38 and this subpart that are applicable to banks that have failed in a material respect to implement a capital restoration plan. 29242______ Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules such banks, and senior executive officers and directors of state member banks that are subject to the provisions o f section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (section 38) and subpart B of part 208 of this chapter. § 263.201 Directives to take prompt regulatory action. (a) N otice o f in ten t to issu e a d irective.—(1) In General. The Board w ill provide an undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized, or critically undercapitalized state member bank or, where appropriate, any company that controls the bank, prior written notice of the Board’s intention to issue a directive requiring such bank or company to take actions or to follow proscriptions described in section 38 that are within the Board’s discretion to require or impose under section 38(e)(5), (f)(2), (f)(3), or (f)(5) of the FDI Act. (2) Im m ediate issuan ce o f fin a l directive. If the propose Board finds it necessary in order to carry out the purposes of section 38 of die FDI Act, the Board may, without providing the notice prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, issue a directive requiring a state member bank or any company that controls a state member bank immediately to take actions or to follow proscriptions described in section 38 that are within the Board’s direction to require or impose under section 38(e)(5), (f)(2), (f)(3), or (f)(5) of the FDI Act. A bank or company that is subject to such an immediately effective directive may submit a written appeal of the directive of the Board. Such an appeal must be received by the Board within 14 calendar days of the issuance of the directive. The Board shall consider any such appeal, if filed in a timely matter, within 60 days of receiving the appeal. During such period of review, the directive shall remain in effect unless the Board, in its sole discretion, stays the effectiveness of the directive. (b) Contents o f n o tice.—A notice of intention to issue a directive shall include: (1) A statement of the bank’s capital measures and capital levels; (2) A description of the restrictions, prohibitions or affirmative actions that the Board proposes to impose or require; (3) The proposed date w hen such restrictions or prohibitions would be effective or the proposed date for completion of such affirmative actions; and (4) The date by which the bank or company subject to the directive may file with the Board a written response to the notice. (c) R espon se to n otice.— (1) Tim e fo r R esponse. A bank or company may file w ere in the next lower capital category a written response to a notice of intent pursuant to section 38(g) of the FDI Act to issue a directive within the time and § 208.33(c)(1) of Regulation H (12 period set by the Board. The date shall CFR 208.33(c)(1)) because the Board be at least 14 calendar days from the deems the bank to be in unsafe or date of the notice unless the Board unsound condition (each of the foregoing determines that a shorter period is referred to hereinafter as a appropriate in light of the financial ‘‘reclassification’’), the Board will issue condition of the bank or other relevant and serve on the bank a written notice circumstances. (2) Content o f R esponse. The response of the Board’s intention to reclassify the should include: bank. (i) An explanation why the action (2) Contents o f notice. A notice of proposed by the Board is not an intention to reclassify a bank based on appropriate exercise of discretion under unsafe or unsound condition will section 38; include: (ii) Any recommended modification of (i) A statement of the bank’s capital the proposed directive; and measures and capital levels and the (iii) Any other relevant information, category to which the bank would be mitigating circumstances, reclassified; documentation, or other evidence in (ii) The reasons for reclassification of support of the position of the bank or the bank; company regarding the proposed (iii) The date by which the bank directive. subject to the notice of reclassification (d) Failure to file agen cy response. may file with the Board a written appeal Failure by a bank or company to file of the proposed reclassification and a with the Board, within the specified time request for a hearing, which shall be at period, a written response to a proposed least 14 calendar days from the date of directive shall constitute a waiver of the service of the notice unless the Board opportunity to respond and shall determines that a shorter period is constitute consent to the issuance of the appropriate in light of the financial directive. condition of the bank or other relevant (e) B oard con sideration o f response. circumstances. After considering the response, the (3) R esponse to n otice o f p ro p o sed Board may: reclassification. A bank may file a (1) Issue the directive as proposed or written response to a notice of proposed in modified form; reclassification within the time period (2) Determine not to issue the set by the Board. The response should directive and so notify the bank or include: company; or (i) An explanation of w hy the bank is (3) Seek additional information or not in unsafe or unsound condition or clarification of the response from the otherwise should not be reclassified; bank or company, or any other relevant (ii) Any other relevant information, so u rc e. mitigating circumstances, (f) R equest fo r m odification or documentation, or other evidence in rescissio n o f directive. Any bank or support of the position of the bank or company that is subject to a directive company regarding the reclassification. under this subpart may, upon a change (4) Failure to file response. Failure by in circumstances, request in writing that a bank to file, within the specified time the Board reconsider the terms of the period, a written response with the directive, and may propose that the Board to a notice of proposed directive be rescinded or modified. reclassification shall constitute a waiver Unless otherwise ordered by the Board, of the opportunity to respond and shall the directive shall continue in place constitute consent to the while such request is pending before the reclassification. Board. (5) R equ est fo r hearing an d p resen tation o f o ra l testim o n y o r § 263.202 Procedures for reclassifying a state member bank based on criteria other w itn esses. The response may include a than capital. request for an informal hearing before (a) C lassification o f a sta te m em ber the Board or its designee under this section. If the bank desires to present bank b a se d on unsafe o r unsound oral testimony or w itnesses at the condition—(1)Issuance o f n otice o f hearing, the bank must include a request p ro p o sed reclassification . If the Board to do so with the request for an informal determines to reclassify a w ell hearing. A request to present oral capitalized state member bank as testimony or w itnesses shall specify the adequately capitalized or to require an names of the w itnesses and the general adequately capitalized or nature of their expected testimony. undercapitalized state member bank to Failure to request a hearing shall comply with supervisory actions as if it Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules_______29243 constitute a w aiver of any right to a adequately capitalized or to require hearing, and failure to request the an adequately capitalized or opportunity to present oral testimony or undercapitalized state member w itnesses shall constitute a waiver of bank to comply with supervisory actions any right to present oral testimony or as if it were in the next lower capital w itnesses. category pursuant to section 38(g) of the (8) O rder fo r inform al hearing. Upon FDI Act and § 208.33(c)(2) of Regulation receipt of a timely written request H (12 CFR 208.33(c)(2)) because the including a request for a hearing, the Board deems the bank to be engaging in Board shall issue an order directing an an unsafe or unsound practice (each of informal hearing to commence no later the foregoing referred to hereinafter as a than 30 days after receipt of the request, “reclassification”), the Board w ill issue unless the bank requests a later date. and serve on the bank a written notice The hearing shall be held in of the Board’s intention to reclassify the Washington, DC or at such other place bank. as may be designated by the Board, (2) C ontents o f notice. A notice of before a presiding officer(s) designated intention to reclassify a bank will by the Board to conduct the hearing. include: (7) H earing procedures, (i) The bank (i) A statement of the bank’s capital shall have the right to introduce relevant measures and capital levels and the written materials and to present oral category to which the bank would be argument at the hearing. The bank may reclassified; introduce oral testimony and present (ii) The reasons for reclassification of w itnesses only if expressly authorized the bank; by the Board or the presiding officer(s). (iii) The date by which the bank Neither the provisions of the subject to the notice of reclassification Administrative Procedure Act governing may file with the Board a written appeal adjudications required by statute to be of the proposed reclassification, which determined on the record nor the shall be at least 14 calendar days from Uniform Rules of Practice and Procedure the date of service of the notice unless in subpart A of this part apply to an the Board determines that a shorter informal hearing under this section period is appropriate in light of the unless the Board orders that such financial condition of the bank or other procedures shall apply. relevant circumstances. (ii) The informal hearing shall be (3) R espon se to n otice o f p ro p o sed recorded, and a transcript shall be reclassification b a se d on unsafe and furnished to the bank upon and payment unsound practice. A bank may file a of the cost thereof. W itnesses need not written response to a notice of proposed be sworn, unless specifically requested reclassification issued under this by a party or the presiding officer(s). subsection within the time period set by The presiding officer(s) may ask the Board. The response should include: questions of any witness. (i) An explanation of the steps taken (iii) The presiding officer(s) may order by the bank to address the deficiency that the hearing be continued for a described in the notice of proposed reasonable period (normally five reclassification or of the reasons that business days) following completion of the reclassification is not otherwise oral testimony or argument to allow appropriate; additional written submissions to the (ii) Any other relevant information, hearing record. mitigating circumstances, (8) R ecom m endation o f presidin g documentation, or other evidence in officers. Within 20 calendar days support of the position of the bank or following the date the hearing and the company regarding the reclassification. record on the proceeding are closed, the (4) Faiure to file response. Failure by presiding officer(s) shall make a a bank to file, within the specified time recommendation to the Board on the period, a written response with the reclassification. (9) Tim e fo r decision. No later than 60 Board to a notice of proposed reclassification under this subsection calendar days after the date the record is closed or the date of the response in a shall constitute a waiver of the opportunity to respond and shall case where no hearing w as requested, constitute consent to the the Board w ill decide whether to reclassification. reclassify the bank and notify the bank (5) B oard con sideration o f response. of the Board’s decision. After considering the response, the (b) P rocedures fo r reclassifyin g a sta te m em ber tyank b a se d on unsafe an d Board may: (i) Issue a written order to the bank unsound p ra ctice.— (1) Issuance o f reclassifying the bank to a different n otice o f p ro p o sed reclassification . If capital category as provided in section the Board determines to reclassify a 38(g) of the FDI Act; w ell capitalized state member bank as (ii) Determine not to reclassify the bank and so notify the bank; or (iii) Seek additional information or clarification of the response from the bank or company, or any other relevant source. (c) R equ est fo r rescission o f reclassification . Any bank that has been reclassified under this section, may, upon a change in circumstances, request in writing that the Board reconsider the reclassification, and may propose that the reclassification be rescinded and that any directives issued in connection with that reclassification be modified, rescinded, or removed. U nless otherwise ordered by the Board, the bank shall remain subject to the reclassification and to any directives issued in connection with that reclassification while such request is pending before the Board. § 263.203 Order to dism iss a director or senior executive officer. (a) S ervice o f notice. When the Board issues and serves a directive on a state member bank pursuant to § 263.201 requiring the bank to dismiss from office