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Fe d e r a l R e s e r v e b a n k o f D a l l a s


C ircular No. 72-202
Septem ber 12,1972

To All Banks
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve D istrict:
This is to advise t h a t th e M etropolitan N ational Bank,
Houston, Texas, a newly organized institu tio n located in th e
te rrito ry served by th e H ouston Branch of th e Federal Reserve
B ank of Dallas, opened fo r business T hursday, Septem ber 7,
1972, as a m em ber of th e Federal R eserve System .
The new m em ber bank h a s capital of $2,000,000, surplus of
$500,000, and undivided profits of $500,000.
Its officers and directors a re as follows:
Erich J. Brann, Chairman o f the Board and President
W illiam M. Hancock, Vice President
Jon P at Mullican, Vice President
Dorothy McSpadden, Cashier
Effie Kearns Ratcliffe, A ssista n t Cashier

Ralph Frederick B eeler
A rlys W. B ing, M.D.
Joseph S. B racewell III
Erich J. Brann
Robert R. Casey, Jr.
Charles R. Gregg

Tom L. Hail
Melvin L. Hildebrandt
Roy M. Huffington
Clinton H. King
Robert C. M cNair
Don C. Wukasch, M.D.

T he combined A.B.A. num ber and Federal R eserve B ank
ro u tin g symbol of th e new bank is 35-461.
Yours very truly,
P. E. Coldwell

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (