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F ederal r eser ve ba n k o f Dallas


C ir c u l a r No. 75-139
S e p te m b e r 16, 1975


It is a p l e a s u r e to a n n o u n c e th a t the Board of D ire c tors of the
Federal R e s e r v e Bank of Dallas h a s elected L a r r y J . Reck to th e official
position of Data P r o c e s s in g Officer, effective Sep te m b e r 16, 1975. Mr.
Reck s u c c e e d s J . W. Harlow, J r . , who r e s i g n e d , effective A u g u st 13,
1975, to a c c e p t a n o t h e r position.
A native of Elec tra , T e x a s , Mr. Reck holds B . S . a n d M .S. d e ­
g r e e s in mathematics from East T e x a s State U n i v e r s i t y , Commerce, T e x a s ,
a n d has com pleted v a r io u s c o u r s e s offered by the A m erican Institute of
Banking a n d by IBM. His n in e y e a r s of e x p e r i e n c e in the field of com­
p u te r s c ie n c e inc lud e employment with Chilton C om puter Company an d
LTV E le c tro s y s te m s, Inc. For the p a st five y e a r s Mr. Reck has been em­
ployed by th e Federal R e s e r v e Bank of Dallas, w h e re he has had s u p e r ­
v i s o r y r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of the A n a ly sis an d Program m ing Section of th e Data
S e rv ic e s D ep artm en t. He was A pplications System s A d m in is tra to r in th a t
d e p a r tm e n t a t th e time of his pro m otion. As Data P r o c e s s in g Officer, Mr.
Reck will have d i r e c t s u p e r v i s i o n of th e Data S e r v ic e s D e p artm en t.
A complete list of th e officers of this Bank an d its B r a n c h e s , ef­
fective S e p te m b e r 16, 1975, is shown on the r e v e r s e of th is c i r c u l a r .
Sincerely you rs,

E r n e s t T . Baughman

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Ernest T . B a u g h m a n ------------------------- P resid en t
T . W. Plant -------------------------------------- F irst Vice P resid en t
Robert H. Boykin ---------------------------- Senior Vice P resid en t and S ecretary
James L. Cauthen ---------------------------- Senior Vice P resid en t
T o n y J . S a l v a g g i o ---------------------------- Senior Vice P res id en t
Robert A. Brown ---------------------------- General Auditor
George F. Rudy ------------------------------- General Counsel
Joseph E. B u r n s ------------------------------- Vice P resid en t
George C. Cochran, III---------------------- Vice P res id en t
Leon W. Cowan ------------------------------- Vice P res id en t
Ralph T . Green ------------------------------- Vice P re s id e n t and Senior Economic A dv iser
L arry D. Higgins ---------------------------- Vice P res id en t
Carl H. M o o r e ---------------------------------- Vice P resid en t
W. M. Pritchett ------------------------------- Vice P re s id e n t
F red ric W. R e e d ------------------------------- Vice P res id en t
Harry E. Robinson, J r . ------------------ Vice P res id en t
Rasco R. Story ------------------------------- Vice P residen t
Thomas R. Sullivan ------------------------- Vice P resid en t
E. W. Vorlop, J r . ---------------------------- Vice P res id en t and Controller
Sidney J . A lex a n d er, J r .
--------------- Assistant Vice P resid en t
Richard D. I n g r a m ---------------------------- A ssistan t Vice P re s id e n t and
A s s is tan t S e c re ta ry
William H. K e l l y ------------------------------- A ssistan t Vice P res id en t
J e s s e D. S an ders ---------------------------- A ssistan t Vice P res id en t
Robert Smith, III ---------------------------- A ssistant Vice P re s id e n t and
A ssistan t S e c re ta ry
T. E. S p ren g ---------------------------------- A ssistant Vice P resid en t
E. A. T h axton, J r . ------------------------- A ssistant Vice P resid en t
C. L. Vick -------------------------------------- A ssistant Vice P resid ent
John C. B l a k e ---------------------------------- Chief Examiner
C. J . P ickering ------------------------------- Planning Officer
L arry J . R e c k ---------------------------------- Data Processing Officer
Carla M. Warberg ---------------------------- R esearch Officer
Carroll D. B l a k e ------------------------------- Bank Relations Officer and
A ssistant S e c re ta ry
J . A. Clymer ---------------------------------- Operations Officer
Thomas H. Rust ------------------------------- Personnel Officer
Sammy T . S c h u l z e ---------------------------- A ssistan t General Auditor
Millard E. Sweatt, J r . ---------------------- A ssistan t Counsel
El Paso Branch
F red ric W. R e e d ------------------------------- Vice P res id en t in C h arge
F o rre st E. Coleman ------------------------- A ssistant Vice P resid en t
Joel L. Koonce, J r . ------------------------- Operations Officer
Houston Branch
James L. Cauthen ---------------------------- Senior Vice P re s id e n t in C harge
Rasco R. Story ------------------------------- Vice P res id en t
J . Z. Rowe -------------------------------------- A ssistan t Vice P res id en t
Vernon L. Bartee ---------------------------- Operations Officer
Sammie C. Clay ------------------------------- Operations Officer
San Antonio Branch
Carl H. M o o r e ---------------------------------- Vice P re s id e n t in C harge
Thomas H. Robertson ---------------------- A ssistan t Vice P resid en t
Thomas C. Cole ------------------------------- Operations Officer
Robert W. Schultz ---------------------------- Operations Officer

Effective September 16, 1975