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Circular No. 71-1
January 5* 1971


To All Member Banks
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

Enclosed is the new larger size reprint of Regulation M,
as amended effective January 7? 1971The small size Regulation M with applicable amendments
should be removed from your binder and may be destroyed.
Yours very truly,
P. E. Coldwell

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


of the


(12 CFR 213)
As amended effective January 7, 1971

Any inquiry relating to this regulation should be addressed to the Federal
Reserve Bank of the Federal Reserve district in which the inquiry arises.



(c) Required in fo rm a tio n ...........................
(d) Reports ...................................................



S e c . 2 1 3 .5 — L o a n s
E x t e n s io n s
C r e d it t o F o r e ig n B a n k s . .



S e c . 2 1 3 .6 — C o n d it i o n s




S e c . 2 1 3 .7 — R e s e r v e s
A g a in s t
F o r e ig n
B r a n c h D e p o s i t s ...................


S e c . 2 1 3 .4 — A c q u is i t io n a n d H o l d in g o f
S t o c k i n F o r e ig n B a n k s . .


(a) Transactions with parent b a n k .........
(b) Credit extended to United States
residents .............................................

(a) General ...................................................
(b) Limitations ............................................


S e c . 2 1 3 .1 — A



... ..............................


S e c . 2 1 3 .3 — F o r e ig n B r a n c h e s ......................

u t h o r it y a n d

S e c . 2 1 3 .2 — D e f i n i t i o n s



o pe

Establishing foreign b ra n c h e s ...........
Further powers of foreign branches .
Limitations ............................................
Suspending operations during dis­
turbed c o n d itio n s.............................


A p p e n d ix



(12 CFR 213)

As amended effective January 7, 1971


(b) “Foreign country” or “country” means
any foreign nation or colony, dependency, or
possession thereof, any overseas territory, depen­
dency, or insular possession of the United States,
or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(c) “Foreign bank” means a bank organized
under the law of a foreign country and not en­
gaged, directly or indirectly, in any activity in the
United States except as, in the judgment of the
Board, shall be incidental to the international or
foreign business of such foreign bank.

Pursuant to authority conferred upon it by
section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act (the
“A ct”), as amended (12 U.S.C. 601-604a), the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem (the “Board”) prescribes the following regu­
lations relating to (a) foreign branches of national
banks, (b) the acquisition and holding of stock in
foreign banks by national banks, and (c) loans or
extensions of credit to or for the account of such
foreign banks by national banks.2

* This text corresponds to the Code of Federal Regula­
tions, Title 12, Chapter II, Part 213, cited as 12 CFR
213. The words “this Part,” as used herein, mean Regula­
tion M.
1 Insofar as provisions of Federal law are concerned,
For the purposes of this Part—
the provisions of this Part apply to State member banks
“Foreign branch” means any branch es­ of the Federal Reserve System as well as to national
tablished by a national bank pursuant to section
2 The subject matter of this Part is in addition to that
25 of the Act.
contained in 12 CFR Part 211 (Reg. K ).



§ 2 1 3 .3

(a) Establishing foreign branches. A foreign
branch may be established with prior Board per­
mission. If a national bank has established a
branch in a foreign country, it may, unless other­
wise advised by the Board, establish other
branches in that country after thirty days’ notice
to the Board with respect to each such branch.
(b) Further powers of foreign branches. In
addition to its other powers, a foreign branch may,
subject to §§ 213.3(c) and 213.6 and so far as
usual in connection with the transaction o f the
business o f banking in the places where it shall
transact business:
(1) Guarantee customers’ debts or otherwise
agree for their benefit to make payments on the
occurrence of readily ascertainable events,3 if the
guarantee or agreement specifies its maximum
monetary liability thereunder; but, except to the
extent secured with respect thereto, no national
bank may have such liabilities outstanding (i) in
an aggregate amount exceeding 50 per cent of its
capital and surplus or (ii) for any customer in
excess of the amount by which 10 per cent of its
capital and surplus exceeds the aggregate of such
customer’s “obligations” to it which are subject
to any limitation under section 5200 of the Re­
vised Statutes (12 U.S.C 84);
(2) Accept drafts oi bills of exchange drawn
upon it, which shall be treated as “commercial
drafts or bills” for the purposes of paragraphs
(c ), (d ), and (e) of § 203.1 of Part 203 (Reg.
C );
(3) Acquire and hold securities (including
certificates or other evidences of ownership or
participation) of the central bank, clearing
houses, governmental entities, and development
banks of the country in which it is located, unless
after such an acquisition the aggregate amount
invested by the branch in such securities (exclu­
sive of securities held as required by the law of
that country or as authorized under section 5136
of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 2 4 )) would
exceed one per cent of its total deposits on the
preceding year-end call report date (or on the
3 Including, but not limited to, such types of events as
nonpayment of taxes, rentals, customs duties, or costs of
transport and loss or nonconformance of shipping docu­


date of such acquisition in the case of a newly
established branch which has not so reported);
(4) Underwrite, distribute, buy, and sell obli­
gations of the national government of the coun­
try in which it is located, 4 but no bank may hold,
or be under commitment with respect to, obli­
gations of such a government as a result of
underwriting, dealing in, or purchasing for its
own account in an aggregate amount exceeding
10 per cent of its capital and surplus;
(5) Take liens or other encumbrances on for­
eign real estate in connection with its extensions
of credit, whether or not of first priority and
whether or not such real estate is improved or has
been appraised, and without regard to the m a­
turity or amount limitations or amortization re­
quirements of section 24 of the A ct (12 U.S.C.
(6) Extend credit to an executive officer of the
branch in an am ount not to exceed $50,000 or
its equivalent in order to finance the acquisition
or construction of living quarters to be used as
his residence abroad, provided each such credit
extension is prom ptly reported to its home office;
(7) Pay to any officer or employee of the
branch a greater rate of interest on deposits than
that paid to other depositors on similar deposits
with the branch.
(c) Limitations. Nothing in § 213.3(b) shall
authorize a foreign branch to engage in the gen­
eral business of producing, distributing, buying,
or selling goods, wares, or merchandise or, except
as permitted by § 213.3(b) (4), to engage or partic­
ipate, directly or indirectly, in the business of
underwriting, selling, or distributing securities.
(d) Suspending operations during disturbed
conditions. The officer in charge of a foreign
branch may suspend its operations during dis­
turbed conditions which, in his judgment, make
conduct of such operations impracticable; but
every effort shall be made before and during such
suspension to serve its depositors and customers.
Full information concerning any such suspension
shall be promptly reported to the branch’s home
office, which shall immediately send a copy
thereof to the Board through the Federal Reserve
Bank of its district.
4 Including obligations issued by any agency or instru­
mentality, and supported by the full faith and credit, of
such government.


§ § 2 1 3 .4 - 2 1 3 .6


in a foreign bank pursuant to this section shall
furnish full information concerning such foreign
bank including (unless previously furnished): (1)
the cost, number, and class of shares to be ac­
quired, and the proposed carrying value of such
shares on the books of the national bank; (2)
recent balance sheet and income statement of the
foreign bank; (3) brief description of the foreign
bank’s business (including full information con­
cerning any direct or indirect business transacted
in the United States); (4) lists of directors and
principal officers (with address and principal busi­
ness affiliation of each) and of all shareholders
known to the issuing bank holding 10 per cent
or more of any class of the foreign bank’s stock
or other evidences of ownership, and the amount
held by each; and (5) information concerning the
rights and privileges of the various classes of
shares outstanding.
Reports. A national bank shall immediately
inform the Board through the Federal Reserve
Bank of its district with respect to any acquisition
or disposition of stock in a foreign bank including
the cost and number of shares acquired pursuant
to this section.

(a) General. With the prior consent of the
Board, and subject to the provisions of section 25
of the Act and this Part, a national bank may
acquire and hold directly or indirectly 5 the stock
or other evidences of ownership in one or more
foreign banks: Provided, That the aggregate
amount invested directly or indirectly (other than
through a corporation operating under section 25
of the Act or organized under section 25(a) of the
Act) in the stock or other evidences of ownership
of all foreign banks, taken together with invest­
ments by the national bank in the shares of corp­
orations operating under section 25 of the Act
or organized under section 25(a) of the Act, shall
not exceed 25 per cent of the national bank’s
capital and surplus. Nothing contained in this
Part shall prevent the acquisition and holding of
stock or other evidences of ownership in a foreign
bank where such acquisition is necessary to pre­
vent a loss upon a debt previously contracted in
good faith; but such stock or other evidences of
ownership shall be disposed of within twelve
months from the date of acquisition unless such
time is extended by the Board.
(b) Limitations. Stock or other evidences of
ownership in a foreign bank shall be disposed of
as promptly as practicable if (1) such bank should
engage in the business of underwriting, selling, or
distributing securities in the United States or (2)
the national bank is advised by the Board that its
holding is inappropriate under section 25 of the
Act or this Part. The terms “stock”, “shares”,
and “evidences of ownership” in this section in­
clude any right to acquire stock, shares, or evi­
dences of ownership, except that prior Board
consent is not required for the acquisition and
exercise of stock rights in lieu of dividends
which are declared on shares already held by a
national bank and which do not result in an in­
crease in percentage ownership of the foreign
(c) Required information. A national bank ap­
plying for the consent of the Board to acquire
and hold stock or other evidences of ownership

A national bank which holds directly or indi­
rectly 6 stock or other evidences of ownership in
a foreign bank may make loans or extensions of
credit to or for the account of such foreign bank
without regard to the provisions of section 23A
of the Act (12 U.S.C. 371c).
(a) The continued or prospective exercise of
any power under this Part shall be subject to any
notice interpreting or applying it that a national
bank may receive from the Board, and such bank
shall immediately comply therewith.
(b) The Board may from time to time re­
quire a national bank to make reports at such time
and in such form as the Board may prescribe re­
garding the exercise of any power hereunder and
to submit information regarding compliance with
this Part.

5 However, prior consent of the Board is not required
hereunder for indirect acquisitions in the stock of foreign
banks made pursuant to the general consent provisions of
§ 211.8 of Part 211 (Reg. K ).


6 Whether through a corporation operating under sec­
tion 25 of the Act or organized under section 25(a) of
the Act, or otherwise.


§ 2 1 3 .7

Provided, T hat the applicable base computed
under (i) or (ii) shall be reduced by the daily
average amount of any deposits of the member
Transactions with parent bank. During each
bank subject to § 204.5(c) of this chapter (Regu­
week of the four-week period beginning October
lation D ) during the computation period.
16, 1969, and during each week of each successive
Credit extended to United States residents.
four-week (“maintenance”) period, a member
During each week of the four-week period be­
bank having one or more foreign branches shall
ginning October 16, 1969, and during each week
maintain with the Reserve Bank of its district, as
of each successive four-week maintenance period,
a reserve against its foreign branch deposits, a
a member bank having one or more foreign
daily average balance equal to 20 per cent of the
branches shall maintain with the Reserve Bank of
amount by which the daily average total of
its district, as a reserve against its foreign branch
deposits, a daily average balance equal to 20 per
(1) net balances due from its domestic offices
cent of the amount by which daily average credit
to such branches, and
outstanding from such branches to United States
(2) assets (including participations) held by
residents9 (other than assets acquired and net
such branches which were acquired from its
balances due from its domestic offices), during the
domestic offices,7
four-week computation period ending on Wednes­
during the four-week (“computation”) period
day fifteen days before the beginning of the main­
ending on the Wednesday fifteen days before the
tenance period, exceeds the corresponding daily
beginning of the maintenance period, exceeds the
average total during the four-week period ending
greater of
on November 25, 1970: Provided, That this para­
(i) the corresponding daily average to ta l8 for
graph does not apply to credit extended (1) by a
the computation period ending November 25,
foreign branch which at no time during the com­
1970, or the lowest corresponding daily average
putation period had credit outstanding to United
total for any computation period beginning after
States residents exceeding $5 million, (2) to
that date, whichever amount is the lesser, or
enable the borrower to comply with requirements
(ii) 3 per cent of the member bank’s daily
of the Office of Foreign Direct Investments, De­
average deposits subject to § 204.5(a) of this
partment of Commerce,10 or (3) under binding
chapter (Regulation D) during the current com­
commitments entered into before December 1,
putation period, or, if the bank has had a foreign
branch in operation for more than 90 days, the
lowest corresponding daily average total for any
9 (a) Any individual residing (at the time the credit is
computation period beginning on or after Decem­
extended) in any State of the United States or the Dis­
ber 24, 1970, whichever amount is the lesser:
trict of Columbia; (b) any corporation, partnership,

’ Excluding (1) assets so held on June 26, 1969, repre­
senting credit extended to persons not residents of the
United States and (2) credit extended or renewed by a
domestic office after June 26, 1969, to persons not resi­
dents of the United States to the extent such credit was
not extended in order to replace credit outstanding on
that date which was paid prior to its original maturity
(see definition of United States resident in footnote 9).
8 Excluding assets representing credit extended to per­
sons not residents of the United States.


association or other entity organized therein (“domestic
corporation” ); and (c) any branch or office located
therein of any other entity wherever organized. Credit
extended to a foreign branch, office, subsidiary, affiliate or
other foreign establishment (“foreign affiliate” ) controlled
by one or more such domestic corporations will not be
deemed to be credit extended to a United States resident
if the proceeds will be used in its foreign business or that
of other foreign affiliates of the controlling domestic cor­
poration (s).
1 The branch may in good faith rely on the borrower’s
certification that the funds will be so used.




Every national banking association operating
foreign branches shall be required to furnish in­
formation concerning the condition of such
branches to the Comptroller of the Currency upon
demand, and every member bank investing in the
capital stock of banks or corporations described
above shall be required to furnish information
concerning the condition of such banks or corp­
orations to the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System upon demand, and the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System may
order special examinations of the said branches,
banks, or corporations at such time or times as
it may deem best.
[U.S.C., title 12, sec. 602.]

Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act provides
in part as follows:
S e c . 2 5 . Any national banking association
possessing a capital and surplus of $1,000,000 or
more may file application with the Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System for permis­
sion to exercise, upon such conditions and under
such regulations as may be prescribed by the said
board, the following powers:
First. To establish branches in foreign coun­
tries or dependencies or insular possessions of the
United States for the furtherance of the foreign
commerce of the United States, and to act if re­
quired to do so as fiscal agents of the United









Every such national banking association shall
conduct the accounts of each foreign branch
independently of the accounts of other foreign
branches established by it and of its home office,
and shall at the end of each fiscal period transfer
to its general ledger the profit or loss accrued at
each branch as a separate item.
[U.S.C., title 12, sec. 604.]

Third. To acquire and hold, directly or indi­
rectly, stock or other evidences of ownership in
one or more banks organized under the law of a
foreign country or a dependency or insular pos­
session of the United States and not engaged,
directly or indirectly, in any activity in the United
States except as, in the judgment of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
shall be incidental to the international or foreign
business of such foreign bank; and, notwithstand­
ing the provisions of section 23A of this Act, to
make loans or extensions of credit to or for the
account of such bank in the manner and within
the limits prescribed by the Board by general or
specific regulation or ruling.



Regulations issued by the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System under this section,
in addition to regulating powers which a foreign
branch may exercise under other provisions of
law, may authorize such a foreign branch, sub­
ject to such conditions and requirements as such
regulations may prescribe, to exercise such further
powers as may be usual in connection with the
transaction of the business of banking in the places
where such foreign branch shall transact busi­
ness. Such regulations shall not authorize a foreign
branch to engage in the general business of pro­
ducing, distributing, buying or selling goods,
wares, or merchandise; nor, except to such lim­
ited extent as the Board may deem to be neces­
sary with respect to securities issued by any “for­
eign state” as defined in section 25(b) of this
Act, shall such regulations authorize a foreign
branch to engage or participate, directly or indi­
rectly, in the business of underwriting, selling, or
distributing securities.
[U.S.C., title 12, sec 604a.]


Such application shall specify the name and
capital of the banking association filing it, the
powers applied for, and the place or places where
the banking or financial operations proposed are
to be carried on. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System shall have power to ap­
prove or to reject such application in whole or in
part if for any reason the granting of such appli­
cation is deemed inexpedient, and shall also have
power from time to time to increase or decrease
the number of places where such banking opera­
tions may be carried on.
[U.S.C., title 12, sec. 601.]