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FEDERAL RESERVE B A N K OF D ALLAS DALLAS, TEXAS M arch 22, 1962 REPRINT OF REGULATION N To All Member Banks and Others Concerned in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District: Enclosed is a copy o f Regulation N o f the Board o f Gov ernors o f the Federal R eserve System. The Regulation has been reprinted to conform with the style o f the Code o f the Federal Regulations. M em ber banks are requested to rem ove the old copy of the Regulation from their ring binders containing the R egu lations o f the Board o f Governors and insert the enclosed copy in lieu thereof. Y ours very truly, W atrous H. Irons President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( BOARD OF GOVERNORS o f the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN BANKS AND BANKERS ▼ REGULATION N (1 2 CFR 214) As amended effective February 13, 1962 REGULATION N (12 CFR 214) As amended effective February 13, 1962 RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN BANKS AND BANKERS* SECTION 214.1—SCOPE OF PART Pursuant to the authority conferred upon it by section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended (40 Stat. 235, 48 Stat. 181; 12 U.S.C. 358, 348a), and by other provisions of law, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System prescribes the following regulations gov erning relationships and transactions between Federal Reserve Banks and foreign banks or bankers or groups of foreign banks or bankers or a foreign State as defined in section 25(b) of the Federal Reserve Act (55 Stat. 131; 12 U.S.C. 632). SECTION 214.2—INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED TO THE BOARD In order that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System may perform its statutory duty of exercising special supervision over all relationships and transactions of any kind entered into by any Federal Reserve Bank with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign banks or bankers or with any foreign State, each Fed eral Reserve Bank shall promptly submit to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in writing full information concerning all existing relationships and transactions of any kind heretofore en tered into by such Federal Reserve Bank with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign banks or bankers or with any foreign State and copies of all written agreements between it and any foreign bank or banker or any group of foreign banks or bankers or any foreign State which are now in force, unless copies have heretofore been furnished to the Board. Each Federal Reserve Bank shall also keep the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System promptly and fully advised of all transactions with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign banks or bankers or with any foreign State, except transactions of a routine character. •The text corresponds to the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 212, Chapter II, Part 214 cited as 12 CFR 214. S ecs . 214.3-214.4 R E G U L A T IO N N 2 SECTION 214.3—CONFERENCES AND NEGOTIATIONS WITH FOREIGN BANKS, BANKERS OR STATES (a) Without first obtaining the permission of the Board of Govern ors of the Federal Reserve System, no officer or other representative of any Federal Reserve Bank shall conduct negotiations of any kind with the officers or representatives of any foreign bank or banker or any group of foreign banks or bankers of any foreign State, except com munications in the ordinary course of business in connection with transactions pursuant to agreements previously approved by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Any request for the Board’s permission to conduct any such negotiations shall be submitted in writing and shall include a full statement of the occasion and objects of the proposed negotiations. ( b ) The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System reserves the right, in its discretion, to be represented by such representatives as it may designate in any negotiations between any officer or other repre sentative of any Federal Reserve Bank and any officers or representa tives of any foreign bank or banker or any group of foreign banks or bankers or any foreign State; and the Board shall be given reasonable notice in advance of the time and place of any such negotiations; and may itself designate the time and place of any such negotiations. (c) A full report of all such conferences or negotiations and all understandings or agreements arrived at or transactions agreed upon and all other material facts appertaining to such conferences or nego tiations shall be filed with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in writing by a duly authorized officer of each Fed eral Reserve Bank which shall have participated in such conferences or negotiations, including copies of all correspondence appertaining thereto. SECTION 214.4—AGREEMENTS WITH FOREIGN BANKS, BANKERS, OR STATES, AND PARTICIPATION IN FOREIGN ACCOUNTS (а) No Federal Reserve Bank shall enter into any agreement, con tract, or understanding with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign banks or bankers or with any foreign State without first obtaining the permission of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. (б) When any Federal Reserve Bank, with the approval of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, has opened an account for any foreign bank or banker or group of foreign banks or bankers or for any foreign State, or has entered into any agree ment, contract, or understanding with reference to opening or main taining such an account, or with reference to any other matter or matters, any other Federal Reserve Bank may participate in such account, or in such agreement, contract, or understanding, and in 3 R E G U L A T IO N N Secs. 214.4-214.5-214.6 operations and transactions performed therein or pursuant thereto, with the approval of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. SECTION 214.5—ACCOUNTS WITH FOREIGN BANKS (a) Any Federal Reserve Bank, with the consent of the Board, may open and maintain accounts payable in foreign currencies with such foreign banks as may be designated by the Board. ( b ) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Part, any officer or other representative of a Federal Reserve Bank which maintains an account with a foreign bank may conduct such negotiations and enter into such agreements, contracts, or understandings with such foreign bank as may be authorized or directed by the Federal Open Market Committee in order to effectuate the conduct of open market trans actions of the Federal Reserve Banks incident to the opening, mainte nance, operation, increase, reduction, or discontinuance of such account; and, in any such case, such negotiations, agreements, con tracts, or understandings shall be subject to such authorizations, directions, regulations, and limitations as may be prescribed by, or pursuant to authority of, the Federal Open Market Committee. (c) Any Federal Reserve Bank may, when authorized or directed so to do by, or under the authority of, the Federal Open Market Com mittee, carry on or conduct, through any other Federal Reserve Bank which maintains an account with a a foreign bank, any open market transactions authorized by section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act. Transactions authorized by section 14 which are not open market transactions may be carried on or conducted through such other Fed eral Reserve Bank only with the approval of the Board. (d) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Part, reports with respect to any accounts opened and maintained, and negotiations, agreements, contracts, and understandings entered into, pursuant to this section shall be made to the Board at least quarterly, and more frequently if so requested by the Board, by a duly authorized officer of the Federal Reserve Bank involved. SECTION 214.6—AMENDMENTS The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System reserves the right, in its discretion, to alter, amend or repeal these regulations and to prescribe such additional regulations, conditions, and limitations as it may deem desirable, respecting relationships and transactions of any kind entered into by any Federal Reserve Bank with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign banks or bankers or with any foreign State.