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Federal Reserve






Circular No. 67-258
December 21, 1967

To All Banks and Others Concerned
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
There is enclosed Treasury Departm ent Circular No. 1079, F irst Revision, relating to th e extension
o f th e new Federal ta x deposit sy stem to em ploym ent and excise ta x es accruing on and a fter January 1,
1968. The sy stem is an expansion o f th e one currently in effect fo r corporation ta x es as outlined in
Treasury D epartm ent Circular No. 1079, which was mailed w ith th is bank’s circular letter No. 67-54
dated March 13, 1967.
Under th e new procedure, taxpayers will continue to deposit ta x es w ith an approved commercial
bank depositary for Federal ta x es or w ith a Federal R eserve Bank. There will be a separate and distinct
Federal ta x deposit form for each class of ta x being deposited. A supply o f prepunched and preinscribed
Federal ta x deposit form s will be mailed to each taxp ayer a t th e address indicated on his ta x return in
tim e to make th e first deposit required in 1968. Instructions w ith respect to th e procedure fo r m aking
ta x deposits will appear on th e ta x deposit form s. Depositaries should advise taxpayers w ho inquire th at
additional Federal deposit ta x form s, if needed, should be requested from th e Internal R evenue Service
Center for th e region or from th e D istrict Director o f Internal R evenue w ith w hich he files his return.
The ta x deposit form s will not be available a t th is bank or a t depositary banks.
One of th e principal featu res of the new sy stem is th a t Federal R eserve Banks will no longer return
validated depositary receipts to taxpayers. Taxpayers will claim credit fo r th eir deposits on their ta x
returns on th e basis of their own record. Tax deposit credits claimed on returns will be verified by the
Internal Revenue Service against deposits made w ith commercial bank depositaries and Federal R eserve
Banks. It should be noted th a t th ese changes do not apply to deposits for any ta x liability accruing before
January 1, 1968.
Paragraph 4 of th is bank’s circular letter dated March 13, 1967, indicated th a t th e depositary bank’s
stam p on th e tax deposit form m ust contain its A B A number, in addition to th e nam e o f th e depositary
and the date the paym ent was received. Due to technical difficulties encountered, it has now been decided
th a t the stam p m u st contain th e depositary bank’s code number instead o f th e A B A number. The number
is a four-digit number assigned by th is bank, and appears in a vertical position on th e le ft edge of your
Treasury Tax and Loan Advice of Credit Form FA-794. The code number also appears on th e statem en t
of the account w hich is furnished to Treasury Tax and Loan depositaries sem i-m onthly. This bank will
initially furnish one stam p to each depositary for th is purpose. The stam ps will be forwarded to deposi­
taries as expeditiously as possible. Stam ps will be furnished at no cost to depositaries on a one-tim e basis
only, and depositaries should obtain additional stam ps through local sources. The stam p should be used
only for stam ping ta x deposit form s, and no other stam p should be used fo r th is purpose.
A s under th e present depositary receipt system , th e new deposit form s are to be listed on a trans­
m ittal letter Form WT-3, and transm itted to th is bank on a daily basis togeth er w ith a rem ittance in
im m ediately available funds, or w ith advice th a t funds have been credited in th e Treasury Tax and Loan
Account of the D epositary. The Treasury Departm ent has reem phasized the n ecessity o f tim ely rem it­
tance of ta x deposit funds at th e close of business on th e day th e deposits are received by the depositaries.
The new tax deposit form is a sixty-six-colum n card w ith stub attached. I f th e stub is still attached
when the form is received by th e depositary, it should be stam ped and returned to th e taxp ayer fo r his
records. The retention of the stub will be important to th e taxpayers, inasm uch as indicated above the
Federal R eserve Bank will not validate and return th e deposit form to th e taxpayers as is th e practice
under the present depositary receipt system .

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

The Treasury D epartm ent regards th e cashing for a taxpayer of a check drawn on another bank
to obtain cash for m aking a ta x deposit a m atter entirely between th e depositary and th e taxpayer. More
specifically, th e risk of uncollectible checks and charges and fees imposed by th e depositary are not th e
concern of th e Treasury Departm ent.
D uring th e period of transition, depositaries will likely be receiving paym ents deposited on th e old
depositary receipt form and paym ents deposited on th e new ta x deposit form. More specifically, paym ents
for ta x periods ending on or before December 31, 1967, should be deposited on the eighty-colum n deposi­
tary receipt form now being used, while paym ents for ta x periods a fter Decem ber 31 should be deposited
on the new ta x deposit form. Because of data processing requirements, th e new deposit form s m u st not
be mingled w ith the old depositary receipt form s when preparing them for subm ission to th is bank. In
other words, separate transm ittal letters and ta x and loan advices or rem ittances m ust be subm itted fo r
(1) new deposit form s, and (2) old depositary receipts. Depositaries should not accept old sty le depositary
receipt form s (80-column cards) from taxpayers a fter January 31, 1968. Such paym ents should be for­
warded directly to the Internal R evenue Service by taxpayers w ith ta x returns.
Under th e new procedure, it is extrem ely im portant th a t ta x deposits be accompanied by appropriate
prepunched and preinscribed tax deposit form s. If a taxpayer needs additional form s, he should request
them from the Internal Revenue Service Center for the region, or from the D istrict Director of Internal
Revenue w ith which he files his return. In the event the taxpayer is unable to obtain th e prescribed form
in sufficient tim e to perm it a tim ely ta x deposit, a depositary m ay accept th e ta x paym ent and schedule
it to th is bank on a transm ittal letter w ithout th e deposit form. In order for th is bank to process such a
deposit, th e depositary will be required to attach a statem en t to its transm ittal letter show ing (1) com­
plete name and address of taxpayer, (2) em ployer’s identification number, (3) Internal R evenue Service
district code, (4) amount of paym ent, (5) tax period (m onth and y ea r), (6) type of tax, and (7) paym ent
date (m onth and d a y ). W ithout all of the foregoing information, th e ta x deposits can not be processed.
Yours very truly,
W atrous H. Irons



Department Circular No. 1079 (First Revision)
Treasury Department
Office of the Secretary
Washington, D. C.


Fiscal Service
Bureau of Accounts


The following regulations were published in the Federal
Register on December 16, 1967.



/Department Circular No. 1079 (First Revision}/
Part 214, Subchapter A, Chapter II of Title 31 of the
Code of Federal Regulations /also appearing as Treasury Depart­
ment Circular No. 1079, dated March 3, 1967/ is hereby revised

- 2


effective January 1, 1968,^* to read as follows:

Scope of regulations.




Particular locations.


Designation of Depositaries for Federal taxes.




Handling of deposits of Federal taxes.


Specific instructions.


The provisions of this Part 214 issued under

sec. 10, 56 Stat. 356, as amended (12 U.S.C. 265); sec. 15,
38 Stat. 265 (12 U.S.C. 391); sec. 8, 40 Stat. 291, as amended
(31 U.S.C. 771); and sec. 6302(c), Internal Revenue Code of
1954, as amended.

The provisions of this part appear at 32 F.R.

18044, December 16, 1967.

§ 214.1

Scope of regulations.

The regulations in this part govern the designation and

The procedure prescribed by this part will supersede the
procedure prescribed by Part 213 of this chapter (Department
Circular 848 (Second Revision)) for the deposit of Federal taxes
for which the liability accrues on or after January 1, 1968.

qualification of Depositaries for Federal Taxes and the handl­
ing by them of deposits of Federal taxes.
§ 214.2


As used in this part, the term:

"depositary1' means a Depositary for Federal Taxes.
"Federal taxes" means those Federal taxes which have
been specified by the Secretary of the Treasury or his dele­
gate as eligible for payment through the procedure prescribed
by this part.
"Federal tax deposit form" means a form, pre-inscribed
with the name, address, and identification number of the tax­
payer, supplied to a taxpayer by the Treasury Department to
accompany deposits of Federal taxes made tinder the procedure
prescribed by this part.
§ 214.3

Particular locations.

For the purposes of this part,

depositaries located in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and
the Panama Canal Zone will be considered as being located in
the New York Federal Reserve district and those located in
Guam and American Samoa will be considered as being located
in the San Francisco Federal Reserve district.
§ 214.4

Designation of Depositaries for Federal taxes.

Every incorporated bank and trust company in the United
States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Panama Canal
Zone, Guam and American Samoa, and every United States branch

- 4 -

of a foreign banking corporation authorized by the State in
which it is located to transact commercial banking business,
is designated as a Depositary for Federal Taxes.
8 214.5


A depositary is not authorized to

act under its designation and the procedure prescribed by this
part until it has been qualified.


To qualify a depositary must file with

the Federal Reserve Bank of its district an application ac­
companied by a resolution of its board of directors authorizing
the application, both on forms available from the Federal Re­
serve Bank.


Receipt by a depositary of notice of

approval of its application by the Federal Reserve Bank com­
pletes the depositary*s qualification and creates an agreement
between it and the Treasury Department under which the depositary
agrees to be bound by all the terms and provisions of this part
and the provisions prescribed in § 202 of Executive Order 11246,
entitled nEqual Employment Opportunity11 (30 F.R. 12319).

Existing agreements.

Existing agreements between

depositaries and the Treasury Department shall continue in
effect without further action until terminated.

A depositary

which accepts a deposit of Federal taxes under an existing

- 5 -

agreement thereby agrees to be bound by all the terms and
provisions of this part and the provisions prescribed in
§ 202 of Executive Order 11246, entitled "Equal Employment
Opportunity" (30 F.R. 12319).

Termination of agreement.

The Secretary of the

Treasury may terminate at any time the agreement with any

Failure upon the part of a depositary to comply

with the terms of its agreement, or with instructions issued
pursuant to this part, may, in the discretion of the Secretary
of the Treasury, constitute grounds for the termination of the

A depositary may terminate its agreement by notice

in writing, to the Federal Reserve Bank of its district.
§ 214.6

Handling of deposits of Federal taxes.


Deposits with depositaries.

A depositary shall,

through any of its offices that accept demand or time- deposits

Accept from a taxpayer cash, a postal money

order drawn to the order of the depositary, or a check
or draft drawn on and to the order of the depositary,
which shall be without risk to the depositary, covering
an amount to be deposited as Federal taxes when ac­
companied by a Federal tax deposit form on which the
amount of the deposit has been properly entered in the
space provided.





When requested to do so by a taxpayer who makes

a deposit of Federal taxes in cash over the counter, is­
sue a counter receipt, which may be accomplished by com­
pleting and returning to the taxpayer the stub portion
of the Federal tax deposit form.

Place, in the space provided on the face of

each Federal .tax deposit form, a stamp impression re­
flecting the date on which the tax deposit was received
by the depositary, by reference to which the timeliness
of the tax payment will be determined, and the name and
location of the depositary.

Forward each day to the Federal Reserve Bank

of its district the Federal tax deposit forms, with
stubs detached, for all tax deposits received that day,
together with payment in funds immediately available at
the Federal Reserve Bank, or with advice that the amount
has been credited in the Treasury Tax and Loan Account
into which the depositary is authorized to credit funds
representing the payment of taxes pursuant to its desig­
nation as a Special Depositary of Public Money under the
provisions of Part 203 of this subchapter.

Each trans­

mittal shall be accompanied by a transmittal letter in


7 -

the form prescribed by the Federal Reserve Bank of the

Establish, prior to transmittal to the Federal

Reserve Bank, an

adequate record of all deposits of

Federal taxes so

that it will be able to identify de­

posits in the event tax deposit forms are lost in ship­
ment between it and the Federal Reserve Bank.

For this

purpose a record

must be made of each deposit, showing

as a minimum the

date ofdeposit, the

taxpayer*s identi­

fying number, and the amount of the deposit.

The de­

positary^ copies of transmittal letters may be used
to provide the necessary information if individual
deposits are listed separately showing date, taxpayer*s
identifying number, and amount.

Not accept compensation from taxpayers for

accepting deposits of Federal taxes and handling them
as required by this section.

Deposits with Federal Reserve Banks«

A Federal

Reserve Bank shall, through any of its offices:

Accept directly from a taxpayer cash, a check

or money order drawn to the order of the Bank, or Treasury
bills as authorized in Part 309 of this chapter, covering
an amount to be deposited as Federal taxes when accompanied



by a Federal tax deposit form on which the amount of
the deposit has been properly entered in the space

When requested to do so by a taxpayer who

makes a deposit of Federal taxes in cash over the counter
issue a counter receipt, which may be accomplished by com
pleting and returning to the taxpayer the stub portion of
the Federal tax deposit form.

Place, in the space provided on the face of

each Federal tax deposit form accepted directly from a
taxpayer, a stamp impression reflecting the date on
which the tax deposit was received by the Bank, by
reference to which the timeliness of the tax payment
will be determined, and the name of the Bank.
§ 214.7

Specific instructions.

Federal Reserve Banks are

authorized to issue instructions consistent with these
regulations for carrying out the requirements of this part.