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F ederal Reserve Bank o f Dallas



Circular No. 77-130
November 28, 1977


Effective December 1, 1977, Bulletin No. 7, entitled "Custody
of Securities," is being revised to permit substitution of United States
Government and Agency securities for like amounts of equal par value or
for greater amounts without the joinder of the political subdivision.
Similarly, withdrawals of any pledged securities will be permitted without
the joinder of the political subdivision subject to a delay of five bank­
ing days in order that the political subdivision may be informed of the
withdrawal and be given the opportunity to object.
Enclosed is a reprint of Bulletin 7. Member banks and others
who maintain Regulations Binders should file the bulletin in their
binders. The bulletin currently on file should be removed from your
binder and destroyed.
Any questions concerning this revision should be directed to
Jack A. Clymer, Assistant Vice President of this Bank, Ext. 63^+0, or the
appropriate officer at our El Paso, Houston, or San Antonio Branch.
Additional copies of this bulletin will be furnished upon request
to the Bank and Public Information Department of this Bank, Ext. 6267Sincerely yours,
Robert H. Boykin
First Vice President

Banks and others are encouraged to use the follow ing incoming WATS numbers in contacting this Bank:
1-800-492-4403 (intrastate) and 1-800-527-4970 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus
the extension referred to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


Custody of Securities


This bulletin describes our services relating to the custody of securities. Any member
bank depositing, either directly or through others, securities with this Bank shall, by such
action, be understood to have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Section 1, GENERAL
1.00 Reference to Bulletin 1
1.05 Availability of service
1.10 Charges
2.00 Generally

2.05 Pledged securities
Section 3, BOOK-ENTRY


Conversion to book-entry form
Terms of conversion
Application of Subpart O

6.00 General

6.05 Collection of maturing United States
Government securities (unpledged]
6.10 Collection of maturing municipal or
corporate securities (unpledged)
6.15 Exchange of maturing securities
6.20 Pledged securities

6.25 N otice of called or m atu rin g securities
6.30 M unicipal or corporate securities
received for th e account of m em b er
b an k s
6.35 C ollection of m atu rin g coupons
6.40 U npaid coupons

7.00 To U nited S tates G overnm ent
7.05 To U nited S tates D istrict C ourts
7.10 To U nited S tates D istrict C ourt
ap p o in ted trustees

7.15 C ollateral to T re asu ry T a x and Loan
ac co u n t
8.00 State T re a su re r — State of T exas

8.05 Political subdivisions — Texas
8.10 Political subdivisions ■— o th e r states
8.15 T ru st d e p a rtm e n t of m em ber ban k s


R isk of loss
R egistered mail in su ran ce
E xclusion
Limit of liability
Ship m ents by us
S hipm ents to us
S hipm ents by this Bank as fiscal agent



Section 1 , GENERAL
1.00 Reference to Bulletin 1
S everal definitions, rules of construction, and
o th e r p rov ision s applicable to this bulletin are
foun d in our Bulletin 1, G eneral Provisions, and
are in co rp o rated h erein b y reference.
1.05 Availability of service
The services d esc rib ed h erein are m ain tain ed
prim arily for the convenience of m em b er ban k s
located outside of F ederal R eserve cities. U nder
special circum stances, h ow ever, these services
m ay be e x te n d e d to m em b er b an k s lo cated in
outlying areas of F ederal R eserve cities. A F ed ­
eral R eserve city b an k m ay contact this B ank for
1.10 Charges
No charge will be m ade fo r holding securities in
custody, b u t charges will be m ade to cov er the
cost of tra n sp o rta tio n a n d in su ran c e on incom ­
ing an d outgoing sh ipm ents of securities, fo r
telephone and telegraph expense, an d collection
charges, if any, m ade b y collecting banks.

2.00 Generally

Except as provided in section 2.05, only securi­
ties which are neither assigned nor pledged and
which are owned by the depositing bank will be
accepted. Securities acceptable for our custody
include all bonds, notes, certificates of indebted­
ness, and Treasury bills issued or guaranteed by
the United States Government, and miscella­
neous state, municipal, or corporate bonds. Such
securities will be held in custody for the account,
at the risk and subject only to the order of the
member bank named as owner in the acknowl­
edgment issued by us.
2.05 Pledged securities
(a) S ecurities belonging to m em b er b a n k s w h ich
are pledged to d epartm ents, agencies, or officials
of the U nited S tates G overnm ent to be h eld s u b ­
ject to the in stru ctio n s th ere o f w ill b e accepted
p u rs u a n t to any A ct of C ongress or any regula­
tion or re q u e st of the S ecretary of the T re asu ry
providing fo r the deposit of securities w ith a
F ederal R eserve Bank.
(b) S ecurities belonging to m em b er b a n k s w h ich
are pledged to officials of states, or political su b ­

divisions thereof, as secu rity for public deposits,
will be accepted w h e n application is m ade
jointly b y the m e m b e r b a n k a n d th e public b ody
w hose d ep o sit is secured. W e fu rn is h special
form s fo r this purpose.

Section 3, BOOK-ENTRY
3.00 Authority

[a] In accordance with Section 306.117(a] of
Subpart O of Treasury Departm ent Circular
No. 300 and the corresponding section of regula­
tions issued by those agencies, instrumentalities,
and establishments of the United States listed in
Appendix B (Agency regulations) to our Bulle­
tin 14, this Bank as fiscal agent of the United
States may m aintain Treasury bonds, notes, cer­
tificates of indebtedness and bills issued under
the Second Liberty Bond Act, and debt obliga­
tions issued pursuant to Agency regulations by
means of entries on the records of this Bank as
such fiscal agent (“book-entry securities”) w hen
such securities are deposited in accounts m ain­
tained by this Bank in its individual capacity and
as to which securities this Bank in its individual
capacity is to continue to maintain such deposits
notwithstanding application of the book-entry
procedure to such securities.
(b) Such acco unts include, b u t are n o t lim ited to,
accounts in w h ich T re asu ry or A gency securities
are d eposited:
(i) as collateral pledged to a R eserve Bank
(in its individual capacity) fo r ad v an ces
by it;
(ii] b y m em b er b a n k s fo r th e ir o w n account;

(iii) by a mem ber bank held for the account
of its customers;
(iv) as collateral to secure deposits in m em ­
ber banks of public funds by a state,
municipality, or other political subdivi­
(v) p u rs u a n t to S ection 61 of th e B ank rup tcy
A c t (11 U.S.C. 101) in conn ectio n w ith
the deposit of b a n k ru p tc y fu n d s in co m ­
m ercial b an k s;

(vi) as collateral in connection w ith the qual­
ification of member banks to exercise
trust powers; or
(vii) as collateral to secure deposits of trust
funds in commercial banking depart­
ments of mem ber banks.



(c) Section 306.117(a) of Subpart O of Treasury
Department Circular No. 300 and the correspond­
ing section of Agency regulations provides that
such application of the book-entry procedure
shall not derogate from or adversely affect the
relationships that would otherwise exist b e ­
tween this Bank in its individual capacity and its
3.05 Conversion to book-entry form

Any bank or other depositor whose Treasury or
Agency securities are on deposit in any account
specified in section 3.00(b) above m aintained by
this Bank either in its individual capacity or as
fiscal agent on April 9, 1973, and any person
having an interest in Treasury or Agency securi­
ties which on or after such date are deposited in
any of the aforesaid accounts or any other ac­
count specified by this Bank for application
of the book-entry procedure under Section
306.117(a) of Subpart O of Treasury Department
Circular No. 300 or the corresponding section of
Agency regulations, will be deemed to have au­
thorized this Bank to employ the book-entry pro­
cedure under the provisions of such section with
respect to such Treasury or Agency securities
and to have consented to the conversion of any
such Treasury or Agency securities from defin­
itive to book-entry form.
3.10 Terms o f conversion
In co nnectio n w ith the ap plication of the booken try pro c ed u re to T re a s u ry or A gency secu ri­
ties u n d e r the pro visions of S ection 306.117(a) of
S u b p art O or the co rrespo nding section of
A gency regulations, it is u n d e rs to o d that:

(a) The terms and conditions of this bulletin and
this Bank’s Bulletin 14 entitled “Book-Entry Se­
curities,” or in the event of a particular agree­
m ent between this Bank and its depositor, the
terms and conditions of such agreement, shall
apply to such securities.
(b) A dvices of deposit and w ith d ra w a l w ith re ­
spect to such T re asu ry o r A gency securities
s hould be re ta in ed in som e circu m stances b y the
depositing b an k s or other p artie s in in te re s t for
F ederal incom e tax p urposes. (See a ttac h m en t to
S u b p a rt O.)

apply the book-entry procedure to Treasury or
Agency securities deposited with this Bank as
collateral for balances in Treasury Tax and Loan
Accounts or for deposits of public monies under
Treasury Department Circular No. 92 or No. 176,
respectively, and may also apply book-entry pro­
cedure to Treasury securities deposited in other
accounts designated by this Bank; and such se­
curities will be handled pursuant to such terms
and conditions as may be agreed upon betw een
this Bank and the depositors of such securities.
This Bank’s Bulletin 14, entitled “Book-Entry
Securities,” applies to such accounts.

Each bank or other party depositing securities
with us either directly or through others shall by
such action be deemed to have agreed that this
(a) Will be responsible only for the exercise of
the same diligence w ith which it cares for its
own property;
(b) Will not be liable for any loss of such secur­
ities w hen a loss is due to any cause other than
lack of such diligence;
(c) Will not be responsible for the genuineness,
validity, or alteration of or any defect in such
securities; and
(d) Will not be obligated to maintain any form
of insurance for the account of the depositor in
relation to securities held in custody for it.

An acknowledgment form or joint safekeeping
receipt describing the securities and indicating
the purpose for which they are held, will be
issued for each deposit. The acknowledgment
form and joint safekeeping receipt are not nego­
tiable or transferable and their return to us will
not be required for the release of the securities.


3.15 Application of Subpart O

6.00 General

Under Section 306.117(b) of Subpart O of Trea­
sury Department Circular No. 300 and under cor­
responding sections of Agency regulations, this
Bank, as fiscal agent of the United States, shall

In the absence of specific instructions to the con­
trary, we will endeavor to perform certain ser­
vices as outlined herein but will assume no
liability for failure to perform such services.



These services are intended merely as an aid to
m ember banks and do not relieve the member
bank of its own duty to keep itself informed of
maturities, call dates, and other information af­
fecting its own portfolio.
6.05 Collection of maturing United States Gov­
ernment securities (unpledged)

Unpledged United States Government securities
and fully guaranteed obligations of its agencies
which are payable by this Bank as fiscal agent of
the United States and held by it in custody will,
in the absence of specific instructions from the
owner, be w ithdraw n prior to maturity or re­
demption call date, and the proceeds credited to
the member bank’s account on the due date.
6.10 Collection of maturing municipal or cor­
porate securities (unpledged)

Upon receipt of w ritten authority furnished by
the owning bank, we will enter for collection,
under the terms and conditions of our current
Bulletin 9, Collection of Noncash Items, m atur­
ing unpledged municipal or corporate securities
payable in a city other than the domicile of the
owning bank. Securities payable in the city or
town in which the owning bank is located, or
payable outside the continental United States,
will be shipped to the owning bank. The ship­
ping charges for collecting municipal or corpo­
rate securities will be charged to the owning
ba n k ’s account.
6.15 Exchange of maturing securities

Under instructions from a mem ber bank, we will
effect the exchange of maturing unpledged
United States Government securities for avail­
able new issues. Upon receipt of the new securi­
ties to be held in custody, a new acknowledg­
ment will be issued therefor.
6.20 Pledged securities
No action will be taken by us relative to m atur­
ing or called securities which are pledged, except
upon receipt of appropriate w ritten instructions
of the owning bank and the pledgee. W hen so
in s tr u c te d , m a tu rin g s e c u ritie s, o th e r th a n
United States Government securities, will be
handled for collection under the terms and con­
ditions of our current Bulletin 9, Collection of
Noncash Items, and United States Government
securities will be redeemed. Disposition of the
proceeds, w hen available, will be made upon
receipt of appropriate instructions.

6.25 Notice o f called or maturing securities

Notice of m aturity of all municipal, corporate, or
United States Government securities will be
given in advance of maturity date. However, we
do not m aintain a called securities record, and,
therefore, cannot undertake to advise banks
when securities are called for redemption.
6.30 Municipal or corporate securities received
for the account of member banks

Under appropriate w ritten instructions from a
member bank, we will accept for the member
bank’s account municipal or corporate securities
delivered by brokers and others and make pay­
ment therefor at the price stipulated in the p u r­
chasing ba n k ’s letter. In handling these transac­
tions, this Bank acts solely as agent for the
member bank and assumes no responsibility for
the genuineness, validity or any alteration of the
securities received.
6.35 Collection o f maturing coupons

Unless otherwise instructed, we will:
(a) Credit the owning bank on maturity date for
maturing coupons detached from United States
Government securities and fully guaranteed ob­
ligations of its agencies which are payable by
this Bank as fiscal agent of the United States
and held in custody for its account; and
(b) Enter for collection, under terms of our cur­
rent Bulletin 9, Collection of Noncash Items,
coupons detached from other securities held in
custody and credit the account of the owning
bank in accordance w ith Bulletin 9.
Municipal or corporate coupons payable in the
city or town in which the owning bank is lo­
cated, or payable outside the continental United
States, will be shipped to the owning bank.
C oupons a tta c h e d to s e c u r itie s w h ic h are
pledged as collateral to a custom er’s note held
under rediscount or as collateral to an advance
by this Bank and held by us will not be clipped
and handled for collection, unless specific in­
structions are received in connection therewith.
6.40 Unpaid coupons

Coupons entered for collection and returned un­
paid will be reattached to the securities from
which they were detached, and the owning bank
will be advised of the reason for nonpayment.
In the absence of specific instructions from the
owning bank, no further effort will be made to
collect on these and subsequent coupons at­
tached to such securities.



7.00 To United States Government

Upon w ritten instructions from the owning bank
and subject to the approval of the Treasury De­
partment, we will hold securities pledged to de­
partments, agencies and officials of the United
States as collateral to secure deposits under the
terms of Treasury Department Circular No. 176.
7.05 To United States District Courts

Under designation as custodian by a United
States District Court and at the request of the
Court and a member bank, we will hold as col­
lateral, securities pledged to secure court depos­
its. Securities held as collateral to secure United
States District Court deposits can be substituted
for, or w ithdrawn, only under order of the
7.10 To United States District Court appointed

Under designation as custodian by a United
States District Court, we will hold in custody
securities pledged as collateral to secure depos­
its of trustees in bankruptcy or receivership.
Securities held as collateral to secure deposits of
Court appointed trustees can be substituted for,
or w ithdrawn, only under order of the Court.
7.15 Collateral to Treasury Tax and Loan ac­

We will hold securities pledged by a depositary
bank to secure its Treasury Tax and Loan ac­
co u n t. D eposit, re le a se , or s u b s titu tio n of
pledged securities should be authorized by this
Bank acting as fiscal agent for the United States.

8.00 State Treasurer — State of Texas

At the request of a mem ber bank, subject to the
approval of the State Depository Board, we will
hold in joint safekeeping securities pledged as
collateral to secure deposits of the State Trea­
surer. Application for deposit, withdrawal, or
substitution of such pledged securities should be
made on our appropriate forms.
8.05 Political subdivisions — Texas

At the request of a mem ber bank and the govern­
ing body of a political subdivision, we will hold
in joint safekeeping securities pledged as collat­
eral to secure deposits of the political subdivi­

sion. Requests for deposits and requests for
immediate withdrawals shall be made on our
appropriate forms and executed jointly by the
depositary bank and the governing body of the
political subdivision. Requests for even or
greater substitutions of United States Govern­
m ent and Agency securities and requests for all
delayed withdrawals of securities shall be made
on our appropriate forms executed by the depos­
itary bank (or if preferred by the political sub­
division, on our appropriate forms executed
jointly by the depositary bank and the governing
body of the political subdivision]. Requests for
all other substitutions of securities shall be made
on our appropriate forms and executed jointly
by the depositary bank and the governing body
of the political subdivision.
8.10 Political subdivisions — other states

At the request of a mem ber bank and the govern­
ing body of a political subdivision, we will hold
in joint safekeeping securities pledged as collat­
eral to secure deposits of the political subdivi­
sion. Requests for deposits, substitutions, or
withdrawals should be made on our appropriate
forms and executed jointly by the depositary
bank and the governing body of the political
subdivision. (This paragraph is not applicable in
any state where law requires such pledged se­
curities to be deposited within the state.)
8.15 Trust department of member banks

At the request of a member bank and the mem­
ber ba n k ’s trust department, we will hold in
joint safekeeping securities pledged as collateral
to secure deposits of uninvested funds of the
member b a n k ’s trust department. Deposits, w ith­
drawals, or substitutions of the pledged securi­
ties should be authorized by the joint execution
by the mem ber bank and its trust departm ent on
our appropriate forms.

Section 9, SHIPMENT OF
9.00 Risk of loss

(a] Regardless of any other provisions of this
bulletin, any bank or other party shipping, or
causing the shipment of, securities to this Bank
shall by such action be deemed to have agreed
that the risk of loss on such shipments occurring
prior to the actual delivery thereof to us by the
post office, express company, or other carrier is
not assumed by us but is on the sender.
(b] Likewise, any bank ordering shipments of
securities from this Bank shall by such action be



deemed to have agreed that this Bank in making
such shipments undertakes merely to make de­
livery to the post office, express company, or
other carrier, and that the risk of loss occurring
subsequent to such delivery is not assumed by
us but is on the party ordering such shipment.
9.05 Registered mail insurance

We hold open insurance policies under which
registered mail shipments of securities made to
or by us may be insured. These policies afford
protection against loss from the time of accep­
tance by the messenger or carrier, whether
within or w ithout the premises of the sender,
and end w hen actual delivery has been made to
the office of the addressee. They do not, h o w ­
ever, cover losses through theft by the employ­
ees of the sender or the addressee, or losses by
risks generally referred to as “w ar risks.”

9.15 Limit of liability

The liability of the insurers under these policies
is limited to $10 ,000,000 on property from any
one sender to any one addressee on any one day
unless dispatched by two or more trains, boats,
or other conveyances, in which event the limit
of liability shall apply to each train, boat, or
other conveyance separately.
9.20 Shipments by us

Shipments of securities by us, other than ship­
ments made in our capacity as fiscal agent of the
United States at the expense and risk of the
United States, will be made by registered mail,
and, unless instructed to the contrary, we will
insure them as provided herein under the regis­
tered mail policies referred to at the expense of
the mem ber bank.

9.10 Exclusion

9.25 Shipments to us

The policies contain the following clause elimi­
nating such coverages:

Shipments of securities to us may be insured
under the registered mail policies referred to, at
the expense and risk of the sender, provided
the following conditions are observed:

“To cover .. . risks of physical loss of or dam­
age to or destruction of property insured, except
theft on the part of employees of senders or ad­
dressees, but this policy does not insure against:
(a) capture, seizure, arrest, restraint, detainment,
confiscation, preemption, requisition or nation­
alization, and the consequences thereof or of any
attempt thereat, w hether in time of peace or w ar
and w hether lawful or otherwise; any conse­
quences of hostilities or war-like operations
(whether there be a declaration of w ar or not)
but the foregoing shall not exclude collision, ex­
plosion or contact with any fixed or floating ob­
ject (other than a mine or torpedo), stranding,
heavy w eather or fire unless caused directly (and
independently of the nature of the voyage or
service which the vessel concerned or, in the
case of a collision any other vessel involved
therein, is performing) by a hostile act by or
against a belligerent power, the term ‘pow er’ as
used herein including any authority m a i n t a i n i n g
naval, military, or air forces in association with
a power; or any loss or damage caused by any
weapon of w ar employing atomic fission or
radioactive force w hether in time of peace or
war; (b) the consequences of civil war, revolu­
tion, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife aris­
ing therefrom, piracy, risks of contraband or il­
legal transportation or trade, and seizure or
destruction under quarantine or customs regu­

(a) On the day a shipment is made to us, an ad­
vice is sent by ordinary mail to the office to
which the shipment is addressed, showing the
name of the shipper, the num ber of sacks or
packages comprising the shipment, a description
of the contents, and the amount of insurance to
be effected. A copy of this advice should be
placed in the shipment.
(b) The contents of all shipments are verified
and enclosed in a strong wrapper, envelope, or
cloth or canvas bag, securely sealed with wax,
paper seal, or in any m anner acceptable to the
post office at the place of mailing.
(c) The verifying, packaging and sealing is done
by an employee of the sender, and the sealed
package is in charge of a responsible person
until deposited and registered at the post office,
or is in the custody of an armored car service in
transit from the office of the sender to the post
(d) In the event of loss of a shipm ent insured
under the registered mail policies referred to,
claim will be made on behalf of the member
bank for the amount for which the shipment is
insured. Prompt notice of loss should be given
us, together with all available details regarding
the loss.


9:30 Shipments by this Bank as fiscal agent
Ship m ents of securities by this Bank as fiscal
agent of the U nited S tates at the expense and
risk of the U n ited S tates will be m ad e b y regis­
tered m ail and will be in su red u n d e r the G ov­
ern m e n t Losses in S hipm ent Act. This coverage
is p ro v id ed fo r sh ipm en ts of U nited S tates s e ­
curities u p o n original issue an d U nited S tates


securities in exchange fo r te m p o ra ry certificates.
Risk of loss by the U nited S tates from su ch sh ip ­
m ents term in ates u p o n delivery b y the p o s t
office. Stock of u n issu ed U nited S tates Savings
B onds shipped to issuing agents is the p ro p e rty
of the U nited States, a n d hence such shipm ents
are at the expense an d risk of the U n ited S tates
a n d the in te re st of the G o v ern m en t does no t
cease u pon delivery by the p o s t office.