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D A L L A S 13. T E X A S

August 1, 1946

To All Banks of the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District
This is to advise that the Oak Lawn National Bank of
Dallas, Dallas, Texas, a newly organized institution located in
the territory served by our Head Office, opened for business
today as a member of the Federal Reserve System.
The new member bank has paid in capital funds of $300,000
comprised of capital $200,000, surplus $50,000, and undivided
profits of $50,000.
Its officers and directors are as follows:
Ben H. Wooten, Chairman of Board
Will C. Jones, Jr., President
Walter F. Johnson, Vice President and Cashier
Harold F. Durr, Assistant Cashier
F. G. Henry, Assistant Cashier
Clayton Ayers
J. M. Bradshaw
B. B. Brown
George P. Cullum
Delmer David
Myron Everts

Fred F. Florence
Will C. Jones, Jr.
Dr. W . G. Maddox
Dr. R. B. McBride
A . H. Meadows
H. N. Pierce
J. P. Rice

L. J. Sharp
Eugene B. Smith
C. J. Tyson
C. P. Van Winkle
D. K. Woodward, Jr.
Ben H. Wooten

We are informed that checks drawn on the new institution
are collectible through the Dallas Clearing House, and accord­
ingly, cash items received for collection by the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas will be handled on an immediate credit basis
under the terms of our current bulletin on Transit Operations.
Yours very truly,
This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (