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F ederal Reserve Ba n k DALLAS, TEXAS of Dallas 75222 C i r c u la r No. 78-63 May 19, 1978 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO REGULATION T — CREDIT BY BROKERS AND DEALERS C r e d it by B r o k e r s a n d D ealers on N on c o n v ertib le C o rp o ra te Debt S e c u r itie s Not Listed on a National S e c u ritie s Exch an g e; Uniform Loan Value For All Eligible N o n co n v ertib le C o r p o ra te Debt S e c u ritie s TO ALL BANKS, BROKERS/DEALERS, REGULATION C REGISTRANTS, AND OTHERS CONCERNED IN THE ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT: Following is th e te x t of a s tatem ent is s u e d b y the Board of G o v e rn o rs of th e Fed eral R e s e r v e System : T h e Board of G o v e rn o rs of th e Fed eral R e s e rv e System today (May 4) p r o p o s e d to am end its R egulation T (C re d it b y B r o k e r s and D ealers) to p e rm it a b r o k e r o r d e a l e r to e x te n d a n d maintain c r e d i t on c e r ta in n o n c o n v e r tib le c o r p o r a te b o n d s , with a 30 p e r c e n t m arg in req u irem en t. T h e Board a s k e d fo r comment by J u n e 15, 1978. T h e p ro p o s a l would affect c e r ta i n c o r p o r a t e b o n d s sold on the O v e rth e - C o u n te r (OTC) m a rk e t, r a t h e r than on a national s e c u r it ie s e x c h a n g e . T h e e x is tin g Regulation T allows c r e d i t to be e x te n d e d a n d maintained on only th ose b o n d s w hich a r e listed on national s e c u r it ie s e x c h a n g e s . T h e Board m ain tain s a list of some 1,100 s to ck s sold o v e r - t h e c o u n te r on w hich b r o k e r s a n d d e a l e r s may e x te n d c r e d i t u p to a limit, c u r r e n t l y 50 p e r c e n t , e s ta b lis h e d b y th e B o a rd . T h e e x is tin g OTC M argin List in c lu d e s five c o n v e r tib le c o r p o r a t e b o n d s (debt is su e s th a t may b e c o n v e r te d to e q u ity is su e s ) on w h ich m a rg in c r e d i t may be g iv e n . T h e Board p r o p o s e d t h a t m a rg in c r e d i t be e x te n d e d a n d maintained b y b r o k e r s a n d d e a l e r s on n o n c o n v e r tib le c o r p o r a te d e b t is s u e s sold on th e OTC m a rk e t w h ic h h a v e the following c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ( - 2 — At th e time c r e d i t is e x t e n d e d , th e o u ts ta n d in g p rin c ip a l amount of th e i s s u e is not less than $25 million. — All p a y m e n ts of p rin c ip a l a n d in te r e s t on the is s u e s a r e c u r r e n t a t th e time c r e d i t is e x t e n d e d . — T h e i s s u e w as r e g i s t e r e d with the S e c u ritie s a n d E x c h a n g e Commission a n d the i s s u e r is p r o v id i n g c u r r e n t r e p o r t s u n d e r SEC re g u la tio n s . T h e Board p r o p o s e d t h a t the m a rg in (down payment) r e q u i r e d for n o n c o n v e rtib le c o r p o r a te b o n d s , sold e it h e r on the OTC m a rk e t o r on national e x c h a n g e s , sh o uld be 30 p e r c e n t . T h e m arg in re q u ir e m e n t for c o n v e r t i b l e c o r p o r a t e b o n d s on the B o a r d 's OTC lis t, or r e g i s t e r e d on a national e x c h a n g e , re m a in s 50 p e r c e n t . P r in te d on the following p a g e s is a copy of the B o a r d 's o r d e r as subm itted for p u b lic a tio n in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Comments on th e p ro p o s e d am en d m ent sh o u ld be s ub m itted in w ritin g to th e S e c r e t a r y , Board of G o v e rn o rs of the Federal R e s e r v e S y ste m , W ashington, D .C . 20551. All comments m ust be re c e iv e d by J u n e 15, 1978, a n d sh o u ld r e f e r to Docket No. R-0080. S in c e re ly y o u r s , Robert H . Boykin F ir s t Vice P r e s id e n t Proposed Rulem aking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [12 CFR 220] [Reg. T; Docket Wo. R-0080] Credit by brokers and dealers on no nconvcrtible corporate debt securities not listed on a national securities exchange; uniform loan value for all eligible nonco nverti ble corporate debt securities. AGENCY: Board of Governors ACTION: Proposed of the Federal Reserve System. rule. SUMMARY: The Board proposes or dealer to extend debt securities to amend Reg ulatio n T to permit and maintain credit not listed on a national satisfy certain criteria as to size tion and current proposal debt securities, and a uniform loan value whether securities of issue, payments of principal provides on nonconver tible corporate exchange which availability interest. a broker of informa In addition, for all noncon vertib le listed or unlisted, that are eligible the corporate for loan value. DATE: Comments must ADDRESS: Secretary, Washington, D. C. writing and should be received on or before June 15, Board of Governors 20551. All materials include the docket F O R FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: or Laura M. Homer, Banking S u pervis ion and Regulation, R e s e r v e System, Washington, D. C. of the Federal R e s e r v e System, submitted shall be in nu mber R-0080. Robert Chief Attorney, 1973. S. Plotkin, Assistant Director, Securities Regulation, Div ision of Board of Governors of the Federal 20551, (202) 452-2782. - SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In July of the Securities Exchange Act authorize the Board brokers, dealers 1968, Congress 1934 (15 U.S.C. to control credit and others listed on a national authority was with securities limited, respect 78g) ("the Act") to securities exchange with amended Section extended or maintained (" O r e " ) market. the "over-the-counter" Board's of 2 - but rather Prior respect 7 to by banks that are not are traded in to this amendment, to brokers the and dealers, to credit extended for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities listed on a national securities an absolute prohibition against or exchange, and municipal Board's authority e xer cised "Exempt obligations) have contained securities" by a broker (generally always been excluded to set margin requirements. Since 1968, from the the Board has its new authority by adopting criteria and selecting equity securities traded m a r g i n credit. is revised the Act the extension of credit dealer on all other securities. Federal and in the OTC market The Board publishes periodically; some 1,100 that are eligible of OTC Margin Stocks, issues are presently on the List. a debt equity security is considered to be an equity security debt for a List For purposes of Regul ation T, are pre sently five convertible those security securities convertible and which into an there on the Board's List of OTC M a r g i n Stocks. The National A s s o c i a t i o n of Securities Dealers, has requested dealers the Board to amend R e g u l a t i o n T to permit to extend and maintain credit on any unlisted Inc. brokers ("NASD") and nonconvertible - 3 - corporate respect debt securities which meet to size of issue and rating by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating service. The Board believes merit. that Extending marginability promote competitive markets. the NASD's to unlisted equality and improve Such action may, moreover, issues of debt securities Act Amendments of 1975. to prevent an orderly manner. self-executing securities the need the efficiency of capital companies in marketing n e w the trading of debt the Board has responsibility from being extended, be established, that debt collateral To this end, securities system contemplated by the Securities that certain criteria should likelihood request has considerable corporate bonds would On the other hand, destabilizing credit a reasonable aid and facilitate more easily in the national market agreed certain m i n i m u m standards with the Board can and it is generally so that there be liquidated is seeking to adopt is in a rule with criteria readily ascertainable by the industry and the investing public - thereby eliminating for a published List. The Board unlisted nonconvertible corporate debt margin credit by brokers (1) and dealers A principal amount (2) (3) that for if: less than $25 m i l l i o n of of the extension All payments of principal not in default at therefore securities be eligible of not the issue is outstanding at the time proposes or interest the time of the exte nsion of credit; are current of credit; and and, The issue is registered under the Securities Act of and current reports are provided Securities Exchange Act of 1934. by the issuer inaccordance with 1933 the Comments are requested on the advisability of using this criteria, bonds particularly the requirement o utstanding of not The Board required, whereas 100% further A l t ho ugh exchanges price and volume be "thin". to set a specific information is the Board noted is minimal, Accordingly, level be extended on unlisted for bonds the Board of equity similarity setting corporate bonds. the level corporate bonds on the appropriateness of that for information believes for that to credit at it is necessary that will speculative in margin accounts. the listed and unlisted regulatory time, for botn amount. and many for some issues may, should and the public the major (generally 30%). level of margin At the present of margin required at 30%, such cushions to promote that conceivably permit in order to prevent of both corporate bonds to be It noted requirement respect corporate bonds and in order for unlisted of generally available and markets is of the opinion that the same required could that of margin with and possible erosion In view of the economic markets of margin require a somewhat high er margin cor porat e OTC bonds excesses level impose a 25% maintenance e x c h a n ge -trade d bonds, listed the to be extended on listed corporate bonds, brokerage houses Board considered present Regul a t i o n T r equirements securities amount less than $25,000,000. should the proposed regu latio n be adopted. loan value times, of a principal equality, that may be also be required the Board listed is invited the for is considering and unlisted to submit comments - 5 - The proposed requirements will affect only extensions of credit by brokers and dealers subject affect banks subject prohibits the Board to Reg ul a t i o n U since Act of 1934, to Sections as amended 7 and (15 U.S.C. * (i ) 23 of the Securities Exchange 78g and w ) , the Boa rd proposes * * forth below: credit on exempted securities creditor in good faith. to Re gulati on T). from time Call options For the purpo se of this paragraph, means a debt security which is amount of not to time in § 220.8 (the may be issued, it is an exempted endorsed security security. the term "margin non-e quity listed on a national security which meets all of the At The of a margin non-equit y in this account on any underly ing equity which is held in this account because (1) securities. security shall be determined by the The m a ximum loan value shall be as prescribed or guaranteed a creditor may extend and maintain and margin non-equity m a x i m u m loan value of an exempted Supplement * Special bond a c c o u n t . In a special bond account or a debt to credit SPECIAL AC COUNTS * security sp ecifically securities. to amend R e g u l a t i o n T (12 C F R 220) as set § 220.4 — the Act from applying margin requirements extended by banks on non-equity Pursuant to R e g u l a t i o n T and will not securities security" exchange following requirements: the time of the exte nsion of credit, less than $25,000,000 of the issue is outstanding. a principal - (2) Securities Act pursuant The issue was 6 - registere d under of 1933 and the issuer in section 12(g)(2)(G) (3) has At on interest or meets all periodic reports for believing that principal k of the conditions of the Act. the time of the e x t e nsion a reasonable basis §220.8 -- files to section 13(a) or 15(d) of tne Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or is an insurance company which specified either section 5 of the of credit, the creditor the issuer is not in default payments. k k k k k k k k SUPPLEMENT k (b) M a x i m u m Loan Value for a Special The m a x i m u m loan value of shall be 70 per cent of its current Bond A c c o u n t . a margin non-equity security market value as determined by any reasonable method. To aid in considerat ion of this matter by the Board, interested persons comments, are invited or arguments. number R-0080. Such to submit All material relevant should material will be made and copying upon request, except include available as provided Board's Rules R egar d i n g Availabi lity data, the docket for inspection in § 261.6(a) of of Information By order of the Board of Governors, views, May (signed) 1, the (12 C F R 261.6(a)). 1978. Theodo re E. A l lis on T h e od ore E. Allison Secretary of the Board [SEAL]