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F ed er a l r e s e r v e Ban k o f D allas DALLAS, TEXAS 75222 C ircular No. 76-8 J a n u a r y 20, 1976 American Revolution Bicentennial NEW MEMBER BANK TO ALL BANKS IN THE ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT: This is to ad v ise that the National Bank of Commerce, Austin, T e x as, a newly o rganized institution located in the t e r r i to r y s e r v e d by the San Antonio Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, opened for b u s in e s s Monday, J a n u a r y 19, 1976, as a member of the Federal Reserve System. The new member ban k has capital of $1,000,000, s u r p lu s of $500,000, and undiv ided profits of $500,000. Its officers and d ir e c to r s a r e as follows: Officers Julian Zimmerman, Chairman of the Board Bill Cone, Presid en t Harvey A. G r a e b e r , Vice Presid ent Marie H o rn b erg er, Vice P res id en t and Cashie r Directors Robert W. Bridges Bill Cone F rank Robert Miller Richard R. Reynolds Dr. George Willeford, J r . J . Sam Winters Julian Zimmerman The mailing a d d r e s s of this bank is P.O . Box 9947, Austin, Texas 78766. The combined ABA number and the Federal Reserve Bank routing symbol of the new bank is 88-671. 1149 S incerely y o u r s , Ernest T . Baughman Presid ent This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (