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federal R e s e r v e B a n k o f D alla s DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 Circular No. 82-130 O ctober 13, 1982 REGULATION D SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN TIME DEPOSITS AS TRANSACTION ACCOUNTS TO THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ADDRESSED IN THE ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT: On O ctober 6, 1982, the Board o f G overnors o f the Federal R eserve S ystem am ended R egulation D. The am en dm ent c la s s ifie s a tim e deposit as a tran saction a ccou n t when it is issued by an arrangem ent that perm its the depositor to obtain cred it, d irectly or indirectly, through the drawing o f a check, draft, or sim ilar d e v ic e on the issuing institu tion th at can be used for the purpose o f making paym ents or tran sfers to third persons or others. The Board a c tio n was made e f f e c t i v e O ctober 5, and all such accou n ts estab lish ed on or a fte r this date should be reported as transaction accou n ts on the Report o f T ransaction A ccounts, Other D ep osits and Vault Cash, FR 2900, in item five. D ep o sits with such arrangem ents th at w ere establish ed before O ctober 5, 1982, will not be regarded as tran saction accou n ts until the deposit securing the line o f cred it is exten d ed or m atures and is renewed. R evised instructions to the FR 2900 r e fle c t in g the new reporting tr e a tm e n t will be issued later. If you or your s t a f f have any questions concerning the tr e a tm e n t o f the tim e deposit described above, please telep h on e Ms. Karen Salisbury or Ms. Carolyn Bishop by using the t o ll-f r e e numbers lis te d on the bottom o f this le t t e r , or by telephoning c o lle c t to AC (214) 651-6294 or AC (214) 698-4205. Additional co p ies o f this circular may be obtained by calling the D ep artm en t o f C om m unications, Financial and Com m unity A ffairs, Ext. 6289. Sincerely yours, William H. W allace First Vice President Banks and others are encouraged to use the following incoming W A T S numbers in contacting this Bank: 1-800-442-7140 (intrastate) and 1-800-527-9200 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus the extension referred to above. This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (