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F ederal r es er v e Ban k o f D allas


C i r c u l a r N o . 75-1 62
O ctober 24, 1975

A m e r ic a n R e v o l u tio n B ic e n te n n ia l


On O ctober 16, 1975, the Board of G o v e rn o rs of the Federal
R e s e rv e System p u b lis h e d r e g u la tio n s implementing th e Equal C re d it
O p p o rtu n ity Act, w hich fo r b id s d is c r im in a tio n by c r e d i t o r s on the b a sis
of s ex o r marital s ta tu s .
T he new Act, w hich makes th e Federal R e s e r v e r e s p o n s ib le
for w ritin g an implementing re g u la tio n , goes into effect O ctober 28, 1975.
Enforcement of th e Act is the re s p o n s ib il ity of th e Federal T r a d e Commis­
sion, the Federal R e s e rv e Board, the Federal Deposit I n s u ra n c e C o r p o r a ­
tion, the C o m p tro ller of the C u r r e n c y , a n d nine o th e r federal a g e n c ie s .
T h e Act c o v e r s all who r e g u l a r l y e x te n d c r e d i t , in clu ding b a n k s , finance
com panies, d e p a r tm e n t s t o r e s , a nd c r e d i t c a r d i s s u e r s .
Enclosed is a copy of th e Regulation for in s ertio n in y o u r R eg u ­
lations b i n d e r . If you h a v e a n y q u e s ti o n s r e g a r d i n g Regulation B, p le a se
contact Dick West of o u r R egulations D epartm ent at (214) 651-6169.
Additional copies of Regulation B will be f u r n i s h e d upon r e q u e s t
to the S e c r e t a r y 's Office of th is Bank.
Sincerely yours,
T . W. Plant
First Vice President

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


of the


(12 CFR 202)
Effective October 28, 1975


S e c . 2 0 2 .1 — A

u t h o r it y

S e c . 2 0 2 .2 — G


S e c . 2 0 2 .3 — D

e f in it io n s



S e c . 2 0 2 .9 — P r e s e r v a t io n



Se c . 2 0 2 .1 0 — C




R ule


o p e

e r t a in



S p e c ia l iz e d

Se c . 2 0 2 .5 — E

v a l u a t io n

S e c . 2 0 2 .6 — F

u r n is h in g
m a t io n

Se c . 2 0 2 .7 — R e q u e s t
Spo u se





P r o v is io n s .


S ig n a t u r e




S e c . 2 0 2 .1 3 — P e n a l t ie s

t io n




Sta t e L a









Statutory A

S e c . 2 0 2 .8 — S e p a r a t e A


a n d L ia b il it ie s

S e c . 2 0 2 .1 4 — T r a n s it io n P e r io d s



m ent



P erson

d m in is t r a t iv e


C r e d it I n f o r ­



is c e l l a n e o u s


p p l ic a t io n s



Se c . 2 0 2 .1 2 — A

p p l ic a t io n s


C r e d it

Se c . 2 0 2 .1 1 — M
S e c . 2 0 2 .4 — A




A .......................................................................


p p e n d ix





p p e n d ix

This regulation is based upon and issued pursuant to provisions of section 703 of the Equal Credit Oppor­
tunity Act, U.S.C., Title 1 5 , sec. 1 6 9 1 et seq.

(12 CFR 202)
Effective October 28, 1975


This Part comprises the regulations issued by
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System pursuant to the Equal Credit Opportunity
Act. (Pub. L. 93-495; 88 Stat. 1521 et seq.). This
Part applies to all persons who regularly extend,
offer to extend, arrange for or offer to arrange
for the extension of credit for any purpose what­
soever and in any amount.

A creditor shall not discriminate against any
applicant on the basis of sex or marital status
with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction.

For purposes of this Part, unless the context
indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply:
(a) Act means the Equal Credit Opportunity
Act (Pub. L. 93-495; 88 Stat. 1521 et seq.).
(b) Account means an extension of credit; “use
of an account” throughout this Part refers only
to open end credit.
(c) Applicant means any person who applies
to a creditor directly for an extension, renewal or
continuation of credit, or who applies to a creditor
* Note that for some purposes some of the definitions
are not identical with those found in 12 C FR 226 (Regu­
lation Z ).

indirectly by use of an existing credit plan for an
amount exceeding a previously established credit
limit. With respect to any creditor the term also
includes any person to whom credit is or has been
extended by that creditor.
(d) Application means an oral or written request
by an applicant for an extension of credit which
is made in accordance with procedures established
by a creditor for the type of credit requested. The
term does not include the use of an existing credit
plan to obtain an amount of credit which does not
exceeed a previously established credit limit.
(e) Arrange for the extension of credit means
to provide or offer to provide credit which is or
will be extended by another person under a busi­
ness or other relationship pursuant to which the
person arranging such credit participates in the
decision to extend credit to an applicant. The term
does not include participation in a credit transac­
tion which is limited to honoring a credit card.
(f) Consumer credit means credit offered or
extended to a natural person in which the money,
property or service which is the subject of the
transaction is primarily for personal, family or
household purposes.
(g) Contractually liable means expressly obli­
gated to repay all debts arising on an account by
reason of having signed an agreement to that effect.
(h) Credit means the right granted by a creditor
to an applicant to defer payment of a debt, or to
incur debt and defer its payment or to purchase
property or services and defer payment thereafter.
(i) Credit card means any card, plate, coupon
book or other single credit device existing for the
purpose of being used from time to time upon

§ 202.4

presentation to obtain money, property or services
on credit.
(j) Creditor means any person who regularly
extends, renews or continues credit or arranges
for the extension, renewal or continuation of
credit. The term includes assignees, transferees or
subrogees of an original creditor if they partici­
pate in the decision to extend credit, but does not
include a person whose only participation in a
credit transaction is to honor a credit card.
(k) Credit transaction means every aspect of
an applicant’s dealings with a creditor including,
but not limited to, solicitation of prospective appli­
cants by advertising or other means; information
requirements; investigatory procedures; standards
of creditworthiness; terms of credit; furnishing of
credit information and collection procedures.


(a) Discouraging applications. A creditor shall
not make any statements to applicants or prospec­
tive applicants which would, on the basis of sex
or marital status, discourage a reasonable person
from applying for credit or pursuing an applica­
tion for credit.
(b) Separate accounts. A creditor shall not re­
fuse, on the basis of sex or marital status, to
grant a separate account to a creditworthy appli­
(c) Inquiries as to marital status. (1) A creditor
shall not ask the applicant’s marital status if the
applicant applies for an unsecured separate ac­
count, except in a community property State or
as required to comply with State law governing
Discriminate against an applicant on the permissible finance charges or loan ceilings.
basis of sex or marital status means to treat an
(2) If the creditor asks the applicant’s marital
applicant less favorably than other applicants on
status, only the terms “married,” “unmarried” or
the basis of sex or marital status.
“separated” shall be used.
(m) Extension o f credit means the granting of
(3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of
credit in any form and includes, but is not limited
this subsection, a creditor may inquire as to the
to, credit granted in addition to any existing credit
liability to pay alimony, child support or mainte­
or credit limit; credit granted in the form of a
nance. Further, if a creditor first discloses to an
credit card, whether or not the card has been
applicant that income from alimony, child support
used; the refinancing of any credit; the consolida­
or maintenance payments need not be revealed
tion of two or more obligations; the issuance of a
if the applicant does not choose to disclose such
new credit card in place of an expiring credit card
income in applying for credit, a creditor may
or in substitution for an existing credit card; the
inquire whether any income stated in an applica­
continuing in force of a previously issued credit
tion is derived from such a source.
card; or the continuance of existing credit without
(4) Where an applicant is requested to desig­
any special effort to collect at or after maturity.
nate a title (such as Mr., Mrs., Ms. or Miss), the
(n) Marital status means the state of being un­
creditor shall state conspicuously that the designa­
married, married or separated, as defined by
tion of such title is optional. An application form
applicable State law. For purposes of this Part,
shall otherwise use only terms that are neutral as
the term “unmarried” includes a person who is
to sex unless other terms are required by an
divorced or widowed.
enforcement agency to monitor compliance with
Open end credit means credit extended pur­
this Part.
suant to a plan under which the creditor may
(d) Equal Credit Opportunity Act notice. (1) Ex­
permit the applicant to make purchases or obtain
cept where application is made by telephone, or
loans, from time to time, directly from the cred­
orally for an amount of credit to exceed an exist­
itor or indirectly by use of a credit card, check or
ing limit on an applicant’s open end account, the
other device, as the plan may provide. The term
creditor shall provide each applicant with the
does not include negotiated advances under an
following notice in writing:
open end real estate mortgage or a letter of credit.
T h e F ed eral Equal C red it O ppo rtun ity A ct prohibits
(p) Person means a natural person, a corpora­
creditors fro m discrim inating against credit applicants
tion, government or governmental subdivision or
on the basis o f sex o r m arital status. T h e F ederal
agency w hich adm inisters com pliance with this law
agency, trust, estate, partnership, cooperative or
concerning this (insert a p p ro p ria te description— bank,
store, e tc .) is (n a m e a n d address o f the ap p ro p riate
(q) State means any State, the District of
agency ).
Such notice shall be provided in a form
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or
that the applicant may retain, either:
any territory or possession of the United States.

(i) on a copy of the application form; or
(ii) on a separate sheet of paper delivered
to the applicant at the time application is made,
or delivered or mailed to the applicant as soon as
practicable thereafter.
Designation of name. A creditor shall not
prohibit an applicant from opening or maintain­
ing an account in a birth-given first name and
surname or a birth-given first name and a com­
bined surname.

(a) Continued ability to repay. Except as other­
wise provided in this section, a creditor may re­
quest and consider any information concerning
the probable continuity of an applicant’s ability to
repay if such information is requested and con­
sidered without regard to sex or marital status.
(b) Information about a spouse or former spouse.
(1) A creditor may request and consider any in­
formation concerning an applicant’s spouse (or
former spouse under (iv) below) which may be
considered about the applicant if:
(i) the spouse will be permitted to use the
account; or
(ii) the spouse will be contractually liable
upon the account; or
(iii) the applicant is relying on community
property or the spouse’s income as a basis for
repayment of the credit requested; or
(iv) the applicant is relying on alimony,
child support or maintenance payments from a
spouse or former spouse as a basis for repayment
of the credit requested.
(2) A creditor may request the name in which
an account is carried if the applicant discloses the
account in applying for credit.
(3) Except as permitted in this subsection, a
creditor may not request any information concern­
ing the spouse or former spouse of an applicant.
(c) Alimony, child support and maintenance
obligations. A creditor may ask and consider
whether and to what extent an applicant is obli­
gated to make alimony, child support or mainte­
nance payments.
(d) Alimony, child support and maintenance in­
come. (1) If a creditor first discloses to an appli­
cant that income from alimony, child support or
maintenance payments need not be revealed if the

§ 202.5
applicant does not choose to disclose such income
in applying for credit, a creditor may inquire
whether any income stated in an application is
derived from such a source.
Where an applicant chooses to disclose
alimony, child support or maintenance payments
under section 2 02 .4 (c)(3 ), a creditor shall con­
sider such payments as income to the extent that
such payments are likely to be consistently made.
Factors which a creditor may consider in deter­
mining the likelihood of consistent payments
include, but are not limited to, whether the pay­
ments are received pursuant to a written agree­
ment or court decree; the length of time the
payments have been received; the regularity of
receipt; the availability of procedures to compel
payment; and the creditworthiness of the payor,
including the credit history of the payor where
available to the creditor under the Fair Credit
Reporting Act or other applicable laws.
(e) Discounting income. A creditor shall not
discount the income of an applicant or an appli­
cant’s spouse on the basis of sex or marital status.
A creditor shall not discount income solely be­
cause it is derived from part-time employment,
but may consider the probable continuity of such
income in evaluating the creditworthiness of an
(f) Credit scoring. A creditor shall not take sex
or marital status into account in a credit scoring
system or other method of evaluating applications.
(g) Telephone listing in applicant’s name. A
creditor shall not take into account the existence
of a telephone listing in the name of an applicant
in a credit scoring system or other method of
evaluating applications. A creditor may take into
account the existence of a telephone in the appli­
cant’s home.
(h) Childbearing. A creditor shall not request
information about birth control practices or child­
bearing intentions or capability. Nor shall a credi­
tor consider in evaluating the creditworthiness of
an applicant aggregate statistics or assumptions
relating to the likelihood of any group of persons
bearing or rearing children, or for that reason
receiving diminished or interrupted income in the
(i) Change of name or marital status. (1) Except
as set forth in subsection (2) below, in the ab­
sence of evidence of inability or unwillingness to
repay, a creditor shall not take any of the follow­
ing actions with respect to a person who is con­


§ 202.6
tractually liable on an existing open end account
on the basis of a change of name or marital
(i) require a reapplication; or
(ii) require a change in the terms of the
account; or
(iii) terminate the account.
Where open end credit has been granted to
an applicant based on income which is earned
solely by the applicant’s spouse, a creditor may
require a reapplication on the basis of a change
in marital status.
(j) Credit history. To the extent that a creditor
considers credit history in evaluating applicants of
similar qualifications for a similar type and
amount of credit, a creditor shall include, in
evaluating creditworthiness:
(1) the credit history of accounts designated
under the requirements of section 202.6 as ac­
counts which the applicant and a spouse are
permitted to use or for which both are contrac­
tually liable, and, on the applicant’s request, any
information the applicant may present tending to
indicate that such history does not accurately
reflect the applicant’s willingness or ability to re­
pay; and
(2) on the applicant’s request, the credit his­
tory, when available, of any account reported in
the name of the applicant’s spouse or former
spouse which an applicant can demonstrate re­
flects accurately the applicant’s willingness or
ability to repay.
(k) U se and retention of prohibited information.
A creditor may not use any information pro­

hibited by the Act or this Part in evaluating appli­
cations. Retention of such information in the
creditor’s files does not violate the Act or this Part
where such information was obtained:
(i) from any source prior to June 30, 1976;
(ii) at any time from credit reporting agen­
cies; or
(iii) at any time from the applicant or
others, without the specific request of the creditor.
(1) State property laws. Consideration or appli­
cation of State property laws directly or indirectly
affecting creditworthiness shall not constitute dis­
crimination for purposes of this Part.
(m) Notification of action taken and reasons
for denial. (1) A creditor shall, within a reasonable
time after receiving an application, notify the
applicant of action taken upon the application.
(2) A creditor shall provide each applicant

who is denied credit or whose account is termi­
nated the reasons for such action, if the applicant
so requests.
A creditor may design its own form or
methods to satisfy this requirement. An example
of a possible form is set forth below.

Credit application:
_____ not completed
_____ lack of credit references
_____ credit reference too new to check
2____ Information furnished by:
X Y Z Credit Bureau
10 Main Street
A ny town, A ny state 00000
Phone no. 000-000-0000
_____ unemployed
_____ temporary or irregular
_____ unable to verify
_____ length of employment
_____ insufficient
_____unable to confirm
_____ information refused
5____ Residence:
_____ too short a period
_____ tem porary
6____ Other (specify)


Accounts established on or after November

For every account established on or
after November 1, 1976, a creditor shall:
(i) determine whether the account is one
which an applicant’s spouse, if any, will be per­
mitted to use or upon which both spouses will be
contractually liable, if such accounts are offered
by the creditor; and
(ii) designate any such account to reflect the
fact of participation of both spouses.
When furnishing information to consumer
reporting agencies or others concerning an account
1, 1 9 7 6 . (1)


§ 2 0 2 .6

designated under this section, a creditor shall re­
port the designation and furnish any information
concerning the account:
(i) to consumer reporting agencies, in a man­
ner which will enable the agencies to provide
access to information about the account in the
name of each spouse; and
(ii) to recipients other than such agencies, in
the name of each spouse.
(b) Accounts established prior to November 1,
1 9 7 6 . (1) With respect to any account established
prior to and in existence on November 1, 1976,
a creditor shall either:
(i) not later than November 1, 1976, deter­
mine whether the account is one which an appli­
cant’s spouse, if any, is permitted to use or upon
which both spouses are contractually liable; desig­
nate any such account to reflect the fact of parti­
cipation of both spouses; and comply with the
requirements of subsection (a)(2) above; or
(ii) mail or deliver to all applicants, or all
married applicants, in whose name the account is
carried on the creditor’s records the notice set
forth below. Such notice may be mailed with a
statement or other mailing. All such notices shall
be mailed by February 1, 1977. With respect to
open end accounts, this requirement may be satis­
fied by mailing a notice to all accounts for which
any statement is sent between November 1, 1976
and February 1, 1977. A creditor may supplement
the notice as necessary to permit identification of
the account.

less of who has been paying the bills or whose
income was used to obtain the account. As a
result, many married women do not have a credit
history in their own names, although their hus­
bands do. If a woman ever needs to obtain credit
on her own, for example, when divorced or
widowed, a credit history is usually necessary.
If your account(s) with us is a joint account
which you share with your spouse or an account(s)
in the name of one spouse which the other spouse
is authorized to use, you have the right to have
credit information concerning it reported in both
your name and your spouse’s name. If you choose
to have credit information concerning your ac­
count (s) with us reported in both your name and
the name of your spouse, please fill in the state­
ment below and return it to us.
Please note that the Federal regulation provides
that your signature below will not make either
you or your spouse legally liable for any different
or greater debts. It will only request that credit
information be reported in both your names.

When you furnish credit information on this
account, please report all information concerning
it in both our names as follows:

(print or type)

Account Number
(if any)

(print or type)

Signature of either spouse
The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act for­
bids all creditors from discriminating against any
applicant on the basis of sex or marital status in
any aspect of a credit transaction. Regulations
adopted under the Act give married persons the
right to have credit information concerning those
credit accounts that they hold or use jointly with
a spouse reported to consumer reporting agencies
and creditors in the names of both the wife and
husband. Accounts of married persons opened
before November 1976— even those opened in the
names of both spouses— are often reported in only
the husband’s name. This is generally true regard­

After November 1, 1976, a creditor shall,
within 90 days of receipt of a request to change
the manner in which information is reported to
consumer reporting agencies and others, when fur­
nishing information concerning any such account,
designate the account to reflect the fact of parti­
cipation of both spouses. The creditor shall report
the designation and furnish any information con­
cerning the account to any recipient other than a
consumer reporting agency in the name of each
spouse and, when reporting to consumer reporting
agencies, in a manner which will enable such agen­
cies to provide access to information about the
account in the name of each spouse.

§ 202.7


Finance charges and loan ceilings. When
A spouse’s signature on a request to change
the manner in which information concerning an
each spouse separately and voluntarily applies for
account is furnished shall not change the legal
and obtains a separate account with the same
liability of either spouse upon the account.
creditor, the accounts shall not be aggregated or
otherwise combined for purposes of determining
permissible finance charges or permissible loan
ceilings under the laws of any State or of the
United States. Permissible loan ceilings under the
laws of any State or of the United States shall be
construed to permit each spouse to be separately
(a) General. Except as provided in subsections
and individually liable up to the amount of the
(b) and (c) below, a creditor may not require the
loan ceiling less the amount for which both
signature of a spouse or other person on a credit
spouses are jointly liable. For example, in a State
instrument unless such a requirement is imposed
with a permissible loan ceiling of $1,000, if a
without regard to sex or marital status on all
married couple were jointly liable for $250, each
similarly qualified applicants who apply for a
spouse could subsequently become individually
similar type and amount of credit.
liable for $750.
(b) Unsecured credit in community property
States. Where a married applicant applies for un­
secured credit in a community property State, a
creditor may request or require the signature of
a non-applicant spouse if:
(a) For a period ending 15 months after the
(i) the applicable State law denies the appli­
date a creditor gives the applicant notice of action
cant power to manage or control sufficient com­
on an application, the creditor shall retain as to
munity property to qualify for the amount of
each applicant, in original form or a copy thereof:
credit requested under the creditor’s standards of
(1) any application form and all other
creditworthiness; and
written or recorded information used in evaluating
(ii) the applicant does not have sufficient
an application; and
separate property to qualify for the amount of
(2) any written statement submitted by the
credit requested without regard to any community
applicant alleging discrimination prohibited by
the Act or this Part.
(c) Signatures on certain instruments. Where a
(b) For a period ending 15 months after the
married or separated applicant applies for secured
date a creditor adversely changes the terms or
credit, the creditor may require the signature of
conditions of credit for an account, the creditor
the applicant’s spouse on such instruments as are
shall retain as to each account, in original form or
necessary, under the applicable statutory or deci­
a copy thereof:
sional law of the State, or are reasonably believed
(1) any written or recorded information
by the creditor to be so necessary, to create a
concerning such change in the terms and condi­
valid lien, pass clear title, waive inchoate rights to
tions; and
property or assign earnings.
(2) any written statement submitted by the
applicant alleging discrimination prohibited by the
Act or this Part.
(c) Any creditor which has actual notice that
it is under investigation for violation of this Part
by an enforcement agency charged with monitor­
(a) Separate extension o f consumer credit. Any
ing that creditor’s compliance with the Act and
provision of State law which prohibits the separate
this Part, or which has been served with notice
extension of consumer credit to each spouse shall
of an action filed pursuant to section 202.13 of
not apply in any case where each spouse volun­
this Part, shall retain the information required in
tarily applies for separate credit from the same
subsections (a) and (b) above until final disposi­
creditor. In any case where such a State law is
tion of the matter or such earlier time as may be
pre-empted, each spouse shall be solely respon­
ordered by the agency or court.
sible for the debt so contracted.

(a) General. Each type of credit referred to in
subsections (b), (c), (d), and (e) below shall be
subject only to section 202.1, the General Rule
stated in section 202.2, to sections 202.3, 202.4(a),
202.4(b), 202.4(e), 202.11, 202.12, 202.13 and
202.14, and to the other provisions, if any, spe­
cified in the applicable subsections of this section.
If a credit falls within more than one subsection
of this section, all sections of this Part referred
to in any such subsections shall apply unless the
credit falls within subsection (d), in which case
only the provisions specified in that subsection and
this subsection (a) shall apply.
(b) Incidental credit. Incidental credit shall be
subject to the provisions specified in sections
202.10(a) and 202.5(h). As used in this Part,
incidental credit is credit which meets all of the
following requirements:
(1) the credit is not represented by and does
not arise from the use of a credit card; and
(2) no finance charge as defined in section
226.4 of this Title (12 CFR 226.4 of Regulation
Z), late payment or other fee is or may be im­
posed other than statutory interest or other costs
recoverable in legal proceedings for the collection
of the credit; and
(3) there is no agreement by which the
credit may be payable in more than four instal­
(c) Business credit. Business credit shall be sub­
ject to the provisions specified in sections 202.10(a),
202.5 and 202.7. Section 202.9 shall only apply
in those transactions involving an application for
credit in the amount of $100,000 or less where
the applicant requests in writing that the creditor
retain such records. A creditor shall not, on the
basis of sex or marital status, fail to act on, or
unreasonably delay a decision on, an application
for business credit. As used in this Part, business
credit is credit granted for business, commercial or
agricultural purposes.
(d) Securities credit. Securities credit shall be
subject to the provisions specified in section
202.10(a), sections 202.5(a), 202.5(c) through
202.5(h), 202.5(j), 202.5(1), 202.5(m), 202.6(a)
and 202.9. Section 202.4(e) shall not apply to a
securities dealer insofar as the action described is
taken to prevent violation of rules regarding an
account in which a broker or dealer has an inter­
est, or rules necessitating the aggregating of

§ 202.10
accounts of spouses for the purpose of determining
controlling interests, beneficial ownership or pur­
chase limitations and restrictions. As used in this
Part, securities credit is credit subject to regula­
tion under section 7 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 or credit extended by a broker or
dealer who is subject to regulation as a broker or
dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Public utilities credit. Public utilities credit
shall be subject to the provisions specified in sec­
tion 202.10(a) and to sections 202.5 and 202.7.
As used in this Part, public utilities credit is
credit extended pursuant to transactions under
public utility tariffs involving services provided
through pipe, wire or other connected facilities, if
the charges for such public utility services, the
charges for delayed payment and any discount
allowed for early payment are filed with, reviewed
by or regulated by an agency of the Federal Gov­
ernment, a State or a political subdivision thereof.

(a) Mechanical errors. If a failure to comply
with sections 202.4(d), 202.5(j), 202.5(m) or
202.6 results from a mechanical, electronic or
clerical error made in good faith, it shall not be
a violation of the section if the creditor shows
by a preponderance of the evidence that at the
time of the noncompliance the creditor had estab­
lished and was maintaining suitable procedures to
assure compliance with the section.
(b) Inconsistent State laws. Except as provided
in section 202.8, this Part alters, affects or pre­
empts only those State laws which are incon­
sistent with this Part, and then only to the extent
of the inconsistency. Such a State law is not in­
consistent with this Part if the creditor can com­
ply with the State law without violating this Part.

As set forth more fully in Section 704 of
the Act, administrative enforcement of the Act
and this Part with respect to certain creditors is
assigned to the Comptroller of the Currency,
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem, Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, Federal Home Loan Bank

§ 202.13
Board acting directly or through the Federal Sav­
ings and Loan Insurance Corporation, Adminis­
trator of the National Credit Union Administra­
tion, Interstate Commerce Commission, Civil
Aeronautics Board, Secretary of Agriculture, Farm
Credit Administration, Securities and Exchange
Commission and the Small Business Administra­
Except to the extent that administrative en­
forcement is specifically committed to other
authorities, Section 704 of the Act assigns enforment of the Act and this Part to the Federal
Trade Commission.

Sections 706(a) through (e) of the Act pro­
vide for civil liability for actual and punitive
damages against any creditor who fails to comply
with the Act and this Part. Section 706(b) places
a $10,000 limitation on the amount of punitive
damages an aggrieved applicant may seek in an
individual capacity and Section 706(c) limits a
creditor’s class action liability for punitive dam­
ages to the lesser of $100,000 or 1% of the
creditor’s net worth at the time the action is
brought. Section 706(d) provides that an aggrieved
applicant may seek equitable relief in the nature
of a permanent or temporary injunction, restrain­
ing order or other action. Section 706(e) further
provides for the awarding of costs and reasonable
attorney’s fees to an aggrieved applicant who

brings a successful action under Sections 706(a)
through (d).
(b) Section 706(f) relieves a creditor from
civil liability resulting from any act done or
omitted in good faith in conformity with any rule,
regulation or interpretation by the Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System notwith­
standing that after such act or omission has oc­
curred, such rule, regulation or interpretation is
amended, rescinded or otherwise determined to be
invalid for any reason.
(c) Without regard to the amount in contro­
versy, any action under this Title may be brought
in any United States district court or in any other
court of competent jurisdiction, within one year
from the date of the occurrence of the violation.

Except as provided in section 202.6 with re­
spect to that section, the provisions of this Part
shall take effect as follows:
(a) Sections 202.1, 202.2, 202.3, 202.4(a), 202.5
(a), 202.5(c), 202.5(h), 202.5(j), 202.5(k), 202.5(1),
202.7(c), 202.8, 202.9(c), 202.10, 202.11, 202.12,
202.13 and 202.14 shall take effect on October 28,
(b) Sections 202.4(b), 202.4(e), 202.5(d), 202.5
(e), 202.5(f), 202.5(g), 202.9(a) and 202.9(b) shall
take effect on November 30, 1975.
(c) Sections 202.5(i), 202.5(m), 202.7(a) and
202.7(b) shall take effect on January 31, 1976.
(d) Sections 202.4(c), 202.4(d) and 202.5(b)
shall take effect on June 30, 1976.




Titles V and VII of Equal Credit Opportunity
Act, effective October 28, 1975


Administrative enforcement.
Relation to State laws.
Civil liability.
Effective date.

§ 701. Prohibited discrim ination


§ 501. Short title

(a) It shall be unlawful for any creditor to dis­
criminate against any applicant on the basis of
sex or marital status with respect to any aspect
of a credit transaction.
(b) An inquiry of marital status shall not con­
stitute discrimination for purposes of this title if
such inquiry is for the purpose of ascertaining the
creditor’s rights and remedies applicable to the
particular extension of credit, and not to discrimi­
nate in a determination of creditworthiness.

This title may be cited as the “Equal Credit
Opportunity Act”.

§ 70 2. Definitions

501. Short title.
502. Findings and purpose.
503. Amendment to the Consumer Credit Pro­
tection Act.

§ 502. Findings and purpose

The Congress finds that there is a need to insure
that the various financial institutions and other
firms engaged in the extensions of credit exercise
their responsibility to make credit available with
fairness, impartiality, and without discrimination
on the basis of sex or marital status. Economic
stabilization would be enhanced and competition
among the various financial institutions and other
firms engaged in the extension of credit would be
strengthened by an absence of discrimination on
the basis of sex or marital status, as well as by
the informed use of credit which Congress has
heretofore sought to promote. It is the purpose of
this Act to require that financial institutions and
other firms engaged in the extension of credit
make that credit equally available to all credit­
worthy customers without regard to sex or marital
§ 503. Amendment to the Consumer Credit Pro­
tection Act

The Consumer Credit Protection Act (Public
Law 90-321), is amended by adding at the end
thereof a new title VII:


701. Prohibited discrimination.
702. Definitions.
703. Regulations.

(a) The definitions and rules of construction
set forth in this section are applicable for the pur­
poses of this title.
(b) The term “applicant” means any person who
applies to a creditor directly for an extension, re­
newal, or continuation of credit, or applies to a
creditor indirectly by use of an existing credit plan
for an amount exceeding a previously established
credit limit.
(c) The term “Board” refers to the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
(d) The term “credit” means the right granted
by a creditor to a debtor to defer payment of debt
or to incur debts and defer its payment or to pur­
chase property or services and defer payment
(e) The term “creditor” means any person who
regularly extends, renews, or continues credit; any
person who regularly arranges for the extension,
renewal, or continuation of credit; or any assignee
of an original creditor who participates in the deci­
sion to extend, renew, or continue credit.
(f) The term “person” means a natural person,
a corporation, government or governmental sub­
division or agency, trust, estate, partnership, co­
operative, or association.
(g) Any reference to any requirement imposed
under this title or any provision thereof includes
reference to the regulations of the Board under
this title or the provision thereof in question.
§ 7 0 3 . Regulations

The Board shall prescribe regulations to carry
out the purposes of this title. These regulations


may contain but are not limited to such classifica­
tions, differentiation, or other provision, and may
provide for such adjustments and exceptions for
any class of transactions, as in the judgment of
the Board are necessary or proper to effectuate
the purposes of this title, to prevent circumvention
or evasion thereof, or to facilitate or substantiate
compliance therewith. Such regulations shall be
prescribed as soon as possible after the date of
enactment of this Act, but in no event later than
the effective date of this Act.


(8) The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, by
the Securities and Exchange Commission with re­
spect to brokers and dealers; and
(9) The Small Business Investment Act of 1958,
by the Small Business Administration, with respect
to small buiness investment companies.
(b) For the purpose of the exercise by any
agency referred to in subsection (a) of its powers
under any Act referred to in that subsection, a
violation of any requirement imposed under this
title shall be deemed to be a violation of a require­
ment imposed under that Act. In addition to its
§ 704. Administrative enforcement
powers under any provision of law specifically
(а) Compliance with the requirements imposed
referred to in subsection (a), each of the agencies
under this title shall be enforced under:
referred to in that subsection may exercise for
(1) Section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance
the purpose of enforcing compliance with any re­
Act, in the case of—
quirement imposed under this title, any other
authority conferred on it by law. The exercise of
(A) national banks, by the Comptroller of the
the authorities of any of the agencies referred to
in subsection (a) for the purpose of enforcing
(B) member banks of the Federal Reserve Sys­
compliance with any requirement imposed under
tem (other than national banks), by the Board.
this title shall in no way preclude the exercise of
(C) banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insur­
such authorities for the purpose of enforcing com­
ance Corporation (other than members of the
pliance with any other provision of law not relat­
Federal Reserve System), by the Board of Direc­
ing to the prohibition of discrimination on the
tors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
basis of sex or marital status with respect to any
(2) Section 5(d) of the Home Owners’ Loan
aspect of a credit transaction.
Act of 1933, section 407 of the National Housing
(c) Except to the extent that enforcement of
Act, and sections 6(i) and 17 of the Federal Home
the requirements imposed under this title is spe­
Loan Bank Act, by the Federal Home Loan Bank
cifically committed to some other Government
Board (acting directly or through the Federal Sav­
agency under subsection (a), the Federal Trade
ings and Loan Insurance Corporation), in the case
Commission shall enforce such requirements. For
of any institution subject to any of those provi­
the purpose of the exercise by the Federal Trade
Commission of its functions and powers under
(3) The Federal Credit Union Act, by the Ad­
the Federal Trade Commission Act, a violation
ministrator of the National Credit Union Admin­
of any requirement imposed under this title shall
istration with respect to any Federal Credit
be deemed a violation of a requirement imposed
under that Act. All of the functions and powers
(4) The Acts to regulate commerce, by the In­
of the Federal Trade Commission under the Fed­
terstate Commerce Commission with respect to
eral Trade Commission Act are available to the
any common carrier subject to those Acts.
Commission to enforce compliance by any person
(5) The Federal Aviation Act of 1958, by the
Civil Aeronautics Board with respect to any air
with the requirements imposed under this title,
carrier or foreign air carrier subject to that Act.
irrespective of whether that person is engaged in
(б) The Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921 (ex­
commerce or meets any other jurisdictional tests
cept as provided in section 406 of that Act), by
in the Federal Trade Commission Act.
the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to any
(d) The authority of the Board to issue regula­
activities subject to that Act.
The Farm Credit Act of 1971, by the Farm tions under this title does not impair the authority
of any other agency designated in this section to
Credit Administration with respect to any Federal
make rules respecting its own procedures in en­
land bank, Federal land bank association, Federal
forcing compliance with requirements imposed
intermediate credit bank, and production credit
under this title.

§ 705. Relation to State laws

(a) A request for the signature of both parties
to a marriage for the purpose of creating a valid
lien, passing clear title, waiving inchoate rights
to property, or assigning earnings, shall not con­
stitute discrimination under this title: Provided,
however, That this provision shall not be con­
strued to permit a creditor to take sex or marital
status into account in connection with the evalua­
tion of creditworthiness of any applicant.
(b) Consideration or application of State prop­
erty laws directly or indirectly affecting credit­
worthiness shall not constitute discrimination for
purposes of this title.
(c) Any provision of State law which prohibits
the separate extension of consumer credit to each
party to a marriage shall not apply in any case
where each party to a marriage voluntarily applies
for separate credit from the same creditor: Pro­
vided, That in any case where such a State law is
so peempted, each party to the marriage shall be
solely responsible for the debt so contracted.
(d) When each party to a marriage separately
and voluntarily applies for and obtains separate
credit accounts with the same creditor, those ac­
counts shall not be aggregated or otherwise com­
bined for purposes of determining permissible
finance charges or permissible loan ceilings under
the laws of any State or of the United States.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in this title,
the applicant shall have the option of pursuing
remedies under the provisions of this title in lieu
of, but not in addition to, the remedies provided
by the laws of any State or governmental subdivi­
sion relating to the prohibition of discrimination
on the basis of sex or marital status with respect
to any aspect of a credit transaction.
§ 706. Civil liability

Any creditor who fails to comply with any
requirement imposed under this title shall be liable
to the aggrieved applicant in an amount equal to
the sum of any actual damages sustained by such
applicant acting either in an individual capacity
or as a representative of a class.
Any creditor who fails to comply with any
requirement imposed under this title shall be liable
to the aggrieved applicant for punitive damages
in an amount not greater than $10,000, as deter­
mined by the court, in addition to any actual dam­
ages provided in section 706(a): Provided, how­

§ 705

ever, That in pursuing the recovery allowed under
this subsection, the applicant may proceed only in
an individual capacity and not as a representative
of a class.
(c) Section 706(b) notwithstanding, any creditor
who fails to comply with any requirement im­
posed under this title may be liable for punitive
damages in the case of a class action in such
amount as the court may allow, except that as to
each member of the class no minimum recovery
shall be applicable, and the total recovery in such
action shall not exceed the lesser of $100,000 or
1 percent of the net worth of the creditor. In
determining the amount of award in any class
action, the court shall consider, among other
relevant factors, the amount of any actual dam­
ages awarded, the frequency and persistence of
failures of compliance by the creditor, the re­
sources of the creditor, the number of persons ad­
versely affected, and the extent to which the
creditor’s failure of compliance was intentional.
(d) When a creditor fails to comply with any
requirement imposed under this title, an aggrieved
applicant may institute a civil action for preven­
tive relief, including an application for a perman­
ent or temporary injunction, restraining order, or
other action.
(e) In the case of any successful action to en­
force the foregoing liability, the costs of the
action, together with a reasonable attorney’s fee
as determined by the court shall be added to any
damages awarded by the court under the pro­
visions of subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this
(f) No provision of this title imposing any
liability shall apply to any act done or omitted in
good faith in conformity with any rule, regulation,
or interpretation thereof by the Board, notwith­
standing that after such act or omission has oc­
curred, such rule, regulation, or interpretation is
amended, rescinded, or determined by judicial or
other authority to be invalid for any reason.
(g) Without regard to the amount in contro­
versy, any action under this title may be brought
in any United States district court, or in any other
court of competent jurisdiction, within one year
from the date of the occurrence of the violation.
§ 707. Effective date

This title takes effect upon the expiration of one
year after the date of its enactment.

From the list that follows, you will be able to tell which Federal Agency enforces Regulation B for your
particular business. Any questions you have should be directed to that agency.
National Banks

Comptroller of the Currency
Washington, D.C. 20219
State Member Banks

Federal Reserve Bank serving the area in which the State member bank is located.
Nonmember Insured Banks

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Supervising Examiner for the District in which the nonmember
insured bank is located.
Savings Institutions Insured by the FSLIC and Members of the FHLB System (except for Savings Banks
insured by FDIC)

The FHLBB’s Supervisory Agent in the Federal Home Loan Bank District in which the institution is
Federal Credit Unions

Regional Office of the National Credit Union Administration, serving the area in which the Federal
Credit Union is located.
Creditors subject to Civil Aeronautics Board

Director, Bureau of Enforcement
Civil Aeronautics Board
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20428
Creditors Subject to Interstate Commerce Commission

Office of Proceedings
Interstate Commerce Commission
Washington, D.C. 20523
Creditors Subject to Packers and Stockyards Act

Nearest Packers and Stockyards Administration area supervisor.
Retail, Department Stores, Consumer Finance Companies, All Other Creditors, and All Nonbank Credit
Card Issuers

Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D.C. 20580
Small Business Investment Companies

U.S. Small Business Administration
1441 L Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20416
Brokers and Dealers

Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549
Federal Land Banks, Federal Land Bank Associations, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks and
Production Credit Associations

Farm Credit Administration
490 L’Enfant Plaza S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20578