any director or senior executive officer under section 38(f)(2) (F)(ii) of the FDI Act, the Board w ill also serve a copy of the directive, or the relevant portions of the directive where appropriate, upon the person to be dismissed. (b) R espon se to directive. A director or senior executive officer who has been served with a directive under paragraph (a) of this section (“Respondent”) may file a written request for reinstatement. The request for reinstatement must be filed within 10 calendar days of the receipt of the directive by the Respondent, unless further time is allowed by the Board at the request of the Respondent. The request for reinstatement should include reasons w hy the Respondent should be reinstated, and may request an informal hearing before the Board or its designee under this section. If the Respondent desires to present oral testimony or w itnesses at the hearing, the Respondent must include a request to do so with the request for an informal hearing. The request to present oral testimony or w itnesses shall specify the names of the w itnesses and the general nature of their expected testimony. Failure to request a hearing shall .constitute a waiver of any right to a hearing and failure to request the , opportunity to present oral testimony or w itnesses shall constitute a waiver of any right or opportunity to present oral testimony or w itnesses. U nless otherwise ordered by the Board, the dism issal shall remain in effect while a 29244 Federal Register / VoL 57, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 1, 1992 / Proposed Rules request for reinstatement made under this section is pending. (c) O rder fo r inform al hearing. Upon receipt of a timely written request from a Respondent for an informal hearing on the portion of a directive requiring a bank to dismiss from office any director or senior executive officer, the Board shall issue an order directing an informal hearing to commence no later than 30 days after receipt of the request, unless the Respondent requests a later date. The hearing shall be held in Washington, D.C., or at such other place as may be designated by the Board, before a presiding officers) designated by the Board to conduct the hearing. (d) H earing procedures. (1) A Respondent may appear at the hearing personally or through counsel. A Respondent shall have the right to introduce relevant written materials and to present oral argument A Respondent may introduce oral testimony and present w itnesses only if expressly authorized by the Board or the presiding officers). Neither the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act governing adjudications required by statute to be determined on the record nor the Uniform R ules of Practice and Procedure in subpart A of this part apply to an informal hearing under this section unless the Board orders that such procedures shall apply. (2) The informal hearing shall be recorded, and a transcript shall be furnished to the Respondent upon request and payment of the cost thereof. W itnesses need not be sworn, unless specifically requested by a party or the presiding officers). The presiding officer^) may ask questions of any w itness. (3) The presiding officer(s) may order that the hearing be continued for a reasonable period (normally five business days) following completion of oral testimony or argument to allow additional written submissions to the hearing record. (e) S tandard fo r review . A Respondent shall bear the burden of demonstrating that his or her continued employment by or service with the bank would materially strengthen the bank’s ability— (1) To become adequately capitalized, to the extent that the directive w as issued as a result of the bank’s capital level or failure to submit or implement a capital restoration plan; and (2) To correct the unsafe or unsound condition or unsafe or unsound practice, to the extent that the directive w as issued as a result of classification of the bank based on supervisory criteria other than capital, pursuant to section 38(g) of the FDI A c t (f) L im itation on sco p e o f review . The level of capital or the capital category assigned to the state member bank with which a Respondent is associated shall not be subject to review in any proceeding under this section. (g) R ecom m endation o f presidin g officers. Within 20 calendar days following the date the hearing and the' record on the proceeding are closed, the presiding officer(s) shall make a recommendation to the Board concerning the Respondent’s request for reinstatement with the bank. (h) Tim e fo r decision. Not later than 60 calendar days after the date the record is closed or the date of the response in a case where no hearing has been requested, the Board shall grant or deny the request for reinstatement and notify the Respondent of the Board’s decision. If the Board denies the request for reinstatement, the Board shall set forth in the notification the reasons for the Board’s action. § 263.204 Enforcement of directives. (a) Judicial rem edies. W henever a state member bank or company that controls a state member bank fails to comply with a directive issued under section 38, the Board may seek enforcement of the directive in the appropriate United States district court pursuant to section 8(i)(l) of the FDI A c t (b) A d m in istra tive rem edies. Pursuant to section 8(i)(2)(A) of the FDI Act, the Board may a ssess a civil money penalty against any state member bank or company that controls a state member bank that violates or otherwise fails to comply with any final directive issued under section 38 and against any institution-affiliated party who participates in such violation or noncompliance. The failure of a bank to implement a capital restoration plan required under section 38, subpart B of Regulation H (12 CFR part 208, subpart B), or this subpart, or the failure of a company having control of a bank to fulfill a guarantee of a capital restoration plan made pursuant to section 38(e)(2) of the FDI Act shall subject the bank or company to the assessm ent of civil money penalties pursuant to section 8(i)(2)(A) of the FDI A ct (c) O th er enforcem ent action. In addition to the actions described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the Board may seek enforcement of the provisions of section 38 or subpart B of Regulation H (12 CFR part 208, subpart B) through any other judicial or administrative proceeding authorized by law. By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Dated: June 25,1992. Jennifer J. Johnson, Associate Secretory of the Board. [FR Doc. 92-15307 Filed 6-26-92; 3:33 pm] BILLING CODE 62 1 0 -0 1 -M