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Circular No. 82-54
May 7, 1982


Larry N. Hill, Assistant Vice President of this Bank, has
elected to take deferred early retirement effective May 7, 1982, to
accept a position as Executive Director of the North Texas Regional
Clearing House Association. I am sure that you join me in extending our
very best wishes to Mr. Hill in his new responsibilities.
A complete list of the officers of this Bank and its Branches,
effective May 10, 1982, is shown on the reverse of this circular.
Sincerely yours,

Banks and others are encouraged to use the following incoming W A T S numbers in contacting this Bank:
1-800-442-7140 (intrastate) and 1-800-527-9200 (interstate). For calls placed locally, please use 651 plus the
extension referred to above.

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


Head Office

N am e

R o b ert H. Boykin --------------------------------------------------William H. W a l l a c e --------------------------------------------------J o s e p h E. B u r n s -----------------------------------------------------George C. C o c h r a n , I I I ------------------------------------------J a y K. M a s t ------------------------------------------------------------H a rry E. R o b in so n , J r . ----------------------------------------Neil B. Ryan ---------------------------------------------------------T ony J . S a lv a g g io ----------------------------------------------------Robert A. Brown --------------------------------------------------J a c k A. C ly m er -----------------------------------------------------Billy J . D u s e k ---------------------------------------------------------Anthony J . Montelaro -------------------------------------------L a r r y J . R e c k ---------------------------------------------------------Sammy T . S c h u l z e --------------------------------------------------P hillip E. S e lle r s --------------------------------------------------Robert Smith, III --------------------------------------------------Millard E. Sweatt, J r . -------------------------------------------E. W. V orlop, J r . --------------------------------------------------C arla M. W a rb e rg --------------------------------------------------Uzziah A n d e rs o n
--------------------------------------------------R ic h a rd L. B a r n e s --------------------------------------------------T . Guy B r o w n ---------------------------------------------------------T e r r y B. Campbell
-----------------------------------------------F o r r e s t E. Coleman -----------------------------------------------R ic h a rd D. I n g r a m --------------------------------------------------Donald L. J a c k s o n --------------------------------------------------J o h n n y L. J o h n s o n -----------------------------------------------Billy B. M u s g r a v e --------------------------------------------------Jam es E. P e a r c e -----------------------------------------------------William M. Rettie --------------------------------------------------M a ry M . Rosas -----------------------------------------------------Thomas H. R u s t -----------------------------------------------------J e s s e D. S a n d e r s --------------------------------------------------L a rry M. Snell -----------------------------------------------------C. L. Vick ------------------------------------------------------------William A. T r i b b l e ---------------------------------------------------

P r e s id e n t
F i r s t Vice P r e s id e n t
S e n io r Vice P re s id e n t
S e n io r Vice P r e s id e n t
S e n io r Vice P r e s id e n t
S e n io r Vice P r e s id e n t
S e n io r Vice P r e s id e n t
S e n io r Vice P r e s id e n t
G eneral A uditor
Vice P re s id e n t
Vice P re s id e n t
Vice P r e s id e n t
Vice P re s id e n t
Vice P re s id e n t
Vice P re s id e n t
Vice P r e s id e n t a n d S e c r e ta r y
Vice P r e s id e n t a n d General Counsel
Vice P r e s id e n t a n d C o n tro lle r
Vice P r e s id e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P re s id e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t
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A s s is ta n t Vice P re s id e n t
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A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t
A s s is ta n t G eneral Counsel an d
A s s is ta n t S e c r e ta r y

El Paso B ran ch
Joel L. Koonce, J r . -----------------------------------------------R obert W. S chultz --------------------------------------------------William L. Wilson ---------------------------------------------------

Vice P r e s id e n t in C h a r g e
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t

Houston B ran ch
J . Z. Rowe ------------------------------------------------------------V ern o n L. B artee --------------------------------------------------Sammie C. Clay -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A n d rew W. Hogwood, J r .

S e n io r Vice P r e s id e n t in C h a rg e
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s i d e n t

San Antonio B ra n c h
Thom as
Jo h n A.

H. R ob ertso n -------------------------------------------B u l l o c k -----------------------------------------------------C. Cole -----------------------------------------------------G. V alencia, J r . ----------------------------------------

E ffe ctiv e May 7, 1982

Vice P r e s i d e n t in C h arg e
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s i d e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t
A s s is ta n t Vice P r e s id e n t