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o f




Circular No. 83-56
April 15, 1983

(Revised Slip Sheet)
There is attached a current copy of all amendments to Regulation D
(Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions) as effective March 31, 1983. This
revised slip sheet, dated April 1983, should be filed with Regulation D in the
Regulations Binder furnished by this Bank.
If you have any questions in this regard, please contact Allan Neale,
(214) 651-6334 at the Head Office; Javier Jimenez, (915) 544-4730 at the El Paso
Branch; Rodney Franklin, (713) 659-4433 at the Houston Branch; or Pete Castleberry,
(512) 224-2141 a t the San Antonio Branch.
Additional copies of this circular will be furnished upon request to the
Public Affairs Department, Extension 6289.
Sincerely yours,

William H. Wallace
First Vice President

Banks and others are encouraged to use the follow ing incom ing WATS numbers in contacting this Bank:
1-800-442-7140 (intrastate) and 1-800-527-9200 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus the
extension referred to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Amendments to Regulation D
Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions*
April 1983

1. Effective September 1, 1982, subparagraphs
(b)(2) and (c)(1) o f section 204.2 are amend­
ed to read as follows:

SECTION 204.2— Definitions

(b) • • •
(2) A “demand deposit” does not in­
clude (i) checks or drafts drawn by the
depository institution on the Federal Re­
serve or on another depository institu­
tion; (ii) a deposit or account issued pur­
suant to 12 CFR 1204.121, including
those with an original maturity or re­
quired notice period of 7 to 13 days; or
(iii) for depository institutions not sub­
ject to the rules of the Depository Institu­
tions Deregulation Committee under 12
USC 3501 et seq., a deposit or account
issued with an original maturity or re­
quired notice period of 7 to 13 days if
such deposit or account is nonnegotiable,
subject to a minimum balance of $20,000,
and not otherwise a transaction account
under section 204.2(e) of this part.
(c ) (1 ) * • •
(E ) that constitute a “savings depos­
it” which is not regarded as a “transac­
tion account;”
(ii) borrowings, regardless of maturi­
ty, represented by a promissory note,
an acknowledgment of advance, or
similar obligation described in section
2 0 4 .2 (a )(l)(v ii) that is issued to
* F o r th is r e g u la tio n to b e c o m p le te , as a m e n d e d e ffe c ­
tiv e M arch 31, 1983, d e s tro y th e s lip s h e et d a te d May 1982
a n d r e ta in —
• R e g u la tio n D p a m p h le t d a te d
coverf a n d
• th is s lip she et.

M arch


(see in sid e

Ite m s 3 a n d 5 w ere in c lu d e d o n th e May 1982 s lip sh e et.
All o th e r ite m s a re new . N ote th e d e f e r r e d e ffe c tiv e d a te s o f
ite m s 7 t h r o u g h 10.

any office located outside the United
States of another depository institu­
tion or Edge or agreement corpora­
tion organized under the laws of the
United States, to any office located
outside the United States of a for­
eign bank, or to institutions whose
time deposits are exempt from inter­
est rate limitations under section
217.3(g) of Regulation Q (12 CFR
217.3(g)); and
(iii) a deposit or account issued
pursuant to 12 CFR 1204.121, in­
cluding those with an original matu­
rity or required notice period of 7 to
13 days; or for depository institu­
tions not subject to the rules of the
Depository Institutions Deregula­
tion Committee under 12 USC 3501
et seq., a deposit or account issued
with an original maturity or re­
quired notice period of 7 to 13 days
if such deposit or account is nonne­
gotiable, subject to a minimum bal­
ance of $20,000, and is not otherwise
a transaction account under section
204.2(e) of this part.

2. Effective October 5, 1982, section 204.2(e) is
amended to read as follows:
(e) * • *
(4) deposits or accounts in which pay­
ments may be made to third parties by
means of an automated teller machine,
remote service unit or other electronic
(5) deposits or accounts in which pay­
ments may be made to third parties by
means of a debit card;
(6) deposits or accounts under the terms
of which, or which by practice of the de­
pository institution, the depositor is per­
mitted or authorized to make more than
three withdrawals per month for purpos1

Regulation D
es of transferring funds to another ac­
count or for making a payment to a third
party by means of preauthorized or tele­
phone agreement, order or instruction.
An account that permits or authorizes
more than three such withdrawals in a
calendar month, or statement cycle (or
similar period) of at least four weeks, is a
“transaction account” whether or not
more than three such withdrawals actual­
ly are made during such period. A
“preauthorized transfer” includes any ar­
rangement by the depository institution
to pay a third party from the account of a
depositor upon written or oral instruc­
tion (including an order received
through an automated clearing house
(A C H )), or any arrangement by a de­
pository institution to pay a third party
from the account of the depositor at a
predetermined time or on a fixed sched­
ule. An account is not a “transaction ac­
count” by virtue of an arrangement that
permits withdrawals for the purpose of
repaying loans and associated expenses at
the same depository institution (as origi­
nator or servicer); and
(7) deposits or accounts maintained in
connection with an arrangement that
permits the depositor to obtain credit di­
rectly or indirectly through the drawing
of a negotiable or nonnegotiable check,
draft, order or instruction or other simi­
lar device (including telephone or elec­
tronic order or instruction) on the issu­
ing institution that can be used for the
purpose of making payments or transfers
to third persons or others, or to a deposit
account of the depositor. Deposits that
were established before October 5, 1982,
subject to arrangements will not be re­
garded as transaction accounts until the
deposit issued in connection with the line
of credit is extended, or matures and is

3. Effective April 28, 1982, section 204.3(d) is
amended by adding at the end thereof a new
sentence to read as follows:

SECTION 204.3— Computation and

(« * )•••
(3) * • • The Board may require any
depository institution that is experiencing
above-normal growth to report on a
weekly basis prior to reporting $15 mil­
lion or more in total deposits for two
consecutive calendar quarters.
4. Effective October 28, 1982, section 204.4(b)
and (c) is amended to read as follows:

SECTION 204.4— Transitional





(b) Members and form er members. The re­
quired reserves of any depository institution
that is a member bank on September 1,
1980, or withdraws from membership after
March 31, 1980, shall be determined as fol­
lows: • * *
(c) Certain form er member banks. The re­
quired reserves of any depository institution
that was a member bank on July 1, 1979,
and withdrew from membership during the
period beginning on July 1, 1979, and end­
ing on March 31, 1980, shall be determined
by reducing the amount of required reserves
computed under section 204.3 in accord­
ance with the following schedule:
Reserve maintenance
periods occurring
October 28, 1982 and
October 26,1983
October 27, 1983 and
October 24, 1984
October 23, 1984 and
October 23, 1985
October 24, 1985
and forward

Percentage that computed
reserves will be reduced

However, an institution shall not reduce the
amount of required reserves on any category
o f deposits or accounts that are first autho­
rized under federal law in any state after April
1, 1980.

Regulation D
5. Effective April 28, 1982, section 204.4(e)(2)
is revised to read as follows:
S E C T IO N 204.4— Transitional
A djustm ents





7. Effective February 2, 1984 (the beginning of
the reserve maintenance period to which con­
temporaneous reserve requirements will ap­
ply), section 204.2(h), footnote 1 is amended
by deleting the word “
fourth" and inserting
in its place the word “second”.

(e) De novo institutions. • • •
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1 ), the
required reserves of any depository insti­
tution that—
8. Effective February 2, 1984, section 204.3,
(i) was not engaged in business on
paragraphs (c), (d), and (h) are revised to
November 18, 1981; and
read as follows:
(ii) has S50 million or more in daily
average total transaction accounts,
nonpersonal time deposits and Euro­
SE C T IO N 204.3— C om putation and
currency liabilities for any computa­
M aintenance
tion period after commencing business
shall be 100 percent of the required re­
(c) Computation o f required reserves.
serves computed under section 204.3
(1) Required reserves are computed on
starting with the maintenance period that
begins eight days after the computation
the basis of daily average balances of de­
period during which such institution has
posits and Eurocurrency liabilities during
daily average total transaction accounts,
a 14-day period ending every second
nonpersonal time deposits and Eurocur­
Monday (the “computation period”).
rency liabilities of SSO million or more.
Reserve requirements are computed by
applying the ratios prescribed in section
6. E ffective March 31, 1983, section 204.9(a) is
204.9 to the classes of deposits and Euro­
revised to read as follow s:
currency liabilities of the institution. The
reserve balance that is required to be
SE C T IO N 204.9— Reserve
maintained with the Federal Reserve
Requirem ent R atios
shall be maintained during a 14-day peri­
(a) Reserve percentages. The following re­
od (the "maintenance period” ) which
serve ratios are prescribed for all depository
begins on a Thursday and ends on the
institutions, Edge and agreement corpora­
second Wednesday thereafter.
tions and United States branches and agen­
(2) A reserve balance shall be main­
cies of foreign banks:
tained during a given maintenance peri­
od, based—
(i) on the daily average net transac­
Reserve requirement
tion accounts held by the depository
institution during the computation pe­
riod that began immediately prior to
$0-$26.3 million
3% of amount
the beginning of the maintenance peri­
Over $26.3 million
$789,(M ) plus 12%
od; and
of am ount over
(ii) on the daily average nonpersonal
$26.3 million
time deposits and daily average Euro­
currency liabilities held by the deposi­
By original maturity
tory institution during the computa­
(or notice period):
tion period that ended 17 days prior to
less than 2Vi years
the beginning of the maintenance
2'A years or more
(3) In determining the reserve balance
that is required to be maintained with the

Regulation D
Federal Reserve, the daily average vault
cash held during the computation period
that ended 17 days prior to the beginning
of the maintenance period is deducted
from the amount of the institution’s re­
quired reserves.
(d) Special rule for depository institutions
that have total deposits o f less than $15
(1) A depository institution with total
deposits of less than SIS million shall file
a report of deposits once each calendar
quarter for a seven-day computation pe­
riod that begins on the third Tuesday of a
given month during the calendar quarter.
Each Reserve Bank shall divide the de­
pository institutions in its District that
qualify under this paragraph into three
substantially equal groups and assign
each group a different month to report
during each calendar quarter.
(2) Required reserves are computed on
the basis of the depository institution’s
daily average deposit balances during the
seven-day computation period. In deter­
mining the reserve balance that a deposi­
tory institution is required to maintain
with the Federal Reserve, the daily aver­
age vault cash held during the computa­
tion period is deducted from the amount
of the institution’s required reserves. The
reserve balance that is required to be
maintained with the Federal Reserve
shall be maintained during a correspond­
ing period that begins on the fourth
Thursday following the end of the insti­
tution’s computation period and ends on
the fourth Wednesday after the close of
the institution’s next computation period.
Such reserve balance shall be maintained
in the amount required on a daily aver­
age basis during each week of the quar­
terly reserve maintenance period.

(3) * • *
(4) A depository institution that quali­
fies under this paragraph may elect at the
beginning of a calendar year to report de­
posits on a weekly basis and maintain re­
serves during 14-day reserve maintenance

periods in accordance with paragraph
(c) of this section.

(h) Carryover o f excesses or deficiencies.
(1) For a depository institution comput­
ing required reserves under paragraph
(c) of this section, any excess or deficien­
cy in a required reserve balance for any
maintenance period that does not exceed
the greater of the percentage set forth in
the schedule below of the institution’s re­
quired reserves (including required clear­
ing balances) or $25,000, shall be carried
forward to the next maintenance period.
Reserve maintenance
periods occurring

Percentage applied to
determine allowable

February 2, 1984 and
August 1, 1984


August 2, 1984 and
January 30, 1985


January 31, 1985 and


(2) For a depository institution report­
ing deposits and maintaining required
reserves under paragraph (d) of this sec­
tion, any excess or deficiency in a re­
quired reserve balance for any mainte­
nance period that does not exceed the
greater of 2 percent of the institution’s
required reserves (including required
clearing balances) or $25,000, shall be
carried forward to the next maintenance
(3) Any carryover not offset during the
next period may not be carried forward
to additional periods.

9. Effective February 2, 1984, section 204.4 is
amended by revising the schedule in para­
graph (a) as follows:

SECTION 204.4— Transitional

Regulation D

Resent maintenance
periods occurring
November 13,1980 to
September 2,1981
September 3,1981 to
September 1,1982
September 2, 1982 to
August 31, 1983
September 1, 1983 to
September 12, 1984
September 13, 1984 to
September 11, 198S
September 12, 1985 to
September 10, 1986
September 11, 1986 to
September 9,1987
September 10,1987 and

Percentage that
computed reserves
will be reduced

. .

10. Effective February 2, 1984, the third sen­
tence o f section 204.7(a)(1) is amended by
deleting the word “com putation"and insert­
ing the word “maintenance" in its place.

11. In section 204.4(b)(2), the second paren­
thetical citation is corrected to read ‘Y§
204.9(b))" rather than *Y§ 204.8(b))".