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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS F IS C A L A G E N T O F TH E U N ITED ST A T E S Dallas, Texas, January 22, 1942 REIMBURSEMENT OF POSTAGE AND REGISTRY FEES EXPENDED BY ISSUING AGENTS FOR SHIPMENT OF UNITED STATES DEFENSE SAVINGS BONDS, SERIES E, TO PURCHASERS THEREOF To Qualified Agents for the Issuance of Defense Savings Bonds, Series E: The Treasury Department has authorized this bank, as fiscal agent of the United States, to reimburse all qualified issuing agents of United States Defense Savings Bonds, Series E, for postage and registry fees expended by them for delivery of such bonds to purchasers, in cases where over-thecounter delivery is impracticable. All shipments of United States Defense Savings Bonds, Series El, to purchasers should be made at the minimum registry fee, declared at replacement value of $5 for each registered article. All shipments are subject to the Government Losses in Shipment Act and, therefore, each issuing agent should use due care in the preparation of the shipments and keep an inventory of the contents and proof of post office registration for each shipment. Appropriate forms for obtaining reimbursement of postage and registry fees in accordance with the foregoing provisions will be furnished upon request. Yours very truly, R. R. GILBERT President EFENSE BUY U N IT E D STATES S A V IN G S 'B O N D S AND STAMPS This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (