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Reserve Bank



October 29, 1965

To the M e m b e r B a n k s of the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:

In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act and my circular dated September 24,
1965, in regard to the election of directors of this Bank to succeed Mr. Ralph A. Porter, Class A Director, and
Mr. J. B. Perry, Jr., Class B Director, whose terms expire December 31, 1965, there are given herein the names of
the candidates nominated for such directors and the names of the banks which made the nominations.
There is sent herewith to each bank in Group 2 a ballot for use in voting for a Class A Director and to each
bank in Group 3 a ballot for use in voting for a Class B Director. An envelope bearing on its face the certificate
in regard to the vote and a colored envelope marked “ Ballot — Directors’ Election," in which the ballot is to be
sealed, are also enclosed.
The ballot and certificate on the envelope must be executed by an officer who has been authorized to cast
the vote. A list of the designated officers, revised to date, forms a part of this circular. In order that the balloting
may be secret, the name of the bank and of the voting officer should not be written on the ballot but only on the
certificate envelope. If the official signature of the officer casting the ballot has not been filed with this Federal
Reserve Bank, such official signature should be filed before the polls close.
Please follow carefully the instructions w hich are printed on the ballot, on the envelopes, an d on
p a g e 2 of this circular.
The follo w ing procedure is required in the case of both the C la ss A an d C lass B ballots:
(1) The preferential ballot should be m arked.
(2) It should then be placed in the colored envelope m arked “ Ballot — Directors’ Election" an d that
envelope sealed.
(3) Then after the certificate on the certificate envelope is executed, the colored sealed envelope
(containing the ballot) should be placed w ithin the w hite certificate envelope an d that envelope
(4) The sealed w hite certificate envelope containing the sealed ballot envelope sh ou ld then be
returned to me in the enclosed se lf-ad d resse d envelope.
Under the law, the ballot must be returned so as to reach me within 15 days after its receipt. The polls will
open on November 2, 1965, and close at 2 p.m. on November 17, 1965. At that time the ballot box will be opened
at this Bank, the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will be opened, the votes counted, and the results of the
election announced. The candidates are invited to be present or represented on that occasion.
W hile the b a n k s in G roup 1 w ill not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them, w ithout forms,
for their inform ation. Group 1 consists of member banks with combined capital and surplus of $3,000,000
and over.
Very truly yours.


Chairman of the Board

Enclosures (4)

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


For your information, there is quoted below an extract from Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act which sets forth
the method of balloting:
“Within fifteen d ays after receipt of the list of candidates the duly authorized officer of a member
bank shall certify to the chairman his first, second, and other choices for director of Class A and Class B,
respectively, upon a preferential ballot upon a form furnished by the chairman of the board of directors
of the Federal Reserve Bank of the district. Each such officer shall make a cross opposite the name of
the first, second, and other choices for a director of Class A and for a director of Class B, but shall not
vote more than one choice for any one candidate.”
In the case of the Class A ballots (Group 2), where there are three candidates involved, a member bank, in making
its first and second
choices, will be deemed to have indicated the othercandidate as its third choice.
In the case of the Class B ballots (Group 3), where there are two candidates involved, a member bank, in making
its first choice, will
be deemed to have indicated the other candidate as its second choice

Officer of the American Legion; President of the Broad­
moor Community Club; and President of the Bossier Cham­
ber of Commerce. Mr. Durham is a Scottish Rite M ason and
a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Shreveport
where he is presently serving as an Elder.

J. M U R R A Y D U R H A M
The National Bank of Bossier City
Bossier City, Louisiana
Mr. Durham was born in Bossier Parish, later moving
with his parents to Florida and Mississippi. He finished high
school in Vicksburg, Mississippi, and then, returning to
Louisiana, attended schools at Louisiana State University,
Centenary Law School, and the American Institute of Bank­
ing. He also attended the Harvard Graduate School of
Business Seminar. Mr. Durham is a graduate of the School
of Banking of the South at Louisiana State University.

Nominated by the Following Bank in Group 2;
B o ssie r C ity ................................

The N a tio n a l B a n k of B ossier C ity

Bastrop National Bank
Bastrop, Louisiana

Starting his business career as a runner at The First
National Bank of Shreveport, Louisiana, Mr. Durham later
joined the Pioneer Bank & Trust Company in Shreveport,
and when he left that institution in 1952, he was a Vice
President and a director. In M ay of 1953, Mr. Durham
opened The National Bank of Bossier City, of which he
was the principal organizer and is still serving as Presi­
dent. He is also serving as President of the National
Credit Life Insurance Company, Inc., which company he

Mr. Madison was born in Bastrop, Louisiana, and re­
ceived his early educational training in the public schools
in Bastrop.
In 1918 he began his business career with the Bastrop
National Bank, Bastrop, Louisiana, and, except for the
periods when he was attending school, he has been con­
tinuously associated with the Bastrop National Bank since
that time. Mr. Madison was made President of that
organization in January of 1940, the position which he
now holds.

Mr. Durham has been active in community affairs for
many years and presently his activities include, among
others, the following: Vice Chairman of the Bossier Indus­
trial Foundation, Inc., of which he is a past Chairman;
President of the Bossier City General Hospital; member of
the Bossier Parish School Board, of which he is a past
President; and member of the Ambassadors Club, the
Committee of 100, El Karubah Shrine Temple, and 40
and 8. Additionally, he has served in the past as President
of the Shreveport Wholesale Credit M en’s Association;
Treasurer of the Salvation Army Advisory Board; Finance

Mr. Madison holds a B.B.A, degree from Tulane Univer­
sity and has done graduate work at the Harvard School
of Business.
He has been active in local, state, and national bank­
ers’ associations and groups for many years. Mr. Madison
helped organize and is a past President of the first re­
gional clearing house association in Louisiana. He helped


ber of the City Council and as Mayor. He has served as
Chairman of the Fifth District Texas Bankers’ Association.

organize and was the first President of the Northeast
Louisiana Chapter of NABAC, and is a past President of
the Louisiana Bankers Association, having served on vari­
ous committees of that organization including service as
Chairman of the Committee on Bank Taxation, which Com­
mittee during his tenure was successful in getting bank
taxes reduced substantially. Additionally, Mr. Madison
served four years in the early days on the Country Bank
Operations Commission of the American Bankers Associa­
tion, was Vice President for Louisiana of the A.B.A, for
four years, and served one term on the Executive Council
of the A.B.A.

Mr. Porter is presently serving as Chairman of the Board
of Directors of the Memorial Hospital in Denison and as
Campaign Chairman for the 1965-66 United Fund Drive
in Denison. His church affiliation is with the First Presby­
terian Church of Denison in which he is a Trustee.
Nom inated by the Following Banks in Group 2:
Las C r u c e s ..............................First N a tio n a l B ank o f D o n a A n a C ou nty
Security N a tio n a l B a n k of Roswell

Mr. Madison has been actively engaged in the affairs
of his community for a number of years, including, among
others, service as President of the Bastrop School Board
during a period of construction of new school buildings
costing approximately $3.5 million.

D urant



First N a tio n a l Ban k in D u


A lb a n y ............................................ The First N a tio n a l B ank of A lb a n y
A ustin ............................................... C itize n s N a tio n a l B a n k o f A ustin
B r o w n sv ille .................................................... Pan A m e rican State Ban k
C a m e r o n .................................. The C itize n s N a tio n a l B a n k o f C am e ron
C le b u rn e .........................................The First N a tio n a l B a n k in C le bu rne
C o r s ic a n a .................................... The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f C orsica n a
D a lla s ....................................
Em pire State
B a n k o f D a lla
D a l l a s ..............................................Fa ir Park N a tio n a l B a n k o f D a lla s
D e n iso n ..................................
The State N a tio n a l Ban k of D en iso n
G a lv e sto n ................................ The M o o d y N a tio n a l B a n k o f G alve ston
G a lv e s t o n ........................The U nited States N a tio n a l B ank o f G alve ston
G a r la n d
First N a tio n a l B ank in G a rla n d
G re e n v ille ............................. The C itize n s N a tio n a l B a n k o f G ree nville
G re e n v ille ................................................ First G re e n v ille N a tio n a l B ank
H e re fo rd
The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H ereford
H o u sto n ..
East End State B a n k
H o u sto n ......................................... Long Point N a tio n a l B a n k o f H ouston
J a c k s o n v ille .............................. The First N a tio n a l Ban k of Jacksonville
L a m e s a ........................................................ The Lam esa N a tio n a l B ank
L a r e d o ..........................................................The Laredo N a tio n a l Bank
L a re d o
U nion N a tio n a l Bank o f Laredo
L u b b o c k ................................. ....The Plains N a tio n a l B a n k o f Lubbock
M c K in n e y
.................. The C o llin C ou n ty N a tio n a l B a n k of M c K in n e y
M a r s h a ll......................................... The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f M a rsh a ll
M in e ra l W e lls ............. ............ The First N a tio n a l B a n k in M in e ra l W e lls
M o u n t P le a sa n t.....................The First N a tio n a l B a n k in M o u n t Pleasant
N e w B ra u n fe ls...................... The First N a tio n a l Bank of N e w Braunfels
O d e s s a .............. . ...........................The First N a tio n a l Ban k of O d e s sa
O d e ssa
First State Bank
O d e s s a .......................................................... N a tio n a l Bank of O d e ssa
P a le st in e
...............................The Royall N a tio n a l B a n k o f Palestine
P a m p a ......................................................First N a tio n a l Ban k in P am pa
P a ris................................................... The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Paris
S a n A n t o n io ....................................First N a tio n a l B a n k o f S a n A n to n io
S h e rm a n ..............The M e rcha n ts a n d Planters N a tio n a l B a n k of Sherm an
S o n o r a ............................................. The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f S o n o ra
T a ylo r.............................................. The C ity N a tio n a l Ban k o f Taylor
T a y lo r ....................................................
N a tio n a l Ban k
Tem ple N a tio n a l Ban k
T em p le................
Terrell............................... ........ The A m e rica n N a tio n a l B a n k o f Terrell
V e rn o n .........................................The H e rrin g N a tio n a l B a n k of V e rnon
W e a th e rfo rd
The M e rc h a n ts a n d Farm ers State B a n k o f W e a th e rfo rd
W h a r to n .......................................... Security B a n k a n d Trust C o m p a n y

Nominated by the Following Bank in Group 2:
M in d e n ..................................................M in d e n B an k & Trust C o m p a n y

The State National Bank of Denison
Denison, Texas
Mr. Porter was born, reared, and educated in Dallas,
graduating from Highland Park High School and, subse­
quently, attending Southern Methodist University.
In the early part of 1931, he moved to Denison, Texas,
and began his banking career by joining The State N a ­
tional Bank of Denison. He has been an officer of that
bank since 1934 serving in various capacities including
service as Executive Vice President from 1 950 to 1964, a
director since 1946, and President since 1964. His other
bank connections include the following: President of the
First National Bank at Antlers, Oklahoma; and a director
of The Leonard National Bank, Leonard, Texas, and the
Security National Bank of Whitesboro, Texas.
During his years in Denison, Mr. Porter has been active
in civic and community enterprises. In this direction, he has
served as President of the Rotary Club, Junior Chamber of
Commerce, and Chamber of Commerce. He has also been
identified with such groups as the Boy Scouts, Camp Fire
Girls, Red Cross, Community Concerts, and the United
Fund. Mr. Porter has served the City of Denison as a mem­

Note — A list of the banks in Group 2, show ing the officers authorized to cast the vote of each bank, is
given on pages 5 through 8 of this circular.



President and General M anager
Perry Brothers, Inc.
Lufkin, Texas

A ntlers .................................... .............. First N a tio n a l B a n k at A ntlers
C olb e rt
The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Colbert


Mr. Perry was born in Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas,
on November 29, 1914, and lived there until 1928 when
his family moved to Kerrville, Texas. In 1931 he returned
with his parents to Lufkin, where he lived until graduation
from high school in 1934. Leaving Lufkin in 1934 to con­
tinue his education, he returned to Lufkin in 1939 and
remained until 1940 when he moved to Tyler, Texas. He
moved from Tyler to Longview, Texas, in 1940 and then
in 1941 returned to Lufkin where he has resided continu­
ously since that time. He was educated in the public
schools of Texas, at Schreiner Institute in Kerrville, Texas,
and at The University of Texas.

B a ird .....................................
The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Baird
The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Bonham
B rid g e p o rt..................................The First N a tio n a l B a n k of B rid gep o rt
C la r k s v ille ..........................
Red River N a tio n a l Bank in C la rksville
D a in g e r fle ld
..................... ,. . ..The N a tio n a l B ank o f Daingerfietd
Denton ................................................... First N a tio n a l Bank o f Denton
E a g le L a k e ..................................The First N a tio n a l Bank o f E a g le Lake
E a g le P a ss............................ The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f E a g le Pass
F a rm e rs v ille .................................... First N a tio n a l B a n k at Farm ersville
......... . Farm ers a n d M e rcha n ts State B a n k o f Ferris, Texas
G a in e s v ill e ................... The G a in e sv ille N a tio n a l Bank in G a in e sv ille
G a te sv ille ................................
.. .The N a tio n a l Bank of G a tesville
G o n z a le s ......................
The First N a tio n a l B a n k of G o n z a le s
The G ra h a m N a tio n a l Ban k
G ra h a m ............
Ir v in g .....................................
First N a tio n a l
Lo G r a n g e
The First N a tio n a l Bank of La G r a n g e
Lone S ta r ... ........... .............................. .........L o n e Sta r N a tio n a l Ban k
M a rt
The First N a tio n a l Bank of M a rt
M e s q u it e ................................
The First N o tio n a l B a n k of M e sq u ite
M e x ia .......... .......................................... First N a tio n a l B a n k o f M e x ia
M o ra n
............... ................................. The M o ra n N a tio n a l Bank
O z o n a ................................................. ........ The O z o n a N a tio n a l Bonk
Q u a n a h ................................................ First N a tio n a l B a n k in Q u o n o h
............ ........................ Security State B a n k & Trust C o m p a n y
Schw ertner.................................The First N a tio n a l B ank of Schw ertner
S e a g r a v e s ..................................... The First N a tio n a l Bank in S e a gra v e s
S u lp h u r S p r i n g s
Peoples N a tio n a l B ank o f S u lp h u r S p rin g s
... First N a tio n a l B ank o f T ea gu e
W in d o m
F an nin N a tio n a l B ank in W in d o m
W in t e r s ...................................................... ..... The W in te rs State B ank

Upon leaving school in 1939, Mr. Perry was employed
by Perry Brothers, Inc., as a store stockman. He has moved
through the ranks in the fields of store operation, account­
ing, merchandising, and buying to become Director,
Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant to the President, and —
in 1953 — President and General Manager, his present
position. Mr. Perry is also Chairman of the Board of
Perco Distributors, Inc., which is a wholesale distributing
company serving the variety store industry in Texas and
In discharging his civic responsibilities, Mr. Perry has
served as President of the Angelina County Chamber of
Commerce and as Chairman of the Executive Committee
of the same organization; President of the Industrial
Foundation; a director of the Angelina County Crippled
Children's Clinic and of the Community Chest; a member
of the Board of Directors of the East Texas Chamber of
Commerce; a member of the Board of Directors of the East
Texas Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, and District
Finance Chairman, Adult Membership of the Council; and
as a director of the Texas United Fund. He is also a past
President of the Lufkin Rotary Club and has been a direc­
tor of the St. Cyprian’s Day School, an elementary school
operated by the Episcopal Church.

Vice President
W ieser Mill, Inc.
Lampasas, Texas
Mr. W ieser was born in Hamilton, Texas, in 1917, and
received his early education there. He is a graduate of
Hamilton High School and of the New Mexico Military
Institute at Roswell, New Mexico.
He entered the military service in 1940, and in 1941
was graduated from military flying school, receiving his
pilots' rating and commission. He was honorably dis­
charged in 1945 as a Major.

At the present time, Mr. Perry is a member of the Board
of Trustees of the Memorial Hospital, a privately financed
and operated hospital, in the City of Lufkin. Mr. Perry has
served as a member of the Official Board of the First Meth­
odist Church of Lufkin for a number of years and now is a
member of the Board, as well as of the Finance Committee.
He is also a former Chairman of the Commission on Edu­
cation and of the Building Committee of the First Methodist
Church of Lufkin. Mr. Perry is a Thirty-second Degree Scot­
tish Rite Mason, a Knight Templar, and a Shriner.

Since 1945 Mr. W ieser has been active in the grain
business, feed manufacturing, and sales. In 1960 he
moved from Hamilton to Lampasas. At the present time,
Mr. W ieser is Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer of
W ieser Mill, Inc., which manufactures mixed feeds (poultry,
dairy, and livestock) with sales in the central Texas area.
Lampasas is now the home office of W ieser Mill, Inc.
Mr. W ieser has been active in community affairs in both
Hamilton and Lampasas, serving numerous civic and social
organizations in various official capacities.

Nom inated b y the Follow ing Ba nks in G roup 3:

Nom inated b y the Follow ing B a n k in G roup 3:



D e lh i....................................................The First N a tio n a l Bank of Delhi

H a m ilto n


The Perry N a tio n a l B a n k o f Ham ilton

Note — A list of the b a n k s in G roup 3, sh o w in g the officers authorized to cast the vote of each bank, is
give n on p a g e s 9 through 16 of this circular.


Ban k o f Irv

C on sists o f all m em ber b a n k s h a v in g capital a n d su rp lu s o f $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d over, but u nd er $3,000,000.

Banks in this group elect one Class A Director.


Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company


Bastrop N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................


B ossier City

The N a tio n a l Bank of B ossier C ity ........................ ...................


H om er

The H om er N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M in d e n

M in d e n B an k & Trust C o m p a n y ..................................................


W e st M o n ro e

First N a tio n a l Bank o f W e st M o n r o e ..........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

A la m o g o rd o

First N a tio n a l Ban k in A la m o g o rd o ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President,

A rte sia

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f A rte s ia ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a rlsb a d

The C a rlsb a d N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

C lovis

The C lo vis N a tio n a l B a n k ...........................................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V ice President
C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

C lo vis

First N a tio n a l Bank o f C u rry C o u n ty ..........................................


H obbs

First N a tio n a l Bank o f H o b b s ....................................................


Las Cruces

First N a tio n a l Bank o f D o n a A n a C o u n ty ...................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

L ovington

Lovington N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................



The First N a tio n a l B ank o f R osw e ll...........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


Roswell State B a n k .....................................................................

President, C a sh ie r


Security N a tio n a l B an k of R osw e ll............................. .................


S ilv e r City

The A m e rican N a tio n a l B an k of S ilv e r C ity ...... ..........................

C a sh ie r

Tucum cari

The First N a tio n a l B an k in Tucum cari..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President


Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

D urant


Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Name of Bank or Trust Company

A b ile n e

The First State B an k ....................................................................


A lb a n y

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f A lb a n y ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

A lice

A lic e N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A lp in e

First N a tio n a l B ank in A lp in e .....................................................


A m a rillo

The A m e rican N a tio n a l B an k o f A m a r il lo ..................................

President, Executive V ice President

A m a rillo

G re a t Plains N a tio n a l B a n k ............................... .......................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A m a rillo

T ascosa N a tio n a l Ban k o f A m a rillo ............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A n g le to n

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f A n g le t o n .........................................

C h a irm a n a n d President

A rlin g to n

First N a tio n a l Bank in A rlin g to n ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A ustin

C itizen s N a tio n a l B ank o f A u s t in ................................................


A ustin

C ity N a tio n a l Ban k o f A u s t in .....................................................


B a y City

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f B a y C ity..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Baytow n

C itizen s N a tio n a l B a n k & Trust C o m p a n y of B a yto w n .................

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

B aytow n

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f B aytow n ............................................


B eaum ont

C itizen s N a tio n a l B ank of B eaum ont..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k of B ee ville.................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B ellaire

First State B an k of B ellaire.........................................................

President, Executive V ice President


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Bellville............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Big S p rin g
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B ig S p rin g


GROUP 2 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Name of Bank or Trust Company

O ffice rs A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

B orge r

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f B o rg e r............................................... ......

Bow ie

The First N a tio n a l B an k of B o w ie ..............................................



The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Bren ham ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


W a s h in g t o n C ou nty State B a n k .......................................i........



The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Brow nfield........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Brow nsville

First N a tio n a l Ban k at B row n sville...... .....................................


Brow nsville

Pan A m e rican State B a n k ..........................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Brow nw ood

C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k at B ro w n w o o d ........................................


B row nw ood

First N a tio n a l Ban k in B ro w n w o o d ............................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The C ity N a tio n a l B ank o f B ry a n ................................................



First B an k & Trust, Bryan, T exas..................................................

H en ry B. C la y, President


First N a tio n a l B a n k in Burkburnett...........................................


C am e ron

The C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k of C a m e ro n .....................................

President, A ctive V ice President, C a sh ie r

C am e ron

First N a tio n a l Ban k in C a m e ro n .................................................

President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k in C a n y o n ............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C h ild re ss

The First N a tio n a l B an k in C h ild re ss..........................................

C ha irm a n, President, C a sh ie r

C le bu rne

C le b u rn e N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

C le bu rne

The First N a tio n a l Bank in C le b u rn e ..........................................

President, V ice President

C o lo ra d o City

The C ity N a tio n a l B an k of C o lo ra d o C i t y ................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o n ro e

C o n ro e N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

President, V ice President

C o n ro e

First N a tio n a l B a n k in C o n ro e ...................................................


C o rp u s Christi

G u a ra n ty N a tio n a l B an k a n d Trust of C o rp u s C h risti.................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o rp u s C hristi

The M e rc a n tile N a tio n a l B a n k o f C o rp u s C h r is t i.......................

C h a irm a n , President

C o rsica n a

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f C o rsic a n a ............................... .......

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C o rsica n a

The State N a tio n a l B an k o f C o rsic a n a .......................................

President, V ice President

D a lla s

C itize n s N a tio n a l Ban k o f D a lla s ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Com m onw ealth N a tio n a l B an k of D a lla s .....................................

President, V ice President a n d C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Em p ire State B an k o f D a lla s .......................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Fair Park N a tio n a l B a n k o f D a lla s ..............................................

President, V ice President

D a lla s

H illsid e N a tio n a l B ank o f D a lla s ................. ............................

President, V ice President

D a lla s

In w o o d N a tio n a l B an k o f D a l l a s .............................................

P resident

D a lla s

N o rth p a rk N a tio n a l Ban k of D a lla s ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President

D a lla s

T exas N a tio n a l Bank o f D a lla s . ................................................

C a sh ie r

D el Rio

Del Rio N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

P resident

D en iso n

The C itize n s N a tio n a l Bank o f D e n iso n .......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D en iso n

The State N a tio n a l B an k o f D e n iso n ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The Denton C ou n ty N a tio n a l Ban k o f D e n to n ............................

Executive V ice President, C a sh ie r

El Paso

Bassett N a tio n a l B an k o f El P a so ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

El Paso

N o rth ga te N a tio n a l B an k of El P a so ..........................................


El Paso

Sou th w e st N a tio n a l B ank o f El P a so..........................................


F lo yd a d a

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f F lo y d a d a ...........................................


Fort W orth

C ity N a tio n a l B a n k ...................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

G a te w a y N a tio n a l B an k o f Fort W o rt h .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

Southw est N a tio n a l Bank of Fort W o rt h ........................ .............

C h a irm a n , President

Fred ericksb urg

Fred ericksb urg N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C a sh ie r


The First Freeport N a tio n a l B a n k .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a lve ston

First H u tch in g s-S e a ly N a tio n a l Ban k of G a lv e sto n ....................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a lve ston

The M o o d y N a tio n a l Ban k of G a lv e st o n ....................................

V ice President

G a lve ston

The U nited States N a tio n a l Ban k o f G a lv e sto n ............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G a rla n d

C o lo n ia l N a tio n a l B an k o f G a r la n d ..........................................

President, V ice President a n d C a sh ie r

G a rla n d

First N a tio n a l B an k in G a r la n d .................................................


G r a n d Prairie

First N a tio n a l B a n k in G r a n d P rairie ..........................................


G ra p e v in e

First N a tio n a l Bank o f G r a p e v in e ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G ree nville

The C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k o f G re e n v ille ...............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G ree nville

First G re e n v ille N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................

President, Executive Vice President

H a rlin g e n

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H a rlin g e n ........................................

President, C a sh ie r

H a rlin g e n

The H a rlin g e n N a tio n a l B a n k ..................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H en de rson

C itize n s N a tio n a l Ban k o f H e n d e rso n .......................................

C a sh ie r

H en de rson

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f H e n d e rso n .......................................

V ic e President

H ereford

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f H e re fo rd ........................................

C a sh ie r


GROUP 2 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

Nam e of Bank

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

or T rust C o m p a n y

H ondo

The H o n d o N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................................

C a sh ie r

H ouston

A lm e d a State B a n k ...................................................................

President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

C entral N a tio n a l B a n k o f H ouston .................. ..........................


H ouston

C h im n e y Rock N a tio n a l B an k of H o u sto n ...................................


H ouston

East End State B a n k ..................................................................

President, V ice President

H ouston

Fidelity Bank a n d Trust C o m p a n y ..............................................


H ouston

First State B an k o f G r e e n 's B a y o u ..............................................

President, C a sh ie r


H eigh ts State B a n k ....................................................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

The In d ustrial State B an k o f H ouston, T e xa s...............................

President, V ic e President

H ouston

Lockw ood N a tio n a l B an k o f H o u sto n ..........................................

P resident

H ouston

Long Point N a tio n a l Ban k of H o u sto n .........................................

C a sh ie r

H ouston

M a c G re g o r Park N a tio n a l B an k of H o u sto n ...............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

M e d ic a l Center N a tio n a l B ank, H o u sto n .....................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

Republic N a tio n a l Bank of H ou ston ........................................

P resident

H ouston

U nion N a tio n a l B a n k in H o u sto n ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H ouston

U nive rsity State B a n k ................................................................

President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l Ban k o f H un tsville..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The H untsville N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Jackson ville

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of Ja c k so n ville .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B ank o f K e rrville..................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

K ilgore

The K ilg o re N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f K ille e n ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Kin gsville

K le b e rg First N a tio n a l B a n k o f K in g s v ille ........................... .....

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lam esa

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f La m e sa ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lam esa

The Lam esa N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Lancaster..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The Lare d o N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

President, V ice President


U nion N a tio n a l B a n k of L a r e d o .................................................

C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Levellan d ..........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First Liberty N a tio n a l B a n k ..................................................

C h a irm e n , President, V ice President


M o o re State B a n k .....................................................................

President, V ice President


First-Lockhart N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

P resident

Lon gview

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of L o n gv ie w ..........................................

President, V ice President

L on gview

Lon gvie w N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r


A m e rican

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The Plains N a tio n a l Ban k o f L u b b o c k ..........................................

President, Executive V ice President


The Lufkin N a tio n a l B a n k ...........................................................

Executive Vice President, C a sh ie r

M c A lle n

First N a tio n a l B an k of M c A lle n .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c G re g o r

The First N a tio n a l B an k of M c G r e g o r .........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c K in n e y

The C ollin C o u n ty N a tio n a l Bank of M c K in n e y ............................

C h a irm a n


B a n k ...............................................................

M a rsh a ll

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M a r s h a ll............................................

President, V ice President a n d C a sh ie r

M a rsh a ll

The M a rsh a ll N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

President, C a sh ie r

M in e ra l W e lls

The First N a tio n a l B an k in M in e ra l W e lls ...................................

President, First V ice President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M o u n t Pleasant

The First N a tio n a l B a n k in M o u n t P le asan t.................................

President, V ice President

M o u n t Pleasant

G u a ra n t y Bond State B a n k .........................................................


N acogdoches

C om m ercial N a tio n a l B an k in N a c o g d o c h e s ...........................


N acogdoches

The Sto ne Fort N a tio n a l B ank o f N a c o g d o c h e s ........................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

N e w Branufels

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f N e w B r a u n fe ls ...............................


O d e s sa

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f O d e s s a ..........................................

President, Executive V ice President

O d e ssa

First State B a n k .....................

President, Executive V ice President

O d e ssa

N a tio n a l Ban k o f O d e s s a .........................................................

President, V ice President

O ra n ge

First N a tio n a l Ban k in O r a n g e .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

O ra n ge

The O r a n g e N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The East Texas N a tio n a l B ank o f P a le st in e ................................



The Royall N a tio n a l B a n k o f P alestine.......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

P am pa

First N a tio n a l B an k in P a m p a ...................................................



The First N a tio n a l B an k o f P aris.................................................



The Liberty N a tio n a l B an k in P a ris ............ .............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank of P e c o s .............................................

Executive V ice President


The Security State B an k o f Pecos, T e x a s...............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r



GROUP 2 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

O fficers A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B a n k o r Tru st C o m p a n y


The First N a tio n a l Bank o f P erryton.........................................



The C ity N a tio n a l B ank o f P lainvie w ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B a n k of P lainvie w .............................................

President, C a sh ie r

Port A rth ur

The M e rc h an ts N a tio n a l Ban k o f Port A rth u r............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Port A rth ur

S a b in e N a tio n a l B ank o f Port A rth u r..........................................


Port N eches

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Port N e c h e s.....................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r

R efugio

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f R e fu g io ..........................................

C a sh ie r

R ichardson

R ichard son H eigh ts N a tio n a l B a n k .............................................


Robstow n

The State N a tio n a l B an k o f R ob sto w n .....................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Sa n A n g e lo

The Central N a tio n a l B an k of S a n A n g e lo ...............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n g e lo .......................................


S a n A n g e lo

S a n A n g e lo N a tio n a l B an k of S a n A n g e l o ................................

President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n g e lo

W e st S id e N a tio n a l B ank o f S a n A n g e l o ..................................

Executive Vice President a n d C a sh ie r
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

B ro a d w a y N a tio n a l Bank of A la m o H e ig h t s ...............................

S a n A n to n io

C itize n s N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n t o n io ....................................


S a n A n to n io

First N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r
President, V ice President

S a n A n to n io

Kelly Field N a tio n a l Ban k o f S a n A n t o n io ...............................

S a n A n to n io

Lackland N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io .....................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

M a in B ank a n d T r u s t .................................................................

President, V ice President

S a n A n to n io

The N a tio n a l Ban k o f Fort S a m H ouston at S a n A n t o n io .............

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

Security N a tio n a l Bank o f S a n A n t o n io ......................................


Se g u in

The First N a tio n a l B an k of S e g u in ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r
President, V ic e President

S e g u in

S e g u in State B a n k &. Trust C o m p a n y .........................................

She rm an

The M e rchan ts a n d Planters N a tio n a l B a n k o f S h e rm a n ...............

President, C a sh ie r


S n y d e r N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive Vice President,

S o n o ra

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S o n o r a ............................................

President, C a sh ie r

S u lp h u r S p rin g s

S u lp h u r S p rin g s State B a n k .............................. ..........................

President, C a sh ie r

Sw eetw ater

N a tio n a l B ank o f S w e e tw a te r....................................................

P resident

T a h o ka

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of T a h o k a ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

T aylor

The C ity N a tio n a l B an k of T aylo r..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

T aylor

First-Taylor N a tio n a l B a n k ................ .......................................


Tem ple

First N a tio n a l B an k o f T em p le........ ....................... ...................


Tem ple

Tem ple N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

C h a irm a n , V ice C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

Tem ple

T exas N o tio n a l B ank o f T e m p le ...............................................



The A m e rican N a tio n a l B an k o f Terrell...................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

T exarkan a

The T e xa rka n a N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C a sh ie r

T exas City

The Texas C ity N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President

T om ball

G u a ra n t y B o n d State B a n k .........................................................

C h a irm a n

T ulia

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f T u lia ................................................

C a sh ie r


The P eop les N a tio n a l B ank o f T yle r..........................................

President, V ice President


Tyler B an k a n d Trust C o m p a n y .................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V e rn o n

The H e rrin g N a tio n a l Ban k of V e r n o n ......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Vice President

C a sh ie r

V e rno n

The W a g g o n e r N a tio n a l Bank o f V e r n o n ...................................

President, V ice President

W aco

The N a tio n a l C ity B ank of W a c o ................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W e ath e rfo rd

The M e rc h an ts a n d Farm ers State Ban k o f W e a th e rfo rd ............


W h a rto n

Security B an k a n d Trust C o m p a n y ...........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


C on sists o f all m em ber b a n k s h a v in g capital a n d su rp lu s o f u n d e r $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

Banks in this group elect one C lass B Director.

O ffice rs A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru st C o m p a n y

L o c a tio n

A rc a d ia



President, Executive V ice President, V ice President,
C a sh ie r

Lake P rovid ence

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Lake P ro v id e n ce ...............................


O a k G ro v e

W e st C arro ll N a tio n a l B a n k o f O a k G r o v e ..............................



First N a tio n a l Ban k o f R ayv ille .................................................


Southern N a tio n a l Ban k at T allu la h ..........................................

President, Executive V ice President a n d C ashier,


V ice President

O ffice rs A u t h o r iz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru st C o m p a n y

L o c a tio n

A rtesia

President, Executive V ice President,

B a ya rd

A ctive V ice President, C a sh ie r

V ic e President
President, C a sh ie r

D e m in g
D e m in g

M im b re s V a lle y Ban k ..............................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B a n k of H atch ..............................................

President, V ic e President


L ord sb u rg

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f P o r t a le s .........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S an ta R o sa ............. .....................

C a sh ie r

President, C a sh ie r

S a n ta Rosa

President, C a sh ie r

Truth o r C on se q ue nces

O ffice rs A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B a n k o r T ru st C o m p a n y

L o c a tio n


First N a tio n a l Ban k at A n tle rs .................................................

President, Executive V ic e President, C a sh ie r

A to ka

The A to k a State B a n k .............. ....................................



A to ka
Boswell State B a n k ...................................................................


President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Broken Bow

C a ro ly n E. W a tso n , President

C o a lg a te
C olbert

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f C o lb e rt..........................................


H ugo

The C itizen s State B a n k ............................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

H ugo

C a sh ie r

Id a b e l

C h a irm a n , President
The Id a b e l N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

Id a b e l

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M a d ill

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M a d ill

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N a m e o f B a n k or

L o c a tio n

O ffice rs A u th o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

Trust C o m p a n y

A b ile n e
A lic e

First N a tio n a l B an k of A l i c e ............................................. .......

V ice President, C a sh ie r

A lv in

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f A lv in ........................................... -........

President, Executive V ice President

A lv o rd

A lv o rd N a tio n a l B a n k ...............................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A m h erst
A n d e rso n
A n d re w s

First N a tio n a l

B a n k o f A n d re w s..............................................



GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

O ffice rs A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B o n k o r T ru st C o m p a n y

President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f A n n a .............................................

A n so n

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f A n s o n ... .........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A rlin g to n

A rlin g to n N a tio n a l B a n k ..........................................................

H a ro ld E. Patterson, President

A sp e rm o n t

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f A s p e r m o n t . . . . ............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A th e n s

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of A t h e n s .............................................


A tlanta

The A tlanta N a tio n a l B ank .......................................................

Executive V ice President

A tlanta

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f A t l a n t a .........................................

President, V ice President

A v in g e r

The First State B ank


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B a ir d .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President



B a llin ge r

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B a llin g e r ..........................................

B a n d e ra

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B a n d e ra .........................................


B a n d e ra

First State B a n k ......................................................................

C a sh ie r


First State B a n k ........................................................................

V ice President a n d C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k of B a rtle tt.......................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B a n k of B astro p ........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Beaum ont

G a te w a y N a tio n a l B an k o f B e a u m o n t ......................................

President, V ice President


State B a n k & Trust C o m p a n y ...... .................... ..........................

V ice President a n d C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B an k of Bellaire ............ ...................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k of Bells.................................................



The First N a tio n a l Ban k in Belton ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The Peoples N a tio n a l Ban k o f B e lt o n .....................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B lan co

The B lan co N a tio n a l B a n k ......................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

B o g o t a ................................................


B ogota

First N a tio n a l B a n k in


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B o n h a m .........................................

President, Vice President

Bow ie

Bow ie N a tio n a l Ban k

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First State Ban k ... ............................................................

B rady

The B ra d y N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................................

Vice President

B rady

The C om m ercial N a tio n a l Ban k o f B ra d y.............. ....................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Brecken rid ge

C itizen s N a tio n a l B an k o f B r e c k e n r id g e ..................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Brecken rid ge

First N a tio n a l B an k in B re ck e n rid ge ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The Farm ers N a tio n a l B a n k in B r e n h a m ....................................

C a sh ie r

B rid gep o rt

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of B rid ge p o rt

C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B a n k in B ronte.....................................................

B row n sville

N a tio n a l Ban k o f Com m erce of B r o w n sv ille ...............................



The First N a tio n a l B ank of B ry a n ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r




C a sh ie r



The First N a tio n a l B an k o f B y e r s .............................................



The First N a tio n a l B ank of B y n u m .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a d d o M ills

The State N a tio n a l Ban k o f C a d d o M ills .....................................

C a sh ie r

C ald w ell

C ald w e ll N a tio n a l B a n k ..........................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C a n a d ia n

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f C a n a d ia n ........................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k of C a n t o n .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l Ban k o f C a rro llto n ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

C a rth a ge

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of C a r t h a g e ........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f C eleste..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B an k in C en te r...................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


T he First N a tio n a l B an k o f C h illicoth e.......................................


C isco

First N a tio n a l B a n k in C is c o ....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

C lare n d o n

T he Farm ers Slate B a n k o f C la re n d o n .......................................


C larksville

First N a tio n a l Ban k in C la rk sv ille ..............................................


C larksville

Red River N a tio n a l B ank in C la rk sv ille .......................................

C a sh ie r

C la u d e

The First N a tio n a l B an k of C la u d e ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C le ve lan d

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f C le v e la n d ..................... .................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

C lifton

Farm ers State B a n k o f C lifto n .. ................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C olem an

First C ole m an N a tio n a l Ban k o f C o le m a n ..................................

C a sh ie r

C o lle g e Station

U nive rsity N a tio n a l Ban k o f C o lle g e S ta tio n ............................

President, V ice President

C om an c h e

The C o m an c h e N a tio n a l B a n k ....................................................


C om an c h e

State N a tio n a l B a n k in C o m a n c h e .............................................

V ic e President a n d C a sh ie r

Com m erce

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f C om m e rce .......................................

C a sh ie r


The Delta N a tio n a l B an k of C o o p e r..........................................

Q u e n tin M ille r, President


The First N a tio n a l B a n k in C o o p e r ...........................................

V ice President


GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Name of Bank or Trust Company

O fficers A u t h o riz e d to C o s t V o t e

C o rp u s C hristi

G u lfw a y N a tio n a l B ank of C o rp u s C h risti...................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President,

C o rp u s C hristi

Stone w all N a tio n a l Ban k o f C o rp u s C h risti...............................

President, Executive Vice President

C o rsican a

C o rsic a n a N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


Sto ckm e n ’s N a tio n a l B a n k in C o t u lla .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Crockett..........................................

C h a irm a n , President

C rosb yton

C itize n s N a tio n a l B an k of C ro sb yto n ..........................................

President, V ice President

Crow ell

C row ell S tale B a n k ............ ......................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C ue ro

Buchel N a tio n a l B an k in C u e ro .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C u sh in g

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f C u s h in g ..........................................


D a in g e rfie ld

The N a tio n a l B an k of D a in g e r fie ld ............................................


D a lh art

C itize n s State Ban k o f D a lh a rt.................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lh a rt

First N a tio n a l Bank in D a lh a rt...................................................


D a lla s

C a sa Lin da N a tio n a l B a n k of D a lla s ..........................................


D a lla s

Com m ercial N a tio n a l B an k o f D a lla s ..........................................

D a lla s

C om m u n ity N a tio n a l B an k of O a k C liff...................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

Liberty N a tio n a l Bank o f D a lla s .................................................

D a lla s

N a tio n a l B an k o f O a k C liff in D a lla s .......................................

D a lla s

N orthw est N a tio n a l B a n k of D a lla s..........................................

President, V ice President

D a lla s

Trinity N a tio n a l


B an k


D a lla s ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D a lla s

W e stm o re la n d N a tio n a l B an k of D a lla s .......................................

D a lla s

W h ite Rock N a tio n a l Ban k of D a lla s ........................................

D arrouzett

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f D arrouzett......................................

President, C a sh ie r

D aw son

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f D a w so n ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President


The First N a tio n a l Ban k in D e ca tu r..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D e K alb

State Bank o f D e K a l b ...............................................................



First N a tio n a l B an k o f D e n to n ...................................................


D eport

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f D ep ort..............................................

C a sh ie r

D od so n

The First State B a n k ..................................................................

V ice President

D u b lin

The D u b lin N a tio n a l B a n k .................. .....................................

P resident

D um as

First N a tio n a l B ank o f D u m a s.....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

D um as

First State B a n k ........................................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

D un can ville

First N a tio n a l B an k o f D u n c a n v ille ...........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Ea g le Lake

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f E ag le L a k e ......................................


Ea g le Pass

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Eagle P a ss.......................................

C a sh ie r


Eastland N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

President, C a sh ie r


Eden State B a n k ........................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Ed ge w o o d

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f E d g e w o o d .........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

E d in b u rg

First N a tio n a l B ank in E d in b u r g ................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B an k of E d n a .......................................................

Vice President a n d C a sh ie r

El C a m p o

The First N a tio n a l B an k of El C a m p o .......................................

President, C a sh ie r

E ld orad o

The First N a tio n a l B ank of E l d o r a d o .........................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The Elgin N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

V ice President

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

El Paso

C itizen s State B ank o f Y sle ta.....................................................


Em ory

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Em ory..............................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r


C itize n s N a tio n a l B an k in Ennis ...... .........................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Euless

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k of E v a n t .............................................


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f F a b e n s .............................................



The First N a tio n a l B an k in F a lf u r r ia s .......................................

P resident

Falls C ity

The Falls C ity N a tio n a l B a n k ....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

Farm ersville

First N a tio n a l Ban k at Farm e rsville............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The Farm ers N a tio n a l B an k o f Fayetteville...............................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President


Farm ers a n d M e rc h an ts State B an k o f Ferris, T e xa s..... ...............

President, V ice President


First C ity N a tio n a l B an k of Floresville.......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, H o n o ra ry

Flour Bluff

First N a tio n a l B an k of Flour B lu ff.............................................

President, V ice President


The Follett N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................................

Vice President, C a sh ie r


The Farm ers N a tio n a l Ban k of Forn ey........................................

V ice President


Forney S late B a n k ...................................................................

Vice President


President, V ice President

V ice President, C a sh ie r


GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued

Nam e

O fficers A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

of B a n k o r T ru st C o m p a n y

Fort Stockton

First N a tio n a l B an k of Fort Sto ckto n ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r

Fort W o rth

Everm an N a tio n a l B a n k o f Fort W o rt h .......................................



The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f F ra n k lin .........................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

G a in e sv ille

The G a in e sv ille N a tio n a l B ank in G a i n e s v i l l e ........................

President, V ic e President

G a tesville

The N a tio n a l Ban k o f G ate sville ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G e orge tow n

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f G e o r g e t o w n .................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

G e o r g e W e st

First N a tio n a l B an k in G e o r g e W e st ..........................................

C a sh ie r

G id d in g s

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f G i d d i n g s .........................................


G ilm e r

The Farm ers a n d M e rc h an ts N a tio n a l B ank o f G il m e r ................

Vice President

G ilm e r

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f G ilm e r

G le n Rose

The First N a tio n a l B an k in G le n R o s e .......................................

President, V ice President

G o lia d

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f G o l i a d .........................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r

G o n z a le s

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f G o n z a l e s ......................................

President, First V ic e President, C a sh ie r

G o n z a le s

G o n z a le s N a tio n a l B an k

President, V ice President

G o rd o n

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f G o r d o n ..........................................

G o rm an

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f G o rm a n ..........................................


G ra fo rd

First N a tio n a l Bank, G ra fo rd ...................................................




C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Robert M . Barton, President

G ra h a m

First N a tio n a l B a n k in G r a h a m ................................................

C a sh ie r

G ra h a m

The G ra h a m N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

Vice P resident a n d C a sh ie r

G r a n b u ry

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f G r a n b u ry ........................................

Vice President a n d C a sh ie r

G r a n d Prairie

M id w a y N a tio n a l B an k of G r a n d P r a ir i e ................................


G r a n d S a lin e

First N a tio n a l B a n k of G r a n d S a l i n e ................


C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G ra n g e r

The First State B a n k ...... ............................................................

G ra n g e r

The G r a n g e r N a tio n a l B a n k .......................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G ro o m

The State N a tio n a l B an k o f G ro o m .........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

G ro v e to n

First N a tio n a l B an k in G ro v e to n ....................................... ..........


H a le Center

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f H ale Center ...................................

President, V ice President


First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H allettsville..........................................

C ha irm a n, President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Ham ilton

The H am ilton N a tio n a l B a n k ....................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H am ilton

The Perry N a tio n a l Ban k of H a m ilt o n ........................................


Ham lin

The Farm ers & M e rc h a n ts N a tio n a l Ban k o f H am lin ..............

W . T. Jo hn so n, V ice President

H askell

H ask ell N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................... ..........

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

H a w k in s

T he First State B a n k .......

H e b b ro n v ille

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f H e b b ro n v ille

H enrietta

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H e n rie tt a ......................................


H ico

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f H i c o ................................................

O d is Petsick, President

H ig g in s

First N a tio n a l B an k in H i g g i n s ................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

H illsb oro

The C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k o f H illsb o ro ..................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

H o n e y G ro v e

First N a tio n a l B an k in H o n e y G r o v e ........................................


H ouston

G u lf C o a st N a tio n a l B a n k .............................................. .........


............................... ...............



H ouston

N orth east N a tio n a l Ban k o f H o u s t o n .........................................


H ouston

N orth sh ore N a tio n a l B ank, H o u s t o n .......................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


H ouston

South Park N a tio n a l B an k o f H ouston

H ouston

W e stm o nt N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................


P resident

H u g h e s S p rin g s

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f H u g h e s S p rin g s ..............................

Executive V ice President


First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H urst ...................................................

President, V ice President

In g le sid e

First N a tio n a l B ank o f In g le sid e ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C ash ie r,

lo la

lo la State Ban k .......................................................................

W . A . Boney, President

Io w a Park

The State N a tio n a l Ban k o f Io w a Park

Irv in g

First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Ir v in g ....................................................


The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f It a s c a .............................................

Executive V ice President

Ja c ksb oro

The First N a tio n a l B ank of J a c k s b o r o ...............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Ja c ksb oro

The Ja c ksb o ro N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................

C h a irm a n , V ice President, C a sh ie r

Je ffe rson

The First N a tio n a l B an k of Je ffe rson .....................................



First State B a n k .........................................................................




President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

o r a n y other officer

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r
P resident

J a sp e r

N a tio n a l

B a n k ...............................



GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
O ffice rs A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B a n k o r Trust C o m p a n y

L o c a tio n

K arne s City

The Karne s C o u n ty N a tio n a l B an k o f K a rne s C ity ....................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r


Katy N a tio n a l B ank ..................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

K a u fm an

The Farm ers & M e rc h an ts N a tio n a l B a n k o f K a u f m a n ................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

Kem p

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of K e m p ......... .....................................

P resident


First-N ichols N a tio n a l Ban k o f K e n e d y .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Ke rm it.............................................. .......

President, V ice President
V ice President, C a sh ie r

K in g sla n d

H ig h la n d

K in g sville

M e rcantile N a tio n a l B an k o f K in g s v ille .......................................

Lakes N a tio n a l B an k, K in g s la n d ...............................

P resident


The First State B a n k ...................................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

K ou n fze

Peoples State Ban k o f Kou n tze .................................................

President; C a sh ie r

K ress

Kress N a tio n a l B a n k ..................................................................

D. M . G ra n b e ry , President

La Coste

The La Coste N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C a sh ie r

L a d on ia

Farm ers & M e rc h an ts State B a n k ..............................................

V ice President a n d C a sh ie r

La Feria

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f La Fe ria ..........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ic e President

La G r a n g e

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f La G r a n g e .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lake Jackson

First N a tio n a l Bank o f Lake Ja c k so n .........................................



The First N a tio n a l B an k of L a k e v ie w .....................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lam p asas

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f L a m p a s a s .......................................

President, V ice President

Lam p asas

The Peop les N a tio n a l B a n k o f L a m p a s a s .................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

La Porte

B a ysh o re N a tio n a l B ank o f l a Porte ........................................



The Leonard N a tio n a l B a n k ......................................................


Lew isville

Lew isville N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f L in d e n ...........................................

C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k of L ip a n ..............................................



The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Littlefield .........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank of L iv in g sto n .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


First N a tio n a l B an k in Loc kn e y.................................................


Lone Star

lo n e Star N a tio n a l B a n k ...........................................................


L ove lad y

The State N a tio n a l B an k of L o v e la d y ......................................

1. J. Y o u n g , C a sh ie r


C itizens N a tio n a l Ban k o f Lufkin


The First N a tio n a l Bank in L u l in g .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M c K in n e y

C entral N a tio n a l Ban k o f M c K in n e y .........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M cLe an

A m e rican N a tio n a l Ban k in M c L e a n ..........................................

V ice President

M a d is o n v ille

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f M ad ison ville ...............................

President, V ice President

M a rfa

The M a r fa N a tio n a l B a n k ..........................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C ash ie r,

M a rlin

M a rlin N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................................

President, C a sh ie r



President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

A ssista n t C a sh ie r


E. K. Folley, President

M a rt

The Farm ers a n d M e rchan ts N a tio n a l B ank o f M a rt

M a rt

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M a r t .................................................

M ason

The M a s o n N a tio n a l B a n k ..................................................... .....

President, V ice President

M a ta d o r

The First State Ban k of M a t a d o r .................................................

V ic e President

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

M a th is

First State Ban k o f M a t h i s .......................................................

President, C a sh ie r

M e lv in

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f M e lv in ............................................

President, C a sh ie r

M e m p h is

The First N a tio n a l B an k of M e m p h is ..........................................

President, V ic e President

M e n a rd

The M e n a rd N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................

W m . A . Carter, President

M e rc e d e s

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M e r c e d e s ........................................

H. G . G e o rg e , Executive V ice President

M e rk e l

The Farm ers a n d M e rchan ts N a tio n a l B ank of M e rk e l.................


M ertzon

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f M e rtz o n ..........................................

President, C a sh ie r

M e sq u ite

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f M e sq u ite .........................................


M e x ia

First N a tio n a l B an k o f M e x i a ....................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M id lo th ia n

First N a tio n a l B an k in M id lo th ia n .........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

M ilfo rd

The First N a tio n a l Bank o f M ilfo r d ..........................................

Vice President

M in e lo a

The First N a tio n a l B an k of M in e o la ..........................................

C a sh ie r

M in e ra l W e lls

The C ity N a tio n a l B an k of M in e ra l W e lls ...................................


M issio n

First N a tio n a l Ban k of M is s io n ......................................... ........

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


M onahans

First N a tio n a l B an k o f M o n a h a n s ....... .....................................

Executive V ice President, V ice President

M oody

The First N a tio n a l B an k of M o o d y ............................................


M o ra n

The M o ra n N a tio n a l B a n k .........................................................


M o u n t Calm

The First N a tio n a l Ban k in M o u n t C a lm ........................... ..........

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

O fficers A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B a n k o r Trust C o m p a n y

M o u n t Ve rno n

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f M o u n t V e r n o n ...................................

President, V ice President

M u le sh o e

First N a tio n a l B an k o f M u le sh o e ..............................................


M unday

First N a tio n a l Ban k in M u n d a y .................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N a p le s

The M o rr is C ou n ty N a tio n a l Ban k o f N a p le s ............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N a ss a u Bay

N a ss a u B ay N a tio n a l B an k o f C le a r L a ke ...................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

N a v a so ta

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f N a v a s o t a ..........................................

Executive V ice President

N e w Boston

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of N e w B oston .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N ew castle

Farm ers N a tio n a l B an k of N e w c astle .........................................

President, V ic e President

N ew ton

The First N a tio n a l B an k of N e w to n ............................................

Vice President

N ocona

The Farm ers a n d M e rc h an ts N a tio n a l B a n k of N o c o n a

President, C a sh ie r

N o co n a

The P eop les N a tio n a l B an k o f N o c o n a .......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

N o rd h e im

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f N o rd h e im

C a sh ie r

O 'D o n n e ll

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f O 'D o n n e ll.......................................


O g le s b y

The First N a tio n a l B an k of O g l e s b y .........................................

C h a irm a n

O ln e y

The First N a tio n a l Ban k of O ln e y ..............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

O ra n ge

Cou nty N a tio n a l B a n k o f O r a n g e .............................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President

O zona

The O z o n a N a tio n a l B a n k ................................

V ice President


The First N a tio n a l B a n k ...........................................................



The First N a tio n a l Ban k of P a le s t in e ......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

P a n h a n d le

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f P a n h a n d le ......................................


P a sa d e n a

Pa sa d e n a N a tio n a l B a n k ...........................................................



The Perryton N a tio n a l B a n k ......................................................

Executive V ic e President

Pilot Point

The Pilot Point N a tio n a l Ban k .................................................

President, C a sh ie r


The Pittsburg N a tio n a l B a n k ............... ....................................

P resident

P lano

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f P la n o ..............................................

P resident

P lano

Plan o

P leasanton

First N a tio n a l B an k in P le a sa n to n ..............................................




President, V ice President

N a tio n a l

Ban k


President, V ice President, C a sh ie r
W . S. D e a n , President

Port Lavaca

First N a tio n a l B an k in Port La v a ca..........................................


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Post..............................................



The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f Poth................................................


Q uanah

First N a tio n a l B an k in Q u a n a h .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Q uanah

The Security N a tio n a l Ban k o f Q u a n a h .....................................

President, Executive V ice President

Q u ita q u e

The First N a tio n a l B ank of Q u ita q u e ..........................................

President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

Q u itm a n

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Q u itm a n ..........................................



Security State B an k & Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

R ankin

The First State B ank of R a n k in ................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

R a ym on dville

The First N a tio n a l B an k of R a ym o n d v ille...................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Rhom e

The First N a tio n a l Ban k in Rhom e


First N a tio n a l Ban k of R ic h a rd so n ..............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President a n d C a sh ie r

Richm ond

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f R ich m on d .......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Richm ond

The Fort B end N a tio n a l B an k o f R ich m on d ................................

President, Executive V ice President

Robstow n

The Robstow n N a tio n a l B a n k ....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President


C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank of R ockport..........................................

R o c ksp rin gs

Peop les State B an k


V ice President a n d C a sh ie r


The First State B ank


President, V ice President


The Roscoe State Ban k

R oseb u d

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of R o s e b u d ..........................................

R oseb u d

The Planters N a tio n a l Bank of R o s e b u d ......................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

R osen b erg

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f R o se n b e rg .......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


P resident
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f R otan..............................................

R. L. S p rin g e r, President

Row ena

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f R o w e n a ...........................................

C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f Roxton


R oyse City

C itizen s State B a n k ...................................................................

President, V ice President


The Farm ers N a tio n a l B ank o f Rule, T e x a s...............................

C a sh ie r

S a in t Jo

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S a in t J o .........................................

President, C a sh ie r

S a n A n to n io

The B rooks Field N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n A n t o n io ........................


S a n A n to n io

N orth east N a tio n a l B a n k ............................................................


S a n A n to n io

Pan A m e rican N a tio n a l B a n k ....... ........... .................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President

S a n A n to n io

V a lle y -H i N a tio n a l Bank o f S a n A n t o n io ..................

President, V ic e President


V ice President, C a sh ie r



GROUP 3 — Continued
L o c a tio n

O fficers A u t h o r iz e d to C a s t V o t e

N a m e o f B a n k o r Trust C o m p a n y

S a n A u g u stin e

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f S a n A u g u s t in e ...............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f S a n g e r ..........................................

C a sh ie r

S a n M a rco s

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of S a n M a r c o s ...................................

Executive V ice President

S a n M a rco s

State Ban k a n d Trust C o m p a n y .................................................

President, Executive V ice President

San Saba

The C ity N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n S a b a ..... ................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Sa n S a b a

The S a n S a b a N a tio n a l B a n k .....................................................

C h a irm a n , President, Vice President, C a sh ie r

S a n ta A n n a

The S an ta A n n a N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................

V ice President, C a sh ie r

S a nto

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S a n to ..............................................

C a sh ie r


Schertz State Ban k

Sch u le n b u rg

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S c h u le n b u r g ......................................


Schw ertner

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Schw ertner......................................

C a sh ie r

S e a g ra v e s

The First N a tio n a l B a n k in S e a g ra v e s



S e q u in

The N olte N a tio n a l Ban k o f S e q u i n .........................................

C h a irm a n

Se m in ole

S e m in o le

V ice President, C a sh ie r

S eym ou r

The Farm ers N a tio n a l B an k o f S e y m o u r ................................

S eym ou r

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f S e y m o u r.........................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S h a m ro ck

The First N a tio n a l B an k of S h a m ro c k ......................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r




B a n k ................................................................

V ice President

She rm an

T exom a N a tio n a l B ank o f S h e rm a n ..........................................

S h in e r

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f S h in e r............................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r

S h iro

Farm ers State Bank of Sh iro , T e x a s.........................................

W . S. D a vis, Jr., President

S iisb e e

N e ch e s N a tio n a l Bank o f S ils b e e ..............................................

S ilsb e e

S ilsb e e State B a n k ...................................................................

S ta fford

First N a tio n a l B an k of S ta ffo rd ...............................................

President, C a sh ie r

Stam ford

The First N a tio n a l B a n k in S ta m fo rd ......................... .................

President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B ank of S ta n to n ..........................................


Step henville

Farm ers-First N a tio n a l

S te rlin g C ity

The First N a tio n a l B ank o f Ste rlin g C ity ..................................

President, V ic e President


First N a tio n a l B an k o f S tin n e t t ................................................

P resident

Straw n

First Straw n N a tio n a l B a n k ........................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Streetm an

The First N a tio n a l B an k of S tr e e tm a n .....................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f S u d a n ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S u lp h u r S p rin g s

The C ity N a tio n a l B an k of S u lp h u r S p r i n g s ..............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

S u lp h u r S p rin g s

Peop les N a tio n a l Ban k of S u lp h u r S p r i n g s ...............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k o f T a f t .................................................

President, V ice President


The First State Ban k o f T a f t ....................... ............................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

T eagu e

First N a tio n a l B an k o f T e a g u e .................................................

P resident
C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Ban k

of Ste p he nville ..........................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

President, C a sh ie r

Sundow n

T ho rn d ale

T ho rn d ale State B a n k ................................................................

Throckm orton

The First N a tio n a l B a n k of Throckm orton ...................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Tom Bean

The First N a tio n a l B ank of Tom B e a n .......................................



H om e State B a n k ......................................................................

President, C a sh ie r


The First N a tio n a l B an k of T re n t o n .........................................

H e n ry D o n a g h e y , President, or


The First N a tio n a l B a n k of T rinity..............................................

President, V ice President


The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f T ro u p ..............................................


U n ive rsal C ity

R a n d o lp h

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

U v a ld e

U vald e

B a n k .............................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

V a lle y M ills

First N a tio n a l B an k in V a lle y M ills ............................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

Lewis W . D o n a g h e y , C a sh ie r

Field N a tio n a l
N a tio n a l

B a n k ..................................................

V a lle y V iew

The V a lle y V ie w N a tio n a l B an k ..............................................


V a n A lstyne

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f V a n A ls ty n e .......................................


V a n Horn

V a n H orn State B an k of V a n Horn, T e x a s ...................................



Com m ercial N a tio n a l B an k o f V icto ria .......................................


W aco

Lake A ir N a tio n a l Bank of W a c o ..............................................


W aco

W e stv ie w N a tio n a l B ank, W a c o .................................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W a x a h a c h ie

C itizen s N a tio n a l Ban k in W a x a h a c h ie .......................................

Executive V ice President

W e a th e rfo rd

The C itize n s N a tio n a l B ank o f W e a th e rfo rd ...............................


W e a th e rfo rd

The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f W e a t h e r f o r d ..................................

C a sh ie r

W e llin g to n

W e llin g to n State B a n k ...............................................................

W e sla c o

The First N a tio n a l B an k of W e sla c o ..........................................

W e st

The S late N a tio n a l B a n k in W e s t .............................................


W e st C olum b ia


C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

C ap ito l

Ban k



President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

GROUP 3 — Continued
TEXAS — Continued
L o c a tio n

Name o f B a n k o r T ru st C o m p a n y

O ffice rs A u t h o riz e d to C a s t V o t e

W e st C o lu m b ia

W e st C o lu m b ia N a tio n a l B a n k .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W h e e le r

First N a tio n a l B an k in W h e e le r ..................................................


W h ite h o u se

First N a tio n a l B an k o f W h ite h o u se ............................................

President, Vice President a n d C a sh ie r

W h ite sb o ro

Security N a tio n a l B an k o f W h it e s b o ro .......................................

P resident

W h ite Settlem ent

W h ite Settlem ent N a tio n a l B a n k ................................................

W h ite w rig h t

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f W h ite w rig h t .......................................

C a sh ie r

W h it n e y

First N a tio n a l B an k in W h it n e y .................................................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W ic h ita Falls

Southw est N a tio n a l B a n k of W ic h ita Falls.................................

C h a irm a n , President, Executive V ice President,

W ills Point

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f W ills P o in t ......................................


V ice President, C a sh ie r
W in d o m

Fannin N a tio n a l B an k in W in d o m ..............................................

President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W in n sb o r o

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f W in n s b o r o .................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President, C a sh ie r

W in te rs

The W in te rs State B a n k ............................................................


W o lfe C ity

The W o lfe C ity N a tio n a l B an k in W o lfe C ity ............................

C h a irm a n , President, V ice President

W o o d sb o ro

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f W o o d s b o r o ....................................

C a sh ie r

W o rtham

The First N a tio n a l Ban k o f W o r t h a m ..........................................


Y o a ku m

The Y o aku m N a tio n a l B a n k .... .................................................. .

President, V ic e President, C a sh ie r

Y o rk town

The First N a tio n a l B an k o f Y o rk tow n ..........................................

C a sh ie r

Z a p a ta

First N a tio n a l B an k of Z a p a t a ...................................................

C h a irm a n , President, C a sh ie r



Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
As of October 29, 1965

N am e

E le cted
by banks
in G ro u p

O c c u p a t io n

C la s s

E x p ire s
D ec. 31

Murray K y g e r ......................

Chairman of the Board, The First National Bank
of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas




Ralph A. P o r t e r ..................

President, The State National Bank of Denison,
Denison, Texas




J. Edd McLaughlin

President, Security State Bank & Trust Company,
Ralls, Texas




H. B. Z a c h r y ......................

President, H. B. Zachry Company,
San Antonio, Texas




D. A. H u l c y ......................

Chairman of the Board, Lone Star G as Company,
Dallas, Texas




J. B. Perry, Jr........................

President and General Manager, Perry Brothers,
Inc., Lufkin, Texas




Robert O. Anderson . . . .

Owner, Lincoln County
Livestock Company,
Roswell, New Mexico

Appointed by the
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System



Carl J. T h o m s e n ..................
Deputy Chairman

Senior Vice President,
Texas Instruments
Dallas, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System



M ax L e v i n e ......................

Chairman of the Board,
Houston, Texas

Appointed by the
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System



. . . .